TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVES L. W. LANDMAN, General Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago, 111. W. C. DOUGLAS, Freight Traffic Manager, Chicago, 111.

E. W. HKUNCK, Annlmil I i.iKM Traffic Manager, Detroit, Mich. D. M. BOWMAN, Passenger Traffic Manager .".Chicago, 111. D. 8. MACKIl:. Amunlanl Freight Traffic Manager, Chicago, 111. L. J. HKINKMAN, General Freight Agent, Detroit, Mich. J. W. SWITZER, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. JAM Is HNI.AV. Manage) I n.hatrial Development, Detroit, Mich. A. W. F0ELLGER, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. J. 11. Hl,<' k k l(, AHMIH) it II I. Manager Industrial Development, Detroit, Mich. N. J. HKKNNAN, Amunimii General Freight Agent, Detroit, Mich. R. B. HOLMES, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Detroit, Mich. (In charge of Coal A Coke Traffic) A. JIlllNNON, Aiwiiitmil General Freight Agent, Detroit, Mich. W. M. SKINNER, General Baggage Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. H. T. HICKKItNt >.\, General I'erisliable Agent, Detroit, Mich.

ATLANTA, GA.—1217 Healey Bldg. Tel. Walnut 3314. MILWAUKFK, WIS. 408 Guaranty Bldg. Tel. Daly 5660. O. L. MITCHELL General Agent Passenger Department J. It. III'HI.KT General Agent Passenger Department EDWARD HARE General Agent Freight Department C. I*. HIUIMWAY General Agent Freight Department BALTIMORE, MD.—1308 Continental Trust Bldg. Tel. Plaia 2782. MINNKAI'i II.IS, M I NN.—805 Metropolitan Life Bldg. Tel. Atlantic 5291. E. M. HESS General Agent F. J. HAMIIAIII General Agent Passenger Department BAY CITY, MICH.—Michigan Central Station. Tel. Madison 2400. A. I,. KVANS General Agent Freight Department W. C. LEWIS Assistant General Freight Agent NEW OKI.FANS, La—627 Hibemia Bank Bldg. Tel. Main 1283. BIRMINGHAM, ALA.—1301 Wattb Bldg. Tel. 3-6678. P. A <; II-. General Agent Passenger Department P. F. EILAKD General Agent Freight Department J. (;. w ii I'M x General Agent Freight Department Between BOSTON, MASS.—67 Franklin St. Tel. Liberty 1981. NIAGA11A FAI.I.H, N. Y.—Tel. 1287. 0. J. PETRIE City Passenger Agent C. V MCDONALD District Passenger Agent C. J. COOK (80 Federal St.) General Agent Krt. I tept, NIAGARA FALLS, < INT.—Tel. Niagara Falls, Ont. 337. Chicago BUFFALO, N. Y.—Room 704 Central Terminal. Tel. Jefferson 34(H). R. M Tiiisri.i': Traveling Freight Agent W. S. RANDOLPH Assistant General Passenger Agent OKLAHciMA CITY, OKLA.—1200 Colcord Bldg. Tel. 7-3440. and A. P. BLOSIER District Passenger Agent J. A Ni\ nit General Agent Passenger Department H. R. LENSEN, Room 1102 Central Terminal, Assistant General Freight Agent OMAHA, NKU. 921 City National Bank Bldg. Tel. Atlantic 8900. CHICAGO, ILL—La Salle Street Station. Tel. Wabash 4200. .1 F. DTAB General Agent Passenger Department C. A. RIEBLING Assistant General Passenger Agent It J KOSH General Agent Freight Department Toronto'Montreal T. P. HEOLER Traveling Pa.s»en«.t Agent PKcililA, 11,1..- 230 S.Jefferson Ave. Tel. 8500. F. H. CCSACK Assistant General Freight Agent H. It DAI.T General Agent Passenger Department See Wonderful Niagara DALLAS, TEX.—1008 Southwestern Life Bldg. Tel. 2-6333. PIIII.AIiFI.I'lllA, PA.—906 Finance Bldg. Tel. Rittenhouse 1370. "The Canadian" C. A. BRAWNER General Agent Passenger Department W. 1). PAINE Traveling Freight Agent M. A. GREDINQ General Agent Freight Department I'ltnl \ 1 \. A HI/,.— Room 703 Security Bldg. Tel. 31564. EASTBOUND WESTBOUND DAVENPORT, IOWA—310 Kahl Bldg. Tel. Kenwood 477. H I') MI'CI.INTIC Traveling Freight and Passenger Acen M. J. SWEET General Agent PITTSBURGH, PA.—1001 Union Trust Bldg. Tel. Grant 8852. 6.30 p.m. - - Lv... Chicago. .Ar. - - 8.15 a.m. The World's Greatest Moving Picture DENVER, COLO.—304 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Tel. Tabor 3306. .1 I' ROUNDS General Agent ERWIN TEARS General Agent Passenger Department K. A. KIIERLE Traveling Freight Agent 8.25 a.m. - - Ar. .Toronto. . Lv. - - 8.55 p.m. J. J. FORD General Agent Freight Department PORTLA N I). ORE.—411 Pacific Bldg. Tel. Beacon 2370 4.30 p.m. - - Ar. . Montreal Lv. - - 1.00 p.m. DETROIT, MICH.—Michigan Central Terminal. Tel. Lafayette 70(H). C .1 PAW General Agent Passenger Department Spend a day enroute in sightseeing R. B. HOLMES Assistant General Passenger Agent I F Mr AN LIN General Agent Freight Department Lounge-Observation Parlor Car A. V. ULRICH Special Passenger Representative ST. 1.1 'IIS, MO.—408 Pine St.. Tel. Chestnut 5234 or 5657. A. E. SAUER Division Freight Agent JOHN 1) SWITZKR General Agent Sleeping Car Chicago-Detroit A through sleeping car between Chicago and —Transportation Bldg. Tel. Randolph 2042. J I MIIIHN Traveling Freight Agent 3-Comp. 1-Drawing Room — Toronto-Montreal lays over whole day at Niagara Falls, N. Y. W. E. FRACKELTON General Agent Passenger Department W. II. WILSON Traveling Freight Agent Chicago-Montreal E. L. JENNINGS Assistant General Freight Agent ST. PAUL, Ml NN.—402 Pioneer Bldg. Tel. Garfield 5331. as follows— GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.—40S Grand Rapids Trust Bldg. Tel. 8-0628. A. M. NYE General Agent Passenger Department Sleeping Cars Coaches J. C. RANNET Division Passenger Agent < 'i'- M 11Nno General Agent Freight Department —404 Grand Rapids Trust Bldg. Tel. 94114. ST. THOMAS, < INT.—Michigan Central Station. Tel. 1160. 12-Sec.—1-Drawing Room Chicago-Montreal 1. GREENBAUM Division Freie.lit Agent W. K. I'AUXINSON District Passenger Agent Chicago-Montreal EASTBOUND HOUSTON, TEX.—1808 Second National Bank Bldg. Tel. Fairfax 8006. J A \ I A i i n \ District Freight Agent Chicago-Toronto Dining Car R. R. SPANOENBERO General Agent Passenger Depart meat SAGINAW, MICH—306 Weichmann Bldg. Tel. Riverside 96. A. W. MORGAN General Agent Freight Department EOOENE F. SMITH General Agent Freight Department Michigan Central JACKSONVILLE, FLA.—309 Barnett National Bank Bldg. Tel. 5-2611 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.—523 Monadnock Bldg. Tel. Kearney 3682. W. F. CANADA General Agent Passenger Department II. I' BoeTWICK General Agent Passenger Department Lv. Chicago (No. 40) - - 9.00 P.M. V. M. OUSET General Agent Freight Department w « DII'KINHON General Agent Freight Department "The Overseas" KANSAS CITY, MO.—411 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Tel. Victor 6384. SEATTLE, WASH.—512 White Bldg. Tel. Elliott 2681. Morning Train with Through Sleeping Cars and Ar. Niagara Falls (No. 190) 8.55 A.M. A. C. BURROWS General Agent Passenger Department T. lv NFKI.AND General Agent Passenger Department Coaches, Chicago-Montreal. Open Sections, Drawing L. M. COFFEY General Agent Freight Department \ u tAHHKi.s General Agent Freight Department New York Central LONDON, ONT.—281 Dundas St. Tel. Metcalfe 108. TO I,I I >(), OHIO -Nicholas Bldg. Tel. Main 1181. Room and Compartments. Lounge-Observation, E. C. COOK Assistant General Passenger Agent L. M. ABBS Freight and Passenger Agent Detroit-Montreal. Dining Car. II W MM i i n (Tel. Adams 7711) General Agent Freight Department Lv. Niagara Falls (No. 246) 8.25 P.M. LOS ANGELES, CALIF.—424 Van Nuys Bldg. Tel. Trinity 7195. TULSA, (> KI,A. —437 Philcade Bldg. Tel. 3-5741. EASTBOUND WESTBOUND J. F. HERRINGTON General Agent Passenger Department S 1). POWERS General Agent Freight Department Ar. Buffalo (Cent. Term.) 9.23 P.M. T. C. PoRTEOUS General Agent Freight Department O M GIIKBN City Passenger Agent 9.00 a.m. - - Lv.. .Chicago.. Ar. - - 9.05 p.m. MEMPHIS, TENN.—1028 Exchange Bldg. Tel. 6-0160. WINDS! HI ONT —302 Canada Building. Tel. 3-5211 or 3-5212. 10.35 p.m. - - Ar.. .Toronto.. Lv. - - 8.00 a.m. Lv. Buffalo(Cent.Term.)(No.44) 9.55 P.M. G. H. JOHNSTON General Agent Freight Department .1 M I'IIANIIH District Passenger Agent O. G. HABVET Trav. Passenger Agent I. (' WHEELER General Agent 7.25 a.m. - - Ar.. Montreal .Lv. - - 11.00 p.m. Ar. New York - - • - 7.25 A.M. TICKET OFFICES Information, Railroad and Pullman Tickets via all mules may be obtained at "Midnight Special" WESTBOUND Telephone Nos. Detroit, Mi.l. Telephone Nos. EASTBOUND WESTBOUND New York Central Boston, Mass.—87 Franklin St Liberty 1981 Pullman Hcscrvations Randolph 8700 11.59 p.m. - - Lv.. .Chicago. .Ar. - - 7.20 a.m. Brooklyn, N. Y.—166 Pierrepont St Triangle 7440 125 II . 1 tiofaytttt Hlvd. (Transportation Building) Randolph 2042 304 /, WtM Grand lihd (Qen'l Motors Building) Empire 6867 1.45 p.m. - - Ar.. .Toronto. . Lv„ - - 4.40 p.m. Lv. New York (No. 29) - 8.35 P.M. Buffalo, N. Y.— Mimgon ('1 nlutl Terminal Randolph 6700 Pullman Reservations Jefferson 94OO 9.45 p.m. - - Ar.. Montreal . Lv. - - 8.45 a.m. Ar. Buffalo (Cent. Term.) 7.00 A.M. 168 Pearl St. (City Office) Seneca 7000 Grand Rapiils, Mieh.—161 Ottawa Ave., N. W Auto 80628 Central Terminal.... Jefferson 3400 Irulianapiilin, Intl. -112 Monument Circle Riley 3322 12-Section, Drawing Room Sleeping Cars Ar. Niagara Falls (No. 209) 8.05 A.M. Chicago-Montreal Chicago, 111.— London, I Int. SSI Dundas St Metcalfe 108 Passenger Fare Information Waluixh ,:>nn Lounge-Observation (Lay over) Train Arrival Information Harrison 71*20 New York, N. Y.— Pullman Reservations Wabash 8700 Pullman ii<^,nations Fanderbt'lf 3200 Detroit-Montreal Lv. Niagara Falls (No. 246) 8.25 P.M. 183-185 West Jackson Street {City Office) Wabash 4800 17 John m Cortland 8700 Coach Service. Dining Car 232 No. Michigan Ave, {Boulevard Office) Wabash 4200 f>7 Chambers St. near Itroadway Worth 6281 Ar. Buffalo 9.23 P.M. Central Station Harrison 7820 4 W. ."(.1,/ SI Mar Fifth Ave Pennsylvania 5828 114 W. 42d St., between Broadway and Sixth Ave Wisconsin 1900 Cincinnati, O.—108 Dixie Terminal ' Main 3821, 3540 Michigan Central Cleveland, O.—U04 Chester Ave Cherry 7300 Pittsburgh, Vs,.—608 William Penn Way { Atla°ZicS646 Michigan Central Lv. Buffalo (No. 39) - - 10.35 P.M. Columbus, 0.—18 North Third St Main 7793 Toledo, 0 fit Superior St Adams 3151 Dayton, O.—ISS North Ludlow St Main 677 Canadian Pacific Ry. Ar. Chicago .... 8.00 A.M. Union Station Main 2241

3 4 5 G Air Passenger Lines

KOHLER AVIATION CORPORATION 84 E. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis.

a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. 8.30 c5.00 Lv New York (N.Y.C.) (ET)...Ar. 7.25 6.40 a 5.20 11.35 Lv Buffalo.. (M.C.R.R.) Ar. 9.40 7.10 all.25 7.10 Lv Detroit (CT) " Ar. 3.15 8.35 *b3.40 10.36 Ar Grand Rapids Airport Lv. 11.32 5.07 b 7.15 10.40 Lv Grand Rapids Airport Ar. 11.25 4.15 b 8.50 12.00 Ar Milwaukee Lv. clO.10 c2.45 a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m.

NATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT, Inc. 400 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago—Wabash 0230 Service from p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. 12.10 Lv.... New York (N.Y.C.) (ET) .. .Ar. 6.50 A Luxurious, Comfortable All ready for Your NEW CENTRAL TERMINAL Lounge by day Night's Sleep 9.40 Lv Buffalo (M.C.).. (ET) ...Ar. 9.05 BUFFALO 11.30 Lv Detroit (M.C.).. (CT) ...Ar 6.50 7.20 8.00 Ar Chicago (M.C.).. (CT) ... Lv. 9.0011.59 Eastern Time MOTOR CITY Number Lv. Buff alo Central Terminal - 8.55 a.m. 9.00 Lv Chicago (Airport) (CT)...Ar. 6.25 Private Double 25 Lv. Buffalo Exchange St. Station 9.05 a.m. 10.25 Ar Moline (Airport) (CT) .. .Lv. 5.10 SPECIAL Ar. Detroit - - - - 1.40 p. m. 1.05 Ar... Kansas City (Airport) (CT) .. .Lv. 2.40 Ar. Grand Rapids - - f4.40 p. m. p.m. p.m. Ar. Chicago - - - - 7.30 p. m. Bedrooms on All-Pullman non-stop over-night sleeping Parlor Car—Sleeping Cars—Club Car—Dining Car—Coaches car train of superior service including t Except Sunday. UNIVERSAL AVIATION CORPORATION Single Bedroom Car between Chicago 21 Palmer House Arcade, Chicago, Illinois the Detroiter— Phone: State 7110 and Detroit. Number Lv. Buffalo Central Terminal - 1.30 p.m. Chicago—St. Louis- Dallas Lv. Buffalo Exchange St. Station 1.40 p. m. (7°HE Detroiter is one of America's premier 45 Southbound Northbound Its Comfortable Club Car is a popular Ar. Detroit - - - - 7.25 p. m. 11.00 a.m. 6.10 a.m. Lv... Chicago .. Ar. 3.55 p.m. 7.30 p.m. v9 trains. In addition to valet service and Parlor Car—Dining Car—Coaches 7.25 a.m. Ar.. . . Peoria. . .Lv. 6.10 p.m. an observation car with maid, ladies lounge and meeting place of business men from 8.15 a.m. Ar.. Springfield . Lv. 5.20 p.m. bath, this train now has bedroom cars. everywhere. 1.25 p.m. 9.15 a.m. Ar... St. Louis. .Lv. 1.45 p.m. 4.15 p.m. Also a commodious club car with current Valet Service for your Convenience Central Lv. Buffalo Central Terminal - 5.20 p. m. magazines, newspapers and stationery. r Ar. Detroit - - - - 10.25 p. m. NORTHWEST AIRWAYS (Read down) (Read up) (No Si) Ar- Chicago (No. 7) - 7.20 a. m. EASTWARD 11.59 p.m.. .Lv. Chicago. .(Central Time).. .Ar. 7.20 a.m. 501 Merchants Bank Bldg., St. Paul Lv. Detroit - - - - 7.00 p. m. Parlor Car—Sleeping Car—Dining Car Service—Coaches Daily Daily Ar. New York - - - 9.27 a. m. 6.50 a.m.. . Ar. Detroit . . (Central Time) ... Lv. 11.30 p.m. 2.15 p.m. - Lv Chicago (CT) Ar. - 12.25 p.m. 7.50 a.m. . .Ar. Detroit . .(Eastern Time) . . .Lv. 12.30 a.m. 5.15 p.m. - Ar Rochester Lv. - 9.45 a.m. WESTWARD 6.00 p.m. - Ar St. Paul Lv. - 9.00 a.m. Lv. New York - - - 6.00 p. m. Real Beds in Single Room Cars on the North Shore Lv. Buffalo Central Terminal - 9.40p.m. 6.15 p.m. - Ar Minneapolis Lv. - 8.45 a.m. Ar. Detroit - - - - 8.45 a. m. Lv. Buffalo Exchange St. Station 9.50 p. m. Daily Daily Motor City Special Limited Ar. Chicago - - - - 8.00 a. m. Dining Car open at 6.15 p. m. in Detroit, 5.40 p. m. in (No. 39) 6.10 a.m. - Lv Chicago (CT) Ar. - 7.15 p.m. New York. These individual bedrooms were particularly designed ALL PULLMAN 7.10 a.m. - Ar Milwaukee Lv. - 6.25 p.m. Tickets for occupancy of rooms between Detroit and for the occupancy of one person, but a door between each Observation Car—Drawing Room Compartment and open 9.20 a.m. - Ar La Crosse Lv. - 4.20 p.m. New York by one person cost one and a quarter rail• two rooms makes it possible to use them in suites of two. SecLion Sleeping Cars—Club Car 10.40 a.m. - Ar St. Paul Lv. - 3.00 p.m. road fares, plus double lower berth charge—or not greatly The following tables show saving to the lone traveler 10.50 a.m. - Ar Minneapolis Lv. - 2.45 p.m. in excess of an ordinary section and materially less than who uses the new car, the surcharge being included in the a regular compartment, viz:— Pullman fares. CT Central Time. ET Eastern Time. MT Mountain Time. Number Lv. Buff alo Central Terminal - 11.35 p.m. * Sleeping car passengers may occupy sleeper in Grand Rapids li Rail Fares $31.03 COMPARTMENT SINGLE BEDROOM Lv. Buffalo Exchange St. Station 11.45 p. m. Station until 6.30 a.m. (C. T.) Extra Fare ...... 3.00 2 Rail Fares $19.62 1M Rail Fares - - $12.27 41 Ar. Detroit - - - - 5.05 a. m. a Except Saturday, b Except Sunday, c Daily, d Except Monday. Pullman Fare ----- 12.75 Pullman 10.50 Pullman 7.50 Ar. Grand Rapids - 10.43 a. m. A.M. time in light figures. P.M. time in heavy figures. Total - - - - $46.78 Ar. Chicago - - - 11.50 a.m. Total $30.12 Total $19.77 Complete information and fares may be obtained direct The rooms are equipped with upper berth and may be Sleeping Cars—Coaches and Dining Car Service from any of the above lines. occupied by two persons at regular tariff rates. MICHIGAN CENTRAL "The Niagara Fall* Route." MICHIGAN CENTRAL Michigan Central

