Genes Genet. Syst. (2019) 94, p. 253–267Retrotransposon-mediated riboviral integrations 253 Interactions among , and riboviruses: endogenous riboviral elements in eukaryotic

Masayuki Horie1,2* 1Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, and 2Department of Research, Institute for Frontier and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University, 53 Kawahara-cho, Shogoin, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8507, Japan

(Received 22 September 2018, accepted 7 February 2019; J-STAGE Advance published date: 29 June 2019)

Riboviruses are that have RNA genomes and replicate only via RNA intermediates. Although they do not require a DNA phase for replication and do not encode reverse transcriptase, the presence of DNA forms of riboviral sequences in ribovirus-infected cells has been reported since the 1970s. Additionally, herita- ble ribovirus-derived sequences, called riboviral endogenous viral elements (EVEs), have been found in the genomes of many eukaryotes. These are now thought to be formed by the reverse machineries of retrotransposons within eukaryotic genomes sometimes referred to as selfish elements. Surprisingly, some reverse-transcribed riboviral (including EVEs) provide physiological functions for their hosts, suggesting the occurrence of novel interactions among eukaryotic genomes, retrotransposons and riboviruses, and opening the door to new avenues of investigation. Here I review current knowledge on these triangu- lar interactions, and discuss future directions in this field.

Key words: , ,

reverse-transcribing DNA viruses, and RNA viruses and INTRODUCTION reverse-transcribing RNA viruses, have DNA and RNA Viruses are obligate parasites that infect many types genomes in their respective virus particles. Although all of non-viral and even several giant viruses (La viruses produce mRNA, the genomes of DNA viruses and Scola et al., 2008; Claverie and Abergel, 2009). Because RNA viruses replicate only via DNA and RNA intermedi- virus can burden their hosts in several ways, ates, respectively. In contrast, reverse-transcribing DNA non-viral organisms have gained antiviral immune viruses and reverse-transcribing RNA viruses encode systems to counteract viral infections (Daugherty and reverse transcriptase (RTase), which enables reverse Malik, 2012; tenOever, 2016). Viruses have overcome transcription (RT). Thus, reverse-transcribing DNA and this countermeasure by acquiring anti-immune systems RNA viruses possess DNA and RNA as genomic material (Daugherty and Malik, 2012; tenOever, 2016). These bat- in their virions, but replicate via RNA and DNA inter- tles are thought to have been repeated numerous times, mediates, respectively. In this review, I focus on RNA resulting in a so-called evolutionary arms race between viruses that do not encode an RTase. Because some viruses and hosts (Gammon and Mello, 2015; Hoffmann informal definitions of “RNA viruses” include reverse- et al., 2015; tenOever, 2016). Thus, viruses are believed transcribing RNA viruses, I have used the term “ribo- to have contributed to the evolution of immune systems viruses,” which explicitly excludes reverse-transcribing in eukaryotes and vice versa. RNA viruses. Viruses are divided into four groups based on the As described above, ribovirus particles have RNA genomic material in the virus particles (virions) and genomes and replicate only via RNA intermediates, their replication modes: DNA viruses, RNA viruses such as viral genomic RNA, anti-genomic RNA and (riboviruses), reverse-transcribing DNA viruses and mRNA. Based on the polarity of the RNA genomes in reverse-transcribing RNA viruses. DNA viruses and the virus particles, riboviruses are subdivided into pos- itive-strand, negative-strand, or double-stranded RNA viruses (Flint et al., 2015). Riboviruses encode an RNA- Edited by Kenji Ichiyanagi * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] dependent RNA that makes RNA copies from DOI: RNA templates, which are necessary for their replication 254 M. HORIE

and transcription (the typical replication cycle of ribovi- regarding biological interactions among riboviruses, ret- ruses is shown in Fig. 1). rotransposons and eukaryotic genomes. In this review, Although riboviruses do not require DNA intermedi- I focus on such ribovirus–retrotransposon interactions in ates for their replication, DNA forms of riboviruses have , and summarize and discuss the modes of their been reported to be present in ribovirus-infected cells, interactions and biological functions in animals. beginning in 1975 (Zhdanov, 1975). Since then, several sporadic reports suggested the presence of DNA forms of INTERACTIONS BETWEEN RIBOVIRUSES riboviral sequences (Klenerman et al., 1997; Crochu et al., AND RETROTRANSPOSONS 2004; Maori et al., 2007), but it was unclear how the viral DNA was generated. In 2009, Geuking et al. revealed As mentioned above, riboviral RNA can be reverse tran- that riboviral RNA is reverse transcribed into DNA by scribed into DNA in some ribovirus-infected cells (Zhdanov, RTase encoded by a retrotransposon (also referred to as a 1975; Klenerman et al., 1997; Geuking et al., 2009; Horie selfi sh element) present in eukaryotic genomes (Geuking et al., 2010; Goic et al., 2013, 2016; Tassetto et al., 2017; et al., 2009). Additionally, we and others discovered that Poirier et al., 2018). Because riboviruses only encode an Fig.heritable 1 ribovirus-derived elements exist in the genomes RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, an RTase must be pro- of eukaryotes, at least some of which were apparently vided in trans for the RT reactions of riboviruses. Sev- reverse transcribed and integrated by retrotransposons eral elements, such as retroelements, and are (Belyi et al., 2010a; Horie et al., 2010; Katzourakis and known to have RTase activity in eukaryotic cells. Addi- Gifford, 2010). These ribovirus-derived sequences are tionally, coinfection with , which are reverse- believed to have originated from reverse-transcribed and transcribing RNA viruses encoding RTase and capable of integrated riboviral sequences in the hosts’ integration, can also serve as sources of RTase. Among cells. Such heritable virus-derived sequences are now them, retroelements and possible co- with a ret- known as endogenous viral elements (EVEs) (Katzourakis rovirus are reported to be involved in the RT reactions and Gifford, 2010). After these fi ndings were reported, and, in some cases, the integration of riboviral sequences. many other studies showed the presence of riboviral Retrotransposons are transposable elements that can EVEs derived from diverse viruses in eukaryotic genomes expand in a copy-and-paste manner within genomes: ret- (Horie and Tomonaga, 2011; Aiewsakun and Katzourakis, rotransposons are transcribed as RNA, which is reverse 2015; Parrish and Tomonaga, 2016). transcribed into cDNA, and then integrated into the Surprisingly, ribovirus-derived DNA is not just a (Fig. 2A). Based on the presence or absence byproduct of chance interactions between riboviruses of long terminal repeats (LTRs), retrotransposons are and retrotransposons: at least in insects, these interac- classifi ed as LTR and non-LTR retrotransposons, both tions play important roles in antiviral immunity (Goic of which are further divided into autonomous and non- et al., 2013, 2016; Tassetto et al., 2017; Poirier et al., autonomous classes (Havecker et al., 2004; Eickbush 2018). Additionally, some ribovirus-derived EVEs also and Jamburuthugoda, 2008). While autonomous ret- play roles in their hosts (Fujino et al., 2014; Myers et al., rotransposons encode RTase, which enables retrotrans- 2016). These fi ndings provide support for a novel concept position in cis, non-autonomous retrotransposons do not

