What's on the Air 3105.Pdf
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NE lOG RAM SERVICE THIS ISSUE VOL.Z NO.7 M'AY 1931 1~. onio • Listeners to Collier's Hour during March and April received a chill from the dramatic presentation each Sunday evening of an episode from Sax Rohmer's latest thriller, "You 'An Hee See Laughs." PARKER WILSON, as "Yu 'An Hee See," "laughed" most villain ously, while ADELE RONSON WOn the hearers' sympathy in the difficult role of "Orange Blossom." Before the central edifice of "Radio City," and wider than Fifth Avenue, will stretch a shrubbery-planted plaza, with fountains and flower-beds. The plaza will continue as a private street through archways to Forty-eighth and Fifty-first Streets. Thus within the walls of Radio City will be a beautiful parkway of its own as indicated in the artist's drawing below. Beneath the plaza will be the subway station and underground lobby. There will be underground parking area for thousands of machines, and all shipping for occupants of the six-block "Radio City" will be handled in the underground levels. ©CIB ~ p~ 2 4 \~ '3 \ / ON THE AIR THE JIIAGAZINE FOR THE RADIO LISTENER VOLUME II. I MAY, 1931 No.7 'Tel~fJ Tslon ~eps ~rOGf1d th~ ~rner ELEVISION has lurked "just around the cor- B~ DOT] n~fJ TS the receiver in the same manner as the conventiol1al T ner" for many years, but in spite of the pessi- loud speaker. mistic reports. early in the year, this spring has New York area. In Washington, D. C., Jenkins Television receivers must utilize resist ance seen television peeping around thai corner. has long been transmitting half-tones, motion pic- coupled amplifiers, with power tubes. They must Television has made a good start, and, if this tures and silhouettes from W3XK. Images from tune broadly and have a range of bet"'een 100 w riter is nOt very much off his reportorial course, this station have been on the air since 1925. and 200 meters. Y0lt, the radio listener, will become a "looker-in" The Baird Television Corporation of Great Brit- The one main requisite of tclc\'ision reception before next Christmas. ain has established offices in New York. Although is to obtain loud signals. The louder )'ou hear Sight and sound transmissions have been on the the Baird interests have no tr;Jnsmittcr in operation television signals, the clearer :1nd brighter ~\' ill be air nearly a year. Chicago has contributed tre- here, they are London's leading television experi- your images, since the neon tube in the tclcvisor mendously in this phase, while New York has JUSt menters and broadcasters, where they have contrib- depends On this superimposed current from the recently begun such broadcasting "'ith the inaugu- uted nobly to the science with many developments. amplifiers of your receiver for its brilliance and ration of the WGBS-Jenkins station at Fifth Ave- Baird and Jenkins claim to be the pioneers of resultant pictures. The receiver must, in the case nue and Fifty-second Street. the industry, although the General Electric Com- of television reception, tune broadly. If it tunes The Columbia Broadcasting System should be pany and the American Telephone and Telegraph sharply, you will obtain distorted images. on the air with an experimental television trans- Company have both been engaged in laboratory ex- A televisor consists of a synchronous motor, mitter by the time this story has been printed. perimentation for years-perhaps before either of " 'hich must run at the same speed and phase as The National Broadcasting Company has been the t,,·o inventors who brought their researches be- the transmitting mOtOr. This mOtOr tum s o, er a operating experimental television Station W3XBS fore the public at earlier dates. scanning di sk, which contains forty-fi ,·e or forty- atop the New Amsterdam Theater building for sev- General Electric, it is said, was the first to eight or sixty holes carefully spaced. These holes eral months. Their sole transmissions, ho,,'ever, broadcast an actual play by television. Three tele- must correspond with the holes in the transmitting have been vie,,·s of cards and of Felix, ;} ,vooden cat, vision cameras, or projectOrs, were utilized for this scanning-disk. They form the tincs of YOllr pi c- Boston experimental stations created a stir in unusual tr:1.nsmission ~·hich took place between ture. Thus it is said. that you rc ce ive fon y-cight- that ci ty SOme time ago when television images 1925 and 1927. line pictures or si xty-line pictures. w ere picked up in a local store and sho,,'n to thc Line-wire