Debenham Haughley Stowupland

News of Town and Village

Happy Christmas

No. 650 December 2019 - January 2020

Registered Charity Number 1157857

Table of contents Greetings 3 News of the family 4 News from Debenham 5 News from Mendlesham 5 News from Stowupland 5-6 Churches Together United Advent Service 6 Communion Flowers 6 Stowmarket Afternoon Fellowship 7 Stowmarket U3A 7 Mens’ Breakfast Club 7 Monday Community Brew 7 Church Meeting 7 Pause for Prayer 7 Prayer Meeting & Bible Fellowship 8 Knit For Peace 8 Stamps 8 The Week of Prayers For Christian Unity 9 Benevolent Fund 9 Wide Horizons - Christmas Fayre 2019 9 Christmas Card Board 10 URC Wednesday Club 10 Envelops 10 Church Meeting Dates for your Diary 10 Puzzle 11 Upcoming Events 12 Children & Youth Activities 12 Services in December 2019 & January 2020 13-15




Christmas Day conjures up different reactions and memories for each of us. For some it is a happy family occasion to be looked forward to, while for others it is the loneliest day of the year.

As a boy I remember creeping downstairs to wind up the gramophone and set it work- ing to play “Christians awake, salute the happy morn” at full blast to wake the house- hold. As a young father I remember the excitement of our girls as they opened their presents and discovered new toys, games and other goodies. In mid life as a chaplain to merchant seafarers I remember visiting ships in port on Christmas Day and phon- ing seafarers who were lone watchman on ships where the crews had been allowed home for the Christmas period. My wife has memories of life as a nurse on a hospital ward on Christmas Day and the efforts to bring cheer to those stuck in hospital over Christmas. In my last ministerial post in Halesworth in north east , Christmas Eve Midnight Communion attracted many including some visitors, but the highlight was the family service on Christmas Day morning when, while turkeys roasted in ov- ens, the children excitedly showed us some of their presents and then together we gave thanks for God’s present to us. The worship song “Come and join the celebra- tion, it’s a very special day” absolutely summed up the feelings of those who came together to celebrate the birth of Jesus and three different generations of a family would fill the pews. For some it was their annual visit to Church, but one not to be missed, a key part of their Christmas Day programme, along with the Queen’s Speech.

As a Christian believer I feel a responsibility to care for the lonely and the suffering, but Christmas too must be an occasion for rejoicing with others, as I remember God’s decisive intervention in world history in sending Jesus to earth and want to celebrate that great event with those of all ages and backgrounds

The Revd Richard Edwards.


News of the family

The evenings are long, dark and cold but it is still very autumnal with leaves on the trees and piles of them on the ground. The shops tell a dif- ferent story with their gaudy lights and music --- Christmas is just around the corner and it may even be a white one!

Marion Wilson is in Addenbrookes having a knee operation and will hopefully be home soon. Rita Gibbons is in hospital with undiagnosed tum- my pains, which is a great pity as she has been more like her old self this past week, having completed her radiotherapy. Christine Mason was taken off to hospital after she had been found collapsed on the floor by her gardener. She was returned home the same day and will be undergoing some tests. Pam Ryan is at home again; her treatment has been upsetting her system so the chemo has been stopped.

Don Gilliland remains quietly at home with carers to help get him in and out of bed. He is pleased to see visitors as long as they are germ free! We are thinking of Linda Baxter who is going to have surgery for her condition and may need further treatment afterwards.

Barbara Robinson is not well; a chest infection has turned into a lung infection. Her husband, John, is in hospital with various complaints. From Stowupland Phyllis Risby and Jean Colman are not well, John Gardi- ner is having a knee operation and Joan Wallis is being looked after well in Cedrus House.

As the winter months approach several Church friends are hop- ing to hear about hospital treatment. Others are waiting for tests or results. Please remember all those people who are unwell in your prayers and others that you know of who need our thoughts and prayers.

Death John Reed died in a Bury care home at the end of October, just weeks after the death of his wife, Jill. Our sympathy and prayers are sent to their family and friends in their sad loss.

“ I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)


News from Debenham

Thursday morning coffee – 10am until 11.15am Open Church.