Virus Viral genome replication

Genome Antigenome Genome Assembly

Host mRNA

Viral expression Fig. 1. Replication cycle of a ribovirus with negative polarity. A schematic representation of the replication of a ribovirus with a negative-strand RNA genome. Fig. 2 Retrotransposon-mediated riboviral integrations 255 A

Non-LTR retrotransposon LTR retrotransposon e.g. LINE-1 e.g. IAP element

Proteins Translation Translation Proteins




TPRT and integration Transcription Integration

Non-LTR retrotransposons LTR retrotransposons


? 5’ 3’ 3’ 5’ ORF2p mRNA AAAA TTTT RT

LINE-1 insertion + poly(A) AAAAAA TTTTTT TTTTTT TSD TSD Fig. 2. Modes of retrotransposition of non-LTR and LTR retrotransposons. (A) Schematic representations of retrotranspositions are shown. PIC, pre-integration complex; RNP, ribonucleoprotein; RT, reverse transcription; VLP, virus-like particle; TPRT, target-primed reverse transcription. (B) A schematic representation of a LINE-1 retrotransposition is shown. RT, reverse transcription; TSD, target site duplication. 256 M. HORIE encode RTase, and thus must exploit the machineries of autonomous non-LTR retrotransposons are retrotrans- autonomous retrotransposons for their retrotransposition posed via the machineries of autonomous non-LTR (Beauregard et al., 2008). retrotransposons. Non-LTR retrotransposons represent LTR retrotransposons have, as the name suggests, LTRs a major component of eukaryotic genomes; for example, at both ends, which usually contain several elements approximately 30% of the genome is comprised of essential for retrotransposition, such as a promoter and non-LTR retrotransposons (IHGSC, 2001). primer-binding sites (Havecker et al., 2004). LTR ret- Retrotransposons are still active in the genomes of rotransposons harbor at least two , namely a gag and many eukaryotes, including (Mills et al., 2007; pol gene. The gag gene encodes structural proteins that Hancks and Kazazian, 2016). Indeed, several genetic form virus-like particles together with retrotransposon disorders are caused by de novo insertions of retrotrans- . The pol gene encodes a protease, integrase and posons (Hancks and Kazazian, 2012, 2016). Thus, RTase, which catalyze retrotransposition (Havecker et al., retrotransposons are also referred to as selfish genetic 2004). Some LTR retrotransposons, including endoge- elements. However, they are also considered as driving nous retroviruses, also have an env gene that enables the forces of genome evolution, because retrotransposition formation of infectious particles and subsequent trans- can cause genome rearrangement, provide gene regula- mission to other cells (Malik et al., 2000; Havecker et al., tors, and generate chimeric genes (Cordaux and Batzer, 2004). As mentioned above, LTR retrotransposons form 2009). Some retrotransposon genes may be co-opted virus-like particles in cells where retrotransposon RNAs by the host cell. For example, the Peg10, Peg11 and are reverse-transcribed into DNA using tRNA as primers Syncytin genes, which are derived from LTR retrotrans- (Havecker et al., 2004). Next, a retrotransposon DNA– posons (endogenous retroviruses), are essential for pla- integrase complex (also called the pre-integration complex) cental formation in mammals (Mi et al., 2000; Dupressoir is formed, which is translocated into the nucleus and is et al., 2005; Ono et al., 2006; Sekita et al., 2008). Addi- integrated into a via integrase activity (Fig. tionally, non-LTR retrotransposons have been implicated 2A) (Havecker et al., 2004). Therefore, as suggested by in the formation of processed pseudogenes and retrocop- their RT, LTR retrotransposons are also known as extra- ies of cellular mRNAs (Esnault et al., 2000). Namely, chromosomally primed retrotransposons (Beauregard et cellular mRNAs are occasionally incorporated into non- al., 2008). LTR retrotransposons comprise a large part of LTR retrotransposon machineries, and then reverse tran- genomes; for example, they account for 8% of the scribed and integrated into a different position within the human genome (IHGSC, 2001). Some LTR retrotranspo- genome. Thus, retrotransposons have contributed to the sons are non-autonomous. These non-autonomous LTR evolution of genomes in various ways. retrotransposons lack essential genes for retrotranspo- Although RT and integration of riboviral sequences were sition, and thus they exploit the machineries of autono- first reported in the 1970s (Zhdanov, 1975), the under- mous retrotransposons (Havecker et al., 2004). lying mechanisms have remained mysterious because Non-LTR retrotransposons usually do not have LTRs riboviruses themselves do not encode RTase. However, (Beauregard et al., 2008). As described above, non-LTR a series of studies revealed that retrotransposons are retrotransposons are also further divided into autono- involved in RT of riboviral RNAs; furthermore, in some mous and non-autonomous classes. Autonomous non- cases, the retrotransposons play a role in capturing for- LTR retrotransposons encode two proteins: ORF1p has eign viral genetic elements (Geuking et al., 2009; Belyi et RNA chaperone activity, and ORF2p possesses RTase and al., 2010a; Horie et al., 2010, 2013; Horie and Tomonaga, endonuclease activities (Feng et al., 1996; Martin, 2006; 2011; Goic et al., 2013; Poirier et al., 2018). In this sec- Beauregard et al., 2008). ORF1p and ORF2p interact tion, I focus on the RT/integration of riboviral sequences with retrotransposon RNA to form a ribonucleoprotein by retrotransposable elements. (RNP) complex (Beauregard et al., 2008). The RNP complex is translocated into the nucleus, after which RT of riboviral sequences by non-LTR retrotrans- the encoded endonuclease nicks the chromosomal DNA posons in somatic cells Some riboviral RNAs have and initiates RT using the nicked DNA as a primer been suggested to be reverse transcribed and integrated (Beauregard et al., 2008). This mode of RT is known into host genomes by the RTase activities of the non-LTR as target-primed reverse transcription (TPRT), and thus retrotransposon LINE-1 in somatic cells (Horie et al., non-LTR retrotransposons are also referred to as target- 2010, 2013; Shimizu et al., 2014). primed retrotransposons (Beauregard et al., 2008). In LINE-1 retrotransposons are autonomous non-LTR ret- addition to ORF1p and ORF2p, long interspersed nuclear rotransposons, and some of them are