ToWNSEND--TowNsHEND 1066-1909

The History, Genealogy and Alliances of The English anc;l American House of Townsend

COMPILED BY James C. Townsend, 1865; Hon. I\fartin I. Townsend, 1

1871; Charles Hervey Townshend, 1875 ; a Pam:­ phlet by Hon. Isaac Townsend Smith, 1904, now



BY l\l.\RGARET TOWN SEND TACLIAPIETRA (l\Iadame Giovanni Tagliapietra.)

From th~ Pres/I of Broadway Publishing Companv, 835 Broad-icay, N. Y. I I

"i!tuyu~ttlU ljttll .0 COUNTY NORFOLK, ENGLAND. 1"HE SEA-T 01•, TIIE lVIA nqurs 'fo,vNSHEND.

CONTENTS PAGE A Fo re\\·ord...... 3 Preface to "The Townshend Family of Lynn in Old and New England," by Charles Hervey T o,vnshend ...... 5 Introd11ction ...... • . . . • . . . • ...... • ...... 7 TJ1e- To,vnshend Family ...... 11 The Marriage of Lady Audrey Townshend at Raynham Hall • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • . • 22 Descendants of Jeremiah Townsend...... 34 Descendants of Ebenezer· To\vnsend...... • . • . . • . • . • . • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • . • . . • • • • . • • • • • • • .. . . 39 Extracts from "The Descendants of Martin Townsend, of '\Vatertown, ~lass...... 43 Compil~d Jrom 1-Iaterial Furnished by Hon. Henry C. Townsend, of Philadelphia, Pa., and Richard Hallet Townsend, of Baltimore, l\Id ...... - . • • • • . • • • . . •• • . • . . . • . • • • • • • 43 The Testimony of Richard To\vnsend...... • . . • • • • • • • • . . • • • • . . • . • . • 44 Richard Townshend, Councilor of Virginia. . . . • •...... • • . • • • . • • • • • • • . . • • • • . . • • • • . • • • . • . • • • •• 46 Compiled from Early Colonial Records of : . • • • . . . . • ...... • ...... • • . • . • . . . 46 Compiled from ~Iaterial Furnished by I-Ion. l\1artin I. Tovi--n~end, Troy, N. Y...... 40 Addenda ...... ·...... 48 Preface to "?vfemorial of the Townsend Brothers". . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • . • • • . • . . . • • • . • • • . • . • 49· A 1'1emorial ...... •..•...... ••...... •...... ••...•••.....•..•.•...... ••....•••. ~- 50. Townsend Genealogy, Chapter I, John, Henry and Richard Townsend...... GS-. Chapter I I, John "I'o,vnsend...... 68- Chapter III, John Sen., Son of John 1st, Ancestor of Jericho To,"·nsends ...... •...·.•• 71 Chapter V, Thomas, Son of John 1st, Ancestor of the Jones and Floyd-Jones Families...... 78· Chapter V, Elizabeth, Daughter of John 1st, Ancestress of the 1-Iill River Hollow '\Vrights... St Chapter VI, James, Son of John 1st, Ancestor of the \Vestchester Townsends, the Willis Fam- ily of Cedar Swamp, and the Hewletts of East \Voods. . . • ...... • • . . • . . • 82 Chapter VII, George, Son of John 1st, Ancestor of the Cocks of 1-Iatinecock, the Duck Pond, Norwich, and Yellow Coat Townsends...... • • . • 88 Chapter VIII, Daniel, Son of John 1st...... • . . . • . . • . • . • • ...... • ...... • ...... • • . . . • . . . . 94 Chapter IX, Henry 1st...... • ...... 95 Chapter X, Henry, Son of Henry tst, Ancestor of Orange County and Albany Townsends..... g6 Chapter XI, John, Son of Henry 1st, Ancestor of the Mill Townsends and one Branch of Ced-ar S\\·amp To,vnsends ...... ~...... 99 Chapter XII, :\-Iary, Daughter of Henry 1st, Ancestress of the Duck Pond Townsends, Cocks of 1'Iatinecock, and Coles of Desir is ..... : . • ...... • ...... • . . 103 Chapter XIII, Rose, Daughter of :Henry 1st, Ancestress of the Mill River Hollow vVrights.... 104 Chapter XIV, Robert, Son of Henry 1st...... 10-1, Chapter XV, Richard To,vnsend ...... ·. ... . 104 Chapter XVI, John, Son of Richard 1st, Ancestor of Cape 1Iay Townsends...... 105 Chapter XVII, Richard, Son of Richard 1st, Ancestor of the North Side and one Branch of Cedar S \vamp To,vn sends...... IOO A Short History of the English Townsends, by l\1artin I. Townsend...... IIJ The Underhill and Townsend Families, by Hon. Isaac Townsend Smith. . . . . • • ...... • ...... I I 5 Broken and Untraced Branches...... • . . • ...... • • • • . . . . • . . .. . • . . • • • . . . • . • . . • • • • . • • . . . • 119 Addenda ...... 120.

ILLUSTRA'"fIONS PAGE "Raynham Hall," the Seat of the Marquis Townshend ...... •.. • . • . • • • • . • • . . Frontispiece Captain Charles Hervey Townshe11d •...... •...... •••.••.•••.•...•.•....•. ~ . . • • . . • . • . . . . . s The King and His· Ministers. . . . • . • . . . • . . • . • ...... • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • . • . . . • • . . . . • . • • • • ...... • . 15 John, 4th !vlarquis Townshend of Raynham; Elizabeth Jane Stuart, 4th llarchioness Towns- hend of Raynham; Lady Audrey Jane Charlotte Buller; General Sir Redvers Buller...... 20 ..., ... John Villiers Stuart, 5th Marquis Townshend of Raynham; Lady Anne Elizabeth Clementine Duff, 5th ·1:1archioness Townsend o~ Raynhaham; Lord James John Dudley Stuart, 6th lfarquis. To\\·nshend ...... •..••••....•...•.• ·...•••. . .. . • ...... • . • • 22 Edward Sands Townsend; Frank G. Curtis; Benjamin Townsend...... 28 "Raynham," Overbrook Penn., s~at of Joseph Brevitt Townsend, Jr...... 44 liargatet Townsend (Madame Giovanni Tagliapietra) .•.•••..•.••••••••..•.••..•..•...._.. 49 "Little Raynham," the Old Seat of Soloman Townsend, Oyster Bay, L. I ...... ~...... 68 Adolph Herrman Lothair Gosling; A,irs. Adolph Herrman Lothair Gosling; Eleanor Frances Charlotte Gosling ..•...... •....•...•.•..•.•....•..•....• • • . • . . • • • 8g 1.irs. Foxhall P. Keene; Mrs. Frank Thomas Woodbury; Bradley Martin; Frederick Towns- end Martin...... • • • . . • . • . • . . . . • • • • • • . . • • • • . . . • . . . • • • . • • • ...... • . g6 Isaac Townsend; Audrey Townsend. Sac~ett; James Bliss Townsend...... g8 Jacob Townsend; Rev. Israel Leander Townsend; George W. Townsend...... 102 John Richard Townsend; Mrs. John Richard Townsend; Hon. John Drake Townsend...... 107 John Richard Townsend...... 1<>f:I Isaac Towntend Smith... • . . . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • . • • . • • . • • • . • . . 116


The present compiler desiring to preserve under As the previous tnatter has not been illustrated, one cover the valuable matter that has been the compiler feels it will be of interest to intro­ previously written on the Townsend-Townshend duce some types of Townsends, and has placed family of England and America, and to bring as many of these as can be conveniently inserted, their history up to the present date, embodied the English Townshends being of especial interest this statement in tl1e circular letter sent out in historically, together with letters and notes that April, 1go8, under impression that the re­ may be of interest. · sponses hoped for from individual members would Some matter not directly connected with the enable her to accomplish this task within a given genealogy, has been most reluctantly cut from space of four months. Mr. Charles Hervey Townshend's compilation, Locating the Townsends, however, throughout and original deeds in possession of the writer, the length and breadth of the land proved a dif­ of historical interest to descendants of "The ficult task, in which presumably many have not Three Brothers," have had to be omitted, as they been reached, but, when located, the apathy ex­ enlarged the manuscript to considerably over the hibited in general, was a painful disappointment. limit allowed by the publisher in his estimate, The number of letters written by the compiler and there are no further funds at hand with in an effort to secure data, and which were large­ which to controvert the argument. ly without return, would scarce be credited, and The present compiler has not attempted to alter she feels thaf one year of continued and arduous or bring to one formal genealogical style, the labor in this field has not yielded an adequate original work herein contained. She desires to result in these pages; so it is that history is re­ direct special attention to the two letters-one peating itself, and in same case with the compiler from Mrs. Dorinda E. Hyatt, to 1'1rs. Andrew J. of "lvfemorial of The Townsend Brothers" and Kinch, dated Sept., 1876, and the second from of "The Townshend Family of Lynn in Old and Andrew E. Townsend to Rev. Israel Leander New England," consideration has to be asked for Townsend, which were brought to. her notice by incomplete records, as no instigation or persuasion the daughter of Rev. Dr. Townsend, l\Irs. has proved adequate to acquire the desired data: · \Valter 1Yiontague Wilson of Brooklyn, N. Y., therefore, with the feeling of having overstepped through which she had hoped to establish that the time limit, the book must regretfully be pub­ elusive missing link between the English and lished without it. American Townsends, but after an exhaustive and As it frequently happens that a public does profitless search on both sides the Atlantic for not take interest in a subject until a finished the book referred to, she can only publish the product lies before them, the compiler thinks it letters as they have come to her, resigning the well to state, should this volume meet with the clue therein contained to a future search. Before approval of a sufficient number of members of the closing, she desires to recognize the kind interest family who have not previously subscribed, and are taken in her efforts by Mrs. Charles Hervey desirous of having the records of their particular Townshend of New Haven, l\1rs. Walter l\fon­ branch included, if they will so communicate with tague Wilson, Hon. Robert Townsend of Oyster her, she will issue a second edition of this volume Bay, Mr. Malcolm Townsend of N. Y. C., and within the year, together with any additions or Hon. Townsend· D. Cock of Oyster Bay, L. I. revisions suggested by present subscribers. This volume can only be obtained from the compiler. MARGARET TOWNSEND, The data of the comparatively small number (Mdme. Giovanni Tagliapietra.) who have enrolled themselves, has already reached 343 West 34th Street, the dimensions of a moderate sized volume. City.




Through the kindness of John Ward Deane, ter of Yale College, and Horace .Day, Esq., Sec­ retary of the Board ·of Education,· N:ew Haven; A.ll.. the able editor of the Ne--"' E1igland His­ Conn. ______of · lari


The Massachusetts Probate and other Records mouth, 1665, when he signed as one of· the sup­ at Boston, Salem and Lynn, give evid~nce of re- porters of the jurisdiction of Massachusetts; and Jationship between the families of Thomas da~ghter ~ who married Lawrence C~pe­ Townsin, Tow11esende, Towenshend, or Towns- land, of Lynn, ··Ye 12 10 mo~ 165t," also, Ehza.­ bend, of Lynn ( for in each way was this name beth, married to. Samuel ~fariam, Dec. 22d, 166g, spelled), and the families of John Newgate of and also (perhaps) Mary, a member of Samue'I Boston, and Robert l\1ansell, or Mansfield, of Gardner's family, 1661. The records prove that Lynn. This 1-Ir. Newgate, an important citizen he gave his property to his children when they of Boston, representative and often selectman, became of marriage estate, and by deed, dated was descended from the families of that name, Jan. 1st, 1674, he gave to "youngest son Andrew~ who in early times held estates at Holkham and two acres of his town lot of eight acres in· Lynn, neighboring parishes in the County Norfolk, Eng- situated on the south side the l\iiill street, lying land, a branch of which we find later residing at westerly of --the town. highway that leadeth Horningsheath, near Bury St. Edmunds, in Su£- through the said field; the said highway being folk. He seems to have followed the occupation the easterly bounds, and the remainder of ·the of a fdtmaker, and had lived for many years hon1estead after the death of the said Thomas previous to his emigration. to New England, in Townesend; · and :Ofary his now wife; provided, the parish of St. Olives in Southwalk, London the said Andrew, then unmarried, would con­ Bridge, but after 1627, his name and family disap- tinue to live with them and manag~r their prop­ pear fro1n the parish register, and about 1630 we erty, they being disabled in a measure, through find among the Suffolk Fines, London, that a age, to carry on their affairs." This Andrew certain John Newgate buys and records Oct. 6th, Townesend died of camp fever, Dec. 10th, 1692; 1631, of Peter Beck and Anne his wife, an estate his mother, his wife, and two of their children in the parish of Tymworth, which estate is re- all dying of the same sickness, within a few days corded sold Feb. 3d, 1639, to Jane Bacon, widow of each other, and the court appointed for ad­ by a John Newgate alias Newdigate, and Anne ministrators on his estate, their loving· Uncle~ his wife, whom we have no doubt are the same Samuel Townesend, of Winnesemet, &nd Samuel as the New England settlers whose children and Johnson of Lynn; and for guardians of his chil­ relations often spelt their name Newdigate, as dren, their uncle Samuel, aforesaid, for Abigail will be hereafter shown. . and David the eldest and youngest, and for the This John N ewgate, in his last will, dated Bos- others, viz : Thomas, Elizab~th, Andrew and ton, May 8th, 1665, and proved Oct. 26th, follow- Daniel, "their loving kinsman," Deacon Daniel ing, gives a legacy of "£10 to my brother-in-law, 11ansfield, who was son of Andrew (the town Thomas Townsin, of Lyn, to be paid him within recorder), and grandson of Robert Mansfield,, three years after my decease,'' and in codicil, of aforesaid. As we find frequently and for many same will, dated Sept. I 1th, 1665, he shows more generations since. the settlement of Lynn, the than ordinary interest in his brother-in-law, as christian name Andrew in the Townsend and follows : ''Further, my will is that Thomas Mansfield families, it is quite probable that the· To\\rnsin, of Lyn, have his legacy above men- ' name came from the latter to the Townsends. tioned, within one year after my decease, and a' Blomfield, Norfolk, Vol. X, p. 423-4, mentions bequest to the free schools of Boston, for the · the Manor of Hayneford, near Norwich, with same amount, he makes void." · advowson of the church and other church lands This Thomas Townesend had sons, Thomas,1 and property in the same county, granted Oct. San1ue1,2 John,3 and Andrew.4 He also .may 21st, 1545, to Andrew Mansfield, Esq., of the have. had (by a first wife),5 Robert of. Ports- city of Norwich; also, same date, p. 438, lands in

1 Tbe supposed eldest son married Mary, d·aughter St. James• Parish Register, Dec. 29th, 1602. and eml• ~t Samuel Davis. grated to New England in 1630. · 4 The youngest son, Andrew, by Mary ("my now 2 His son Samuel married Abigall, another daughter wife, 16'14"), married Abigail, daughter of John Col• of Samuel Davis, and he leased one of Gov. Belling­ lins, of Linn. ham's farms at Winesemet or Chelsea, which continued In his family for more than 50 years. He also owned 5 Thomas Townsend, Sr.~ fn deeds of gift to sons property in Boston (North end), and Charlestown and john and Andrew, mentions Mary, his now wife. they Rumney Marsh. the father and mother of aforesaid. and as Thomas and Samuel •are not mentioned as sons by_ wife Mary,. 8 His son John, by Mary, his now (1669) wife, mar­ it is supposed that he had a first wife by whom he had ried Sarah, daughter of John Pearson, of Lynn, his c ldren born in England, and perhaps in New Eng- near neighbor, who was formerly of Norwich, Norfolk, an , here she may have died, and the. above Robert,, Eng. This John Townsend married ~econdly, Meheta­ Liddia, Mary and Elizabeth, perhaps ber children;. ble. daughter of Nicholas Brown, and sister of Eliza­ "Rl:4~·~on says, money was left this family.. also beth, wife of Hannaniah Parker, of Redding, who Thomas Townsend was a relation ot the 1st Lord had for second wife Mary Barsham; and she married Townsend. Now, we find by will of Sir Roger Town•.• 2d, Deacon John Bright, of Watertown. son of Henry shend the Puritan Baronet, of Raynham, dated J'an. ~right, Jr., whcse family Jived on the now (1882) 1st, 1687, a mention ot £400 to children ot a Thomas rnte ot the Angle Inn at Bury St. Edmunds, County Townsend. His 2d son, Horatio, in 1661, was created Suffolk, and where he was born and baptized, as per Baron Linn. 7 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

Newtown : also, same date, p. 383-4, in Stanhowe Papers, Domestic-Addenda-pp. 541-4, No. 61, (Calthorpe 1-fanor), lands belonging to Thetford dated June 4th, 1614, frequent mention of Sir Priory, and in Vol. VII, p. 38o, same date, this Robert Mansell ( or, as he signs his name 11ans­ Andrew 1Iansfield had a grant of the Canons, · field ), Kt., Vice Admiral, etc., who was· ~arried Marshes, &c., in 1\-Iarsham, and the same year, to Jane, sister to Sir Nathaniel, whose daughter 1545, had license to alien it to Elizabeth Spelman, Anne married Sir John Townsend, of Raynham, and her heirs. This Elizabeth Spelman was Kt., killed in a duel, and father of Sir Roger probably a_ sister of the famous Antiquary Sir Townsend, 1st Bart. He (Sir· Robert l\fansfield) Henry Spehnan,, who was the: first Treasurer of was noted for ·hi~ great. skill and bravery and · the ·ucouncil of the New England Company," and knowledge of marme affairs. He had a grant to by marriage, connected to the Townsend and make saltpetre and glass ; was knighted at the 1fansfield families. Andrew !vfansfield, Esq., taking of Cadiz, Spain, in 1598, and died without aforesaid, by will, dated at Norwich, Norfolk, · issu.e, probably at his house in Greenwich, soon Feb. 20th, l553, leaves legacies to the church of after 1640. He was living. however, as a paper St. 1-Iary's Coslany within the city of Norwich, on fi_le in _the State Paper Office, London, proves, appoints wife Jane (a sister of John Eyre, Esq.,) bearing his seal and arms, and dated April 30th, Executrix, and she in her will, dated April 24th, 1639. This Sir Robert was largely interested in 1587, gave bequest to Thomas Hay'es, of silver the North and South Virginia Company, and was spoons; orders her body to be buried in the one of the council of the New England Company, church of Haynes ford, Norfolk, in "the North and at their meeting at the Earl of Carlisle's Chansel next the place my husband Andrew Chambers . in \Vhite Hall, April 25th, 1635, when lfansfield hath burial," mentions the house she they resigned the charter of New England ( the now dwells in at Haynesford, gives money to the . Gorges Patent), saying that they have found by poor of Haynesford, and 20s. to the Parish of long experience that their endeavors to advance St. Mary's Coslany, · aforesaid, makes numerous the Plantation of New England has been at­ bequests, gives her property to grand-child, \Vill~ tended with great trouble and charge; have had fam LeGryce, and her niece, Alice LeGryce, the trouble with the Virginia Company and parties wife of said Willia1n LeGryce; mentions niece who had lands granted them· in Massachusetts Spelman, nephew George Everton, Elizabeth Bay-­ Bay, and they have thought fit to' publish their pool, wife of John Baypool and especial good reasons to posterity for resigning the patent, etc. friend, Sir Thomas Cornwallis, Kt., Supervisor At this meeting was the President, the Lord of her will, she gives £ro. Appoints her grand­ Gorges, the Vice-President, Capt. 1-Iason, the child, \Villiam LeGryce, and nephew, .George 1'Iarquis of Hamilton, the. Earls of Arundell, Everton, Executors of her last will and testa­ Surry, Southampton, Lindsey, Carlisle, Sterling, ment. This Andrew and Jane (Eyre) Mansfield, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Sir Kenelem Digby and had an only daughter, Susan, who married others; also, Sir Henry Spelman, the Secretary Charles LeGryce, of Brodish, Norfolk, and they of the Company. At the time Mount Desert were the parents of the aforesaid \Villiam Le­ Island was captured from the French by Capt. Gryce, whose mother, Susan (Mansfield) Le­ Samuel Argall, in 1634, it was granted to Sir Gryce, ,vas buried at Brodish, in 1564, and the Robert 1·fansfield, and called Mount A-lansfield. said Charles, in ISi2. The ~Ianor of Aslacton, He also was allotted a part of New England or Norfolk, Blomfield tells us, ,vas bought by North Virginia, as an old map now extant shows. Charles Le Gryce in 1561, and was granted after Sir Robert's brother-in-law, Sir Nathaniel Bacon, his death to Andrew l\1ansfield, of Norwich, a married 2d wife, Dorothy, widow of Wm. Smith, gentleman who was probably a near relative of of Winston, Norfolk, whose son, Sir Owen Smith, the first Andrew !viansfield, and may have been· had Thomas, also of Winston, who died Jan. 6th, father, uncle, or brother of the first Lynn settler 1639, and his sister Mary, aunt of said Thomas, of that name. There was a Charles Grice, of married Anthony Drury, of. Besthorpe and Int­ Brantree, l1ass., whose will in Boston Probate wood, Norfolk, son of Anthony and Bridget Court, is dated Nov. 9th, 1661, in which he men­ (Spelman) Drury, and the father of Elizabeth tions son David and children of his brother John Drury, wife of Wm. Newgate, who resided at and \Villiam Grice, son-in-law William Owen, of Intwood, where died Anne ( Calthorpe) Towns­ New England, the others all living in Old Eng­ hend, "late ye wife of .Henry Townshend, Es­ land, and he may have been of this family. quire, of Bracon Ash," and she was buried, ac­ The first Andrew l\1ansfield, probably had other cording to the Intwood Register, Oct. 4th, 1629. church lands granted him through his brother­ She was eldest daughter of Bartram Calthorpe, in-Jaw's (John Eyre) interest, and may have Councillor of the 1'.Iiddle Temple, London, who descended from Andrew, one of the sons of Sir was buried in Autringham· Church, Norfolk. This Philip Mansell, or l\fansfield, who came into Anne was co-heir to her sister J\,Jary, wife of England with William the Conqueror, and re­ Edward D'Oyley, of Newton Trow·se, Norfolk ceh,ed the estates of his uncle, Sir Henry Harley, . (2d brother of Edmund D'Oyley, of Shottesham), and the 1\-Ianor of Oxmeath, in County Glamor- Dorothy, wife of Thomas Goodwyn, of . Stone­ gan, in South Wales. . ham Suffolk, whose daughter Dorothy married Besides this Andrew 1fansfield, of Hayneford EdV.:ard Rockwood, son of Nicholas, of Euston, and Nonvich, we find in the will of Sir Nathaniel Suffolk. Margeret married Richard ·and Audrey Bacon, of Stifkey, County Norfolk, in the State married Lyonell, Goodrick (cousihs), of County 8 TOWNSEND-TO_WNSHEND

Lincoln. Sir Thomas Gresham owned Intwood, of Boston Bay. Another interesting fact in con­ and his daughter ·Anne was wife of aforesaid nection · with Thomas Townsend, is the petition Sir Nathaniel Bacon, and as before mentioned, of Jane, wife of Joseph Armitage, of Lynn, ask­ grandfather of Sir Roger Townsend, Bart., of ing to keep an ordinary or Inn ( to the General Raynham, Norfolk, a noted Puritan, who. with Court in session, Oct. 7th, 1643, and voted granted his. mother-in-law, the Lady Vere. were firm Oct. 26th; following). It is drawn up in the friends of the Rev. John Davenport, of the New band writing of the Rev. Samuel \-Vhiting, and Haven Colony, as his letters abundantly prove, with thirty-four other signatures, bears Thomas and .of the Rev.. Samuel \Vhiting, of Lynn in the Townsend's. autograph. It is the Court or Nor­ }.!assachusetts Colony; the latter having served man style of the day, and proves that he was as domestic Chaplain to the Bacon and Townsend used to the pen. In this petition he writes his families, and in compliment to these families and surname Townsend; but in a previous one at other settlers who were from the County Nor­ Salem Court, "'ye 30th 10th mo., 1641," the name folk, England, who had chosen for their pastor is spelt Towenshend; and again a Deposition in the Rev. Samuel Whiting, this town's name was the ·Essex County Court Files, Vol. XIII, p. 62, changed from the Indian one, Saugus. to Lynn, dated ye 12th 10th mo., 1661, Thomas Towne­ Nov • .25th, 1637, 0. S. . send's age is called about 60. From these and Having shown on the paternal side Thomas his well-drawn deeds of gift to his children it Townsend's connection with several parties in­ would seem that he was a man of good education terested in the early settlement of New England, for the times, and liberal in his views, and being a brief notice of the maternal side may interest. a younger son he might have been educated for His mother was 1fargeret Forthe, the first wife the church, and the quiet life he led. after com­ of Henry Townsend, and a daughter of Robert ing to New England would seem to make him a Forthe, LL.D., "Deane of the Arches," and a fit person to accept the position of Rector of a near cousin of Gov. ,vinthrop's first wife, Mary parish. These facts and his deposition wherein Forthe. This 1-iargeret had an only brother, his name is. mentioned, which nearly agree with Thomas Forthe, Esq., of the 1fiddle Temple, the Bracon Ash .register, gives great strength to London, who after his father's death in 1596 com­ the traditional account. Another strong link in menced to sell his estates at Lambeth, Streatham the chain of evidence is the will of John New­ and Croydon, County Surrey; and about the same gate of Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, "?\-Iaultster,,. time we find a Thomas Forthe ( who may have whose family were from Horningsheath and Ick­ been the same) buying estates at Southberg and worth, next parishes to N owton, where Ii ved Hingham, Norfolk, next estates occupied by \-Villiam Payne, Gentleman, sometimes Lord of Thomas Southwell, a brother-in-law to aforesaid this !vlanor, who was Executor of Henry To\vnes~ Robert Forthe, and supervisor of his will, he hend's, of Gedding, will. This John Newgate in having married for his third ,vife 1'1ary, a sister his will, dated at Bury St. Edmunds, Oct. 12th, of the said Thomas Southwell, the then widow 1642, and proved · in the Court of of '\Villiam Drury, LL.D., a cousin of Anthony Sudbury, Oct. 5th, 1649, by his wife Sarah, his Drury, of Intwood, Norfolk. This Thomas · Executrix, then the wife of Thomas Frost, gives Forthe is called by Blomfield, yeoman, and may the use of his property in the Long. Bracklands, not be the same as called of the l'tfiddle Temple, in the parish of St. James, to Sarah his wife, for Esquire; and in 16o3, Edward Brown, Rector of life; then to brother Joseph Newgate, and then Southberg, return g6 communicants, and. that to his "brother John N ewgate, now resident in Thomas Forthe is patron. This Thomas Forthe the parts beyond the seas called New England, died at Southberg, Aug. 22d, 1630, and his son and his heirs forever." This John N ewgate of Thomas is called by an inqt1isition, taken at Nor­ New England, as has been shown, was brother­ wich, Oct. 22d, 1630, and a second, taken April in-law to Thomas Townesend of Lynn, and uncle 22d, 1634, next heir. We find by Robert Forthe's, to Thomas and Samuel Townsend of Rumny LL.D., will and inquisition that he held lands 1farsh, where N ewgate was granted . 150 acre~, and tenements in Surrey, Kent. London, Essex and and subsequently bought Governor Winthrop s Layharn, County Suffolk, "where his grandfather grant c~ 150 acres, and other lands adjoining, once did dwell," that he mentions six acres of increasing his estate here to about 500 acres, land in East Ham and other property held of the which his grandson Nathaniel N ewdigate, sold Arch Bishop, of Canterbury. The last mentioned to Samuel Shrimpton of Boston, whose Thomas Forthe was buried at Southberg, June cousin Epaphr,.7ts Shrimpton of New England, 7th, 1655; appoints his wife Elizabeth, executrix, married Rebecca (f)erhaps Forth)t mentioned in and Robert Long, of Remystone, County Norfolk, will of Mary (perhaps Forth), widow of Joseph Esq., supervisor, of his will. In his father's will, Marshall of London. Her will (Fox r.21), dated John Sutton (probably clerk of \Voodrising), his 15th June, 1716. His will (Fagg 54), proved 17th brother-in-la,v, is made supervisor, and the wit­ 1-Iarch, 1715, and called cousin, also mentions nesses are Anthony Cooper and John Barrett. uncles John, Thomas and Dannett Forth. This . :hese last three names appear afterwards in a Dannett Forth had a daughter !vfary, ,,rife of J1s1. of settlers to New England, ,vho came ovef' Francis St. John, son of CromweJl, chief justice, 1n 1638 with the Rev. Robert Peck from Old Sir Oliver St. John, and so connected with the Hingham, next parish to Southberg. Norfolk, Rev. Samuel \Vhiting's wife Elizabeth (his aunt), and settled at New Hingham, on the sot th shore and the ancestor of the Duke of 11anchester. 9 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

It is to note that it was usual for l!essett, Beighton !ind .adjoining parishes from respectable families in England, at this period, to his ancestors, as his will dated July· 21st, 1587, use the alias, and such was the case with this proves. This Philip N ewgate had a brother Rob­ branch of the Newgate family. for instance: the er~ Newgat~, who married at }Jorningsheath, before-mentioned family in Fines, of Suffolk. Elizabeth Buckennam or Bokenham, Feb. 21, 1,581, The pedigree of Edmund Newgate alias Newdi­ and she was probably of the same family as Ed­ gate, of Holkham and \Vighton, County Norfolk, mund Buckenham, sheriff of Suffolk •in 16o5, who recorded .~t College of Arms, London, in visita­ by. marriage with Barbara, a daughter ·of John tion of· Norfolk for 1664, containing four genera­ '\V 1seman, Esq., of Great Thornham, was brother-. tions, and signed Edm. Newgate als. Newdigate, in-law by marriage of her sister Mary, to Philip and certified to, Aug. 1st, t8i6, by George Harri- · Forth, an uncle of 1lary Forth, first wife of Gov­ son, "Windsor Herald," and Edward Bellases, ernor \Vinthrop. Aforesaid Edmund Buckenham ''Blue 1viantle." The will of Nathaniel Newgate had son Sir Henry Buckenham, who was by wife alias Newdigate, son of John Newgate, of Boston, Dorothy, eldest daughter of Guilford \Valsing­ Mass., who died at Greenwich, near London, and bam, had a daughter Timothea, who married a was buried, according to•the register of St. Olive's 1\-Ir. Gardner of Essex, and a son John Bucken­ Parish, ·London Bridge, September· 14th, 1668, ham, whose son Wiseman Buckenham, married and proved :by his widow, then the wife of John Grace, second sister to Sir Symon D'Ewes, . Bart. Johnson, November 24th, 16j9. The pedigrees of The before-mentioned Robert Newgate had with Newdiga·te, of Denton and Holt, Norfolk, drawn other issue, \Villiam N ewgate, baptized at Hom­ from original wills by the Rev. William Grigson, ingsheath, April 14th, 16o3, and who was prob• of Norwich, who ends his valuable report on the ably the uncle's son mentioned in will of John Newgates, saying: "I have seen it stated that Newgate of Boston, as married to his· wife's this family of N ewdigate were at one time called sister, and then ( 1665) living in Lori don, and to Newgate."-W. G. Now after carefully collect­ whom he leaves a legacy in amount equal to ing and examining th~ evidence collected in Old Thomas Townsend, his other brother-in-law of and New .,England of the Newgates alias Newdi­ Lynn, £10. This William Newgate has been gate, we have good reason to suppose that this sometimes called the same who rnarded Bridget, before-mentioned John Newgate alias Newdigate, daughter of Anthony Drury of Intwood, Norfolk of Tymworth, was the feltmaker of Southwark, But the one who married at Intwood was prob­ and that after years of prosperity he had about ably ~illiam, son of. Edmund Newgate, alias 1630 retired to the neighborhood of his birth, N ewd1gate, of the family of Wighton and Holk­ where he might enjoy quietly with his family the ham. It is however interesting. to note that the result of his efforts and industry; but his near Drury family of Beesthorpe and Intwood were neighbor, Sir Thomas Jermyn, of Rushbrook, near relations of the Drurys of Rougham, Suf­ County Suffolk, Kt., then one of His Majesty's folk, and from whom probably Walter Hoo hel