Join us for tea, coffee and a chat. This will be followed by a short Prayer meeting.

No Thursday Afternoon Friends and Neighbour Meetings in December and January.

News from Mendlesham

The afternoon service on 1st December at 4.00pm will be conducted by Mrs Veda Berriman. Carols by Candlelight on the 15th at 6.30pm will be led by Mr Keith Scarff and the afternoon service on 5th January at 4.00pm will be conducted by Mr William Glasse.

On Sunday 19th January, for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we shall join with St Mary's at 9.30am for Parish Mass.

Afternoon Fellowship meets on the first and third Wednesdays at 2.30pm and the speakers for December are Keith Scarff on the 4th and Steve Fenning for the Carol Service on the 18th. There will be no service on New Years Day. Father Philip Gray will be the speaker on the 15th January during the Week of Prayer for Chris- tian Unity.

MURCies Coffee Bar will be open on Friday 13th December from 10.00am for ‘Coffee & Carols’ and will include a Christmas draw. We open again in the New Year on Friday 10th January.

The Knit and Natter group will meet on Monday 9th December at 2.00pm and then again on 13th and 27th January.

Betty Self will be 97 years of age on Christmas Day and we send her our love and best wishes.

Best wishes to all our friends in the Town and Village churches for a very Happy Christmas and peaceful New Year. Margaret Jackson News from Stowupland

We are now thinking about our Christmas Celebrations within the Chapel and at home. It’s hard to believe that it will soon be 2020. Our Jumble Sale is a bit later this year on 23 November, therefore, the result will not be available until the February magazine. We are hoping for a very successful day with plenty of Jumble and lots of shoppers.


Our Carol Service is on Sunday 15 December at 10.30am. Please come and cele- brate with us on this day.

There will not be a coffee morning in December, we recommence in 2020 with a coffee morning on 31 January 10am to 12noon and then the last Friday of the month until November.

There is no service at the Chapel on Christmas day. On Sunday 19 January 2020 Holy Trinity will join us for a United Service for the week of prayer for Christian Uni- ty. This service starts at 10.30am.

Afternoon Fellowship Carol Service on Monday 9 December at 2pm. This service will be led by John Webb followed by tea and mince pies. This year the service will take a different format but I’m sure it will be very enjoyable telling the Christmas story. Please join us to sing your hearts out with a selection of Carols and a very happy afternoon. There will be a collection for Stroke Association (Research).

The Carol Service is our last meeting until 9 March 2020 and we look forward to some interesting meetings in the New Year.

We wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy and Peaceful New Year.

Joyce Gardiner Churches Together United Advent Service

Sunday, December 1st at 6pm is the Churches Together United Advent Service In the Parish Church with the United Churches Choir. There will be a collection for Foodbank. The Revd Michael Eden will be leading the service and the Preacher will be Pastor John Lander.

COMMUNION FLOWERS Dec 1 Mrs J Gurney 8 Mrs A Edwards 15 Christmas Flowers 22 Christmas Flowers 29 Christmas Flowers Jan 5 Christmas Flowers 12 Mrs M Durrant 19 Mrs J Ward 26 Mrs H Rampley


Stowmarket Afternoon Fellowship

We meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday each month at 4pm. December 8th at 20 Kiln Cottages (The Community Room) with Carols. Also on 12th January. No meeting at 12 Uvedale, in December. Then we meet again on January 26th for a get-together. Join us for a short time of worship followed by fellowship over a cup of tea. Stowmarket U3A

U3A meets on the third Wednesday of each month. December 18th – Christmas Lunch at the URC Hall. January 15th in the URC Main Hall at 2.30pm.– “Hearing Dogs for Deaf people”. Margo Harrison (and her dog Pebbles). Mens’ Breakfast Club

Join in a full English and put the world to rights. Pay by donation and help with the washing up. If you haven’t tried us come on the first Saturday of the month AT 8.30am – December 7th and January 4th. Monday Community Brew

Come along and join us for a cup of coffee/tea and join in with a game or just sit and chat. Every Monday from 10.30am until 12.30pm in the URC Church Hall. This is a joint venture between Stowmarket URC and Jam Community Pot. Come and try us.