active in many spe- element 1 (LINE-1) in , an autonomous non-LTR cies of animals, including humans (Sassaman et al., 1997; retrotransposon that is still active in humans, encodes Brouha et al., 2003). As described in the above section, ORF0p in the antisense orientation, which affects the RT and LINE-1 insertion are initiated by cleavage of sin- mobility of LINE-1 (Denli et al., 2015). In contrast, non- gle-stranded DNA by LINE-1 ORF2p (Fig. 2B). The 3′ Retrotransposon-mediated riboviral integrations 257 end of the cleaved DNA is used as a primer for RT. The molecules of antisense orientation in the cytoplasm, as opposite DNA strand is also cleaved, but the cleavage site determined by fractionation and PCR. The authors is usually located downstream of the first DNA strand, attempted to determine the sequence of VSV vDNA by which eventually generates a short direct repeat, referred inverse PCR and sequencing analyses, using essentially to as a target site duplication (TSD), on both sides of the the same method as for our BoDV study. However, inserted LINE-1 (the mode of LINE-1 retrotransposition they could only detect virus-derived sequences, and no is reviewed by Beck et al., 2011). Importantly, LINE-1 is host-derived sequences: all the identified sequences cor- involved in the formation of processed pseudogenes, and responded to a full-length viral mRNA sequence includ- the resultant integrants have features similar to those ing a poly(A) tail (Shimizu et al., 2014). Based on observed in retrotransposed LINE-1 (Esnault et al., 2000). these observations, they proposed that in the cytoplasm, We previously reported that the mRNA of Borna dis- VSV mRNA alone is reverse transcribed and that the ease virus (BoDV), a ribovirus, was reverse transcribed vDNA is present as extrachromosomal DNA (Shimizu into DNA, at least a portion of which was integrated into et al., 2014). However, the source of primers for RT is the host chromosome by the machinery of LINE-1 (Horie unknown in this model. Shimizu et al. (2014) suggested et al., 2010). BoDV is a negative-strand RNA virus, that special DNA primers are not needed for the RT, or belonging to the family , which establishes that oligo U or T are used as the primers. An alterna- non-cytolytic persistent infections in the host tive explanation is that the detected vDNAs were derived (Tomonaga et al., 2002). Previously, we detected virus- from first-strand cDNA fragments whose second-strand derived DNA (vDNA) in BoDV-infected cultured cells DNA was not yet synthesized. Several cellular factors from diverse mammalian species (such as humans, rab- are involved in LINE-1-mediated TPRT and integration bits, dogs and mink), as well as in mouse brains in vivo (Pizarro and Cristofari, 2016). Thus, although first- (Horie et al., 2010). We also demonstrated, using Alu- strand VSV cDNA is synthesized in VSV-infected cells, PCR and inverse PCR, that BoDV vDNA was integrated the viral infection induces , which may disrupt into host (Horie et al., 2010, 2013). We the cellular machineries for synthesizing second-strand identified the integrated BoDV DNAs and their flanking DNA; the cDNA may then be digested by a cellular sequences, revealing that many of the integrants have DNase and leak into the cytoplasm. Indeed, VSV infec- structures similar to cellular processed pseudogenes: the tion causes fragmentation of the host chromosomal DNA integrants had poly(A) tails, short tandem repeats derived (Koyama, 1995). Furthermore, the relative amounts from host sequences (e.g., TSDs observed upstream and of VSV vDNA and leaked nuclear genomic DNA in the downstream of the integrants), and occasional 5′ trun- cytoplasm were very similar (Shimizu et al., 2014). Fur- cations of mRNA (Gilbert et al., 2002). These observa- ther studies are needed to understand the mode of RT tions strongly suggested that BoDV vDNA was derived of VSV. For example, several host factors were involved from mRNA following RT by the LINE-1 machinery. In in apoptosis induced by VSV infection (Pearce and Lyles, addition to such typical sequences, we also observed inte- 2009). Importantly, knockdown of some of these factors grants that lacked a poly(A) tail, and displayed deletions inhibited VSV-induced apoptosis. Thus, such systems of flanking sequences and reorganization of flanking may be useful to pursue this issue. sequences (Horie et al., 2010, 2013). These differences Shimizu et al. (2014) also detected vDNA derived from may reflect non-canonical integration or endonuclease- respiratory syncytial virus and echovirus type 35, which independent retrotransposition, as observed for LINE-1 are riboviruses with negative- and positive-strand RNA retrotransposition (Gilbert et al., 2002; Morrish et al., genomes, respectively. These observations suggest that 2002). We further showed that the integration efficiency many riboviruses are potentially reverse transcribed of BoDV mRNA was very low in two human cell lines: less by the LINE-1 machinery. However, the biological sig- than 0.1% (below the detection limit) of BoDV-infected nificance of the RT of riboviruses is unclear. Addition- cells have integrants originating from BoDV mRNA ally, it is unclear whether the RT of these riboviruses (Horie et al., 2010, 2013). However, it is unclear whether occurs in vivo. In somatic cells, retrotransposons are BoDV mRNA is preferentially recognized by the LINE-1 usually inactive except in several types of somas, such machinery. as neuronal progenitor cells (Muotri et al., 2005; Yang Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), a ribovirus belonging and Kazazian, 2006; Coufal et al., 2009; Garcia-Perez to the family (Amarasinghe et al., 2018), et al., 2010). Therefore, riboviruses that do not infect is also reverse transcribed by the LINE-1 machinery such cells may not be reverse transcribed by the LINE-1 (Shimizu et al., 2014). VSV replicates in the cytoplasm machinery. In this regard, in vivo animal experiments, and causes cytopathic effects in infected cells (Shimizu as we performed for BoDV in mice (Horie et al., 2010), et al., 2014). Shimizu et al. (2014) detected VSV-derived are also important for obtaining a deeper understanding DNA in VSV-infected human cells. The VSV vDNA of the authentic interactions between riboviruses and ret- was suggested to be present as single-stranded DNA rotransposons. 258 M. HORIE

