11 Number of public debates = = debates public of Number

27 Number of info days = = days info of Number to wider public. wider to

30 to implement activities related to promotion of the Programme Programme the of promotion to related activities implement to Number of workshops = = workshops of Number the views of the European Union. European the of views the

on inancing possibilities to potential bene iciaries and and bene iciaries potential to possibilities inancing on with NGOs and it does not necessarily re lect re lect necessarily not does it and NGOs with

the sole responsibility of the Oice for Cooperation Cooperation for Oice the of responsibility sole the the Oice aiming to provide technical assistance and information information and assistance technical provide to aiming Oice the

the National Contact Point in in Point Contact National the

The contents of this publication are are publication this of contents The Europe for Citizens Help Desk has been established within within established been has Desk Help Citizens for Europe

5. Number of info sessions organized by by organized sessions info of Number 5.

the assistance of the European Union. Union. European the of assistance the

National Contact Point for the Europe for Citizens Programme. Programme. Citizens for Europe the for Point Contact National

This publication has been produced with with produced been has publication This

Government Oice for Cooperation with NGOs acts as a a as acts NGOs with Cooperation for Oice Government 2013. 620.279,80 EUR 620.279,80

Programme Coordinator in the Republic of Croatia Croatia of Republic the in Coordinator Programme 2012. 251.000,00 EUR 251.000,00

2011. 553.778,35 EUR 553.778,35

2010. 535.942,28 EUR 535.942,28

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia. Macedonia, of Republic Yugoslav Former The

2009. 228.556,59 EUR 228.556,59

Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Montenegro, Herzegovina, and Bosnia Albania,

2008. 283.705,93 EUR EUR 283.705,93

Zagreb, February 2014 February Zagreb, EU member states, Croatia (EU member state as of 1 July 2013), 2013), July 1 of as state member (EU Croatia states, member EU

Participating countries in the period 2007 – 2013 2013 – 2007 period the in countries Participating 4. Amount of funds awarded to bene iciaries per year per bene iciaries to awarded funds of Amount 4.


10 the fore both Europe’s diversity and unity; and diversity Europe’s both fore the 2013. ACT Printlab, Čakovec Printlab, ACT

14 2012.

contributing to intercultural dialogue and bringing to to bringing and dialogue intercultural to contributing

Design and print: and Design

11 2011.

civil society organisations from all participating countries, countries, participating all from organisations society civil

13 2010.

Encouraging interaction between citizens and and citizens between interaction Encouraging

Igor Vidačak, PhD Vidačak, Igor 13 2009.

the memory of its past; past; its of memory the

7 2008.

For the publisher: the For

Europe’s values and achievements, while preserving preserving while achievements, and values Europe’s

3. Number of bene iciaries per year per bene iciaries of Number 3. Bringing Europe closer to its citizens by promoting promoting by citizens its to closer Europe Bringing

[email protected]

organisations at European level; European at organisations


and culture through cooperation between civil society society civil between cooperation through culture and

Radnička cesta 80/V, Zagreb 80/V, cesta Radnička

citizenship and democracy, shared values, common history history common values, shared democracy, and citizenship 206

Number of partners = = partners of Number

for the Europe for Citizens Programme Citizens for Europe the for Fostering action, debate and re lection related to European European to related re lection and debate action, Fostering


Number of bene iciaries = = bene iciaries of Number

National Contact Point Point Contact National values, to learn from history and to build for the future; the for build to and history from learn to values,

- results achieved in the period 2007 – 2013 2013 – 2007 period the in achieved results - Europe to share and exchange experiences, opinions and and opinions experiences, exchange and share to Europe Oice for Cooperation with NGOs with Cooperation for Oice

2. Bene iciaries and partners partners and Bene iciaries 2. Bringing together people from local communities across across communities local from people together Bringing

Government of the Republic of Croatia of Republic the of Government

in the Republic of Croatia Croatia of Republic the in


in the period 2007 – 2013 2013 – 2007 period the in 2.623.262,95 EUR 2.623.262,95 bene iciaries) = = bene iciaries)

(implemented by Croatian Croatian by (implemented

Europe for Citizens Programme Programme Citizens for Europe

Total value of the projects projects the of value Total

Goals of the Programme Programme the of Goals

467.500,00 EUR 467.500,00 2008 – 2013 = = 2013 – 2008

Membership fee for the period period the for fee Membership 1. Absorption rate rate Absorption 1.

