
is the naturaLLy found in

Milk Low- hard regular regular like cheddar

12 g of lactose 5 g of lactose traces of lactose (1 cup - 8 oz - 250 mL) (4.4 oz - 125 g) (1.6 oz - 45 g)

Lactase, an , usually spLits Lactose into 2 : and

In the ... the body’s main Glucose source of energy

Galactose Lactose Lactose is involved in neural and immunological processes

Lactose maldigestion is the difficulty in digesting lactose

In the small intestine... In the colon...


Lactose Non-digested Bacterial Short chains Lactose fatty acids

Lactose maLdigestion is due to the normaL IN the activity/aMOUNT of Lactase

Lactase activity/amount 75% age It’s a physiological of the world phenomenon population Szilagyi (2015)

Lactose intolerance is lactose maldigestion that results in symptoms

In the small intestine... In the colon... Flatulence


Lactose Non-digested Bacterial Lactose fermentation Bloating

Lactose intolerance concerns very few people


of the world population Hermans (1997)

How to be sure you are lactose intolerant? Contact your doctor; the diagnosis can only be performed under medical control, thanks to the

e ng The detection The occurrence le l a of hydrogen of symptoms h c Lactose l

a 20 to Follow up

r 50 g O

careful of self-diagnosIS

most of 1 Self-diagnosis is associated with more 50% symptoms and poor perceived quality of life are false!

2 These symptoms are not specific to lactose intolerance

Psychological factors Flatulence (somatic anxiety, stress and depression) Digestive Issues (Crohn’s disease and ) Bloating

3 Lactose Cow’s intolerance allergy

no need to avoid dairy

Limiting or avoiding Risk of dairy food deficiency

Just adapt your eating habits Avoid excess is a golden rule which remains valid for lactose maldigesters and intolerants

Live in yogurt Hard cheeses contain Consume food containing help to digest lactose low or no lactose lactose in small amounts through the day like cheddar, provolone, , etc.

EFSA confirmed: yogurt improveS of lactose

Lactobacillus Bulgaricus

At least 108 bacteria per gram! Streptococus thermophilus (2003)

In the small intestine... Yogurt Yogurt Live bacteria improves digestion of lactose

Lactose Glucose Galactose

other medical organizations (NMA, NIH, FAO*...) recommend that lactose maldigesters and people with lactose intolerance consume yogurt WGO* has put forth a similar statement, to consume fermented dairy products containing , with proven benefits on digestive .

* WGO (the World Gastroenterology Organization), NMA (National Medical Association), NIH (the National Institutes of Health, a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Services), EFSA (the European Agency) and FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

Yogurt is also a nutrient-dense food

Helps to build stronger and teeth

High-quality Helps to build and repair muscles

Vitamins Essential for body + functioning

Stimulates immune Conjugated system & has linoleic acids anticarcinogenic properties

108 Live bacteria Improve the digestion with lactase of the lactose contained in yogurt per g of yogurt

Yogurt is a convenient food for all, and it represents a good alternative to keep a balanced .

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