9 10 INDEX TO STATIONS SHOWN BY TABLE NUMBER EQUIPMENT Tables 1, 3, 5, 6, 9 and 10 Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo, New York and Boston TABLE NO. TABLE NO. TABLE NO TABLE NO TABLE NO. TABLE NO. TABLE NO. Adams, Mich 14A Cedar Springs, Mich 5 Fablus.Mich 29 Jackson, Mich.. 1. 3. 4, 5, Mt. Forest. Mich 32 Richville, Mich 15 TIchborne, Ont 6 Abbreviations: Sec—Section; D. R.—Drawing Room; Comp.—Compartment. Addison, Mich 30 Centerville, Mich 29 Fabyans, N. H 6 6. 9, 10.11, 16. 19.29 Mt. Morris, N. Y 4 Ridgetown, Ont 9,10 Toledo. Ohio, 11.15,19,20. Addison Jet., Mich 30 Ceresco.Mich 9,10 Factoryville. Mich. ... 14A Jacksonville, Fla.. 23,24,25 Mt. Pleasant, Ont " Rives Jet., Mich 11.16 21, 22, 24, 25 No. 32 Detroit Night Express. Daily. No. 44 Dominion-Overseas. Daily. Air Line Crossing, Ont. Chantler.Ont 32 Fairfax, Mich 29 Jerome. Mich 30 Muirkirk, Ont 9,10 Rhodes, Mich 32 Tonawanda, N. Y 9 Eastbound Alamo, Mich 18 Charing Cross. Ont.. . 9. 10 Falls View, Ont. ... 7,9,10 Jerseyville, Ont Mull. Ont 9, 10 Roaring Brook, Mich 5 Topinabee, Mich 15 No. 4 Detroit Special. Daily. Sleeping CarsXChicago to Detroitr—12 Sec, D. R. Via Mich. Cent.-Canadian Pacific Ry—See Table 6. Alanson, Mich 5 Charleston, W. Va 19 Fargo, Ont 9.10 Jesup, Ga 23 Mullet Lake, Mich 15 Robinson 17 Toronto, Ont 6, 7 X Chicago to Detroit—16 Sec. Club Car Chicago to Detroit. Alba, Mich • .5 Charlotte, Mich 1,11 Fenwick.Ont 7 Johannesburg, Mich 34 Muncey.Ont 36 Rochester, N. Y 1,7 Towanda.Pa 3,41 Parlor Car Chicago to Detroit. Albany, Ga .25 Chatham, N.Y 1 Fergus, Mich 16 Johannesburg Jet., Mich.34 Muncie, Ind 22 Rochester, Mich 15 Tower, Mich 28 Dining Car Chicago to Detroit. Chicago to Saginaw, Bay City—12 Sec, D. R. Sleeping Cars. .Chicago to Montreal—8 Sec. D. R., 2 Compt. Albany, N. Y .1.7 Chatham, Ont 6 Fife Lake, Mich 5 Jones, Mich 29 Munger.Mich 15 Rockford. Mich 5 Townsend, Ont 9, 10 Coaches Chicago to Detroit. (No. 71, Jackson to Bay City)—two. Parlor Car Chicago to Detroit. Albion, Mich.... 1,6. 9, 10 Chattanooga, Tenn. .23, 24 Findley.Mich 14A Joppa, Mich 14A Rodney, Ont 9,10 Townsend Centre, Ont., For Chicago-Grand Rapids equipment, see pages 15-16. XChicago to Lansing—12 Sec, D. R., Saturdays Alger. Mich .. 15 Cheboygan, Mich.. 1,15,28 Fisherville. Mich 31 Rome, N.Y 1 9, 10 Dining Car Serving all meals. Chelsea, Mich 9,10 Roscommon. Mich 15 only. (No. 71 Sundays only). Coach Chicago to Detroit. Allentown. Pa 3, 41 Fletcher, ODt 9,10 Traverse City, Mich 5 No. 8 The Wolverine. Daily. X*Grand Rapids to Detroit^-12 Sec, D. R. Aloha, Mich 28 Chesaning, Mich 16 Fort Lauderdale, Fla. ..23 Nashville, Mich 11 Ross Crossing, Mich 17 Trenton, Ont 6 Chicago to Montreal. Chester, Mich 11 Kalamazoo, Mich., 1,3,4, National City. Mich 28 Train Telephone (No. 106, Grand Rapids to Jackson). Alpena, Mich 28 Fostoria, O 20 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 18 Rosslyn.Ont 37 Trinity Place, Mass.. Alvinston, Ont 36 Chicago. 111., 1. 3, 4, 5. 6. Negaunee, Mich 15 Ruscomb.Ont 9.10 (Boston) 1 Harrison 7620. (30 minutes before departure.) * Ready at 9.30 p.m. 9,10. 16, 19, 20,41 Four Mile Lake. Mich.. 9 10 Kalkaska. Mich 5 Nestoria, Mich 15 Amherstbui%, Ont 38 Framingham, Mass 1 Kendall, Mich 18 Trout Lake. Mich 15 XOpen until8.00 a.m. (Eastern Time). Anderson, Ind *f Churches, Ont 8 Francisco, Mich 9,10 Netherby, Ont 39 Tunkhannock, Pa 3 Pullman Cars only. No Coach Passengers Carried. Coaches Chicago to Detroit. Ann Arbor, Mich... ..1.3. Cincinnati. O., 11. 15. 20, Kensington, 111., 1, 3. 5. 6, Newark, N.J 3,4,41 Tustin. Mich 5 No. 46 Fast Mail. Daily. Fraser, Ont 7, 9,10 9, 10 New Buffalo, Mich. 5,9,10 Club Car Chicago to New York. Grand Rapids to Detroit. (From No. 106, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11 23 24 25 Frederic, Mich 15 Saginaw, Mich., 1. 3, Albany to Boston. at Jackson). Sleeping Car.. .Chicago to Detroit;—16 Sec, ready for occu• Appin Road, Ont 36 Clarendon. Mich.'.29 Kibble, Mich 18 Newport. Vt 6 Furnessville. Ind 9,10 Kimballs, Ont 36 15,16.28 bSe ti0n Am, Mich 15 Clarion, Mich., see Wal• New Smyrna, Fla 23 Union City, Mich 29 ° car } Chicago and Detroit to New York and Boston. pancy at 9.30 p.m. loon Lake Station. Kingsmill, Ont 9,10 New York. N. Y., 1, 3, 4, St. Ann's, Ont 7 Union City, 0 22 Coaches Chicago to Detroit. Ashmore. Mich .17 Kingston, Ont 7 Ste. Annes, Que 6 Sleeping Cars. .Chicago to New York—3 Compt., 2 D. R. Athens, Mich Clearwater. Fla..23. 24,25 7. 11,15, 41 Urbana, 0 20 2 Galesburg, Mien. . .9, 10 Kneeland, Mich 33 St. Augustine, Fla 23 Chicago to New York—6 Compt., 3 D. R. Atlanta, Ga - h?% Cleveland, Ohio 11,21 Galien. Mich 5, 9, 10 Niagara Falls, N. Y., 1, 3, St. Charles, Mich 16 Utica.N. Y 1, 7 Chicago to New York—8 Sec.. D.R., 2 Compt. AttercHfle, Ont 9, 10 Clifton Springs, N.Y 3 Knoxville, Tenn 25 7, 9, 10, 11, 41 Utica.Mlch 15 Cloverdale, Mich 14 Gait, Ont -6 Niagara Falls, Ont., 1, 7, 9, St. Clair Jet. Ont 36 Chicago to New York—14 Sec. Atwood.Mich 1{ Garfield, Mich 16 St. Helen, Mich 15 Detroit to New York—12 Sec., D. R. No. 40 North Shore Limited. Daily. Auburn. Mich .31 Coats Grove, Mich 14 10 No. 48 The Detroiter. Daily. Cobourg, Ont Gary, Ind.1,3,4,5,6,9,10 Lacota.Mlch 18 Nlles, Mich., 1. 3, 4, 5, 6, St. Ignace, Mich 15 Valdosta. Ga 23 Chicago to Boston—10 Sec.D. R., 2 Compt. Augusta, Mich 9,10 Gavlord.Mich 15, 34 Laingsburg. Mich 16 St. Johns, Que Chicago to Boston—12 Sec, D. R.—two. Auld, Ont • -38 Colling, Mich 17 9, 10, 29 Vandalla, Mich 29 Train Telephone Pullman Cars only. No Coach Passengers Carried. Colon, Mich 29 Geddes. Mich 9.10 Lake Orion, Mich 15 Nine Mile. Mich 32 St. Johnsbury, Vt Vanderbllt, Mich 15 Detroit to Boston—12 Sec., D. R. Aylmer.Ont 9. io Geneva, N. Y .3 Lansing, Mich 1,16,19 St. Joseph. Mich 30A Chicago to Philadelphia—12 Sec., D. R., via Harrison 7620. (30 minutes before departure.) Club Car Detroit to New York. Columbia, Mich 18 Norfolk, Va 19 Vanessa, Ont 8 L. V. R. R. and Reading Co. (See Table 3). Columbiaville, Mich 15 Gibson, Ind 9, 10 Lapeer. Mich 15,28 North Conway, N. H 6 St. Louis, Mo 22 Vassar.Mich 15,17. 28 Sleepm^Car } Detroit to New York—Lounge, 3 Compt., 2 D.R Columbus, Ohio. 11. 15, 19 Gibson Transfer, Ind., 9,10 LaSalette, Ont 9,10 St. Petersburg, Fla. 23, 24, Vermontville, Mich 11 Detroit to Philadelphia—12 Sec., D. R. (via Comber, Ont 9,10, 37 Gladstone, Mich 15 Lawton, Mich 5, 9, 10 25 L. V. R. R. and Reading Co.) See Table 3. Pullman Cars only. No Coach Passengers Carried. Sleeping Cars. .Detroit to New York—6 Compt., 3 D. R. Gladwin, Mich .32 St. Paul, Minn 15 Vestal, N. Y 4 Parlor Car Chicago to Buffalo. Comstock, Mich 9, 10 Leamington, Ont 37 Victoria Park. Ont.. 7. 9. Club Car Chicago to New York. Detroit to New York—8 Sec, Buffet Lounge. Concord, Mich 29 Glendora.Mich 30A Lean wee Jet., Mich... .11 St. Thomas, Ont., 1, 3,4, 8, Chicago to Detroit. Detroit to New York—14 Sec— four. Bach. Mien }7 Glen Rae, Ont .36 Oak Grove, Mich 15 9, 10, 11, 36, 40 10 Dining Car Serving all meals. Balch.Mlch io Conway, Mich 5 Leoni, Mich 9,10 Villa Nova, Ont 9. 10 Albany to Boston. Detroit to New York—12 Sec, D. R. Corey, Mich 29 Glenwood, Mich 9,10 Leonidas, Mich 14A Oakland, Ont 37 Salzburg, Mich 15,16 Vineland, Mich 30A Detroit to New York—13 single rooms. Baltimore. Md 41 Gobies, Mich 18 Leslie, Mich 16 Oakley, Mich 16 Sand Lake. Mich 5 No. 10. New York and Boston Special. Daily sSn^cSr } Chicago to New York—3 Compt., 2 D. R. Parlor Car Albany to Boston. (No. 12, B. & A.). Baroda.Mich 3UA Corey, Ont 36 Oden, Mich 5 Vinemount. Ont 7 Batavia.N. Y Cornell, Ont 9.10 Gordon, Ont 38 LeRoy.Mich 5 Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., 5, Club Car Chicago to Boston. Dining Car Serving all meals. Bath.N.Y 4.41 Coming, N.Y 4, 41 Goshen, Ind 14A Levering, Mich 5 Oil City, Ont 36 15, 22 Sleeping Cars. .Chicago to New York—12 Sec., D. R. Sleeping Cars. .Chicago to Buffalo—12 Sec, D. R.—three. Bath,Mich.. 16 Courtright, Ont 36 Grand Beach, Mich.. .9,10 Lewiston. Mich Oil Springs. Ont 36 Savannah, Ga 25 Wagon Works, Ohio. 19, N. Y. C. 142 Buffalo to New York. Chicago to New York—12 Sec, D. R.—two. Courtright Jet., Ont 36 Grand Jet., Mich 18 Linwood.Mich 15,28 Olean.N. Y 41 Sayre.N. Y 3.41 Chicago to Boston—12 Sec., D. R. Battle Cre3ek.Mlch..oUA 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 Chicago to New York via Niagara Falls layover Cressey, Mich 14 Grand Rapids, Mich. London, Ont 6, 40 Omer, Mich 28 Schenectady, N.Y Parlor Car Chicago to Detroit. 1, 3, 5. 6. 11 Onaway, Mich 28 Scotland. Ont Wahjamega, Mich 17 Car—10 Sec.D. R., 2 Compt. in No. 190 BayCity.Mlch.^1.3.^ Long Point. Mich 15 Walkers, Ont 36 Dining Car Serving all meals. from Welland. From Niagara Falls, N. Y., No. 56 The DeWitt Clinton. Daily. Grassie's.Ont .7 Louisville, Ky 26 Onondaga, Mich 11 Scranton.Pa 4, 41 WallonLake Sta., Mich..5 Coaches Chicago to Detroit and Buffalo. Grass Lake, Mich.... .9,10 Lovells.Mich 33 Onsted.Mich 30 Shedden, Ont 9,10 Chicago to New York (In N. Y. C. No. 138 N. Y. C, No. 246, from Buffalo, No. 44. Sleeping Cars.*Chicago to Buffalo—12 Sec. D. R. Bay View, Mich 5 Oscoda, Mich 28 Shelbyville, Mich 5 Walton Jet., Mich 5 Chicago to Boston—10 Sec, D. R., 2 Compt. Bedell,Ont - - ••• • • 6 Grayling, Mich 15, 33 Lynchburg, W. Va 19 Warren, Mich 15 Buffalo to New York.) •Chicago to Detroit—12 Sec, D. R.—two. n Greenbush, Mich 28 Lythmore. Ont 9, 10 Oshawa, Ont 6 Sheldon, Mich 9,10 Chicago to New York—12 Sec, D. R. via Bellealr, Fla.... .23, 24, 25 Dalley.MiCh 29 Grover.Mich 30 Otsego Lake, Mich 15 Sherwood. Mich 29 WasepI, Mich 29 No. 16 Motor City Special. Daily. "•Chicago to Lansing—12 Sec, D. R., except Bellefontaine, O li Dana. Mich 33 Guelph, Ont 6 Ottawa, Ont 6, 7 Shultz. Mich 14 Washington, D. C 41 D. L. & W. R. R. (See Table No. 4). Saturday. (No 73, Jackson to Lansing). Belleville, Ont.... • « Dansville.N. Y 4,41 Guelph Jet.. Ont Otter Lake, Mich 15 Sidney, Ohio 22 Waterford. Ont 8, 9. 10 Pullman Cars only. No Coach Passengers Carried. Dining Car Serving all meals. Bennington, Mich jo Mackinac Island, Mich. Watrousville, Mich 17 Berlamont, Mich . ••}» Dayton, Mich 9,10 Owego, N. Y 4. 41 Silverdale. Ont 7 Waverly.N. Y 4, 41 Club Car Chicago to Detroit. •Ready at 10.30 p.m. Dayton. Ohio 20 Owendale, Mich 17 Smith Falls. Ont " Sleeping Cars. .Chicago to Detroit—12 Sec., D. R.—four. Train No. 40 carries sleeping car passengers only; from Bethlehem, Pa 3. 41 Daytona Beach, Fla 23 Mackinaw City, Mich.,' Owosso, Mich 16 Smithville, Ont 7 Wayland, Mich 5 Chicago, Kalamazoo, and intermediate points where train is Parlor Car Detroit to New York (N. Y. C. No. 56). 5 Hagersvllle.Ont 9 Wayne, Mich 9, 10 Chicago to Detroit—8 Sec., Buffet Lounge. Big Rapids, Mich. ••••••• Dearborn, Mich 9,10 1. 5.15 Oxford. Mich 15.28 Snow, Mich 30A Chicago to Detroit—16 Sec.—two. scheduled to stop, to Niagara Falls, N. Y., Buffalo, and beyond. Parlor Car Detroit to Buffalo. (Cafe). Binghamton, N. Y -4, w Decatur, Mich 5,9,10 Haires, Mich Macon, Ga 23,25 Snyder, Mich 29 Weidman, Ont 36 Chicago to Detroit—7 Compt., 2 D. R. Has no Pullman accommodations for local intermediate pas• Black Rock, N. Y.. 7,^ Delhi, Mich 9,10 Hamilton, Ont.. .7,8,9 Maidstone, Ont 9,10 Sonoma. Mich 14A Welland, Ont., 1, Chicago to Detroit—14 single rooms. sengers. Dining Car Serving all meals. Delton, Mich 14 Hammond, In i.. 1,3,4, Mancelona, Mich 5 South Boardman. Mich.. .5 Wequentonsing, Mich.... 5 Chicago to Montreal—12 Sec. D. R.—in C. P. Coaches Chicago to Buffalo. Bloomingdale, Mich 18 Denton, Mich 9.10 Hampton, Fla Manchester, Mich 11 South Haven, Mich 18 West Branch, Mich 15 Ry. No. 38. See Table 6. Blytheswood,Ont...... 61 Hancock, Mich Manistique, Mich 15 Palnes.Mich Westfleld. Mass 1 For Chicago-Grand Rapids equipment, see pages 15-16. Boston, Mass., 1,7,11, lo. Derby, Mich 30A Palmer, Mass Southwick, Ont 38 West Lome, Ont 9,10 Ready at 9.30 p.m. Detroit,Mich., 1, 3, 4,5, 6, Hanover, Mich Manton, Mich 5 Parkdale, Ont Southwold. Ont 36 Bowmanville, Ont o 7, 9.10, 11, 15, 16. 19, 20, Harbor Springs, Mich.. Maple Forest, Mich 18 Spring Arbor, Mich 29 Westmount, Que 6 No. 20 The Canadian. Daily. Boyne City, Mich 5 Harmon, N. Y Marengo, Mich 9, 10 Parma, Mich 9, West Palm Beach. Fla.. .23 Boyne Falls, Mich 5 21,22, 23. 24, 25, 26, 27 Patton, Mich Springfield, Ohio 20 West Toronto, Ont 6 28 Harris, Ont Marquette, Mich 15 Pellston, Mich Springfield, Ont 9 Through train via Mich. Cent. R. R. and Canadian Brantford, Ont...... » Devil's Lake, Mich 30 Harrisburg, Pa Marshall, Mich., 1,6, 9,10 Springfield. Mass 1,7 Wheelerton, Mich 30 Pacific Railway. No. 44 De Luxe Special. Daily. No. 58 Niagara Falls and Eastern Express. Daily Bretton Woods, N. H 6 Harrisvllle, Mich Pentecost, Mich Whitby, Ont 6 Dexter, Mich 9,10 Martin, Mich 5 P. M. R. R. Crsg., Ont. Standish, Mich 15 SlSmg^Car J Chicago to Montreal—3 Compt., 1 D. R. Sleeping Cars. .Chicago to New York—12 Sec, D. R. Brick Church, N. J...... 4 Hastings. Mich.... 1,11 Mason, Mich 16 Stanwood, Mich 5 Wigle, Ont 37 Club Car Chicago to New York. Bridgeburg, Ont 7,6V Don. Ont 6 Perry, Ont 9 Wilders, Mich 30 Sleeping Cars. .Chicago to Montreal—12 Sec., D. R. Chicago to New York—12 Sec, D. R. Dover. N. J 4 Hawtrey.Ont 9, Mattawan, Mich 9,10 Perth, Ont Staples. Ont 37 Sleeping Cars. .Chicago to New York—10 Sec, 2 D. R. (No. 10 Lehigh Valley). See Table 3. Brigden, Ont 30 Henderson, Mich Mattoon, 111 22 Wilkes-Barre, Pa 3, 41 Chicago to Toronto—12 Sec., D R.—two. Brighton, Ont -6 Dowagiac, Mich., 1, 3, 5, Peterboro, Ont Sterling, Mich 15 Williams, Mich 18 Detroit to New York—12 Sec, D. R. Chicago to Buffalo—12 Sec, D. R. 6, 9,10 Highgate.Ont 9 Mauch Chunk, Pa 3,41 Petoskey, Mich Stevensville, Ont., 7, 30, 39 Detroit to Toronto—12 Sec, D. R. •Detroit to Buffalo—16 Sec. Brookfleld, Ont 7,39 Highwood, Mich McGregor, Ont 38 Stony Creek. Ont 7 Williamsport, Pa 41 Parlor Car Chicago to Detroit. Detroit to Boston—12 Sec, D. R., (No. 46. Brownell.Mich . .18 DufTerin.Ont 9,10 Petrolia, Ont Willow Creek, Ind... .9,10 Toronto to Montreal. •Detroit to Buffalo—12 Sec, D.R. Duluth, Minn 15 Hoboken, N. J Melbourne, Ont 36 Petrolia Jet., Ont Stroudsburg, Pa 4 N. Y. C.-B.& A.). Detroit to New York—12 Sec, D. R. (Ready Brownsville, Ont 9.10 Hollywood, Fla Menonaqua Beach, Mich.5 Windham, Ont 9,10 Dining Car Serving al 1 meals. Brutus, Mich Dundas.Ont 8 Philadelphia, Pa 3. Sturgis, Mich 14A Windsor, Ont., 1,6, 8, 9,10 Coaches Chicago to Montreal. Bay City and Saginaw to New York—12 Sec 10.00 p.m., E. T.) Dunnville, Ont 7 Holmesdale.Ont Mentha. Mich 18 Pinconning,Mlch.l5,28, Summit, N. J 4 Grand Rapids to Buffalo—12 Sec, D. R. Buchanan,Mich.. .5.9.10 Dutton.Mich 11 Holt, Mich Metamora, Mich 15 Winegars. Mich 32 D. R. (No. 208, Bay City to Detroit). BUMO.N.Y.., Pine Grove, Mich Summit, Ont 8 Wolverine, Mich 15 No. 26 The Twilight Limited. Daily. Grand Rapids to New York—12 Sec, D. R. (No. 110, from Grand Rapids). Dutton.Ont 9.10 Homer, Mich Miami, Fla 23 Pittsburgh, Pa... 11,15, Sunbury, Pa 41 Parlor Car Buffalo to New York. Horaell, N. Y Michigan City, Ind.. 1, 3, Superior, Wis 15 Woodbury, Mich 14 Pullman Cars onlv. No Coach Passengers Carried. (No. 108, Grand Rapids to Jackson). Albany to Boston (B. & A. No. 40). Burlington, Mich 29 Houghton. Mich Pittsfield, Mass Woodland, Mich 14 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 Plainwell.Mich Suspension Bridge, N. Y., Club Car Chicago to Detroit. Parlor Car Chicago to Buffalo. Dining Car... .Serving all meals. Buxton. Ont 9.10 Howard City, Mich Middletown, 0 20 1, 7, 9,10 Woodslee.Ont 9,10 Coaches Chicago to Buffalo. Hudson, N.Y Plant City, Fla Woodstock, Ont 6 Dining Car Chicago to Detroit. Dining Car Chicago to Buffalo. Middleville. Mich 11 Porter, Ind 9, Syracuse, N.Y 1.7 Woodvllle, Mich 32 Buffalo to New York. East Gary, Ind 9.10 Hunter's Creek, Mich.. Midland, Mich 31 Port Hope, Ont Parlor Cars Chicago to Detroit.—three. Coaches Chicago to Buffalo and New York. Albany to Springfield (No. 40, B. & A.). East Leroy, Mich 14A Huntington Ave., Mass Miller, Mich 9,10 Woodward Ave., * Ready at 10.00 p.m., E. T.). (Boston) Port Jervis, N.Y Detroit, Mich 15, 28 Observation } Chicago to Detroit. For Chicago-Grand Rapids equipment, see pages 15-16. East Tawas, Mich 28 Millington, Mich 15 Portland, Me Easton, Pa 3, 41 Milo. Mich 14 Tampa, Fla 23,24 Worcester, Mass 1.7 Cadillac, Mich 5 Eaton Rapids. Mich., 1,11 Poughkeepsie, N.Y Wyandotte. Mich.. .19. 20, Minneapolis, Minn 15 Tarpon Springs 25 21. 22.23, 24. 25 Caledonia, Mich 11 Eckford. Mich 30 Mineral Springs, Ont 8 Tawas City, Mich 28 No. 15 Number Fifteen. Daily. Calumet, Mich 15 Eden. Mich 16 Indianapolis, Ind. .15, 22 Monroe,Mich... .19,20.21, Taylor, Ont 9,10 No. 13 New England Wolverine. Daily. Canadian Nat'l Crossing, Eddy's, Ont 36 Indian River. Mich 15 22, 23, 24, 25 Quarries, Ont Tecumseh, Mich 11, 30 Westbound Ont 36 Edgars, Ont 38 Inkster, Mich 9,10 Montague, Ont 9.10 Quebec, Que 6 Tekonsha. Mich 29 Yonkors, N.Y 1 Club Car Buffalo to Chicago. Canfleld Jet.. Ont ... .9.10 Edward, Ont 9,10 Inwood, Ont. Montreal, Que 6, 7 Quimby.Mich 11 Terre Haute, Ind 22 Youngstown, Ohio 21 Runs via Falls Road and Suspension Bridge Carey, O 20 Elmira.Mich 5 Iona.Ont 9,10 Montreal West, Que 6 Thomas, Mich 15 Ypsilantl.Mlch., 1.6,9.10, and not via Buffalo Sleeping Car .New York to Chicago—12 Sec, D. R. Caro. Mich 17 Elmira.N. Y 4, 41 Iron River, Wis 15 Morgan, Mich 11 Three Oaks, Mich., 5, 9,10 11 (N. Y. C. No. 59). Open 9.30 p.m. (E.T) Carp Lake, Mich 5 Eloise.Mich 9.10 Irving, Mich 11 Morley.MIch 5 Three Rivers, Mich 29 No. 7 Motor City Special. Daily. New York to Detroit^l2 Sec, D. R. Cassopolis. Mich 29 Emporium Jet., Pa 41 l3hpeming, Mich 15 Morristown, N.J 4 Reed City, Mich 5 Tilbury, Ont 9,10 Club Car Boston to Chicago. Cayuga. Ont 9.10 Essex, Ont 9.10,38 Ithaca, N.Y 3.41 Moscow. Mich 30 . Mich 16 Tlllsonburg. Ont 9,10 Zllwaukee. Mich.. 15.16 (N. Y. C. No. 59). Open 9.30 p.m. (E.T.) Boston to Chicago—12 Sec, D. R. Pullman Cars only. No Coach Passengers Carried. Sleeping^ar I Boston to Chicago—3 Comp., 2 D. R. (B.&A. No. 49). Sleeping Cars. .Boston to Chicago—10 Sec, D. R., 2 Compt. Philadelphia to Chicago—12 Sec, D. R. Club Car Detroit to Chicago. Boston to Chicago—12 Sec, D. R.—two. (Via Reading Co., L. V. R. R.). See Table 3. NIAGARA FALLS IN COLORS— Boston to Detroit—12 Sec, D. R., Compt. Parlor Car Buffalo to Chicago. Sleeping Cars (a) Detroit to Chicago—12 Sec, D. R.—five. Boston to Detroit—12 Sec, D. R. Detroit to Chicago.—two. (a)Detroit to Chicago—8 Sec, Bufiet Lounge, Albany to Chicago—12 Sec, D. R. (No. 107 from (a)Detroit to Chicago—16 Sec.—three, Detroit to Grand Rapids. Send ten cents in stamps to J. W. Switzer, General Passenger Agent, (a)Detroit to Chicago—7 Compt., 2 D. R. Jackson). (a)Detroit to Chicago—14 single rooms. Parlor Car Detroit to Chicago. Dining Car Serving all meals. Detroit to Chicago—12 Sec, D. R. Michigan Central Railroad, Chicago for a copy of Niagara Falls in Colors, (No. 51 from Buffalo). Dining Car Serving all meals. Coaches Buffalo and Detroit to Chicago. Detroit to Grand Rapids. (No. 107 from size 1 5 x 24H suitable for framing. (a) Sleepers ready for occupancy at 10.00 p.m. (Eastern Time) Coaches Detroit to Chicago. Jackson). More Comfort in Parlor Cars, small cost, buy a seat. Fares shown on pages 45-46 12 13 14 EQUIPMENT—Continued EQUIPMENT—Concluded

Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo, New York and Boston —Concluded. Between Grand Rapids, and Detroit, New York and Boston -Table 11 Abbreviations: Sec—Section; D. R.—Drawing Room; Comp.—Compartment. Abbreviations: Sec—Sections; D. R.—Drawing Room; Comp.—Compartment. No. 101 Daily. No. 102 Except Sunday. Sleeping Cars Detroit to Grand Rapids—12 Sec, D. R. (From Detroit in Coaches Grand Rapids to Detroit. WeStbOUnd —Concluded No. 25 The Twilight Limited. Daily. No. 45 Pacific Express. Daily. No. 49). Parlor Car Grand Rapids to Detroit. (Open 10.00 p.m. E. T. until 7.30 a.m. C. T.) No. 106 Daily. Pullman Cars only. No Coach Passengers Carried. Sleeping Cars. .Detroit to Chicago—12 Sec,D. R. Coaches Detroit to Grand Rapids. (From Detroit in No. 49). Detroit to Chicago—16 Sec. Sleeping Car Grand Rapids to Detroit.) T„x - „„ - . „ . - Club Car Detroit to Chicago. No. 105 Daily. Tn No 32 No. 17 The Wolverine. Daily. Dining Car Detroit to Chicago. Open at 10.00 p.m. (Eastern Time). 12 Sec, D. R. } * » Jackson to Detroit. Parlor Cars Detroit to Chicago—three. Parlor Car Buffalo to Detroit. Sleeping Car New York to Grand Rapids—12 Sec, D. R. (From No. 17). (Open 9.00 p.m*. C. T. until 8.00 a.m. E. T.) Train Telephone Dining Car Buffalo to Detroit. Buffalo to Grand Rapids—12 Sec, D. R. (From No. 41). Coaches De Luxe Grand Rapids to Jackson. ObsSvatton } Detroit to Chicago. Coaches Buffalo to Chicago. Open 9.00 p.m. Eastern Time. Murray Hill 8000. (30 minutes before departure.) Miami to Grand Rapids—12 Sec. D. R. In Royal Palm No. 108 Daily. Sleeping Car Grand Rapids to New York. Pullman Cars only. No Coach Passengers Carried. de Luxe to Detroit. No. 39 North Shore Limited. Daily. No. 47 The Detroiter. Daily. Parlor Car Detroit to Grand Rapids. 12 Sec, D. R. Club Car New York to Chicago. Cafe Coach Detroit to Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids to Miami—12 Sec. Pullman Cars only. No Coach Passengers Carried. Coaches De Luxe Detroit to Grand Rapids. D. R. (In Royal Palm de Luxe In No. 44 from Jackson. SelptaKCar )New York to Chicago—3 Compt.. 2 D. R. Train Telephone from Detroit. Club Car New York to Detroit Parlor Car Grand Rapids to Detroit. Sleeping Cars. .New York to Chicago—6 Compt., 3 D. R. Murray Hill 8000. (30 minutes before departure.) No. 107 Except Sunday. New York to Chicago—10 Sec., 2 D. R. Sleepm^Car }NewYork to Detroit—Lounge, 3 Compt.,2 D.R. Parlor Car Detroit to Grand Rapids.) „ ^ ~ . . . Cafe Coach Grand Rapids to Detroit. T XT T Coaches De Luxe Grand Rapids to Detroit. New York to Chicago—8 Sec.D.R., 2 Compt. Sleeping Cars. .New York to Detroit—6 Compt., 3 D. R Coaches De Luxe Detroit to Grand Rapids. New York to Chicago—14 Sections. Pullman Cars only. No Coach Passengers Carried. - * In No. 15, Detroit to Jackson. No. 110 Daily. New York to Detroit—8 Sec, Buffet Lounge. No. 109 Daily. Sleeping Car Grand Rapids to Buffalo—12 Sec, D. R (In No. 58) New York to Grand Rapids—12 Sec, D. R., Club Car New York to Chicago. New York to Detroit—12 Sec. D. R. Parlor Car Detroit to Grand Rapids. (No. 105, Detroit to Grand Rapids). New York to Detroit—14 Sec.—four. Parlor Car Grand Rapids to Detroit. New York to Saginaw and Bay City—12 Sec, Boston to Albany. Cafe Coach Detroit to Grand Rapids. Cafe Coach Grand Rapids to Detroit. New York t0 New York to Detroit—13 single rooms. Coaches De Luxe Detroit to Grand Rapids. D. R. (No. 203 from Detroit). Sleep^Car } Chicago—3 Compt., 2 D. R. Philadelphia to Detroit—12 Sec, D. R. (Read Coaches De Luxe Grand Rapids to Detroit. New York to Detroit—12 Sec, D. R. Sleeping Cars. .Buffalo to Chicago—12 Sec, D. R.—three. ing Co. No. 327; L. V. No. 7). (See Table 3). New York to Chicago—12 Sec, D. R., via New York via Niagara Falls, N. Y., to Chicago Dining Car Serving all meals. Between Detroit, and Saginaw, Bay City, Macki naw City and Upper Peninsula Points—Table 15 D. L. & W. No. 5. See Table 4. —10 Sec, D. R., 2 Compt. (From New York Parlor Car Detroit to Chicago. in No. 29 from Buffalo to Niagara Falls, N. Y. No. 203 Daily. Dining Cars.. .Serving all meals. No. 49. Michigan Express. Daily. No. 202 Daily. in No. 209. From Niagara Falls to Buffalo Sleeping Car New York to Saginaw-Bay City. (From No. 17). Sleeping Cars Sault Ste. Marie to Detroit^—16 Sec, via D. S. S. & A. Ry. in No. 246. Sleeping Cars. .Montreal to Chicago—12 Sec, D. R. Cafe Parlor Car Detroit to Bay City except Sundays. Mackinaw City to Jackson—12 Sec, D. R. (No. 72, from Bay New York to Chicago—12 Sec, D. R.—three. Coaches Detroit to Bay City. No. 19 The Canadian. Daily. Boston to Chicago—10 Sec, D. R., 2 Compt. (Inc. P. Ry. No. 37).. See Table 6. City). Car leaving Mackinaw City Saturday Night, runs to New York to Chicago—12 Sec, D. R. (Via Bay City only. Through train via Canadian Pacific Ry. (a) Detroit to Chicago—16 Sec. No. 205 Except Sunday. Alpena, Mich, to Detroit—12 Sec, D. R. (from Alpena in Reading Co. and L. V. R. R.). (See Table 3). (a) Detroit to Grand Rapids—12 Sec.,D. R. Broiler Buffet Parlor Car Detroit to Saginaw and Bay City. and Michigan Central R. R. Parlor Car Boston to Buffalo. (In No. 101, Jackson to Grand Rapids). D. & M. Ry. No. 12. See Table 28). Dining Car... .Serving all meals. (b) Saginaw to Chicago—12 Sec, D. R. (No. 78 Coaches Detroit to Saginaw and Bay City. Coaches Mackinaw City to Detroit. sSmfSr } Montreal to Chicago-3 Compt., 1 D. R. No. 206 Except Sunday. Sleeping Cars. .Montreal to Chicago—12 Sec, D. R. from Saginaw). No. 207 Daily. (b) Bay City to Chicago—12 Sec. D.R. (No. 78 Sleeping Cars Detroit to Sault Ste. Marie—16 Sec , via D. S. S. a.m. (C.T.) •Open at 10.00 p.m. (C. T.). Detroit to Indianapolis via Big Four. No. 306 Coaches Chicago to Grand Rapids. Coaches Grand Rapids to Chicago. Detroit to Columbus (O. C. Lines 6). Parlor Car Pittsburgh to Detroit via P. & L. E. N. Y. C, No. 85. Dining Car Detroit to Cincinnati via Big Four. Dining Car Pittsburgh to Detroit via P. ®m^}:§:::::£ i 5.28 " Nlles " a 5.46 5.10 " Jackson (C.T.) e 7.40 ::|SS:::::; W3 aw. { JJ 5.45 " Dowagiac " " Ann Arbor " e 6.57 K 111 gjj* E:::::: J$ll^^jZMz±Z±t%l±i^ 6.45 b 1.51 " Kalamazoo " a 4.39 4.00 *' Detroit (E.T.) " e 7.05 "Sfccity"-16:22 II i £SS£S glj|l :"" _» «? «_ 7.30 b 2.25" BattleCreek " 3.28 " St. Thomas AR 1107 8.40 b 3.15 Ar Jackson b 2.30 8.55 Ar Buffalo (Exchange Street).. Lv "Nlles .I: g S.28M104 2.15 B.A1TOA.B.R. 3 ST HI ^ « « 5.00 11.25 U Grand Rapids AR t 4.40 9.05 Ar..BUFFALO (CentralTerminal).. Lv 2.24 AM AM "nowailM11-23 115 £ 5.45 k 2 34 LuBoston 9.30 J.15 1.15..h m6.2« 11.15 t 4.30 11.30 I* Bay City AR ::::: rl2 2 t 5.00 11.58 " Saginaw Gen. Ave " 6 Lackawanna Railroad 5 8.50 D3.15 Lv Jackson AR a 3.16 2.25 AM AM " "ISk iiS 18 I ?:!. ° | Sss?;.:::8 :::::WM : .8:81::::::.4 2™5 iS::*::::::::..£:::::£§:::::::::: 7 35 12 9.43 0 4.00 " Ann Arbor AR 1.39 * 9.30 Lv BUFFALO (E.T.). AR 1.35 f:fl i :« If IHUllHi: SgsSS ^ -:::., : i:!S:J::::::::.. : ::::: :!?:::::::::: 10.35 4.45 AR Detroit (CentralTime) Lv 12.50 10.49 AR Mount Morris Lv 11.49 •^nd'''ios ..„. ^7 § -oo l| -ii^o ~ <• lEESwd.y. : ::::: i£*:::::: §ui «.oo..^ j.57 2.i3 :.:. 11.35 5.45 * Detroit (Eastern Time) * l.SO 11.14 " Dansville " u.28 M p1 S 11.50 5.55 Lx Detroit (Eastern Time) ARA 2.40 8.45 1.40 11.59 " Bath 10.41 ::~ ^:: g-a S S:S I ::v.::::::: SSMfc::::::::::::: *iS ::::::••**« :l:::::::.itt::::: 2.45 " St. Thomas (SEE NOTE d) " 6.25 11.26 12.21 " Corning 10.15 6.15 AR Niagara Falls, N. Y " n 9.25 12.43 " Elmlra " 9.50 ' J...- TTJB ft ~fi ^T^T ITEM 41 il in -47-_2j 49__S9_^3 ~ 7.00 AR Buffalo (Exchange Street) Lv 9.50 9.05 1.12 " Waverly u 9.18 , • • • 7.10 10.35" Buffalo (Central Terminal) Lv 9.40 3.52 g 8.55 .. 1.37 " Owego " 8.51 " Vestal " 8.32 , 10 2 LBHIGH VALLEY R. R. 9 7 5 2.07 " Binghamton " 8.20 , 9.30 11.30 b ...buffalo AR 7.45 3.12 7.15 3.37" Scranton " 6.40 , 11.23 AR Clifton Springs Lv 5.51 5.09 5.08 " Stroudsburg and E. Stroudsburg " 4.43 , 11.37 1.42 " Geneva " 5.37 1.05 4.55 6.09 AR Dover Lv d 3.28 12.31 " Ithaca 4.42 12.11 C 6.42 AR Morrlstown Lv d 3 11 "TTT ;;Baycity(B.s). jg.. g HJ jfi 11" ::::: "1^06^;;^. ••s.oegaiis 6.35 750 8.4012.50 1.24 3.11 " .Sayre. " 3.54 11 23 3.28 c 7.05 " Summit " d 2.58 I.49 Towanda " 3.30 . . . 6.49 " Brick Church " 2.42 frD&cf) a:!! is:: * i:2Sfgl i:* ::::::::::: w IHB-JJ—nr^7x--47-^3r~i5ir— 45 — — 2.44 " Ttinkhannock " 2.34 ' 2.08 6.57 AR Newark Lv 2.35 ArDetrolt (E.T.).. . 3.57 ^ Q . . 9.15^^5 7.50 MICHIGAN CENTRAL PMP8PM AM AM AM AM ^ » 3.27 5.12 " Wilkes-Barre " 1.48 9.19 1.23 7.12 AR Hoboken Lv 2.20 T r>Ptrnit rF T ^ 4 28 6^45 5^55 7.00 11.50 §•« 8.35 UBufialoCent.Term 5.20 9.40 11.35 Runs 2.24 3.52 7.05 m8.55 1.30 5.15 6.54 " Mauch Chunk l2.06 7 45 11.45 u 6.00 7.45 " Allentown n.21 7.00 11.00 7.30 ".. .(New York) Barclay St rr 2.00 777777 777777 7777 "winder 1« 7 00 7.15 12.05 °^ 8-5« "BuffaloExch. St 9.50 11.45 via 7.15 9.05 1.40 6.08 7.53 AR Bethlehem Lv H.IQ 6 48g 10.48 ... 7.30 ". ..(New York) West 23d St.... " 2.00 «St Thomas (w)"' 6 40 9.36 £ e 9.15 2.45 ®§ 10.45 Niagara Falls.NY Via ..y Sus- Via Via 7.57 Via Via g 7.30 AR.(New York) Christopher St.. Lv *g2.00 "Wrtland^ m8.31 11.53 «S > 5.06x5 «-31 "Suspension Bridge Ft. Via Via pens- Ft. Ft. 8.12 Ft. Ft 328 312 READING COMPANY 313 325 331 PM PM ArFRii?Vie'wS I >5S a t 526 5a tl2.49 NiagaraFalls.Ont. Erie Ft. Ft. ioT Erie Erie 8.19 Erie Erie K3 6.18 8.05 Lf Bethlehem AR 10.55 6.35 10.35 LvFlIvewaS> *S> S <2H> 5.31 12.54 ...... ArFallsView Div. Erie Erie Bridge Dlv. Div. t 8.31 Div. Dlv 7.37 9.28 AR Wayne June Lv 9.33 5.13 9.03 a TRAIN NO. 40. All Pullman train carries sleeping car passengers only from Chicago KN?Sa»FaJiflOnt >SS >SQ ...... 5.45 1.01 LvFallsView Dlv. Div. 8.36 • Kalamazoo and intermediate points where train is scheduled to stop, to Buffalo and beyond N 7.41 9 32AR North Broad Street Lv 9.28 5.08 8.58 «' iSn^ionBrldra S & 6.00 1.10 ArWelland 6.11 12.28 . 9 00 2.29 7.49 9.40 AR Philadelphia (Downtown) Lv 9.20 5.00 g 8.50 ... via Lackawanna R. R. Has no Pullman accommodations for local intermediate passengers. "N^^aFaliSNY • 6.15 J 8.55 1.25 " St. Thomas (w) .. 7.58 2.2ft * 6.06 6.25 11.40 11.26 4.50 b Stops on signal for passengers for Hoboken, N. J., and points beyond. 4S?Fxch8t 9.30 7.00 8.55 2.10 "Windsor 10.07 4.47kgi8 8-30 2.17 1.23 7.07 10 2 LEHIGH VALLEY R. R. 9 7 5 "BuflalS Cent Term 9 40 1 10 10.35 7.10 r 905 2.20 "Detroit (E.T.) ... 10.25 h 2.40 505 3,35^ 7.05 8.45_2,40 1.40 7.2S..... 6.18 8.03 Lv Bethlehem AR 11.00 6.40 10.40 c Change at Dover to Train No. 364 leaving 6.18 p.m., daily except Sunday and Train 6.34 8.19 AR Easton Lv 10.44 6.11 10.24 No. 770 leaving 6.22 p.m Sundays. 44 pio 142 8 48 58 40 56 5G LwDetroit (E.T.) g 45 845 8.451 5.15 t 5.15 10.10 7.56 9.46" Newark Lv 9.20 5 07 9.00 d Stops for passengers for Buffalo and points beyond. 8.25 10.15 AR New York (Penna. Sta.) Lv 8.50 4.30 g 8.30 1 e Stops to discharge passengers from points east of Buffalo. "NT v r n w —5y AH lii uT~—ST~—AH AH pjil ST" ~" LvDetrolt (C.T.) 7*45 7.45 7.451 4.15 + 4.15 9.10 PM AH AM PM PM 1 Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers. D « ** n 10 40 fiV 800 1 25 1 25 ArSaginaw Gen.Ave 10 45 10.45 10.451 7.45 + 7.45 12.05 t Except Sunday. g No ferry service to or from Christopher St. on Sundays. a Stops to discharge passengers from Niagara Falls, N. Y., Buffalo points and east, EQUIPMENT LvNiagara Falls.... J 25...... JJ-*J 6.15 8.UU i.g i.g " Bay City (E. S.) u 20 11-20 11.20t 8.15 t 8.15 12.40 b Stops on signal to receive passengers for Buffalo and East, NO. 40 DALLY. ALL PULLMAN TRAIN. CHICAGO TO BUFFALO c Stops on signal for passengers for Philadelphia, Club Car Chicago to Buffalo. "BuflalpCent. Term. 9.55 3.19 4.04 10.45 11.50 8.00 9 37 2.35 2.35 "Cheboygan..... 7 55 7.55 7.55 6.00 d For time of London trains see Table 40. £gS32& S:8:::.: »fi:::;:::"V.: i$ 18^::::::::::: -Mackmawcity.. V%_*m 8.40 ^o^^ Sleeping Cars Chicago to New York—12 Sec. D. R (via Lackawanna). •'SvVaS12.55 6.10 8.00 11.20 12.33 5.27 5.27 LvDetroit(E.T.) ... 12.30 515—"Oon 7.15 2.55 1.50 10.45 g Mich. Cent. No. 15 handles no baggage to or from Stations in Canada Observation Sleeping Car... .Chicago to Buffalo. "Rome n7.04 9.07 12.14 LvDetroit (C.T.) ... 11.30 4.15 ?.40n 6.15 1.55 12.50 9.45 h Sleeping Cars for Chicago leave Niagara Falls, N. Y., 8.25 p. m. in N. Y. C. No. 246 Observation Parlor Car Buffalo to New York (via Lackawanna). <.£2.01 7.21 9.22 12.32 1 36 6.30 6.30 £Ypsilanti 4 52 8.14....-• 2.35 1 25 10.28 Dining Car Serving al meals. "^phpnprtAdv 8 56 11.16 2.26 3.06 8.00 8.00 "Ann Arbor 5 05 8.25* 6.57 2.49 1.39 10.45 to Buffalo and in No. 39 Buffalo to Chicago, Coaches Buffalo to New York (via Lackawanna). No Coach pas• «Sv 3.54 9.25 11.45 4.30 _5.50 2.53 3.30 8.28 8j8 ArJackson h 3.16 5.50 g^k 7.40 3.40 2.25 11.55 k Stops on signal to discharge passengers from points east of Buffalo. sengers carried on Michigan Central. NO. 17 DAILY. ALL PULLMAN TRAIN,BUFFALO TO CHICAGO 46 10 8 40 40 42 ArLanslng t 6.55 4.55 All A.M. time Is given In light figures. All P.M. time In HEAVY figures. Club Car Buffalo to Chicago—12 Sec. D. R. B.ANDA.R.R. AM AM AM "PM" PM AM LvDetroit (C.T.) 7.10 7.10 4.35 U2.50 11.25 Observation Car Buffalo to Chicago. LwAlbanv Q ..9.40 4.50 4.00 4.00 yl2.50 ArEaton Rapids 9.15 9.15 6.45 3.04 1.45 EQUIPMENT Sleeping Cars New York to Chicago—12 Sec.D.R. (via Lackawanna). ScKamZ1020 z 5.29 4.38 4.38 1.28 ArCharlotte 9.29 9.29 7.00 3.20 2.05 NO. 8—-All Pullman Train Chicago to Buffalo. Dining Car Serving all meals. "PittsS6 0511.07 6.18 5.30 5.30 2.18 "Hastings 10.00 10.00 7.32 3.54 2.45 Coaches New York to Buffalo only (via Lackawanna). "Westfleld..12.16 7 38 6.45 6.45 "Grand Rapids 10.43 10.43 8.15 4.40 b3.40 Sleeping Car, Chicago to Philadelphia—12 Sec. D. R. No Coach passengers carried on Michigan Central. "Springfield.'.'.."..'. 7.3812.35 7 55 7.02 7.02 3.47 ArAlbion *T7T7 6.30 9.41 4.13 12.45 Sleeping Car, Detroit to Philadelphia—12 Sec. D. R. "Palmer n 8.06 . n 8.29 7.34 7.34 . "Marshall 6 50 4.30 1.05 "Worcester 9.05 2 00 9.35 8.33 8.33 5.16 "Battle Creek 7.15 10.11k 8.31 4.50 3.28 1.35 Dining Car serving all meals including breakfast, Bethlehem to Philadelphia. "Framingham • f.09 9.09 5.57 "Kalamazoo h 4.39 7.55 10.46 k 9.04 5.27 4.10 2.15 NO. 58—Sleeping Car, Chicago to New York—12 Sec. D. R. EXTRA FARES—charged on above Trains "Huntington Ave.. 10.11 3.06 10.41 9.41 9.41 6.36 "Dowagiac 8.57 6.24 3.30 Parlor Car, Buffalo to Philadelphia. " Boston (So. Sta.) ^ 3.M...... 10.45 9.45 9.45 6.40 "Niles h 5.46 9.15 11.49 klO.OO 6.40 5.10 3.50 Dining Car serving all meals including dinner, Bethlehem to Philadelphia. East bound 44 142 8 48 58 40 56 78 " Michigan City 10.17 12.40 7.30 6.00 5.05 Coaches. NTCRR PM AH AH pu PM pH AM "Gary d 6.16 k 6.58 10.51 d 1.20 8.05 5.50 NO. 15—Sleeping Car, Philadelphia to[Chicago—12 Sec. D. R. From Chicago to Brick Church, Newark, Hoboken, N. J. and New • AVK™ in^ 1911 3 02 3 42 8 40 1220 "Hammond d 6.32 k 7.10 11.06d 1.36kll22 t 8.20 6.07 Club Car, Buffalo to Chicago. York N. Y., $8.40. A*n82£2.'3 40 8-40 12.20 "Kensington d 6.47 rll.20 8.35 e6.22 Dining Car Serving All Meals. From Chicago to Dover, N. J., $4.80, Morristown, N. J., $6.00, Sum• U Coaches. mit, N. J., $7.20. «S ?S- „r-6Ai AAi*374 « 9^8" 63d Street 7.00 7.33 11.32 1.59 11.43 8.47 7.14 6.35 NO. 39—All Pullman train Buffalo to Chicago. Sleeping Car New York to Chicago—12 Sec. D. R. From Gary and Hammond, Ind. to Newark, Hoboken, N. J. and S^Sf^'-S Kn JSlnfiWniMnillnlMnlItt IS" 53d Street 7.05 7.38 11.36 2.02 11.46 8.51 7.17 6.40 Dining Car serving all meals. New York N.Y., $7.80. Coaches on Lehigh Valley R. R. nfiltn 2.51 n 6.59n 8.29n 5.43n 5.54nl0.49 3.54 "43d Street 8.55 6.45 NO. 47—Sleeping Car, Philadelphia to Detroit—12 Sec. D. R. From Michigan City to Newark, Hoboken, N. J. and New York N. Y., $6.00. ^^a^si.)0.6:53:::::? ISS.:::::::::::n'o.2sn-o:3onii:34i»!:p ::v.::::::: 2g.. ^.. 8.0011.50 Dining Car Serving all meals. ve 7.20 2.1512.00 9.05 7.30 6.55 From Nilea to Newark, Hoboken, N. J. and New York N. Y., $4.80. "New York 7.25 3.50 8.00 9.27 6.40 6.50 11.45 5.05 T^veltRoad AM AH AM PM Noon PM PM AM (Grand Cent. Term.) AM PM PM AM AM PM 1 PM 1 PH AM Roosevelt Koad. AM MI JM PM iNoon PM PM m_j THE RUN OF THE CENTURY Westbound a Stops on signal to receive passengers. t Daily except Sunday. X Sunday only, A vivid pen picture of the daily drama behind the unceasing From New York, N. Y., Hoboken, Newark and Brick Church, N. J. to b Sleepers open until 7.30 a.m. (C.T.) Chicago $6.00. a Stops on signal for passengers for points beyond Kalamazoo. t Dally except Sunday. c Stops to receive passengers for points west of Buffalo. daily operation of the queen of American trains—the b Stops on signal for passengers for Buffalo and points east thereof. 0 Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Detroit and points east thereof. From Summit, N. J. $4.80, Morristown $3.60, Dover $2.40 to Chicago. c Stops on signal for passengers for New York City and Boston. • Stops only to discharge passengers. Twentieth Century Limited* A glimpse behind the scenes, d Stops to receive passengers for Detroit, Buffalo and points east of Buffalo. f Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers. given in a book of 110 pages, each 6x9, illustrated with From New York, N. Y., Hoboken, Newark and Brick Church to Niles e Stops only for Sleeping Car passengers for Albany and points beyond. 8 Stops only to receive passengers for Detroit and points west thereof. and west (except Chicago) $5.70. f Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers. n StoP8 on»y to discharge passengers from Niagara Falls. Buffalo and points east. handsome pen and wash drawings, charts and maps. Sent g Stops on signa 1 for passengers lor Detroit and points east thereof J Stops only to discharge passengers from St. Thomas and points east. postpaid on receipt of fifty cents by the Publication Bureau, From Summit, N. J. $4.50, Morristown $3.30, Dover $2.10 to Niles and h Stops on signal for passengers for New York City. * Stops only to discharge passengers rrom points east of Buffalo. west (except Chicago). ] Sleepers from Chicago arrive Niagara, Falls, N. Y.. 8.55 a. m. by train No. 190. I Stops to receive passengers for Detroit. Room 1518, 466 Lexington Ave., New York City. Also on k Stops on signalfor passengers for points east of Windsor. m Mich. Cent. No. 15 handles no baggage to or from stations in Canada. For Extra fares from or to points not shown above m Stops on signal to discharge passengers for Welland. n Receives passengers for Chicago only. _ _ . , • « •»> •»> sale at most Union News stands. Consult ticket agent. n Stops to discnarge passengers from points west of Buffalo. P Stops on signal to dlscnarge passengers from New York City and points nnJon Bi . & A.R.R. p Chicago-New York Coach in N. Y. C. No. 138 Buffalo toFO NeR wEQUIPMEN York. T SEE PAGES 13-16 FOr StopR EXTRs oAn FAREsignaSl tSEo dischargE PAGE e4 7passenger s for2 0p o nts on I. C. R. R. 21 22 a Stops to discharge passengers from Chicago19 . s Stops on signal to receive passengers for Buffalo and points west, r TRAIN NO. 40 carries sleeping car passengers only from Chicago, Kalamazoo and Inter- t Stops at Falls View three to fiveminute s for passengers to see Niagara, mediate points where train Is scheduled to stop, to Niagara Falls, N. Y., Buffalo and beyond. w For time of London trains see table 40.

