DEAR EDITOR: Address All Correspondence to EDI- Dr
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January 23 - 29, 2014 The Dallas Post Tribune Page 2A BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Dallas Post Tribune is published Dr. Mary E. Beck,Chairperson weekly by the Tribune Publishing EDITORIAL PAGE Dr. T.R. Lee, .Jr Incorporated, 2726 S. Beckley, Dallas, Mrs. Dorothy Lee Texas, 75224, Bulk Rate [1345]. Atty. Theodora Lee, Co-Chair Postage is paid to the Dallas Dr. Theronica Bond, MD Postmaster. Send address changes to Atty. Gary Bond The Dallas Post Tribune, P.O. Box Mrs. Mollie Belt 763939, Dallas, Texas, 75376-3939. Dr. George Willis THE DALLAS POST TRIBUNE is not responsible for unsolicited materials. STAFF DEAR EDITOR: Address all correspondence to EDI- Dr. T.R. Lee, ,.Jr President/Publisher TOR, The Dallas Post Tribune, P.O. Box Mrs. Dorothy Lee Dear Editor, may be able to reduce breast can-plant product contains any choles- old. So reducing my breast cancer 763939, Dallas, Texas 75376-3939 or cer risk by either taking choles- terol. risk is important to me. And cutting Vice President/Finance Mrs. Shirley Gray e-mail [email protected]. All arti- A new report from the terol-lowering drugs or eating a But meat, eggs, and dairy prod-animal products out of my diet is cles should be addressed to the healthy, low-cholesterol diet. ucts all pack a cholesterol punch. A Vice President/Operations, American Cancer Society predicts an easy way to do that. Billing & Collections appropriate staff member. that breast cancer will likely affect Personally, I would rather up my single egg has 212 milligrams, Going vegan is one of the best Advertisements, articles, editorials, intake of colorful meals than color- three and a half ounces of shrimp decisions I've ever made, and I Mrs. Veronica Zambrano more Texans than any other cancer Vice President/ Production & letters to the editor and cartoons in 2014. But it doesn't have to. ful medicines. Fruits and vegeta-has 194, and three and a halfhope that, until there is a cure for appearing in the paper do not neces- bles have zero cholesterol, which isounces of chicken liver delivers a Operations Studies have shown a link breast cancer, others will join me in Mrs. Millie Ferguson, sarily represent the philosophy or between high cholesterol and just one reason why you'll find whopping 631 milligrams. taking this important step for their views of The Dallas Post Tribune. scores of them on lists of "cancer- I lost the person that I was clos- 2nd Vice President/Quality Control breast cancer, and scientists say health. & Research Regulations for Publication the research suggests that womenfighting foods." Whole grains are est to, my grandmother, to breast Sincerely, 1) We reserve the right to edit cholesterol-free too. In fact, no cancer when she was just 64 years Mrs. Joan Fowler Michelle Kretzer Public Relations articles for content and proper gram- mar. We also reserve the right to Atty. Theodora Lee, Legal Counselor truncate articles for space require- Atty. Gary Bond, Legal Counselor ments. ‘IF I DATED BLACK GIRLS…’ Dr. William Lyons, Consultant 2) We reserve the right to refuse Ms. Peggy Walker,Consultant any advertisement or cancel any place in my home state since thefound that a record 14.6 percent men vying for her attention. It’s advertisement contract. 1960s and the South in general. Soof all new marriages in the United the idea that this fellow got to STAFF WRITERS 3) Deadline for receipt of articles many changes, in fact, that publicStates in 2008 were between know my niece as a person yet Rev. Johnny C. Smith is MONDAY AT NOON WITH NO schools in the Deep South arespouses of a different race or eth- found her unqualified to date sole- Mrs. Colleen White EXCEPTIONS unless authorized by more desegregated than any other nicity from one another. That’s ly because of her race is what galls Ms. Ester Davis the publisher. region in the nation. more than double the percentage me. Dr. Joyce Teal 4) Deadline for receipt of adver- During my visit, I met a young for 1980. While growing up in Alabama, I Evangelist Waydell Nixon tisements is MONDAY AT NOON. White male – who shall remain Interestingly, rates more than was told that part of the problem Advertisements will not be received nameless – who works in the samedoubled among Whites and nearlywas that Blacks and Whites had CIRCULATION after that point unless they are cam- campus office as my niece, spoketripled among Blacks. But for both not been allowed to interact Mr. Elester Coleman era ready and have been approved By George E. Curry by the publisher. NNPA Columnist fondly of Rachel, and recounted