Germline-integrated riboviral sequences in eukary- of cellular genes or of retrotransposons (Buzdin et al., otic genomes, presumably reverse transcribed and 2002; Buzdin et al., 2003; Buzdin, 2004). Generally, few integrated by non-LTR retrotransposons In addi- lineages of riboviruses (such as bornaviruses) are known tion to the RT of extant viruses, we and others revealed to replicate and undergo transcription in the nucleus that sequences homologous to riboviruses, such as borna- (Horie and Tomonaga, 2019). Currently, we have only a viruses and filoviruses, are present in eukaryotic genomes limited understanding regarding the replication sites of (Belyi et al., 2010b; Horie et al., 2010). These sequences ancient riboviruses: only one of bornavirus was are believed to be derived from reverse-transcribed and suggested to have replicated in the cell nucleus (Horie germline-integrated sequences of riboviruses, known as and Tomonaga, 2019). However, hsEBLN-2 seems to riboviral EVEs. The RT and integration steps are likely have been endogenized by the template-switching mecha- mediated by the LINE-1 machinery because some of the nism described above, suggesting that an ancient borna- bornaviral and filoviral EVEs have poly(A) tails and virus replicated in the host cell nucleus. By comparing TSDs, as observed for the integrants of a modern bornavi- orthologs of hsEBLN-2 in platyrrhines, their integration rus, BoDV (Belyi et al., 2010b; Horie et al., 2010). Thus, time was estimated to be more than 40 million years ago retrotransposons may have contributed to capturing for- (MYA) (Horie et al., 2010). Therefore, this lineage may eign genetic material from ancient riboviruses. also have replicated and been transcribed in the nucleus Structures of integrants should provide insights into more than 40 MYA. Although many ribovirus-derived the modes of RT and the characteristics of ancient EVEs have been reported, only a few studies focused on viruses (Horie and Tomonaga, 2019). Among the above- biological characteristics of ancient riboviruses (Horie mentioned riboviral EVEs, many are thought to have and Tomonaga, 2019). Thus, further detailed sequence been integrated by TPRT of viral mRNAs alone. How- analyses of such ancient riboviruses should contribute ever, intriguingly, an endogenous bornavirus-like element to a better understanding of the replication mechanisms (EBL) in humans (named hsEBLN-2) seems to have been of ancient viruses. An increase in the available genome reverse transcribed and integrated as a recombinant data would also be helpful to pursue this open ques- between viral mRNA and a non-autonomous retrotrans- tion. Furthermore, a combination of reconstruction of poson, the Alu element (Belyi et al., 2010b; Horie et al., ancient viral sequences, as reported for dependoparvovi- 2010). An Alu element was identified immediately down- rus-like elements (Smith et al., 2016), and biochemical stream of the poly(A) tail of hsEBLN-2. Importantly, the and molecular biological experiments would be useful to hsEBLN-2/Alu element is flanked by a 9-bp TSD, and the understand the biological features of ancient riboviruses. Alu element itself is not flanked by a TSD (Fig. 3). This may have been caused by a template switch from the RT of riboviral sequences by LTR retrotransposons Alu RNA to mRNA of an ancient bornavirus during in somatic cells Many riboviral sequences have also TPRT of the Alu. This observation suggests that there been shown to be reverse transcribed and (in some cases) are two modes of LINE-1-mediated integration of ribovi- integrated into the host genome by LTR retrotranspo- ral sequences, as follows. First, viral mRNA is directly sons. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) is an reverse transcribed and integrated into a chromosome ambisense RNA virus belonging to the genus Mammare- by the LINE-1 machinery. In this case, viral mRNA navirus of the family Arenaviridae. In 1997, Klenerman may be accidentally incorporated into RNP in the cyto- et al. reported the presence of DNA forms of LCMV in plasm, and then translocated into the nucleus followed LCMV-infected cells (Klenerman et al., 1997). Later, by TPRT of viral mRNA. Second, a template switch from Geuking et al. (2009) reported that LCMV RNA was a retrotransposon RNA to a viral mRNA occurs during a reverse transcribed and integrated into host chromosomes TPRT reaction of the retrotransposon, leading to integra- by a murine LTR retrotransposon, namely an intracister- tion of a chimeric retrotransposon–viral mRNA sequence nal A-particle (IAP) retrotransposon. (Fig. 3). This scenario is interesting in that it may Over 1,000 IAP retrotransposons are present in the yield novel insights into the replication sites of ancient mouse genome, some of which are actively retrotrans- viruses. LINE-1-mediated TPRT initiates in the cell posed (Kuff and Lueders, 1988). The IAP encodes three nucleus; thus, in theory, only viruses being transcribed genes (gag, prt and pol genes), all of which are required in the nucleus have the potential to be integrated by for retrotransposition (Dewannieux et al., 2004). The the template-switching mechanism. Indeed, a substan- gag gene encodes structural proteins, which form virus- tial portion of reported chimeric retrocopies, which were like particles within cells. The prt gene encodes a pro- suggested to be formed by template switches between tease that is involved in proteolytic cleavage of the IAP retrotransposon RNAs and other species of RNAs, are gene products. The pol gene encodes RTase and inte- composed of the following elements: 5′ parts derived from grase. The mode of IAP retrotransposition is summa- RNA localizing in the nucleus or in both nucleus and cyto- rized in the section “2. Interactions between riboviruses plasm, and 3′ parts originating from cytoplasmic mRNAs and retrotransposons” and in Fig. 2A. Fig. 3 Retrotransposon-mediated riboviral integrations 259

