1.1 Document on Historical /Architectural/Environmental
Ref. Ares(2016)1596182 - 04/04/2016 D1.1 – Document on historical /archi- tectural/environmental knowledge of the buildings Project Information Grant Agreement Number 646178 Nanomaterials for conservation of European architectural heritage developed by Project Full Title research on characteristic lithotypes Project Acronym NANO-CATHEDRAL NMP-21-2014 Materials-based solutions for protection or preservation of Funding scheme European cultural heritage Start date of the project June, 1 2015 Duration 36 months Project Coordinator Andrea Lazzeri (INSTM) Project Website www.nanocathedral.eu Deliverable Information Deliverable n° D1.1 Deliverable title Document on historical/architectural/environmental knowledge of the buildings WP no. 1 WP Leader Marco Lezzerini (INSTM) CONSORZIO INTERUNIVERSITARIO NAZIONALE PER LA SCIENZA E TECNOLOGIA DIE MATERIALI, Opera della Primaziale Pisana, HDK, UNI BA, Fundación Catedral Contributing Partners Santa María, Dombausekretariat St.Stephan, TU WIEN, Architectenbureau Bressers, Statsbygg Nature public Authors Franz Zehetner, Marco Lezzerini, Michele Marroni, Francesca Signori Marco Lezzerini, Michele Marroni, Francesca Signori, Graziana Maddalena Gianluca De Felice, Anton Sutter, Donatella De Bonis, Roberto Cela Ulrike Brinckmann, Sven Eversberg, Peter Fuessenich, Sophie Hoepner Rainer Drewello Contributors Leandro Camara, Juan Ignacio Lasagabaster Wolfgang Zehetner, Franz Zehetner Andreas Rohatsch, Matea Ban Ignace Roelens, Matthias De Waele, Philippe Depotter, Maarten Van Landeghem Resty Garcia, Yngve Kvame Reviewers Marco Lezzerini, Francesca Signori Contractual Deadline Month 4 (Oct 2015) Delivery date to EC April 4, 2016 1/308 Dissemination Level PU Public PP Restricted to other programme participants (incl. Commission Services) RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (incl. Commission Services) CO Confidential, only for the members of the consortium (incl.
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