The Townsend or Townshend families of Eng­ Payne, gentleman. This Sir Thomas was buried land.. and America are of mi~ed. Sa~on and Nor­ in the choir of \Vhite Friars' Church in Fleet man origin and of great ant1qu1ty 1n the County street, London, April I, 1421, and his son and heir Norfolk, England. Roger was wedded to Eleanor, daughter of Sir \Valter Atte Townshendc, son of Sir Lodovic Thomas Giggs, of Rollesby, in County Norfolk, de Townshende, a Norman nobleman· whom Col­ and had issue John Townesend, son and heir, lins in his Peerage of England puts at the he~d who married Joan, daughter and heir of Sir Rob­ of this family, flourished soon after the Conquest. ert Lunsford of Rumford, in County Essex; his· This Lodovic it seems married Elizabeth de will is dated February 16, 1466.. He .orders h1s Hauteville,· sole heiress of the manors of Rayn­ "body to be hurried in the middle of the church ham; daughter of Sir Thomas de Hauteville, of of St. lfary's, Raynham, before the image of the the famous family of de Ha uteville or Havile, crucifix of our Lord, and appoints one secular which family at this time appears to have been priest to celebrate, for his soul and that of his a most important one. They were of Norman· wife, for the space of 20 years.,~ By this match extraction, and settling in the County of Nor­ the Townsend family have right to bear the arms folk became possessed of a considerable property of Lunsford, Barrington, Belhouse, Marcy Man­ said to have been granted them by William the derville, Earl of Essex, &c. By the said Joan Conqueror, a portion of which by this marriage Lunsford, this John Townsend had one son came to the Townsend family. Roger, and four daughters. We find the name in ancient deeds written Roger Townsend, Esq., son and heir, was en­ thus: Ad-Finem-Ville. Ad-Exitum-Ville, Add­ tered a student of Lincoln's Inn, and elected a Caput-Ville. \Villiam Ad-Exitum-Ville, that is governor and lent reader 1461. In 1468 was Townsend or Tunneshende, held considerable trustee in purchasing the Lordship at \Viching­ lands of the prior of Norwiche's lordship in Tav­ ham, St. l\Iary's. In 1472 was member of Parlia­ erham, Norfolk, in the reign of King John, A. D. ment of Calme, in Wiltshire; and in 1476 he pur­ 1200. In the reign of Henry III, A. D. 1217-72, chased the remainder of the Lordship of Havile, lived Thomas Atte-Tunneshende, of West Herl­ Raynham, so that the whole estate was then in ing; and in 1292 lived \Villiam Atte-Tune'sende. the family. In 1477 he was called to the degree In 1304, John, son of Thomas Atte Tunnesende, of sergeant-at-law; in 1480, summoned to be an died, leaving Alice his widow and William his assistant to. the hous·e of Lords in Parliament; son, who was married in 13o6. This family was and in 1485 was made king's sergeant-at-law, and possessed of valuable estates, and their seal was the year following was appointed a justice, of the a chevron between three escalop shells, the arms common pleas. King Henry VII renewed his of the family to this day. patent, and knighted him in his chamber at \Vor... There were several of the name living in Nor­ cester, on Whitsunday before the coronation. Sir folk about the beginning of tl1e 14th century, and Roger dates .his will Aug. 14. 1492, and orders from them no doubt the various families ·of the his body to be buried in the chapel of St. Kath­ name sprang. Anno Domini 1319, Richard Atte­ erine's, in the church of St. itary's, Raynham, if Towneshende of Fincham, conveyed lands, etc., he iortunes to decease there; but if in London, with the services of divers men, to Adam de in the church of White Friars in Fleet street, Fincham, and in the church of St. Martyn's, before the crucifix. He leaves legacies to his Fincham, on the pavement near the lowest south daughters, and mentions son Thomas; makes window, lies a gravestone, to which was once Eleanor, his wife, sole executrix and guardian to fixed a brass plate with a long Latin inscription his eldest son Roger, on whom he entails his memorative to Thomas Townsend, a probable property. His will was· proved 1493, and wife descendant of this family, and which is now pre­ Eleanor survived him, and in her will dated Nov~ served in the church chest, but much broken. 9, 1499, she orders her body to be buried by the ln 1371, Peter Atte-Townsend was presented itigh altar in the chancel of the church of St. with the living of Great Winchingham by the Mary's, Raynham, and a new tomb to be made king and nominated by the bishop. There was a for her husband, and her bones, upon which William Atte-Tounsend whose son Thomas set­ tomb to be graven a sepulchre for Easter-day, if tled his estates in Thropland and Barsham in a chapel be not made at her decease, and if a Norfolk, on his son John, by deed dated July 11, chapel be made then she would .. be buried with _1377. This John was living at Snoring Magna, her husband there. She appoints Sir Robert A. D. 1396, and afterwards settled at Raynham. Clere, Kt., her executor, and her will was proved . Roger de Townshende, who by wife Cathrine, Oct. 8, 1500. c!aughter· of John Atherton, of the County Sus­ Sir Roger had issue by wife Eleanor, viz: sex, father of Sir Thomas de Townshend, Roger, eldest son. heir; Thomas; Anne, wife of

whose wife was Agnes, daughter of William Sir Philip Cressner of Attleborough, N orfolk 1 II TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

Esq.; Anne, wife of Humphrey Castell of Reving­ eldest son; Henry; John Townshend, of Het­ ham,· Norfolk, Esq.;· Thomasim, wife of Thomas loughtori, in Com. Norf., Esq., who by wife Woodhouse, of Kimberly, Norfolk, Esq.; .•.• Cecilia, daughter of --- Peirce (who was wife of Sir William Clopton of Kentwell, Suf­ buried at Helloughton, Nov. 9, 1589), left an folk, Kt. only dat!ghter and heir, Amy; and. George, ·fourth Roger Towneshend, eldest son of the Judge, son. His daughters were, Catharine, married to was bred to the Jaw,· and among other gentlemen Francis Colvil, of 1:farshiand, in Com. N orf., of worth and dignity of the County Norfolk, was Esq. ; and Anne, the wife of Thomas Crofftes, of appointed a commissioner by act of Parliament Felmingham, in the same county, Esq. He was for raising the sum of £163,000 by a poll-tax in succeeded b;r Richard, his eldest· son. 1513, for defraying the /expense of taking Tero­ Which Richard Townshend, Esq., resided also ven and Tournay. In 1518 he covenanted to at Brampton, and died in the fifth year of King:. serve the king with ten men-at-arms; was sheriff Edward VI, 1551, as appears by his will, bearing of Nor:ulk and Suffolk 15u, 1518, 1525, and one date of the 20th of July the same year, (and the of the masters of the courts of request in r529, probate thereof Feb. 12th, 1544) at which time serving also the same year as one of the King's he was dangerously ill, and appoints Thomas Council with the Bishop of Lincoln. On Jan. 2, Townshend, Esq., his uncle, sole executor. He 1539, he attended the Duke of Norfolk at the married Catharine, third daughter and co-heir of marriage reception of King Henry VIII, and Sir Humphrey Brown, of Ridley, in Cheshire, was knighted 1545, on the return of the king one of the justices of the Common Pleas, who from Boulogne, and on the death of that mon­ was afterwards espoused to Sir William Roper, arch was commissioned to take care of the peace Knight, ancestor to the Ropers of W elhall ; but of the County Norfolk. He was a gentleman of by her first husband had issue a son named great honor and worth, both at home and at Roger, and a daughter Elizabeth, married to court, and was one of the king's privy council. Thomas Godsalve, of Buckenham, in Com. Norf., His wife was Anne, daughter and co-heir of Sir Esq., who deceased on August 2d, in 30 Elizabeth, William de,. Brewse who was from a very ancient leaving by her Roger Godsalve, of Buckenham, fanlily which held by descent a great estate, and his son and heir, at that time twenty years of brought with it high honors, she being connected age. . by birth with many of the ancient nobility. In Roger Tounshend, Esq., son and also heir to his will, which be.ars date July 31, 1551, he calls his great-grandfather Sir Roger, aforesaid, and himself son and heir of Sir Roger Townshend, ancestor to the present l\·farquis Townshend. The deceased, and orders his body to be buried in the Earl, Sydney, the Viscount Raynham and the late church of. East Raynham by Amy, his wife, if he Lord Bayning, was afterwards a celebrated com­ fortune to depart within the shire of Norfolk; mander, and brought his own ships into the serv­ leaves bequests to his sons and daughters, and ice of his country during the time of the Spanish · makes his great-grandson Roger (then a minor), Armada, in 1588, and showing such undaunted son of Richard, lately deceased, son of his son spirit and bravery, was knighted at sea, on board John, also deceased, his heir apparent when he the "Ark Royal," the 26th of July of the same attains the age. of 27 years. Appoints his sons year, by the Lord High Admiral Charles Howard, George and Thomas his executors, and his will with the Lord Howard, the Lord Sheffield, John was. proven May 10, 1552, and he was buried in Hawkins and Martyn Frobisher; and as his name the church of St. Mary's, Raynham. As both is mentioned before the two last, his command these Sir Roger Townshends left wills, in which was, no doubt, a most important one. On the alJ their children are mentioned, it is evident that tapestry hanging on the waUs of the House of Collins and Blomfield have made an error in call­ Lords, was embroidered, Lord Howard and his ing them the same person. captains, one of which, was this Sir Roger. He Sir Roger had issue by wife Anne de Brewse, resided at Raynham, and became famed for his viz: John, eldest son, of Raynham, Norfolk and prudence, valor, and other accomplishments. He Brampton, Suffolk, Esq.; Sir Robert, 2d son,· of enlarged his estates by divers purchases of manor­ Ludlow, Kt., Chief Justice of Chester; George, lands, etc., in the County Middlesex, Norfolk 3d son, of Dercharn Abbey, Esq., who married a and Essex, as appears by several authorities. He daughter of Sir John Thurston, Sheriff of- Lon­ Jived but two years afterwards, departing this don, 1516; Roger, 4th son, Parson of Creek and life in the flower of his age, at a seat he had Snoring, Norfolk, died A. D. 1537-8, will dated purchased of Thomas Sutton, Esq., at Newing­ Oct. 8, 1536; Thomas, 5th son, of Testerton, Nor­ ton, County ]-Iiddlesex, June 30, 1590, and was folk, Esq.; Giles, 6th son, will dated Nov. 15, buried in the church· of St. Giles, Cripple-gate, 1552, proved l\1ar. · 4, 1554 Susan married Sir London. His lady was Jane, youngest daughter Edmund \Vindham, Kt. ; Kathrine married Sir of Sir Micl1ael Stanhope, of Shelford, in County Henry Beddingfield, Kt. Norfolk, ancester to the present Earl of Chester­ Which John Townshend, Esq., aforesaid, was field and Stanhope, by whom he had two sons" seated at Brampton, in Com. Norf., and having John and Robert Townshend, who lived a widow married Eleanor, daughter of Sir f ohn Hayden, till about seven years after his. decease, when of Baconsthorp, in the same county, Knight of she was married to Henry Berkley-Lord Berk­ the Bath at the coronation of King Henry VIII, ley, viz. on the 10th of March, 1597, and, survi­ had issue two daughters and four sons: Richard, ving her second husband, died Jan. 3, 1617-18. 12 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

Robert Townshend, .youngest -son of Sir Roger, Roger Townshend, his eldest· son, was created "is knighted at the Charter House by King a Baronet by King James I, by letters patent J3mes I, on May 11, 16o3; and took to wife bearing date April 16, 1617, in the fifteenth year Anne, daughter of William Lord Spencer, but of his reign, and the ninety-eight in order of died without issue, having been elected for Castle creation. He rendered himself so conspicuous, Rising and Orford, to all parliaments from 42 and was so well esteemed in his country, that in Elizabeth to the last parliament of King James I. the third year of King Charles I, anno 16.27, he John To,vnshend, Esq., the · eldest son, was was unanimously elected one of the knights in c-lected to parliament for Castle Rising, in Nor­ parliament for. the county of Norfolk ; was sheriff folk, in 35 Elizabeth; and four years after, wh~n of that county in the fifth year of King Charles I, the Earl of Essex had concerted the invading of and served i'n all other offices suiting his degree. the . Spanish dominions, in the year 1596, he fol­ He resided for the most part of his life in the lowed th - example of his father, going in person country, an eminent example of all christian vir­ in the service of his country, in that expedition; tues; and is mentioned with honour by Sir Henry and for his signal valour in entering the town of Spelman, who says "Coxford abbey, after the Cales, was knighted by the general. Dissolution, came to the duke of Norfolk, who After his return, he was the same year elected was beheaded 2d June, 1572, 14 Eliz. The queen to parliament one of the Knights for the county then granted it to Edward earl of Oxon, ·. who of Norfolk; and in the 35th of Elizabeth for wasted all bis patrimony. Sir Roger Townsend the borough of Castle Rising, in the same county; then bought it, who had issue sir John Townsend also in the 43d of Elizabeth for the borough of and sir Robert Townsend. Sir Robert-died with• Orford, in Suffolk; and was a leading member out issue: sir John has issue sir Roger the bar­ in the first parliament called by King James; onet, ~nd Stanhope and Ann, married to John being appointed, among others of the principal Spelman; he falling into a quarel with sir 1'.Iat­ members, to consider of the grievances of the thew Brown of Betchworth castle, in Surrey, each nation; and in a committee for a conference with of them slew other in a duel, I Jac. Stanhope. the lords, concerning wardships; as also in other Townsend wounded mortally by •.••••••.•• special affairs, as the journals of the house of in a duel in the Low-Countries, came into Eng­ commons show. During the sitting of this par­ land, and died at London. Sir Roger, the bar­ liament he had the misfortune of falling into a ·onet, intending to build a goodly house at quarrel with Sir lVIatthew Brown, of Beachworth Rainham, and to fetch stone for the same from Castle, in Surrey, which ended in a duel fought Coxford abbey, by advice of sir Nathaniel Bacon, between them on horseback on Hounslow heath, his grandfather, began to demolish the church wherein they were both mortally wounded, Sir there, which till then was standing: and beginning ?viatthew dying on the spot, and Sir John with the steeple, the first stone (as it is said) in Townshend soon after, on August 2, 1603, in the the fall brake a man's leg, which somewhat first year of King James I. He was possessed of amazed them; yet contemning such advertisement, a very great estate, as appears by two inquisitions they proceeded in the work, and overthrowing the taken after his death, at Thetford, one on the steeple, it fell upon a house by, and breaking it 8th of June, ;ind one on the last of November the down, slew in it one !\1:r. Seller, that lay la1ne in same year, wherein it was found that Roger, his it of a broken· leg, gotten at foot-ball, others hav­ son and heir, was eight years of age, and that ing saved themselves by fright and flight.· Sir he died possessed in the county of Norfolk of the Roger having digged the cellaring of his ne,v manors of Reynham, and Sherbornes in West house, and raised the walls with some of the Reynham, the manor and castle 0£ Rudham, with abbey stone breast-high, the wall reft from the the rectory, the lordship of Holloughton, the corner stones, though it was clear above ground ; scite of the priory of Coxford, the manors of which being reported to me by my servant, Rich• lngaldesthorpe, Scales, Barwick, Haviles, Reyton, ard Tedcastle, I viewed them with mine own. Halles Payne and l\forehouse, Scales, Horsham, eyes, and found it so. Sir Roger, utterly dismayed with the rectory and advowson of the vicarage of with these occurrents, gave over his begun foun­ the church, Buckenhams in Barwick, Eatshall and dation:. and digging a new wholly out of the Starihoe, Sherburnes in Stanhoe, Stinton Hall, ground, about twenty yards more forward toward Stibard, Pandles, and Barnier, with other lands the north, hath there finished a stately· house, and tenements. He married Anne, eldest daugh­ using none of the abbey stone about it, but em­ ter and co-heir of Sir Nathaniel Bacon, of Stifkey ployed the same in building a parsonage-house for in Norfolk, Knight of the Bath, (second son by the minister of that town, and about the walls of the first wife of Lord Keeper Bacon, and elder the churchyard, &c. Himself also shewed me that brother of the half-blood of the famous Lord as his first foundation reft in sunder, so the new Verulam). By her he had a daughter, Elizabeth, bridge, which he had made of the same stone at who was married to John Spelman, Esq. ; and a the foot of the hill, which ascendeth to his house, second son, Stanhope Townshend, who went a settled down with a belly as if it would fall. But volunteer in the service of the States of Holland if there be any offences or ominous consequences against the Spaniards; and beirig wounded in a depending upon such possessions, he hath very duel in the Low Countries, it occasioned his nobly and piously endeavored tc;> expatiate it; for death, though he lived to come into England, dy­ he hath given back to the church three or four ing at London unmarried, Nov. 6, 1620. appropriations." . 13 TO \V N S END - TO \V N S H END • Other writers of those times ; being universally admitted, or a free Parliament chosen." Thts -esteemed for his piety and charity, having nobly forwarded the arrival of Gen. Monk, and most. ~ndowed several churches with impropriations, to counties in England follo\ved the example, and. the yearly value of some hundred pounds. He delivered addresses to the same purpose. During built from the ground a stately house at Rayn­ the time of his being in the Council of State, he llam, now the mansion seat of the family, and contracted a friendship with the Lord Fairfax, -departed this life on January 1st, 1636, aged who was general of the army; and being intrusted forty-one years, and was buried in the church of by the King with his affairs, he delivered that East Raynham. He took to wife· ~1ary, second Lord a letter from His tiajesty, and brought him daughter and co-heir of the famous Horatio Vere, into the King's interest; which, as Lord . Oaren­ Lord Vere of Tilbury, by whom he hart two sons don writes, greatly facilitated Gen. Monk's ad.. .and five daughters ; and she surviving him, was . vance into England, and his reception into the afterwards married to ~fildmay Fane, Earl of City of York. \Vhen the Long Parliament was We.~tmoreland, by whom she was mother of Vere dissolved, and another called to be. holden at Fane, Earl of '\Vestmoreland. Her sons by Sir Westminster, April 29, 1660, this Sir Horatio and Roger Townshend were, Sir Roger, and Sir Ho­ the Lord Richardson were elected knights for ntio; and her daughters, who were married after the County of Norfolk; and he was nominated by their father's decease, were Mary, wedded · to the House of Commons, with six lords (sons of Thomas Lord Crewe, of Steen, in Com. North­ peers) of their body, and five other commoners, amp.; Jane to John Windham, Esq.; Anne to to attend the King at the Hague, "to desire His William Cartwright, of .Ayno, in Com. North­ lfaj esty to make a speedy return to his Parlia­ amp., Esq. ; Elizabeth, who died after her father's ment, and take the government of the kingdom decease, unmarried ; and Vere, wedded to Sir into his hands." He was the first named of the Ralph Hare, of Stow Hall, in Com. N orf., Bart. commoners, and arriving at the Hague, they had Sir Roger Townshend, Bart., baptized at Stif­ their audiences of the King, May 16th, 166o; and key, County Nor folk, born December 21, 1628, Sir Horatio came over with his ~Iajesty, who had was in ward tQ the King, and dying in his a full sense of his great services; and in consid­ minority, was succeeded by his brother Sir Ho­ eration thereof, advanced him to the dignity of ratio Townshend, 2d, Bart. Created Baron Lynn, a peer of this realm, by the title of Baron April 20, 1661. Townshend, of Lynn Regis, April 20, 1661; and Sir Horatio Townshend, first Viscount Towns­ August 19th following, constituted him Lord hend, was baptized at Stifkey, County Norfolk, Lieutenant of the County of Norfolk, and City December 16, 1630, and under age during the and County of Norwich. Also further advanced civil war begun in 1641 ; but when he became him to the title of Viscount Townshend, of Rayn­ possessed of the estate of his ancestors, which ham, in County Norfolk, on December II, 1682, was one of the best of the County of Norfolk 34 Car. II. He departed this life in December, (as the inquisition taken after th~ death of his 1687, having married two wives. father shows) he was soon distinguished for his His first Lady was 11ary, daughter and sole eminent abilities, and courted by all those who heir to Edward Lewkenor, Esq., son and heir of had the interest of their country at heart; and Sir Edward Lewkenor, of Denham in Sussex, Kt., the part he acted during those times of confusion who deceasing without issue anno 167 3, his Lord­ was a principal means of the restoration of mon­ ship married 1\-fary, daughter of Sir Joseph Ashe, archy and episcopacy. Lord Clarendon says of of Twickenham, in the County of Ivliddlesex, him, "that he was a gentleman of the greatest Bart., by whom he had three sons; interest and credit in that large County of Nor­ First, Charles, his successor. folk, and was able to bring in a good body;· tlia:t Second, Roger, who was one of the knights of he had been under age till long after the end of the shire for the County of Norfolk, in the first the war, and so liable to no reproach or jealousy, Parliament of Great Britain, and one of the yet of very worthy principles, and of a noble burgesses for Yarmouth, in that county, in the fortune, which h~ engaged very frankly to borrow second Parliament, but died on May 22d, Ii()(}, money, and laid ·t out to provide arms and am­ unmarried, and was buried at Raynham. munition; r .id al~ the King's friends in those parts Third, Horatio, who was member of Parliament were ready to ol :y him, and the Lord Willough- for Yarmouth, in Norfolk, and afterwards for . by, of Parham ( whom be had brought over to Heytesbury, in Wiltshire; also one of the com­ his side), in whatsoever they undertook." And missions of the Excise; he died October 24, 1751, he says, their design in the year 1659 for sur- · in the sixty-ninth year of his age, and lies buried prising of Lynn, a ma_ritime town of great in1- under an altar tomb near the northeast corner of portance in respect of its situation, was the best Nelson's burial ground, behind the Foundling digested, and the most likely to succeed in re­ Hospital, as does also his wife, Alice, daughtes: storing of the King, of a11y that had been formed. of . • • . Starkey, Esq., who died November 22, He took to heart the oppression of his country, 1747, aged fifty-four; by whom -he had issue Ho­ and had the co•1rage, with the Lord Richardson ratio, wh_o died unmarried April 22, 1747; Mary, and Sir John I!obart, to bring an address from who died August 12, 1730, aged nine years and the County of Norfolk, which, on Jan. 28, 1659, six months; Alice, who died Nov. 7, 17.26, aged . he presented to the members then sitting, "where­ five months, and Letitia, their only surviving in they demanded the secluded members to be child, who was married July 24, 1749, to Brown- 14 EARL OF BUTE. LORD ~ORTH. CHARLES TO\VNSHEXD, ARCHDISHOP ::\L\RKHAM. Clzancellor of the E.rchcqucr. GEORGE III. \VILLIA:M PITT. THE KING AND HIS MINISTERS.


Jow, the. late Earl of Exeter, but died in ApriJ1 now took the lead in the administration,. bad 17,;6 without issu·e. ta~en his seat in the h~use l()f ·peers in 169!;'; and Charles, second Lord Viscount Townshend, took being of a Tory family, at_tached himself so bis seat in the House of Peer:s, December 3? 1697; strongly to that· party, that he signed the protest and June ~4, 1702, •was constituted Lord Lieuten­ respecting the impeachment of the Whig .Lords. ant and Custos Rotulorum of the County of Nor­ But his zeal for the Tories soon abated, and even folk and of the City and County of Norwich. In took a contrary direction, to which the repre­ 1;o6·he was one of the commissioners that treated sentations and conduct of his friend Walpole of the union between the two kingdoms ; and on greatly contributed. He then attached himself. to Nov., 16, 1707, was appointed captain of the .yeo­ Somers, and acted so cordially. with the \Vhigs, men ef her l!aj esty's guard; ·and was sworn of that when William formed a new administration,. the privy council to her Majesty the 20th of May principally composed of that party; a rumour was following. In 1709 his Lordship, and the Duke confidentially circulated that he was appointed of ~Iarlborough, were appointed plenipotentiaries privy-seal. In I io6, he was nominated one of the to treat of a peace with those of France. "The commissioners for settling the union with Scot­ choice," says Burnet, ."was well made; for as land;. in 1707, captain of the yeomen of the Lorr Townshend had great parts, had improved Queen's guard; and in 1709 accompanied the them by traveling, and was by much the most Duke of Marlborough to Gertruydenberg, as joint shining person of all our young nobility, and had plenipotentiary, to open a negotiation for · peace on many occasions distinguished himself very em­ with France; he was deputed in the same year inently; so he was a man of great integrity, and ambassador extraordinary to the States General, of good principles in all respects, free from all and concluded with them the Barrier Treaty. vice, and of an ~ngaging conversation." Arriving Soon after the change of the Whig administra­ at Gertruydenburgh, they had several conferences · tion, he resigned his embassy, was· removed fron1 with the French ministers about a gen.era! peace; his post of captain of the yeomen, and censured and preliminaries were signed by the plenipoten­ by the Tory House of Commons for having tiaries of-the allies, the Duke of l\ilarlborough· and signed that treaty. During the early part of the bis Lordship, lVIay 281 1709; and 11onsieur de reign of Queen Anne, on account of his youth, Torey went with them to France; but the French he acted only a subordinate part, and was not monarch refused to ratify them. His Lordship considered as one of the great leaders of the continued at the Hague as her 1!aj esty' s ambas­ Whig interest; but towards the close of that sador extraordinary. In 17101 the French made reign, his services and decisive conduct raised fresh overtures for a peace, delivered by them at his consequence ; and he gained. great accession of Gertruydenburgh, April 8th; but according to character with his party, on being prosecuted at their usual delusive artful management, it ap­ while lying on his death bed, he said : "I am peared only to protract time ; and the conferences the same time with the Duke of Marlborough. ending July 25 1 N. S., the States General was so "Though actually of slow parts, he had ac­ exasperated at their shuffling, that they came to quired from long experience the talent that ren­ vigorous resolutions to push on the war, which dered him an able man of business, which was are set forth in the Annals of Q•uee11, Anne, year the sole object of his ambition ; he was rough in the ninth, page 22, and Jeq. On the change of manners, impatient of contradiction, of· a san­ the ministry that year, his Lordship not coming guine disposition, impetuous and overbearing ; into the measures of the court, desired to be though inelegant in language, and often perplexed recalled; and thereupon it was published in our in argument, yet he spoke sensibly, and often

Gazette, ~Iarch 7, 17101 "that the Lord Viscount with a thorough knowledge of his subject. He Townshend, her 11aj esty's ambassador extraor­ was generous, highly disinterested; of unblemished dinary and plenipotentiary to the States General integrity, and unsullied honor; initiated in diplo­ of the United Provinces, having desired leave to matic transactions during the congress at Ger­ return home, her Majesty had appointed the truydenberg and the Hague, he cherished too great Lord Raby to succeed him." And on June 13th an attachment to negotiation, and fond of vision­ following, he was removed from his post of cap­ ary schemes, was too apt to propose bold and tain of the yeomen of her 1'Iajesty's guard. His decisive measures, which the more temperate and Lordship concurred in all measures for the secur­ pacific disposition of Walpole was continually ing of the Protestant succession ; and on the employed in counteracting. demise of the Queen, he was, by King George I, "During the two months which immediately according to the power invested in him by Act preceded the Queen's death, and the interval of Parliament, nominated one of the lords justices . which ensued between that event and the ar~ival of Great Britain, till he arrived from Hanover. of the King, he seems to have secured ·and gov­ And in pursuance of his lvfajesty's pleasure, sig­ erned Bothmar, and the other Hanoverian agents nified to the lords justices, he was, on September in England; .to have supplanted· Sunderland and 17th, 1714, sworn principal secretary of state, and Halifax, and to have obtained. the entire con­ took his place at the board accordingly. Three fidence of the King, of which he had previously days after his Majesty arriving, he was received acquired a very distinguished share, ·by his great with great marks of his favour. reputation for integrity and talents, by the recom­ At this period Coxe gives the following char­ mendation of Pcnsionary Heinsius, SlingeJandt, acter of him. "Charles Viscount Townshend, who and other leading men ·of the Dutch ~epublic1 _15 TO\\T NS END-T·o \V N·s H END and by his uniforrµ adherence to the cause of the was signed on the 9th of November, 1729, and Protestant succession. on the 16th of l\Iay he retired in disgust from- the _.. An early and intimat~ · connection had been office of secretary of state. His resignation was formed between Townshend and \Valpole; they owing to a disagreement with his brother-in-law were distantly related, neighbors in the same and coadjutor, Sir Robert Walpole, which had -county, and educated at the same . school; they long subsisted. It had been occasionally · com­ joined the· same party, acted under the same lead­ promised by the interference of common friends, ers, underwent the same persecutions, and co­ but finally broke into a rupture, which rendered · operated in the same. opposition. The marriage the continuance of both in office incompatible. which Townshend had contracted with Dorothy. The causes of this misunderstanding were vari­ Walpole in 1713, drew close1· the bonds of amity, ous, and originated from the difference of their and added an union of blood to the connections tempers, from disagreement on subjects of do­ of party. . Walpole had performed too many es­ mestic and foreign politics, from political and sential services to the Hanover family, and was private jealousy. Townshend was frank, impetu­ too able a speaker in the House of Commons, ous, and overbearing; long accustomed to dictate not to occupy a distinguished situation· at the in the cabinet, and fond of recommending violent accession of George the First, and his connection measures. Walpole was mild, insinuating, ·pliant with Townshend facilitated his promotion." and good-tempered; desirous of conciliating by On December 12, 1716, the seals of secretary of lenient methods, but prepared to employ vigor, state were taken from him; and Jan. 23, !7I6-17, when vigor was necessary. he was prevailed on to accept the Lord Lieuten­ "The rough and impetuous manners of Towns­ antcy of Ireland; but declined going over to that hend began to alienate the King, and disgust the kingdom, and was dismissed on the 19th of April Queen. All the members of the cabinet · were no following. On June I I, 1720, he was constituted less dissatisfied with h1m. Newcastle in particular president of the council, and the same year was ,vas anxious to remove a minister who absolutely one of the lords j ttstices in his ~Iaj esty's absence. directed all foreign affairs, and who rendered him On February 10, 1720-21, . he was again made a mere cypher. He wished to procure the ap­ principal secretary of state, and the 26th of 1'Iay, · pointment of Lord Harrington, ,vho already owed 1723, on his l\1ajesty's going abroad, one of the his peerage to him, and who, he flattered himself, lords justices of Great Britain; and embarking would act in subservience to his dictates. with the King> in his· passage through Osnaburgh "To these public causes of misunderstanding, ,vas very graciously received by the Duke of derived from a desire of pre-eminence, a private York. The deaths of Stanhope and Sunderland motive ·was unfortunately added. The family of served to remove all obstacles to the power of Townshend had long been the n1ost conspicuous, Townshend ~nd Walpole, who now became the and accustomed to take the lead as the only one great leaders of the Whigs, and being strictly then disti9.~uished by a peerage in t~e Cottnty ~f united both in blood and interest, concentered in Norfolk; tfie vValpoles were subordinate both tn themselves the favor of the crown and the confi­ estate and consequence; and Houghton was far dence of their party. On July 9th, 1724, being inferior in splendor to Raynham. But circum­ elected a Knight of the most noble order of the stances ,vere much altered. Sir Robert Walpole Garter, he was installed at \Vindsor on the 28th was at the head of the treasury; a peerage had of the same month. On June I, 1725, he was been conferred on his son; the increase of his likewise one of the lords justices, and waited on paternal· domains, the building of a magnificent his ~Iajesty that year at Hanover; from whence seat, the acquisition of a superb collection of he returned to Rye with the King, after a very paintings, a sumptuous style of living, and affable dangerous -passage, in stormy weather. In 1727, manners, drew to Houghton a conflux of com­ he was again one of the lords justices, and waited pany; and eclipsed the more sober and less splen­ on the King, who arrived at Helvoetsluys the 6th did establishment of Raynham. of June, and departed this life the IIth following, ''Walpole had long been considered as the first at Osnaburgh : thereupon his Lordship returned, minister in all business relating to the internal and waited on King George II, on the 19th of affairs ; he was the principal butt of opposition ; June. On July 24th ensuing, he delivered the for the name of Townshend scarcely once occurs seals of his office of secretary of state to his in the "Craftsman," and the other political papers Majesty, when he was pleased to deliver them to against government, while that of Walpole is seen him again; after which, on September 5th, he was in almost every page. appointed Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorurn "His influence over the Queen had on the acces .. of the County of Nor folk, and City and County sion of George II prevented the removal of of Norwich. In 17.29, he also attended the King Townshend. He managed the House of Com­ to Hanover. And on May 15,. 1730, resigned the mons and was supported by a far greater number post of secretary of state, of which our Gazette of friends than his brother minister could boast, makes this mention: "Whitehall, May 16th. The who had little parliamentary interest and still less Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Townshend personal credit. Walpole felt in all these cir­ having received his l\.faj esty's permission, re.signed cumstances his superior consequence ; he was the seals of secretary of state on Friday last." conscious that he should be supported by the "The treaty of Seville," says Coxe, "was the Queen, and was unwilling to continue to act in a concluding act of Townshend's administration; it subordinate situation; while Townshend, who had 16 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