Europe for Citizens Programme Programme activities Activity 2 – Active Civil Society in Europe Activity 4 – Active European Remembrance Europe for Citizens Programme is one of the European Union Measures: Eligible activities: programmes' that provides inancial support to projects which Activity 1 – Active Citizens for Europe Strengthening capacities of the European public policy Remembrance activities regarding the victims of promote active European citizenship, strengthen the citizens' research organisations (think-tanks) which, Nazism and Stalinism and deepening knowledge and participation in public debates and encourage exchange of opinions Measures: by implementing new ideas, contribute to the development understanding of current and future generations about and experiences between European citizens. Programmes' activities Exchange of European citizens' experience through of European citizenship, concentration camps and other extermination sites, are intended to strengthen European identity, promote intercultural their participation in the town twinning activities, networking Financial support intended for linking civil societies on the Keeping alive the memory of the victims of dialogue and develop a sense of belonging to the EU among its and collaboration between twinned towns, EU level, Nazism and Stalinism, as well as the memory of those who, citizens. Financial support to various projects which gather citizens Financial support to speci ic CSOs’ projects in the under extreme conditions, rescued people from from dierent horizons, who will act together or debate participating countries (on local, regional, national and the Holocaust, The Programme was established by Decision of the European on common European issues on local and/or European level. European level). Rethinking and networking with the aim of establishing links Parliament and the Council on 12 December 2006. The Republic of and exchange of knowledge in this ield, Croatia has been participating in the Programme since 2008. The legal Eligible activities: Eligible activities: Organization of conferences, seminar, workshops, debates, basis for the participation is the Memorandum of Understanding on Thematic meetings, workshops, seminars, cultural and Research and proposal of new ideas concerning the active public discussions and meetings, participation of the Republic of Croatia in the Europe for Citizens sports events, citizenship and European values, Production of publications and audio-visual material, Programme signed in Brussels on 25 September 2007 (Oicial Citizens panel discussions which strengthen active European Networking of CSOs on the EU level, development of web pages, TV/radio broadcasting, Gazzette – International contracts No. 9/2007) between the European citizenship, Organization of conferences, seminars, workshops, debates, implementation of analysis and public opinion surveyss. Community and the Republic of Croatia. It entered into force on 5 Providing information and education and developing new public discussions and meetings, November 2007. Memorandum sets up principles, deadlines and skills. Production of publications and audio-visual material, Share of projects implemented within criteria that a country has to satisfy in order to participate in the development of web pages, TV/radio broadcasting, analysis the Activity 4 in the total number of projects Programme. Furthermore, it sets up criteria for provision of inancial and public opinion surveys. and other forms of EU support intended for strengthening active Share of projects implemented within Number of implemented projects participation of citizens and CSOs in the European integration process. the Activity 1 in the total number of projects within the Activity 4 = 5 Share of projects implemented within Total number of implemented projects in Eligible applicants in the period 2007 – 2013 the Activity 2 in the total number of projects the Republic of Croatia in the period 2007 – 2013 = 68 Civil society organisations (associations, umbrella organizations, Number of implemented projects European networks), foundations, trade unions, educational and within the Activity 1 = 44 Total number of implemented projects in Number of implemented projects research institutions, European public policy research organisations within the Activity 2 = the Republic of Croatia in the period 2007 – 2013 = 68 19 (think-tanks), museums, organizations dedicated to the remembrance, Total number of implemented projects in local and regional authorities (towns, municipalities, counties), the Republic of Croatia in the period 2007 – 2013 = 68 twinning committees and non-governmental organisations representing local authorities. 2008. 2011. City of Labin, Labin Association of Municipalities of the Republic Association "MI", Split Municipality of Breznicki Hum, Municipality of Rasinja, Rasinja City of Trogir, Trogir Promotion of democratic of Croatia, Zagreb FERRY BOAT- Split-Ancona inter-cultural Breznički Hum European Associations - Building European Cultural Heritage Preservation - forms of communication Operational Grant dialogue through volunteering Intercultural EU Partnership Cooperation through the promotion Network of Twinned Towns 6.944,40€ 44.000,00€ 13.388,40€ 7.000,00€ of EU integration and intercultural 70.449,76€ dialogue Foundation for Partnership and Center for Peace Studies, Zagreb City of Buzet, Buzet 7.000,00€ City of Varaždin, Varaždin Civil Society Development, Pula Role of Youth in Peace - Building Process Castle Friendship European Spirit Creative Network Istria Communicating Europe 10.052,32€ 9.000,00€ Municipality Primošten , Primošten 145.231,20€ 46.395,58€ Active citizens for stronger Centre for Women's Studies, Zagreb Municipality of , Bednja communities through volunteering The Association of Cities of the Republic County of Istria , Pula Exploring the memories of Women Victims Videm - Bednja Meetings 9.000,00€ of Croatia, Zagreb All 4 EU: Citizens for Europe! of Nazism andUndemocratic Regimes in for Future Activities Promoting and Creating LOCal PARTnerships 150.000,00€ Research and Teaching 9.000,00€ in Croatia and Slovenia 12.925,23€ 79.918,25€

