Belgic Confession – Notes
N O T E S on the Belgic Confession Designed in 18 lessons for a Senior Catechism Class with assignments and spot-check questions Introduction These NOTES were handed out to Senior Catechism Class students in 2005–2006. The summarized comments are generally based on J. VanBruggen's The Church Says Amen. Lessons included assignments to memorize Bible texts and Question and Answers of the Heidelberg Catechism (in review), that is, QA 3,4,5,6,7 ,8,9, 10,11, 17,21, 24,25, ,27,28, 35,36, 37, 43, 49,52,54,55, 61,62,63, 65,66, 70,76,83,85 ,91,104. Some extra reading was at times added, as also shown below between brackets or as added to these handouts, such as overviews of the Law and our Liturgy. (Graphic guides about Facts, Events and Origin of the Bible, Two Ways into Eternity and an Intro to the Church Order had been added as well, along with a write-up of The Disaster of 1944 and the Consequent Liberation (see elsewhere for copies). A brief written quiz was given at the start of the next class shown at the end.. Dennis Teitsma, (edited December 2016) Lesson B.C. article HC Q&A 1. Introduction – One God known from His Work and Word 1,2 26 2. The divinely inspired canonical Bible (CoD. III/IV, 6-8) 3-7 21 3. God's Unity and Trinity (Athanasian Creed) 8,9 24,25 4. The Deity of the second and third Person of Trinity (CoD. III/IV12; RE #8 )10,11 17 5.
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