TSD hsEBLN-2 Poly(A) Alu Poly(A) TSD

Viral mRNA Viral RNP

Template switch? Alu RNA z Genomic DNA TPRT EBLN-2-Alu chimera


Fig. 3. Possible reverse transcription and integration mechanism of an endogenous bornavirus-like element. (A) Schematic repre- sentation of the organization of a target site duplication (TSD). hsEBLN-2, Homo sapiens endogenous bornavirus-like element 2; Poly(A): polyadenine stretch. (B) Schematic representation of possible reverse transcription and integration mechanisms of the chi- meric hsEBLN-2-Alu-Sx sequence. TPRT, target-primed reverse transcription.

LCMV DNA was detected as recombinants of LCMV at sites of DNA damage. Interestingly, LCMV vDNA for- and IAP, and at least a portion of the LCMV/IAP chi- mation could also be mediated by another RTase: human meric DNA was present as a chromosomally integrated immunodeficiency virus RTase also supported the forma- sequence. This recombination is, at least in IAP- tion of LCMV vDNA, although less efficiently than IAP expressing HeLa cells (a human cell line), likely to be (Geuking et al., 2009). In contrast, no LCMV DNA was mediated by a copy-choice mechanism (Geuking et al., detected in the guinea pig cell line CCL158, which has 2009). Interestingly, integration of the LCMV/IAP DNA very high RTase activity (Geuking et al., 2009). Thus, seemed to be achieved through an unusual process, some riboviruses and RTase complexes may be compat- because the integrants lacked TSDs in flanking regions, ible (Horie and Tomonaga, 2011). Sequence specificities which are usually observed when integration into the of RTase and riboviral sequences and/or spaces for the genome occurs through the canonical integration mecha- replication of riboviruses and the formation of LTR ret- nisms of LTR retrotransposons, and deletion of integra- rotransposon virus-like particles are probably involved in tion sites was observed (Geuking et al., 2009). Based on such compatibility. these observations, the authors proposed that integration Many other riboviruses are also reverse transcribed of LCMV/IAP recombinants had occurred at sites of DNA into vDNA in insect cells. For example, several reports damage (Geuking et al., 2009). Thus, some portion of showed that riboviruses with positive- or double- LCMV/IAP DNA that is present as extrachromosomal stranded RNA, such as Flock House virus (FHV), Dro- vDNA may be coincidentally integrated into chromosomes sophila C virus, X virus, and Sindbis virus, 260 M. HORIE are reverse transcribed into DNA in flies and mosquitoes insects. Ballinger et al. (2012) found that EVEs derived (Goic et al., 2013, 2016; Tassetto et al., 2017; Poirier et from sigmavirus, a ribovirus belonging to the family al., 2018). Goic et al. (2013) determined the nucleotide Rhabdoviridae, are present in the Drosophila genome, sequences of FHV vDNAs in FHV-infected Drosophila and appear to have been integrated by a blastopia-like cells, showing that vDNAs were present as chimeric LTR retrotransposon. Several copies of sigmaviral EVEs sequences with diverse LTR retrotransposons. This find- in Drosophila were detected as sigmavirus–LTR ret- ing suggests that the RT reactions in flies were also cata- rotransposon hybrid sequences. The sigmaviral EVEs lyzed by the RTase activity of LTR retrotransposons (Goic have poly(A) tails, indicating that they were derived from et al., 2013). Importantly, Tassetto et al. (2017) showed mRNA. Although the detailed mechanism is unclear, that vDNA is produced in hemocytes in Drosophila. Fur- these observations suggest that viral mRNA was reverse thermore, Poirier et al. (2018) revealed that defective transcribed by a template-switching mechanism of an LTR viral genomes, which are derived from discontinuous retrotransposon. Interestingly, two sigmaviral EVEs viral genomic sequences, are preferentially reverse tran- were found to be embedded in LTR retrotransposons, sug- scribed into vDNA by LTR retrotransposons. Interest- gesting that template switching occurred twice. Such an ingly, some of the reverse-transcribed vDNA was present event seems to be rare, but Ballinger et al. (2012) gave a as circular forms (circular vDNA: cvDNA). Other than plausible explanation: elements with two LTRs may tend RTases encoded by retrotransposons, two cellular factors to be integrated into chromosomes. (Ago2 and Dicer-2) were shown to be involved in vDNA Whitfield et al. (2017) also analyzed riboviral EVEs formation in fruit flies (Tassetto et al., 2017; Poirier et in the genome of Aedes mosquito-derived cultured al., 2018). The roles of both factors in RNA interference cells. They utilized long-read sequencing technology (RNAi) are well documented: Ago2 is the core effector to determine the genomic sequence of Aga2 cells, which of the RNA-induced silencing complex, and the RNase are cultured cells derived from Ae. aegypti (Whitfield activity of Dicer-2 cleaves dsRNA into small interfering et al., 2017). Using the resultant high-quality con- RNA (siRNA) (Wilson and Doudna, 2013). Tassetto et tigs, they identified EVEs derived from eight families of al. (2017) showed that Ago2 is involved in the formation riboviruses having positive- and negative-strand RNA of vDNA. As described above, vDNA was shown to be genomes. Among them, flavivirus-, rhabdovirus- and generated in hemocytes of Drosophila. This was dem- chuvirus-derived EVEs accounted for a large propor- onstrated by generating a mutant lacking Ago2 in hemo- tion of the detected EVEs. They also analyzed elements cytes, leading to no vDNA production during a virus flanking the EVEs, revealing that many of the flaviviral infection. Poirier et al. (2018) showed that Dicer-2 was and rhabdoviral EVEs are flanked by LTR retrotrans- important for the formation of vDNA. They also identi- posons, especially by Ty3/Gypsy retrotransposons. The fied the domain of Dicer-2 as being important for deep relationship between viruses and Ty3/Gypsy ret- the generation of vDNA. The helicase domain of Dicer-2 rotransposons raises the possibility that compatibility interacted with viral RNA, and mutations in Dicer-2 mod- exists between viruses and retrotransposons, as observed ified the amount of vDNA in infected cells. However, for for LCMV and the IAP element (Geuking et al., 2009) both factors, the detailed mechanisms remain unclear. (see section 2-3). However, this might also be a prod- For mosquito cells, detailed sequencing analysis has not uct of chance: Ty3/Gypsy elements may simply have been yet been performed. Interestingly, however, at least a por- very active when the EVEs were integrated (Whitfield tion of vDNA also existed as extrachromosomal cvDNA in et al., 2017). Chuviral EVEs are flanked by a Pao Bel mosquito cells, and seemed to be transcribed from defec- element (a type of LTR retrotransposon). Intriguingly, tive viral genomes (Poirier et al., 2018). In all of the chi- chuviral EVEs are mainly surrounded by one specific lin- meric virus–retrotransposon cvDNA sequences identified, eage of Pao Bel element, known as Pao Bel element 179 the virus-derived