Foundation for Partnership and Civil Society development, Pula Through Information and Knowledge towards EU 2009. 93.830,00€ Association for Promotion of Human Rights Youth Association – Underground club and Media Freedoms CENZURA PLUS, Split Varaždin, Varaždin Together toward Europe Stronger Together - On Policies 108.350,00€ 31.486,75€ DOCUMENTA – Centre for Dealing with Past, Zagreb Association of persons with cerebral paralisys Forgotten History of Zagreb-Sites of Memory, and polio, Zagreb Sites of Forgetting Neighbours in Action - Exchange of good practice, 14.999,14€ development of new ideas and partnership 17.273,25€

Association for interdisciplinary and intercultural research, Zagreb Mnemosyne : Theatre of memories / Phase 1 : 2012. Getting together 22.996,48€ City of , Lepoglava Municipality , Vidovec Local Action Group LAG LAURA, City of Trogir, Trogir LACE - Same history for better future ACTions and exchange of know-how between Biograd na Moru Twin Towns European Conference of Active Friends of the Earth – Croatia, Zagreb 7.000,00€ European Communities in agriculture, crafts, Joint venture for a better life Aging and Intergenerational Solidarity European Climate Meeting Croatia 2009 folklore and traditional food 13.000,00€ 13.000,00€ 15.428,24€ Municipality Breznički Hum, 13.000,00€ Breznički Hum Municipality Sveti ilija, Sveti Ilija City of Crikvenica, Crikvenica Centre for civil society development of the "Teaching green - Living green" - City of Labin, Labin Common culture, tradition and Cultural treasure chest - development of City of Bjelovar, Bjelovar Citizens for Europe Twinned Towns - Labin and Baja heritage in promoting EU integration partnership activities between twin City of Rijeka, Rijeka MINORITY TO MINORITY, Exchange of Experiences of 9.000,00€ 15.000,00€ 9.000,00€ towns: Bonding in cultural dierences Emigration - Yesterday and Today Minority Cultural Associations, Social Dialogue Towards 25.000,00€ 5.533,20€ Regional Minority Development and Joint Integration Municipality Malinska - Dubašnica, Malinska Municipality Tinjan, Tinjan City of Biograd na Moru, Biograd na Moru 24.001,05€ Preserving tradition and National Enhancing the Competitiveness of Agriculture Get Yourself Connected City of Zagreb, Zagreb Municipality Malinska, Malinska Identity in the EU and Cultural Assets in European Communities 5.000,00€ European cities network for business Youth engagement in uniting Europe , Slavonski Brod 11.000,00€ through Cooperation, Exchanging Views and friendly environment Europe House Slavonski Brod 4.804,92€ Attention! Seeding Youth Parliaments in Local Intercultural Dialogue Municipality Desinić, Desinić 68.000,00€ Communities! 