

1. What name is given to all of the energy, and matter that exist? Universe. 2. Which studies the origin and evolution of the universe? . 3. Who proposed the and when? in the Second Century A.D. 4. In which astronomical model are the rotating around the ? In the geocentric model. 5. Who proposed the heliocentric model and when? Copernicus in the Sixteenth Century A.D. 6. In which astronomical model are the planets rotating around the ? In the heliocentric model. 7. Who was the Italian astronomer that supported the heliocentric model? . 8. Which invention helped to demonstrate the heliocentric model? The .

9. According to which did the universe begin because of a big explosion? The Big Bang Theory. 10. What are the two units of measure for the universe? The astronomic unit and light years. 11. What is one astronomic unit? The distance from the Earth to the sun: 150 million kilometers. 12. What do you call the distance that light takes travelling during one year? One light year. 13. What is the velocity of light? 300,000 km/s. 14. What can we use to observe the universe? Astronomic observatories, , artificial , space stations and robot vehicles.

15. What is the name given to an enormous group of ? . 16. What is it called when various bodies around a ? . 17. What is the shape of our galaxy? Spiral. 18. What do you call the accumulation of where the Milky Way is located? Local Group. 19. What are the parts of the Milky Way? Central Nucleus, spiral arms and halo.

20. What are the spherical celestial bodies formed by gases that emit their own light? The stars. 21. What process takes place inside stars? Nuclear fusion reaction. 22. What are the colors of stars from the highest surface temperature to the lowest? Blue, yellow and red. 23. What are the names of the stars according to their size? Giant, medium and dwarf. 24. What does the brightness of stars depend on? On the distance, on its size and on the energy it emits. 25. When does a star die? When it has no more fuel.

26. What is the name of the attraction force between the bodies? Gravitational Force. 27. Which characteristic does Pluto have to be a ? It is spherical. 28. Which characteristic does Pluto need in order to be a planet? To clear its orbit. 29. What is the name of the movement of a planet around its axis? Rotation.

30. What is the name of the planet system where our planet is? Solar System. 31. Which are the interior planets? , , Earth and . 32. Which are the exterior planets? , , Uranus and Neptune. 33. Which planets in the Solar System don’t have satellites? Mercury and Venus. 34. What is the name of the that sometimes passes the Earth? Halley’s comet. 35. What is the shape of the planets orbit? Elliptical. 36. Name the planets in the Solar System from closest to furthest: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.


1. What is the name for the imaginary lines that go around the Earth horizontally? Parallels. 2. What is the name for the imaginary lines that go around the Earth vertically? Meridians. 3. Which parallel is the most important? The Equator. 4. Which meridian is the most important? The Zero Meridian or the Meridian of Greenwich. 5. What is the name of the angle that separates one point of the Earth from the Equator? Latitude. 6. What is the name of the angle that separates one point of the Earth from the Zero Meridian? Longitude. 7. What is the sense of the rotation and revolution of the Earth? Anticlockwise.

8. During the Earth’s revolution, what is the name of the point that is closest to the Sun? Perihelion 9. During the Earth’s revolution, what is the name of the point that is furthest from the Sun? Aphelion. 10. When does the spring boreal equinox occur? March 21st. 11. When does the summer boreal occur? June 21st. 12. When does the autumn boreal equinox occur? September 22nd. 13. When does the winter boreal solstice occur? December 22nd. 14. What do we call it when both hemispheres have equal ? Equinoxes. 15. What do we call the days when the day or night is longer? .

16. What is the name of the zone between the two meridians? Time zone. 17. What is our time zone with respect to the Greenwich meridian? One hour more. 18. What is the system of measure for time in days, months and years? A calendar. 19. Which are the most important calendars? Julius and Gregorian.