Has no Pullman accommodations for local intermediate passengers. X For extra teresse e page 47 QoKNM ««wvr m 9ifitn p,llffQln t Stops at Falls View three to five minutes for assengers tose e Niagara. 7 Sleepers for Chicago leave Niagara Falls. N.Y.. 8.25 p.m. in N.Y.C. No. 246 to Buffalo wxy FoNoFor r. extr tim42 leaveea faresseof Londos Buffalo4.4e pagn traine 47s.5 ©No.461eavesBuffaiolO.1sep.m..arrivee table 40s. Albany 12.015 a.m p.m.. anzd doesnotruStops Sundayn vias Albanyonly. . O» WilStopandl sihandlebaggag nonl Noy to. 39 discharg frome onlBuffale passengery froom to Buffal Chicagos anod foreceivr .Chicag e passengero and points fos r beyondChicag.o and. beyond, Table 7. TORONTO, HAMILTON & BUFFALO LINE

Chicago and Detroit 6 A Chicago to Toronto, Montreal, Portland STATIONS 41 701 721 741 761 801 821 STATIONS 27 29 37 f{ 51 TO CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. AM AM AM PM PM~~ ~PM ST" NEW YORK CENTRAL PM PM PM AM AM Li Toronto (UnionStation) * 8.35 t 7.50 * 9.30 * 1.00 t 3.00 * 5.00 * 8.00 Lv New York (Eastern Time) * 6.30 * 9.00 *11.55 *12.25 • 8.30 Grand Rapids and Northern Michigan In Connection with tho Canadian Pacific Ry, and Maine Central Ar Hamilton * 9.40 8.55 10.35 2 05 4 05 6.05 9.05 "Albany c 9.46 12.15 3.20 5.50 11.23 " Utica cll.45 2.19 5.21 8.04 1.12 In Connection with Pennsylvania Railroad Table 6 TORONTO, HAMILTON A'BUFFALO RY. 70 72 74 76 80 82 "Syracuse c 1.00 3.32 6.30 9.36 2.17 " Rochester c 2.37 5.17 8.18 11.16 3.41 20 44 19 Lv Hamilton t 9.00*10.40 * 2.10 t 4.10 * 6.10 * 9.10 Ar Buffalo (Central Terminal) 7.00 9.50 12.50 5.00 Table 5 « StoneyCreek f 9.14 1 4.24 " Vlnemount f 9.25 1 4.33 Lv Boston, B. A A • 3.40 *r6.20 * 7.35 *11.15 18 32 " Worcester " 4.55 7.35 8.50 12.36 56 42 4 44 2 Michigan Central 49 41 43 23 56 a% IB STATIONS 83 13 23 7 45 " Grassie's f 9.35 f 4.40 Lv Springfield « 6.17 8.57 10.30 2.13 nl PT Noon AM AM AM Aii PM P¥~ 77777 Lv Dunnvllle t 8.35 t 3.05 Ar Buffalo, N.Y.C. (Central Terminal) 7.50 9.50 12.50 *11.30 • 5.10 »12.00 1 9.00 1 6.45 Lv Chicago Ar 7.05 11.50 4.45 9.05 O g_ LvSmithville 9.43 1 2.43 4.50 a 6.51 Lv Pittsburgh, P. 4 L. E *11.30 *10.00 5.17 12.08 6.54 " 43d Street " 8.55 PM PM PM PM AM MICHIGAN CENTRAL AM PM j* " St. Ann's 1 9 49 1 4.56 Ar Buffalo, N.Y.C. (Central Terminal). 6 00 4.05 11.41 5.21 12.12 9.08 6.58 " 53d Street " 6.51 11.36 4.32 8.51 •11.30 *11.59 *10.00 • 6.30 * 9.00 Lt Chicago Ar 8.15 2.15 9.05 7.20 6.55 " Silverdale 1 9.55 1 5.02 11.45 5.25 12.16 9.12 7.02 " 63d Street " 6.47 11.32 4.29 8.47 " 43d Street " 8.55 0.45 "Fenwick 110.05 f 5.10 a 7.07 Lv Cleveland, N.Y.C *11.13 gll.57g 5.38 12.29 7 15 " Kensington "h6.35 11.20 8.35 LvChantler fl0.09 f 5.14 Ar Buffalo " (Central Terminal) P 'il.41 ' 12.i6 'i6.ii "640 ' '9.08 "'.;*.;'.:53dStreet"8.02"2.02 8.51 7.05 6.40 ArWelland.. 10.20 11.35 3.10 5.25 7.20 10.20 12.11 5.50 12.41 7.34 " Hammond "h6.20 11.06 4.06f 8.20 11.45 12.20 10.15 6.44 9.12 " 63d Street " 7.59 1-59 8.47 7.00 6.35 Lv Philadelphia, Pa.R.R • 8.25

gl2.29g 6.04 12.56 7.55" Gary "h6.05 10.51 3.51 8.05 bll.57 - Kensington " m 8.35 d 6.47 c 6.22 ,™™™.«s^nomo.T ion ITU nc Motor Motor Motor 1.09 6.36 1.30 10.22 8.45 ".. Michigan City h 5.24 10.17 3.18 7.30 12.11 10.39 e 7.07e 9.33 • Hammond " d 1.36* 8.20 d 6.32 6.07 Ar Buffalo " (Central Terminal) 7.25 MICHIGAN CENTRAL 190 170 56 Bug Bug Bus f 1.25 1 6.49 9.06 "... New Buffalo ..." 1 9.59 3.02 el2.29 10.56 e 7.21 " Gary " d 1.20 8.05 d 6.16 5.50 Lv Welland * 8.15 *10.50 12.31 * 3.15 *~T.21 *10.21 77777T MICHIGAN CENTRAL 71 5 75 77 79 83 f 1.37 7.02 1.56 9.17 "....Three Oaks.... • 9.48 2.52 1.09 11.36 7.55 10.22 « Michigan City " 6.51 12.40 7.30 5.05 "Fraser 1 8.23 112.39 Lv Buffalo (Cent. Term'l) .Ft.ErieDiv. t 5.15* 7.55U0.15* 2.20 * 5.50 1 1.46f 7.10 9.27- Gallen • . ... 9.39 2.15 12.35 8.40 11.07 " Niles " 6.06 11.49 6.40 3.50 Lv Buffalo (Exchange Street) 5.25 8.05 10.25 2.30 6.00 2 " Falls View 12.54 1 1.57 2.15 9.40 « Buchanan "h 4.35 9.27 2.35 a 2.34 12.53 11.23 " Dowaglac • f- * g.30 " Victoria Park bll 10 3.45 7.45 10.45 "Terrace 8.08 10.28 2.33 6.03 2.15 7.35 2.28 11.07 10.00 « Nlles " 4.20 9.15 2.25 6.40 3.35 1.45 9.45 12.07 " Kalamazoo " 5.00 10.46 5.27 2.15 " Niagara Falls, Ont 8.38 11.17 1.01 3.55 7.55 10.55 "Black Rock 5.38 8.18 10.38 2.43 6.13 7.51 2.44 11.23 10.30" Dowaglac * 4.01 8.57 2.08 6.24 4.20 2.27 10.20 12.42 " Battle Creek " 4.25 10.11 4.50 1.35 " Suspension Bridge 8.45 11.30 1.10 4.10 8.10 11.10 " Bridgeburg 6.00 8.26 10.46 2.51 6.21 1 2.56 1 8.04 10.50 « Decatur " f 8.40 4 30 " Stevensville 6.15 f 10.59 f 3.04 1 6.34 f 3.07 11.05 " Lawton " 8.29 1.45 4.43 « Marshall " - ,19§ Ai Niagara Falls, N. Y. (E. T.) 8.55 1-25 4.15 8.15 11.15 Lv Brookfleld 1 6.23 1 3.13 « 3.35^8.35* 3.35112.07 11.35Ar. .. .Kalamazoo Lv* 3.101 8.05* 1.25* 5.35 5.00 9.41 4.13 12.45 MICHIGAN CENTRAL 70 72 74 2 80 82 Ar Welland . e 5.35 6.45 9.05 11.20 3.30 7.00 Lv Welland, via Ft. Erie Dlv HO 20*11.35 * 3.12 t 5.30 * 7.20 *10.20 MICHIGAN CENTRAL £ 23 Motor Motor Motor 5 5.30 3.25 11.15 1.35 Ar Jackson Lv • 3.30 9.15 *_3^4S ngJj 509 5°i7~ 515 511 Penn. Railroad 18 514 510 508 •11.50 *11.50 • 5.00 *11.25 Lv Grand Rapids Ar 10.43 8.15 3.40 "Brookfleld 110.27 5.37 AM PM PH PM AM AM PM pi _ 3.50 3.50 7.08 1.40 Lv Jackson Lv 8.40^ 6.10 1.10 " Stevensville 110.35 1 3.24 5.46 Lv Niagara Falls, N.Y 1 * 7.57 *1.15 *~T.^0 • 9.10 * 4.10* 8.35* 3.40 fl2.15 LvKalamasoo (M,C8t»)Ar 1.40 8.00 1.20 5.22!!..!'. 5.45 _5A5 8.35 3.15 Ar Detroit (Cent. Tlra^ Lv 7.10!_4.85 WAS "Bridgeburg 10.50 12.05 3.36 6.00 7.53 10.46 " Suspension Bridge m 8.12 1.20 5.05 9.15 " Black Rock 10.56 12.11 3.42 6.06 8.00 10.52 " Niagara Falls, Ont 2 8.19 1.35 5.20 9.30 b 9.03b 4.00 12.36 " Plalnwell Lv 7.30J 1.00 J 4.58 • 2.40 * 2.40 f 4.30*11.30 Lv Bay City Ar *11^0 t 8.15 "Terrace 11.16 12.32 4.02 6.26 8.22 11.12 " Victoria Park 3 J 8.29 1.45 5.30 9.40 • Martin " f 7.20 3.15 3.15 5.00 11.58 Lv Saginaw Ar *ia45 tj^g Ar Buffalo (Exchange Street) 11.20 12.35 4.05 6.30 8.25 " Falls View, Ont 9 8.36 f 1.00 "....Shelbyville...." 17.10 Ar Buffalo (Central Terminal) 11.30 12.45 4.15 6.40 8.35 11.25 LvFraser § 1 8.40 b 4.22 1 1.10 " Wayland " 7.03 • 5.40 * 3.50 m.15 * 1.40 Lv Jackson Ar 3.30 9.15 3.40 11.55 5.35 10.05 5.00 1.45 Ar...GrandRaplda...Lv»11.501 6.30»12.01 * 4.00 Ar Welland, Ont 3 9.00 2.10 6.00 10.10 6.28 4.48 12.04 2.27 " Ann Arbor " g 2.45 8.25 2.49 10.45 NEW YORK CENTRAL 50 50 42 36 30 48 49- ' " 6.39 5.01 2.37 Lv Ypsilanti Ar 8.14 2.35 ."-28 Lv Buffalo (Central Terminal) t 1.00 * 1.00 * 4.45 * 8.00 *r9.00 *11.50 TORONTO, HAMILTON & BUFFALO RY. ^ 73 75 77 79 83 101 109 Michigan Central 102 HO 7.20 6.50 5.45 12.50 3.15 Ar. ..Detroit (Cen.Time).. .Lv 2.00 7.40 1.55 11.30 9.45 Ar Rochester 2.13 2.13 6.17 9.24 10.36 i 8.20 7.50 6.45* 1.50 4.15 ".. .Detroit(East.Time... " * 3.(K>*_8^^j^*j2^30*10.4_5 ' Syracuse 3.41 3.41 8.15 11.20 12.20 Lv Welland f 7.15* 9.05 fH-25* 3.30 *~TM *12*25 * 5.35 LvDetrolt(East.Time)Ar fl2.00 + 9-35 •v9 15 * 800 * 8.00 2.05 • 4.40 Lv.. .Detroit (East. Time).. .Ar 2.50 w 7.20 2.20 *10.35 10.35 "Utica 4.43 m 4.43 9.42 12.55 Ar Chantler 1 7.23 f 3.38 *11.25* 4.35 Lv Detroit (Cent/Time) Ar 11.00 8.35 9.25 8.10 810 2.15 4.50 Ar Windsor Lv *^40 * 7.10 * 2.10*10.25*10.25 " Albany 6.25 n 6.25 12.01 3.10 b 5.50 " Fenwick 1 7.27 a 9.15 1 3.41 1 7.13 1.10 6.10 Lv Jackson Lv 9.33 7.08 634 38 20 22 CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. 19 _635_ 21 37 Ar New York 9.30 p 9.30 6.45 7.15 9.27 " Silverdale 1 7.35 1 3.49 3.40 8.15 Ar. ..GrandRaplda..-Lv t 7.30 f 5.00 • 9.35 * 8.20 • 2.30* 5.00 Lv. Windsor (M.C.R.R.) .Ar 2.30* 6.50 2.00 *10.15 Lv Buffalo. N.Y.C. (Central Terminal) * 4.45 rl0.15 r*1150 " St. Ann's 1 7.41 1 3.54 10.55 9.20 3.33 6.05 " Chatham " 1.28 5.35 12.55 9.12 Ar Springfield, B.AA 3.47 * 7 38 " Smithville 7.471 9.28 1 4.00 1 7.29 537 517- Penn. Railroad gjSf 508 12.50 10.40 5.00 7.30 Ar London Lv 12.05 345 llM 7.50 •Worcester.. " 5.16 9.05 Ar Dunnvllle 110.30 t 5.35 1.00 10.50 5.15 7.40 Lv London Ar 11.55 3.30 11.15 7.40 Ar Boston * 6.40 10.15 AM ST" " AM~ p|j Ar Grassie's 1 7.56 1 4.08 t 8 10*10.30 Lv...GrandRapids.. .Ar 5.55 + 3.40 1.45 11.30 5.58 8.22 Ar Woodstock Lv 11.18 2.47 10.34 7.05 Lv Buffalo, N.Y.C. (Central Terminal) • 105 • 2.54 " Vinemount 1 8.02 1 4.14 2.40 12.15 6.45 9.08 " Gait " 10.36 1 52 9.45 6.18 Ar Cleveland " 5.23 7.34 « Stoney Creek 1 8.11 1 4.23 8.45 f 11.00 Ar Rocklord Lv 3.00 3.08 12.40 7.15 9.34 « GuelphJct " *10.12 __L10 *_9Jl8 5.52 Ar Hamilton 6.35 8.25*10.10 12.30 4.40 * 8.05 ^_ 8.58111.13 «... Cedar Springs... " 2.45 Lv Buffalo, N.Y.C. (Central Terminal) * 5 10 *12.25 9.10 " Sand Lake " f 2.35 t 5.00 t 1-30 t 7.55 10.25 Ar Guelph Lv t 8.50^^ t_8j^ t 3.30 CANADIAN PACIFIC RY 712 732 752 772 792 832 42 9 25 11.38 ".. .Howard City... " 2.20 • 4.10 * 1.30 * 8.05 10.20 Ar WestToronto Lv 9.15 11.50 8.20 5.00 Ar Pittsburgh, P.ALE 10 55 7.25 9.35 " Morley " 2.07 4.20 1.37 8.15 10.26 " Parkdale " 9.05 11.40 8.10 4.50 2 Buffalo, Pa.R.R. (CentralTerminal^ * 9.05 Lv Hamilton • 6.40 t 8.35 • 10-15 U2.35 * 4.45 * 8.10 *10.30 ' 9.45 " Stanwood f 1.57 • 4.30 * 1.45 8.25 10.35 Ar Toronto Lv 8.55*11 30 8.00 4.40 Ar Philadelphia " 7.52 Ar Toronto (Union Station) 7.50 9.40 11.20 1.40 5.50 9.15 11.35 10.08 12.10 « Big Rapids 3.55 1.43 PM 2.00 8.45 11.00 Lv Toronto Ar 8.40 7.35 4.30 PM PM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM PM P» PM PM 10.35 12.34 «... .Reed City...." 3.30 1.14 2.08 8.53 11.08 Ar Don Lv 8.28 7.23 4.18 Equipment. 10.58 « LeRoy " 12.49 2.51 19.40 " Whitby "17.37 ...... 3.31 11.08 Ar Tustin Lv 12.39 3.00 9.50 12.05 " Oshawa " 7.30 6.28 3.23 NO. 70—Ex. Sunday. NO. 71—Daily. i|11.35 1.50 Ar Cadillac Lv 2.35 12.15 3.11 10.03 C12.20 « Bowmanville " 7.17 3.11 Parlor Car Club Car. .^•^11.55 1.50^^, Lv Cadillac Ar 2.25 un.55 3.43 10.31 C12.48 « Port Hope " 6.49 2.38 Toronto to Buffalo. New York to Toronto (N. Y. C. No. 27). BETWEEN 3.53 10.40 012.58 " Cobourg " 6.39 2.28 Dining Car. Sleeping Cars. 12.25 2.22 Ar Manton Lv 11.51 11.20 4.24 « Brighton « 2.00 Toronto to Buffalo. New York to Toronto—7 Comp., 2 D. 12.40 Ar.. .Walton June.. .Lv 11.00 4.42 11.27 1.40 " Trenton " 5.52 4.55 1.45 Coaohes. Toronto to Buffalo. R. (N. Y.C. No. 27). CHICAGO, DETROIT AND HAMILTON, ONT. m2.00 777777 Ar.. .TraverseCity.. Lv m9.00 5.00 11.42 2.08 " Belleville " 5.32 4.30 1.23 New York to Toronto, 12 Sec, D.R. Table 8. 6.12 12.53 « Tichborne " 4.28 12.15 (N. Y. C. No. 27)—Two. 100 b 2.45 777777 Ar Fife Lake. ...Lv 10.50 NO. 72—Dally. 7.00 1.40 « Perth " 3.42 1127 Parlor Car. New York to Toronto, 16 Sec, N. Y. 44 56 MICHIGAN CENTRAL 23 45 1.10 ". South Boardman ..• 10.40 7.20 2.00 4.25 « Smiths Falls " 3.25 * 2.00 11.10 Toronto to Buffalo. C. No. 27—Two. 1.27 3.13 " Kalkaska " 12.55 10.28 2.30 " Bedell " ±£±zzz Coaches. Toronto to Buffalo. Boston to Toronto. 12 Sec. D. R. (B. AM PM PM AM 1.52 3.40 " Mancelona " 12.30 10.02 AA.-N.Y.C.No. 27). 2.05 f 3.52 « Alba " 9.52 * 9.00 * 3.48* 7.50 Ar Ottawa (Union) Lv * 1.45 11.00 t 9-20 t 9.00U130 Lv Chicago, (Central Time).... Ar 9.05 6.55 NO. 74—Daily. Cleveland to Toronto. 12 Sec. D. R. 4.28 8.35 Lv Detroit, (Eastern Time) Ar 2.40 7.25 2.18 f 4.06 « Elmira " 9.40 Ar Vaudreuil Lv rs. Y.C. 68). 2.40 4.32 Ar Boyne Falls Lv 11.30 9.19 Parlor Car. 4.43 8.50 " Windsor " 2.17 7.07 " 9.32 ' 'k'.is d 7.i6 *'.'.'..' iMontreal West!h'i!i6 !!! '. hiLlO *' 8.55 Toronto to Buffalo. Cleveland to Toronto, 12 Sec. D. R. fN. " Ridgetown " 12.49 3.15 777777 ArBoyne City(BCQ&A)Lv 8.30 9.38 4.22 7.17 " Westmount " 1.05 11.05 8.50 Y.C.241eaving Cleveland 11.40 p.m.) 6.40 10.45 Lv St. Thomas " 11.45 4.55 9.45 * 4.30 7.25 Ar Montreal Lv » 1.00 *U.OO * 8.45 Dining Car. 12.52 Ar. Walloon Lake Sea.. LV f 9.05 Toronto to Buffalo. Dining Car. g 7.32 gll.33 Ar Waterford Lv flO-38 t 3.41 11.30 *11.30 * 9.15 Lv Montreal Ar U2.25 6.l5 7.20 Coaches. Toronto to Buffalo. Buffalo to Toronto. 3.20 5.05 Ar Petoskey Lv 10.55 8.50 NO. 5-73—Ex. Sunday. t 8 30 Lv Petoskey Ar 7.00 700 2.00 Ar Quebec Lv t 7.00 * 1.30 *11.55 NO. 76-2—Ex. Sunday. Coach. Buffalo to Toronto. 6 2 TORONTO, HAMILTON

ONE COUPON Boston & Albany R. R. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry, Michigan Central R. R. New York Central R. R. Pittsburgh & Lake Erie R. R. Only one coupon required by the System Lines listed above in all one way and round trip tickets issued by connecting lines. The initial System Line from the junction point will determine routing of coupon, i. e. C. C. C. & St. L. Ry. from St. Louis—N. Y. C. R. R. or M. C. R. R. from Chicago—N. Y. C. R. R. from New York—B. 4 A. R. R. from Boston— P. & L. E. from Pittsburgh except where ticket is routed via Youngstown and Erie R. R. For example, a one way ticket to Boston, Mass. should provide coupons reading R. R. to Chicago, Michigan Central R. R. Chicago to Boston instead of separate coupons reading—M. C. R. R. Chicago to Buffalo, N. Y. C. R. R. to Albany and B. & A. 1^ R. to Boston.