sequences consisted of non-continuous (Whitfield et al., 2017). This finding suggests that chuvi- viral sequences. Additionally, deep sequencing analysis ral EVEs exist as a part of Pao Bel element 179 (Whitfield showed that approximately half of the cvDNA-derived et al., 2017). Indeed, some LTR retrotransposons were reads were non-continuous viral sequences. However, proposed to have acquired envelope-like genes from viral the detailed mechanisms underlying the formation of glycoprotein genes (Malik et al., 2000). Unfortunately, cvDNA are also unclear in mosquitoes. Whitfield et al. did not perform detailed analyses for the Pao Bel element 179 or the chuviral EVEs. Fur- Germline-integrated riboviral sequences in eukary- ther research will lead to a better understanding of the otic genomes, presumably reverse transcribed and relationship between retrotransposons and riboviruses in integrated by LTR retrotransposons Some ribovi- insects. ral EVEs seem to have been endogenized by LTR ret- A nodavirus-like EVE was also suggested to have rotransposons (Ballinger et al., 2012; Cotton et al., 2016; been endogenized into the nematode Bursaphelenchus Whitfield et al., 2017). This is especially obvious in xylophilus genome by an LTR retrotransposon (Cotton et Retrotransposon-mediated riboviral integrations 261 al., 2016). Nodaviruses belong to the family non-continuous viral sequences (Goic et al., 2013). Fur- and are positive-strand RNA viruses that replicate in ther analyses showed that vDNAs are present as chime- the cytoplasm. Cotton et al. (2016) found a nodaviral ras with LTR retrotransposons. Small RNA-seq analyses RNA-dependent RNA polymerase-like element, named revealed that many siRNAs could be mapped to the chi- eBxnv-1, in the genome of B. xylophilus. Similar to meric sequences, suggesting that siRNAs are expressed the above example of sigmaviral EVEs (Ballinger et al., from the vDNA–retrotransposon chimeras. Treatment 2012), eBxnv-1 was also detected as a nodavirus–LTR ret- with the RTase inhibitor azidothymidine (AZT) decreased rotransposon hybrid sequence: eBxnv-1 was embedded in vDNA formation and increased viral titers as well as an LTR retrotransposon (Cotton et al., 2016). Thus, this mortality of infected flies. Thus, Goic et al. (2013) con- EVE was also suggested to be integrated via recombina- cluded that vDNA formation is important for resistance tion between viral RNA and an LTR retrotransposon. against exogenous virus infection in Drosophila, and pro- In addition to the above findings, a bornavirus-derived posed that vDNAs can serve as templates for antiviral EVE (named itEBLN) in the thirteen-lined ground siRNA production. squirrel may have been endogenized by an LTR retrotrans- Tassetto et al. (2017) also showed the importance poson. We previously estimated that itEBLN was inte- of vDNA formation for systemic antiviral defense in grated within 0.3 MYA (Suzuki et al., 2014). Importantly, Drosophila. They found that viral RNA in hemocytes LINE-1 activity became extinct approximately 4–5 MYA is reverse transcribed into vDNA, which can act as a in this lineage (Platt and Ray, 2012). Thus, the endoge- template for antiviral siRNA synthesis. The produced nization of itEBLN probably occurred after the extinction siRNA was released into extracellular exosome-like vesi- of LINE-1, suggesting that RTase was provided by a ret- cles to promote systemic antiviral RNAi in infected indi- rotransposon other than LINE-1; the candidate element is viduals. Interestingly, the vDNA was present for more an LTR retrotransposon. Although no obvious recombi- than 21 days, which corresponds to one-third of the lifes- nation was found, two LTR retrotransposons and a SINE pan of a fly. Thus, Tassetto et al. (2017) proposed that (short interspersed nuclear element; a non-autonomous vDNA formation is involved in immune memory for sys- non-LTR retrotransposon) are located immediately temic immunity in Drosophila. Intriguingly, hemocytes upstream of itEBLN (Suzuki et al., 2014). Because ret- themselves did not seem to be efficiently infected by the rotransposition of an LTR retrotransposon occurred 0.3 viruses, and thus virus-derived dsRNA was proposed to MYA in this lineage, itEBLN might have been integrated be provided from other infected cells. Indeed, a dsRNA- as recombinants of the LTR retrotransposons, the SINE uptake system that may contribute to this type of immu- and a bornaviral transcript (Suzuki et al., 2014). Fur- nity has been reported (Saleh et al., 2006, 2009). ther studies are needed to understand how itEBLN was Poirier et al. (2018) further showed that in Drosophila, endogenized. Since itEBLN was estimated to be inte- defective riboviral genomes tend to be reverse transcribed grated very recently, sequencing analyses of syntenic loci and the resultant cvDNA can serve as a template for in closely related species should provide clues about the antiviral siRNA production. Furthermore, they found endogenization mechanism of itEBLN. that Dicer-2 played a dual role in this antiviral system: the well-known function of Dicer-2 is to cleave dsRNA into siRNA, but it also functions as a pattern recogni- BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS OF RIBOVIRAL RNA tion receptor (PRR) that senses foreign nucleic acids. As RT IN SOMATIC CELLS described above, the helicase domain of Dicer-2 is As described above in section 2, ribovirus-derived involved in the formation of cvDNA and interacts with RNA can be reverse transcribed into vDNA in somatic viral RNA. Thus, the authors proposed that Dicer-2 acts cells. Such reverse-transcribed riboviral DNA may be as a PRR analogous to RIG-I-like receptors in mammals, a byproduct resulting from coincidental interactions which bind viral dsRNAs and activate innate immune between riboviruses and retrotransposons. However, at signaling pathways. Taken together, these findings sug- least in several insects, such as fruit flies and mosquitoes, gest that in Drosophila, vDNA formation is involved in RT of riboviral RNA during infection seems to be very small RNA-mediated anti-riboviral immunity (Poirier et important for antiviral defenses (Fig. 4). al., 2018). In Drosophila, reverse-transcribed vDNA is important In Aedes mosquitoes, vDNA formation is involved for small RNA-mediated antiviral immunity (Goic et al., in tolerance to virus infections. This is different from 2013; Tassetto et al., 2017; Poirier et al., 2018). Goic Drosophila, in which vDNA formation was shown to be et al. (2013) showed that reverse-transcribed DNA is important for resistance against virus infection. Goic important for resistance against exogenous virus infec- et al. (2016) showed that vDNA was generated in tions. As described above in sections 2 and 3, FHV- Chikungunya virus- or Dengue virus-infected mosquito derived vDNA was detected in FHV-infected fruit flies as cells. Treatment with the RTase inhibitor AZT blocked highly reconstructed DNA: the sequences originated from vDNA formation, leading to reduced small RNA produc- Fig.262 4 M. HORIE