20. For what reason is the bright? Because of the reflection of the sunlight. 21. The moon has no atmosphere, what are the effects due to this? The meteorites do not disintegrate, there is not noise, the temperatures are extreme and there is not erosion. 22. What are the names of the biggest plains on the moon? Seas. 23. Why is there a hidden side of the moon? Because the moon lasts the same in its revolution and rotation. 24. What is the name of the different forms of the moon? Phases of the moon. 25. What is the name of the phase of the moon where you can’t see the moon? New Moon. 26. What are the names of the phases of the moon where you can see part of it? First quarter and last quarter. 27. What is the name of the phase of the moon where you can see the moon completely? Full Moon.

28. What is the name given when one celestial body is hidden by another? Eclipse. 29. What do we call the sea levels when they rise and go down? Tides. 30. What are two types of tides? High tide and low tide.

31. What is the name of the layer of the Earth with the materials with the most density? Core. 32. What are the names of the two layers on top of the core? Mantle and crust. 33. What are the layers of the Earth´s geosphere? Core, mantle and crust. 34. What are the names of the layers of the Earth with least density materials? Hydrosphere and atmosphere. 35. What is the name of the layer of the Earth where the living things are? Biosphere. 36. What do we call the natural things we take from the Earth to use in our activities? Natural resources. 37. What are the two types of natural resources? Renewable and non-renewable. 38. What is the name given to the use of resources in a responsible way? Sustainable development.


1. What are the living beings characteristics? Three vital functions, similar components and cells formed. 2. What are the three vital functions? Nutrition, relationships and reproduction. 3. What are two types of nutrition? Autotrophic and heterotrophic. 4. What nutrition occurs in plants? Autotrophic. 5. What nutrition occurs in animals? Heterotrophic. 6. What are two types of reproduction? Sexual and asexual.

7. What is the smallest unit of a living thing that performs the three vital functions? The cell. 8. What do all the cells have in common? Plasmatic membrane, cytoplasm and genetic material (DNA). 9. What is the name of the outermost material of cells? Plasmatic membrane. 10. What is the name of the liquid around the cells organelles? Cytoplasm. 11. What are the two types of cells? Prokaryotic and eukaryotic. 12. What surrounds the plasmatic membrane in prokaryotic cells? Cell Wall. 13. Where is the DNA in Eukaryotic cells? In the nucleus. 14. What organelle stores substances in the Eukaryotic cells? Vacuoles. 15. What organelle produces energy in Eukaryotic cells? Mitochondria. 16. What two special organelles do plant cells have? Cell wall and chloroplasts.

17. Cells with the same function are grouped as… tissues. 18. Various tissues form… organs. 19. The organs are grouped in… systems. 20. What level do bacteria belong to? Level 1: Unicellular organisms. 21. What level do sponges and mushrooms belong to? Level 2: Multicellular organisms without tissues. 22. What level do jellyfish and moss belong to? Level 3: Multicellular organisms with tissues but without organelles. 23. What level do plants belong to? Level 4: Multicellular organisms with organelles without systems. 24. What level do vertebrates belong to? Level 5: Multicellular organisms with systems.

25. What are the taxonomies from largest to smallest? Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species. 26. What is the latest taxonomy? Kingdom. 27. What is the smallest taxonomy? Species. 28. What are the two taxonomies that are used in the scientific name of living things? Genus and species.


1. Are the organisms of the monera kingdom unicellular or multicellular?: Unicellular. 2. What is the type of cells in the monera kingdom? Procariotic. 3. What is the type of reproduction in the monera kingdom? Asexual. 4. How do you call the spherical bacteria? Coccus. 5. What is the type of nutrition in bacteria? Heterotrophic. 6. What do we use to fight the effects of harmful bacteria? Antibiotics. 7. What are the most known organism in the monera kingdom? Bacteria. 8. What do we use bacteria to make for? Cheese, yogurt and vinegar. 9. What are the three types of bacteria according to their nutrition? Saprophytes, symbiotics, and parasites.

10. What are the two types of organism in the protoctista kingdom? Protozoa and algae. 11. What is the type of cells in the protoctista and fungie kingdoms? Eukaryotic. 12. What is the type of nutrition in algae? Autotrophic. 13. What is the type of nutrition in protozoa? Heterotrophic. 14. Describe the reproduction in protozoa: Cell division. 15. How can protozoa move? With flagellums, pseudopods and cilias.

