Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1996 No. 133 Senate (Legislative day of Friday, September 20, 1996) The Senate met at 9:30 a.m., on the RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY scheduled to vote sometime today. I do expiration of the recess, and was called LEADER not know exactly what time we will to order by the President pro tempore The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The get it. But as soon as we get it, we will [Mr. THURMOND]. able majority leader, Senator LOTT of try to get it into the mix at the ear- Mississippi, is recognized. liest possible opportunity. It certainly Mr. LOTT. Thank you very much, is an important appropriations bill PRAYER Mr. President. dealing with the Veterans’ Administra- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John f tion and, of course, all of our housing Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: SCHEDULE policies in the country. We need to get Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, this morn- that bill completed in order for the Gracious Father, Almighty Sovereign checks to go out on time at the end of of our Nation, and strength of our ing there will be a period for morning business until the hour of 10:30 a.m., this week or certainly the first of next lives, we thank You for the privilege of week. living in this land You have blessed so with Senators permitted to speak for up to 5 minutes each. Following morn- We will stand in recess today from bountifully. With awe and wonder, we 12:30 to 2:15 for the weekly policy con- realize anew the stunning truth that ing business today, it would be my in- tention to begin consideration of a con- ferences to meet. Once again, I ask for You have called the United States to tinuing resolution. We are fast ap- the cooperation of all Senators as we be Your providential demonstration of proaching the end of this fiscal year. It begin what I hope will be the final the freedom and equality, righteous- certainly is my hope that we would be week of the Senate’s business prior to ness and justice, opportunity and hope, allowed to begin this important appro- adjournment. In order to accomplish You desire for all nations. O God, help priations measure. At this time, we are that, it is going to take a lot of co- us to be faithful to our heritage. unable to reach an agreement to begin operation, a lot of give-and-take. I cer- tainly will make every effort to work We praise You for the way You have that bill. I tried several different ap- proaches last Friday in discussions with all Senators. I hope Senators un- blessed us with great leaders in each derstand that this week is going to be period of our history. Through them with the Democratic leader. We were not able to come to any agreement at very hard to schedule votes around You have continued to give Your vision other events, especially if we are really for the unfolding of the American that time, but we will keep working today. Hopefully, we can reach some moving seriously toward completing dream. And this is especially true our work, as we should, on Friday or today. Bless the Senators with a re- understanding as to how we would pro- ceed. Saturday. newed sense of their calling to great- In accordance with the agreement In addition to that, we are working ness through Your grace. You have ap- reached on Friday, the Senate will re- to see if we can clear problems with the pointed them; now anoint them afresh sume consideration of the maritime se- NIH revitalization authorization bill. I with Your spirit. As they confront the curity legislation today at 4:30, with a understand there is the potential point soul-sized, crucial issues of this week, series of rollcall votes beginning at 5 of order that maybe can be worked out. give them a spirit of unity and coop- p.m. on or in relation to pending There is a lot of support for this impor- erativeness. The workload is great, the amendments as well as final passage on tant legislation. I hope maybe we could pressure is heavy, and the challenge is that. I presume there would be at least do it like we did last week on the Mag- formidable; but, nothing is impossible four votes at that time. So we will nuson fisheries bill, the FAA reauthor- for You. have the stacked votes at 5 o’clock. ization, and the maritime bill. We can We are also hoping that the one out- work through those problems and hope- Fill this Chamber with Your pres- standing issue on S. 1505, the pipeline fully get about an hour to have some ence. You are the judge of all that will safety bill, could be resolved, and we discussion to get a vote. be said and done here. Ultimately, we could complete action on that measure We are also working with Senator have no one to please or answer to but also. KASSEBAUM, who is very, very inter- You. With renewed commitment to It is my understanding that the VA- ested in the job partnership training You, and reignited patriotism, we press HUD appropriations conference report legislation. There are problems there on to living the page of American his- may be available for consideration this again, a point of order, which looks tory to be written this week. Through afternoon. I know that the agreement like it may not be resolvable, but we our Lord and Savior. Amen. has been worked out and that they are may call it up for some discussion this ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S11125 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:05 Jun 22, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA16\1996_F~1\S24SE6.REC S24SE6 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S11126 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 24, 1996 week and see what can be accom- years old at the time of his death. quickly earned the respect and admira- plished. Geary was known to all of us on the tion of his fellow staff members as well I want to remind Senators we expect Armed Services Committee and to as Senators on both sides of the aisle a veto override vote to occur on Thurs- many here in the Senate because he with whom he was in regular contact. day on the partial-birth abortion ban. was a very important member of the Geary’s tenure with the Armed Serv- And there are requests from Senators staff of the Armed Services Committee ices Committee lasted until December to be able to speak on that matter from 1989 to 1991. 1992. During that period, he served as today also. But we would schedule a Today, I want to take this oppor- counsel to the committee for defense vote for Thursday. tunity to recall Geary’s many profes- procurement and small business issues. f sional accomplishments and describe We tried to keep Geary but finally the for my colleagues the life of this re- GAO demanded he come home because TRIBUTE TO JOHN DURICKA markable individual who served the they needed him very bad. Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, the Senate Senate Armed Services Committee Geary successfully conducted re- and all Americans lost a true profes- with great distinction for more than search, drafted legislation, and devel- sional yesterday. Veteran Associated 31⁄2 years. oped congressional and public support Press photographer John Duricka died Geary Burton was born on June 30, for many key legislative initiatives. He Monday at Arlington Hospital after 1951, in Pittsburgh, PA. We are privi- performed a vital role in helping the long battle with cancer. leged to have his mother, Lura Burton, Armed Services Committee make nu- The measure of John’s profes- sitting in the Senate Gallery today, merous changes to defense acquisition sionalism and dedication is that he was along with Geary’s sister Nancy and policy that were required in the face of on the job almost right up to the time her daughers Claudia and Claudette. It the post-cold-war defense build-down. of his death—doing what he loved and was through Mrs. Burton’s love, hard Geary worked hard to enhance the role doing it wonderfully well. work, and devotion in raising Geary of small and disadvantaged businesses, John’s combination of mature de- and his sister, Nancy, that he devel- historically black colleges and univer- meanor and tough determination was a oped such strong character and learned sities, and other minority educational familiar face to all of us here in the the value and importance of a good institutions in defense acquisition Senate. He was a news photographer education. In 1973, Geary earned a practices. Geary’s key participation in first—make no doubt about that. bachelor of arts degree at Thiel College the establishment of the Pilot Mentor- But he also respected the institution in Greenville, PA, where he majored in Prote´ge´ Program was a direct reflec- which he illustrated to the world every political science. He continued his edu- tion of the innovation and creativity day with his pictures. Unlike the White cation and earned a law degree from that he brought to the committee in House or the Federal agencies where Duquesne Law School in 1976.