and Connecting Lines Copyright by Rand M?NaIly A Company, Chicago 1 Main Line—CHICAGO and DETROIT to NIAGARA FALLS and BUFFALO Main Line—BUFFALO and NIAGARA FALLS to DETROIT and CHICAGO

torlV or T.KI* Q I 134 | 2 46 I 102 2 440 10 !0 12 48 40 No.110 58 26© 42 i 20 © | 40 © 32 56 16 41 17© 105 I 13© 47© 11 15© 23© 25© 109 45 49 127 *4° K 51-7 Motor 59© 19 5 TaDle a Mis. Ex.Su.Ex.Su.Daily 'Ex Su. Ex.Su. Dally Dally Dally Ex. s». Dally Dally Daily Daily Dally Dally Dally Dally Dally Dally Daily Table 10. Dally Daily Daily Daily DailyEx.Su. Daily Daily Daily Daily Dally DaUyEx.Su. gjg DaUy DaUy Daily DaUy DaUyExSu- U Chicago (Cen. Stat.) Ai PM AH All AM AH Ail AH PI PM Noon PMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPM MICHIGAN CENTRAL PM MJ AM AM AM S 9 AM AM ~« AM PM PM PM PM PM PM" AM AM AcLcHtiOTldl (Michigan Ave. and LvBuflalo(Cent. Term.).. 11.35 2.24 3.52 «« nn8.55 7.05 1.30 5.20 9.40 5.15 ^"'"'^WHU^ ROOAEVELT ROAD) 0.0 1.50 6.45 9.00 10.30 11.00 12.00 3.00 3.30 5.10 6.30 q 9.00 10.00 11.30 11.59 " BuffalO(Exchange ST.) .. 11.45 ^ 9.05 7.15 1.40 9.50 5.25 rj 1 "43D Street 8.8 6.54 10.38 12.08 3.08 5.17 "Black Rock.... 11.58 ^3 9.18 1.53 5.42 5.38 Hand "53D Street 5.1 6 58 9.08 10.42 ll.H) 12.12 3.12 3.40 5.21 6.40 q 9.10 10.11 11.41 12.16 " Bridgeburg 12.05 £^ 2.01 6.00 D "63D Street 0.5 7.02 9.12 10.46 11.14 12.16 3.16 3.44 5.25 6.44q 9.14 10.15 11.45 12.20 •• Niagara Falls, N.Y Via ^Vla" Via Via . Via 7.57 Via 1.15 5.00 Via 9.10..aa ndggage "Kensington 18.1 7.15 11.00 12.29...... 3.30 m5.38 M1157 Suspension Bridge Fort Fort Sua- Fort fl-o Fort 8.12 Fort 1.20 5.05 Fort 9.15 Via ^ "Hammond 20.1 2.28 7.34 h 9.33 11.10kkll34 12.41 3.41 5.50 h 7.07 c 9.35 10.38 12.11 c " Niagara Falls Ont Erie Erie '. Pen- Erie 5g Erie 8.19 a Erie 1.35 5.20 Erie 9.30 Via Fort Convenience "Gary M.8 2.46 7.55 11.24 12.56 3.57 M6.04h 7.21 PP948 10.55^1229 « " Victoria Park Dlv. Div sion Div §§ Dlv. km829 Dlv. 1.45 5.30 Dlv. 9.40 Fort Erie . "EastGary 85.0 8.05 £ Ar Falls View Bridge §g A 8.31 ?S Erie Div. at ChlCaSO " Willow Creek 88.2 f 8.11 "I Lv Falls View 8.36 *f« Dlv Table 6 " Porter 44.2 8.21 % "Fraser ^ I 8.40 39 " Furnessvllle 48.2 f 8.27 • •„• X * - 1 30 4 33 •• Welland'. J2.28 V. § »A 9.00 2.29 2.10 6.00 6.11 10.10 6.45 PASSENGERS who LV Michigan City 58.0 3.30 8.45 10.22 11-59 77777 - 777777 6.36 7.55110.20 11.34 1.09 ™ c f 5 " Grand Beach 82.8 8.56 xl2.08 ddl41 b 6.45 § O " Perry ~h >»JL«J 6 5 1 MAKE A SHORT VISIT

" New Buffalo 05.9 9.06 ddl46 1 6.49 f 1.25 z « !n " Three Oaks 78.1 9.17 . .g .. 1.56 S 4.55 7.02 f 1.37 | t '•TSXJ:".v::::::::::::::••§-::::::::::::::::::&::::::::::::: Sa :::":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 16l::::::' ffi P**-° " Galien 78.8 927 2 DD204 S 5.03 f 7.10 f 1.46 •£ o "Cayuga 'S" 3 ^NOO g C 7.22 TRAMS, AND DEPART *> '• Hagerevule I I.II •; G;; .': g:: 110.12 2| IM322 |g5 7.40 FROM a 8tation OTHER •• Dayton 81.8 9.33 E 5c LV Buchanan 88.8 f 4.14 9.40 bhl235 .A.. 2.15 5.14 b 7.22 t 1.57 g <3 "VillaNova 3 ~S *3 t 7.50 , , ... ArNiles 92.8 4.35 lQ.OO 11.07 12.48..%.. 2.28 5.28^^. 7.35 8.40cll.04 12.25 2.15 an that at h LV Hamilton (T.H.&B7^7)—;;^:; 777777 777777. .g-.7777777 fg'g 7777777 fMb 1$ 2.11 fgl 777777 777777 *£ ^ LvNlles 92.9 4.35 10.00 11.07 12.48 .. 3 2.28 5.28 *y~535 7-35 8.40cll-04 12.25 2.15 fc = "Dowaglac 105.8 4.54 10.20 11.23 1.15.. J 2.44 5.45...... 7.51 ^ 12.43v2.34£* Ar Waterford i 1.30-g- " g-• 77^77 "|§ 77^777-^38 H§ 777777 777777 777777 777777 777777 777777 &A S 777777 "sToo they ar"ve- " Glenwood 111.0 10.30 3 S-a o .. .

" Decatur 110.5 5.10 10.39 dd2 58 f 8.04 | g f 2.56 u g •• Wmdham...... 1 g|?. 3 ll-o 8.10 INTERESTED IN the FOL- Lawton 124.2 5.23 10.51 nhl.36 .. dd308 6.16 3 g f 3.07 ft S £ •: " Mattawan 128.4 f 5.31 10.59 £ g§ © & 0 " LaSalette f ••«•• teQd 'V4'i* 3 8§o9 lowing ARRANGEMENT LvMiller 184.2 fll.08 © *0 S g5 ft tr Kalamazoo 141.5 5.50 11.18 12 07 2.00bhl51 3.35 6.45y6^33 8.35 9.3Sql2.02 1.30 3.35 jjjr 3 ^ ::SS^:::::::::::::::::±:::::::::::::::::::' j:::::::..u:07 ::::..4:u:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: aga:::::: ta ^^ LV Kalamazoo 141.5 6.00 11.34 12.07 2.00bhl51 3.35 6.45 9.45ql2 02 1.45 3.35 *• • " Comstock 145.8 11.38 ° feg 7. "Mcl^::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::133:::::::inii —SJ2:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: !5Sn,ence: " Galesburg 150.8 11.50 5 M § " Augusta 154.7 12.05 H .... S| g ^SfrgLi ••i^:::v.:::::::a'mm,m:::::: g^'nie h.46 ^-4:56:::::::::::::::::::::::: "^:::::: S:?! onarrivaiinchica- dehver U " Battle Creek 104.8 6.33 12.20 12.42 2.40bh2 25 4.13 7.30 y 7.07 10.20 2.27 4.20 OB g Ar London (L. A P. S. Ry.) 77TTT7777777 it8.02 T7777 §^6 I~^05 ^SS —7777 Tesf 77T~ 777777 777777777777 A 910 J10T55 «° Y° ™y Ceresco 172.1 12.25 * -§2 0 " Marshall 177.4 6.53 12.50 2.58 7.52 4.43 82 •: Lv London (L. A P. 8. Ry.) jlpQ 7^777 7^~ A 6.45 > j* • 10.10»10.10 i~XJS ^777" • 3.10 i~6725 A 8.08 YOUR HAND BAGGAGE TO " Marengo 188.8 1.10 §5 9 Lv St. Thomas 77 ~2730 6.30 8.15 Q GG 11.29 11.45 „ 4.55 7^777 3.45 8.01 9.23 the agent OF the Par- ••Albion 189.1 7.11 1.25 3.15 4.48 8.11 5.00 || d •'Shedden 8 32 g a 6::::: ...g 4.01 MELEE COMPANY at ••muon.7:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 131IIg:::::::til :::::: tS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::^STATION AT WHICH A^jackson.7'.'.!llllii' 209J4 III"! I.'!!!! "7.35 !!..*! I 2I00 "lis' 3^45 bh3 is.'! I'. 11.!!!!! s'.J51'.'. "lUoy' iJ-Js "325 "sip "I"! 7777II ^JJJJ7 * ••WestLorne • 8.59 N 12.23 FL^M ...g.. 4.30 you arrive AND he WILL LV Jackson 209.4 7.45 9.33 2.25 1.40 3.50bh315 5.15 7.08 8.5O777777 11.15 3.50 5.40 777777 'J 4 $2 •.IRodney | 9.06 nl2.30 p •••• • ...g 4.39 give you A CLAIM check

" Grass Lake 219.7 ff 7.58 2.45 ^ »• ••Taylor m 5 I 9.12 ...g f 4.46 i • f "Francisco 228.8 12.52 ft„ | "Muirkirk C I ..5.. 9.16 ^a". -g-- 4.51— 2 5 FOR it. The BAGGAGE " Chelsea 230.8 8.09 3.05 2*» v 7 ••Highgate ~ o 9.19 4% ... „a5 ...g.. fl ,§ § WILL be TAKEN by the '• Dexter 238.1 8.19 3.20 o 2J g •« Delhi 242.8 f 3.25 S $2 . \ " Ann Arbor 247.0 8.34 10.15 3.37 2.27 4.40kk4.00 6.00 7.51 9.43 12.04 o 4.48 6.28 .-g A • \psilantl 255.5 8.47 3.55 2.37 4.51 6.11 9.55 . 5.01 6.39 SG g ft "Wayne 207.4 4.23 9 §| ;;^

•Dearborn 274.4 9.14 4.43 # a 7. ^ '•MuU O ? -a - 9.38 Z=1« bg6o ...g.. 5.21..- « « .. . V Ar Detroit (Cent.Time) 283.5 9.30 11.00 5.10 3.15 5.30 4.45 6.50 8.35 10.35 iim 12.50 5.45 7.20 6.50 «d « "Fargo i g .... 9.46 FO*S -g- . 5.32.." .. FEU put IN the PARCEL check " Detroit (East.Tlme) 288.5 10.30 12.00 6.10 4.15 6.30 5.45 7.50 9.35 11.35 IQ.|Q 1.50 _6_45 8.20 7.50 rfg » •• Charing Cross \ -S ..5.. 9.50 £ «o t 1.05 m^S ...g.. 5.39..2 £ 9 ROOM OF the STATION

LV Detroit (East. Time) 283.5 6.15 777777 PM 4.28 6.45 —5755 4.45 7.00777777 11.50 -j— 777777 777777 §.35 77777 gM 13 •Windsor 286.8 6.30 4.43 7.00 5.00 7.15 12.05 (fc ' 8.50 »J3 £ «5S8S:::::.".-.v.v.::::::::: t :::::: i ±:: 185?m::::::::::::: %l$ -pij:::::::: IS::*:::::::::::::::::::: 51:::::::::::: *»» y~ ^ •• Maidstone 296 2 6.43 5.20 ft *ZJ a "TUbury a 3.57 * 10.19 1.27 ^ a B og6.23 6.14..^ t? part and can then be •• Essex 800.7 6.50 5.29 f12.27 J, . , | "Woodslee 306.2 6.58 E 5.39 nl2.35 § B •§£ ~8 ~ "Ruscomb 310.2 7.05 g 5.47 j~.§ g S„. =2 | cki» db yo M "Comber 815.2 7.14 g 5.56 . nl2.48 £ §| g "SS2&::::::::::::::• ^::::::* :::::: 18:1? S§::::::::::::: M IS::*:::::::::::::::;:::: * :::::::::::: f y «.T «H ••Tilbury 321.6 7.25 | 6.07 £ nl2.57 $ £ |f 7. u a ••Fletcher 328.7 7.37 3 6.19 1 v 2 OS 9 "Woodslee a*4.17 10.44 ...g..' 6.45..S PARCEL ROOM on PRESEN-

" Buxton 332.7 7.44 S 6.25 2 I fl <8g $7. | •Charing Cross 839.1 7.54 ft 6.36 g 1 o g| «d a " Essex 10.53—— 1.55 HM ..g. 6.55 ..-g TATION OF your check. ••Fargo 341.4 7.58 g 6.40 rj |« 7Sf §g § "Maidstone 11.01 5 • ...g.. 7.05..| ...... -Mull 846.4 8.06 3 6.47 q *| gg l£ • " Rldeetown 352.2 8.17 f 8.25 » 6.58 g nzl.38 & % nn957 ._ Ar Windsor 4.47 •••••• • • • d f-Jg 830 11.17 Ex.Su. 1.23 2.17 T • • g 7.07 7.22 . 10.07 11 20 A CHAREE of fifty ft a " Higbgate '357.9 8.29 777777 € 7.10 | 777777 g f& 777777 g " Detroit (Easts m Time). 5,05 DJMTT _^35 3,45 11.40 AM 1.40 2.40 PM_ P" _7^25 7.45 AM 10.25 ...... q LLJG A CNARGE OR NICY "Muirkirk 360.0 8.33 g 7.16 f §5 *V J. S« ••Taylor 362.5 1 8.37 % I 7.21 Si ~« |3 gg ^ Lv Detroit (Eastern Time). —635 0 7.15 8.10 8.407777^77777; 9.05 1750 2.55 4.30 f-ff 10.45 "12725 777777 12.30 T2^30 777777 3 00 cents tor each grip (.EX- "Rodney 366.0 8.44 £ 7.29 B| go |fe 3 ^ " Detroit (CentralTime).. 4.15C6.I5 7.40 8.05 12.50 1.55 3.30 *•» 9.45 U>25 11.30 11.30 .. cept that WHEN PAS- "WestLorne 370.4 8.54 Z 7.40 >| &| fg J§ 7.10 2.00 "Dutton 376.9 9.06 g 7.52 © S ©| 5Q °g ::^™:::::::::::::: •••:•:::::::::::::::::::::::: IS::::::::::::: :::v.v. ::»^"? •::::::::::::::::: ::::::::•.::::::;:::::::::::::: II •««- »»*«• " Wayne XMX "Vii »-35 .' 3 ticket one piece will •• Iona 382.9 9.17 * 8.08 §J B »S ^7. €"3 4 52 dt 7 u a "Shedden... 386.8 9.24 3 8.17 gg B 5d o "Ypsllantl - ^«^ 7 t? Hi 8.55 1.25 2.35 f-g 10.28 n.59 A£ OJ5J be checked free) IN- 5 20 Ar St. Thomas 395.9 9.45 6.40 9.28 g 8.40 g 9.10 2.40 gd Qfl 10-45 || S. " Ann Arbor 5.05 k 6.57 7.53 8.25 9.13 1.39 2.49 - 10.45 12.12 Sg w2.45 ..2 , ,J- ^ _Arp-i Ar London (L&P-SRy.) 410.9 •10.55 ~T77 777777 A 8.06 •10>15 g1 •10.15 f6.37 g , fi . . A1200 3^ 2| "Delhi ... q F 9.18 .. §5 A™ ELUDING the PARCEL 22532 "Dexter 9«PJ .' 9.30 f 11.04; §E « . ROOM fee, WILL be Lv London (L.&P-S.Ry.) 410.9 «T20 A 5.20* 8.15 tS ^OS Atii3g % £ •10-10 f£ 17 l madeforthis8ervice 777T7 # 777TT 777777*!! 777777 "gra^:::::::::::::: p§:::::::::::: ••; iW::::::::::::::••••• !": :::::: l :::::::::::::::::: H - LTSt. Thomas 395.9 2.30 6.40 9.36 C S g 9.15 2.45 IS § »• S 10.45 777777 N? " Grass Lake ft„ « "i'ik ' 10.03 •• Ai^1-38 '. <» 9

"KingsmlU 403.8 2.40 j5 S ~ F Ar Jackson 5,50 kJ^_8_L35_9A5^^^^ 10.20 2.25 3.40 gg 5.00 JJ5 11.55 1.00 q.. 3 30 fl*£ " Aylmer 406.6 2.45 k 9.52 5 "g 8 o 'Sjgxj Zg 5 . Lv Jackson —5:55 915 77777 ~Io735 2.30 3.45 12.15~I.20 777777777777 ~3730 S„ " Springfield 409.1 2.51 k 9.57 "5 S 5°°I B1 t § •• Brownsville 414.5 3.02 kl0.05 £ E e .| -g fg "Parma 10.52 g§ " Tillsonburg 420.8 3.12 j 10.15 § -Eg© *o g » 41 "LaSalette 432.1 3.31 5 3 £g "Albion 6.30 9- 11.07 4.13 12.45 1.45 QS " Windham 436.2 3.37 H Q g^* "Marengo 11.17 §. " Waterford 442.8 3.50 ee7.32ckl044 « 3.48 o g'g ee!133 "Marshall 6.50 11.28 4.30 1.05 2.02 "Ceresco 11.38 9*: '• Hamilton (TH&BRy) 485.8 t 8.55 g t 1.15 "BattleCreek 7.15dS.31 10.11 12.03 3.28 4.50gq 5.51 1.35 2.22 4.25 oa S " VillaNova 447.7 3.58 « B " Augusta 12.18 o «

A " Galesburg No. % Hageraville 455.5 4.15 f 11.02 S f 4.07 g -J Z XQ 12#2g " Comstock 43 12.3o 22

4 ArKalamasoo 7.55d 9.041^11 10.46 Daily ^QQ 4.10 5.27gg 6.252.15 3.00 3.20 3.20 q. • 5 00 c*6 "A?Se.77.".!!.".!4?l'2 !!!!!! tSl!!!!! !!!!7!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! t% 190 170 113!!!!!!!!!:!!^^^!!:::!!::::!!:;;!! LvKalamasoo 8.05 10.46 1.25 1.30 4.10 5.35gg 6.25 2.30 3.10 3.20777777 3.20 508 £~ " Miller f 1.45 - Montague 484.9 f 4.58 & J ^"1 riSt rSul "Mattawan 1.55 fig m 1 Da " Lawton 8.29 1.45 2.05 pj 6.02 3.00 8 " Perry^ 487.4 5.05 « J DaUy Daily Da"y D^ ^ »y " Decatur f 8.40 ccl.55 2.20 x 3.13 " Welland 496.3 5.30 a 8.31 11.53 777777 5.06 g £ 8.15 10.50 Via "lOT 3.15 7.2118.21 " Glenwood 2.32 q •: " Fraser 505.0 B « f 8.23 Fort f 12.39 Lv Dowaglac 8.57 2.08 2.50 6.24 3.30 4.01 «S Ar Falls View 508.2 Via A6.26 7 = Erie A1249 ArNiles 9.15dl0.00 11.49 2.25 . 3.15 5.10 6.40^722^^ 3.50 4.20 q.. 6.06 £ * ., ... LV Fails View... 508.2 Fort Via Via Via Via 5.31 S * Dlv 12.54 LvNlles ~9T5 11.49—2725 777777 3.15 5.10 6.40 ""3750 4.20 777777777777777777 6.06 Ar Victoria Park, Ont.. 509.8 Erie Fort Fort Fort Fort n 5.34 B £ wlllO 3.45 7.45 10.45 "Buchanan 9.27 2.35 3.25cu 5.23 4.07v 4.35 ^ •« Niagara Falls, Ont.. 510.5 Div Erie Erie Erie Erie 5.45 3 « 8.38 11.17 1.01 3.55 7.55 10.55 "Dayton f 3.35 «S " Suspension Bridge .. 511.2 Table Div. Dlv. Div Div 6.00 £ x 8.45 11.30 1.10 4.10 8.10 11.10 " Gallen.. 9.39 3.37 CX4.20 S "Niagara Falls. N.Y. 512.9 39 6.15 a h 8.55 gg8.55 1.25 4.15 8.15 11.15 "ThreeOaks 9.48 2.52 3.46 4.30 13 S " Tomwamhv- 6.11 •< "NewBuflalo f 9.59 3.02 3.56 j 5.46 4.43 M« " Bridgeburg 514.1 6.00 8.57 12.25 " Grand Beach f 10.04 0 3.07 f 4.01 «• Black Rock 530.7 6.06 9.04 12.32 " BufTaloTerraceSta 6.26 Li Michigan City 10.17 12.40 3.18 777777 4.20 6.00 7.30 ~5705 v 5.24 77777 777777 6.51 o» 77777 777777 •• Buffalo Exch. St. Sta 6.30 9.30 7.00 Q 8.55 2.10 •* Furnessvllle t 4.31 Bs V Buffalo Cent. Term. 535.2 6.40 9.40 1.10 10.35 7.10 q9.05 2.20 "Porter 4.40 Jx5.25 2* " Willow Creek 33 f 4.49 34 9^ I PM PH31 PM PM ' AH PM PM PH PM ^ PM AM PH AM AH AM P3M2 PH PM PH PM " East Gary 4.55 x 5.41 * o For Reference Marks, see page 35. For Parlor, Sleeping and Dining Car Service, see pages 13 to 18 •• Gary 10.51 h 1.20 3.51 5.05 8.05 5.50v 6.05 h 6.16 h 6.16 D 658 "Hammond ll.06dll.22 h 1.36 4.06 5.30 t 8.20 6.07v 6.20 h 6.32 h 6.32 d 7.10 e "Kensington ell.20 5.45 8.35 16.22V 6.35 h 6.47 h 6.47 ZA "63d Street 11.32 11.43 1.59 4.29 5.57 7.14 8.47 9.14 6.35 6.47 7.00 7.00 7.33 7.59 c2 LA"53vr Fo43Chicago(CentralStatlond rMichiga d ExplanatioStreeRooseveltn Avet .Rn doan f Referencd ) 11.511.3AeM Marks06 Noo12.011.4,n60 se e ApagMe 352.12.0P.M 2 5 4.44.3PM52 AFoMr Parlor6.16.060PM15 . Sleepin7.37.1PMP57 0 gM9.08.5 and1 5Dinin 9.3P9.1M5g 7 0 Ca P Mr Service 6A.4M.5.405 , se 6.57.05AeM page15 sP M13 to 7.07 A18.2M. 05 Al7.07.2l05 I 78.0A.3M8 0 88.1A.0M25 H*>«*£«g The time between 12.01 o'clock noon and 12.00 Grand Rapids to Detroit. New York, Boston. BETWEEN, CHICAGO, JACKSON, LANSING, SAGINAW, midnight is indicated by dark face type. Between Detroit, Saginaw, Bay City, Mackinaw City and BAY CITY AND MACKINAW CITY Grand Rapids to Toledo, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Columbus •Daily. tDally except Sunday. {Sunday only. IMonday only. Sault Ste. Marie and connections from and to New York, Table 16. Via Rivet Jet.—Bay City Branch J Daily except Saturday. liMeal station. Ex. Sun.—Runs dally except Sunday. and Cincinnati via Jackson. E. T.—Eastern Standard Time. C. T.—Central Standard Time. Boston and the East and Toledo, Indianapolis, 4 56 32 Mile STATIONS 13 15 49 Grand Rapids Branch. Noon PM PM PM PM AM Reference Marks for Table 9. *12.00 *11.30 *10.00 0.0 Lv Chicago AR 2.15 7.30 7.05 Table 11. Cincinnati, Columbus and Pittsburgh 5.15 5.30 3.25 209.4 AR Jackson Lv « 9.15 * 2.30 » 1.20 a Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Detroit and points west thereof, aa Stops on signal to pick up passengers for London, Ont. and beyond. 106- 104 108- 49- 103 15- Table 15. 23 41 19 102 8 32 b Stops on signal to let oft passengers from Chicago, 32 110 Mixed 44 102 Mis. STATIONS 101 Mixed 105 107 109 bb Stops on signal to pick up passengers for points beyond Kalamasoo. PM PM PM AM AM AM AM AM PM PM • 2.55 t 5.15 • 3.00 ~o7o Lv.Detroit(East.Time).AR 12.00 5.45 6.45 * 1.55 t 4.15 * 2.00 0.0 Lv.Detroit(Cent.Time).AR tll.00 4.45 5.45 c Stops on signal for passengers for Buffalo and east thereof. •11.50 • 5.001 1.00*11.25 1 7.30 0.0 Lv... .Gd. Rapids... .AR e 3.40 10.35 10.43 4.40 8.15 45 15 17 Mis. STATIONS 56 44 58 d Stops to discharge passengers from points west of Jackson, J 5.07 J 11.32 " Alrpoit " kl0.36 * 3.40 t 5.50 3.30 74.1 AR Jackson Lv t 9.33 • 3.15 * 3.50 fld Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Chicago. Hammond, and Gary. 1.25 10.5 " Dutton " 9.59 PM~ ^ PM ~pu AM AM PM e Stops on signal to discharge passengers from St. Thomas, Windsor and points west. 1.34 15.2" Caledonia • 9.45 77 73 71 72 74 78 ee Stops daily except Sunday to discharge passengers for points on or via T. H. >\ >\ *lm '— — AM PM 5 AR.Pittsb'rgh.P.«FCL.E..LV (ET) *11.45 T 8.00 55 3.15 U) * w_ J2J Ar.. Bay City (ES)...LV J»_ St £ t 6.45 K1 251 a^AKTrtxTa 252 254 t 7.00 0.0 Lv... .Kalamazoo AR 2.15