16. What is the type of nutrition in the fungi kingdom? Heterotrophic. 17. How do we call the body of multicellular fungi? Mycelia. 18. How do we call the unicellular fungi? Yeast. 19. How do we call multicellular fungi that appears in food? Molds. 20. Describe the reproduction of fungi: By spores. 21. What do we use yeast to make for? Wine and beer. 22. How do we call the reproductive structure of many types of fungi? Mushroom.

23. What are the organs in complex plants? Root, stem, leaf and flower. 24. How do you call plants with seeds? Spermatofits. 25. What are the two types of spermatofit plants? Gymnosperms and angiosperms. 26. What are the two examples of plants without seeds? Moss and fern. 27. What is the difference between gymnosperms and angiosperms? Gymnosperms have the seeds our of the fruit and angiosperms have the seeds in the fruit.


1. What types of cells do animals have? Eukaryotic. 2. Animals are unicellular or multicellular? Multicellular. 3. How is the symmetry of animals? Bilateral and radial. 4. What is the nutrition of animals? Heterotrophic. 5. How is the interaction function of animals? They can travel. 6. In animals, the sensory organs are grouped in the head. This is called… Cephalization. 7. Normal, what type of reproduction do animals have? Sexual.

8. In what group of invertebrates do sponges belong to? Porifera. 9. Which is the principle characteristic of porifera? They are filtered. 10. What are two types of cnidaria? Octopui and jellyfish. 11. How is the symmetry of cnidaria? Radial.

12. What are three types of worms? Flatworms, nematodes and annelids. 13. Give an example of a flatworm: Tape worm. 14. Give an example of a nematode: Roundworm. 15. Give an example of an annelid: Earthworm.

16. What are three types of molluscs? Gastropods, bilvalves and cephalopods. 17. What are the body parts of a mollusc? Head, visceral mass and muscular foot. 18. What is the symmetry of molluscs? Bilateral. 19. What type of mollusc is a snail? Gastropods. 20. What type of mollusk is a clam? Bivalve. 21. What type of mollusk is an octopus? Cephalopods.

22. What are four types of arthropods? Arachnids, crustaceans, centipede and insects. 23. How are the eyes of arthropods? Simple and compound. 24. What is the type of reproduction of some arthropods? Metamorphosis. 25. How are the bodies of arachnids and crustaceans divided? In a cephalothorax and abdomen. 26. How are the bodies of centipedes divided? In a head and trunk. 27. How are the bodies of insects divided? In a head, thorax and abdomen.

28. How is the symmetry of echinoderms? Radial. 29. What type of invertebrate is the starfish? Echinoderm. 30. What do echinoderms have to move? Tube feet.


1. How do fish move? With fins. 2. What is the temperature for fish, amphibians, and reptiles? Ectothermic. 3. How do fish breathe? With gills. 4. What are the exclusive sensory organs for fish? Lateral line. 5. How is the feeding of fish? Carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. 6. How is the reproduction of fish? Sexual and mostly oviparous. 7. What are two types of fish? Bony and cartilaginous.

8. What is the habitat of amphibians? Terrestrial and near water. 9. How is the skin of amphibians? Thin with glands. 10. How many extremities do amphibians have? Four legs. 11. How do most amphibians breathe? Through their skin. 12. How is the feeding of amphibians? Carnivore. 13. What is the name of the reproduction of a frog? Metamorphosis.

14. What is the habitat of reptiles? Earth. 15. How is the skin of reptiles? Covered in scales. 16. How many extremities do reptiles have? Four legs each with five fingers and nails. 17. How do reptiles and birds breathe? With their lungs. 18. How is the feeding of reptiles? Carnivore and some herbivore.

19. How is the reproduction of reptiles and birds? Sexual and oviparous. 20. When reptiles and birds lay eggs, what do the eggs have? An impermeable shell. 21. What are the characteristics that permit birds to fly? Aerodynamic body, feathers, wings, hollow bones and air sacs. 22. How is the temperature in birds and mammals? Endothermic. 23. How is the feeding of birds? Carnivore and herbivore.