19.000,00€ Friends of Europe Municipality Omišalj, Omišalj 20.430,14€ 25.000,00€ EU and twinning through years Municipality Medulin, Medulin 2.530,93€ Europe House Slavonski Brod , Slavonski Brod Meeting in Medulin Through extra curriculum activities of European 19.000,00€ Municipality Primošten, Primošten Clubs to better Europe United in diversity 22.416,74€ 5.873,67€ CERD – Centre for democracy development , Split City of Varaždin, Varaždin 2013. Stop Fascism and Revision of History, especially in CULTnet Municipality of Brežnički Hum, City of Varaždinske Toplice Municipality Sračinec, Sračinec Croatia since Antifascism is civilization's future travel 24.331,30€ Breznički Hum Varaždinske Toplice Students for Europe 33.980,85€ Sound Exchange Stimulating EU INclusive groWth thrOugh 15.000,00€ 9.000,00€ integrated culture and Women actions 7.000,00€ Municipality Goričan, Goričan Fire ighting Association of Civil society organisation for mutual cooperation 2010. City of Valpovo, Valpovo City of Buzet, Buzet 72.000,00€ United Citizens - Strength of the Europe Competitiveness and GROWth in agriculture City of Trogir, Trogir Alliance for Centre for independent Municipality of 11.000,00€ in EUropean communities through cooperation Foundation for Partnership and Twin Towns European volunteering culture and youth , Zagreb Building EURopean Identity through and the exchange of know-how between towns Civil Society development, Pula conference Open institutions - new meeting points joint cultural and sports traditions 15.000,00€ Active Communities for Europe 21.697,47€ for culture and citizens 56.488,70€ 186.379,80€ 19.211.43€ City of Labin, Labin Municipality of Motovun, Motovun Volunteer centre Zagreb, Zagreb Mining heritage: ‘Opportunity Mines’ - Association for Promotion of Human Rights Friendship across the sea Croatian Youth Network, Zagreb Annual Operating Grant future share as economic and tourism and Media Freedoms CENZURA PLUS, Split 6.920,20€ Youth policy backpack 88.143,00 € development potential Learn about your bene its from Active 55.000,00€ 142.000,00€ European Citizenship City of Biograd na Moru, Biograd na Moru European House Vukovar, Vukovar 149.900,00€ Inter-cultural unity of citizens Youth centre for non-formal education – EU friends project - Serbian and Municipality Punat, Punat 53.466,16€ Creators, not consumers, Osijek Croatian path into the EU Development of European citizenship and Life is calling, how far will you go? 12.671,31€ encouraging cooperation between twinned Municipality of Medulin, Medulin 52.242,00€ cities of Punat (CRO), Forcola (IT), AGRITWIN – Agricultural Growth through Green Network of the Varaždin County, Varaždin Kostel (SLO) and Tovarnik (CRO) Regional and Local participation in Centre for peace studies, Zagreb European Union Yes or No 13.000,00€ international initiatives – town twinning Re-integrated: Slovenia and Croatia 24.876,50€ 80.006,45€ in a joint framework of EU values LEGEND and supranational identity Municipality of Rab, Rab Applicant organization 46.000,00 € Kampor Field of Memories - Rab Activity 1 19.219.00€ Project title Activity 2 EU Grant Activity 4