University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln July 2014 To what extent have ICTs contributed to e- Governance in Uganda? Robert Waiswa
[email protected] Constant Okello-Obura Makerere University,
[email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Waiswa, Robert and Okello-Obura, Constant, "To what extent have ICTs contributed to e-Governance in Uganda?" (2014). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 1125. Abstract Information and communication technologies (ICTs) continue to receive unprecedented attention because of their pervasive influence on society. One such sphere of influence is their role in empowering the citizenry in tackling the fundamental facets of governance which, according to the World Bank, include: graft, rule of law, government effectiveness, voice and accountability, political instability and violence, and regulatory burden – a role giving rise to the concept of e-Governance. Uganda has variously attempted to promote e- Governance; huge sums of financial resources and other factor inputs have been sunk in ICT initiatives. The question which arises is, to what extent has the objective (e-Governance) been achieved; what are the gaps and setbacks, if any? Based on literature review, this paper attempts to answer these questions. Keywords: E-governance, ICTs-Uganda, Electronic services Provision 1. Introduction and Background UNESCO describes e-Governance as the use by the public sector of ICTs to improve delivery of information and services, encourage participatory decision making among citizens, “and make the government more accountable, transparent and effective”.