24. How is the skin of mammals? With hair. 25. What do female mammals have to feed their babies? Breasts. 26. What do mammals have in their mouth? Lips and different types of teeth. 27. How is the feeding of mammals? Carnivore, herbivore and omnivore. 28. How is the reproduction of mammals? Sexual and viviparous.

29. What special extremities do human beings have? Bipedal and free hands. 30. How are human beings born? Completely helpless. 31. What is very developed in human beings? The brain.


1. What is the name of the variety of species that inhabit or have inhabited the Earth? Biodiversity. 2. What resources provide us biodiversity? Food, medicines, raw materials, energy and entertainment.

3. What can cause the disappearance of a species? The alteration of the environmental balance. 4. What is it called when the last living individual of a species dies? Extinction. 5. In what way are human beings overexploiting living things? With the hunting and massive recollection of some species, excessive fishing and the cutting down many trees. 6. In what way are human beings altering the ecosystems? With unnecessary ways of communication, contamination, cutting down trees and forest fires.

7. What are the names of the changes of living things over millions of years? Biological evolution. 8. What are the names of the old beings found inside rocks? Fossils.

9. What were the first multicellular beings? Algae and the invertebrates. 10. What were the first vertebrates? Fish. 11. What were the first terrestrial plants? Moss and ferns. 12. What were the first terrestrial animals? Arthropods.


1. What is the name of the layer of gases that surrounds the Earth? The atmosphere. 2. What are the two gases most abundant in the atmosphere? Nitrogen and oxygen. 3. What are the 5 layers of the atmosphere from nearest to furthest? Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere. 4. In what layer of the atmosphere do life and meteorological phenomenon develop? In the troposphere. 5. Where is the ozone layer? In the stratosphere. 6. Where do the small meteorites disintegrate? In the mesosphere. 7. Where are the shooting stars produced? In the mesosphere. 8. Where are the harmful solar rays absorbed? In the thermosphere. 9. In what layer of the atmosphere is there the least air? In the exosphere.

10. What is the medium temperature of the Earth? 15ºC. 11. The effect of containing most of the heat of the solar rays in the atmosphere is… The Green House effect. 12. What do we construct to cultivate fruits and vegetables? Green houses. 13. What does the atmosphere protect us from? The radiations and the meteorites.

14. What scientist did discover pressure in the atmosphere? Torricelli. 15. What is the force of the atmosphere in all directions? The atmospheric pressure. 16. What is normal atmospheric pressure, or the sea level? 760 mmHg (millimeters of Mercury). 17. What is equal to one atmosphere? 760 mmHg. 18. What other units of pressure are used in addition to millimeters of Mercury? Pascals and millibars. 19. How does the value of atmospheric pressure vary? Decreases with the altitude. 20. What is the name of high and low pressures? Anticyclones and depressions.

21. What is the movement of air in the troposphere from high to low pressure zones? Wind, 22. What are the principle phenomena related with the wind? Breezes and tornados. 23. What is the name of the quantity of water vapor contained in the air? Atmospheric humidity. 24. What phenomenon originate when the water vapor in the air condenses? Clouds fog and dew. 25. What is the origin of drops of water and small ice crystals in the atmosphere? Clouds. 26. What are the names of the clouds formed above the ground? Fog. 27. What is produced when the water vapor and air condense on vegetation and other surfaces? Dew. 28. What are the types of precipitation? In the form of rain, snow and hail.

29. What science studies the weather? Meteorology. 30. With what do we measure atmospheric pressure? With a barometer. 31. With what do we measure humidity? With a hygrometer. 32. With what do we measure precipitation? With a pluviometer. 33. With what do we measure the velocity of wind? With an anemometer. 34. With what do we measure the direction of wind? With a weather vane. 35. What do meteorological phenomena give a region over a long period of time? Climate. 36. What factors influence climate of a region? The altitude, the latitude and the distance from the sea. 37. What are the names of the zones of the Earth with like climates? Climate zones.