Ribovirus infection

Germline cell Somatic cell

Viral RNA

Viral DNA

RT/Integration RT Integration?

Small RNA expression ? -> Antiviral function

Exome-like vesicle Development/Inheritance Systemic antiviral function Riboviral EVE • DNA? • Small RNA • Antiviral function • lncRNA? • Various cellular functions • Fig. 4. Speculated and identifi ed biological functions of reverse-transcribed riboviral sequences in their hosts. Current knowledge of speculated and identifi ed biological functions of reverse-transcribed riboviral sequences and riboviral EVEs is shown. Question marks indicate speculative pathways or functions. Blue and orange lines show RNA and DNA molecules, respectively. RT, reverse transcription.

tion and increased mortality from viral infections. Impor- antiviral siRNA is an important antiviral pathway in tantly, AZT treatment did not affect viral titers, and thus fruit fl ies and mosquitoes. A series of fi ndings regard- Goic et al. concluded that vDNA biogenesis in mosqui- ing vDNA and small antiviral RNA formation opened the toes is involved in tolerance to riboviral infections. The door for investigations into antiviral defenses in insects, mechanism of vDNA formation and subsequent small which lack the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase that is RNA production seemed to be at least partially similar involved in RNAi machineries in other eukaryotes such to that in Drosophila. Poirier et al. (2018) showed that as nematodes and (Goic et al., 2013; Tassetto et al., cvDNA was produced in ribovirus-infected Aedes mosqui- 2017). Further studies in such insects should provide toes. Furthermore, high defective viral genome (DVG)- mechanistic insights into lineage-specifi c RNAi machin- containing virus stock showed lower infection rates in eries. mosquitoes and treatment with AZT increased the infec- tion rates of high DVG-containing viruses in mosqui- BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS OF GERMLINE- toes. Thus, Poirier et al. proposed that DVGs can serve INTEGRATED RIBOVIRAL SEQUENCES as templates for vDNA formation, which contributes to siRNA-mediated antiviral immune responses in insects. In the genomes of many animals exist germline- Taken together, these data suggest that vDNA-mediated integrated riboviral sequences, called EVEs. Riboviral Retrotransposon-mediated riboviral integrations 263