television demonstrations arc being Television has been somewil:1.t sinlplifi cd in thi \ general public. Hundreds of interested visitors sho't" .. n regularly by the A. T. & T. in their New respect in the East, sincc an agrecmcnt rC:1 chcd b st lined up for hours to glimpse the one-inch square York laboratories. Their results are striking, to month will make it necessary for . ll televi,ion t ran,- images ,,-' hi ch werc reflected from a television re- S:1.y the least. Clcar and sharp are the pictures as miners to uti,lize the sixty-linc tra ll smi tti ng disk s. ceiver. one sees them in the strange little telephone-tele- Behind your disk there is the neO n tube, On A news story widely published by newspapers vision booths especially constructed for the demon- " ,hose plate the images appear to form whi le t hey throughout the country recently told of television stration. arc being scanned. Then through .1 nugni fying- images being reproduced by M. A. Sanabria, a Chi- Parts for construction of television receivers arc glass )'OU peer through the di,k .t t he ,,1.lIe .Inll C3g0 engineer, on a ten-foot screen. Investigation readily obtainable in mOst of the large cities. COI1l - the images become visible. proved that this was ac tually being accomplished, pleted receivers arc making their appearance on the The commonly used scanning- di sk is gr."lu .t1l y although the equipment utilized was in an experi - markets, although they arc rlther expensive for the being replaced in labor.tories by the d rum sC.ln - mental stage l nd highl y expcnsive. It was dc- average radio listener. ncr-disc, which. through the added usc of powcr- signed, the inventor hastened to explain, for usc in Small television units may be purchased for ful m.gnifyin g - ~ la ss es , will gi"e slurp and clear theaters and brge auditoriums. Triple scanning, $ 100, w hich, when operated in conjunction with images eight inches s<lu arc. This cquipmC: l1t is ill '" nCOn arc lamps and electrical retouching have also proper semi-shore-w ave recei ving cC]uipment , will tended for home usc. Of course, l11u (' (, IJCgcr im- been introduced by Sanabria . givc c1car pictures ahout onc inch square. It might :1.gcs can be obtaincd wherc mone), is nO t all im- Another company, known as Radio Picturcs. h:1.s be said here th:1t the televisor unit is att:1chcd to po([ant factor in purchasin g equipment. becn transmitting images [or many months in the (To br ('011 Ii"" (',I 1I1'\"1 isrllr. ) T"lr&liJiolt £)'ts itt Ibr NBC f.xpC'rjlllC'lIllJl Sf/ldios A ,rtr/·il/Oll ,rai" j" It 'bitb 'II·I'.U·"/l pi!"/lIrrJ " IIm/l/,'. b"m,' 1,.11'111111" 11'1 tll.,.r 11'''' , b Onr· (,IRbl il/dJf '~ JlI'llm' ( It. I;. R r"I,,~/, · , ,miJldlll If) ol h>, .\, bill/I. ltil,. II/ ("/1.\ "c,,,,"g I(J 1',.t'"H " ,,,,,.ihh ,, 1 ,,1 /,·"kilH · l),' Forl'S l CII,) . 111111/, h 11I' Il ' III~ 111,,11(111 l,i,llIre" /,nlll 8tl\/I/II ill hl'r Nl'w Y(Jrk bOlllt'". Page 4 WHAT'S ON THE AIR GAIN we experiment The McAleer Polishers are A with our program sched a new CBS presentation each ule. This time we prescnt on Wednesday at 10:30 P. M . on pages 18 to 31 a bird's-eye a nation-wide hook-up. The view of American chain pro principals are Scrappy Lambert grams hour by hour du~ing the and Dick Robertson, vocalists; evening period, listing every Dave Elman, humorist, and station scheduled at NBC and CBS to receive each Sam Lanin and his dance orchestra. Harry von Zell chain program. With each map is a list of all is master of ceremonies. AMOS WAS MADAME QUEEN, chain programs under way, indexed for uch fifteen ANDY HIS OWN L AWYER !¥ minutes of the hour. MOS and Andy adhered to th ~i r policy Five young mcn from Rockcastle County. Ky. Turn to any date and hour in May, choose A of refusing assistance even during the -"the Cumberland Ridge Runners"-ate scheduled from the programs available the one you want and crowded days of the late breach of promise to inaugurate a new weekly series of programs over locate the nearest available station bearing it. suit. The boys carried on as usual by them CBS to be known as the "Olson Rug Folk Songs." selves. Amos took the parts of the Kingfisb, Glance at page 33 for its location on your dial if Station list and time have not yet reached· us. Brother Crawford, Lightnin\ the Judge, Law you don't remember it, tune in and enjoy the feat yer Smith and Madame Queen. Andy was 11I ure you want at any given minute between five and Lawyer Collins and the bailiff, as well as de With the beautiful Countess Olga Albani and a midnight, Eastern Daylight time.