38. Human activity causes contamination with… combustible fossils, forest fires and industrial activity. 39. What are some types of contaminants? Gases and particles in suspension. 40. What are effects of the contaminants? Destruction of the ozone layer, increase in the green house effect and acid rain.


1. Indicate the properties of pure water: It doesn’t have color, odor or flavor. 2. At what temperature does pure water change into gaseous state? 100ºC. 3. At what temperature does pure water change into solid state? 0ºC. 4. Does solid water occupy more or less volume than liquid water? More volume.

5. Is the salinity of the seas and oceans high or low? It’s high. 6. How does temperature of water in the seas and oceans change when the depth increases? It diminishes. 7. How do we call continental water because of the low salinity? Fresh water. 8. What is the name of the solid continental water? Glaciers.

9. In the water cycle, water falling from the clouds to the surface is called: Precipitation. 10. In the water cycle, superficial water introduced in the internal layers of the ground is called: Infiltration. 11. In the water cycle, water passing to vapor from the energy of the sun is called: Evaporation. 12. In the water cycle, water vapor condenses to form clouds is called: Condensation. 13. In the water cycle, Living things return the water they take to the atmosphere is called: Transpiration. 14. In the water cycle, water flows on the surface of the Earth to the sea or ocean is called: Run off.


1. What is the name of the most superficial layer of the geosphere? Earth’s crust. 2. What is the name for the solid materials formed in the Earth’s crust? Rocks. 3. What is the name of materials formed by rocks? Minerals. 4. What are the characteristics of minerals? They are solid, have natural origin, are inorganic, homogeneous and have ordered components. 5. What is the name for the most abundant mineral? Petro genetic minerals. 6. What are the properties of minerals related with their external aspects? Form, color and luster. 7. What is the name of the mineral formed with polyhedral? Crystal. 8. What property of minerals appears striped and deposits dust to create a white surface? Stripe color. 9. What is the name of the mineral form when it is broken? Fracture. 10. What is the name of a fracture on the surface? Exfoliation. 11. What is the relation between mass of a mineral and its volume? Density. 12. What is the resistance that makes a mineral striped? The hardness. 13. Indicate some exclusive properties of minerals: Magnetism and the salty flavor.

14. What are the grains on a rock? The minerals that compose it. 15. What are the properties of rocks? The form that appears natural, the composition and the texture. 16. What is the composition of a rock? The minerals that form it. 17. What is the form that has the grains of minerals in the rock? The texture.

18. What are the three types of rocks? Magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary. 19. What is the name of the rocks formed from magma? Magmatic. 20. What is the name of rocks formed from the crushing by pressure and high temperatures? Metamorphic. 21. What is the name of rocks formed by the compaction of gravel, sand and mud? Sedimentary. 22. What type of rocks can contain fossils? Sedimentary.

23. What are the resources that we obtain from Earth’s crust? Minerals, rocks and fossil fuels. 24. What do we call the zones of the Earth’s crust where there are resources of the geosphere? Reservoirs. 25. What is the name of minerals very valuable for their beauty? Gems and precious stones. 26. Give an example of gems: Diamond. 27. From what mineral do we extract uranium? Uraninite. 28. What substance is used like a fuel of the nuclear centers? Uranium. 29. From what mineral do we obtain glass? From quartz.


1. What has volume and mass? Matter. 2. What are the properties that describe matter but do not distinguish it? The general properties. 3. What are the general properties of matter? Longitude, surface, volume, mass and temperature. 4. What are the properties that differentiate a type of matter from another? The specific properties. 5. What are the specific properties of matter? Density, temperature of fusion and boiling and solubility. 6. What are the names of the properties that depend on the quantity of matter? The extensive properties. 7. Give examples of extensive properties: Mass and volume. 8. What are the names of properties that do not depend on the quantity of matter? The intensive properties. 9. Give an example of an intensive property: Temperature.

10. Which property of bodies can we observe and measure? Physical magnitude. 11. What is the minimum quantity that we can measure with an instrument of measure? Sensitivity. 12. How can measurements be? Direct or indirect.