".Cincinnati (Big4). " (ET) *11.15 T 9.25 PM PM 11.26 " 7.05 10.04 84.8 LV Vassar AR 4.00 12.34 5.35 AM M 8TATIONS B eu Reference Marks for Table 10. * 9.25 AR.Columbus(N.Y.C.).LV (ET) *12.01 ..... 1 91.2 « Richville " PM AM AM AM_ S " 5s M* }?•}» : gs "-I J:SS a Stops on signal to discharge passengers for Welland. 12 OS ^ J-*f 10.45 105.8 %«. .Saginaw, Gen.Ave.. " 3.15 11.58 5.00 - d "~S AM ~PTT PM 7.26 9!l "...'.. .Alamo " 1.45 aa Sleepers for Chicago leave Niagara Falls, N. Y., 8.26 p.m. In N.Y.C. No. 246 to Buffalo 8-05 H6.9 '« Salzburg " mll40 Goshen Branch. 12.40 8.15 11,20 119.6 AR... .Bay City (E S).. .LV * 2 40 *11.30 t 4.30 ..U0.15 O.OLv. ...Vassar... .Ar 1.41 4.10 7.35 11.8 " Williams " 1.35 and in No. 39 Buffalo to Chicago. ' . .110.33 5.4 ".Watrousvllle. " t 1.22' 3.51 7.40 12.8 " Mentha " 1.25 b Stops to discharge passengers from St. Thomas and points east, Chicago. Kalamazoo & Saginaw *12.50 W *jH35 0.0 Lv... Bay City (ES)...Ar 2.30 AM J 4.20 Railroad Table14a. f 12.14 10 8 " Llnwood " f 3.42 ...tl0.40 7.6 ".RossCrosslng.-f 1.17 t 3.46 7.50 14.9 " Kendall " 1.15 bb Stops on signal to let off passengers from New York City and points on B. & A. R. R. 10.47 9.4Lv.Wah]amega..Ar ill 3.40 7.58 17.6 " PineGrove " 1.05 c Stops on signal to receive passengers for Chicago, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays f 1 40 12.40 18.9 " Plnconning " 1.40 3.25 1.54 27.7 " Standlsh " I 1.25 3.05 . 11.01 ..-AR) (Lvpl.Ol 3.30 8.05 18.5 " Gobies " 12.55 cc Stops on signal to receive passengers for Hammond and Chicago, Table 14. 512 511 il2 30 13.7 L¥}...Caro... jfc 3.07 8.20 23.0 ".. .Bloomlngdale..." 12.34 d Stops to discharge passengers from points east of Buffalo, 1.30 32.4 " Sterling " f 2.52 dd Weekdays makes regular stop and on Sundays to discharge passengers from east of Mixed Mixed 1.49 40.7 « Alger " f 2.35 112 37 16.0 "...Atwood... " f 2.53 8.30 25.0 " Berlamont " 12.22 1 STATIONS 2 2.34 2.10 52.7 "... .West Branch.... • 12.40 2.10 1 00 22.1 ".. .Colling.... " 2.40 t 8.37 27.8 " Columbia " 112.15 Kalamazoo. Mls e Stops to discharge oassengers destined to St. Louis and points beyond via I. C. No. 10. Mixed - (Central Time) Mixed AM PM g 2.55 t 2.50 64.5 " St. Helen * i 112 25.8 ".. .Ashmore... " f 2.30 8.47 29.2 ". .Grand Junction. . " 12.07 f Stops only on signal. ta6.50 0.0 .Battle Creek. 4.40 3.15 3.20 77.1 " Roscommon " 12.01 1.00 f 117 26.6 ". ..Robinson.. " f 2.25 f 8.55 80.8 " Maple Forest." f 11.47 f 7.04 5.7 ,.. .Adams... f 3.58 g Will stop on signal daily except Sunday to discharge passengers from points east of AM PM~~ :::::::::::: 1:18:::::: {5; f l!22 28.1 " Bach...." 2.20 9.05 82.0 " Lacota " 11.42 f 7.09 8.1 ,.. Sonoma.. f 3.50 tSJ £) ....a»yiir*.... JKJ:::::: ftS:::::: t 1.33 31.6Lv Patton... .At f 2.08 9.15 85.1 Lv Kibble " 11.30 St. Thomas. 6.00 0.0 LV Kalamazoo AR 1.00 g 4.04 5.00 101.0 " Frederic " ELL.16 11.07 gg Stops on signal Mondays to receive passengers for Chicago, 6.30 8.9 AR Richland Jet LV 12.25 f 7.15 11.2 Joppa f 3.45 1.42 88.8 AR.. Owendale. ..Lv z 2.00 9.25 89.6 AR.. .South Haven.. .Lv tll-15 7.18 12.8 . .EastLeroy. 3.40 g 4.21 t 5.30 1H.7 " Otsego Lake " ELL.01 f 10.47 PM AM PM PM AM AM_ h Stops to discharge passengers from Detroit and East. 6.35 11.1 " Cressey " 12.12 All a. m. tim1 e is given in light figures; all p. m. time in heavy figures. 1 Stops to discharge passengers from Welland, Waterford and points east and receive 6.41 13.6 « Milo " 12.05 7.50 18.6 Athens... 3.20 g 4.27 115.1 • Oak Grove " passengers for points west of St. Thomas. 7.10 17.8 * Delton • 11.55 f 8.00 23 .Factoryville., f 3.10 4.36 5.50 119.2 " Gaylord " 10.50 10.20 • Daily, t Dally, except Sunday, j stops Sundays only to receive passengers for Chicago, 7.18 20.5 * Clcverdale " 11.40 8.10 25.9 . .Leonldas.. 3.02 g 4.50 6.15 127.7 " Vanderbilt " el0.34 9.40 a Stops to receive passengers for Detroit and beyond, jj Stops daily except Sunday to receive passengers for Chicago, 7.25 24.2 " Shultz " 11.30 8.35 30.7 ,.. Fairfax ... 2.50 5.07 6.45 138.3 " Wolverine " 10.15 9.00 k Stops to discharge passengers from Buffalo and East 8.15 30.4 " Hastings " 11.05 8.50 85.1 . Flndley... TA2.40 5.24 7.10 148.4 "... .Indian River.... " 9.58 8.25 b Stops to let off passengers from Detroit and beyond, f 5.35 7.25 153.9 « Toplnabee " 9.48 8.11 e Train for Pittsburgh leaves Detroit 11.10 p.m. dally Eastern Time, kk Stops only to disoharge passengers and receive passengers for Chicago and points beyond. t 8.35 88.1 " Coats Grove "1 9.55 N. Y. C. R. b5.42 157.5 « Long Point * a 9.42 1 Stops only to discharge passengers, 9.00 40.4 " Woodland " 9.45 ta9.l5 T 2.00 1 5.48 f 7.40 160.4 " Mullet Lake « e 9.37 f 7.55 d Stops only to let off passengers from points beyond Saginaw, m Stops to receive passengers for St. Thomas and points west, 9 10 44.2 AR Woodbury LV 9.30 11.00 Sturgls... AL2.01 6.00 7.55 166.3 " Cheboygan " 9.27 7.40 e Stops on signal to receive passengers for Bay City and south thereof, n Stops to discharge passengers and receive passengers for Windsor and points west AM AM Goshen... PM 6.30 J 8.40 182.1 AR.. .Mackinaw City.. .LV * 9.00 .. *J7.00 nn No. 15 will not handle baggage to or from points in Canada. .... AR.. Mackinac Island.. LV f Stops on signal. o Stops Sundays for passengers for Windsor and points west, ALL _JU PM AM_ g Stops to let off passengers from Bay City and points south, p Stops Sundays only to discharge passengers from points east of Kalamazoo, pp Stops on signal, to discharge passengers from Detroit and points east thereof, from •Dally. tDally except Sunday. 1 Dally except Monday. I Sunday only, AM VIA D. 8. 8. * A. PM h Stops to receive passengers for Jackson and beyond, Saginaw, Bay City and points north thereof, and to receive passengers for Chicago * 6.55 LV.. .Mackinaw City.. .AR * 8.25 i Arrives Detroit 7.45 a.m. (E.T.) q Stops at Detroit 2.40 a. m., Jackson 3.16 a. m.; Kalamazoo 4.39 a. m.; and Niles 8.15 AR St.Ignace LV 7.05 9.10 AR Trout Lake LV * 6.00 Nos. 203 and 206 are mixed trains between Bay City and Mackinaw City, 5.46 a. m.f only to discharge passengers from Niagara Falls, Buffalo and points east thereof. a Trains run between Battle Creek and Goshen. qq Will handle passengers between intermediate stations where train is scheduled to stop c Stops to discharge paying passengers from Grand Rapids and receive paying passengers 111.00 AR...SaultSte.Marle...LV *T4.20 k Stops to receive passengers only. when Pullman accommodations are available. for Jackson and points beyond. 145 AR Marquette LV 1.30 m Stops only on signal to pick up passengers for points beyond Saginaw, r Stops Sundays to discharge passengers from St. Thomas and east, and receive passengers 2.00 LV Marquette AR n Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Saginaw and points north thereof and receive for Windsor and west. d Stops to let off passengers from Jackson and beyond, 2.35 AR Negaunee LV 12.40 rr Weekdays stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers and on Sundays to discharge e Sleepers open till 7.30 a.m., C. T. 2.45 " Ishpeming " 12.31 passengers for Detroit. passengers from east of Kalamazoo, f Stops on signal. 3.45 • Nestorla " 11.25 p Runs Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, only, s Stops Sundays only. 5.40 AR Houghton " 9.25 q This is train No. 13 arrives Detroit 8.35 a.m. (E.T.). t Stops on signal Sundays to receive or discharge passengers. g Stops only to pick up passengers for Eaton Rapids, Charlotte, Hastings and Grand Rapids, 5.50 « Hancock " 9.15 tt Stops on signal for passengers for Eaton Rapids, Charlotte, Hastings and Grand Rapids. h Stops to discharge passengers from points east of Buffalo. 6.25 « Calumet " 8.45 r Train for Columbus leaves Detroit 1.01 a.m. Eastern Time daily, u Stops to discharge passengers from Kalamazoo and points beyond. U 1.08 • Saxon " vl215 s Stops Sunday only. v Stops to discharge passengers from points north and east of Kalamazoo. j Stops on signal at Airport to receive passengers arriving from Milwaukee via Airplane, U2.27 • BJbon " VLL08 t Detroit-Sault Ste Marie sleeping car is handled in Soo Line, trains No. 7 and 8 between w Stops on signal to discharge passengers from points on Can. Pac. Ry. k Stops on signal at Airport to discharge passengers enroute to Milwaukee via Airplane, U3.22 « Iron River.... " VL0 20 x Stops to discharge passengers from points beyond Kalamazoo. s Stops Sundays only to receive and discharge passengers. u505 « Superior " V 8.30 Trout Lake and Sault Ste Marie, y Stops on signal Sundays and Mondays for passengers for Chicago U5.40 AR Duluth LV * 8.00 u This is D. S. S. & A. Ry. train No. 7 leaving Marquette 6.20 p.m. z Stops on signal Sundays to receive passengers. AM VIA If. ST. P. * 8. 8. M. PM v This is D. S. S. & A. Ry. train No. 8 arriving Marquette 7.30 a.m. zz Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Detroit and to receive for Jackson and All A.M. time is given In light figures, all P.M. time in heavy figures. t 9 40 b TroutLake AR 4.50 beyond. 12.00 AR Manistique LV 2.41 w Stops to discharge passengers from points beyond Toledo, St. Thomas or Jackson, A Connection made at. Talbot St., St. Thomas. x Stops on signal Sundays only to receive or discharge • Connection made at M. C. R. R. Station. St. Thomas. 1.30 - Gladstone • U-05 • St.Paul .." y Stops on signal to discharge passengers, A Stops three to five minutes at Falls View Station for passengers to see Niagara Falls. AR Minneapolis LV O For extra fares, see page 47. PM PM z Runs Wednesday and Saturday only. • Handles no checked baggage from this station. FOR EQUIPMENT SEE PAGES 17-18 FOR equipment SEE PAGES 17-18