Jong been used to dictate, would not any Second, Augustus Townshend, who made sev­ oppo~ition to his sentiments, or any resistance to eral voya·ges :to China, as chief supercargo and his views. He considered his brother minister as captain in the service of the East India Company; one who had first enlisted himself under his ban­ in which station he died in Batavia, unmarried, ners, and who ought to continue to act with the in 1746, having then the command of the Au- same implicit obedience to bis commands, hence gusta. . a struggle for power ensued." Third, Horatio Townshend, who was in the late · "Townshend retired with the most unsullied reign appointed a commissioner for victualing the character for integrity, honor and disinterested­ royal navy, and continued in that office by the ness, and gave several striking proofs that he present kiniJ until his death, which happened at · could command the natural warmth of his temper, Lisbon ( whither he had gone for the. recovery of and ·rise superior to the malignant influence of his health) in February, 1764, and unmarried. party spirit and disappointed ambition. He passed. Fourth, Edward Townshend, prebend of \Vest­ the evening of bis days in the pursuit of rural minster, deputy clerk of the closet to his 1\,iaj esty, occupations and agricultural experiments;· his im­ and Dean of Norwich, who died · on Jan. 27, provements ameliorated the state of husbandry; 1765 ; in 1747 he n1arried Mary, daughter of brig­ his hospitality endeared to his neighbors, and the adier general Price, by whom he left -issue one dignity of his character ensured respect. Appre­ son, Edward in holy orders, who married March hensive of being tempted again to enter into those .23, 1785, Louisa, daughter of the late Sir William scenes .of active life which he had resolved totally 11ilner, Bart., and five daughters, Mary, Elizabeth, to abandon, he never re-visited the capital but Henrietta, who died unmarried; Charlotte, mar­ died at Raynham in 1738, aged sixty-four." ried on l\,Iay 12, 1773, at Lambeth Chapel, to John His lordship married, first, Elizabeth, only issue Norris, of Whitton in Norfolk, Esq.; and Lucy, of Thomas Lord Pelham, father of his Grace who died unmarried. Thomast Duke of Newcastle, by his first wife Of his Lordship's two daughters, Dorothy, mar­ Elizabetn, daughter and heir to Sir William ried in 1743 to Dr. Spencer Cowper, late Dean Jones, Kt., attorney general to King Charles II. of Durham, only brother of William, Earl Cow­ Her ladyship, who was heir to her mother, died per, and died 1799 without issue; and iiary, on ~fay II, 1711, leaving issue a daughter, Eliza­ wedded to the late Honorable Lieutenant General beth, married to Charles, first Earl Cornwallis; Edward Cornwallis, member of Parliament for and four sons : the City of \Vestminster; Governor of Gibraltar, First, Charles, the third Viscount Townshend. and brother to Charles, late Earl Cornwallis, and Second, Thomas, father of the late Viscount died without issue, Dec. 29, 1776. Sydnev, for whom see that title. Charles, third Lord Viscount Townshend, born Third, \Villiam, father of Lord Bayning, for July 11, 1700, was, in his father's lifetime, sum• whom see that title. maned to the house of peers, by the style and title Fourth, Roger, youngest son, was captain of a of Baron Lynne, of Lynne Regis, in the .County troop of horse in Gen. \Vade's regiment; and on of Norfolk, May 24, 17.23, in 9 George I, and took the death of his brother William, was chosen his place according to his grandfather's patent of member of Parliament for Great Yarmouth afore­ creation_ Also on the same day his ~daj esty was said; also was chosen for the same place in the pleased to appoint him one of the gentlemen of succeeding Parliament; and in 1747 served for his bed-chamber. And on June 15, liJO, his Eye, in Suffolk. On July 9, 1743, . he was ap­ h1ajesty appointed his lordship Lord Lieutenant pointed aid-de-camp to his Majesty, and was that and Custos Rotulorum of the County of Norfolk, year at the battle . of Dettingen; and on the 5th and of the city of Norwich and county thereof at of January, 1744-5, made governor of -the forts the desire · of his father, the Lord Viscount and batteries of Yarmouth. On February 28, Townshend, who resigned to him. And also on 1747-8, he was made receiver general and cashier the same day granted to his lordship the office of his ~Iajesty's customs; he died Aug. 7, Ij6o, of master or treas·urer of his Majesty's jewels; unmarried, and is buried at Chiselhurst, in Kent, which, on succeeding his father in his honors where an handsome monument is erected to his and estate, he resigned in. 1738, as he had the memory. Born June 15, r7o8; died Aug. 7, 176o. places of Lord Lie\ttenant and Custos Rotulorum, His Lordship married, secondly, in July 1713, in January, 1739-40. His Lordship erected and Dorothy, daughter of Robert \Va1pole, of Hough­ endowed at Raynham a charity school for cloth­ ton, in Norfolk, Esq., and sister to Sir Robert ing and educating thirty boys ~nd t~Vel}ty girl~; \Valpole, first Earl of Orford, who left him a the latter to be brought up 1n sp1nnmg. · Hts widower, lfarch 29, 1726, by whom he had issue Lordship departed this life on l\fay 12, 1764, in four sons and two daughters: his return from Bath, whither he had gone for First, the Honorable George Townshend, who the benefit of his health. In May, 1723, his Lord­ took to a maritime life; in 1747, being commodore ship married Audrey, daughter and sole heir of of a squadron of his 11:ajesty's ships in the \Vest Edward Harrison, of Balls, in the County of Indies, he took a large fleet· of French merchant Hertford, Esq., formerly Governor of Fort St. ships ; and on the fourth of February, 1755, was George, in the East Indies, and by her ladyship appointed rear admiral of the White, in his had issue, a daughter, Audrey, married to Robert .. liajesty's navy; he died August 9, 1762, aged Orme, Esq., who died February, 1781, at Hart• fifty-four. ford, and five sons. 17. TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

First, George, · the late !-tarquis. age of forty-two, at a time when it might be Second, Charles, seated at Adderbury, in Ox­ hoped his lively talents were matured by experi­ fordshire, celebrated for his brilliant talents, by ence, and the irregular sallies. of his versatile which he distinguished himself in a most eminent temper subjected to the restraints of judgment. degree, both in the senate and cabinet.· He was But it is impossible to refrain from giving -some chosen member for the town of Yarmouth, in of those passages of splendid eloquence, from one the Parliament which sat for the .dispatch of busi­ of Burke's celebrated · speeches, in which this ness in November 12,. 1747, and hfay I, 1754, and statesman's memory has been embalmed, and was returned for. - the .borough of Harwich, in from which indeed all other characters of him Essex, to the Parliament which convened on have been borrowed. This great orator in his March 3, 1761. He was, in conj unction with his speech on American taxation, after speaking of brother, a sedulous promoter of the laws for Lord Chatham, goes on thus : establishing a national militia, even when the "Even then, Sir, before this splendid orb was court seemed rather averse to that measure. In entirely set, and while the western horizon was June, 1749, he was constituted one of the com­ in a blaze with his descending glory, on the missioners of trade and the plantations; in June, opposite quarter of the heavens, arose another 1751, was appointed one of the commissioners for luminary, and for his hour, became lord of the ~xecuting the office of lord high admiral of Great ascendant. Britain, as he was also at a new nomination in "This light too is passed, and set forever. You 1754. In 1756 he was declared treasurer of his understand, to be sure, that I speak of Charles Majesty's chamber, by which his seat in Parlia­ Townshend, o.fficially the reproducer of this fatal ment being vacated, he was soon after chosen for scheme (of American taxation); whom I cannot the Borough of Saltash, in Cornwall, and about' even now remember without some degree of sen­ the same time was sworn of the privy council. sibility. In truth, Sir, he was the delight and At the accession of his present Majesty he was ornament of this house, and the charm of every continued at the council board, and, in his office private society which he honored with his pres­ as treasurer of the chambers, which on 1'1arch 24, ence. Perhaps there never arose• in this country, 1761, he quitted, on being appoin:ed secretary at nor in any country, a n1an of a more pointed and war. He resigned this office in February, 1763; finished wit; and ( where his passions were not and was on 1\-Iarch 1st following, appointed first concerned) of a more refined, exquisite, and lord of trade and the plantations; on June 8, 1765, penetrating judgment. If. he had not so great a l1e was constituted· paymaster-general of all his stock, as some have had who flourished formerly, majesty's land forces; and on August 2, 1766, was of knowledge long treasured up, he knew better appointed chancellor of the exchequer, and one by far, than any man I ever was acquainted with, of the Jords of the treasury, in which high post how to bring together, within a short time, all he continued to his death, which happened on that was necessary to establish, to illustrate, and September 4, Ii67, being then forty-two years of to decorate that side of the question .he. supported. age. He stated his matter skillfully and powerfully; "Charles Townshend," says Adolphus, "from he particularly excelled in a most luminous ex­ whose splendid abilities government was expected planation, and display of his subject. His style to receive a new impulse, and whose talents were of argument was neither trite and vulgar, nor employed in an attempt to rescue the administra­ subtle and abstruse. He hit the house just be­ tion from the feebleness of fluctuating councils, tween wind and water. And not being troubled was celebrated for that pointed and finished wit, with too anxious a zeal for any matter in ques­ which rendered- him- the deHght and ornament of tion, he was never more tedious, or more earnest, Parliament, and the charm of private society. In than the preconceived opinions and present tem­ his speeches. he brought together, in a short per of his hearers required; to whom he was al- compass, all that was necessary to establish, to . ways in perfect unison. He conformed exactly illustrate, and to decorate that side of the ques­ to the temper of the house ; and he seemed to tion which he supported. He stated his matter guide, because he was always sure to follow it. skillfully and po,verfully; his style of argument There are many young . members in the house was neither trite and vulgar, nor subtle and ab­ ( such of late has been the rapid succession of struse. He excelled in a most luminous explana­ public men) who never saw that prodigy, Charles tion and display of his subject. His defects arose Townshend, nor of course knew what a ferment from his lively talents and exquisite. penetration; he was able to excite in every thing, by the he readily perceived and decried the errors of violent ebullition of his mixed virtues and fail­ his coadjutors, and from the versatility · of his ings, for failings he had undoubtedly; many of us . political conduct acquired the nick-name of "the . remember them : we are this day considering the Weathercock." He sat in Parliament twenty effect of them. But he had no failings which years, and successively filled the places of lord were not owing to a noble cause; to an ardent,' of trade, and of the admiralty; secretary at war, generous, perhaps an immoderate passion for paymaster of the forces, and chancellor of the fame; a passion which is the instinct of all great exchequer, in which offices he executed business souls. He worshiped that goddess wheresoever with such accuracy and dispatch as demonstrated she appeared ; but he paid his particular devotions that genius and industry are not incompatible. He to her in her favorite habitations, in her chosen :was carried off in the meridian of life, at the temple, the House of Commons. . 18 TOvVNSEND-TO\VNSHEND

"That fear of displeasing those who ought most she has issue. Lady Greenwich died in. 1794, to be pleased, betrayed him sometimes into the when the title became extinct. other extreme. He had voted, and, in the year Edward, third ·son, died of the small-pox, June 1765, had been an advocate for the stamp act. 29, 1731, unmarried; · , the fourth son, He therefore attended at the private meeting, in died young. Vi·hich the resolutions moved by a Right Hon­ Roger, the fifth and youngest son, entered young orable Gentleman were settled; resolutions leading into the army, and at length attained the rank of to the repeal': and he would have spoken for it lieutenant-colonel of foot, .in which station he was too, if an illness (not .as was then given out a . unfortunately killed by a cannon shot at Ticon­ political, but to my knowledge a very real ill- deroga, in North America, July .25, 1759, being ness), had not prevented it. · then in the twenty-eighth year of his age, and "The very next session, as the fashion of this unmarried. His melancholy fate was universally world passeth away, the repeal . began to be in as lamented., and, together with his character, is bad an odor in this house, as the stamp act had elegantly and justly described in the following in­ been in the session before. To conform to the scription, on a monument which has since been temper which began to prevail, and to prevail erected to his memory in Westminster Abbey: mostly amongst those most in power, he declared, very early in the winter, that a revenue must be This monument was erected by a disconsolate had out of America. Instantly he was tied down parent, the Lady Viscountess Townshend, to his engagements by some, who had no obj ec­ To the memory of her fifth son, tion to such experiments, when made at the cost · The Hon. Lieutenant Colonel Roger Townshend, of persons for whom they had no particular re­ who was killed by a cannon ball on the 25th of gard. The whole body of courtiers drove him July, 1759, in the ·28th year of his age, onward. They always talked as if the King stood As he was reconnoitering the French lines at in a sort of humiliated state, until something of · Ticonderoga, in North America. the kind s·hould be done. From the parent, the brother, and the friend, "Here this extraordinary man, then chancellor His social and amiable manners, of the exchequer, found himself in great straits: His enterprising bravery, to please universally was the object of his life; And the integrity of his heart, but to tax and to please, no more than to love May claim the tribute of affliction. and to be wise, is not given to men. However, Yet, stranger ! weep not ; he attempted it. For th,p~gh premature his death, "He was truly the child ·of the house. He · His life was glorious ; never thought, did, or said anything but with a Enrolling him with the names of those immortal view to you. He every day adapted himself to Statesmen and Commanders your disposition; and adjusted himself before it Whose wisdom and intrepidity, as at a looking-glass. In the course of this comp·rehensive and successful war, "He had observed (indeed it could not escape Have extended the commerce, him) that several persons, infinitely his inferiors · Enlarged the dominion, in all respects, had formerly rendered themselves And upheld the maje_sty of these kingdoms, considerable in this house by one method alone. Beyond the idea of any former age. "The fortune of such men was a temptation too great to be resisted by one to whom a single whiff George, the fourth Viscount and first Marquis, of incense withheld, gave much greater pain, was born on February 27, r723-4, and had his than he received delight in the clouds of it, which l\1aj esty King George I as one of his sponsors. daily rose about him from the prodigal super­ He was chosen one of the knights of the shire stition of innumerable admirers. He was a can­ for the County of Norfolk, in the Parliament didate for contradictory honors ; and his great which met on August 3, Ii47; being then colonel aim was to make those agree in admiration of of a company in the foot guards, and aid-de-camp him who never agreed in anything else." to his Royal Highness \Villiam, Duke of Cumber­ On August 15, r755, he married Lady Caroline, land, both of which he resigned in 1750. He eldest daughter and co-heir of John, Duke of served under George II, at the battle of Dettin­ Argyll and Greenwich, widow of Francis, Earl of gen; he served also in the battles of Fontenoy, Dalkeith, eldest son of Francis, Duke of Buc­ Culloden; and Lafeldt; also at the memorable cleugh; by which lady ( who ,vas created Baroness siege of Quebec, which town surrendered into his ol Greenwich, December 22, 1766, with limitation hands as commander-in-chief, after the fatal death of that honor to her sons, by the said Charles of \Volfe. He continued to represent his native Townshend, Esq.), he left issue two sons, Thomas county, till his accession to the peerage, on the Charles, born June 22, 1758, who was found dead death of his noble father, on l\farch 12, 1764; two in his marquee at Cox Heath camp, Oct. 29, 1782; years before which he was appointed lieutenant­

be. was captain in the forty-fifth. regiment; and general of the ordnance, and on October 17, 17721 ,Villiam John, born March 29, 1761, who also his Lordship was appointed master-general of the died unmarried before his mother; also one · ordnance, from which he was removed in 1782 daughter, · Anne, born June .29, 1756, married and again appointed 1783, and again removed i~ March 22, 1779, .Richard Wilson, Esq., by whom December following. On August 12, 1767J his 19 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

Lordship kissed his lfajesty's hand at St James's, her remajns were brought over to England, and on his being appointed lord lieutenant and general interred on October 1st, among his Lordship's governor of the Kingdom of Ireland; and em­ ancestors at Raynham. She was succeeded in the barking at Holyhead, on· October 13th, arrived at Barony of De Ferrars by her eldest son. Dublin the next day, and was immediately sworn On May 19, 1773, his Lordship was married to into that high and important trust. The first year his second Lady, Anne, daughter of Sir \Villiam of his presidjng in that kingdom will be ever 1\-Iontgomery, Bart., member of Parliament for memorable in the history thereof, as productive of Ballynakill, in the Kingdom of Ireland; and by a bill for septennial padiaments. her had the following issue. On October 27, 1787, he was created Marquis Lady Anne, born February 1, 1775, married Oc­ Townshend. tober .26, 1795, Harrington Hudson, Esq. His Lordship was colonel of the Queen's regi­ Lady Charlotte, born l\farch 19, 1776, married ment of dragoon guards, field marshal of his August 9, 1797, George \Villiam Frederick, pres­ Majesty's forces, and one of his 1-Iajesty's most ent Duke of Leeds. honorable privy council; governor of Jersey, lord Lady Honoria 1\-Iaria, born July 6th, 1777. lieutenant, vice-admiral, Custos Rotulorum of Lord \Villiam, born September 5, 1778; a mid­ Norfolk; high steward of Tamworth, Yarmouth, shipman on board the Boyne, died in the West and Norwich, &c. He died September 14, 18o7, Indies, 1794- iet. 84. Lady Henrietta, born April 20, 1782. In Decen1ber, 1751, he married, first Lady Char­ Lord James Nugent Boyle Bernardo, born Sep­ lotte Compton, only surviving issue of James, Earl tember II, 1785. A captain in the navy. of Northampton, by Elizabeth Shirley, Baroness His Lordship was succeeded by his eldest son de Ferrars, by which Lady, who was in her ow11 George, Earl of Leicester, who thus became sec­ Tight Baroness de Ferrars, Bourchier, Lovaine, ond l\!arquis Townshend. Bassett, and Compton, he had issue four sons. His Lordship on his mother's decease, succeeded First, George, born April 18, 1753, second 1'Iar- to the titles of Lord De Ferrars (of Chartley), quis. · Lord Bourchier, Lovaine, Bassett, and Compton, Second, Lord John, born Jan. 19, 1757; who in being at that time seventeen years of age. Soon 1780 was elected member of Parliament for the after his coming of age, having demanded his University of Cambridge; made a lord of ad­ ,vrit of summons to the house of peers, as Baron miralty in 1782, and again in 1783 ; on both which de Ferrars, of Chartley, he took his seat in that occasions vacating his seat he was re-elected. In house in April, 1774, being placed on the Baron's 1788 he was elected for the city of Westminster; bench, according to the precedency of that ancient and from 1793 to the present time, for Knares­ Barony, between the Lord Audley and the Lord borough, in Yorkshire. In February, t8o6, he was Dacre. appointed joint paymaster of the army, and a lord · , · On December 24, 1777, his Lordship was mar­ of trade. and plantations, from which he was re­ ried to Charlotte, second sister and co-heir to moved in the spring of the following-year. He Roger l\Iainwaring Ellerker, of Risby, in the East married, April ro, 1787, Georgina Anne Poyntz, Riding of the County of York, Esq., and daugh­ daughter of \Villiam Poyntz, Esq., of Midgham, ter of Eaton l\1ainwaring Ellerker, Esq., of the in Berkshire, who had been before the wife of same place, which Eaton Ellerker, Esq., was pa­ Everard Fawkener, Esq.; which marriage was ternally descended from a collateral line of the dissolved by · act of Parliament. By her he had very ancient family of the 1fainwarings, of Over issue, first, Audrey Harriet, born February 1, Peover in the County Palatine of Chester, and as­ 1788; second, Elizabeth Frances, born August 2, sumed the name and arms of the ancient family 1789; third, Isabella Georgina, born February I, of Ellerker of Risby, by act of Parliament, pur­ 1791; fourth, Jane, born September 28, 1792; fifth, suant to the will of his kinsman, Ellerker Brad­ Charles Fox, born June 28, 1795; sixth, Anne, shaw, of Risby, Esq., by which lady his Lordship born Aug. 31, 1798; seventh, John, born ]March has had issue three sons and several daughters. 28, 1799 ( fourth l\farquis his son, present !'Iar­ First, George Ferrars Townshend, styled Earl quis, 1881) ; eighth, Caroline, died young. of Leicester, born in Wimpole street, i\Iary-le­ Third, Lord Frederick Patrick, born December bone, 1fidlesex, December 13, 1778, married 1!ay 30, 1767, in holy orders. 12, 1807, l\.fiss Gardner, daughter of W. D. Gard­ Fourth, Lord Charles Patrick Thomas, born at ner, Esq. Leixlip in Ireland, January 6, 1768. He was Second, Thomas Compton Townshend, born in elected member of Parliament for Yarmouth, Wirnpole street, aforesaid, 11arch 29, 1780, died 17g6, and died immediately afterwards, 1Iay 27th January 7, 1787. · of that year. Third, Lord Vere Charles, an ensign in the Also four daughters, Charlotte, Caroline, Fran­ third regiment of foot-guards. ces, who all died young, and Elizabeth, born in Fourth, Lady Charlotte Barbara, born at Pend­ August, 1766, married on 11:ay 7, 1790, lieutenant­ ley House, in the parish of Aldbury, in Hert­ general William Loftus, colonel of the twenty- fordshire, June 26, 1781 ; married, April, 1805, . fourth regiment of dragoons, and governor of Capt. Cecil Bishopp, of the first foot-gu~rds, eldest Dunbarton Castle, . and has issue. son of Sir Cecil Bishopp, Bart., and died October Her Ladyship departing this life at Leixlip 3, 1807. . Castle, in County Kildare, on September 14, 1770, Fifth, Lady Harriet Ann, born in Upper Brook 20 ....~'<'f~~~ ~... ..i't,f.: •., ••,1•., .. f ~ • • ...-. , .. ~-.

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JOHN TO\VNSHEND. ELIZ.All.ETH JANE STUART. Admiral in the Royal Navy and M. P. for Tam­ Great grand-daughter of the Earl of Bute; 4th worth; 4th Marquis Townshend of Raynham, County l\farchioness Townshe11d of Raynham, County Nor• .Norfolk, England. folk, England.

LADY AUDREY-JANE CHARLOTTE. GENERAL SIR REDVERS BULLER. Daughter 4th Marquis Townshend; married first a Nephew· of the Duke of Norfolk. son of the Earl' of Suffolk and Berkshire; second, General Sir Rcdvers Buller, nephew of the Duke of Norfolk.


.street, Grosvenor square, London, May 23, 1782. iii. James Dudley Bromlow Stuart, R. N., Sixth, Lady Elizabeth Margaret, born .. ·August . b. Dec. 14, 1832 ; d. Aug. I 1, 1846. 2(), Ii8+ . . . . iv. Lady Elizabeth Clementina, b. July :26, Seventh, Lady Arabella, born April 2, 1787. 1834; m. July 15, 1856, Sir John St. His Lordship on April 6, Ii82, was appointed Aubyn, Bart., !vi. P., of St. ~Hchael's captain of the ·honorable band of gentlemen pen­ Mount, Cornwall. sioners tQ_ his ~Iaj esty; and on the 24th of the v. George Harrison Stuart, b. Feb. 31 1838; . same month sworn a n1ember of his 1Iaj esty's d. April 13, 1840. most honorable privy council; but resigned his Lady Audrey Jane Chat"lotte, b. Nov. 10, 1844; command of the band. of gentlemen pensioners on m. first Sept. 18, 18i3, Hon.· Greville Theophelus April 6, 1783, to 'fhich he was re-appointed on Howard, (son of the late Earl of Suffolk and December 31st, folfowing, and which he held till Berkshire) of .Castle Rising, County Norfolk, December,· 1790; was elected president of the So­ and had issue two sons and one daughter.- ciety of Antiquaries on April 23, Ii84; and on The eldest son died in India. . l\Iay 18th following, was advanced to the Earldom After the death of her first husband, Lady of Leicester, in consideration of his being de­ Audrey. m. second General, the Right Honorable scended from the heirs female of both the Saxon Sir Redvers Buller, one of England's most dis­ and · Norman Earls of that county. In 1794 he. tinguished soldiers. General Buller was ·born at was appointed joint post master general, which Crediton in 1839, being of distinguished family. be held till 17g8; and in 1799 was constituted His father was a member of Parliament for North Jord steward· of the household~ which he· retained Devon and his mother was a niece of the twelfth till .18o2. Duke of Norfolk. General Buller entered the The Marquis died July 2·7, 181r, and was sue.. Army as ensign in the King's Own Rifles, and ceeded by his eldest son, George Ferrars, 3d Mar- . upon his death, Tuesday, June 2, 1go8, the press quis, born Dec. 13, 1778; who married niay 12, of the civilized world published eulogies over 18o7, Sarah, daughter of the late \Villiam Dunn this hero, the New York Herald stating; "By the Gardner, Esq., but by her had no issue. He died death of Sir Redvers Buller, England loses one Dec. 31, 1855, and was succeeded in the mar­ of her soldiers who for nearly half a century has quisate by his cousin, John Townshend, Esq~, an been a conspicuous figure for bravery, iron nerve, · admiral in the Royal Navy and member of Par­ and military skill." liament for Tamworth, ( of whom. presently) but His Lordship's father, Lord John Townshend, the earldom of Leicester became extinct, and the second son of the first Marquis, had also, baronies of Ferrars, of Chartley, and of Compton, 2. Lord George-Osborne, in · holy orders ; b. fell into abeyance between the present · 1'.Iarmion­ Nov. 13, 18o1 ; d. Sept. 7, 1876; educated at Eton Edward Ferrars, Esq., of Baddesley Clinton, and at King's College, Cambridge (B.A., Fello,v County \Varwick, and Lady Elizabeth-I\fargaret of his college, 1827, 1Yf.A., 1826) ; married in 1839, Boultbee. Jessie Victoria, second daughter of Vice-Admiral His Lordship John, fourth ~farquis, was born John MacKellar, and has issue, !farch 28, 17~, and succeeded his cousin George­ I. Charles Thornton, b. Jan. 29, 1840; m. Ferrars, third i\Iarquis, Dec. 31, 1855, and died July 2, 1859, Louise, eldest daugh­ Sept. 10, 1863, at Raynham, aged 66. In politics ter of the late John Graham, and the noble l\farquis was a \Vhig of a decided has issue stamp, and he was a warm supporter of Polish I. Charles-Vere Ferrar, b. Feb, 1861 ; independence. He was for many years a colleage 2. George Augustus; b. Nov. 1, 1865. of Sir Robert Peel. He married Aug. 18, 1825, ~. George-Ferrars, b. 1854. Elizabeth Jane, eldest daughter of the late -Rear 3. Augusta-11ary, b. 1845; m. Aug. 16, 1865, Admiral Lord George. Stuart, son of the 11arquis George Brooks l\tf eares, Esq., Capt. of Bute and grandson of the Earl of Bute, 7th Fusilleers, of Dol-Llys Hall, Premier of George III. This truly noble lady was Montgomeryshire. endowed ·with many rare accomplishments well I. Earnest, b. rviarch 4, 1858; befitting one of her high rank and station ; highly 2. Henry, b. Aug. 18, 1859. educated, cot1rtly, agreeable and entertaining, of a r. Lady Audrey:-Harriet, b. Feb. I, 1788; ·mar­ kindly disposition and pleasing manners, always ried Oct., 1826, to the Rev. Robert Ridsdale, M.A., showing natural interest for those around her she prebendary of Chichester; d. lviay 21, I8j6. · won for herself the love and admiration of all, 2. Lady Elizabeth-Frances, b. Aug. 2, 1789; d. whether the lowly tenant on the estates or royalty April 10, 1862; m ..Oct. 20, 1813, to Admiral Sir that found it a privilege to be her guest. Her Augustus William James Clifford, Bart., R. N., ladyship departed this life at her late residence, C. B., gentleman usher of the bfack rod. He died Queen Anne street, Cavendish square, London., Feb. 8, 1877, at his official residence, the Palace Jan. 27, 1877. Issue: . of Westminster. He was born 11ay 24, 1788. He entered the Navy as far back as ·· ~fay, 18o8, his i. lady Anne 1'.faria, b. Dec. 6, 1826; m. patron being. Earl ~pencer, then first Lord of the Feb. 9, 1854, Capt. A. N. Sherson, Admiralty, on board the Ville de Paris, 110, the R. N . . flagship of Earl St. Vincent and Admiral Hon. ii. JOHN VILLIERS STUART, present and fifth Sir \iVilliam- Cornwallis. · He served under Ad· Marquis, of whom presently. miral Sir John T. Duckworth and o\her dis- 21 TOWNSEND -T·o W NS HEN D

tinguished Naval' commanders of that period, and folk, Baron Townshend of Lynn, and a baronet~ saw some severe service, particularly off the coast b. April 10, 1831, succeeded Sept. ·10, 1863. ll1ar­ of Egypt in 18og, when he served in the boats ried Oct. 17, 1865, the Lady Anne-Elizabeth-­ under Lieutenant Taillour against some French Clementina Duff, eldest daughter of the Earle of · vessels defended by strong batteries in the Bay Fife and has issue, . of Rosas. Afterwards he was appointed to con1- Lord John James Dudley-Stuart, Viscount mand the Cephalus, sloop, 18 guns, in which ves­ Raynham, b. Oct. 17, 1866. Heir ap­ sel he contributed to the· destruction of ten armed parent feluccas on the beach near Cetraro, in the Gulf Lady Agnes Townshend. of Policastro. He was subsequently actively em­ John James Dudley Stuart Townshend bears ployed on the Italian coast, and had some severe the hereditary titles of baronet, bestowed in 1617; fighting with the enemy., until he obtained his baron, bestowed in 1661 ; Viscount, bestowed in post rank in July, 1812, during which period he 1682 and Oct. 27, 1797. George, the fourth Vis­ rendered many important services. He returned count, at whose birth King George l acted as to England with despatches from Lord \Villiam one of his sponsors, was created (first) l\farquis Bentinck. He subsequently was appointed to the Townshend. John James Dudley Stuart is the Bonne Citoyenne and Euryalus, in which vessel sixth Afarquis of the name and third in point of be escorted his Excellency Sir \V. R. :Hamilton, preference in the role of Marquises i11 the English the British Ambassador to Naples. In l\1ay, 1826, peerage.. he was appointed to the command of the Herald He succeeded his father, and in August, 1905, yacht to attend the late Duke of Devonshire on married Gladys, daughter of Thomas Sutherst. bis Extraordinary Embassy to Russia. For some Should Lord Townshend die without issue, the time, as Captain Clifford, he was employed in heir apparent to the 1Iarquisate is his cousin attendance on the Lord High Admiral William Charles Townshend, who is married to ---.,. IV, and in 1828 took out his friend Lord William a lady of great wealth. Bentinc'k as Governor-General to India. That At the coronation of King Edward VII, Mar­ was his last service afloat, as he had not been quis Townshend wore black velvet clothes, the actively employed since 1831. For a short time cloak, crimson velvet bordered with ermine. Sir Augustus sat in Parliament as representative Edgar Townshend, of the Shropshire branch, for Bandon-bridge in 1818, for Dungarvan in a lineal descendant of Sir Robert, 2d son, of 1820, and again for Bandon-bridge in 1831. In Ludlow, Kt., Chief Justice of Chester July, 1832, he ,vas appointed Gentleman Usher of Mr. Townshend's great-grandfather, grand­ the Black Rod in the room of Sir Thomas Tyr­ father and father were all in the Excise, his whitt, to which he was nominated by the late father reaching the post of "Chief Inspector. of Duke of Devonshire, Lord Chamberlain, an office Excise at Somerset House," but the slowness of which he has held ever since. The late Sir Au­ ascent determined him to place his soris in trade. gustus was created a Baronet in 1838. He mar­ His eldest brother a retired. shipbuilder, he is ried Oct. 20, 1813, Lady Elizabeth Frances Towns­ an Iron Merchant and his youngest brother a hend, sister of John, fourth Marquis Townshend, professor of music. He is married, has issue. and by her, who died April 10, 1862, he leaves and lives at "Avoca" ~fulgrave Road, Sutton, surviving issue his successor, Admiral Sir W. J. Surrey, England. · Cavendish Clifford, C. B. ; Col. Robert Cavendish Spencer Clifford, late of the Grenadier Guards, [From the Lynn Advertiser, and Norfolk & Yeoman Usher of the Black Rod; Mr. Charles Cambridgeshire Herald, September 27, 1873.] Clifford, formerly private secretary to Viscount Palmerston, 11. P., for Newport, Isle of Wight; THE MARRIAGE OF LADY AUDREY and two unmarried daughters. The late Sir TOWNSHEND Augustus, during his services as Usher of the AT RAYNHAM HALL Black Rod, has occasionally discharged the duties of Lord Great Chamberlain during the absence In the account of this auspicious event which of the late Lord Willoughby from England. He appeared in our last publication, and which was "'as the senior flag officer on the Retired List, his copied from a contemporary journal, there were commission as Captain dating from July 28, 1812; several inaccuracies. We therefore insert the Rear-Admiral, 1farch 23, 1848; Vice-Admiral, following corrected report, with which we have September 27, 1855; and Admiral, November 7, been specially supplied :- 186o.l The morning of Thursday, the 18th inst., was 3. Lady Jane, married Nov. 6, 1824, J obn ushered in at Raynham by merry peals upon the Hildyard, Esq., barrister at law, who died Feb. church bell~, it being the day appointed for the 13, 1855. Her ladyship died at Hampton Court, nuptials of Lady Audrey Townshend, (youngest 1879. Frederick-Patrick, in holy orders; born daughter of the late Marquis Townshend and the Dec. 30, 1767, died Jan. 18, 1836. Dowager Marchioness, and sister to the present 4. Isabella Georgina, b.- Feb. I, 1791; d. Sept. Marquis), with the Hon. Greville Theophilus . 17, 18n. Charles Fox, b. June 28, 1795; d. April Howard, second son of the Earl of Suffolk and 2, 1817. Anne, b. Aug. 31, 1796; d. July 30, 1822. Berkshire. The hour of I 1.30 was appointed for John-Villiers-Stuart Townsh~nd, Marquis and the interesting ceremony, but long before that · V.faro11nt Townshend, of Raynham, County Nor- time every seat in the church was filled (except 22 ' ...

•. -I' •l-' ,. 1.:,.,·;••.

JOHN VILLIERS STUART. LADY ANNE-ELIZABETH CLE:\fENTINE DUFF. Fifth )Iarquis and Viscount Townshend of Rayn~ Eldest daughter· of the Earl of Fife and 5th Mar­ ham, County Norfolk, of Tamworth Castle, \Varwick~ chioness Townshend of Raynham, County Norfolk, shire, and Baron Townshend of Lynn, England. England.

LORD JOHN JA1'1ES DUDLEY STUART. Sixth Marquis and Viscount Townshend of Rayn­ ham, County Norfolk, of Tamworth Castle, \Varwick• shire. and Baron Townshend of Lymi, England.

TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND the space reserved for the wedding _party and the masts, the visitors had assembled in picturesque giicsts at the hall), and every available "coigne of groups, while further on, upon the lawn, were the vantage was occupied by expectant sightseers. \Vest Norfolk pack hounds with the huntsman, Shortly before the appointed time the bridegroom and whips in their scarlet jackets, that attended entered the church, accompanied by his best man, out of compliment to the bride, who has followed \V. H. '\Villatt, Esq. The bridesmaids soon after them many a time across the country. All the entered, and their entrance attracted much atten­ tenants on the estates had the honour of being in­ tion. They were eight in number, as follows:- . vited to breakfast, which was served in the outer The Lady Victoria Howard, the Hon. Mariquita court~ and the principal tradesmen of Fakenham itilles, ~.fiss Ogilvy (cousin of the bridegroo1n), and Raynham had luncheon in the Audit-room. the Misses Lily, Audrey and. Evelyn St. Aubyn The total number who were feasted was upwards ( nieces of the bride), Miss Stuart ( cousin of the of 300. The church was tastefully decorated, and bride) and ~Iiss Osborne. They were dressed in two pretty triumphal arches had been erected Jight blue silk, with garniture of Grenat velvet, across the road le:tding to the village, and from with bonnets to match, and they had been pre­ the 1vlarble hall door to the church gate numerous sented by the bridegroo1n .with beautiful silver flags, banners and Venetian masts had . been bracelets and lockets, with the bride's and bride­ erected. A large number of the members of the groom's monogram upon them. But now every "Raynham Provident Benefit Society," wearing eye was turned to the north door, where the bride their club bows and wedding favours, and having entered, leaning upon the arm of her cousin, the their beautiful silk banner, presented to the club l\farquis of Bute. She was elegantly attired in by the Dowager Marchioness, were ranged on a magnificent white satin dress, with rich gami­ each side of the churchyard walk, and their ap­ ture and flounces of Brussels lace, and wearing a pearance formed a pleasing feature in the day's splendid Brussels lace veil, with wreath of orange proceedings. They were afterwards supplied with flowers and myrtle. Her ornaments were diamond refreshments in their club-room. necklace and earrings, and gold and turquoise After breakfast, the newly-wedded pair drove bracelets, the gift of their Royal Highnesses the away from the ~1arble hall door to Castle Rising Prince· and Princess of vVales. Attended by her in a carriage drawn by four grey horses, the bride bridesmaids, she advanced to the altar, where the wearing a dark blue velvet dress with polonaise bridegroom awaited, and the marriage ceremony richly trimmed with fringe and lace, and bonnet ,-..·as at once commenced by the Rev. ~Ir. !\Ic­ to match. A numerous coinpany, with the mem­ Knight, chaplain to the Earl of Suffolk, assisted bers of the club, were formed near the gate, and by the Rev. R .. Phayre, rector of the parish. The greeted them with the heartiest cheering as they service being concluded, the bride and bridegroom drove off. The bride has much endeared herself Jed the way down the church, the path through to all classes on the estate, especially to her the churchyard being strewn with flowers by the poorer neighbours, by whom she will be much children of the village school. Amongst the missed. The presents of the bride were very guests staying at the hall and who were present numerous and costly, including a handsome brace­ at the ceremony were: the 1-Iarquis and l\far­ let from their Royal Highnesses the Prince and chioness of Bute, the Earl and Countess of Suf­ Princess of V-1 ales, a silver salver from the ten­ folk, the Lady Victoria Howard, Sir John and antry, a silver eggstand from the commercial in­ Lady Elizabeth St. Aubyn, Admiral Clifford, Sir habitants of Fakenham, silver inkstand from the John lfetcalfe, l\1r. and 1\-frs. Ridley Smith, the cottagers of East, West and · South Raynham 1\fisses Ogilvy, :h,f r. and. l\Hss Osborne, the Rev. and Helhoughton, silver cruet stand fro·m the lir. McKnight, 1fr. \Villatts, l\Ir. vVillington, gardeners and gamekeepers on · the estate, hand­ Mr. J. W. Stuart, &c., &c. The wedding break­ some cut glass flower stand and candlesticks f ram fast, which was of the most recherche description, the carpenters, &c. was served in the liarble HalI, and amongst the On the previous Thursday, the ._carpenters, gentry of the neighbourhood invited to the wed­ bricklayers, gamekeepers and labourers employed ding we observed the Hon. and Rev. Kenelm on the estate, with their wives, to the number of Digby, Sir \V. and Lady Jones, Lord Hastings, 74, were invited to a substantial dinner of roast the Rev. G., 1frs.. l\fiss Audrey and l\iiss«Cecil beef, mutton, plum-pudding, &c., with ale ad Ridsdale, Sir W. Ffolkes. 1-Ir. Somerville Gurney, libitum.p which was served in the Audit-room, and Mr. I. and 1frs. Everitt, 1\-Ir. and Mrs. Franks, to which they did ample justice. The health of Mr. R. N. Hamond, the Hon. l\Irs. Phayre, the the Marquis Townshend, The Dowager 1\-Iarchion­ iHsses Troubridge. lfajor and l\1rs. Hollway, ess Tol>\t-nshend and the Lady Audrey Towns- 1fr. Coldham~ the Rev. J. G. Handford, the Rev. .bend was received with immense cheering. The W. Barlow, the Rev. E. \V., Mrs. and l\1iss Dow­ school children were also invited on the same ell, Rev. E. · H., l\,frs. and l\fiss ~.forton, Rev. A. day to tea. · After spending the afternoon in and Miss Noel, 11iss Hoste. Rev. M. A. and l\,f rs. various sports on the bowling green, at five o'clock Atkinson. l\-!r. W. E. and 11rs. Elwes, the Rev. they sat down to the good things provided for \V. ·anci 1frs. Hoare, the Rev. H. and Mrs. Jones, then1. Having enjoyed these to their hearts' the Rev. A. J., 1Irs. and 1Iiss Johnson, and many content, they again returned to their sports, and others. One was reminded of those scenes which as it became dark two balloons were successfully are the delight of painters. Along the spacious sent off to the delight of· old and young. Each wood bordered walk, adorned with garlanded child on leaving received a bun, sv;eets, nuts, &c., TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

.and theri departed to their homes with grateful and knighted by Henry VIII; at Hampton Court, feelings for their liberal entertainment. The aged on Trinity Sunday, 1545, and the same year made and infirm were supplied ,vith tea, sugar and wine Lord Chief Justice of Chester, in which post he at their own homes. The ,vedding presents were was continued by both King Edward· VI and displayed in the library, and everyone had the Queen 1fary. He deceased 011 Feb. 8, 1555-6, privilege of seeing them. possessed of the manor and rectory of Twyford , As the history of the chief branch of this fam­ and Gayst, an advowson of the vicarages of the ily has been written several times· within the past · churches, the 1-Ianors of Swanton, Foxley, and century, ·we did .not continue it further, in a Southwell in Norfolk, and the priory and house previous edition; than Sir Roger Townshend, who of St. Augustine in Lttdlow, Salop. Sir Robert was knighted for meritorious services during the was buried in the high chancel of Ludlow church, several engagements with the Spanish Armada in in ail altar tomb, which is a remarkable example 1588, but since then. much valuable family history of an early and very rich classic monument of has been extracted from the records, and as fre­ the time. On the top of it, cut in marble, are .quent requests have been made to continue the the full-length recumbent figures of himself English family down to the present day, the dressed in full armor, and his lady in the costume compiler, after consultation with the Marquis of her day, .while figures of his children surround Townshend and others, has decided to do so in the base of the tomb. Over the monument, built ·this edition, and as the different modes of spell­ in the solid masonry of the chancel, is a beautiful ing the name have been noticed, it will be proper Gothic arch, and the family crest~ a buck trippant, to again make mention of it here. The first part, crowns the whole fabric, which is decorated with Atte, seems to have been dropped during the 14th escalop shells and other insigni:t of the family; -century, and from this time down to the dawn: of above the monun1ent on the walls are the Town­ Puritanism· as many as twelve different ways of send arms, quartered with the de Ilauteville, de spelling the name have been found. Thus: Town­ Brewse, Gifford, Lunsford, Schardlow, Carbonnel, .send/ Tounneyshende, Towneshende, Towen­ Curson, Poppy and others; and beneath the shende. etc. About A. D. 1500, we learn it be­ beautiful Gothic window, of .stained glass, is this came fashionable to cut down still more; so inscription: "l\Iemento Ivfori Respice Finam," Towneshende was abridged by dropping the c in A. D. 158r, and around the coping of the top of the first, and the h and e in the last syllables, the tomb: "Here lyeth the body of Sir Robert which abridged form seems at this time to have To,\--neshende, Knight. Chief Justice of the Coun­ been generally adopted by the different branches cill in the l\Jarches of \Vales & Chester and Dame -0f the family; but soon after the year 1580, the Alice, his wife, daughter and one of the heirs of chief family at Raynham, finding that this mode Robert Poppy, Esq., who had between them 12 gave a wrong signification to their name, as they children, 6 sons, and 6 daughters- lawfully. be­ were the land-holders, stadt or town-holders of gotten." On the paneling of the monument are that section of the country, they again used the the names of his children, but time has obliterated .h. in the. last syllable, considering it more correct. most of them. The names, however, of Thomas, Burke says, in his ''Landed Gentry," that pre­ Robert, Isaac and Henry are still visible. This vious to the ennobling ''of the Norfolk family, Sir Robert Townshend died at Salop, Feb. 8, 15~6, we find the name as frequent]y spelt without the and from an inquisition taken at Norwich, N ~r­ .h as with, and according to Blomfield, the or- · folk, Apr. 26, i555, and at Salop, I 1th of Aug. thography of the old Townshend i\lonumcnts at following, Thomas Townsend of Bracon-Ash, Ryndham is similar. Spelling, however, in .those Norfolk, Esq., was found to be his heir, who was days, was not considered · a matter of much im­ at that ti1ne "22 years of age and more," and was portance, and it seems not improbable that seized of ·the i\fanors of Sutton, Swanton and Townshend is the most correct, ''hend" being Folsham, in Folsham, with Foxley lVIanor in .derived from hand ( Saxon "hen den"), or the Twyford, which came to him, by Alice his mother, Latin root· ltendere, only used in composition, to daughter and heir of Robert Poppy, Esq. take, to hold, to occupy." _ Having enlarged on the orthography of this Sir Robert Tounshend had by the Lady Alice: ancient family name, we turn our attention to t Thomas, b. . . bur. at Bracon-Ash, the line of Robert Townshend, 2nd son of Sir Norfolk, June 12, 1591. Roger, by wife Anne de Brewse, who married ii. Robert, b. . . bur. at Ludlow Salop, Alice, daughter and one of the heirs of Robert Aug. 28, 1614, mar. Anne Machell, Poppy, Esq., of Twyford, County Norfolk. This Apr. 30, 157r, at St. Mary's, Alder­ Robert, in his father's will, i~ called Sir Robert rnary, London. Townshend, Kt., and he bequeaths him his 111. Isaac, b. . . . bur. He living April, "Cheyne of Gold." Sir Robert was of the Society 1552, under 18, perhaps from him of Lincoln's Inn in the early part of the reign of Sir Isaac T., Com'nr for R. N., will King Henry VIII, becoming as eminent as his proved June 3, r721, and his nephew, ancestor in the study of Law, and ,vith his father Adm'l Isaac T., Gov. Greenwich attended the Duke of Norfolk at the reception of Hos'pt. Lady Anne, daughter of John, Duke of Cleves, iv. Sir Henry, b. . . bur.- at Conde Salop, who married King Henry VIII, Jan. 1, 1539. He Dec. . . 1621, ''reckoned himself was afterward made king's Sergeant-at-law, 154r, aged 84" By first wife, daughter of 24 T·o ,,, N S END - TO ·\y N SH EN D

Sir Ro,vland Hayward, Lord Mayor,•. Ash "ye last of !\fay, 1568." The lady Elizabeth of London, he had with other issue, Styles was buried June JO, 158o. Ha)"vard T., A-!ember Parliament, .They had: · · and lfary T., wife of Sir Philip i. Roger, bapt. July 5, 1563; bur. Jan. n, . Cromwell, uncle of the ''Protector," 1573. OLIVER CROMWELL. By .2d wife, Dor• ii. Thomas, bapt. Sept. 25, 1566; bur. Jan. othy Heveningham,. he had Henry T., 2, 1566-7, 0. s. son and heir, who, by 1st wife Eliza­ iii. Henry, bapt. "ye last of ?viay, 1568," son beth, daughter of Sir John Acton, and heir. Kt., and 2d wife, Dorothy, who was Thomas Townsend married for second wife, buried at Elmley Lovet, County \Vor.. 1581-2, Anne, daughter of Henry D'Oyly, Esq., cester, July IS, 1635, and daughter of of. Pond-Hant Hadleigh, County Suffolk, . a-nd of . Henry Bright, was the ancestor of Shottisham, Norwich, County Norfolk. By this the Townshends of Worcestershire. lady, who was many years his junior, he had sev­ v. Thomasine, b. • . mar. 1st, to \-Villiam eral children, and all died young except Alice, Curson, of Beckhall, Norfolk, and baptized May 12, 1583, and I\1ary, baptized Nov. secondly, to \Villiam Rugge,. of 17, 1586, living unmarried in 1624. In 1585 his · Felmingham, Esq. · father-in-law, Henry D'Oyly, levied a fine of vi. Anne, h. • • Raffe Dutton, Esq. Pond-Hall, Suffolk, and Shottisbam, Norfolk, and vii. • . b. • • Richard Smythe, Esq. all others· of his estate to him in trust, for the· ,·Hi. Bridget, b. •• .. Henry Acton, 3d son of benefit of his D'O}·ly children. He is often Robert. spoken of in connection with his own and the ix. Grace, b. .. • Ambrose Gilbert. D'Oyly estates, and seems to have been quite a x. Alice, b. . . Humphrey · Archer, of man. of business, leading the life of a country . Urnberslade, County \Vanvick. He esqmre. died, Oct. 24, 4 Queen Elizabeth (A. His daughter Alice married Ambrose· Clyve,· D. 1562). She died, Nov. 28, 5 King Esq., of Styche, in Shropshire, and by him was James I (A. D. 16o7). She having progenitrix of the Lord Clive and the Earl Powis. married, secondly, Edward Coles, He died at Bracon-Ash, and was buried June 12, Esq. 1591, and by a special livery, dated \Vestminster, · Thomas Townsend, Esq., eldest son of Sir Nov. 25, of the same year, Henry Townsend, Robert, in 1558 presented the advowson of the Esq., at that time 23 years of age, was proved his church of Twyford, and in 1568, he passed his son and heir. After the decease of Thom:is :Manor to Row land Hayward. He was married at Townsend, his wife Anne D'Oyiy married a l\I r. Beckenham, Kent, June 27, 1558, to his first wife, Wilmott, of Staffordshire. She survived him the Lady Elizabeth Styles, daughter of George also, and wedded, thirdly, in or before 1597, Periente, Gentleman~ of Digswell, County Hert• Sir Robert Needham, of Shenton, County Salop, ford [ who died at Laven ham, County Suffolk, Kt., who in 1625 was created Viscount Kilmorey will proved A. D. 1532. He was brother to Sir in the Kingdom of Ireland. John Periente, and descended from John Periente, Henry Townsend. Esq., son of the aforesaid of Digswell, Esq., and ,vife Joan, daughter of Thomas by first wife, Elizabeth Periente (Lady Thomas niansfeld,1 "a man of great name under Styles). who had sister Katherine, married, first, King Henry IV, who married l\:Iatilda de Etton, to Sir Humphrey Drewell, of County Hu!'lts, Kt., of noble race in County York" (Harl. 11S. 6147, second, to John Bacon, of Hesset and Troston, fot 50-5r), and ·widow of Sir Humphrey Styles, County Suffolk, Esq., whose son, Capt. Robert of Langley, Sheriff of Kent, I.543, and one of the Bacon, married Lady Cordelia, daughter of John Esquires of King Henry VIII. He was after• Gyll or Gill, and widow of Sir Thomas Harris, ·wards Lord of the 1Ianors of HethilJ, Pennes, Kt. John Bacon died Jan. 3, 1566, and she Standfield Hall, Carlton Curson, Carlton PeveraJ, (Katherine) married, third, John Spring. of and held interest in· other manors, and the ad­ County Norfolk. Also a sister, h1ary Periente, ,·owson of the church of Bracon-Ash. He ac­ second wife of \Villiam Clopton, son of· John knowledged the receipt of the Herring Pyes of Clopton, and grandson of Sir ,:villiam Clopton, the Sheriff of Norwich, Sept. 4, 1576, and the of Kentwell and long i.felford, County Snffolk, year following Hethill-Green was divided between by his first wife, Joan, daughter of \Villiam him and the city. On Aug. 16, 1578, he and his tfarrow, of London, who had sons George, lady entertained Queen Elizabeth at Bracon-Ash Thomas and ·To1.e.msend Clopton. Thomas Clop­ Hall, where she dined while on her progress ton, son and heir of the aforesaid William Clop­ through Norfolk to Norwich, and had it not ton, by wife l\fary \Valdegrave, had Sir \Villiam been for this family's Popish proclivities he would Clopton, who by wife Anne. daughter of Sir t>robably have been knighted, as Her 1faj esty Thomas Barnardiston, was father of Anne Clop• conferred that honor on several of his neighbors. ton, sole heir to the knightly family of Clopton, By this lady be had several children, but all died of Kentwell Hall, County Suffolk, and wife of young except Henry, who was baptized at Bracon- Sir Symond D'Ewes, Bart. This ( 1fary Peri­ ente) married, second, George Barnardiston. of 1 The 'Mansfield famlly or 31~nsfield~End, Lynn. '?!fa!:!·s., kinsmen and next neighbors of Thoma.s 'fown­ NorthiB. County Bedford, Esq., and had issue ~nd, niay have descended tram him. Robert Bamardiston, son and heir. TOW N S END - TO ·,v N S H END

The aforesaid Sir \Villiam Clopton, by second of London~ where his uncle, Thomas Forthe, wife, Thomasine, eldest daughter of Thomas Esq. (of the h·Iiddle Temp!e, London, Jan. 10; Knevets, was father of Richard Clopton, of Gro­ 1590), resided, who was son and heir of Robert' ton,. County Suffolk, whose son, \Villiam Clopton, Forthe, D.C.L., LL.D., deceased, whose f unerat by wife l\Iargery, daughter of Edmund Walde­ was solemnized at St. Gregory's church, near St. gra\"e, was the father of William Clopton, who Paul's, with heraldic ceremonies, Oct. 13, 1595, married Alice, the daughter of Edmund D'Oyly, he having died the 3d of the same, seized of brother of Anne D'Oyly. second wife of Thomas landed estates in Suffolk, Essex, Kent and Lon­ , Townsend, Esq., father of the said Henry Town- don, also the l\fanors of Levchurst in Lambert send, who, by first wife~ l\1argaret Forthe, daugh­ and of Palmer alias Tylehurst in Croyden, both . ter of Robert Forthe, was cousin of 1-.Iary Forthe, near Southwark, County Surry. Tradition and 'first wife of John vVinthrop, Esq., Governor of family records inform us that 11r. Thomas Town­ '.New England, who married for his second wife send came from London and settled at Lynn, in· Thomasine Clopton, sister of the aforesaid \Vill­ the colony of Ivlassachusetts Bay, about 1637-8; .iam Clopton, of Groton. and as John Winthrop. his connection, was gov­ Henry Townsend, "Gentleman," and 1'.1argaret en1or of this colony, it is probable that his puri­ Forthe, uGentlewoman," were married at St tanical relations aided him to select a home in John Zacharies, London, by Rev. Ambrose Gold­ New England, whence many of his kinsm·en and en, minister, Nov. 5, 1590; and the said 11:argaret neighbors l1ad emigrated a few years before. · His was buried at Bracon-Ash, June .23, 1596. wife was l\Iary, probably a sister of Anne,1 wife They had: of John Newgate or Newdigate, a merchant and i. Robert, bapt. June 8, 1591 ( old style). selectman of Boston, who had resided in South­ ii. Arthur, bapt. Nov. 16, 1593, who died wark, near London Bridge, and who in his ,vill,' -young. - dated ~Iay 8, 1665, calls him brother-in-law, and iii. Thon1as, bapt. Jan. 8, 1594-5. leaves him a legacy of £10, to be paid him within iv. Elizabeth. one year after his decease. By his second wife, Anne, daughter and one I. Thomas Townsend was granted 60 acres of of the heirs of Berthram Calthorpe, Counselor of land with Lord Brook and others by the town' the ifiddle Temple, London, and of Antringham of Lynn, in 1638, and he bought other lands near and Ormsby, County Norfolk, he had, it is sup­ the iron-works and at Run1ney i\Iarsh, Chelsea. posed, no issue, as his will, which is quite lengthy, He is called in the records husbandman, which speaks of none by her, and it gives an outline occupation many settlers of good families chose, history of the past twenty-five years of his life, and not being trades~people, the most consistent a portion of which he appears to have spent at with their landed interests. His to,vn-house and· Ged

t,e seen in the Secretary of State's office in Bos- 3. Samuel (, born in Lynn, and set­ ton, we have su~cient evidence of his ability._ He tled at \Vinnise1net, or Chelsea, i1ass., where he did not agree with the Salem and Lynn Puritans held several important offices and where he leased :in their extreme · measures, and with the Rev. a farm of Gov. Richard Bellingham, ,vho was .Samuel \Vhitney was opposed to persecution. connected. by marriage with the Goodrick families .\Vas a liberal and in fa.vor of his neighbor Ar- of Counties York, Lincoln and Suffolk; as is mitage keepjng an inn. He died in Lyun, Dec. proved by letters to the Goven1or still extant in -22, 1677, aged 831 and his wife Mary died at the the ?\fass. Archives from his nephew and nieces, 'house of her son Andrew, Feb. 28, 16g2. the children of Col. \Villiam Goodrick, of Kilby. They had:- · ( Skidby) County York In these letters, dated 2. i. Thomas, born about 1637. York, 1662, and London, 1688-9, thev mention 3. ii. Samuel, b. in Lynn about 1638. much distress caused by the Crornweilian wars, 4. iii. John, b. in Lynn about 1640. and "the fatall distructcon of London by a most 5. iv. 4,ndrew, b. in Lynn about 1642. wonderful and dreadful fire." \Ve also find en- v. Elizabeth, b. ; m. Samuel l\Iariam rolled at London, Oct. 10, 1634, sale of property, of Lynn, Dec. 22, 1669. Probably &~., for £200 in Swinthrop and Froddingham, other children. County Lincoln, by Richard Bellingham, Esq., Essex Ins. Col. [ Perhaps the following were and Elizabeth, his wife ; they then of Br'omby, in children of Thomas Townsend].· Lydia 'Town- the. same county, to \Villiam Goodrick, Esq., of send married Lawrence Copeland, 9th, 10th mo. Skidby, County York. This \Villiam Goodrick 1651, died Jan. 8, 1688. He died Dec. 30, 1699, was no doubt the same as the Governor, brother- was born in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. She in-law and cousin of Lyonell and Richard Good­ was in 1650 a member of 1Ir. Ruck's family, next rick, who are called of County Lincoln, and neighbor of Thomas Townsend. · brother-in-law of :Henry Townsend, Esq., of Essex Ins. Col., Vol. III, p. 235. 1vfo.ry Town- Bracon-Ash, Norfolk, and Gedding, Suffolk. The send of· family of Samuel Gardiner, deceased, last 1nentioned Richard Goodrick and hiargeret 1661. Robert Townsend of Portsmouth, in De- his wife, sold 16o2 to George Townsend, of N ar­ position taken 16$, aged 32. ford and Cram worth, County Norfolk, Esq., and Essex Ins. Col., Vol. VIII, p. 127. Salem 20th cousin of Henry Townsend aforesaid, the 1:Ianor Quarter Court, "ye 30th, rst mo., 1641." Thomas of \Vaddingworth, County Lincoln. . Towenshend as juryman appears on the record. Samuel To,vnsend followed the vocation of a ' 2. Thomas (Thomas), born in England and husbandman, and from 11SS. of the family letters came with his father to Lynn, where he lived · and the records we know that he was a respec­ and afterwards settled at Rumney :Marsh, where ! table and prosperous man; he was made freeman he leased a farn1 of Thomas 1fateson, who may in 1683~ having joined the 211d Church, Boston, have been connected with a family of that narne Sept. 18. 168r. By wife Abigail, daughter of Ih-ing at Boxted, County S 1lffolk, England, of Samuel Davis, who leaves her a legacy, he has which l\fargaret :\lateson married \Valter Clopton, several children. He was Administrator for son and John l\'Iateson married Anne Clopton. These· Jeremiah's estate, Nov. 19, 16go, also of the estate Cloptons had sister Bridget who married John · of his brother Andrew Townsend of Lyrin, which Sampson, of Sampson Hall, Kersey, County Suf- . was inventoried 1-.farch 10~ 1692-3, and was ap- iolk, whose son Robert can1e over to New Eng- pointed guardian for his children. Abigail and land in the ship Arabella with Gov. \Vinthrop, David He was constable and town surveyor, and is called . by him cousin on account of his and is mentioned by Sewell in his diary, June 22, 2d wife, Thomasine Clopton. He married l\fary, - 1688, as being of a party which went ,vith 1lr. daughter of Samuel Davis,; was member of 2d Nathaniel Newdigate (grandson of John) to church, Boston, Oct. 30, 168r, and freeman, 1683. Hogg Island, regarding an agreement about He is left a legacy by his father, in deed of gift marsh lands there. He lived and died at Win- to. his brother Andrew, Mar. 24, 1674-5, and his nisemet, and from the inventory of the estate will was proved July 1, 1700; leaves wife his property, but if she marries again it goes to bis 1 The Records of the Colony or 2\fassaeh11setts Bay. children. Appoints his wife executrix. · W-form us thRt Gov. Bellingham, soon after his arrival. J ebb. 27. 1634. bought of Mr. Samuel Maverick and They had:- o n Blackleacb the Manor of Wlnnisemet. They i. Joseph~ b. 23 10th mo., 1665. ha·vlng received it probably under the Gor2es' Patent, 10, 1667.. some ye:3-rs before, and when Rumney Marsh was al• ii. Thomas, b. Dec. . lotted bu; .title was reco[!nized. but not recorded until iii. Susannah, b. Nov. 5, 1672. 1640. This tract of land seems to have been divided iv. Joshua, . b N. Into farms after the English manner of dividing es• v. Caleb," twins, . ov. 21, 1 67,4. tates. and the Governor's will, dated Nov. 25. 1672. mentions two farms at Winnisemet. occupied by John vi. Nathan, b. July 5, 1677. Belcher and Samuel Townsend [the latter son ot ~~~- Priscilla, b. Sept. 20, 1679. Thomas Townsend, ~t Lynn], the rents ot which he gave toward the rehef of tour daughters ot Col. Wfll­ v111. Ehsha, b. Sept. 9, 168o; d. Oct. I, 1693. iam Goodrick. as long as they had urgent neP.d Agatn ix. Benjamin, b. Jan. 10, 1682. 1n Records of :Mass. (}ol., Vol.· VI., p. 142. dated June ~- H_ezekiah, b. April 12, 1685. , 1677- The Court m answer to the motion ot Mrs Jienelope (Pelham J Bellingham. widow of the late . :x1. Timothy, b. · Apr. 25, 1688. on. Go'!· Bellingham, Esq., orders her to have the ~!~- Josiah, b. 1fay 8, 16go; d. Sept. 28, 1695. use for hf~ of the farm now leased by Samuel Town• :x:1u. Thom~s. b. Oct., 16g2. · _ !sendn repa atlr:W1n11lsemet, • she to keep the house and fences TO \V N S END - TO \V N SH-EN D

J)roved at Boston, Jan. 9, 1705, and settled by the ix. Abraham, twin brother of Isaac, b. l\Iay 20, heirs, July 22, Iio8, he seems to have had his 1682; d. May 20, 1746; m. Mary Eustice, efforts repaid with gain, as his ownership of Nov. 30, 17o8. She was b. !\lay 4, 1682; property in Rumney l\farsh, Charlestown and d. Jan. 28, 1718. Boston proves. They had:- Want of space prevents a further recital of the i. Abraham, d. at 3. Bellingham, Goodrick and Townsend connection; ii. Nathan, b. 1711. traditio,i having i"ts strong support from numer­ iii. Joseph. o,u facts and circumstances, already and here­ iv. Isaac. ofter to be shou:n, makes firm the belief that the v. ?\fary, b. 1715. intimacy of these families, both in. Old and New vi. Abraham, b. 1717. He removed to Bidde­ England, was due to other t.ies tha11, those of ford, ?\1aine, m. 2d, Dec. 8, 1.720, Judith friendship and fastens more firmly the traditional Edgecombe, dau. Robert and Rachel cord. Edgecombe. Settled at Saco, lv!aine; Mr. Townsend died at Winnisemet, and in the d. at Hollis, Maine, 1746. She d. Dec. old burying-ground at Rumney lvlarsh (now Re­ 3, 1773. vere) is to be seen his grave-stone, bearing date They had:- Dec. 211 Ii04, aged about 66. His wife, Abigail i. Thomas, b. Oct. 29, 1722. Townsend, was buried in the Copp Hill Cemetery, ii. Samuel, b. Feb. 14, 1725. Boston, and her stone there records her death, iii. James, b. July 31, 1730. Jan. 2d, 1728-9, aged 87 years and eight months. There is some trace of Thomas, but little rec­ They had, probably, the following issue, and as ord of Samuel and James, the records of the the records 1rvere iinperfectly kept, we print ver- . Probate Court in Portland, Me., having been de­ batim the first two entries: stroyed by fire. James Townsend, b. bwt. 176o-1770, it is con­ Samuel, -son of Samuel Towne • . • . and cluded was son of James of Biddeford, who in all Abigail his wife, b. July 12, 1661 ; m. 1st, probability moved into Cumberland County, so Elizabeth • . . . 11ar. 15, 1693; d. left no trace in Biddeford or Yark County. He Nov. 20, 1699; m. 2d, Elizabeth . . .. m. Abigail or Nabby Pittee, dau. of James Pittee, Apr. 7, 1701. He d. Nov. 18, 1723, aged of North Yarmouth, i794, and lived in Freeport, 61. Maine. Abigail, dau. of Samuel Towne . . . • and They had:- Abigail his wife, b. Sept. 3, 1662. i. Sarah, b. Sep. 20, 1795. Jeremiah, son of Samuel Townsend and Abigail ii. Phoebe, b. April 25, Ii97- his wife, b. ~ • . 1664, and d. Sept. 6, iii. Charles, b. Oct. 27, 1799; d. 1827. 1690. iv. Benjamin. David, son of Samuel Townsend and Abigail his v. Eliza. wife, b. . • • . Sept. 29, 1666. vi. Hannah. iv. Jonathan, b. Sept. 10, 1668; d. Apr. II, 1717- vii. Jane. 8; n1. Elizabeth vValtham, dau. of Samuel, Charles, m. Rachel Whitmore, of Bowdoinham, son of Rev. \Villiam \Valtham, of 1-farble b. 18o1, d. 18g6, in 1821. I-lead, l\!ar. 22, 1695; d. 1-far. 30, 1749, They had:- aged 83. Their eldest son, Rev. Jona than I. Stephen Whitmore, b. 1822; m. ---Brann. Townsend, of Needham, a grad. of Harv. They had:- Coll. · He married 11:ary, daughter o-f i. ·Rachel, deceased. Capt. Gregory Sugars, principal com­ ii. Loella. mander of the Naval forces which went iii. Cora, deceased. against Quebec in 16go. She died at iv. Nellie, m. Chas. Case. Needham, Sept. 10, 1765, aged 75. He v. Caroline, m. Charles Hanson. They had: succeeded John, son of Rev. John Wil­ Margaret. son, of 1st Church, Boston, as clergyman vi. Hattie. at Needham, and d. 1;162, and was father II. True \Vhitmore, b. July 10, 1824; m. Susan of the Rev. Jonathan Townsend, of 11ed­ L. Colby, of Bangor, 1faine; b. 1838; d. 18g5. field, l\Iass. They had:- i. Ellery Channing, v. Anne, b. Jan. 30, 1672; prob. bur. at Copp twins, d. young. Hill Cemetery, Nov. II, 1717, aged 45. Edward Payson, vi. Solom-on, b. Aug. I, 1676; d. 17-; m. 1st ii. Tennie Colby, b. i•fay 30, 1866; m. Will­ wife, Elizabeth Jarvis, June 20, 16g8; m. iam H. Temple. They had: Walter 2d wife, Esther Sugars, dau. of Capt. Parker, Ethel Florence, Bertha Alice, Gregory Sugars, of Boston. Edward Townsend. .vii. Elias, b. 11ar. 2, 1678; d. Nov. 1738; m. Re­ iii. Edward Sands, b. Dec. 12, 186g, Chelsea, becca, dau. of Samuel Frothingham, d. Mass. A.B. Harvard, 1892; LL.B., about 1738. 18g5; m. Georgia D. Sanborn, Feb. 17, viii. Isaac, b. 1fay 20, 1682; d. Jan. 12, 1718; m. ·18g7, at Somerville, ?\fass. Anne Ranger, July 6, 1703; d. Nov. 8, They had:- . 1726, aged 50. i. Charles Edward Sanborn, b. May 7, 1898. ·:\:·-, ...... '\.. '- . T'.,

~·~~~ .... -~ ;.=i~;"' ;,.