Church Meeting The next Church Meeting is : Monday January 27th at 2pm in the Church.

Pause for Prayer

A twenty-five minute act of worship takes place every Thursday morning at 9.30am. It is held in the Fison Hall. See the list of speakers on the back pages of NTV. All are welcome.


Prayer Meeting & Bible Fellowship

All are welcome for prayer, Bible Study or both. Tuesday 3rd December: 10am Prayer Meeting: 10.30am Bible Study on Romans 9+10.

Tuesday 7th January: 10am Prayer Meeting: 10.30am Bible Study on Romans 11.

Tuesday 21st January: 10am Prayer Meeting: 10.30am Bible Study on Romans 12. Richard Edwards Knit For Peace Calling All Knitters! A number of dedicated knitters combine their knitted items and they go to people in need. Earlier this year large quantities of knitted items went to Syria as well as to Syrian refugees in camps in Turkey. Lap blankets, dressing gowns and twiddle- muffs went to various care homes, particularly for those caring for dementia pa- tients. Children and adult jumpers, hats and scarves went to women’s refuges; baby clothes to new-born babies whose mothers have nothing; and wool and nee- dles to a refugee drop-in centre in London, a hospital in Bristol and a prison in wales, amongst others. Can you help? Knit for Peace ( is a registered charity. As well as knitting you can donate to the cost of sending the items via rapid Dis- patch, Cliff Quay, . ..……OR…….See Rita Gibbons for more information. Stamps Christmas will soon be with us and you might already have received your first Christmas card. What have you done with the stamp? Please remember we col- lect stamps. Used stamps help transform the life of someone affected by leprosy. They are of- ten the poorest of the poor, the most rejected and the most unloved! More than £1 million has been raised in the last 30 years to benefit people affected by leprosy. Stamps of all descriptions, GB and foreign (even the very common ones) are use- ful. Just remove the stamp, and its surroundings (don’t cut/tear too close to the stamp) and bring it to church. There is a collecting point on the table just before you enter the sanctuary. Rita Gibbons 8

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18th - 25th January 2020 Is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. There will be a Prayer Service each morning at the United Reformed Church at 9.30am (except for Sunday 19th). On Sunday 19th January at 10.25am we welcome Pastor Mike Smith at Stowmar- ket. At 6pm there is a United Evening Service at the Salvation Army Citadel. Benevolent Fund The Benevolent Fund for December is for Mary’s Meals. Marys Meals aims to pro- vide chronically hungry children with one meal every school day, encouraging edu- cation that can lift them out of poverty in later life. Please give generously to this worthy cause at this special time of year.

For January we are collecting for Local Needs.

The following are the proposed Benevolent Funds for 2020: January - Local Needs February - Stroke Association March - St Elizabeth's Hospice April - Y.A.N.A. (You Are Not Alone) May - Christian aid June - TWAM July - Home Start August - Air Ambulance September - Food Bank October - BB and Girls' Association November - Bible Society (Open The Book) December - EACH

Donations can be made in the permanent box in the foyer of the church at anytime, or after the service on first Sunday of the month. Wide Horizons - Christmas Fayre 2019

What a wonderful occasion on Saturday November 16th! A huge thank you to eve- ryone who contributed to this successful event. In addition to the super refresh- ments and lunches, money was raised from seven Church stalls (preserves, cakes, Wednesday Club, Boys Brigade and Girls Association, toiletries, white elephant and jewellery). The forecourt was home to the Stowmarket Meadlands Men’s Shed or- ganisation (a community workshop). In addition to our own Church funds the following charities raised money for their causes (Bloodwise, St Elizabeth’s Hospice, E.A.C.H., the British Heart Foundation and the Jampot Community). Two tables were hired to people in our community. So, what did we raise? £1,800 on the day, £4,616.63 Thursday coffee mornings and £1,399.30 Thursday cake sales. Another splendid example of how well we work together as a team. Well Done from the fund raising group.


Christmas Card Board If you wish to send your Christmas greetings to church members and friends this year a board will be available in the foyer from Sunday, December 8th. It is hoped that money saved on the purchase of Christmas cards will be donated to our Christmas appeals. Many thanks.