35 36 37 38 DETROIT, TOLEDO, COLUMBUS, CHARLESTON Through Sleeping Cars The Flamingo Air Line Division. Moscow Branch. LYNCHBURG AND NORFOLK Detroit to Indianapolis and St. Louis Sleeping Cars, Detroit to Jacksonville, St. Petersburg Table 29 Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays Via Michigan Central, New York Central T,l> 30 Via Michigan Central—Big Four Route and Miami M^M.a STATIONS MlKed " Table 19 Table 22 Table 26 SOUTHBOUND Mis. 301 303 305 223 225 307 309 227 tlflo COU Jacfcaon » &0 M??ed Mis. STATIONS M^ed 309 303 301 STATIONS 302 302 312 310 303 STATIONS 312 AM AM PM PM PM PM PM ' AM — 5.6" Halres Lv AM PM Lv Detroit (Cent. Time) 0.0 * 7.00 *11.05 *12.30 • 3 25 * 4.30 *1010 *10.20 *12.01 ~S AM AM ALL AM pu PM~ AM PM f 11.25 9.0 " Snyder "f 5.50 7.45 0 0 Lv Marshall AR 4.40 "Detroit....(East.Time) 0.0 * 8.00*12.05* 1.30 * 4.25 * 5.30*1110*11.20 * 1.01 .77! •10.20 "11.05 * 7.00 LV Detroit (CentralTime) AR 6.50 6.50 3 28 6 50 *11.05Lr Detroit (Cent. Time) Ar * 3.28 fl 1.30 11.0 "...Spring Arbor. .."f 5.40 7.57 4.0 " Wildera Lv f 4.30 "Wyandotte 10.3 8.21 Cl2.27 c 1.52c 4.48 5 53cll32pll 39 1.24 *11 20 -12.05 • 8.00 , Detroit (Eastern Time) " 7.50 7.50 4 28 750 *12.05LT Detroit (East. Time) Ar 4.28 11.40 15.5" Concord " 5.30 8.07 7.1 " Eckford " 4.21 "Monroe . 34.0 9.04 1.00 2.25c 5.17 6.2212.05pl2.10 p 1.57 PLL.39cl2.27 8.21 " Wyandotte " 7.25 7.25 4 02d 7 24 gl227Lv Wyandotte Ar 4.02 12.10 26.1 " Homer " 5.00 8.24 12.2 " Homer " 4.06 "Wagon Works 53.4 9.33 1.28 2.53 5.43 ktl238 P12.10 1.00 9.04 " Monroe " 6.58 6 5S 333 6 55 1.00 U Monroe Ar 3.33 f 12.20 28.2 " Clarendon " f 4.50 f 8.37 18.5 " Grover "f 3.52 Ar Toledo... (Eastern Time) 57.6 9.45 1.40 3.05 5.55 7.0012.45 12.50 ' 2.50 U2.38 1.28 9.33 " Wagon Works AR b 6.32 b 6.32 3 05 6!27 1.28 LT Wagon Works Ar 3.04 12.45 34.8 " Tekonsha " 4.30 8.52 21.4 " Wheelerton " 3.40 1.40 Ar Toledo (East. Time) LT * 2.53 112.55 38.8 " Burlington "1 4.20 9.06 26.1 " Hanover " 3.28 Lv Toledo (N.Y.c.) (E. T.) .... *~9750 * 1.50 777777 ~~6705 77777. 77777 777777 ~~37l5 7777 777777 12.50 1.40 9.45 AR Toledo (EasternTime) LV * 6.20 * 6.20 * 2.53* 6.15 1 20 42.9 " UnlonClty " 4.10 9.20 30.5 AR Moscow Lv T 3.15 AR Columbus (N.Y.C.) E.T * 1.50 5.10.... 9 25 7 15 3-17 18-22 7 3 1 Via Big Four Route 40-32 32 12 10 1.35 49.8 " Sherwood " 3.40 Via N. Y. C. R. R. AR Charlestons.Y.C.) E.T 11.25 3 50 * 1.45Ur... .Toledo (East. Time) (Big Four)... .Ar 2.43 1 55 55.1 " Colon " 3.20 f 9.20 Lv Moscow AR 3.15 ArLynchburg,Va. (N.&W.) 1 00 * 1.30 * 1.45 • 9.55 LV Toledo (EasternTime) AR 6.00 6 00 ~~2T43 6 08 7.00Ar. .Cincinnati (East. Time) (Big Four). .Lv * 9.25 F 2.01 57.0" Fairfax " 1 3.15 9.33 AR Jerome Lv 3.03 AR Norfolk, Va. (N. 4 W.) 6 05 4.25 4.20 12.25 LV Bellefontaine LV 2.40 2 40 12 10 3 40 2.20 62.0 " Wasepi " 3.05 10.05 " Addison " 2.35 PM_ _PM_ PM PM PM ' AM '" AM*" PM" X 4.57 4.46 12 52 AR Sidney LV WL.52 11.05 2.57 77777777 * 8.30 LT. . Cincinnati (East Time) (L. & N.) . .Ar 8.10 3.32 Ar Knoxville u 11.10 2.40 85.7 " Centreville " 2.40 10.15 ".. .Addison Junction " 2.24 NORTHBOUND Mis. 222 304 ~W ~224~ 312 ~310~ 306 ~ 228~ 77777. 4.45 4.22 12.32 AR.. .UnionCity (CentralTime)... LV 12.12 9.05 1.20 3.15 70.9 "... Three Rivers.... " 2.10 10.25 " DevllsLake • 2.15 5.45 5.03 1.15 AR Muncie LV 12.06 11.35 8.15 12.43 !... 8 30 Ar Atlanta (C.T.) (L. & N.) Lv 6.15 1 75.6 " Fablus "1 10.45 • Ousted • n . 11.35Ar Macon (C T.) (C. of G.) Lv 3.20 3.30 1.25 1.52 Lv Norfolk, Va. (N. & W\) nPlS *" 6.20 5.30 1.40 AR Anderson LV 11.42 11 07 7.40 12 17 1 3.35 78.2 " Corey "1 1.20 10 58 « Pentecost " 1.38 7.20 * 6.25 2.35 AR. .Indianapolis (CentralTime) LV »10.S5 *10.15 * 6.30*11.30 Ar.... Savannah (E.T.) (C. of G.) Lv 7.40 3.45 80.2 " Jones * 1.15 11.30 « Tecumseh * 1.01 Lv Lynchburg, Va.(N.A W.) 5 00 2.24 Ar Albany (C. T.) (C. of G.) Lv 12.35 4.00 86.1 " Vandalia "12.59 AM PM Lv Charleston(N.Y.C) E.T. 4.50 " " 7 630 ''' 39 21 Via Big Four Route 40_ 46 3.30Lv Albany (E. T.) (A. C. L.) Ar 1.30 4 45 91.8 ". .. . Cassopoiis « 12.38 Lv Columbus (N.Y.C.) E.T 12.01 *7.452 40 " * 8.00 6.30 * 2.45 LV.. .Indianapolis (Centra 1 Time)... Ar 10.50 77777 4.30 8.30 Ar Jacksonville (E. T.) (A. C. L.) Lv * 8.30 i^j. 1 4.55 95.5LV Dailey « 12.08 AR Toledo (N.Y.C.) .. (E.T.) 3 25 _ 11. QQ 77!! 6.00 9.20 7.46 4.08 AR.. .Terre Haute (Central Time)... LV 9.29 2.57 ft 9.30 LV... .Jacksonville (E. T.) (A. C. L.)....AR 6 7.20 6.00104.8 AR Nlles LvU1.30 Lv Toledo... (Eastern Time) 0.0 * 3^00 6\15 * 6*20 *1 lfl5 • 2*53 •6*15 * ?S0 * 8*00 10 26 8.57 5.20 AR.. .Mattoon (Central Time) LV 8.28 115 6.00 AR Tarpon Springs LV 10.36 PM AM "Wagon Works 4.2 ab6.32 11.27 3.05 6 27h 7.02 1.30 11.40 8.25 AR St. Louis (Central Time) LV * 6 00 *10.00.... ' 6.34 AR Clearwater AR 10.06 "Monroe 23.6h 3.43 6.53 6.58 11.55 3.33 6.55 7.30 PM PM PM PM I PM PM j AM _ .ft 7.30 Ar... St. Petersburg (E. T.) (A. C. L.)... Lv *^9.15 TABLE 30A—BENTON HARBOR—ST. JOSEPH BRANCH PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE DISCON• TINUED. , Wyandotte. 47.3 h 4.14 7.20 d 7.25 12.24 4.02d7.24e 7.59 *10.00 LV.... Jacksonville (E. T.) (F.»E. C.).... AR 7.50 AR Detroit.. (Eastern Time) 57.6 4.40 7.45 7.50 12.50 4.28 7.50 8 25 9 25 ROYAL PALM DE LUXE 5.20AR.. W. Palm Beach (E. T.) (F. E. C.). .LV 12.15 " Detroit. .(CentralTime) 57.6 3.40 6.45 6.50 11.50 3.28 6.50 7 25 8 25 6.53 AR Hollywood LV 10.48 TABLE 31—MIDLAND BRANCH SERVICE IRREGULAR. AM AM AM AM PMPMPM PM Sleeping Cars Detroit to Jacksonville, Miami, and St. Petersburg 7.30AR Miami (E. T.) (F.E.C.) LV *10.20 AM PM PULLMAN EQUIPMENT. Table 19. See also pages 17 and 18. PONCE DE LEON Sleeping cars from Miami and Jacksonville to Detroit 6 Via Ocala. Train No. 223. Parlor Car and Club Diner, Detroit to Columbus, O. For equipment see pages 17 and 18. Table 32 Gladwin Branch. Sleeping Car, Detroit to Norfolk, Va. Table 23 Train No. 227. Sleeping Car, Detroit to Columbus, O. Train No. 303. Parlor Car, Detroit to Columbus, O. I 223 303 ' STATIONS 312 304 MIs Through Sleeping Cars between Detroit and Louisville, Ky. MlIed - STATIONS MfJed ™ AM ' P«I AM Via M. C —Big 4 —L. and N. 3.25 11.05 LV Detroit (CentralTime) AR 3 28 6 45 _ Detroit to Springfield, Dayton and Cincinnati 4.25 12.05 LV Detroit (Eastern Time) AR 4.28 7 45" Table 26 - t 1.00 0.0 Lv Pinconning AR 5.05 Table 20 Via Michigan Central—Big Four Route c 4.48 C12.27 LV Wyandotte AR 4 02 7 20 '7 7' 309 STATIONS 304 C 5.17 e 1.00 LV Monroe AR 3.33 6 53 f 1.10 3.8 " Woodville Lv 1 4.41 , 309 ^23^ 303 301 I STATIONS 302 304~ 312 310" 5.43 5 1.28 LV Wagon Works AR £ 3 05 .. PM A«I 1 1.18 5.4 " Nine Mile " f 4.31 5 55 $ 1.40 AR Toledo LV S 2 53 *6.15 *10.20 LV Detroit (Central Time) AR 6.45 1.27 7.9 Lv Mt.Forrest AR f 4.22 L 11.20 " Detroit (EasternTime) " 7.45 1.37 14.9 " Rhodes Lv f 4.12 HHil HI !J?ffi! fS2 IDetroit (Central Time).. Ar 6*50 6*45 3*28 6*50 6-00 © 1.45 LV Toledo (Big Four Route) AR •[ 2.43 6705 f 1.52 17.8 " Hlghwood " f 3.57 * US ! HS "25 §2? uDetroit (Eastern Time).. " 7.50 7.45 4.28 7.50 all. 39 " Wyandotte " 7.20 Cl 11 10 "O 7 00 AR. Cincinnati (East. Time) (Big Four). LV £ 9.25 12 05 f 2.05 21.2 " Wlnegars " f 3.47 ETHXS M? ?'H HI 1Wyandotte • 7.25 7.20 4.02 d 7.24 al2.10 " Monroe " 6.53 • *|.2JJ • 8.15 LV.. .Cincinnati (E.T.) (So.Ry.Sys) Ar • 8.35 « 10 20 al2.38 " Wagon Works " 2.40 27.4 AR Gladwin Lv T 3.30 P12.10C 5.17 1.00 9.04 " Monroe " 6.58 6.53 3 33 6.55 a,7i° C 3.55 AR Chattanooga (C. T.) " LV SlO.15 * 11.35 12.50 AR Toledo LV * 6.15 PM PM J H §2 2 ^ Atlanta. (C.T.)" LV p 6.00= 7.15 k J 77777 77777 777777 • 1.05 AR Toledo (Big Four Route) AR 6.05 }?•!§ HI i?5 S.33 « Wagon Works...... [. [ ] AR ab^ .. 7.77 IM 6.27 „ 2.50 8-11.35 AR.. Macon (East. Time) • LV 0» 4.20 5.50 TABLE 33—TWIN LAKE BRANCH PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE DISCONTINUED. O AR Jesup • LV £ 7.20 AR. Cincinnati (East. Time) (Big Four). LV 12 05 12 50 5.55 1.40 9.45 AR Toledo (Eastern Time) Lv * 6.20 * 6.15 * 2.53 * 6.15 15 - 7 4.00 AR Valdosta.. " LV 11.55° 1.25 * 8.00 LV... Cincinnati (L. & N.) (E.T.).... AR 11.20 5 31 3 1 Via Big Four Route 2 30 12 10 £ 10 40 7.30 AR Jacksonville. (So.Ry.Sys.) LV 8.40 E 10 15 7.00 LV.... Cincinnati (L. & N.) (C.T.).... AR 10 20 TABLE 34—BAGLEY BRANCH PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE DISCONTINUED. * AR§ H9 * HI * 55 Lv Toledo (Eastern Time).. AR 5.50 6.05 ~2743 ~~6708 ELL.00 * 9.40 LV Jacksonville (F. E. C. Ry.) AR 7.15*5 9.30 10.26 AR.. .Baxter Ave. (L. & N,) (C.T.) LV 7.11 * 11.55 10.35 AR St. Augustine " LV 6.20 8- 8 35 10.36 AR.... Fourth St. (L. & N.) (C.T.)....LV 7.01 « 1.10 11.57 AR DaytonaBeach " LV 4.55- 7.14 10.45 AR.... Louisville (L. & N.) (C.T.) LV * 6.55 ?9§ HI III ??f? " Fostoria « 4.31 1.40 5.18 * 1-40 12.25 AR New Smyrna " LV 4.30 5 6.50 ALL (Union Station) PM 2.43 7.20 3.05 11.15 AR Carey.. Lv 3.52... 113 453 £ 6.20 5.05 AR West Palm Beach " LV 11.50 E 2 20 NEW YORK CENTRAL LINES A So Ad f ?S 1"J£ H ?2 7"Bellefontaine Lv 2.30 3.i5 12.10 3.40 7.34 6.25 AR Fort Lauderdale • LV 10.38* 108 in8 !-8 ill *H£ 7"Urbana Lv 1 51 11.43 3.10 7.50 6.41 AR Hollywood.. • LV 10.27 12 57 ?99 H2 tS J2I 7*Springfield Lv 130 2.18 11.25 2.53 8.30 7.20 Ar Miami.... (F. E. C.Ry.) LV 10 00 12.30 Detroit and Mackinac Ry. REPRESENTATIVES IN MEXICO AND CUBA S'fS III li!*** Dayton Lv 12 45 1.30 10.48 2.15 1100 LV Jacksonville (Seabord Air Line) AR SiS J? H iS fll 7"Middletown Lv 12.12 10.16 1.49 Through Sleeping Cars between Detroit and Alpena, Mich. WELLS FARGO & COMPANY, S. A., have been appointed General 20 10 00 05 5.25 AR Tampa " • Ti Hu L L ^ Cincinnati (Eastern Time).. Lv * 11.15 * 12.05 * 9.25 * 1.00 6.55 " Clearwater " • Dining Car Service on D. & M. Ry trains Nos. 1 and 12. Agents for the New York Central Lines in Mexico and Cuba with PM PI PM PM AM AM PM 7.05 " Belleair " " Table 28 offices in the cities listed below. FOR PULLMAN EQULPM* SEE PAGES 17 AND 18. 8.00 AR....St. Petersburg " LV AM I AM PM PM _ 207 203 202 208 DETROIT TO CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH These offices are equipped to give Michigan Central patrons PM AM AM PM complete information regarding travel in those countries; make Table 21 Via M. C, IM. Y. C, Erie and P. A L. E. SUWANEE RIVER SPECIAL *10.101 8.45Lv Detroit (East.Time) Ar*7.50f3.57 9.10 7.45Lv Detroit (Cent. Time) Ar 6.50 2.57 hotel and sleeping car reservations; attend to exchange of foreign ^27^ 307 225 223 305 303 301 STATIONS 222 304 224 312 310 | 306 228~ TO FLORIDA WEST COAST VIA HAMPTON 10 25 8.56 "...Woodward Ave. (East.Time)... " 7.35 3.46 AM PM PM PM PM AM AM AM~~ AM AM PM~ ~PM~ ~W PM~ 9.25 7.56 "...Woodward Ave. (Cent. Time).. " 6.35 2.46 money and shipping of curios and arrange personally conducted or * 1201*1010*4.30*3.25*1230*1105*7.00Lv .Detroit (C.T.).AR 3.40 6.4511.50 3.28 6.50 7.25 8 25 Sleeping Cars Detroit to St. Petersburg 10.22 9.03 " Oxford " 5.12 1.42 unescorted tours. •1.01*1110*5.30*4.25*1.30*1205*8.00 " .Detroit (E.T.). " 4.40 7.4512.50 4.28 7.50 8 25 9 25 Table 24- 7 10.48 9.27 " Lapeer " 4.43 1.14 1.24C1132 5.53c4.48cl.52cl227 8.21 ".. .Wyandotte..." h 4.14 7.2012.24 4 02b7.24e7.59 11.26 10.04 " Vassar " 4.00 12.34 Mail may be sent in care of these offices to be held until called pl.5712.05 6.22c5.17 2.25 1.00 9.04 " Monroe...." h 3.43 6.5311.55 3.33 6 55 7 30 309 STATIONS 304 12.05 10.45 " Saginaw. Gen. Ave " 3.15 11.58 5.43 2.53 1.28 9.33 ". .WagonWorks.AR 11.27 3.05 6 27h7 02 12.40 11.20Ar Bay City (E. S.) Lv * 2.40til .30 for or forwarded. 2.5012.45 7 00 5 55 3.05 1.40 9.45 AR. .Toledo (E.T.) .Lv * 3.00*6.15 *1115 *2.53 *6.15*6^50 8 00 - AM 1 3 Via D. & M. Ry. 12 4 At the border offices at Laredo, Texas, and Nogales, Arizona, 288 68 252 10 86 150 52 Eastern Time 289 87 7 251 ~81 85 43 *1020 LV Detroi t (Central Time) AR 6.45 and the maritime ports, Tampico and Vera Cruz, the Company's •3.30 *1.00 *7.05 *6.22 *3.10 *2.45 *1000 Lv Toledo (N.Y.C.) AR 2.45 6.08 11.00 ~2745 ~5~55 ~6~45 "7 52 11.20 " Detroit (EasternTime) " 7.45 7 AM PM PM AM 6.15 9.20 9.00... 5.2312.38ArCleveland(N.Y.CLv*12.05 *8.0712.20 2.50.7. *5 35 * 4.50 tcl215 Lv Bay City (E. S.) Ar * 9.20 fcl030 agents are equipped to render great assistance to travelers in con• P1139 " Wyandotte " 7.20 f 5.35 1.00 " Pinconning " 8.22 9.45 V3.45 v5.45 AR.Cleveland(Erle)Lv v3.35 V4.15 1210 " Monroe " 6.53 8.20 4.00 6.00 2.15 Lv. Cleveland (Erie) AR 3.10 8.1011.20 1.40 4.10 6.00 1.25 " Omer " 7.50 9.20 nection with the various customs formalities. £1238 " Wagon Works " 6.25 1.50 " NationalClty "17.21 8.55 10.00 5.45 7.40 4.00 ArYoungstownOErieLv 1.30 6.05 9.4011.55 2.35 ... 12.50AR Toledo LV*6.15 |.. 11.35 7.30 9.15 5.35ArPitt«b' h(P.&L.E )Lv *U45 *8.00*1000*1.00 6 50 2.15 " East Tawas—Tawas City " 7.00 8.35 e 1.05LV Toledo (Big Four Route) AR 6.05 7777777777 7.09 2.34 " Oscoda " 6.31 8.11 AM AM PM °M PM PM PM PM PM AM AM AM PM PM f 7.25 2.50 " Greenbush "1 5.58 7.50 PULLMAN EQUIPMENT. Table 21 7.20 AR Cincinnati (East. Time) (Big Four) LV 12.05 7 ! WELLS FARGO & CO., S. A. 8.00 LvCincinnati (East Time) (So.Ry.Sys.) AR 11.45 777777 7777 7.40 3.05 " Harrisville " 5.50 7.40 Train No. 223. Parlor Cars Detroit to Cleveland. Dining Car Service. 3.30 AR. Chattanooga (C. T.) . " LV 1.15 • 8.35tc4.00Ar Alpena Lv* 5.00fc6.45 Train No. 225. Club, Parlor, Dining Car, Detroit to Cleveland ••-^ 6.55 AR Hampton (E. T.) . " LVL2 01 to 9.00 Lv Alpena Artc4.45 General Agents in Mexico and Cuba Train No. 227. Sleeping Cars, Detroit to Cleveland. 12.01 Ar Onaway Lv 3.09 Train No. 301. Parlor Car, Detroit to Cleveland-Buffalo. Dining Car. 7.00 LV Hampton (Seaboard Air Line) AR 11.55 12.09 " Tower " 2.55 Train No. 305. Parlor Car, Detroit>Cleveland-Pittsburgh. 11.50Ar Tampa " " 7.10 12.39 " Aloha " 2.30 MEXICO CUBA Train No. 307. Sleeping Cars, Detroit-Pittsburgh. 1.00" Clearwater « "5.49 105 " Belleair " « 5.44 tcl2.55 Ar Cheboygan Lv tc2.15 Mexico City Guadalajara, Jal. Camaguey, Cam. FOR EQUIPMENT OTHER TRAINS SEE PAGES 17-18 1.55 AR St. Petersburg • LV *5.05 PM PM PM AM Marconi No. 2 Ave. de Los Heros No. 173 Martires. No. 28 ML PM • Dally. T Dally except Sunday. F Daily except Monday, Cinco de Mayo 1 5 Culiacan, Sin. Ciego de Aviles, Cam. a Stops to receive passengers for Cincinnati and points beyond, Hotel Regis Hermosillo, Son. Guantanamo, Ote. • Daily. t Daily except Sunday. t Dally except Saturday. T Daily except Monday. f Stops on signal. Laredo, Tex. Guaymas, Son. Moron, Cam. S Sunday only. h Stops to discharge passengers from east of Toledo. b stops to discharge passengers from Cincinnati and points beyond, Nuevo Laredo, N. L. Mazatlan, Sin. Nuevitas, Cam. a Stops on signal to receive passengers for Detroit and beyond, k Stops to let off passengers and receive passengers for Dayton, Cincinnati and beyond. c Motor ('ar Service, Pachuca, Hgo. Nogales. Son. Santa Clara, S. C. b Stops only to let off passengers from points south of Toledo. p Stops to receive passengers for points beyond Toledo. f Stops on signal. Santiago, Ote. Stops to receive passengers for Toledo and beyond, t Stops on si gna 1 to receive passengers for points west of Bellefontaine, O. Puebla, Pue. Tepic, Nay. d Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Toledo and points beyond. v Runs direct to Erie R. R. Station and not into Cleveland Union Terminal. g Stops on signal for passengers for Toledo and points beyond. Tampico, Tampa San Bias, Sin. Makes regular stop daily except Sunday, but on Sunday stops to discharge passengers from w Stops on signal to receive or discharge revenue passengers. All a.m. time is given in light figures, all p.m. time in heavy figures. Vera Cruz. V. C. points east of Toledo. x Stops on signal to discharge revenue passengers from Toledo and points beyond. 42 39 40 41 Table 41 CONNECTIONS at BUFFALO STATIONS 10 58 40 56 44 8 LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD ^ PM(9 PM PM AM PM St. Clair Branch. MICHIGAN CENTRAL pjj pjj pjj ^ jjj— Lv New York (Penna. Station^ • 6.30 • 8.30 *11.50 * 8.50 * 4.30 Table 36 Effective October 1st Information Lv Chicago (Cent. Time) *10.30 * 3.00 * 9.00 *11.30 * 9.00 *11.00 " Newark 7.02 9.00 ... 9.20 5.00 Lv Detroit (East. Time) 6-45 11.50 8.35 .. 4.28 5.55 Easton 8.31 10.24 1 47 10.44 6.24 Regarding Time Tables.—This railroad is not responsible for errors in time S^ltoV^lewStotton ...... 5.26 12.49 ...... " Philadelphia (Reading Co.) 6.30 8.50 12.01 9.20 5.00 105 103 101 Mis. STATIONS 102 104 106 tables, inconvenience or damage resulting from delayed trains or failure to ::; e) : 4 Mixed Mixed Mixed Eastern Standard Time Mixed Mixed Mixed _ make connections. Schedules herein are subject to change without notice. t«S&W ^^ *3KM-- ?5» •::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: S:S i!:S lis Hi? 1:8 :::::: PM PM AM PM PM PM t^{M»-v^-x« ~m 7io 905 »us ...... iS:S u.« ,«...... t 7.15 0.0 Lv St.Thomas Ar 6.20 7.30 4.3 " St. Clair Junction Lv 6.05 The time given is Central Standard Time at all points west and north of L.1,0,. VAI^T RAILBOAD m ST » S — U.2.. 1.23 446. 1.4.. 9!, f 7.35 5.3 " Air Line Crossing " I 5.50 Detroit; and Eastern Standard Time, which is one hour faster, at all points f 7.43 9.4 " Southwold • f 5.38 Detroit east and south. The time between 12.00 o'clock noon and 11.59 o'clock ];ggg> • 6}g * s?^:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: iM-iM Sii 1:1* :::::: t 7.53 13.5 " Muncey " f 5.29 midnight is indicated by dark face type; between 12.00 o'clock midnight and ; 8.05 19.3 " Melbourne " f 5.17 11.59 noon by light face type. lo: :::::: f 8.13 22.3 " Can.Nat'lCross • f 5.05 i ?? H« '"3.ii:::::: ISffi::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::: -mm w.« "•H:::::: f 8.27 25.8 " AppinRoad " f 4.50 " Towanda 10.36 1.49 y, i. iu py AM f 8.36 29.9 " Walkers " 4.40 Buy Tickets before boarding trains and avoid payment of extra charge. =—— > > „ TL 8.50 35.3 " Alvinston " 4.25 . " Wllkes-Barre 12.11 3.27 2.54 5.12 T MMR M M . TO„am,„M s £ ™ 1= 9.15 41.0 " Inwood " 4.10 Children under 5 years of age when accompanied by parent or guardian u Sfrant/in 1 25 4.25 . 3 55 6 20 DEL., LACKAWANNA A WESTERN PM PM PM AM AM f 9.25 42.3 " Weidman " f 4.05 free; 5 years of age and under 12, one-half fare; 12 years of age or over, " Mauc*8hun£ .'. .'. .". .*.!!!.!!!!!!!!.! * 2M ...... * 5.15 : Mi:! 4.42 * 6.54 I::::: * New York (D. L. & W.) (Barclay St.) ...... * 2.00 * 6.00 * 9.30 1.30 *10.00 t 9.30 43.8 " GlenRae " f 4.01 full fare. f 9.35 45.0 « Holmesdale " f 3.57 10 t 3.21 Lv Eddys Ar 3.16 I "Allentown 2.55 6.00 5.28 7.45 ISSSfiL;Hi A'li Al '' kit 10 ?i 3.33 Ar Oil Springs Lv 3.10 Adjustment of Fares.—In case of dispute with Conductors or Agents, pay « Rpthlphrm 3 05 6.08 5 36 7 53 Scranton 6.40 10.10 1.35 5.42 1.51 3.43 10.00 48.2 Ar Oil City Lv 3.00 t 3.50 the fare required, take receipt and communicate with the General Passenger 10.05 48.2 Lv OilCity Ar 2.55 Agent, Chicago, 111. tl2.30 10.15 50.2 Lv PetroliaJunction Lv 12.25 2.50 - PhlSSelSia' (Reading- Co.) I! ]!!.' I I! IS ...... |3 \IV.9.40 \! ]! I Bh^hamtx>n 8.20 11 45 3.02 7.26 3.15 flO.21 Lv Corey Ar fl2.19 « wafttrtn 3.32 .. G.34 . 6 03 8 19 OwegO 8 51 12.11 8.03 3.41 10.35 Ar Petrolia Lv U2.05 Redemption of Tickets.—Tickets unused or partly used will be redeemed • Newa?k113:::::: 7.5S::..:. ?43 lit*waveny 9.« 12.34 8.32 4.04 12.55 58.6 « Brigden " 2.30 under tariff regulations at proper value. AR New York (Penna'. S^ 5.45 8.25 »U 10.1ft V.'.'„ gimira 9.50 1.05 4.21 9.04 4.30 f 1.02 59.8 " Klmballs " f 2.20 PH PM AM AM Bath 10.41 1.51 5.07 9.55 5.15 65.8 Lv.. .Courtright Junction... " 2.05 Articles Permitted to be Carried in^Passenger Coaches and Pullman -m „ ^ 1.20 66.4 Ar Courtright Lv t 2.00 —^ . A v AmjA . WmaOTBP1u 1= 15 s ui s "DansvUle 11.28 f 2.32 5.46 10.49 5.55 PM 1 PM ' AM I PM PM PM Cars.—Hand-baggage which can be conveniently carried, such as traveling Lv Buffa?oKL:-. .LA'Kf™. *.'VE8™RN. * 4A-00 *^30 * 6^00 • 9™30 11*00 * Bu**>* L35 * JjU * J-30 ^ * }L» ' bags, suit cases, valises, telescopes, etc., also packages, boxes or bundles. ArDansvlUe f 6.05 11.14 8.04 fll.ll — = ~ ?! 5 ™ "Bath 6 55 11 59 9.18 11.57 1.24 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD PM PM AM Amherstburg Branch. Articles of a bulky or cumbersome nature, must be presented at baggage room previous to taking train. In emergency cases, passengers will be re• -B^V.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 7.45:::::: 12.43 10.20 12:50 2.12:::::: ^Washington *z-£*H-fi*H§ Leamington Branch. Table 38 quested to deliver such articles to the train baggageman if they can be " Waverly 8.23 1.12 10.57 2.39 * Baltimore 8.02 11.46 8.57 handled under baggage rules, otherwise to the Express Company. "Owego 8.52 1.37 11.26 Lv Philadelphia 777777 * 8.10 11.20 * 8.40

