St. Michael's, ~Amsey
ST. MICHAEL'S, ~AMSEY. THE ENGLISH ANCESTRY OF Ueinulb anb fflatt~ilV fflarvin OF HARTFORD, CT., 1638 THEIR HOMES AND PARISH CHURCHES BY WILLIAM T. R. MARVIN A. M., WlLUAMS, :\-U!MBRR s. K. HISTORIC GXN&ALOGICAL SOCIETY, HON'V MRMB!!.R OP' THX "'-MRRlCAN NUMCS. AND ARCH..-4-:0LOGICAL SOCI'8TV, COR. MRM!IRR NUM.15. AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, P!ULADHLPH[A, ASSOCI& &TRANGER SOCIKTK ROYALS OK NUMIS. OR BB:LGIQUE, RTC. PRIVATELY PRINTED BOSTON 19P() .. COPYR[GHT I9{l0 W. r. R. MARVIN BOSTON lto tbe Llr.lemor"Q of MY FATHER THEOPHILUS R. :\-IARVIN THE FIRST TO TRACE OUR FAMILY HISTORY IN A:.1 ERICA AND OF MY ELDEST SON WHO BORE HIS NAME. FOREWORD ~ IEVERAL years ago Mr. Wiliiam S. Appleton, of Boston, ~ while in London, found in the Will of John Lucas a ~ j'f ref~rence to REY.NOLD w~.-1.RVINE, of Ramsey, Essex, ~--~~ which attracted his attent10n, for he was aware of my descent from the early settler at Hartford and Lyme, Conn., who bore that name, and of my interest in the family history. On his return, he very kindly informed me of his discovery, and a brief reference was made to it in an account of the Marvin Family,. which was prepared from material gathered by my father and myself, and printed in the sumptuous "Family Histories and Gen ealogies," published by Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Salisbury, of New Haven, Conn. It was impossible to delay the publication of that work- ,hen far advanced - to follow out an uncertain clue.
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