V;;<·.· ~t~·. \. ... /


FRANK G. CURTIS. Jamestown, N. Y.


ii. Newell Colby, b. Jan. 27, 1902. will, [ widow late of Bowes, County Middlesex, iii. Clara Gary, b. Feb. 22, 1905. Eng.) The . 'Brights of Suffolk, Eng.,' p. 281, iv. Edith Hellen, b. Nov. 25, 1907. mentions an acquittance, Suffolk Records n-1ass., v. 1-label Edith (Chelsea), b. Jan. 28, 1872; Vol. III, p. 170, dated Boston, July 20, 1659, and A.B. Radcliffe College, 1894; unmar­ witnessed by three principal men of Boston, Ed­ ried. ward Ting, Thomas Buttolph and Nathaniel New­ III. James, b. 1826; m. Louisa '\Vitham. gate; for Henry Bright of New England, the They had:- brother of aforesaid, for £200. These Forths i. Charles. were near cousins to 1'1ary Forth, first wife of ii. \Villiam. Gov. \Vinthrop and to lvlargaret Forth, the iii. 1'f aria. mother of Thomas Townsend, aforesaid. \Villiam iv. John. Forth, LL.D., and his brother Dannett Forth, v. Walter. woolen-draper~ were appointed overseers of will vi. Sarah, twins of Edward Park, of London, proved Jan. 29, 1650. Elmer, · In a letter to Gov. vVinthrop he is called cousint vii. Caroline. and Henry Bright of Watertown, 1.fass., uncle, 4- John2 (, born in Lynn, and settled who is made attorney for his son, Henry Park, in Reading, l\1ass. ; freeman J\lay 8, I6i8, His 1655, ( l\Iass. l-Iist. Soc. Col., Vol. VII, p. 385-8, father gave him a farm of 60 acres in the town series IV.) Of this Forth family were John, of Lynn, Nov. 23, 1668, and he bought with his Thomas, Robert and Roger Forth, all brothers brother-in-law, Hananiah Parker, son of Thomas of Dr. \Villiam Forth, LL.D., and Dannett Forth, Parker, of Lynn, lands in Reading, of Edward­ draper, and sheriff of London, whose daughter, Taylor and Elizabeth his wife, June I, 1675. 11ary, married Francis St. John, brother of Cath­ He was by occupation a wheelwright and lived erine St. John, nephew and niece of Rev. Samuel to be a very aged man; his will, dated June 15, Whitings, of Lynn, wife Elizabeth. There was, Ij22-3, styles hi1n of "Lynn in the County of also, of this family, Henry Forth, Esq., .,.'\Jderman Essex, in this, his J\Iajesty's Province of lVlassa­ of London, who married Albinia 'ye posthumous chusett~ Bay in New England, Yeoman. Being daughter of Sir Henry Vane, of Raby, .,County by God's providence gro·wn into old age, and York ( the I\fartyr), and Gov. of New England.' " weak in body, though of perfect mind and mem- Henry Bright's will, dated Aug. 28, 1733. She ory.u . died July, 1735, and her will was proved July 14, His wills, dated Jan. 15, 1722-3, mentions hav­ 1735,-giving a few articles of clothing to I-Ian­ ing given his real estate to his sons; books and nah Aborne and her property to son Daniel, other household goods to be equally divided whom she appoints executor. This Daniel had among his children. He died at Lynn, Dec. 4, son Daniel killed· at Lexington, April 19, 1775. 1726, and his will was proved at Salem, Dec. 30, He was born at Lynn, December 26, 1738, and a 1726. Son Daniel, executor. He married at Deacon of the Church at Lynfield when the \Var Lynn, March 27, 1668, Sarah, daughter of John of the Revolution broke out, and on receip.t of Pearson, who was from Norwich, County Nor­ the news of a detachment of regulars marching folk, England, and who was near neighbor to his on Concord to destroy army stores, he marched father, on Boston street, Lynn; she died, July 9, with a company of minute-men and arrived· at the 168g. scene of action about daylight on the day of the They had :- -- battle. . Lewis' Hist. of Lynn, 1iass., says_: i. George~ prob. his son, rn. Rebecca -Cow­ Timothy l\1Ionroe, of Lynn, one of the wounded, . dry, Dec. 7, 1688. He may have m. testified "that he was standing behind a house •• 2.d, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Crane. with Daniel Townsend, firing on the British 11. Sara~, b. Sept. 4, 1673; m. Stephen Wes­ troops as they were coming down the road on ton. their retreat toward Boston. Townsend had just iii. John, b. 11ar. 17, 1675; d. Jan. 1757. fired, and exclaimed, 'There's another red-coat iv. 11:ary, b. Sept. 2, r677; d. July 6, 1717. down,' when 11onroe, looking around, saw to his v. Hannah, b. Feb. II, r68o. astonishment that they were completely hemmed vi. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 9, _1682; m. Jonathan in by the flank guard of the British army, who Nichols Apr. Ir, 1753. were coming down through the field behind them. vii. Noah, b. Aug. 30, 1686; d. Dec. 15, 1713. They immediately ran into the house and sought viii. Ebenezer, b. July 3, 1686. for the cellar, but no cellar was there. All this Second ,vife, Mehitable, daughter of Nicholas time, which was indeed but a moment, the balls Brown, whose other daughter, Elizabeth, married were pouring through the back window, making Hannaniah Parker, and he, for second wife, mar­ havoc of the glass. Townsend··· leaped through ried Mary Barsham, widow of Deacon John, son the end window, carrying the sash and all with of Henry Bright, of Watertown, Mass., and for­ him, and instantly fell dead. ?vlonroe followed merly of Bury St. Edmunds, County Suffolk, him and escaped." England, married, April 23, 16go. After the regulars had passed, Mr. Townsend's ':~his Henry Bright's sister, 1\1:ary, married remains, which had seven bullets · through the Vhlham Forth, of N ayland, County Suffolk, and body, were carried by his townsmen to Lynfield, their son, Dr. William Forth of London, was a11d lay the .next night in the Bancroft House, executor for his aunt flizabeth (Forth) Dells' where the blood stains remain on the old oaken . - TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

.floor to ·this day. He left a wife and five chil- . Lynn. 11r. Shjppie Townsend's son David was a dren. The Essex Ga:;ettc of ~-lay 2, I7i5, in a pupil of 1'Iaj. Gen. \Varren (who was killed at brief obituary, speaks of hhn as having been "a Bunker's Hill]; and was during the Revolution­ constant and ready friend to the poor and ary \Var a surgeon in the American Army and afflicted, a good adviser in cases of difficulty, a· member of the Society of Cincinnati, and his son, mild, sincere and able reprover. In short," it l\.1aj. David S. Townsend, lost a leg at the battle adds, ':he was a friend 1to his country, a bless~ng of Chrystlers-Field, Canada, in the war of 1812- to society, a·n ornament to the church of wh1c11 14. Dr. Solomon Davis Townsend, a distin .. he was an officer." He was buried at Lynfield, guishcd physician of Boston, who was much in­ April 2, 1775, where his monument now stands, terested in the history of his family, informed with the following inscription: the writer that \,Yilliam Townsend of Boston, 1634, and Thomas Townsend, of Lynn, 1637-8, Lie, valiant Townsend, in the peaceful shades; if related at all, must have been very distant rela­ we trust tives, as no relationship was claimed by. his ( the Immortal honors mingle ,vith thy .dust. Lynn) family with the Boston family. He, by ,vhat though thy body struggled in its gore, w~fe Elizabet.h, · a daughter of Elbridge Gerry. So did thy Saviour's body long before; Vice-President of the :; had· 11aj. And as he raised his own by power divine Gen. E. D. Townsend, U. S. A., no,v [1881] ·So the same power shall also quicken thine, "- stationed at \iVashington, D. C. And in eternal glory n1ayst thou shine. ~ 6. Isaac (Samnel,2 Thomasl), born in Chelsea and settled 1n Boston. He bought, April 20, 1716, John Townsend died at Lynn, Dec. 14, 1726-7. !ands on Winter streot, of Henry Bridgman, join-:- .They had: 1ng to Colonel Penn Townsend's on north-west . ix. Thomas, b. Oct. 7, 16g2; d. June I, 1716. and north-east. He was killed at a fire in Bos- x. 11ehitable, b. Apr. 28, 16g5; d. Sept. 1695. ton, Jan. 16, liI7-I8, aged 37. He witnessed Gov. xi. 11artha, b. Aug. 14, 16g7; d. May 27, li29. Bellingham's will. 11:arried July 7, 1703, Anne, xii. Daniel, b. Apr~ 1, 1700; d. Oct. 10, 1761; daughter of Captain Edmund Ranger, who, after m. Lydia Sawyer, Oct. 18, 1i26. her husband's death, sells the property on Winter . 5. Andrew2 ( Thoniasl), born in Lynn; made street to John Clark, Esq., of Boston, Oct 10, freeman April 18, 1691. His father gave him in Ii I 9, for £88. Her sister Prudence (Ranger) deed of gift ilated June 1st, 1674, two acres of married Mr. · Ezekiel .Clisby, and in her win land, part of his own lot, south side the !\Iill proved 11ar. 27, 1732, she divides her estate bc­ street, near the commons in Lynn ; and the rest tween her "two kinswomen, Prudence Ranger, of his estate after the death of himself and wife daughter of my brother John Ranger, and Anne i1ary (the mother of aforesaid), provided he Townsend, daughter of my sister Anne Towns­ would live with them and carry on their affairs end, deceased." l\Irs. Townsend died at Boston, during life. He was a soldier in Captain Gard- Nov. 8, 1726, •aged 50. ner's company and was wounded in the great bat- They had:- tle fought with the Narragansett Indians, in Rhode i. Isa~c, b. l\Iarch 25, 1704; d. Apr. 26, 1785, · Island, Dec. 19, 1675. He married, July 18, 1678, in Boston. . Abigail, daughter of John Collins of Lynn. They ii. Ebenezer, b. Jan. 2, 1705 ;.d. Sept. .28, 17o8, both died of camp fever, he on the 10th of Feb., in Boston. . :. 16g2, she on the 22d of Feb. following; and the 7 iii. Jeremiah, b. Nov. 12, IjlI; d. Jan. 6, 1802, inventoi:y of his estate was made .by appraisers in New Haven. · chosen by his brothers, l\1arch 3, 1692; and his iv. Anne, b. June 27, 1714; d. June 2, 1744, brother Samuel Townsend of Chelsea, and Sam- in Boston; m. David Bell, Aug. .28,· uel Johnson of Lynn, were appointed Admin- 1735; d. Jan. 2, 1744-5. istrators to his estate, which was settled l\iay r, v•. Ebenezer! b. June 25, 1716; . d. Dec. 3, 1694; and as guardians for his children, their I 1775, in New Haven; m. Elizabeth Lar- -1.1ncle Samuel Townsend was appointed for Abi- "' 1 ~an. Nov. 23, 1738; d. Aug. 30, 1774- gail and David. and kinsman Daniel Mansfield of . 7- Jeremiah (lsaac~3• Sam_uel,2 Thomas1 ), born Lynn, for Thomas, Elizabeth Andrew and 1n Boston, 11:ass. Baptiz·ed 1n Old South Church, Daniel. ' Nov. 18, 171 I. Moved with his family and They had:- . brother Ebenezer to New Haven, Conn., where i. Thomas, b. June 11, 1679; d. they settled l\fay 20, 1739. He bo~ght lands the ii. Abigail, b. Jan. 23, 1680; d. Fee. ~2, 1692. year before (1-Iar. ro, 1738) of Mmdwell Jones,. · iii. Elizabeth, b. May 21. 1683; d. · in the Governor's Quarters,. for £r6; also buys, iv. Mary, b. July 7, 1685; d. Dec. 10, 1685.. Dec. 10, 1739, of Ebenezer J\iI1x, one-half of house -v. Andrew, b. Ju]y 7, 1685; d. Dec. 1688. and lot, one acre more or less, on the north-we~t vi. Daniel, b. Dec., 1688; mar., had children, corner of the Green or 1'Iarket Place. He again settled in Charleston S C buys, Apr. 6, 1742, the other half for $260. Also vii. David, b. April 6, i69i:; · mar. 1fabel h~use and land of Elizabeth Perkins. His first . . Shippie. wife was Hannah, daughter of John Kneeland Samuel Johnson, one of the Adms. 0£ Andrew or Cleland, of Bo~ton. 1Ias.s., me~ber of. Old Townsend estate, married, June 22, 1664, ".ri.Iary, South Church, Apnl 16, 1722_; married ~pnl 16, sister of Abigail, daughter of John Collins of 1734, by the Rev. Thomas Prince. She died July TO\VN SE ND-TOWN SH EN.D

~o, 1744, a~ed 33. .· 1:Iar~ied, ?d wife, Rebecca 1777, in battle with the British forces under Gov. Parkman,· widow of Captain Co1t of Bos~on (who Tryon, while on their return from Danbury. Her · ~vas Jost on a voyage from the \Vest Indies), Oct. sister, Abigail, widow of John Brown, married 9. 1746. She died in New Haven, Jan. 15, 1788, Capt. Ezekiel Hayes, great-grandfather of Ruth­ aged 6g. erford Burchard Hayes,. ex-President of the irr. Townsend left to his descendants and United States. She was born at Springfield, younger contemporari~s [m~ny known to. the Mass., Aug. S, 1741; died Nov. 9, 1792. writer] a record of his family, together with a ~ They had:- uadition which has been proved correct by evi­ i. Elizabeth, b. Nov. I, 1762; d. Jan. 15, dence ·collected from En'glish and Colonial Rec.:. 1852, unmaried. · ords, and supported by numerous facts and cir­ ·, 9. ii. Isaac, b. Feb. 4, 1765; d. Nov. 5, 1841; cumstances. His change of residence to New m. Rhoda Atwater. } ta.ven was through the suggestion of his friend iii. Kneeland, b. ?vlarch 20,. 1757; d. May 15, ~tr. \Villiam Greenough, a ship~wright of New 1844; m. Sarah Thompson. · . Haven, who was from Boston and connected ,vith iv. Jacob, b. April 10, 176g; d. May 7, 1852; the Stoddard. Chauncey and Shrimpton families, m. first ,vife, Betsey Clark; second of Noddle Island (now East Boston). Mr. wife, Eunice Atwater. Townsend died at New Haven Jan. 6, 18o3, and Y. Abigail, b. Sept. 4, 1771; d. May 3e, 1814, was buried in the old church-yard in the rear of unmarried. the first church on the Green next his two wives, ;vi. Mary, b. Jan. 29, 1774; d Dec. 26, 1788, and the foundation of the west wall of the present unmarried. edifice was laid across their graves, and their vii. Sarah, b. I7i6; died May I, 1844; mar­ monuments are now preserved in the Crypt lately . ried Joel Atwater. renovated through the public spirit and meritori­ viii. Anne, b. :Ofay. 20, 1779; died Nov. 18, ous efforts of Thomas Rutherford Trowbridge, 1861, unmarried. Jr., Esq~; a member of the society's committee. ix. \;Villiam, b. lVIay 12, 1781; d. July 28, They had: 1849; m. ?v'Iaria Lampson. i. Jeremiah, b. in Boston, Jan. 20, 1734-5; Elmer Townsend (son of \,VilHam), b. l\1arch . d. Sept. 24, 1794, in New Haven; m. 2, 18o7, d. April 13, 1871, at Boston, l\.fass., where Abigail vVoodbridge; d. 1fay 20, 1768, he went when about 19 years of age. He started aged 31. as a clerk ·in a wholesale leather store and ad­ ii. Isaac, b. in Boston, July 18, 1735 j d. vanced rapidly to the point where he bought the Nov. 28, 1736, in New Haven. business and conducted it in his own name. He 8. iii. Isaac, b. in Boston, Oct. 13, 1737; d. invented many valuable machines that are used June, 1818, in New Haven; m. Eliza• in shoe manufactory. He married Wealthy Ann beth Hitchcock. Beecher, of Ne.w Haven, Conn., Nov. 21, 1833. iv. John, b. in Boston, July 22, 1739; d. Issue, Elizabeth and Elizabeth Mary, ·who died Nov. 30, IiJ9, in New Haven. young, Henry Elmer, b. Dec. ·29, 1841 ; ·d. July v. Samuel, b. Oct. 14, 1740; d. Aug. 29, 1 r, 1891 ; Helen Cordelia, b. July 9, 1849, and 1795, in East Haven; m. Sarah Tread­ Benjamin Beecher, b. Dec. 4, 1848. . · way; d. Feb. 7, 1801, aged 64- · Henry Elmer, married Emilie \V. Kaupe, April vi. Hannah, b. Nov. 29, 1742; d. May 31, Ir, 1867.. She was born in Crefeld, Prussia, d. I77J, in New Haven. · April, 1900. Issue, Robert Elmer, b. Feb. 7, 1868; His children by second wife, Rebecca ( Park­ Fritz Edward, b. Aug. 15, 1869; d. 1898, and man) Coit, were: Lilian Henrietta, b. June 17, 1873. vii Nathaniel, b. Oct. ro, 1747; d. 1818, in Helen Cordelia, married Theodore :B"'relinghuy­ Norwich, Conn. ; m. Hannah Hughes; sen Breck April 18, 1872. Dr. Breck was born d. 1802, aged 42. , in Vienna, N. Y., July 29, 1844. His family emi­ viii. John, b. Aug. I, I749; d. Feb. 1833, in grated to America in 1635, he being a descendant N e\v Haven, Conn. ; m. i1:artha Beards- in the eighth generation of Edward Breck, of • ley; d. Nov. 7, 1797, aged 45. Lancaster, Eng. His great great grandfather was ix. Rebecca, b. Dec. 14, 1751; d. 1800. graduated from Harvard College in 1742, and be­ ~· '\\:illiam, b .. Dec. 7, 1753 ; d. ---. came a physician of prominence. His father, Dr. xi. Tnnothy, b. Nov. 10, 1755; d. Feb. JS, Wm. G. Breck, a practicing physician in Spring­ 1832; m. Hannah Alling. field, Mass., for ·forty years, is recalled as a 8. Isaac (Jeremiah,' lsaac,3 Samuel/' Thomas1), masterly man with a natural talent for his profes­ born in Boston, came a child to New Haven sion. Theo. F. d. at his home, "Round Hill," with his parents. Commenced business in New Springfield, 1-Iass., June 25, 1904- Issue, Helen Haven, but moved to Stratford, Conn., about Townsend, b. l\farch 19, 1873, and William Gil­ 17?3, where he owned property. and most of his n1an, b. June 12, 1875. Helen Townsend m. John chtldren were born. About 1783 he removed to C. Howard, of Chicago. Issue, Helen.. William ~ ew Haven, where he lived the remainder of Gilman, m. Edith Woods, of Springfield, Mass. his life. His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Beecher, married Sophie Anna Jfiacob and Abigail (Butler) Hitchcock, of Spring- Kaupe, of Crefeld Prussia. Issue. Nelson K.; m. eld, lfass.~ and cousin of 1'.faj. Gen. David Marie K., of N. Y. C. · Issue, Welthean May, b. mooster, killed near Ridgefield, Conn., . May 2, • 1901. TO\VN S E.ND__;TQ\VN SHE ND

Robert Elmer, son of Henry Elmer, residing in the Peace and Representative for the town of Boston, m. Josephine Weildon, Ap. 1891. Issue, East Haven to the Conencticut State Assembly. Robert Elmer, Jr., b ..Dec. II, 1892. About 1830, on account of ill . health, he retired Lillian Henrietta, dau. Henry Elmer, m. Fred­ from business and made his residence at ''Bay- · erick Elmer Snow, of Boston, lVIass., April II, ridge," Raynham, then within the limits of the 18g6. . Issue, twin·s, died at birth, r8g6; \Villiam town of East Haven; but by an Act of the Con­ Townsend, h. Sep. 19, 1897; Kitchell, b. June 29, necticut Legislature . annexed in 1881 to New 1899, and C-, h. 1905. Haven. This property he had bought of his 9. Isaacs · (Isaac.5 I eremiah,4 Isaac,3 Samue/,2 father and uncle som·e time before, and it was Thomasl), born in Stratford, Conn. In the· year a part of the original grant by the New Haven 1781, when but 16 years of age, he joined a Con­ Colony to \Villiam Tuttle, the maternal ancestor necticut regiment under the command of Col. of his wife, Eliza Ann, eldest daughter of Hervey Meigs, and served until the close of the war and Nancy (Bradley) l\J ulford, whom he married of the Revolution. I-le commenced business as· a Dec. J, 1820, and was born in New Haven, Nov. merchant in New Haven, 1788-Sg, and was largely 26, 1798. This lady's lineage has been traced interested in mercantile pursuits by land and sea, back to many of the first settlers of the New having branch houses in Charleston and Cheraw, England colonies, among them Captain Lyon S. C., and an Agency in New York and London, Gardiner, the first Patentee and ·Lord of the where his brother Kneeland Townsend for many l\fanor of Gardiner's Island, who came over as years resided. \Vas interested in landed estate engineer in the employ of the Earl of Warwick, in "Virginia, Vermont, and Ohio. In and "en route" stopped at Boston, where he the latter State he was joint owner with his laid out the fortification on Fort Hill, and the brothers of the town of Townsend, Huron Coun­ season following located and built Saybrook Fort, ty. During the last war with England he was, which he so valiantly defended against the Pe-. with his son Isaac Henry (late professor of law quot Indians, and where his daughter 1\1:ary ·was in Yale College), taken prisoner by one of the born, who married Jeremiah Conklin, from whom enemy's armed vessels cruising in descended l\frs. Townsend's father. Hervey ~lul­ Sound, while on the passage to New Haven from ford, Esq., a graduate of Yale College, class 1794, New York on board the packet sloop "Susan," and a merchant; eldest son of Barnabas 1vt:ulford, Oct. 9, 18r4. They were taken to Plum Island Jr.5 (Barnabas,4 Thomas,3 Thomas,2 \Villiaml), and detained on board H. B. iviajesty's ship born at Branford, Conn., Feb. 13, 1745; married "Pomone," Captain Carteret, until ransomed. November 10, 1771, 1fehitable, daughter of Mr. Townsend retired from active business Timothy and 1Iary (Punchard) Gorham, fifth in soon after the war on an ample fortune, and his descent fron1 Capt. John Gorham, who married business was successfully carried on by his sons. 1643, Desire, daughter of John and Elizabeth ·He married Rhoda, daughter of David and Eliza­ (Tilly) .Howland (and perhaps grand-daughter beth (Bassett) Atwater, April II, 1795. She ~as of Gov. Carver), Pilgrims of the ''1!ayflower," bon1 in Hamden, Conn., ~Iay 13, 1766, and died 1620. This Capt. Gorham, an 'early settler of in New Haven, April 10, 1840, age'd 74 years. Barnstable from the Plymouth Colony, died on They had :--- service at Swanzey of fever contracted in the 10. i. "\tVilliam Kneeland, b. June 3, 1796; d. King Philip Indian War, Feb. S, 1676. His son Sept. 23, 1849. Jabez, born at Barnstable Aug. 3, 1656, married · ii. Elizabeth i1ary, b. Feb. 18, 17g8; m. Hannah • ...... and was wounded in Isaac Beers, Nov. 26, 1821. the same ,var, and for this family's efforts the iii. Isaac Atwater, b. Dec. 2, 1799;. d. Juae, Plymouth Court granted the heirs of Capt. John · 18o3. Gorham, in recognition of their service, 100 acres iv. Charles Henry, b. April 26, 18o1 ; d. June of the tract called Papasquash N eek, now Bristol, II, 1847. .. R .. I. Isaac, a son of Jabez, born Feb. ·1, 1689. ,.. N'. Isaac Henry, b. April 25, 1803; d. June His first wife, Mary . . . . . • . He moved II, 1847. to New Haven, where he bought lands in 1719, . Yi. Jane Marie, b. 1iay 1, 18o5; d. Dec. 15, and married his second wife, Hannah 11iles, by 1814. . whom with other children they had son Timothy :vii. George Atwater, b. Oct. 28, 1807; m. aforesaid. Both l\Ir. and 1'Irs. Townsend died first wife, Juliet Sanford; second wife, at "Raynham.', Mr. T. Sept. 23, 1849, and 1',frs. Mildred Parker. T. Jan. 3, 1881, aged 82, and the next day after viii. Emily Augusta, •b. Sept. 28, 18ro; m. l\frs. Townsend's death, in the New Haven David Sanford, of Newtown, Conn., "Journal and Courier," appeared the following Oct. 5, 1831; d. Feb. 6, 1875. notice of 1\Irs. Townsend's useful and well-spent 10. William Kneeland7 (Isaac,6 ./saac,5 Jere­ life, and three days afterwards an account of lier tniah,4 Isaac ,3 Samuel,2 Thonias1), born in N cw funeral ceremonies. These in memoriam the 'Haven, educated at the Hopkins Grammar School, writer prints for preservation, prompted only by ·and commenced life a .merchant. He was Di­ love and affection for those whose memories he rector of the New Haven Bank, President of holds dear. several Corporations and Associations, a .Lieuten­ PASSED AWAY. . . _ ant of the 2d Company of Governor's Horse "Eliza A., widow of the l_ate \V}lliam Kneeland Guards of the State of Connecticut, a Justice of Townsend, died at the family residence at Rayn- 32 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND ham, New Haven, yesterday afternoon at half­ beloved husband of the deceased; and Rev. Dr. p:ist" four. • The deceased was 82 years of. age Bacon, the honored divine, who was the pastor the .26th of last November. She had been in of the deceased for many years. A finished and· her wonted health until .about a day or two be­ elegant tribute was given by the Rev. 1Ir. Hart, fore her death. The cause of her death was in which he referred to the beautiful Christian owing apparently to sudden failure of the vital character of the deceased lady, and to the hus­ powers. She had lived to see her children grow band who died years before, honored, esteemed up to fill honored and prominent places and to and lamented at the old home, where the closing !ee: her grandchildren likewise rising to places of years of his life were spent The separation was honor. She had been. active for one of her years, now over, and both had left a precious message and retained to a high degree her cheerfulness, to their children and children's children and quick discernment and active powers of mind friends, in the dying words, 'Live for Christ.' generally. She was the eldest daughter of the Prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. Bacon, who late Hervey and Nancy (Bradley) Mulford. The spoke of the consolations of Christ as the tru·e husband of the deceased was for years a highly balm for the stricken heart; and the joy and esteemed merchant of New Haven, and on ac­ · serenity which Christ's blessing gave to the be­ count of declining health he retired to the beauti­ lieving soul. Thomas Rutherfor.d Trowbridge, ful and picturesque- property now the residence of Senior, Esq., was in charge of the funeral cere­ the family, devoting his whole attention to agri­ monies, and the pall bearers were six of the sons culture as a science, and there spent the re­ of the deceased. The death of Mrs. Townsend mainder of his life, dying at the early age of S3, is the third in the family that has occurred in Sept. 23, 1849, after a brief illness. He was a . the old homestead in a period of 75 years." devoted Christian gentleman, and his virtues They had:- · and valuable public services were finely com­ I I. i. William Isaac, ~- Nov. 28, 1822. memorated in a beautiful in memoria.1n tribute by 12. ii. James Mulford, b. Jan. 20, 1825. the Rev., Burdett Hart. Of Mrs. Townsend it iii. George Henry, b. in New Haven, Dec. may truly be said that she was a lady of refine­ 28, 1826; m. Oct. 22, 1862, 11ary Ger­ ment and education, and that she lived esteemed, trude, da u. of James and Margaret honored, beloved and admired by all who knew (Snedecker) Buckelew, of Jamesburg, her, bearing her part equally perfect as a Chris­ N. J., where she was born Nov. 12, tian and a gentlewoman. She was equally be­ 1838. He still resides on Townsend loved by all, of whatever station ; in the homes Ave., New Haven, Conn. of the poor and the mansions of the rich she re­ iv. Frederick Atwater, b; in . New Haven, ceived equal homage. She was one of the orna­ Mar. 23, 1829; m. Jane, dau. of the late ments of society in her youth and a most lovable Roger Sherman Prescott, Esq., of New companion in age. Though highly accomplished Haven, Conn. she was a domestic wife, the fondest of mothers, v. Robert Raikes, b. in East Haven, Dec. 22, an indulgent mistress, a most sincere .and .. disin­ 1831; d. June 30, 1857; m. :March 21, terested friend, and kindly, generous and chari­ 1853, Almira N., dau. of Hezekiah and table towards all ;" and the next day after the Nancy (Landfair) Tuttle, of Fair Ha­ funeral the same paper adds: ven, Conn., where she was b. Oct. 17, "The funeral of the late Mrs. William Knee­ 1833. land Townsend took place yesterday afternoon at 13. vi. Charles Hervey, b. Nov. 16, 1833. two o'clock, from the residence of the family at vii. Timothy Beers, b. Nov. 2r, 1835. Raynham, New Haven. The grounds, so beauti­ 14- viii. Edward Howard, b. April 8, ·1840. . ful at all seasons of the year, wore a drear aspect · ix. Eliza 11'u1ford, b. Dec. 3, 1842, in East with their thick burden of snow, ice-encased and Haven ; m. Oct. 13, 1863, 01arles Au­ dripping branches of the treesr~nd with a misty gustus Lindsley, of New York. nin falling; and outward the water view pre­ II. William Isaacs (William K.,1 Isaac,6 Isaac,& sented an ice-bound harbor and sullen waves of Jeremialz,4 Jsaac,3 Samuel,2, born in the Sound in the distance. Notwithstanding na­ New Haven; married April 22, 1850, Elizabeth B., ture wore this somewhat inclement aspect, the daughter of Col. Mason A. and Elizabeth (Brad­ beautiful residence was thronged with mourning ley) Durand, of New Haven, where ·she was friends, many of whom had left homes of ele­ born April 7, 1828. gance and every comfort to pay. their last tribute They had:- to the memory of the sleeper, whose long life had i. ·Elizabeth Durand, b. Feb. 11, 1851; d. May become invested with a radiance from he·r rare 27, 1857. union of accomplishments, a most endearing na­ 12. James Mulford8 (William K.,'1 Isaac,& ture and whose lovely character and Christian Jsaac,5 Jeremiah,4 /saac,3 SamHel,2, :virtues shone more and more brightly as life born in New Haven ; married Sept. I, 1847, Maria wore on apace, leaving a store of precious mem­ Theresa, daughter of Epaphras and Sarah .(Hall) ories to three generations of descendants. Offici­ Clark, of 1Iidd1etown, Conn., where she was ating at the funeral were the Rev. Burdett Hart, born, Oct. 10, 1828. of the First Congregational Church, Fair Haven, They had:- who delivered a rarely beautiful discourse in i. \Villiarn Knee1and9 (Ja,nes, M.,8 William K:,'I memoriam at the death of irr. Townsend, the /saac,6 Jsaac,5 Jeremiah,4 lsaac,3 Samuel,% 33 TOWNS EN D-T·o '\V NS HEN D

Thomasl), Attorney and Counselor at Law, New They had:- ·Haven, Conn.; born June 12, 18.+3; was gradu• i. Henry Hotchkiss Townshend, born in New ~ted from Yale College (academic department), Haven Sept. .30, 1874- . 1871, with high honors. He then took an ex- ii. Raynham ·Townshend, born in New ·Ha­ tended tour to Europe, and, on his return, en­ veri July 10, 1878. tered the Yale Law School, 1872, taking both the A Yale graduate; after serving as house phy­ Jcwe11 and Civil Law composition prizes, and sician in Roosevelt Hospital, N. Y. C.,. married graduated, 1874, second in his class, with degree Juliet Stanton Adee, daughter of 11:r. and Mrs. of LL.B. On his return from a second Euro­ George A. Adee, in St. Pe·ters Episcopal Church, pean trip he began·· the· practice of law in New Westchester Village, June 4, 1908. Dr. Towns­ Haven and entered the "graduate course" of the hend is now a practicing physician in New Law School in 1876, taking the degree of 11.L. Haven. in 1878, and of D.C.L. in 1880. In 1879-80, he 14. Eo,vARD HowARo8 (William K.;r lsaac,6 was a member of the Court of Common Council, lsaac,5 Jeremiah,4 lsaac,3 Samue/,2, New Haven, and in 1880 was elected Alderman born at "Raynhant,'' East Haven, married April from the First \Vard for the term of two years. 28, 186g, Alice Eliza, dau. of Caleb S. and .l\tiary In 1881 Doctor Townsend published a law book (Foster) Maltby, of New Haven,. Conn. She was entitled: "The New Connecticut Civil Officer," b. April 4, 1843, in Triadelphia, Va. . . and in June, 1881, he was appointed Professor of They had:- . Pleading in Yale College. He married, July r, i. lfaud, b. in New Haven June 21, 18;,1 ; 1874, I\:Iary Leavenworth, eldest daughter of Win­ died July 25, 1871. · ston J. and Iviary (Leavenworth) Trowbridge, of New Haven, Conn. She was born in Barbadoes, DESCENDANTS OF JEREMIAH TOWNS­ West Indies, !\:fay 6, 1851, where her father was END (7) (ISAAC, SAMUEL, THOMAS), CON­ American Consul and a resident merchant and TINUED FROM P. ,58 "THE TOWNSHEND FAMILY.,'' partner of the house of Henry Trowbridge's AND N. E. REGISTER, Vot. xx1x, Jan., 1875. Sons, of New Haven, Conn. Jeremiah Townsend (7) removed to New Ha~ ven, Conn~, arriving May 20, 1739. He ·was m. in They had:- Boston, Mass., by the Rev. The>n1as Prince, Ap. Winston Trowbridge, b. June 10, 1878. 16, 1734, to Hannah Kneeland, who d. July 30, Mary Leavenworth, b. Dec. 6, 1879. 1744, (2) Oct. 9, 1746, Rebecca (Parkman) Coit, James 1,fulford, Jr., Attorney and Counselor at who d. Jan. 15, 1785. Law, New York City; born Aug. 26, 1852, gradu­ Jeremiah Townsend, eldest s. of Jeremiah (7), ated at the Hopkins Grammar School in 1869, and b. Boston, Mass., Jan. 20, 1734-5 (p. 58) d. in after traveling through Europe, entered Yale New Haven, Conn., Sept. 24, Ii94- Inv. Mar. College in 1870 and graduated in 1874 with an 1795, £336. 7. 3-·Jeremiah Atwater and Rob't oration, and was chosen one of the Commence­ Townsend, apprs., s. Jeremiah adm'r., wid. refus­ ment speakers. He took. · besides other honors, ing. Sarah, a minor child chose bro. J ei'emiah both the Junior and Senior "Townsend prizes," guard. m. by Rev . .l\tir. Whittlesey, Nov. 20, 1761, was one of the editors of the "College Courant," Abigail, dau. of Hon. Timothy and Abigail (Day) ranked· first in his class in English Composition Woodbridge b. Stockbridge, Mass., Ap. 2, 1737, and received the DeForest prize (gold medal), d. New Haven, May 20, 1768. then the highest collegiate honor at Yale, being i. Jeremiah, b. June 27, 1i62. Y. C. 1779: en­ "awarded to that scholar of the Senior class who gaged in the shipping business with his f.-in-law, shall write and pronounce an English oration in Jeremiah Atwater. He d. in N. H. of yellow the best manner." On completion of his duties fever, July 22, 1805. Adm. of his est. given to at Yale he again visited Europe, and on his Wm. S. Hotchkiss and Thos. Townsend July 29, return studied law in the office of Chittenden & 1805 ; bond $40,000 ; Anna, H. Denison, Lydia, · Hubbard, and at same time was a member of James A., Chas. W., Nancy and Wm. B. named Columbia Law School in New York, from ,vhich as heirs. He m. June 4, 1784, Anna, dau. of he graduated in 1876, and in the same year be­ Jeremiah, and Anna ('~fix) Atwater,. b. Sept. 28, came · a member of the firm of Chittenden & 1764; d. Aug. 10, 1852, a. 88. Hubbard, and upon the retirement of Mr. Huh­ r. Juliana, b. Oct. 15, 1785; d. Dec. 17, 1824: bard became a member of the new firm of Chit­ m. Henry Denison, pres. New Haven Banlc-i. tenden, Townsend & Chittenden. l\1r. Townsend I. Henry. 2. Charles. 3. Abel. was married Nov. 15, 1882, in Lexington, Va., 2. Anna b. Sept. 20, 1788; d.· Ap. tr, 1819. to Miss Harriet Campbell, daughter of Professor 3. William Buck, b Ap. 6, 1790; d. May 18, John Campbell. LL.D., Professor of .Geology and 1867; res. in N. Y. C., and was Editor of the Chemistry in Washington and Lee University of N. Y. Evening Express,· m. at Raynham, E. H., Lexington. Susan T. Bills, and had besides 3 daus. 13. CHARLES HERVEYS (William K.,7 l.saac,6 I. Kneeland S., b. at Raynham, E. H., Sept. lsaac,5 Jeremfah,4 ]saac,3 Samue/,2 Thomast), 7, 18r8; merch. N. Y. C. ; residence on Staten born at "Raynham," East Haven, married April Island. N. Y. 26, 1871, Mary Ann, daughter of Henry and 2. · Henry Denison, b. Dec. 25, 1825; · 1a wyer, Elizabeth (Prescott) Hotchkiss of New Haven, colonel. N. Y. C.· . where she was born Dec. S, 1839. 3. \Villiam B., b. Dec. 4, 1829. 34 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