Hispanics and Asians, rates wereunder Jim Crow, not even in Mrs. Joan Fowler with glee their study together last nearly identical in 2008 and 1980. sports. However, when those bar- Mr. Samuell Ferrell 5) All articles and advertisements “I have a dream that one day on summer in Costa Rico. For me, there was another riers came down, or so the think- Mr. Jermain Clemon must be proofed by the article plac- After my speech, when I was story within the story: “When ing went, racial prejudice would er or advertiser. We will not be held the red hills of Georgia, the sons of responsible for any errors if the arti- former slaves and the sons of for-doing my usual Friday afternoon Whites, Hispanics and Asiansvanish and people would be ADVERTISING radio segment with Rev. Al decide to marry outside their judged as individuals, not as part Dr. T.R. Lee, Jr. cle placer or advertiser does not mer slave owners will be able to Ms. Ester Davis proof their article or advertisement. sit down together at the table of Sharpton, I was told that this group, African-Americans rank lastof a supposedly superior or inferi- 6) Articles and advertisements young man said, “If I dated Blackin their choice of mates.” or race. brotherhood.” PRODUCTION received past the stated deadlines - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr girls – I tell Rachel this all of the It’s easy to dismiss the kooks In three decades, there will be Mrs. Veronica Zambrano will be held over for the next publi- time – she would be at the top of such as former Louisiana Justice ofno majority race in the U.S., Mrs. Millie Ferguson cation if applicable. the list.” the Peace Keith Bardwell whoaccording to the Census Bureau. Mrs. Mattie Weatherman 7) We will not be held responsi- Last Friday, I gave the annual Dr. I am sure he meant that as a resigned under pressure in 2009And that means that all racial and Mrs. Shirley Gray ble for pictures that are not claimed Martin Luther King, Jr. Day speechcompliment – it wasn’t. after he refused to perform a mar- ethnic groups will need to learn to after two (2) weeks. Pictures held at the University of North First, it’s presumptuous to think riage between a White woman step outside their comfort zone to PHOTOGRAPHER after two (2) weeks are subject to Alabama in Florence. I was glow-that Rachel, who is smart and and a Black man. interact as equals with those who Mr. Floyd Ferguson disposal. ingly introduced by my niece, beautiful inside and out, would But things are supposed to be don’t look like them. Mrs. Constance Cannon 8) Advertisement positioning Rachel Gandy, who is a senior atwant to date him. Second, for all different with this so-called “post- In his “I Have a Dream” speech, Mrs. Veronica Zambrano based on a first-come basis. UNA. the talk about racial progress, racial” generation. My niece is an Dr. King said, “I have a dream that Positioning can be guaranteed for I told the audience that having there are large segments of our honor student, was in the universi- my four little children will one day ADVISORY BOARD 15% over total cost. grown up in segregated society who make decisions basedty’s homecoming court, is charm- live in a nation where they will not Dr. George Willis, Chairman Credo of The Black Press Tuscaloosa, Ala., how satisfying iton race and nothing else. Whitesing and beautiful. Yet, the young be judged by the color of their skin Dr. C.C. Russeau, Co-Chair The Black Press believes that America was to see “the sons of former do it. Blacks do it. Latinos do it. man at UNA couldn’t see beyondbut by the content of their charac- Dr. Gwen Clark,Co-Chair can best lead the world away from slaves and the sons of former slaveAnd so do Asians. her color: “If I dated Black girls….” ter.” Dr. Thalia Matherson, Secretary racial and national antagonisms when owners” sit in the same class- After I got over the shock of the Fortunately, Rachel’s love life is Obviously that day has not Mrs. LaWanda Durham Mitchell it accords to every person, regardless rooms, if not at the table of broth- young man’s comment – well, I not dependent on whether this arrived. Until it does, it’s incum- Mrs. Delia Lyons Dr. Ruth Wyrick - Mrs. of race, color or creed, full human and erhood. I didn’t use those exact still haven’t gotten over it, as you young man dates “Black girls.” bent upon all of us to make sure Opal Jones Mrs. Shirley Fridia - Alfred-Dr. legal rights. Hating no person, fearing can see – I thought back to a 2010There are plenty of African that it doesn’t just remain a dis- Roberts - Mrs. Ruth Harris - Mrs.Sharon H. no person, the Black Press strives to words, but they got the point: rev- Cornell - Mrs.