T 37 "Bihghamton ?.30 2.07 12.05 2.07 3.30 LTHarrisburg 777777 777777*1X^^6*1173^77777:7^777 ""' ^MK E^TUn. «ii Baggage Maximums.—No single piece of baggage exceeding 250 pounds " Scranton 11.20 3.37 2.15 3.41 5.02 «Sunbury 12.12 3.47 12.50 in weight or 72 inches in greatest dimension or single shipment exceeding "Newark 3.15 6.57 H.oo " WilliamaDort 1 21 5 25 l 55 $2,500.00 in value will be checked. Free allowance subject to tariff stipula• AR New York (Barclay St.) • 3.50 7.30 * 6^45 8^15*9.15 . E^3Sinc«on " !!!!'.'." ' :\\\\ [[[V.: 3 58 8 10 AM .V.I.T: PM AM AM PM 12.35 1.2" Gordon...Lv 10.45 tions as to contents, weight, value and size. 5_ *" _**! « Olean 5.23 9.35 5.54 C4.25fll.00 0.0 Lv Comber....Ar 9.08 4.10 12.40 1.7 "... .Quarries f 10.41 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AM PM PM AR Buffalo (Central Terminal) 7.25 11.25 7.45 1 4.32111.10 3.3 " Rosslyn... .Lv f 9.01 f 4.01 fl2.45 4.2 "..Southwick ... f 10.37 Baggage Liability Limited.—Excess value to be deelared and paid for at Lv Buffalo (Central Terminal) * 9.15 * 9.05 *io.55 AM AM PM 4.39 11.18 5.4 " Staples " 8.55 3.55 112.49 6.4 " Auld "110.33 AR Olean 11.13 11.05 12.42 lira Z~Z pH ALL AM time of checking. unotlon f 4.45fll.25 7.1 " Oakland.... " 1 8.49 t 3.49 12.58 8.0 "..McGregor " 10.25 m orlum 4.51 11.34 8.8 \ .Blytheswood.. " 8.44 3.44 1.02 8.7 ".P. M. R.R. Cr." 10.22 1 Sr f? i ^'JI^11 "yAA Lv New York S-g • 7.35 *12.30 • 8.45 f 4.57f 11.41 10.6 Lv Wigle " f 8.37 t 3.37 1.10 12.1 Lv Edgars.... " 10.10 Bicycles (not Motorcycles), Baby Carriages, Dogs and Guns are trans• " Williamsport 2.48 2.39 4.04 "PortJervis |§ 10.30 3.24 11.19 5.10 12.01 13.8 Ar. .Leamington...Lv t 8.30 c 3.30 1.20 16.9 Ar Essex.. ..Lv tlO.OO ported in baggage cars subject to tariff regulations. "Sunbury 3.57 3.54 5.02 " Binghamton |e 1.54 7.04 2.28 PM PM AM PM PM AM Ar Harrlaburg 5.06 5.05 6.25 «Elmira £X 318 8.37 3.46 Baggage.—This Company cannot guarantee to forward baggage on same AR Philadelphia • 7.45 7.43 9.00 "Corning 3.45 9.05 4.11 train with passenger, and when necessary, baggage of passengers will be for• AR Baltimore 777T7 777777 * 7.48 7.40 "9705 777777 " g,°™e» S 4.55 10.32 5.17 warded on other trains. To facilitate prompt receipt of their baggage at AR Washington 8.50 8.40 10.05 AR Buffalo Iffi 7.10 1.30 7.30 Fort Erie Division. PM AM AM 2__J«» PM PM destination, passengers are advised to arrange for forwarding on a preceding •Dally, t Ex. Sun. HEx.Mon. t Ex. Sat. § Sunday only f Stops on Signal, Table 39 train. lira 1 PM PM •Dally, t Dally STATIONexcept SundayS . § Sunday only. 17 1 DaU23 y excepIS t Monday45 ~39, s~ Stop 47s Sundays Lv Buffala Thoe 1). L. A W. R. R. will hold this train 40 minute*11.0s 0fo r connectio* 5.1n0 o f* No9.2. 040 . only. c SundayMICHIGAs at 7.4N C5ENTRA a.m. L AM AM AM PM PM AM AR Hornelb Stopl s to discharge passengers from points west of Buffalo1.18 . 8.15 11.35 Lv BuffalAll A.Mo (Centra. timel iTerminals givenin )ligh t figures(East. ;Time all P.M) * . 2.2tim4 e• I7.0n heav5 * y8.5 figures.5 * 1.3 0 * 9.40 • 3.52 82 80 2 74 72 70 Mis. STATIONS 5 75 77 79 83 "CHICAGO"—The Parmelee Company, Passenger and Baggage Transfer "CorninAll Ag M. time Is given In light figures: all P.M. time i2.2n heav4 y figures.9.3 5 12.42 Lv Buffalo (Exchange Street) 7.15 9.05 1.40 9.50 —A uniformed agent of THE PARMELEE COMPANY boards all incoming -Elmira 2.48 10.10 1.09 Lv Niagara Falls, N. Y 7.57 PM PM PM PM AM AM East. Time AM AM AM PM PM~~ trains of the M. C. R. R. before arrival at terminal station. Passengers may PublUhe"Binghamtod fon r information only. 4.0PULLMA7 11.5N6 FARE2.27 S INCLUDINAr FallGs Vie SURCHARGw Station E No responsibilit8.3y1 assumed for correctness. •10.20* 7.201 5.30* 3.12*11.35tlO 20 o.O Lv ..Welland.. Ar 6.45 9.05 11.20 3.30 7.00 arrange with him for transfer of themselves and their baggage to other STA• "PortJervis 7.18 3.25 5.33 AR Detroit (Eastern Time) 7.05 2.40 1.40 7.25 2.40 8.45 5.37 flO.27 4.7 " .Brookfleld. Lv 6.23 f 3.13 AR New YorBetweek n CHICAGO GRAND9.3 RAPID7 S 62SAGINAW-BA2 * 8.14 Y CITY BATTLAR ChicagE oCREE (CentraK l Time) JACKSON 12.00DETROI 9.05 T7.3 0 6.55 8.0BUFFAL0 O TIONS or LOOP HOTELS, also for the handling of their baggage to or I or p 1 or OT f 5.40 6.6" .Netherby.. " f 6.18 Sleeping Car F*£>T Sleepin» g Car AM AMSleepin g Car Pff or Sleeping Car Sleeping Car PM SleepinPM g CaPMr AM AMSleepin AM g Car 5.46f 3.24 flO.35 10.2 " Stevensville. " 6.15 fl0.59f 3.04f 6.34 from railway stations and any city address. \. g* jf r r *g 10.46 7.53 6.00 3.36 12.05 10.50 17.3 "Bridgeburg. " 6.00 8.26 10.46 2.51 6.21 10.52 8.00 6.06 3.42 12.11 10.56 Lv Black Rock. * 5.38 8.18 10.38 2.43 6.13 Lost Articles.—When articles are lost on trains, or left in waiting rooms > 11.12 8.22 6.26 4.02 12.32 11.16 Ar . .Terrace.. * 8.08 10.28 2.33 6.03 at stations, owners should apply at once to Agent at station where they leave / \ | ft it fill j Ii if fall i ft it fi fi | fi if fifi I fi is fifi i |i if fifi § fi if fifi 8.25 6.30 4.05 12.35 11.20 Ar ..Buffalo... Lv 5.25 8.05 10.25 2.30 6.00 the train or to the General Baggage Agent, Detroit, Mich. i (Exchange St.) 11.25 8.35 6.40 4.15 12.45 11.30.... Ar . Buffalo... Lv t 5.15* 7.55U0.15* 2.20* 5.50 PM PM PM PM PM AM (Cent. Term.) AM AM AM PM PM Western Union Telegrams.—Telegrams, cablegrams and night letters Albany.N.Y 8.25 23.25 30.00 7.50 21.00 27.00 0.75 19.50 24.00 6.75 19.50 24.00 6.3818.00 22.50 5.63 15.75 21.00 2 2510 50 3 00 9 0010 50 accepted in all telegraph offices in railway stations along the Michigan Central Allentown.Pa 8.25 23.25 30.00 7.50 21.00 27.00 7.50 21.00 27.00 6.38 18.00 22.50 Atlanta. Ga...... 8.25 23.25 30.00 8.25 23.25 30.00 8.25 23.25 30.00 for transmission via Western Union. Fifty-word night letters for delivery Binghamton, N. Y. . 7.5021.00 27.00 6.7519.5024.00 0.38 18.00 22.50 6.3818.00 22.50 6.0017 2521.00 5 2515 0019 50 following morning to any part of United States at rate of ten-word day message Boston. Mass 10.13 28.50 36.00 8.63 24.75 31.50 8.25 23.25 30.00 7.5021.00 27.00 8 0015.004.*50. 12 75 16 50 London & Port Stanley Railway. Buffalo, N.Y 8.8816.88 5.6315.75 21.00 2.63 13.13 4.5012.75 16.50 2.25 11.25 4.13 12.00 15.00 2.6313.13 4.13 12.0015.00 2.2511.25 3.75 10.5013.50 1.88 9.38 3.00 9.0010.50 National Travelers Aid Society.—Representatives of National Travelers Chicago. Ill 1.13 5.68 3.00 9.0010.50 8.75 10.50 13.50 1.13 5.63 3.00 9.0010.50 1.28 6.38 3.75 10.5013.50 1750"7750 3.75To75013.50 3738 18788 "5763 157752T0O Aid society are at many of the larger stations for purposes of relief of distress Cincinnati. Ohio 3.7510.5013.50 Table 40 All trains carry baggage. 1-13 5 63 and assistance of unprotected. Those in need of such service should inquire Cleveland, Oh o 1#18 5.53 3.6310.2513.00 of the station force for a National Travelers Aid Society representative. Columbus, Ohio 3.7510.5013.50 AM AM PM PM PM PM Lv St. Thomas (M.C.Station).. t 6 00*10.20* 12.18 * 7.28 * 9.40 * 10.25 Dayton, Ohio , .75 8.75 3.6310.2513.00 .... AR London 6.37 10.55 12.56 8.06 10.15 11.15 Club Cars—Combination baggage and passenger cars, known as Club Detroit, MiCh.O 1.50 7.50 3.7510.5013.50 1.13 5.63 8.00 9.0010.50 . 75 1.75 8.00 9.00 10.50 . 75 8.75 3.00 9.0010.50 . 75 3.75 3.00 9.0010.60 I 88 9 383 00 9 OOloTo AM AM PM PM PM PM Cars, are primarily for accommodation of passengers occupying space in Hamilton, Ont 75 8 75 sleeping or parlor cars. Harbor Springs. Mich 4.5012.7516.50 1.13 5.68 8.00 9.0010.50 ' " Indianapolis, Ind 1,65 8.25 3.75 J6.5013.50 !*." Ithaca, N. Y.^. 6.3818.00 22.50 5.6315.7521.00 5.6316.75 21.00 4.5012775 16.50 77T77T7T7 77777 77777 7T77T Jacksonville, Fla 12.7536.0045.00 12.0033.7542.00 .. . 12.0033 75 42 00 AM AM AM AM PM PMPM PM Minimum Number of Railroad Tickets Required For Exclusive Occu• I Lansing, Mich 8.7510.5013.50 75 8.75 75 3.75 Lv London t 5.00* 9.20*10.10*11.20* 3.10 t 6.25 t 8.15* 9.20 pancy of Sections, Drawing Rooms or Compartments in Sleeping Cars and London. Ont 8.7510.5013.50 3.7510.5013.50 ...... 3.38 9.75 12.00 .75 8.75 V Ar St. Thomas (M.C. Station) .. 5.35 10.00 10.38 12.00 3.41 7.04 8.50 9.48 Drawing Room in Parlor Car. Mackinaw City,Mich 4.5012.7516.50 1.50 7.50 8.00 9.0010.50 1.13 5.63 8.00 0.00 10.50 T75 lbTHo lO) 1~88 "9~38 T75 iolo ITSO AM AM AM PM PM PMPMPM Montreal.Que 9.0025.5031.50 7.5021.0027.00 7.5021.0027.00 6.0017.25 21.00" Minimum Number Newark, N. J 9.0025.5031.50 7.8822.50 28.50 7.50 21.00 27.00 6.38 18.00 22.50 SLEEPING CARS of Adult Tickets New York, N. Y 9.0025.50 31.60 8.25 23.25 30.00 7.50 21.00 27.00 7.8822.50 28.50 7.50 21.00 27.00 4.73 22.50 6.38 18.00 22.50 3.00 13.50 8.75 10.50 is!50 Service is also operated St. Thomas (Talbot St.) to London about every hour from Niagara Falls, N. Y.. 3.2816.18 5.6315.75 21.00 2.4812.38 4.5012.7516.50 2.2511.25 4.13 12.00 15.00 2.4812.88 4.1312.0015.00 2.1010.50 8.751075013.50 ITSTM TOO Tooio~60 7.27 a.m. until 12.48 a.m. and London to St. Thomas (Talbot St.) from 5.00 a.m. until 11.35 Section 1 Philadelphia, Pa 8.25 23.2530.00 7.8822.50 28.50 7.50 21.0027.00 6.3818 0022 50 Pittsburgh, Pa 1.88 9.38 8.7510.5013.50 p.m. Compartment, berth service 2 Rochester, N. Y 5.6315.7521.00 5.6315.75 21.00 4.50 12.75 16.50 5.2515.0019.50 2.6313.13 4.5012.7516.50 2.2511.25 3.7510.5013.50 . 75 3.75 • Dally. t Dally except Sunday. 5 Stops Sunday only Compartment, seat service 3 Scranton, Pa 8.26 23.25 30.00 7.5021.0027.00 0.75 19.50 24.00 0.7519.50 24.00 6.3818.00 22.50 5.6315 7521 00 7T7. a Tuesdays and Saturdays, Drawing Room, berth service 2 Springfield, Mass 9.00 25.50 31.50 7.8822.5028.50 7.5021.00 27.00 6.3818.0022.50 3.0013.50 3.7510.5013.50 b Mondays and Fridays, St. Thomas, Ont 2.3311.68 3.7510.5013.50 1.58 7.88 3.7510.5013.50 1.50 7.50 3.75 10.50 13.50 1.58 7.88 3.7510.5013.50 1.20 6.00 3.38 9.7512.00 .83 4.13 3.00 9.0010.50 .98 4 88 8.00 9.0010 50 c Is operated Saturdays only, Drawing Room, seat service 3 St. Petersburg, Fla 14.63 41.25 52.50 SingleJEtoom, berth service 1J£ Syracuse, N.Y 6.3818.0022.50 6.3818.0022.50 a6.00al7.25a21.00 6.0017.25 21.00 5.6315.75 21.00 4.5012.75 16.50 1.13 5.63 3.00 9.0010.50 d Wednesday only, Toronto, Ont 5.6815.75 21.00 3.7510.5013.50 3.7510.5013.50 1.50 7.50 3.00 9.0010.50 7 75 X75 TOO 9.00io750 f Stops only on signal. Utica.N. Y 7.5021.0027.00 0.7519.5024.00 6.38 18.00 22.50 0.3818.0022.50 6.0017.25 21.00 5.2515.0019.50 1.58 7 88 3 00 9.0010 50 PARLOR CARS Wllkes-Barre, Pa 8.25 23.25 30.00 0.7519.5024.00 6.3818.00 22.50 5.6315.75 21.00 All a.m. time is given in light figures, all p.m. time in heavy figures. Worcester.Mass 10.13 28.50 36.00 8.6324.75 31.50 8.25 23.25 30.00 7.5021.0027.00 3.0015.00 4.5012.7516.50 Drawing Room 3 *The Cost of an Upper Berth is about 20% less than a Ixiwer Berth. Cost of Section occupied by one person about 40% more than Lower Berth fare. OThe Pullman fare in single room cars between Chicago and Detroit is $7.50 in either direction and between Detroit and New York is $12.75. (a) Fare from Saginaw Is Lower Berth $5.63, Compt. $15.75, Drawing-Room $21.00.

43 44 EXTRA FARES CHARGED—Between certain points on specified Limited Trains, of Michigan Central, also in connection with New York Central. For Extra Fares via Michigan Central and Lackawana R. R. see page 22. For Extra Fares via other routes and other trains consult local ticket agent*.

Ham- p. r Michigan xr;i D ! De- Battle Jack- FROM CHICAGO, ILL. mond, W* City, ft £?' i troit, Niles, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. Creek, son, Ind. Ind- Ind. Mlch- Mich. ! [ Mich. Mich.

EASTBOUND ^ | TM §\_i | • AJTJ §\j | • S • | • Is.- | • rfj H jgjfo g 3Sjj stj « J g^- dTj y 1 g•§ ^ g-g jg-S g-5 -3 a 6^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ £« B-g 5 g o gg-g g-g J"g £ g-g g-g 8-g g-g

*s g-isaas |2 £2 |o oj^ ^ ^ ^ gJzi ^ %^ ^ ^| j£fcjg8S §s |9 «ss |is |S Train No. 4—Detroit Special $0.30 77777 77777 7777 777777 777777 777777 77777 77777 Train No. 8—The Wolverine 0.60 SO.60 $9.30 $9.60 $9.60 $7.20 $2.40 Train No. 20—The Canadian 0.60 0.60 Train No. 26—The Twilight Limited. .$ 0.25 $0.30 $0.35 $0.45 0.60 $0.45 $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 $0.30 $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 Train No. 40—North Shore Limited 0.60 0.60 $ 7.80 8.10 8.40 $7.80 $7.80 $6.00 4.80 Train No. 44—De Luxe Special 0.60 0.60 7.80 8.10 8.40 7.80 7.80 6.00 6.00 Train No. 48—The Detroiter 2.40 Train No. 56—Dewitt Clinton 5.40 5.70 6.00 Train No. 56-78—(No extra fare) Train No. 58—Eastern Express 1.80 2.10 2.40 1.80 1.80

Har- Pough- De- De- De- De- De- ^7777" , v ] „ >K_ Wmd- FROM NEW YORK, N. Y. mon, keepsie. troit, troit, troit, troit, troit Jackson, Mich. BattleCreek r , Kalamazooa amo nn , Niles Mlch Mlcn MlCD N7Y. N. Y. Mich. Mich. Mich. Mich. Mich. - - - Qnt,

WESTBOUND Q- , I I 5 - • I e • _* , I *f . ef d d e • • _r • A . - . TZTTi . - . d k .' - 7 d _ I rf d d SL: b-d gj^Jg-g g-g g|-S g-g aw 1-g j-M a g-g J-g Sd-g J-g SP-- I g-g 8-g |~ g=- §L- 3L- s s < § a a- °~ * j <^ g g § a *s »ss a ^ ^ § a e ^ 6 e § Train No. 13—New England Wolverine $0.30 $0.30 Train No. 15—Number Fifteen • 0.30 0.30 Train No. 17—The Wolverine $9.60 $9.60 $8.40 $0.25$ 1.10 $2.40 $9.30 0.60 0.60 Train No. 19—The Canadian 0.60 0 60 Train No. 23—De Luxe Special 0.30 0.30 Train No. 25—The Twilight Limited 0.60 $0.25 $ 0.25 $ 0.30 $0.45 $ 0.25 $ 0.25 $0.25 $0.45 $ 0.25 $0.25 $0.35 $0.25 $0.30 $0.25 Train No. 39—North Shore Limited 8.40 $8.10$8.10 7.50 8.10 $ 7.80 0.60 0.60 Train No. 41—Number Forty-One 4.80 4.50 4.50 $ 4.50 4.20 4.50 4.20 Train No. 47—The Detroiter 2.40 Train No. 59-15—The Iroquois 9.60 8.40 8.10 9.30 9.00 MICHIGAN CENTRAL Cruise the Foreign Service Travelers are invited to make their business and social Japan'"China headquarters, in the principal foreign cities, at American "GOLDEN CARIBBEAN" Express offices, where they will find— The latest newspapers and periodicals from America. Writing rooms for the convenience of patrons. • A mail department, under expert supervision, for the receipt, holding or forwarding of patrons' mail. Complete cable service. Facilities for receiving and exchanging foreign money. English speaking employees. A complete Travel service. At prevailing tariff rates you can secure railway, steamship, airplane, sightseeing, automobile and sleeping car reservations. Or you can arrange personally conducted or unescorted tours or special trips and secure in advance transporta• tion and hotel reservations. You can store, or have forwarded, your baggage and parcels and secure both baggage and accident insurance. 17. F. Co. S. 5. Calamares Information Bureaus for the guidance of travelers with respect to every phase of their visiting and sightseeing— where to go; where to live; where to ship; where to eat; where to find American or native doctors, dentists, or lawyers; tipping; taxicab services and fees. 21 to 24 Days Look for the uniformed American Express couriers and interpreters who meet the boats at principal ports at Havana and Santiago, Cuba; Port the trains at principal stations abroad for the purpose of Antonio and Kingston, Jamaica; the assisting patrons of this Company. In Europe you will find these uniformed men at frontier points ready to Panama Canal; Costa Rica; Guate• assist you in meeting immigration and customs re• mala, Honduras or the quaint cities quirements. of Central America and Colombia can all be visited and enjoyed on cruises American Express that last three weeks or more. No General Foreign Agents more pleasant way to spend a winter vacation than this. Fine ships, ex• Offices in Foreign Countries cellent food and wonderful service GREAT BRITAIN GERMANY London—6 Haymarket, S. W. 1 Berlin—55 Charlottenstrasse, W. 8 on trips to the tropics. 79 Bishopsgate, E. C. 2 Hamburg—9 Alsterdamin Liverpool—31 James St. Bremen—32 Bahnhofstrasse Southampton—25 Oxford St. M un ich—Maximi 1 iansplatz Glasgow—115 Hope St. (W. A. William• AUSTRIA Ticket Agents will gladly arrange de• son, Ltd.) Vienna—Karntncrring No. 14 Vienna 1 Edinburgh—10 Frederick St. (W. A. HOLLAND tails of railroad and steamer Williamson, Ltd.) Amsterdam—88 SORokin FRANCE Rotterdam—26-A Beursplein ' The Orient beckons—calls to the slumbering spirit transportation. Pari*—11 Rue Scribe GREECE Havre—2 Place Jules Ferry Athens—23-A Stadium St. of adventure. Marseilles—12 Rue Cannebiere Piraeus—44 Philonos St. Nice—2 Rue du Congres Cannes—6 Bis, Rue des Beiges TURKEY Now is the time to go! Pass through Yokohama, Biarritz—2 Avenue de l'Hotel de Ville Constantinople—4th Vakouf Han;Rue Monte Carlo, Monaco—Grand Hotel Hamidle; Baghtche Kapou, Stamboul "Gateway to the Orient"; visit Tokyo, with its Im• rue de l'Hermitage EGYPT Aisuam—Grand Hotel perial Palace; Kyoto with its glorious history reaching SWITZERLAND Cairo—Continental Savoy Buildings Lucerne—6 Lowenstrasse Luxor—Winter Palace Hotel into long gone years; Nara, Nikko, Kobe, Nagasaki Zurich—79 Bahnhofstrasse Basle—67 Aeschenvorstadt PALESTINE and a hundred other fascinating places. Interlaken—33 Hoheweg Jerusalem—Jaffa Road Montreux—83 Grande Rue INDIA A short sailing away is China—Shanghai, the "Paris Lugano—Palace Hotel. Piazza G. Tell Calcutta—14 Government Place, E. Geneva—7 Rue du Mont Blanc Bombay—240 Hornby Road of the East"; Peking, or Peiping, with its many re• St. Moritz—Dorfstrasse, 68 Colombo, Ceylon—1 Queens St. minders of Imperial grandeur; Hong Kong, Canton, ITALY STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Rome—38 Piazza di Spagna Singapore—Collyer Quay, Union Bldg. Macao and many another interesting city. Naples—58 Piazza del Martiri CHINA Genoa—17 Piazza Nunziata Hongkong—4-A Des Voeux Road, Most of the trans-Pacific ships call at Honolulu, Milan—Via Giuseppe Balzaretto No. 9 Central Florence—2 & 4 Via Tornabuoni Shanghai—14 Kiuklang Road making a delightful break in the sea voyage. Venice—Riva Degli Schiavoni, 4200 & Tientsin—137 Victoria Road 4201 Peking—Grand Hotel des W'agon-Llts Lido Venice—Malamocco 32-H JAPAN Plan now to sail the Pacific to the BELGIUM Yokohama—167 Yamashita-Cho Antwerp—87 Place de Meir PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Brussels—121 Boulevard Adolphe Max Manila—11 Plaza Moraga fascinating lands of the Far East Jamaica Coast Scene near Movant Bay DENMARK ARGENTINE Copenhagen—23 Amagertorv Buenos Alrer—633 Lavalle

48 49 50 Stop-Over Arrangements AT NIAGARA FALLS See Niagara Illuminated, The World's Greatest Moving Picture Always Out In Front Passengers on the Michigan Central, holding first- class limited one-way or round-trip tickets, either east or westbound, are given an opportunity to stop over heading in Railway Transportation Achievements en route at Niagara Falls, Ontario, or Niagara Falls, New York, under conditions which passenger can learn from local ticket agents or train conductors. THE MICHIGAN CENTRAL has deservedly won its title of "The Niagara Falls Route," because it is MICHIGAN CENTRAL the only railroad operating certain of its trains by way of the Falls during daylight in full view of the great cataract. Several trains stop five minutes at Falls INDUSTRIAL Further augments its magnificent motive power View on the Canada side. Coming out suddenly upon the bold bluff, 150 feet OPPORTUNITIES thru the above the river, the train stops, and the passengers ON step out at Falls View. It is rightly named, for from no other point can such a comprehensive view be MICHIGAN CENTRAL DIESEL OIL ELECTRIC obtained. For miles to the right one looks up the broad river, shining like silver in the sunlight as the RAILROAD waters of the Great Lakes sweep grandly down to the Rapids, where they foam and rage and roar in their first descent. Directly below is the curve of the STUDY of the map will indicate the gigantic Horseshoe, over which pours the now emerald A important, centrally located industrial flood into the abyss from which rises the great column territory traversed by the Michigan of spray, soaring into many-tinted clouds. Opposite Central Railroad. are the wooded islands and the American Fall, and still farther the rocky walls of the great gorge. Conditions of the present day require Manufacturer and Distributor to be within easy access to the trade. The traveler should stop over at Niagara Falls as With the dependable freight service of the New York long as his time permits; and as he sees it from the Central Lines this condition is realized by firms different points of view, and under varying aspects, located in the enterprising cities on the he will gain an increased sense of its magnitude and its magnificence. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD While there has been a very rapid development of Industrial resources in the cities along the line of the Stop-overs at Other Points Michigan Central, there remain many sites suitable Stopovers are allowed within final limit, without deposit, at any station for Factory and Warehouse building and also build• enroute on the Michigan Central Railroad, on one-way tickets, round-trip tickets sold at double the one-way fares, All-Year Tourist, Summer Tourist, ings available for lease or purchase. Winter Tourist, European Trans-Pacific and Around-the-World Tickets. In addition to the above, deposit stopover not to exceed ten days are The Industrial Department of the Michigan Central allowed at the following cities on all one-way_ and Convention Tickets upon deposit at the station ticket office, | immediately on arrival. Convention is organized for the purpose of assisting anyone look• SHIP MICHIGAN CENTRAL tickets must, however, be used within their time limit. ing for a location ana will freely cooperate in furnish• The privilege will only be granted when route beyond stop-over point ia via New York Central Lines. If ticket reads via any other line beyond stop• ing any information desired. over point, regulations of that line govern. Albany, N. Y. Fort Wayne, Ind. Rochester, N. Y. Those contemplating the establishment of an Industry can WHERE SERVICE IS PARAMOUNT Ann Arbor, Mich. Geneva, N. Y. St. Louis, Mo. secure information by applying to the undersigned. Battle Creek, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. Sandusky, O. Boston, Mass. Indianapolis, Ind. Schenectady, N. Y. Inquiries as to location arc treated in strictest confidence. Buffalo, N. Y. Jackson, Mich. Springfield, Mass. Chicago, III. Kalamazoo, Mich. Springfield, O. A letter, telegram, or a personal visit will receive prompt All freight—Carloads or las moves with despatch Cincinnati, O. Lansing, Mich. Syracuse, N. Y. attention. Cleveland, O. Louisville, Ky. Toledo, O. Clifton Springs, N. Y. Marion, O. Troy, N. Y. Communicate with Columbus, O. New York, N. Y. Utica, N. Y. Corning, N. Y. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Watertown, N. Y. Dayton, O. Niagara Falls, Ont. Westfield, N. Y. JAMES FINLAY Detroit, Mich. EAST - - WEST - - XORTII - - SOUTH Erie, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. Worcester, Mass. Evansville, Ind. Pittsfield, Mass. Youngstown, O. Manager Industrial Development Detroit, Mich. Consult ticket agent or conductors for additional information.

51 53 54 52 ^WOLVERINE

between CHICAGO and NEW YORK

Leave Chicago - - 11.00 A.M. Observation Car Leave Detroit - - 5.55 P.M. Maid Arrive Buffalo - - 10.35 P.M. Valet Club Car Arrive New York - 8.00 A.M. Drawing Rooms Arrive Boston < - 10.45 A.M. Compartments Arrive Philadelphia 9.40 A.M. Plenty of Room Space Section Sleeping Car Return Dining Car Leave New York 5.00 P.M. Arrive Chicago 12.00 Noon

Telephones in Obser• No Faster vation Car 30 minutes prior to departure. Train Call Harrison 7620 in Chicago and Murray Hill 8000 in New York.