EVEs may function at the DNA, RNA or protein level 2018). EVEs derived from filoviruses are present in bats (Fig. 4). As DNA elements, EVEs may act as regulators of the genus Myotis (Belyi et al., 2010b; Katzourakis and such as enhancers, promoters and insulators. EVEs Gifford, 2010; Taylor et al., 2010, 2011). Among them, may also express long non-coding RNAs or short RNAs, an element homologous to the VP35 gene of filoviruses, such as microRNAs, siRNA and piwi-interacting RNA named endogenous filovirus-like VP35 (EFL35), poten- (piRNA). Furthermore, EVEs may encode proteins with tially has interferon-antagonist activity. EFL35 was various functions. Below, I introduce several reported probably integrated into the bat genome more than 20 functions or possible functions of riboviral EVEs. MYA and retains a relatively long ORF, which has evolved and been maintained under (Belyi et al., EVEs can encode proteins Genetic mutations and/or 2010b; Katzourakis and Gifford, 2010; Taylor et al., 2010, insertions can disrupt open reading 2011). Kondoh et al. (2017) and Edwards et al. (2018) frames (ORFs) within EVEs. Indeed, a large proportion showed that EFL35 in Myotis bats (mEFL35) suppressed of riboviral EVEs are thought to have been endogenized innate immune responses, as does the original protein as far back as more than tens of MYA, and thus many VP35 of exogenous filoviruses. Kondoh et al. (2017) have been pseudogenized. However, some EVEs still showed that exogenous expression of mEFL35 from M. retain intact or relatively large ORFs. Although the lucifugus suppressed the antiviral signaling pathway in presence of ORFs does not always mean that they encode human cells. Edwards et al. (2018) further expanded proteins, such observations suggest that it is likely that this finding. They used mEFL35 proteins from 16 these EVEs encode proteins in their hosts. Indeed, sev- Myotis species, and revealed that many of them showed eral riboviral EVEs have been shown to express proteins similar activities in human and Myotis bat cells. The (Fujino et al., 2014; Kobayashi et al., 2016; Myers et al., biological significance of this interferon-antagonist activ- 2016; Horie, 2017). Below, I summarize known and pos- ity is unclear, although one possible explanation is that sible protein-encoding riboviral EVEs in animals. mEFL35 is involved in modulating IFN and inflamma- tory responses (Edwards et al., 2018). However, the Bornavirus-derived elements encoding proteins. Here, interferon-antagonist activity is not conserved in all I will briefly consider the known and possible functions mEFL35s: mEFL35 from several Myotis species lacked of bornavirus-derived EVEs (endogenous bornavirus-like the activity (Edwards et al., 2018). Furthermore, tran- elements, EBLs), which have been well described in sev- scripts from the mEFL35 locus have not yet even been eral review papers (Honda and Tomonaga, 2016; Horie, detected. Further studies are needed to assess the bio- 2017). Some EBLs were shown to express protein prod- logical impact of the interferon-antagonist activity of ucts in mammals, such as humans, ground squirrels mEFL35 in bats. and elephants (Ewing et al., 2007; Fujino et al., 2014; In addition to the above effect on immune signaling, Kobayashi et al., 2016; Myers et al., 2016). Some of these intriguingly, mEFL35 expression slightly decreased the seem to be functional in the cells: an EBL in humans is polymerase activity of EBOV in a mini- assay in apparently involved in the regulation of genome stabil- human cells (Kondoh et al., 2017), although this effect ity (Myers et al., 2016), and another in thirteen-lined was not observed in another study (Edwards et al., 2018). ground squirrels may function as an anti-bornaviral Because mEFL35 forms a hetero-oligomer with the VP35 gene (Fujino et al., 2014). Several EBLs in bats of the protein of modern filoviruses, this interaction might con- genus Eptesicus and afrotherian animals (e.g., elephant) tribute to the inhibition of polymerase activity: namely, have also been strongly suggested to encode functional mEFL35 might function as a dominant-negative mutant proteins, although their functions remain unclear (Horie against the viral VP35 protein. Note that mEFL35 is et al., 2016; Kobayashi et al., 2016). These possibly distantly related to modern exogenous filoviruses includ- functional EBLs are found in the genomes of non-model ing EBOV (the amino acid identity between EBOV VP35 organisms, which makes it difficult to systematically and EFL35 is 32%). Thus, this EFL35 might act as an study them. However, recent progress in sequencing antiviral gene against yet-to-be-discovered filoviruses technologies has made it easier to study such organisms that are genetically closer. Recently, two novel lineages than previously thought. Further work is needed to of filoviruses, named Wenling frogfish filovirus and Wen- understand the functions of bornavirus-derived genes in ling Thamnaconus septentrionalis filovirus, and Měnglà . virus were detected in fishes and are distantly related to the three previously identified lineages of filoviruses (the Filovirus-derived elements. Filoviruses belong to the genera Cuevavirus, Ebolavirus and Marburgvirus) (Shi family (Amarasinghe et al., 2018). Rep- et al., 2018). Although these two novel filoviruses are resentative viruses in this family include Ebola virus not genetically close to mEFL35, their discovery implies (EBOV) and Marburg virus, which are highly pathogenic that additional filovirus lineages occur in . Thus, in humans and non-human primates (Amarasinghe et al., extensive surveillance of exogenous viruses will be impor- 264 M. HORIE tant for understanding the function of riboviral EVEs, as the diversity of eukaryotes, the findings presented here previously discussed (Horie, 2017). are just the tip of iceberg: many other interesting interac- tions probably occur among eukaryotes, retrotransposons EVEs may function as small non-coding RNAs Sev- and riboviruses in other eukaryotes, or even in the ani- eral EVEs encode piRNA, a type of small non-coding RNA mals introduced here. Further studies will contribute to that is mainly involved in epigenetic and post-transcrip- a deeper understanding of these tripartite interactions. tional suppression of retrotransposable elements (Siomi et al., 2011). piRNA precursors are usually expressed from clusters in genomes, called piRNA clusters (Lau et CONFLICTS OF INTEREST al., 2006; Aravin et al., 2007). Interestingly, some ribovi- None. ral EVEs are present in such piRNA clusters, and piRNAs are expressed from these riboviral EVE loci in animals I thank ENDEAVR (the Endogenous Elements from Ancient (Parrish et al., 2015; Suzuki et al., 2017; Whitfield et al., Viruses Research Club) in Japan, which is partially supported by Cross-sectoral Research Platform Development Program 2016 of 2017). Kyoto University, for providing the opportunity to publish this piRNAs are expressed from bornavirus-derived EVE review article. This work was supported by the Hakubi Proj- loci, at least in several primates and (Parrish et ect of Kyoto University; a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research al., 2015). In insects, piRNAs are expressed from EVEs on Innovative Areas from the Ministry of Education, Culture, derived from many riboviruses, such as flaviviruses, rhab- Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan (grant number 17H05821); and a JSPS KAKENHI for Challenging Research doviruses, bunyaviruses and reoviruses (Suzuki et al., (Exploratory) (grant number 18K19443). 2017; Whitfield et al., 2017). These EVE-derived piR- NAs were suggested to be involved in antiviral mecha- nisms. Parrish et al. (2015) showed that bornaviral REFERENCES EVEs accumulated in piRNA clusters independently Aiewsakun, P., and Katzourakis, A. (2015) Endogenous viruses: in two different lineages of mammals (primates and connecting recent and ancient . 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