URC Wednesday Club

We recommence in March. Envelopes The Freewill Offertory Envelopes for 2020 are now available. If you don’t currently have a set but would like one, please see Janet Sparrow. Church Meeting Dates For Your Diary The following are the provisional dates for Church Meetings: Monday January 27th, 2pm at Stowmarket Monday March 23rd, 2pm at Stowmarket to include the AGM SUNDAY May 24th following a Church Lunch. Monday July 27th, 7.00 pm at Mendlesham Monday September 28th, 2pm at Stowmarket Monday November 23rd, 2pm at Stowmarket. SOUTH SUFFOLK AREA PARTNERSHIP (Local Events) Pastoral Advocate: Vacancy

Coffee Events: Stowmarket - Coffee Morning every Thursday morning 10am -12 noon. Cakes stall on the 4th Thursday. Also Saturday Coffee Morning on the second Saturday of the month. Debenham - Each Thursday 10am to 11.30am. Coffee Morning plus open church. Tea, Coffee, Chat . Great Meeting Hadleigh - Coffee Morning every Tuesday morning 10 am – 11.30am Christchurch Needham Market - Coffee Morning from 10am – 12 noon on second Saturday. Mendlesham - MURCies Coffee Bar. 10am – 12 noon, second Friday of the month. Knit & Natter 2nd & 4th Monday 2-4pm. Stowupland - Coffee Morning- last Friday in the month - 10am-12noon.



Christmas Words Scramble

1. LELBS ______2. ISENTPIOTA ______3. CLEAND ______4. GIGABRNDEER ______5. TEWHAR ______6. SCRALO ______7. EDINERER ______8. GOSTINCK ______9. TENESSRP ______10. LEGAN ______11. DANCY ENCA ______12. WOMANNS ______13. SOTTLEMIE ______14. SLITEN ______15. GLISEH ______16. YALOHID ______17. STRANEMON ______18. DRANLAG ______

Sudoku H.7 - 5 and 6


Upcoming Events


Saturday 14th December 10.30 am - 12.30pm

Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate & Wonderful Festive Cakes Come and See at the URC Proceeds for Mary's Meals & Church Funds A Warm Welcome Awaits You

Stowmarket URC Registered Charity No 1157857

“Welly Walk” Please join Jane and Dan for a winter welly walk on Saturday, December 28th followed by coffee and light refreshments. If you are not able to walk just come to socialise.

Meet at “Crowstone” at 10.30am for the walk and coffee will be served from 11.00 onwards.

Bring your visitors and friends to blow away some cobwebs. Telephone 01449 676775 for any queries! Donations in aid of EACH

Children and Youth Activities

Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association Messy Church

1st Company A meeting for school age children with varied activities and games Anchor Section (age 5 to 8 years) meet Meets in the Main Hall Wednesday 6.15 to 7.15pm from 5.00 to 6.45pm Junior Section (age 8 to 11 years) meet on the 1st & 3rd Monday each month Wednesday 6.15 to 7.30pm Company Section (age 11 to 18 years) meet Wednesday 7.00 to 8.45pm ALSO….Band practice evening Thursdays at 7pm Held in the Boys’ Brigade Hall at Combs Ford, next to Solar Contact: Mr M Gray


Services November 2019 - January 2020

STOWMARKET Dec 2019 Time Services Preacher Sun 1st 10.25am Family Worship with Holy Com- The Revd David Atkins

6pm Advent Service at Parish Church Thu 5th 9.30am Pause for Prayer in Fison Hall Mr John Webb Sun 8th 10.25am Family Worship The Revd Richard Edwards Thu 12th 9.30am Pause for Prayer in Fison Hall The Revd Richard Edwards Sun 15th 10.25am Family Worship with Nativity Nativity Thu 19th 9.30am Pause for Prayer in Fison Hall Mr Michael Martin Sun 22nd 10.25am Family Worship Mr John Webb 4pm Carols by Candlelight Carols by Candlelight Tues 24th 11.25pm Christmas Eve Worship Mr William Glasse Wed 25th 10.25am Christmas Day Worship Mr William Glasse Sun 29th 10.25am Family Worship The Revd Barbara Challis Jan 2019 Time Services Preacher Thu 2nd 9.30am Pause for Prayer in Fison Hall Mrs Ann Edwards Sun 5th 10.25am Family Worship with Holy Com- The Revd Richard Edwards