1. Susan m. G. S. Scofield, J\gt. Am. S. S. bt1siness, N. Y. C.; res. EJizabeth, N. J. I. \Villie Union, N. Y. • b. Ap. 8, 1870. 2. Julia m. Nathaniel hiiarsh, Pres. N. Y. 3. Ed ward W., b. Springville, N. Y., Juty & Erie R. R. Co. . -·24, 1850; d. Nov. 29, 1854. 3. 11ary Townsend m. George B. Ripley, 4- George, b. Columbus, 0., Jan. 3, 1852. Banker, N. Y. iii. Jane C., b. N.ov. 30, 1823, m. Guilford 4. Jeremiah, b. Ap. 7, 1793'; d. Sept. 5, 1795. Reed Wilson of Burlington, Pa., Mar. 31, 1846. 5. Catharine, b. Nov. 3, 1796; d. June 24, t8o3. He d. Feb. 18, 1877. i. · 6. Lydia, b. June 30, 1798; d. June 23, 1821. iv. !,'.[ary W., b. Ap. 5, 1826, m. Andrew "J. Jeremiah, b. Dec. 29, 18oo; d. Oct. 16, 1845 ; Jackson Rich, Aug. 12, 1846. He d. in N. Y. m. lfary C. 11:ix-rem. to 1-Io. 1. James T. 2. Dec. 15, 1870, Pres. of Bank of Attica, Buffalo, Louisa R. N. Y. i. 8. Catharine \V., b. June 30, 18o3; m. Francis v. Charles, b. Ap. 12, 1831, Y. C. 1856, m. T. Jarman: had son F. Townsend Jarman, mer­ Man.ha S. Rich at Buffalo, June, 1856, d. Sept. I, chant of New Haven, Conn. · 1877, at Haslach, Germany. They have: Charles, ii. ,voodbridge, b. No,~. 2I, Ij62; d. 1762; d. s. b. July 15, 1857; Harriet, b. June 12, 1859; Ed­ J>. Feb. 20, 1793; m. Catharine --- who d. a ward Corning, b. June 10, 186o; Cora, b. Jan. abt. 20 yrs.; (2) Sally Gorham-She m. (2) IO, 1867.'• . Isaac Beers. vi. Fra11ces H., b. July 25, 1835, m. Charles iii. Abigail, b. June 29, 1764; d. Sept. 10, Sm. Rossell at Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1856. He d. iv. Abigail, b. June 24, d. Dec., 1767. Apr. 16, 1869. They had : Fanny Townsend, b. v. Thomas, d. s. i. at Nassau, New Provi­ Jan. 7, 1857; Pierre Adolph, b. 1Iay 3, 1859; dence, \V. I., m. --- Charles Wilson, b. May 13, 1863. vi. Sally. 4- Hannah, b. Mar. 5, 1789; d. Mc.\r. 12, 1835 ; James, in I, 1870; vii. d. N. H. Ap. ·m. -­ m. at Buffalo, N. Y., George Coit, Esq.,f Apr. 4, Cook, (..2) Hulda Smith-i. by 2 m. 1815. She d. 1'-1:ar. 1835. He d. 11ay 9, 1866. 1. Emily. 2. Virginia: an Authoress. 3. Mary. i. Sarah Frances, b. 1816. Samuel, b. Oct. 14, 1740, d, Aug. 29, 1795, in ii. Charles Townsend, b. 1819--iii. Geo., b. · East Haven~ m. Sarah Treadway, who d. Feb. 1821. 7, 18o1, aged 64- \Vill proved 1\1:ar. 16, 18o1. iv. John Townsend, b. 1824-v. Francis Ed.;. Gave all property to nephew J ered Andrewes and ward, b. 1826. wife Dorothy. vi. N ath'l Townsend, b. 1829--vii. Eliza Rip- Hannah Townsend (p. 58), 6th child of Jere­ ley, b. 1832. · miah (7), b. Nov. 9, 1742, d. 1-Iay 31, 1873, at viii. William Benjamin, b. 1835. New Haven. 5. Rebecca Parkman, b. Aug. 19, 18oo; d. Children by 2d wife Rebecca (Parkham) Coit. Buffalo, 1879, unm. · Nathaniel Townsend, b. Oct. 10, 1747 (p. 58), s. of Jeremiah (7) m. Hannah, dau. of John and Zipporah (Hartshorn) Hughes, Sept. 7, 1744, d. in Norwich, Conn., 18o2, a. 52. She d. Jan. 23, 1799, a. 74- They had John Townsend, born Aug. I, 1749, son of Jere­ I. Fanny, b. Nov. 7, 1776; d. Mar. 29, miah (7), died in New Haven, Conn., Feb. 6, 1836, unm ... 1833. He was a West India merchant, and a 2. John Hughes, b. Sept. 1, 1778; d. Oct. 4, charter member of the 2d Company Governors 1858, unm. · Foot Guards, and at the Lexington Alarm in 3. Charles, b. Norwich, Conn., Jan. 22, 1775 he marched -to Boston with his company, 1786; d. Sept. 14, 1847; m. by Rev. John Chester, .. under the command of Captain Benedict Arnold. D.D., at Albany, June 5, 1819, Jane Corning of Jan. 23, 1780, m. :?viartha Beardsley of Stratford, ·Hartford, Conn. He was appointed Judge of the Conn., b. Sept. 22, 1753, and d. in New Haven, Court of Common Pleas, Niagara Co., N. Y., Nov. 7, 1797. She was the first person buried in Apr. 1814, and ,vas Pres. of the Buffalo Savings the city cemetery on Grove St.., Nov. 9, 1797. Bank at the time of his death. They had · i. Anna M., b. Ap. 23, 1820, m. Alfred Par­ They had · ish Stone of Columbus, 0., May II, 1841. He d. rs i. James Webster, b. J tily 20., 1782 ; d~ Dec. Aug. 3, 1865. i. 21, 1824- . . ii. George C., b. Sept. 25, 1821; d. Jan. 31, ii. Frances, b. July 12, 1785 ; d,. 1Iay 15, 184,5. 1852; m. Louisa 1fatth~ws, Aug. 30, 1843. He d, iii. Rebecca, b. Nov. 24, 1788; d. July 23, Columbus, 0., Jan. 30, 1852. They had 186g. I. Charles, b. July I, · 18.t-4, merch't, I 16 iv. Lucius Beardsley, b. Sept. 9, 1793; d. John St., N. Y. C.; res. Elizabeth, N. J.; m. thr. Apr. 5, 1794- Sept. 29, 1868, 1-Iary ~I ulligan. 1. Louisa b. Jan. James Webster (15), born in Ne.w Haven, was 31, 1870-2. Harriet b. Ap: t, 1874- a mariner. June 20, 1&:>7, he . married Rachel 2. Louis, b. Clarence. N. Y., June 23, Mansfield, daughter of James Kiersted Mansfield 184-7; m. at Elizabeth, N .. J., June 8, 1869, Carrie of New Haven. She was born 11arch 14, 1787, W. };!cKinley. He is in the Gents' Furnishing and died Feb. 26, 1855. They had 35 TOWNSEND~TOWNSHEND

i. Lucius· Beardsley, b. Apr. 16, 18o8; d. in ~far. 13, 1812· (bro. of Henry, who m. Grace), N. 1-I. 1Iar. 19, 1882. Gov. of Conn. ~ terms-U. S. Senator. 16 ii. Johri, b. July 10, 1812; d. l,far. 16, 1867. 1. ·Henry Fow]er English, b. June 5, 1851,· iii. 1.Iary Frances, b. June 20, 1820; d. in other issue ·dee. · Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1899. I. Grace Fowler m. Sept. 16, 1839, Henry. 16 John Townsend 7 . (James \V. 6, John 5, s. of James and Nancy Griswold English, b. Sept." Jeremiah 4, Isaac 3, Samuel 2, Thomas I), ~Ier­ 4, 1816; d. July 5, 1847-i. chant and Captain of lvlilitia. He married Feb. I. Benjamin Rice English, b. Feb. 26, 1842. .5, 1837, Rebecca, daaghter of Sidney Hull of New Pres.. Board of Selectmen New Haven; ex-Pres. Haven. She was born Feb. 24, 1815, and died· Board of Fire Commissioners; m. 1.fay 17, 18(,6, Mar. 6, 1849. · Theresa Henrietta Farren-i. They had I. James Edward, b. Sept. 17, 1868-2. i. Amelia Hull, b. Nov. 4, 1837, m. Sep. 5, Benjamin Farren, June .25, 1873-3. Grace Lou­ 1861, Elnathan Dwight Street of East l-Iaven, isa, b. Sept. 5, 1877. Conn. They had Clara Rebecca, b. June 5, 1862. 3. Charles Fowler, d. 1883. Many years ii. John \Vebster, b. Feb. 2r. 1841. Hard­ City Eng. of N. H. ware merchant in New Haven (The Bronson & ii. Nancy, b. 1783; d. lfay 19, 1824. Townsend Co.)~ 1\Iarried June 6, 1871, Ella Tal­ iii. Timothy Parkman, b. 1785 ;· d~ April 5, cott Hun, who died 1Iar. 10, 1872; (2) 2, l~~~~ . . . 1878, married J..Iary Hickey, born April 4, 18--1-9, iv. Charles, b. Feb. 26, 1795; m. · 1821, Rhoda died 1',fay 14, 18g8. A. Thomas, of l\.Iass. ; rem. to ?vfaine; merchant; They had : lVIa ry Ella, b. June 15, 188o. she d. Nov. 10, 1835. . iii. Jeremiah, b. Apr. 28, 1843. During the · t. Charles Thomas, b. Feb. 6, r829; 'drowned Civil War he was Captain in the Seventh Connec­ in East River April 14, 1834- ticut Vqlunteers. iiarried July 5, 1881, Ida Vanda .2. Betty P., b. Oct. 29, r826. Huke. He died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1900. 3. Emeline, b. Feb. 3, 1828; d. Feb. 8, 1854. iv. Charles Knevals, b. July 10, 1847. John 4- George R., b. July 18, 1831, unm. (16) married (2) l\1ay 15, 1854, Harriet Esther 5. 1'1ary A., b. June 27, 1833. Sears, daughter of Elisha Sears of :Middletown, 6. Rhoda A., b. Oct. 17, 1835. Conn. She was born April 15, 1830; died June v. Alling, b. 1.far. 13, I79i; d. N. H., May 15, 1891. 29th, 1866; m. r829, widow Phebe Pratt. (2) . They had 184r, Susan Blackman. v. Harriet Rebecca, b. Oct. 31, 1855 . 1. Julia Ann, b. l\.1ar. 16, 1835. . vii. Mary Mans.field., b. July 22, 1857, d. 1viar. 2. Frederick Augustus, b. May I, 1845 ; d. 17, 1859. July 28, Sm. - vii. Emily A11ison, b. Sept. 30, r86o; gradu­ 3. George Pratt, b. Dec. 21, 1846. _ated at Vassar College with hooors 1884- 4- Alonzo Augustus, b. Dec. 23, 1846; mer­ viii. Joseph Hendley, b. Jan. 18, 1862. Yale chant; m. Nov. 19, 1868, Emma Benton, of New College, Class 1885. Physician and Secretary Haven. J\:fr. Townsend, who is a staunch Re­ Conn. State Board of Health, New Haven. i\Iar­ publican, was elected a member of the Board · of ricd Apr. 28, 18g6, Bertha, daughter of General Common Council of New Haven for the 9th ward E. D. S. Goodyear of North Haven, Conn., who in 1882; and in 1883 an Alderman for the same. was born Aug. 4, 1865. ward for the term of 2 years. ~Ir. T. is a Deacon Charles Knevals (iv), son of John Townsend, of the Dwight Place Church, and has held other ~ruit Grower, Gold Run, Placer County, Cal., important offices of trust. married in 1873 Emily Schofield of Leoni, 1Ii ch. I. Herbert Benton, b. Oct. 8, 1877-2. . They had 1viabel Cornelia, b. May 15, 1879-3. Roger Al­ i. John Schofield, b. Oct. 1874; d. Feb. 4, ling, b.. Sept. 2, 1882. 1875. 5. Edward, b. Sept. 28. 1849. · ii. John ,vebster, b. Feb. 15, I8i6, 6. Emily 1Iaria, b. April Ir, 1855. iii. 1\fary Elizabeth, b. Dec. 21, 1878. vi.· William, b. June 16, 1799; m. Mar. 12, jy_ Emily Alvira, b. Dec. 26, 1883. 1826, ~faria 1'.'1iles :vlcN eil ; b. I 797 ; d. April 20, v. Martha Amelia, b. Oct. 13, 1888. 1831-(2.) l\.far. 11. 1832, in Trinity Church, N. · vi. Charles Herbert, b. 1viar. 13, 1893. H., Rebecca Trowbridge, b. Nov. 8, 17g8; d. in ~ebecca Townsend, b. Dec. 14, 1751 (p. 58), N. H. rvir. Townsend is a gentleman of marked daµ. of Jer. Townsend (7) ; d. Jan. 28, 18oo, a. ability and has held many important offices of 49, m. Abel Buel. trust. Is Senior \Varden of Christ Church, New William Townsend (58), s. of Jer. Townsend Haven. (i), rem. Colchester, Ct. i. \Villiam liiles, b. Jan. 12, 1827; d. June, Timothy Townsend, s. of Jer. Townsend (7), 183a. m. Hannah Alling-i. 2. Susan :M:aria, b. June· 31, 1829; m." Jan. ~. i. Patty, b. Jan. 18, 1781 ; d. Feb. 12, 1835, 24, 1842, Albert liix died at Macon, Georgia: a. 55 1 m. Timothy Fowler., of N. H., 9 chil.; of Mar. .26, 1882. whom: I. Albert Townsend1 b. Sept 14, 1854- 2~ Caroline A~ Fowler, d. Oct. 23, 1874; m. 2. \Vi11iam 1-Iiles, b~ l\facon, Georgia, Dec. Jan. .25, 1837, Hon. James Edward English; b. 28, 1858. 36 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

3. Harry Crosswell, b. iiacon, Jan. II, company with Hon. Alvin Bronson, afterwards. the 186r. Charles, ~Iary, 11aria, Anne, John, of first mayor of Oswego, and Capt. Sheldon whom in 1884 Harry, Anne and John survive. Thompson, who. had commanded the ship ''Ke­ 3.. \Villiam 1\-Iiles, b. April I, 1831; rn. Ma­ ziah" (Townsend, Bronson & Co.), engaged in con, April 22, 1857, llartha Anne Bond, dau. of transportation and trading on the lakes. Elijah Bond,· Esq., merchant and president of the . l\Ir. Townsend was part owner of the schooner ~lanufacturer's Bank of 1Iacon, Georgia. During Erie, the first vessel that passed through the the war for southern rights and recognition· ·he \iVelland canal. Two of.his vessels, "Gov. Tomp­ senred with the Confederate Army, entering the kins," and the "Fair American," were in Com. service in Dec., 1861, as Junior 1st Lieut. of the · Chauncey's Fleet in the war of 1812 and at the Napier Battery of Light Artillery, General vV. H. close of the war were bought of the U. S. Gov. by T. \Valker's Brigade, from which he was trans­ 1\-Ir. Townsend's firm and resumed the transpor­ ferred to the Engineer Corps of General Joseph tation business. He bought a fine estate of 300 Johnston, where he remained until the surrender acres on the heights above Lewiston, on which of that brilliant chieftain. l\Ir. Townsend writes a battery was erected (Fort Gray) and a regiment the compiler: "The house in which I was born of riflemen quartered in ,var of 1812-14. At was formerly the barn of Benedict Arnold, who burning of Lewiston, his store, before mentioned, achieved distinction. as a soldier and notoriety as was destroyed. In 18-18 he rem. to Buffalo, and a traitor in the Revolution episode with England. d. there at the house of his son-in-law J. C. Here is a concatenation as it were of "Good Evans, Esq., l\Iay 7, 1852, a. 83 yrs. He m. July Friday," "All Fool's Day," "Benedict Arnold," li98, Betsy, dau. of Sheldon Clark, of Derby, and a "Townshend." He m. (2) Ellen Amelia, Conn. (2.) Feb., 18o6, Eunice, dau. of Eldad At­ only surviving daughter of Dr. Thomas Dutton water, of N. H.; b. Oct. 30, 1781; d. Buffalo, of !vlilford, Conn., b. July 11th, 1842. i. by 1st m. Aug. 2, 1848. I. , Grace Wylie, b. Macon, Ga., Jan. 21, i. Kneeland, b. Derby, Conn., April 16, 1800; J86I. d. Lewiston; m. at L., July 1, -1821, Caroline, dau. i. by 2d m.: of Hon. Gideon Frisbie; b. Johnstown, N .. Y., 2. Ellen Dutton, of New I-Iaven., June 18, l\1ay IS, 1804; d. at Milan, 0., 1873, i. at L. \Vhile living 1Ir. T. compiled for the writer more 3. Isabel Dutton., of New Haven, ?viar. 21., than 50 pages of reminiscences of New Haven 1872. and its environs. 4. Alice Rebecca Dutton, b., N. H .., Feb. I. Kneeland, b. 11:ay 14, 1823; m. --­ 21, 1882. and had: 4- Henry Alonzo, d. Mar. I, 1841. 1. Arthur· K., b. Sept. S, 1857-2. Har­ 5. Charles Timothy, b. Oct. 17, 1833; m. riet 1-I., b. June 14, 1859. Oct. 24, 1855, Elizabeth Augusta Ford, who d. 2. Eliz;abeth F., b. Aug. 7, 1827; d. Newark, April 17, 1861, a. 27-(2.) Adela Josephene N. Y., Aug. 5, 1840. Barnes, l\fay 20th, 1863. 3. Jacob B., b. June 20, 1824; d. on Lake I. Charles Edwin, b. July 1, 1866. Erie, Nov. 7, 1844; bu. Sandusky, 0. 6. James Edwin, b. Dec. 10, 1835 ; d. Oct. 4 Harriet, b. Sept. 25, 1828; d. 11:ilan, 0., 18, 1853. Jan. 6, 184-7. 7. Emily Rebecca, b. Oct. 20, 1837; d. Feb. 5. \Villiam C., b. 1-lar. 31, 1830; d .. Aug. S, 1844. 5, 1831. Kneeland, s. of Isaac Townsend (8), p. 59; b. 6. Susan P., b. Sept. 6, 1832; d. J\!ar. in Stratford, Conn.; m. Dec. 12, 1789, Susanna 30, 1848. . Thompson, who d. at 2t'Iilan, 0., April 6, 1842; 7. William R., b. Gaines, N. Y., April 15, a 74, s. i. 1833; d. Victor, N. Y., Aug, 1834. · 8. lfary Anne, b .. V. Aug. 7, 1834; d. M. Jacob, s. of Isaac Townsend (8), p. 59, b. Feb. 28, 1851 ; m. George '\Vood. Stratford, Conn., April 10, 1769; sornetin1e in r. Caddie, b. Sept. 5, 1857. shipping bus. in New Haven, firm of Gillet & 9. Dorothea, b. V. Oct. 27, 1835; d. 11:. Townsend. Mr. Townsend about the year 1804 July 28, 1850. . freighted a vessel at New Haven with a complete 10. Sarah, b. Newark, N. Y., June 28, 1844; · outfit for a country store and sailed for Matta­ d. Feb. 7, 1845. masket, North Carolina. He also took several ii. Sheldon Clark, b. N. H., Jan. 18, 1802; ship carpenters and there cut timber and built m. at Niagara Falls, rv!ar. 14, 1824, Rachel, dau. the ship "Keziah," which, when completed, he of Samuel and Mary Tompkins, of Niagara, N. loaded with lumber, naval stores and re-embarked Y.; b. Vv estchester Co., N. Y., Feb. 20, 18o3- the goods from the store unsold, and sailed for res. Lewiston. To this gentleman now ( 1884) the West Indies, where the cargo and goods living, the compiler is indebted for many historical were exchanged in part for a return cargo which and genealogical facts and his genealogy of this he sold in New Haven at a good profit. He was branch of the family. 1fr. Townsend's well-spent a large owner in the Derby Fishing Co., and on life has been devoted to the noblest works of man, account of losses by the ivfilan Decree and Em­ having held many offices. of trust, notwithstanding bargo, settled his Connecticut business and rem. his business relations. He has for many years to Lewiston, Niagara Co., N. Y., jn 18o8, and in officiated as a "Local Preacher" in the Methodist 37 TOWNS-EN D-T·o \¥NS HEN D

Episcopal Church, a class of men much appreci- Ob.i

DESCENDANTS OF EBENEZER Nov. 29, 1853. See his voyage in ship Neptune, TO\VNSEND. Capt. Daniel Green, to the South Seas and home to New 1-Iaven, via Sandwich. Islands and China. Ebenezer Townsend, b. Boston, l\.fass., June as, He m. abt. 18o3 Clarissa Mix, who d. in N. H., 1716; (p. S7 Isaac, Samuel, Thomas,) with 181& . brother Jeremiah removed to New Haven, Conn., _ I. Emily, d. 1863; m. 1830 Edward L., s. of J.1ay 20,· 1739. He was a builder and. built the Elihu Mix, sea capt., b. 1802 ; d. 188o. old court or colony house on the New Haven I. Edward Townsend l\fix, b. in New Green~ He d. Dec. 30, 1775. Son Ebenezer admr., Haven, Conn., 1835, architect of Milwaukee, Wis­ bond £300 and was authorized to sell the real consin, and possesses the log of the Neptune, the estate in 1777. He m. Boston, Sept. 19, 1738, first American ship that circumnavigated the globe Elizabeth Larmon, b. Sept. 6, 1718; d. in N. H. while on a trading and sealing voyage, and Aug. 30, 1784. 7 chil. b. in N. H. - owned by his great grandfather and Isaac and i. Ebenezer, b. Sept. 2; d. Sept. 23, 1739. Kneeland Townsend, his cousins, and her Cap­ ii. Sarah, b. Nov. 14, 1740; d. Sept. 22, 1802. tain, Daniel Green ; ( the log was kept by his 16. iii. Ebenezer, b. July 27, 1742. grandfather Ebenezer Townsend.) He m. 1!ary, iv. Solomon, b. Oct. 3, 1744; d. in N. II~; dau. of John Hayes, a 2d cousin of- President m. - and had Hayes. . I. Elijah, rem to Phil. 2. Clara Mix. 3. Fannie Mix. 4- Em­ v. Betsey, b. Oct. 2, 1746; d. s. p., 1820; m. ily 1Iix, m. James Baldwin. 5. Anne Mix. · -- Caperirig; rem. to N. Y. State. 2. 1-laria, _d. unm. 17. vi. Robert, b. Aug. 14, 1748. 3. Edward, d. y. vii. Jeremiah, b. Sept. 29, 1751: d. Aug.. iv. Sally, b. Oct. 16, 1776; d. Cleveland, 0., 14, 1752. May 29, 1841 ; m. Oct., 18o1, Hezekiah, s. of viii. Elias, b. May :25, 1754; rem. to Maine. Hezekiah and Hannah (Beers) Howe. He was ix. J-Iezekiah, b. Mar. 9, 1755. a posthumous child b. 1775; d. May, 1838. He x. Anna, b. June 24, 1756; d. 1837; m. Dan­ was for 50 years a bookseller in N. H. Brig. iel Goffe Phipps, merchant of New Haven, Conn. Gen'l of Conn Militia, and during the war of xi. Abigail, b. N av. 5, 1758; m. - Good­ 1812-14 was military commandant of N. H. i. win; rem.- to Poughkeepsie. I. Ebenezer, b. Sept., 1802; d. Jan. 26, 18r9. xii. Julia, b. Apr. 6, 1760. 2. Clarissa, b. 1803 ; d. 1873 ; m. Sept. 20, Ebenezer Townsend,16 b. July 27, 1742; d. N. 1825, Alfred, s. of Gen'l Nathaniel and Catharine H., July 21, 1824; will dated Nov. 30, 1812, names (\Vadsworth) Terry, b. 1802, Y. C. 1821; d. in wf. Thankful Sophia-dau. Sarah Howe, wf. of N. H. 186o-His sis. Catharine Terry was the 2d Hezekiah-s. Elihu-dau. Grace, wf. of Nathan wife of Rev. Dr. Leonard Bacon. Starr, and such chil. of s. Ebenezer as may be I. Clara Howe Terry, b. Sept.,_ 18:26. living at my death. S.-in-law Howe and son 2. Alfred Howe Terry, b. Nov. 10, 1827; Elihu, exec'rs, but being found insolvent, com­ grad. Yale Law School; Brig. Gen'l U. S. A.; missioners were appointed to administer the est.; unm. He commanded the land forces at the James and Isaac Townsend, creditors. A pew in capture of Fort Fisher. the North Church appears in the inv., valued · 3. Harriet Wadsworth Terry, b. Feb. 2, at $200. 1829; many years a teacher in N. H., and for He m. tfar. 18, 1768, Eunice, dau. of Caleb and seven years Lady Principal of Vassar Female Mehitable (liix) Atwater b. Sept. 10, 1736; d. College; unm. - July 25, 1784. · ( She ,vas wid. of Phineas Cook, 4. Adrian Terry, b. Sept. 12, 1831; was by who1n she had a dau. Eunice, whom. June 14, on Staff of Gen. A. H. Terry in the war, -with 1780, _Capt. Stephen Dummer, and had Phineas the rank of Col. · Cook Dummer. Sarah Atwater, sis. of Eunice, 5. Jeremiah Wadsworth Terry, b. May 25, m. Samuel Street, and was mother of Titus Street 1833; M.D., was surgeon in 22d Conn. Vols. of N. H.) 6. Robert Goldsborough Terry, b.- Sept. He m. (2) Nov. 20, 1785, Thankful Sophia, 27, 1837. 7. Eliza Howe Terry, b. Jan. 29,· 1840. dau. of· Ebenezer and Thankful (Nichols) Bar­ 8. Frances Terry, b. Jan. 10, 1843. 9. Frederick nard of Hartford, hap. at house of Na than Starr, Terry, b. Ap. 15, 1845. 10. Jane Russell Terry, Mar. 24, 1751. She was wid. of Rev. Allyn b. Dec. 4, 1846. . Mather of N. H., by whom she had Allyn, a 3. Jane Howe, b. Dec. I4, 1807; m. May lawyer, and afterwards a ship builder, and Sophia. 30, 1837, Moses Kelly, b. Groveland, N. Y., 18og; Her bro. Timothy Barnard was father of Hon. d. Cleveland, 0., 1870; lawyer. Daniel Dewey Barnard, LL.D., U. S. Minister to I. Frank Howe. 2. Jane Eliza. 3. }far­ Prussia-, 1849-53. She d. in N. H., Aug. 19, 1828. garet Sterling. 4- Geo. Daniel. 5. Mary Sarah. i1r. Townsend was known at one time as the 6 Clara Howe. Great l\f erchant of New Haven, his ships making · 4- Francis Howe, b. Jan. 8, 1811; d.. in voyages to China and London from New Haven. Chicago, Ill., Aug., 1850. Educated at West Point i.. Sally, b. May 25, 176g; d. Dec. 20, 1772. Mil. Acad. Sometime Secretary of the Chi~ago ii. Son, b. Jan. 15-; d. Jan. 17, 1771. and Galena R. R. Co.; m. 1841, Rove Victore iii. Ebenezer, b. Nov. 24, 1773 ; he was a Bailley, of mixed French. and Indian extrac­ mercl1ant, banker and ship owner; he d. in Ill. tion. i. 39 TO \V N S -END - TO \V N SH END

r. Rose Bailley Howe, b. 1842; educ. at 5. Hen·ry, b. June 28, 1818; d. Oct. 2, r819. Cath. Con. near Terre 1-Iaute, Ind. Author of 6. Emily Helen, b. June 5, 1820; m. Sam- A Visit to the Jfiraculous Lady of Lourdes, and uel \Yard. · a much valued contributor to the catholic press, 7. Grace Ann, b. Mar. 20; d. Oct. 3, 1822. for which she earned the title of "defender of 8. Grace Anna, b. Aug. 16, 1823; m. Chas •. the faith." She d. unm. Dyer (2) James Peck. 2. Frank I-Iowe, d. y. 3. Eleanor Howe, 9. Henry \Vard, b. 1\1:ay 30, 1826. d. y. 4 Frances Howe (dau.), author of Louisa 10. Frederick Barnard, b. July 2, 1829. Lateau, and contributot to catholic publications; Ir. Edward Pomeroy, b. July 19, 1832; d. unm. Oct. 12, 1835. 5. Ann Howe, b. ~lay 14, 1813; unm. I. Robert Townsend (17), ~- Aug. 14, 6. Henry Howe, b. Oct. 11, 1816; author ol 1748; d. N. I-I., Nov. 19, 18o6; merch't; m. July sixteen books, among which are several State 19, 177r, Hannah, dau. of John \Vhite, who d. Historical collections. See Alibone's, also Drake's Sept. 20, 18o3. The following lines, taken from Biog. Diet. He m. Sept. 8, 1847, Frances A., his mounment in the Grove street Cemetery, New dau. of Uri and Charlotte (Stow) Tuttle, b. Haven, Conn., bespeak his sterling character: N. H., Jan. 28, 1821-i. "Th' t t · th A. h f th · t l. Frances Charlotte Howe. 2 Clara is spo con ams e s es o e· J us Howe. . Frank Henry Townsend Howe. '\Vho sought no honor and betrayed no trust, Charles Tuttle3 Ho,ve. 4 This truth he proved in every pa th he trod, An honest man the noblest work of God.'' 7. Eliza Howe, b. Sept. 291 1819; d. !\,fay 8, 1837. 18 i. Amos, b. June S, 1773. v. Caleb Atwater, b. Ap. 27, 1779; d. s. I. ii. Polly, b. May 16, 1775; d. in Meadville, Ap. 24, 1858, in N. H. m. June, 18or, Nancy Pa., Jan. 1, 1855; m. Amos Benedict and had Barney, who d. July 7, 1865, a. &t.. He was a I. \Villis. 2. 1'.Iary Ann. 3. Jennette C. man of marked ability, and commanded the ship 4,. Charles. 5. Amos T. 6. Frederick. 7. ''Clarissa," an East Indian merchantman; also Robert T. 8. Wm. T. 9. Emily. 10. Eliza­ other vessels in the European and ,vest India beth. service. His statements to Jacob Townsend of 19 iii. Larmon, b. July 19, 1777. the condition of the Derby Fishing Company, iv. Betsey, b. June 6, 1779; d. July 6, 18.28; accompanied with a scheme to revive it, show a unm. marked ingenuity. v. Eli, b. June 10, 1782.; m. June 10, 18o4, vi. Elihu, b. Dec. 6, 1786; d. in N. Y. C., ·Abigail, dau. of Stephen and iiargaret Hall 1853. Firm of Nevins and Townsend, stock bro- Trowbridge, b. Feb. 15, 1783; d. 1Iay 19, 1853. kers. He was one of the founders and first I. n-i!ary Ann, b~ Dec. 12, 18o5; d. Jan. 17, directors of the N. Y. and Erie R. R. Co., of the 1835; m. April 25, 1824, Nathan Peck of N. ·H., N. Y. and New Hav. R. R. Co., and a director b. Feb. 6, 1802. Pres. :i\Ierchants Bank. He was of the Central R. R. Co. He m. run over by horse and wagon while cro?sing the Eliza Nevins of Norwich, Conn. street near his residence and d. about a week I. Russell. after, Jan. 26, 1882. Inv. $301,000. He was for 2. Eliza, m. Rev. Henry W. Bellows, D.D., many years interested in foreign commerce and of N. Y. C. railroads and manufactories. 3. ?v!ary, m. Charles Davis (2) Dr. Mayo, 1. Julia Caroline, b. Feb.. 26, 1825; d. U. S. N. ?viar. 7, 1847. 4- Frederick. 2. Robert, b. June 24, 1826; Y. C. 1847; 5. George. merchant; banker; treasurer New Haven Colony v:i. Grace, b. Aug. 28, Ii89; d. Aug. 16, 1855; Historical Society. m. June 25, 1810, Nathan, s. of Nathan and Polly 3. l\fariette, b. Aug. 16, 1828; d. at Pa- (Pomeroy) Starr, b. l1iddletown, Conn., Feb. 20, latka, Fla., Mar. 13, 1854. 1784; d. thr. Aug. 3r, 1852. He was a sword 4 lfargaret Townsend, b. 1'Iar. 23, 1831; manufacturer. m. June IS, 1858, Robert Stone, 11.D., of N. Y. I. ?v!ary Elizabeth, b. Ap. 14; d. Aug. 4 chil. I. Louisa M. 2. I\Iargaret. 3. Robert IJ, 1811. Cameron. 4- Amy Sigourney. 2. Elihu William Nathan, b. Aug. 10, 1812; 5. Ellen Waldron, b. Feb. 16, 1833; d. many years tov.-'ll clerk of 1fid., and during the Feb. 23, 1835. · · war Ad. Gen'l of Conn. 1-1il.; m. :Harriet Wet- 2. Margaret Hall, b. April 12, 1807. more Bush; several chit. See Starr Book. 3. Grace, b. Mar. 6, 18og; m. Sept. 7, 18o5, 3 Mary Elizabeth, b. Jan. 21, 1815; m. Dr. James '\Vhitney Carrington, b. 1Iay 6, 18og. 4,. Brewer. . chil., of whom: Grace Elizabeth, Adella Trow- 4- • Ebenezer Towns.end, b. Aug. 18, 1816; bridge, Edith Bissel. m. Almira, dau. of Chas. and Almira Strong Bao- I. James Morriso~, b. July 22, 1836; m. cock, b. Hrtf., Conn., Sept.. 24, 1824; d. N. Y., ~ug. I, 186o, Adelia Ellen Case, res. Astoria, N. Oct. 17, 1872. Y. 3 chit. I. Mary Townsend Start, l May 19, vi. Hannah, b. · Mar.. 5, 1784; d. Mar., 1873; 1845; d. N. Y. C., Jan. 4, 1848. m. Feb. 1, 18o7, Asa Bradley of N. H., merch., b. a. Almira Starr, b. N. Y., Dec. 19, 1849. E. Hav., July 19., 1781 ; d. Aug. 1, 1859. 40 TOWNSEND~TOWNSHEND