13. What are the names of the magnitudes that define themselves? Fundamental magnitudes. 14. What are the names of the magnitudes that are obtained by the combination of two or more fundamentals? Derivative magnitudes. 15. Indicate four fundamental magnitudes: Mass, longitude, time and temperature. 16. Indicate three derivative magnitudes: Velocity, acceleration and force.

17. What is the unit of longitude? Meter. 18. What is the unit of surface? Meter squared. 19. What is the unit of volume? Meter cubed. 20. What is the maximum volume that can contain a container? Capacity. 21. What is the unit of mass? Kilogram. 22. What is the relation between the mass of a body and the volume it occupies? Density. 23. What is the unit of density? The kg/m3.

24. What changes when one body transfers heat to another body by losing its own heat? Temperature. 25. What is the unit of temperature in the international system? Kelvin. 26. What is the most frequent unit of temperature? Degree centigrade. 27. What are the three states of matter? Solid, liquid and gas.

28. What are the principle characteristics of solids? Rigidity. 29. What states of matter are incompressible? Solids and liquids. 30. What state of matter has its own form and volume? Solids. 31. What state of matter does not have its own form or volume? Liquids. 32. What state of matter does not have its own volume? Gases. 33. What state of matter is very compressible? Gases. 34. What states of matter are called fluids? Liquids and gases. 35. What are the characteristics of the changes of state? The temperature of change of state, they are reversible and the temperature remains constant. 36. Name of the temperature where the substance passes from a solid to a liquid state: Melting point. 37. Name of the temperature in which the substance passes from a liquid to a gaseous state: Boiling point. 38. What is the name when part of a liquid passes to a gas? Evaporation. 39. What is the name when a liquids total mass passes to a gas? Boiling.

40. What indicates the temperature? The level of movement of the particles.


1. What is the type of matter with characteristic properties, and constant composition? A pure substance. 2. What is the name of the smallest part of a pure substance? The elementary unit. 3. A pure substance that cannot decompose into more simple parts is… an element. 4. What is the name of a mix when all the parts have the same properties? Homogeneous mixture. 5. What is the name of a mixture when the properties are not constant? Heterogeneous mixture.

6. What is the name of a mixture of metals? Alloys. 7. What are the names of the components of a solution? Solvent and solute. 8. What is the maximum quantity of a salute in grams that dissolves in 100 g of water at one temperature? The solubility. 9. When raising the temperature, the solubility of solids in liquids… raises. 10. When raising the temperature, the solubility of gases in liquids….diminishes. 11. Solution with a small quantity of solute is… diluted. 12. A solution that cannot admit more quantity of a solution is… saturated. 13. Dissolution with a quantity of solute near the value of the solubility is… concentrated. 14. The quantity of solute presented in a solution is… its concentration.

15. What are the two methods for separating heterogeneous mixtures? Filtration and decantation. 16. To separate a heterogeneous mixture of different sizes of the particles of its components is called… filtration. 17. To separate a heterogeneous mixture of different densities of its components is called… decantation. 18. What are the two methods of separating homogeneous mixtures? Distillation and crystallization. 19. To separate a homogeneous mixture of different boiling points of its components is called… distillation. 20. To separate a homogeneous mixture of different solubility of its components is called… crystallization.

21. What are the names of particles that are formed of matter? Atoms. 22. What particles are in the atom? Proton, neutron and electron. 23. What are the two parts of an atom? Nucleus and crust. 24. En what part of the atom are the protons and neutrons? In the nucleus. 25. What is the atomic number of the atom? The number of protons. 26. With what are atoms represented? With a symbol. 27. What is the name of the table in while the chemical elements are grouped? Periodic table.

28. How are pure substances represented? With a chemical formula. 29. According to groups of atoms, what can the pure substances be? Atoms, molecules and ions. 30. What is the name of the force that binds atoms in a molecule? Chemical bond. 31. What is the name of an atom that has gained or lost electrons? An ion.

32. What are the most important bio elements? Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. 33. What provokes the lack of iron in our organisms? Anaemia. 34. From what do we obtain plastics? From petroleum.