Thu 9th 9.30am Pause for Prayer in Fison Hall The Revd Norman Tharby Sun 12th 10.25am Family Worship Mr Willian Glasse Thu 16th 9.30am Week of Prayer Mr Keith Scarff Sun 19th 10.25am Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Pastor Mike Smith Thu 23rd 9.30am Week of Prayer The Revd Richard Edwards Sun 26th 10.25am Family Worship Dr Richard Jurd Thu 30th 9.30am Pause for Prayer in Fison Hall Mr John Webb


Services November 2019 - January 2020

Dec 2019 Time Services Preacher DEBENHAM 1st 10.45am Family Worship with HC Mr Steven walker 8th 10.45am Family Worship Mr John Knights 3pm Christmas Carols 15th 10.45am Family Worship Mr Steve Wyncoll 22nd 10.45am Family Worship Mr Greg Noller 29th 10.45am Family Worship Mrs Veda Berriman HAUGHLEY 15th 4pm Carols MENDLESHAM 1st 4pm Afternoon Worship Veda Berriman 8th 10.45am Family Worship Mrs Irene Martin 15th 6.30pm Carols by Candlelight Mr Keith Scarff 22nd 10.45am Family Worship Mr Clive Herrod STOWUPLAND 1st 10.30am Family Worship Mr Jim Spencer 8th 10.30am Family Worship Mr Clive Herrod 15th 10.30am Family Worship Mr Keith Scarff 22nd 10.30am Family Worship Mrs Irene Martin

29th 10.30am Family Worship Mrs Mary Durrant


Jan 2020 Time Services Preacher DEBENHAM 5th 10.45am Family Worship Mr Nigel Crisp 12th 10.45am Family Worship Mr Jonathan Armstrong

19th 10.45am Family Worship Mr Jim Spencer 26th 10.45am Family Worship Mr Jim Gourlay 3pm Choruses and Cake HAUGHLEY

19th 11.00 am Family Worship Mrs Irene Martin MENDLESHAM 5th 4pm Afternoon Worship Mr William Glasse 12th 10.45am Family Worship Mr Clive Herrod 26th 10.45am Family Worship The Revd Barbara Challis STOWUPLAND

5th 10.30am Family Worship Mr Michael Topple 12th 10.30am Family Worship Mr Keith Scarff 19th 10.30am Churches Together The Revd David Atkins 26th 10.30am Family Worship Mr Stephen Horrex

Copy for Februay 2020 NTV To be in by Sunday 19th January 2019 Reminder E-mail to: [email protected] Hard copy to Anne Scarff. A number of people are now receiving their copy of NTV by e-mail. If you would like to take advantage of this please let Anne Scarff know.


Stowmarket Ipswich Street, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1AD Phone : 01449 675045 Email : [email protected] Website: and village chapels of: Debenhams Haughley Mendlesham Stowupland

Church Officers and Personnel Minister Vacancy Secretary Miss Anne Scarff  774792 3 West View, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1SD Assistant Secretary Mrs. Mary Durrant  672608 14 Fairfield Hill, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1NG Treasurer Mrs Ann Waller  614233

3 Lucena Court, The Brickfields,

Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1RN Gift Aid Secretary Mr David J Fenner  674440 29 Thirlmere Drive, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1SE Freewill Envelopes See Anne Scarff Halls Booking Secretary Mrs Lois Muller  675045 Ipswich Street, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1AD Editor of NTV Miss Anne Scarff  774792 3 West View, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1SD

Secretaries of The Village Chapels Debenham Mr E V G Read  01728-860600 9 Moores Close, Debenham, Stowmarket IP14 6RU Mendlesham Mrs Margaret Jackson  766321 13 Glebe Way, Mendlesham IP14 5TL Stowupland Mrs E Mary Clark 5 Birch Close, Stowupland, Stowmarket IP14 4DW