1. Robert Townsend.,· b. ~Iar. 22, 18o8; d. kiah Howe, who m. Sally Townsend, cousin of Jult 23., 18og. Amos. Captain Townsend commanded the ship 2. Elizabeth Ann, b. Feb. 17, 1810. ''Frances Anne," of 250 tons burthen, which, with 3. Mary \Vhite, b. Dec. 26, 1811. her consort, the "Clarissa," of about the same 4- Sarah S., b. June 9, 1814; d. Sept. 10, tonnage, made a long but profitable pepper voyage 18iS- to the Straits of 1'.Ialacca. It seems that, en­ 5. '\Villiam T., b. June 16, 1816; d. 1880; couraged by the splendid results of the sealing m. Apr. 10, 1839, l\Iary Ann Canfield. and trading voyage which was closed up about J. Helen T o,vnsend, b. Ap. 23, 1842. the ~ar 1800, Ebenezer Townsend, Jr., fitted out a. .Willis Benedict, b. Dec. IO, 1847. these ships. The "Clarissa," a new ship, was 4- Edward Sterling, b. Aug. 21, 1856. named after his wife, and commanded by his 6. Sarah, b. July 15, 1818. brother Caleb Atwater Townsend, and the "Fran­ 7. Charles, b. June 20,. 1820; d. Aug. Son. ces Anne," an old vessel, commanded by his 8. Augustus M., b. Dec. 23, 1821 ; d. June cousin Capt. Amos Townsend. The "Clarissa'' "/, 1822. sailed in l\:lay, and being coppered, made a quick 9. Henry, b. Sept. 4, 1823; d. June 15, 1859. passage out to Polo Penang, where she loaded vii. Robert, b. l\fay 8, 1786; n1erch't; d. :May and called at the Prince of \Vales Island to n1eet 19, 1814; m. Sally Ford of .N. H., b. Sep. 29, her consort, the "Frances Ann," with orders, but 1784; d. Ap., 1858. after awaiting her arrival for a month, gave her -: 1. Julia A., b. Ap., 18og; m. Lucius K. up as lost, and sailed for home. The "Frances Dow, druggist, Ap., 1830. Ann" sailed in Junc, and not being coppered and I. Julia T., b. 11:ar. 5, 1831. experiendng light winds and cahns, was com­ 2. Virgil 1\1:., b. Ap. 14, 1833. pelled to go out of her way ''to water," and ar­ 2. Caroline, b. l\Iay, 1810; d. 1813. rived at the Prince of \Vales Island after a pass­ 3._ Robert, b. 1812; d. 1835. . age of 237 days, and 30 days after the "Clarissa" viii. Nancy, b. Ap. 29, 1788; d. Dundee, N. Y.; had sailed. She at once proceeded to Polo m. Augustus l\1altby. Penang, where Captain Townsend purchased I. Theodore. block tin for ballast to the value of $4,000, and 2. Augustus. then. negotiating bills on his owners and loaded 3. George W., b. Sept. 11, 1821, m. Sarah the ship to her full capacity with pepper in bulk, A. Bogart, l\1Iay 14, 1846. A much respected mer­ and took his departure for home, after six weeks chant of N. H. l\1em. Board of Common Council, detention. She was six months on the passage New Haven, and had to New Haven, including a short stay at the 1. Theodore Augustt1s, b. Mar. 19, 1847, m. Cape of Good Hope, and came in via Sandy Emma D. Clark, Apr. 8, 1882, issue Grace Sarah, Hook, through the Sound ,vithout stopping.• One Edith Rebecca. .,µiorning.. about Oct. 1st, 18o2, a. ship appeared in 2. Emily \Villiams, b. Nov. 8, 1848, m. the "offing" at New Haven (something like the. Chas. E. Alling, Oct. 22, 1873, issue Charles Ed­ the Phantom Ship) and continued her course up ward, :Mary Eleanor, Percy Williams, Roger Ells­ the harbor to her anchorage, when her o,vners worth. recognized her as the "Frances Ann," which they 3. Eleanor Augusta, b. May 12, 1850, m. had given up as lost. The pepper was. landed at Henry H. Benedict, Apr. 16, 1872, issue Henry Greeri's \Vharf, and the adventures of the two Hobart, Paul 11altby, Helen 11argaret. ships yielded the owners a profit of about $30,000. ·4. George Ellsworth, b. Feb. 9, 1852, m. i. Elias Stillwell, b. July 10, 1796; d. Oct. Georgiana 11orehouse, 11ay, 1882, issue 1Iaud 24, 1820, unm. He was a banker. . Evelyn, May Violet. ii. Amos, b. July 3, 1 i~Cashier New Ha;. · 5. Charles Townsend, ·b. Sept. 8, 1858. . ven Bank for 50 years, and never absent on ac­ ix. \Villiam, b. Ap. 19, 1790; d. Oct. .28, 1865; count of ill healtli a day. m. 1\iiay 4, 1847, M:elissa m. Harriet Ford of N. H., b. June 14, 178g; d. Hyde. Huntington of Becket, 1fass., b. ~larch 13~ Ap. 1871. . 18o7; of this gentleman's extraordinary ability as 1 Harriet Ford, b. Jan. 3, 1815; d. June an accountant and financier too much cannot be '7, 1835. said to his credit. · 2. Caroline, b. Feb. 3, 1817. 1. Sarah l\felissa, b. 1\-Iay 5, 1849; d. Dec. 3. Eliza \Vhite, b. 1'Iar. 19, 1819. 9, 1861. 1\iir. Townsend adopted an orphan, Al­ 4. William H., b. Feb. 16, 1822; d. Sept•. bert Donaldson Townsend, rn. l\far. 15, 1854; Y. 18, 1851. C. I8i5; of Norwich, Conn. . · s. George Ezra, b. June 20, 1825. iii. Infant s., b. July 13, 18oo; d. next day. 6. Mary Louisa, b. 1-Iar. 25, 1828; d. Aug. iv. Sally, b. Sept. 30, 18o1; d. Ap. 30, . 1805. 25, 1851. v. Hannah M., b. Dec. 1, 1803; d. Aug. x. Willis, b. Feb. 9, 1792; d. Oct. 22, 1795. 14., 1873. . Amos Townsend (18), b. June 5, 1773; at age vi. Robert, b. l\-Iar. 12, z8o6; d. Ap. 12, 18o7. of 12 went as cabin boy;· was a ship master for vii. Julia Ann, b. Feb. 15, 18o8; d. June abt. 30 yrs., trading to the East and West Indies. 3, 18og. . He d. in N. H., Nov. 21, 1855; m." Oct. 15, 1795, viii. Emmeline, b. 1far. 11, 1810. Sally, dau. of Hezekiah Howe, b. Feb. 22, 1773; ix. Eliza Collis, b. Feb. 3, 1812; m. Sept. 10> d. Feb. 22, 1826. She was sister of Gen'l l-Ieze- 1834, Abijah, s. of Abijah and Polly (Bassett) 41 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

Bradley of Derby, Conn., metch't; b. Sept. 19, 8. Caroline Eliza, b. Oct.. 12, 1842 ; d. May I8o6 ; d •. Dec. 16, 1868. 2, 1871; m.· May 27, 18(», '\Villard F. Pardee I. Helen Darling, b. June 9, 1835. of N. H. . 2. Frank Howe, b. Sept. 20, 1838; Y. C. I. Edward Townsend, b . .l\fay .28, 1869- 1863; Prof. of Geology in Univ. of Tenn. Killed 2. Charles Bradley, b. Feb. 14, 1871. 1'1ar. 27, 1879, by caving of a gold mine in 9. Ele~nor Clarissa, b. Ap. 12, 1845. Nacochee, Ga. Author of several valuable scien­ 10. Juba Peck, b. F eh. 10, 1848; m. Sept. 13, tific papers, among which is a geological map of 1871, · Walter B. Law. the U. S., pub~ 1876. Prof. Dana of Yale College I. Grace Easton, b. July 6, 1872. said that his death was a great loss to geological vi. Henry, b. Ap. 23, 18o5. Epis. clergyman science. At one time he became much interested in Wallingford, Conn.; m. Emma Abbott. (2.) in genealogy, and left among. his papers a series l\.fary Walter. of note books containing a collection of genea­ 1. Jane Bennett; m. William Bullard. logical notes of the Bradley family. He m. July 2. 11ary Walter; m. Luther Wood. 15, 1867, Sarah 11. Bolles, b. Aug. 6, 1836; had 'Vii. Robert, b. Ap. 25, 1807; d. Jan. 23, 18o8. besides, several chil. who d. y. viii. Robert, b. Oct. 26, 18o8; banker; d. Oct. I. Anna Penfield, b. Aug. 23, 1868. 3, 1856; m. Elizabeth B. Harrison., who d. Feb., 3. Arthur, b. July, d. Aug. 1841. 1857. x. Sarah, b. l\1ar. 20, 1815. I. Grace; m. Rev. Edward Furbish. · ix. Clarissa A... , b. Dec. 10, 1810; m. Sept., Larmon Townsend (19), b. July 19, 1777; d. 1836, Joseph Downs, of N. H. iHddlebury, Conn., May I I, 1858, merchant; m. I. Josephine, b. Aug. 23, 1837; m. Sept. 10, Hannah Gunn, b. Nov. 3, 1770 ; d. Nov. 22, 180.1 1861, William W., s. of Col. Gardner ·Morse, b•. -(1.) 18o3. Submit Clarissa Byington., b. Dec. Nov. 24, 1837. . 12, 1785; d. N. H. June 23, 1~. 2. Louisa To\vnsend, b. Sept. 21, 1840; m. i. ., \Villis, b. Nov. 29, 17g6; d. Oct. 26, 18o1. David Corey. ii. Susan, .b. Mar. 11, 1798; d. Oct. 21, 18o1. 3. Henry Larmon, b. S~pt 20, 1842; assist. iii. Sally, b. Jan. 9, 18oo; d. Oct. 21, 18o1. surgeon U. S. N., res. New Orleans, La. iv. Larmon Gunn, b._ Nov. 8, 18o1; rem. to 4- Joseph Willis, b. Dec. 22., 1847; res. N. Geneva,· N. Y., farmer, miller and trader; d. July H. ; bookkeeper. 23, 1870; m. Julia Bronson. . x. Hannah Louisa, b. Sept. 7, 1812; d. Aug. I. Larmon Bronson. 16., 1821. . . . 2. Julia. Ann; m. Orlando Hurd. xi. Thomas, b. May 9, 1814; d. Jan. 3, 1855; 3. Samuel Henry, d. Oct. 30, 186o. m. Amanda 1:Iaria Bronson. 4,. Mary Louisa, b. June 13, 1831; rn. Au..: I. 1vfaria Louisa, b. July 11, 1838. gustus 1Ioore, i. 2. Jeanette Bronson, b. June 16, 1840. I. Nellie Louisa-2. Julia Ann. 3. William Bronson, b. Sept. 6, 1842; m. 'V. Charles, b. July 7, 18o4; d. Dec. 30, 1861; Dec. 23, 1863, Sarah Cornelia Bronson. Nov. 28, 1826, Lucy Peck, b. Nov. 27, 18d8; d. I. Jennette Louisa, b. June 20, 1865. · Dec. 2, 186o. Colonial history mentions several of the names I. George Larmon, b. Dec. I, 1827; d. June who emigrated from England to American col­ 5, 1868; m. l\Iay .26, 1856, Emma R Hurlburt of onies in the 17th century, and as many of their Waterbury, Conn. · descendants now claim the Norfolk family as the · I. Lucy T. Hurlburt, d. Dec. 25, 1857~ "parent stem," the · compiler canaot close this 2. Ellen Roberts, b. Feb. 25,. 1859. attempt to record his own family without making 3. Emma Cook, b. 11ay I, 1861. mention of them. The pioneers of these several 2. Sarah Cornelia, b. Aug. 23, 1829; rn. families were :-Richardt of James-city, Virginia, Oct. 22, 1851, Edward L. Bronson,. of \Vaterbury. 1620; '\Vi11iam2 of Boston, Mass., 1634; 1'Iartin3 I. Julia Maria, b. Sept. 14, 1852. of Watertown, 1vfass., 1644; John Henry .and 2. Charles Bronson, b. and d. May, 1856. Richard-I (brothers), of New England and New 3. Cornelia L., b. Aug. 13, 1831; m. June York, 1640-50; Robert5 of. Portsmouth, New 27, 1854, Joel W. Scott. · Hampshire, 1665 ; Richard6 of Philadelphia, 1682; I. Charles, b. Oct. 26, 1856--2. Robert Joseph7 of Philadelphia, 1712. [Several families Ernest, b. Oct. 13, 1857. J. Lucy Gertrude, b. of the same name have settled in this country July, 1861. since the year 1700.) . · 4- John Henry, b. Feb. 28, 1833; m. May The exact relationship these Townshends bore 12, 1864, Isabella Wilson. to each ·other has not yet been determined, but 1. Clara Elizabeth, b. May 4, 1865-2. enough has been discovered by late researches in Margaret Wilson, b. May 28, 1867-3. William, England to suggest that they were of the same b. Feb. 2r, 1869--4- Lucy, b. and d. 1871-5. family. A thorough search will perhaps connect Charles, b. 1873. . all the American pioneers with the chief family 5. Susan,· b. Aug. 22,. 1835; d. Jan. 23, 1851. of Raynham, N orfolkshire. 6. Charles, b. May 24., 1838; d. Aug. 12, 1 Perhaps from County Warwick. 1855. 2 Not a brother of Thomas of Lynn. . 7. Helen Elizabeth, b. July 28, 1839; d. 3 Not a near relative· of Thomas Townsend of Aug. 9, 1864 Lynn.


, Perhaps 2d or 3d Cousin of. Tho. Townsend Anna and another dau., name unknown. of Linn. David Hved and d. in ·Hebron, Conn., m. (t) G May have been the son of Tho. Townsend Sarah Loomis~ i:75r. (2) m. Elizabeth Fowler. of Linn. · . 176_1. They had (by 1): 8 Prob. from Co's Berkshire or Gloucester. David, .., · 7 Nephew oi Richard. Jonathan, b. 1762. Jesse, b. 1776. The compiler has here made notice of the three Elizabeth, b. 1772. brothers, John, Henry _and Richard Townsend, John, b. 1785, d. 1874, m. ---. They had: of New England and New York, on account of a James H., who resides at Columbia, Conn., strong tradition that ·they were near cousins of adjoining· Hebron. Thomas Townsend of Lynn, which tradition has · John Rogers, b. 11:ar. 25, 1813, at Athens, 0., numerous supports, which can only be proved by d. June 25, 1847. · Grad. from Athens State Uni­ investigating the English records. It is a most versity. 11. ---. They had: interesting fact that living representatives of the Charles Henry, b. Sept., 1845, at Athens, 0., English and American families of this name have who, after serving in the Civil \Var, came East been taken for the same persons in foreign cities, and m. Rhoda Sophronia Taft, b. Feb., 1855 ( dau. and had Dr. Chester of London lived ( the learned Thomas Jefferson Taft), at Ashford, Conn. They American Genealogist who died in June last), had: there is little doubt that he would have in his Charles Frederick, b. in Mass. Feb. II, 1873. ''exhaustive search" found the link which con­ Grad. from Lehigh University, South Bethle­ nects these families to the chief branch of Rayn- · hem, Pa., 1895. IVL Florence Ellis Snow, June ham, County Norfolk. I, 1907. Mr. Townsend is a prominent young architect of the firm of Foote & Townsend, at EXTRACTS ..,FROM "THE DESCENDANTS OF MARTIN New Haven, Conn. TOWNSEND, OF WATERTOWN, J\iIAss., BY ?\-1ARTIN I. TOWNSEND, OF TROY, N. Y. Co:MPILED FROM MATERIAL FURNISHED BY THE HoN. HENRY C. TowNSEND, oF PHILADELPHIA., This branch of the Townsend family are pre• P.A., AND RICHARD HALLET TOWNSEND, sumed to be descendants of William Townsend· Esg., OF BALTIMORE, lvlo. . • of Hinton-in-the-Hedges, a small parish of the County of Northampton, England, and of Martin . Richard Townsend, of Cirencester, .County Brown of the same place. Gloucester, England, had two sons, Richard and These two men must have been born as early as WiUiam. 1550. Walter Townsend, son of William, m. I. Richard, who was born in England, perhaps Catherine Brown, dau. Martin, at Hinton, in 1592. at Pangborne or Bucklebury, County Berks, 1644- T~ey · had : Richard, William, 11artin, Peter, 5. He joined the Society of Friends, 3 mo. o d. and John baptized 1611. 1fartin, b. 15g6, d. 1675, 1672; · settled in London, 3 m. o d. 1676; n1arried m., first, Katherine ---, by whom he had Anne Hutchins, 3 mo. 25 d. 1677. . several children before 1629. After her death, he They had: Sarah, who m. James Bartlett. m., second, Julian ---. . They had: Josiah Bartlett, one of the signers They had: Martin, who d. in infancy, 1Iary, of the Declaration of Independence, from New Ann, William, John, Sarah, and Nathaniel. Hampshire. At this time the revolt in Englai:id from both He came to Pennsylvania with \Villiam Penn Church and State commenced, and the Church in the ship "Welcome," and sailed from "the records became totally unreliable, but· from cred­ Downs,, off Deal, England, and arrived at New­ ible sources it was learned that Martin Town­ castle on the Delaware, Oct. 24, 1682. This Rich­ send and his wife Julian had another son b. 1644-, ard Townsend was a carpenter and millwright d. 1697, named Martin (2), who emigrated to and erected the first flour and saw ·mill in Penn­ Nathaniel, b. 1700.· · sylvania. Earber's Hist. of Penn., page 303. says: (By 2) :· "About a mile and a half North-east of Chester America and first settled in \Vatertown, 1fass., on the- left bank of Chester Creek and a short where in 1669 he m. Abigail Train; eventually distance from the mill of Richard Flowerdews. becoming the head of his branch of the Townsend th~re still _exists a cottage built principaUy of family in America. They bad: brick, by Richard Townsend for the accommoda­ Ma.rtii:i, b. 167t, d. in infancy. tion of his family while he was erecting this the · Ab1gatl, b. 1673, d .. 1714.­ first mill in the province. They had : Martin (2), b. 1679. I. Hannah, born in England, 8 mo. 30 day Jonathan, b. r687, d. 1764 l-Ioved to Hebron, r68o; m .. Isaac Cook. Conn., m. ---. They had : 2. James, born on board the "Welcome," in David, b. 1725, d. 1833. · Delaware river ( no date), 1682. l\Iartin, . 3- Joseph, born 5 mo. 16 day, 1681. Amasa, He died Jan. 28, •1732, at the house of his Jesse, nephew, Joseph Townsend, at East Bradford, and Richard, was interred at Philadelphia. His widow Ann Timothy, died Jan. 13, 1733. · 43 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

2. William, remained in County Berks, Eng­ . -visit Europe, ·where he resided for a year, re­ land, and married Mary, and had (at least) one turning to become part owner of a cattle ranch (perhaps other) sons. His eldest son, Joseph, in Colorado. After his marriage he spent sev- · was born in Berkshire County, England, in 1684. eral years in Europe studying foreign languages In 1710 he (Joseph Townsend) married iiartha and international law. In 1893 he was appointed Wooderson, who was born in 1683. He was also. by Presid~nt Cleveland as First Sec'y to the U. S. a member of the Society of Friends, and with his Emb'y at Vienna, Aus .. ria, frequently acting as wife and sister Joan also emigrated to Pennsyl­ Charge d>Affaires, until I897, when he was pro­ vania in 1712 and . resided at Philadelphia and . moted to fill the post of Envoy Extr'y and Min­ Old Chester,· and finally settled near Westchester, ister Plen'y from the U. S. to Portugal, where Pa., in 1725, where he owned, also at East Brad­ he remained· during the important period of the ford, several hundred acres of land, and at whose war between the U. S. of Am. and Spain. For house his uncle Richard Townsend died. They services thus rendered, he was promoted in 1899 had: to be En. Extr'y and 1-!inister Plen'y to Belgium, John, b. 1716, who m. Joanna England. at Brussels, which position he resigned in 1905 to They had: return to the U .. S. and with his family reside in William, b. 1748, m. Grace Loller., sister Col. Washington, D. C. . · Robert Loller, founder of the Loller Academy at Joseph Brevitt Townsend, a lineal descendant Hatboro, 1Iont. Co. \Villiam Townsend was a of Joseph Townsend, who married l\fartha '\Vood­ delegate from Phila.. Co. to the convention which erson-married first, l\fary Price. Issue: James framed the first Constitution of Penn., Sep. 28, Price and Eleanor Holliday, both deceased. Sec­ 1776. He joined the Continental Army under ond, he married Adeline Eliza Barton. Issue: Washington and served in the battles of Trenton, Joseph B., Jr., John Barton and Charles Cooper. Princeton and Germantown; was paymaster of Joseph B., Jr., married in 1885 Elizabeth the militia in Phila. Co., and a member of the Palmer Bispham. Issue: Joseph B., 3d., 1'Iary Assembly in 1778-1779. Bispham, Katherine Adeline, Eleanor, Palmer, They had: William Henry Palmer and Charles Cooper, Jr. John W., b. ~far., 178g, d. Mar. 2, 1874, m. John Barton, married Elizabeth Williams. Sybilla Price. Issue : Marjorie Barton, Caspar Wister Barton They had: . and Anne Barton. Henry C., b. Feb. 22, 1822, d. l\.:Iay 24, 1899, m., Charles Cooper, is unmarried and lives in 1847, Georgiana Lawrence Talman, dau. James the old house, "Greystone," at Overbrook. Townsend Talman and Mary Watson. Lawrence The family own part of the original tract pat­ of Flushing, L. I. _ ented by the proprietaries to Joseph Townsend They had: 1st. Fanny, E. Price, Franklin, Harrison, Lawrence John W. Townsend, a cousin residing at Bryn and Bertl1a. · Mawr, Mont. Co., Pa., possesses among his fam­ Henry C. Townsend was edttcated at Friends ily deeds, one bearing a wax impression of a seal, Westtown ·Boarding School, Chester Co., and at the exact duplicate of the Crest used by the Belmar's Academy, \Vest Chester, Pa. l-Ie en­ Marquis Townshend-date of deed, 1744. · tered Yale Co11ege in 1839, and \vas admitted to (From these gentlemen, uncle and nephew, de­ the Phila. Bar, 1884,. and until his death was scended the Townsends of Pennsylvania.) successfully engaged in the chosen branches of his profession. Among the prominent corpora­ Tat TESTIMONY OF RICHARD TOW'NSEND,1 SHO\V• tions for which he was counsel, is the Penn. Iv!u­ ING THE HANO OF Goo TO HIM AND OTHERS tual Life Ins. Co., whose charters he prepared FROM THE FIRST SETTLEMENT OF PENNSYLVANIA in 1847, and for which he was counsel nearly TO THIS DAY. [Abo:et 1727.] fifty years. He served as Mangr. and Director of many charitable and business corporations, in­ WHEREAS, King Charles II. in the year· 1681 cluding the Grandam Institution, the Preston Re­ was pleased to grant this Province to Wm. Penn treat, and Phila. Home for Incurables, and as and his heirs forever, which Act seemed to be an trustee of the \Villia1nson Free School of 11e­ act of Providence to many religious good people, chanical Trades. and the Proprietor, Wm. Penn, being one of the uwrence, b. Aug. IJ, 1860, Phi1a., Pa., m., people called Quakers, and in good esteem among 1886, his second cou~in, Nata1ie Hannan, dau. them and others, many were enclined to embark Ludovic Hannan and s~rah Redwood Price (dau. along ,vith him for the settlement of this place. Dr. \Villiam Price of Cinn., 0., and Hanna Red• To this end, in the year 1682, several ships wood Fisher of Phila. was b. in P~ris, France, being provided. I found a concern on my mind to 1866. embark with them with my wife and child; and They had: about the end of the sixth month, having settled Yvonne, Lawrence Jr., and Reginald Nivens my affairs in London where I dwelt, I went o~ Fisher. board the ship "Welcome.,". Robert Greenaway, Lawrence Townsend acquired his education at 1 Tbis Richard Townsend embarked Sept. 1. 1682. tn the i1antua · Academy near Phila.. and at the the Downs, off Deal, In England, pn board the ship Un. of Penn., being a member of the class of H'~,9elcome," of 300 tons burthen, Capt. Robert Green• 1881, but owing to ill health · resigned in to away.-See Hazard's Annals of Penn., page 593. 44 "RA YNH..-\:\1," OVERBROOK, PENN. The Seat of Jcseph Urevitt Townsend, Jr.


Commander, in company with my worthy friend, set.tied about six or seven miles from Philadel­ \V m. Penn,2 whose good conversation was very phia, wher~ lived th_e principal body of friends, advantageous to our company. His singular care together w1tl! the chief place for provisions. As was manifested in contributing to the necessities b~fore mentioned, flesh meat was very scarce of many who were sick of the Small Pox then w1th me for some time, of which I found a want. on board, . out of which company about thirty the!1ce, where I set up a house and a corn mill, died. Afte"t a prosperous passage of about two w~1ch was very useful to the country for several n1onths, having had in that time many good mtles round. But there not being plenty of meetings 011 board, we .arrived here. . horses, people generally brought their corn on At our arrival we found it a wilderness, the their backs many miles. I remember one man chief inhabitance ,vere Indians and a few Swedes who had a Bull so gent!~ that he used to bring who received us in a friendly manner, and though I remember I was supplied by a particular in­ there ,vas a great number of us, the hand of stance of Providence in the following manner• Providen~e was seen in a particular manner; in As I was mowing in my meadow a young d~er that provisions were found for us by the Swedes came and looked on me. I continued mowing and Indians at very reasonable prices as well as a~d the deer in the same attention, upon which I brought from divers other parts that were inhab­ laid dow!l n1y scythe and went towards him. ited ·before. Our first concern was to keep up Upon which he _ran off a small distance. I· went and maintain our religious worship, and in order to my work again and the Deer continued looking thereinto we had several meetings in the houses on so tha~ several tim~s I left my work to go of the inhabitance ; and one boarded meeting­ to,vards him, but he still kept himself at a dis­ house was set up where the City was, to be near tanc~. At last I _was going towards him and he Delaware, and as we had nothing but love and loo~mg on me did not mind his steps, but ran good-will in our hearts one to another, we had against a tree and . stunned himself so much that very comfortable meetings from time to time, and he fe!l. Upon ~vh1ch I ran forward and getting after our meetings were over we assisted each on him ~eld ~tm by the legs. After a great other in building little houses for our shelter. struggle 1n wh1~h I . had all most fired him out After a little time I set up a mill on Chester and rendered ~tm l_1feless, I threw him on my Creek, which I brought ready framed from Lon­ shoulders, holding him. fast by the legs and with don, which served for grinding the corn and SC?me difficulty from his fresh struggling, carried sawing of boards, and was of great use to us. him home about .a quarter of a mile to my house Besides, I with Joshua Tittery, made a net and where by the assistance of a neighbor who hap~ caught great quantities of fish which supplied our­ pened to be the~e, he was killed ; for me, he selves and many others; so that notwithstanding it proved very serviceable to my family. I could was though near three thousand people came in r~late severa_J other Acts of Providence of this the first year, we were so providentially provided kind but omit them for brevity. for that we could buy. a deer for about two shil­ As people began to spread and improve their lings, and a large turkey for about one shilling, lands the country became more fruitful so that and Indian corn for about two shillings and six­ those t!1at came after us were plentifully 'supplied, pence per bushell. And as our worthy Proprietor and with what we abounded we began a small treated the Indians with extraordinary humanity And as Philadelphia inert. .. sed vessels were they became very civil and loving to us and built and many employed. Both country and. brought into us abundance of provisions. As in trade have been wonderfully increased to this other countries the Indians were exasperated by day, so that from a wilderness the Lord by his bard treatment which hath been the foundation good hand of Providence hath made it a fruitful of much bloodshed, so the contrary treatment field. On which to look back and observe all the here has produced their love and affection. st~ps wouI~ exceed my present purpose. Yet About a year after our arrival there came in being now t!} the ei~hty-!ourth (84) year of my about twenty families from high and low Ger­ age and having been 1n this country near forty-six many, of religious good people, who settled about (46). years, 3;nd my memory pretty · clear con• six miles frotn Philadelphia and called the place cemmg the rise and fall of the Province. I can Germantown. The country continually increasing, do no less than return praise to the Aimighty people began to spread themselves further back. when I look back and consider his bountiful Also, a place called North Wales was settled by hand not only in temporal but in the great in­ many of the Ancient Britons, an honest inclined c:ease of <;>ur meet!ngs wherein he hath many people, although they had not then made a pro­ tunes. manifested his. great loving kindness· in fession of the truth as held by us, yet in a little to and convincing many persons of the time 3: large conyincement was made. among them prmc_ipals of truth, and those th~t were already and divers meetmg houses were built. convinced. and continued faith full were not only About the time Germantown was laid out I blessed. with plenty of the fruits of the earth but settled on my tract which l had purchased of also with the dew of heaven. the Proprietor in England about a mile from I .am engaged in my spirit to supplicate th'e his Corn on him instead of a horse. Being now C!)ntmuance thereof to the present rising genera­ tion, that ~s God hath blessed their parents the 2 Wm. Penn died at Ruscombe, County Berkshire, same bless1~g may retf!ain on their offspring to .July 30, 1712. the end of time. That 1t may be so is the hearty 45 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

desire and prayer of their loving friend & ancient 1635; Patience, baptised May 28, 1637; Hannah friend, . RICHARD TowNSEND. born 4th baptized nth April, 1641; Peter, bap~ tized October 30, 1642; :M:ary, baptised November RICHARD TOWNSHEND, COUNCILLOR OF VIRGINIA. 24, 1644; James, baptised January 15, 1647; Penn Among the early settlers of Virginia we find baptised December 20, 1651; John, September 3 the name of Richard Townshend, who arrived 1653, died next year, and Mary, who died No~ at James City in the ship Abigail, early in the vember .29,. 1658. . year 1620, aged then 19, and from another list of He was born in 16o1, according to his deposi­ those living in Virginia ye 16th February, 1623, tion taken at Boston, Sept. 17, 1(>68, and as he his name again appears, and at the muster taken calls his age then 67, and he may have descended at James City, ye 24th Jan. 1624, Richard Town­ from a family which we find for more than a send is mentioned as a resident there. From .a century previous seated at Great Livermore, brief note in Secretary \Vinderbank's office for· County Suffolk, and from fragmentary evidence the King's Confirmation for Councillors of Vir­ which we have not had time to investigate, we ginia, it appears that Robert Evelyn, Captain suppose this family originally came from the Christopher Wormsley, Richard Townsend, and Co. Norfolk. . He died before Dec. -, 168g, and John Sysbye were the . persons named for the hi~ .wido~ died before Feb. 6, 1700, when ad­ King's approval, and to be sworn forthwith of m1nistrat1on de boni.s on tion est of her husband the Council, and Evelyn to enjoy the farm was given to son Penn. They were both buried granted to him by the King's Letters on his first in King's Chapel churchyard, Boston, and their embarkation for America. This Richard Town-·· remains -afterwards were deposited ·in the beauti­ ·shend was living in 1649, and we find as early as_ .ful. Townsend Tornbl (still standing) built by 1720 a family seated at Snow-hill, Eastern Shore their grandson James Townsend, Esq., on the site of Maryland, and perhaps descended from him. of their former graves, and next to Gov. Win ... throp's. On this fine altar tomb, built in 1716 COMPILED FROM ~IATElUAL ABSTRACTED FROM EARLY is engraved the Townsend Arms. "Azure a Chev~ CoLONIAL RECORDS OF 11ASSACHUSETTS. ron Ern1ine, between three Escallop Shells, Argent William Townsend, of Boston, Colony of Mas• and Crest, a Buck Trippant, Sable." sachusetts Bay, the Records inform us, came early Mr. 1:ownsend's sons, Peter and James, left is­ . in the year 1634 to New England in the employ S?~· H1s son Col. P~nn T_ownsend, an important of Mr. Nicholas Wyllys, who was formerly of citizen of Boston, died without male issue, and Bury St. Edmunds, in the County of Suffolk. his excellence is shown in a sermon preached the He was admitted to the church the 3rd of August next Sabbath after his death by the Rev. Thomas following with Governor Bellingham and his first Foxcroft, M.A., Pastor of the Old Church in ·wife, Elizabeth [Backhouse], also ?vir. John New­ Boston. He departed this life, Aug. 21, 1727, in gate. the 76th year of his age and was interred in the He n1arried soon a.fter his arrival llannah, Granary Burying Ground in his own tomb on sister of the ruling Elder, n•Ir. James Penn, and Tremont street, next the fence which is marked was made a Freeman, 1\1ay 25th, 1636. Savage, in by a slab bearing his name, &c. his Genealogical Dictionary, ''says she was maid servant to our brother James Everill, and joined COMPILED FROM MATERIAL FURNISHED BY THE the church l\larch 15th 1635. "This simplicity of HoN. l\fARTIN lNGllAM TOWNSEND, OF TROY character was exhibited in the Puritan household, N. Y. · ' and the style of servant did not imply inferior Martyn Townsend, of Watertown, Colony of condition so much as obligation to learn. \Villiam 1Iassachusetts Bay, in New England, was born Townsend's possessions, according to the Boston about 1644, as papers still extant bearini,? his town records, within the limits of the town was names as a witness, dated April 7th, 16o1 when one house and garden, bounded with Edmund he calls his age 47, and died a -few day; after Jacklin north, Jane Parker south, the street east, f see also Savage's. Genealogical Dictionary). He and Daniel 11aud ,vest. It was situated on ~Iarl­ 1s called Planter, died at Burkly, County Carolina borough, now Washington Street, near the junc­ and his goods, etc., were shipped from Charles~ tion of Summer and Winter streets." He was ton, July 9, r798, in the "~1ary" for Rhode Island, also granted "Tlze Eiglith of the Eleventh M o,ith, Peter Lawrence, master, and his administrators called J anttary, 1637," eight acres bounded to the are directed to recover his estate of Mr. Robert southeast with William \Vilsons, on the north-­ _Fenwic!c, to. be found at }-Ir. Jacklin's near ye west with a swamp, by ~1r. John Coggershall's drawbridge tn Boston. Hts dwelling house and Wigwams and William Dyneley." · several acres of land in Watertown -north by He was subject to the indignity of being dis• William Perry; east by --- ' • south by armed in November, 1637, with a majority of the Henry Bright, senr.; west by highway. He had church people, for adhering to the views of Rev. other lands, 80 acres of which his son 1\1:artin Mr. \Vheelright, and called a dangerous heretic. sold his right to Joshua Kendall, and mentioned His children were Eliezar, baptised June 12, as belonging to my honored father, 1-fartin Town­ send, late of Carolina. He may have belonged QUERY.-ThG Bolling, Stith, Dade and Hoo families of Virginia, having used Towneshend as a Christian to a family of that name which, according to 11ame. are probably bis descendanL.-See Correspond• gleanings by the Rev; G. D. Atwood, Rector of e11ce. of Hon. Robert B. Bolling, ot Petersburgh, Va. the Parish of Hinton, in the Hedges, County TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

Northampton, ~ngland, we find resided there for Sutton hundretl, Southwest comer of N orthamp­ several ·generations, and the name ~Iartyn fre­ tonshire, were all of one stock (I ,vish I could quently occurring. From a letter of the llon. have a week in Sutton). Sulgrave, the cradle ~fartin I. Townsend, ex-Member of Congress for of the \Vashingtons, was about eight to ten miles Troy, N. Y., we make the following extract: east of I-Iinton, in the adjoining hundred of Wardon. You say a branch of ''your family" • • • "In respect to my ancestors. I read · settled in Carolina.. Have you any information more out of it than the text. ?vfartin of Hinton to that effect to which you can refer me? I knew was born in 15g6. I\Iartin of \Vatertown, ],fass., 1-fartin of \Vatertown died there. I knew that was born in 1644- ~·!artin of \Vatertown lost an at the Probate Court in 1698 it was alleged that infant son Martin. Martin of \Vatertown named his son Martin, the eldest, had expectations in a second son 1-!artin. I iufer that I\'Iartin of Hin­ Carolina. Primogeniture prevailed in that State. ton did. But the records of baptisms don't show I have tried hard to find a thread to follow in that ?\fartin of Hinton had any son Martin bap­ Carolina, but have failed. itartin died in Berk­ tized in 1664. True. But from his first marriage ley County, i. e. over south of Charleston." up to 1639, he had all the children baptized which 1 any man reasonably could, and from that day no Townsend was baptized there until 1672; yet he In the Principal Registry of Her ?v!ajesty~s lived and died in that parish and when, in 1672, Court of Probate, P. C. C., we find the .will of he made his will, he left property to the children Walter Tounesend, of Hinton, Co. Northampton, · of his daughter "Keziah," who does not appear dated Feb. 6, 1630. In which is mentioned his in the baptismal lists. I inferred that after 1639 sons \Villiam, Richard, Martyn, Peter and- John, baptisms and marriages by Church Priests were besides several daughters. It is possible that the almost unknown. Rev. :tvir. Atwood confirms my 11artin Townsend, son of Walter, may have been conclusions. A daughter of Sir Roger Townsend, he who settled at Watertown, which can only be of East, Rai1tham, married a Crewe, Baron Stean, proved by diligent search in the English records. the great proprietor of Hinton, and died in 1658, This 1:Iartin Townsend, of ,v atertown: mar­ when old Martin was still alive. A tablet in ried April 16, 1668, Abigail, daughter oi John Stean Church, two miles from Hinton, com­ Train, and had Abigail, born Sept. 18, 1669, 1'1ar­ memorates him. Another daughter was married tin, Hannah, born Oct., 1673, died at two years, to a Cartwright, a large Proprietor in Aynho, the John, born May 26, 1679, died at four years, Jon­ adjoining parish on the southwest. She died be­ athan, born April, 1688, died at three months, tween 166o and 1670, and a tablet commemorates Jonathan again, and his wife, died Jan. 16~ 1691, her memory in Aynho Church. I have many and he married, Aug. 30, 1693, Esther Perry, of Teasons to believe that the Townsends there, i. e., \Voburn, but no more children are known. ADDENDA

R-OUGHA~I NORFOLK CHARTERS. As family tradition has frequently been alluded to in this work, it having prompted a search As. allusion to the origin of the name :rownsend which has brought back material to the writer or Townshend has been made, it \Yas intended to and formed for him a basis for this compilation Charters drawn in the nth and 12th centuries, in that on inve!tigation has found firm support from which the name Ad-Caput-Ville,.Atte-Townes-end numerous facts and circumstances, he has decided or Atte-Townes-head, (and, as sometimes writ­ before closing to repeat it here, prefacing with ten) · Ad-Exitum-Ville, more full yappears, but the saying of a learned writer on this s.ubj ect: time will not admit, and it must be deferred for "The history of all nations and people in their another edition. origin depends upon their authority of memorial - . '! • . tradition when other circumstances give the The learned Augustus Jessopp, D.D., late of strength of probability to the traditional account." King Ed,vard VI. School, Norwich, Norfolk, TRADITION. England (thanks to his research), informs us Mr. Thomas Towncsend or Townshend came that as early as 1292 there lived at Rucham from London in 1637 or 1638, and settled at Lynn (Rougq_am), Norfolk, in a house "of some pre­ in the Massachusetts Government, where many tention, for it had outbuildings attached, and a of his relations and connections had settled, and croft or enclosed paddock behind, and it abutted ,vho were frotn the Eastern Counties and the on the King's Highway leading from Rottgham to neighborhood of London. These colonists came Raynham," a certain \Valter, son of Richard, son over on account of their religion, many of them of Thomas Ad-Caput-Ville. Dr. Jessopp says, being obliged to flee from their native land under "they got to be called by various names according assumed names, therefore leaving no record of to the taste of themselves or their neighbors. their departure. He was related to the first Lord Sometimes a vValter or a Roger or John is called Townsend, who was created by Charles II. Baron de-Hauteville, sometimes de-Haville, sometimes Lynn in 1661; also, to an Arch-Bishop and -a ad-Caput Ville, sometimes Atte-Townsend." Lord l\1ayor of London. He was also a relative These charters are very interesting and surely of Gov. Winthrop. Iv[oney and other property locate this family, and shows its existence then. ,vere said to have been left him. After he had Antiquarians also agree that the ''Noble Norman, been over son1e years a relation wrote him if he Lodovic," must be moved down two centuries at would return to England he should have a least ( Collins and Burke on the contrary not­ church living. Who this relative was tradition. is withstanding), when a real Sir Lodovic and his silent. This family in Elizabeth'~ reign were · son Sir \Valter de Townsend had existence. Catholic. recusants. ., ·•

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MARGARET TO\VNSEND. (Madame Giovanr.i Tagliapietra.) New York City.


IN the winter of 1863 & 4, our attention was searching the Records, and to Edward Willets, called to some old deeds and papers in our pos­ by whose kindness we were allowed to examine ·session, by a question, casually started, about· the Records of the \Vestbury 1'Ionthly 1-Ieeting, some long dead and gone Townsend. The items of which he is the Secretary. Beside these, and of family history which we gathered from them the papers belonging to our branch of the family, excited our interest and curiosity, and we went we have, by the courtesy of our connections, had to the Town Records, to follow up the clue access to many interesting documents. .We have thus obtained. At first, the old-fashioned writing extracted freely from all these sources, as being· (very. handsome, however, of its kind) was a more interesting than any paraphrase that . we trial to eyes and patience, but a little practice could give, modernizing the spelling for the con• enabled us to decipher it very readily. And we venience of our readers, as well as our own, but found it interesting and exciting work to follow in other respects adhering strictly to the originals. up the different branches of the family, frequently ·The wills are particularly characteristic and coming, n1ost unexpectedly, upon some hitherto amusing. There are none on the Records later unkno,vh member, and again, after long search, than 1700. · . finding the proper niche for one who had seemed It will be observed, that we have not brought entirely unconnected with the rest. \Ve think the genealogy down to the sa1ne generation in all there are not more than two, mentioned in the the branches. We had not the necessary infor­ Town Records, whom we have not been able to mation, and could only obtain it by a tedious place, and they do not appear until the middle inquiry and correspondence, without a compen­ of the last century. Apart from the pleasure sating advantage; as our object is not to make a arising from the solution of difficulties in the catalogue of ·the living, but to preserve and per­ family history, we found the search among the petuate the memory of the dead. \Vhere any of Records, to our surprise, most entertaining, from the branches are imperfect, as far as traced, it the glimpses which the old deeds, wills, and min­ is because we either knew not from whence to utes of Town ?v1eetings give of the habits and supply the omissions, or received no answer to characters of the people. The names soon ceased our applications. Perhaps if we had been able to to be mere names to us, and became the repre• search the County Records as thoroughly as we sentatives of men as diversified in their charac­ have those of the Town, we might have filled up ters, and as distinct to our apprehension, as our some of the blanks. \Ve do not hope that our contemporaries, and far more interesting. It was sketch will have any interest except for those possible, too, having once obtained a starting­ who love old things simply for their antiquity, point, to ascertain with certainty the homes of without regard to their intrinsic value; and, even nearly all the early settlers in the village. \Ve to them, it cannot be so interesting as to us, who thought that a few facts relating to their cus­ have become gradually and thoroughly acquainted toms, polity, and residences, might not be un­ with the subject; and probably we shall often interesting; so that, as an introduction to the fail to make the connecting thread (so plain to l\.femorial, we have noted down a few of the us) apparent to our readers. Still, we hope the · most salient points · of the Records. result will not be entirely without interest to the We are much indebted to John Remsen, Town­ members of the family, and the inhabitants of the Clerk, for the facilities. he has afforded us in village. OYSTER BAY, March 8, 1864-




"ANNO DOMINI sixteen hundred and fifty-three. Indian Sachem, and they being mentioned in the This writing witnesseth, that Assiapum, alias deed as purchasers, condescended to the others, Mohanes, have sold unto Peter Wright, Samuel to make a settlement of the said purchase, and Mayo, and William Leverich, their heirs, admin­ for did accept of William "Vash­ istrators, and assigns, all his land lying and situ­ bourne, and his son John Washbourne, Thomas ate upon Oyster Bay, and bounded by Oyster Armitage, Daniel Whitehead, Robert Williams, River to the east side, Papaquatunk River on the -and Richard Holbrook, as equal purchasers with west side, with all woods, rivers, meadows, up­ them, and forthwith indorsed the same upon the lands, ponds, and all other appurtenances lying back side of the bill of sale ; that being done between the bounds aforesaid, with all the Islands and agreed upon, they immediately proceeded to lying to the seaward, excepting one Island, com­ the laying out allotments ; but first they laid out monly called Hog Island, and bounded near the all the highways in the Town, by joint consent. southward by a point of trees, called Cantiague. Secondly, beginning at the Mill River, from, and In consideration of which bargain sold, he is to so eastward to the harbor side, they laid out receive, as full satisfaction, six Indian coats, six upward of twenty lots,· granting equal privileges kettles, six fathom of wampum, six hoes, five to every lot; and next year, Will Smith and old hatchets, three pair of. stockings, thirty awl-blades, John Titus, with several others, were accepted or muxes, twenty knives, three shirts, and as of as inhabitants, and had their allotments laid much Peague as will amount to four pounds out to them, by Peter \Vright, by the consent sterling. In witness thereof he set his mark in of the purchasers. But so it happened, that the presence of us, purchase-money being not paid, the Indians began "WILLIAM \VASHBOURNE., to be very unruly and dissatisfied; whereupon the "ANTHONY WRIGHT, purchasers with the rest of the inhabitants then "ROBERT WILLIAMS. settled, desired \Villiam Smith and John Titus AssIAPUM, or to prepay for. the goods, to pay the Indians, which MoHANEs X marl<. they did, to l\1r. Briant, of l\filford, and paid it in beef, and I killed the cattle and paid the debt; "The within-named Samuel Mayo, Peter and when we came to levy the rate for the .pur­ . Wright, and \\Tilliam Leverich, do accept as joint chase, it came to eighteen shillings and ten partners with ourselves, in the lands purchased of pence. And, to my knowledge, Samuel 1-Iayo was Assiapum, and particularly mentioned in the at two ·Town lVleetings, at the first settlement of writing made, and subscribed by himself and the place, and was always forward in joining and other Indians, respectively interested, in names granting of allotments to each one that was free of such Indians absent, acted by himself, and to settle amongst them, as far forth ·as any of them all. Witness our hands, the rest of the purchasers, or people settled ; and . "WILLIAM LEVERICH, this I can give upon oath, and much more, if "SAMUEL MAYO, thereunto called or required, as witness my hand. "Joint purchasers with us,- Richard Holbrook was the first man, as a pur­ "WILLIAM \VASHBOURNE, - THOS. ARMITAGE, chaser, that got up his house, i11 Oyster Bay. To "DANIEL WHITEHEAD, ANTHONY WRIGHT. which I subscribe my hand. "ROBERT WILLIAMS, ]OHN \VASHBOURNE.'" "NICHOLAS SIMKINS.'' With this deed begins the history o.f Oyster "I, Samuel Tittis, of Huntington, _aged forty­ Bay. The following curious accounts of the first nine, or thereabouts, doth witness and declare, settlement-found, the first, among the papers of that about thirty years since, at the first settle­ William M. Hewlett, an autograph, the last in the ment of Oyster Bay, being then with my father, Town Record-show how the payment to the under his command, Mr. Leverich, and the rest Indians was made : of the first purchasers, living in said Town, who admitted freely of my father and two of my ''Oyster Bay, 20th of December, 1683. I, Nich­ brothers as inhabitants and townsmen amongst olas Simkins, now an inhabitant of l\1usketocove, them, who paid before his death his purchase­ aged fifty-six. or thereabouts. do declare that I, money, with the rest of the purchasers;_ and I being at the first settlement of Oyster Bay, which well retl}ember, tl!Y father had an ox, and was in the year 1653, :Peter Wright, William cow, which was ktlled and sent over to Milford, · Leverich, and Samuel Mayo, they being the three to ·Mr. Briant, excepting one quarter, to procure first ·purchasers, as by the grand deed from the the goods to pay the Indians for the Town pur- 50 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

chase, which, I suppose, should have been paid there is some controversy about a sale 0£ lands, before, but was not, whereupon the Indians began Mayo, Peter. Wright, and William Leverich, for to be very surly, until they had their pay paid made by Assiapum, or 11ohanes, made to Samuel them, as aforesaid. · And further, I well remem­ want of sound formalities usual in English deeds;· ber, that 11:r. Samuel 11ayo was here at Oyster and being desired what I understood about. the Bay, several times after this payment and settle­ points~ I do therefore testify, that the .intention of ment of the Town, and never made any objection the said Assiapum was to convey, not only his a~inst any of their proceedings, in the settlement right, hut the right of• his heirs and Extrs., thtfreof; and furthe'r, I· remember, that the said which, though not expressed, is easily understood. purchasers of the Town. did condesc~nd to each 1st, For the Indians, so far as I can understand, other, to have no more 1n the propriety thereof, have never made any sales for lives, but of cus­ but to be equal alike, which was, every purchaser tom-which is their law-passed the right of a home lot containing six acres, and others, that their heirs present, with their own, unless they were to be taken in as. townsmen, to have but made any express exceptions ; 2d, and there is five-acre lots; and that I never, all the time we enough in the writing to prove this to have been lived in the to\vn, did hear or understand, that his intention, in the words, interlined, Heirs and said Mayo desired any more for his part among Executors, and which, if it may help s_uch are on· the rest of the Town, at the time, than the lot difference to a better intelligence, I· shall· be glad. which was laid out unto him, lying on the north If otherwise, I shall be sorry that such as profess side of Anthony Wright's home lot, which I was themselves Christians, shall teach heathens less informed by several of the Town at the time, he honestly, under pretence of teaching them more did intend to come speedily, and settle upon it; law. WILLIAM LEVERICH." and further, I well remember, that after the These misunderstandings seem to · have occa­ Indians had their pay, now quiet and well con­ sioned no hostile feelings between the whites and tented; and then the inhabitants, with the pur­ the Indians. Except on the sale of lands, the chasers, now agreed, and was to give Mr. Lev­ latter are only alluded to on the Records in the erich fifteen pounds per year, as minister among following entry: them. This above written is the truth; and would "Dec. 13th, 1660. It is ordered, that no person have been present before the arbitrators at Oyster or persons whatsoever shall, doubly or individu­ Bay, to have declared the same, but was pre­ ally, sell wine or strong liquor to the Indians, 'Vented by reason of my hay, at the south, lieth upon the forfeiture of five shillings for the first upon as witness my hand, in ·Oyster default, and ten shillings for the second, and the Bay, 24th day of October, 1684. third time, to forfeit his right of meadow to . "SAMUEL TITUS." the Town." "This sworn before me, this 24th day of Oc­ Beside the difficulties with the Indians about .tober, 1684. the western boundary, there w~re controversies "THOMAS TOWNSEND.'' with the Town of Huntington on the east,· and ·Robert \Villiams on the south. We copy the The boundaries of the Indian deed are indefi­ following remonstrance to the people of Hunt­ nite, and controversies very soon arose about the ington, from the Record : western line,-the Indians claiming the right to "Oyster Bay, this 3d day of the 7th montli, the lands on llatinecock, and at Susco's wigwam 1663. Neighbors : we are informed, by on~ of (so called from Susconamon, by whom the your townsmen, that some of your townsmen greater part of the subsequent Indian deeds are have mowed some of our meadows at the sout11. given), now \Volver Hollo,v and Cedar Swamp, If it be a mistake, we shall not regard it; but if the whites maintaining I-Iempstead Harbor to be appointed by you, we desire to know your the western boundary. Papaquatunk River is grounds, for we desire to be at peace with you, never .mentioned except in this deed, and the and to have our rights also, which ,ve judge is terms of the grant made it evident that the In­ your right desire also; and therefore, if you see dians were right in claiming Beaver Swamp and cause to appoint a man, or more, and let him, or Shoo Brook as the western line. For once, they them, have your deeds, that fully show your title maintained their rights, and sold land at all these to the said land, then shall we do the like ; but places. Matinecock included Buckram, which we request you, to send us a line or two, that we was not so called on the Records, until after 1730. may kno,v your minds, and appoint· the time and Buckram lot had been mentioned before, but that place, and we will meet you, and end the differ- was a small parcel of land, not a district. In . ence if we can : but if you refuse our proposi­ 1785,· the Indian title was extinguished by the tion herein to you, then we do by this, request New Purchase, extending to what is now the you, to forbear .mowing our meadow, which be­ western boundary of the Town. There was also gins at the River Passasqueung, our east bounds. some difference of opinion as to the intentions of For peace and quietness, we have done this, the Indians in selling, and the Rev. 11:r. Leverich, knowing that the best title must carry. it, and who had then left here, · gives his understanding that cannot be known, but they must be com­ of the matter, as follows. The views of the In­ pared, and we hope that is the readiest way, for oians on the subject are not recorded. any that desire peace. "Protest of Wm. Leverich, Old Purchase, "In· behalf of the· Town, a true copy of what liarch -22d, 1663. Whereas, I understand that was sent by me. "HENRY TOWNSEND" 51 TO,\V N SEND-TiOWN SH END

To . settle· this line, Thomas TQwnsend, . Na- · · Leverich and Robert Williams, but this time it · thaniel Coles, and John ,veeks were appointed by was decided. in favor of the Town. Oyster Bay, and Thomas Powell and Abiel Titus, But though their theory was vague, and their by Huntington; and on the 7th of August, 1684, practice variable, there are some matters .of· fact, they run the · line of division. . Several .attempts which we. have gleaned, that may be very inter­ were made to settle the difficulty with Williams, esting. Every home lot was entitled to certain and, as appears from the following order, there privileges, such as shares in the commo,i mea­ was a settlement n1ad.e ;· but long afterwards, the dows, pastures, and woodlands. These privileges affair seems to have given a great deal of trouble, were not inseparable from the lot, as, at a sale, and there are allusions to a suit• between the they were sometimes reserved by the seller, and· Town and \Villiams's widow and heirs. This sometimes divided into half-rights. Being a land­ order is interesting, as it gives evidence of the owner did not necessarily constitute a freeholder. industrious habits of the people. The Town frequently, for particular reasons, gave ''0 B J h A home lots to persons having no rights, upon con- Y'ster ay, une IJt , 1 68 4. t a Town dition of building, within a year and a day (sev- lf~etmg _then ordered, that every freeholder <;>f eral such gifts were forfeited). These lots vary­ th!s Town, or th~t possesses any lands within ing in size, carried with them privileges, n{ore or this Town purchase, are to ~ttend at the Town less extensive, at the option of the d·onors, · and House, 0 !1 Monday .next, bemg the. 5th day of many who obtained lots in this way, or by pur­ July ~nsumg, at sunrise, at _furthest, in the m~rn- chase~ were accepted, at different times; as "equal in~, in °r1er to run the hne or ~o.und, heh, ee~ townsmen," whether by purchase or favor does this Town 5 lanqs, and R~bert \V Ilhams s lands , not appear. The freeholders claimed the right to and that per~on inte~ested 111 the ~own, tha~ ~hall prevent the transfer of property to strangers, prove defective herem, shall forfeit .fiye shilling~, · without their consent. to thevm that run the same, . accord1n~ to this ''Dec. IJth, i66o. It is this day ordered and order, and to be tak~n forthwith, by distress, by agreed, by the inhabitants of the Town, that no the Constable. Pr:ov1ded that those that cannot pe:son ~vh.atsoever shall sell ~ny land, lying or go, do ~ut brush in the town, wh~re they shall being w1thm the bound of Oyster Bay, unto any, be /P~omte?, by t~?se persons appomted for that unti~ the Town, or a m?jor part of the Town, .do - pu po e, this year. admit first, of the said purchaser, for an in- The line between Oyster Bay and liempstead habitant." was · also the subject of negotiation, and was They asserted this right, on several occasions, finally adjusted by Henry and Thomas Town- but never, that we can discover, successfully. send, on the part of Oyster Bay; although late John Richhill, the only large landholder in the in the ensuing century there was still some dis• early days of the settlement., though it does not agree-ment between the towns, respecting their appear how he became so, sold his interest, to boundaries. · . Latamore Sampson; the Town entered a protest It is not possible to discover :from· the· Records, upon record,. but, notwithstanding, Sampson re- with any precision, the regulations which governed tained the property, and transmitted it to others. the management and distribution of the common Hog Island was, in the original deed, reserved property. There are abundant evidences, not only by the Indians, but very soon passed into the pos­ that their practice varied, but that their theory session of the settlers ( when or how, we have was very vague and ill-defined, and variously not found recorded),* and was, with Pine Island, understood and construed. From the deposition among their most valuabl~ property. They of Samuel Titus, already cited, and many other planted a part of it, occasionally, so. much as to indications, we believe that the first intention (de- preyent the use of _it as a common pasture, and parted from especially in relation to the me~dows, there are ~everal engagements, with different per­ 'Very soon) was, that there should be no private sons, to hve there, and take care of the crops. property but the home lots, the first of which But its principal value consisted in its grazirig were, as he says, six acres, but were not, as he lands and meadows. Indeed, for a great many says, five acres to all subsequent purchasers, few, years, the natural produce of the meadows, fresh after the first allotments, being so large, and and salt, seems to have been their principal re- several, we know, were only half an acre. This source. indefiniteness in their scheme of division led to It does not appear exactly ,vhat was meant by many difficulties. The heirs of Peter Wright, "common right." Pasture for a certain number Mayo, and Leverich, claimed rights which the of cattle, and the use of wood, were some of Town disputed, and it was in an arbitration be- them. The number of animals which one person tween the Town and Mayo's representatives, that was allowed to graze is not mentioned, except these depositions were taken, to prove that 1Iayo in the case of Hog Island; at a meeting of the had never claimed more than a townsman's right. owners of that, the following resolution was Finally, the Town settled with the heirs of Peter passed, though afterwards they concluded to graze Wright and l\fayo, by giving them a large tract none that year, but plant. . of land on the south side of the Town. l\.fany •since. writing this, we have found a deed, from years. afterwards in 1720 Nicholas Lang and which it appears that the Indians sold the Island to ' ·t · ' th T f · h CorneUul!i Van Raynen, Govert Lokermans, and Jaco- ~ th ers b rought SUI against e ~own, or ~ 1 ~ 1s bus Bucker, who transferred lt to the Town of Oyster JD the Old Purchase, under. the t1tles of \Vslham Bay in 1665. The consideration is not stated. TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

"April ·30th, 1686. At a meeting at the house "Henry Townsend, I. Joseph Dickinson.,- t. of Henry Townsend, it was ordered and agreed Edmund Wright, I. Anthony Wright, t. Joseph upon unanimously; by the part of the own­ Ltidlum, 2. Samuel \Veeks, I. Nicholas Simkins,· ers and proprietors of the said Island, that there r. John Jones, I. Francis Weeks, t½. \Villiam shall be no more than six cows kept on the Frost, I. John Rogers, I. John Dickinson, I. said ·Island to one share, which share is twenty­ Wm. Buckler, 1. Nicholas Wright, 1. Job \iVright, second part of said Island, and that shall be the I. Elizabeth Townsend, 2. John Townsend, t. Jo­ whole stint and number of creatures that shall sias Latting, 2. Nathaniel Coles, t½. Richard Har­ be kept there, with liberty, as hereafter ex­ cott, t. Adam \Vright, I. Daniel Coles, I. John pressed, that for· every cow, that shall be di­ \Vright, 1. John Townsend, 1. Caleb Wright, I. minished or abated of the aforesaid number, Isaac Doutty, 1. Jan1es Townsend, I. John \-Veeks, there may be put in the room thereof, either two I. Samuel Andrews, 2. Matthias Harvey, Fyde~ ·swine, four sheep, or two yearlings of cow kind; Samuel Furman, ½. Alice Crabb, 1. Henry and one horse, in the roo1n of two cows ; but Townsend, Jr.,· I. Gideon Wright, I. Richard goats are to be free for every owner, to keep Crabb, t. George Dennis, t. Thomas Townsend, what he pleases." · · 2. Joseph Weeks, I. John Vi/ eeks, of \Varwick, "In 1685, it is ordered, that after the 25th of I. Thomas Weeks, t. M:oses Furman, ½. James the next December, no swine are to run on the Weeks, 1. Latamore Sampson, alias· Simon common without a swine-herd, and no one was to Cooper, 4,." be required to fence against them, and they ·were None but these freeholders were eligible to .not to run in the streets, ,vith or without a herd, office. and any one was (in case they do so) at liberty These divisions, giving every man numerous to kill them, or take what course he pleased, small, detached parcels of land ( the divisions ·provided, the owners were first warned. In 168g, were sometimes as small as five acres, very sel- they wei:~ entirely prohibited on the common." . dom, if ever, niore than thirty), originated a The salt hay had a value, beside its nutritious system of exchanges and frequent sales, which qualities. In the "Documentary History of New make the Records a compfete family history for York,'' it is stated, that the natural pasture in every owner; for the person who gives a deed Oyster Bay was thought to be injurious, indeed seldoms fails to tell how he came by the land, fatal to cattle, but that" the deleterious effects and what degree of relationship existed between were prevented by the use of salt hay. It is most him and the purchaser, as well as former owner. probable that the disease was attributable to some Every farm in the Old Purchase ( except four other cause than the natural grass. hundred acres at Cove Neck Point, laid out to If, as we have supposed, it was the first in­ Simon Cooper, upon his right purchased of tention to hold all but the home lots as common Sampson), and many of those in the New, were property, it was not very long acted upon. At formed by this .process of exchange and purchase.· first, shares of meadow were laid out to each. The settlers had very little tillable land beside Then, from time to time, divisions . of the other their home lots and the Planting Fields, which, common lands were made ; sometimes only to the being called in the oldest Records the "Old Plant­ freeholders, of whom we give below a list in 1677. ing Fields," were probably used by the Indians Sometimes, land-owners, not freeholders, shared for that purpose. Indeed, more land than a man in the distribution. Sometimes, the land to be could cultivate with his own family., was of no divided was designated and distributed by lot; present use; they had slaves, but they were too but frequently, if not generally, when the shares few to be taken into the account, and hired la­ are sold, the purchaser is authorized to take borers · there were none. Notwithstanding the them, "where he shall see cause." scarcity of labor, however, they did not confine "A Town Meeting, held the rst of 11:ay, 1677, their attention to the mere necessaries in their there confirmed by name, every freeholder, which agriculture. As early as 166g, a place sold by hath a free vote, for giving and granting of Nicholas Simpkins is described as having upon common rights, and not otherwise; and that, it twenty-four apple-trees in bearing, and one from hencefonvard, no grant of township, or pear-tree. In 1673, Thomas Townsend, in selling common rights, shall be confirmed, or held legal a place, reserves the apple, peach, and cherry grants,_ without every freeholder hath legal warn­ trees ; and in 168o, John Robins res·erves not only ing, that such a meeting is to be appointed, or apple-trees; but a nursery of apple and peach that there are lands to be given out; and after trees, at 1Iatinacock. And, strange as it may ap­ legal warning given them, by the officer ap­ pear, in those days of cheap land and dear labor, pointe·d, it shall be held legal, to all intents and land-owners thought it worth while to lease more purposes, all gifts or grants of common rights, land. The following copy gives not only the to either man or men, given by the majority of terms of such a lease, but the prices of grain freeholders, that doth appear at the time and place then current: appointed; and it is . further agreed that, for "This instrument of writing witnesseth, that I, every town right that any. freeholder doth pos­ Robert Godfree, of Littleworth, ,vithin the town­ sess, he shall have so many votes, in the giving ship of Oyster Bay, have let to farm, all my im­ and granting land· and common rights, and not proved lands· and meadows at Littleworth, unto othenvise to be understood, but to grant and Isaac Doughty and William Crooker, to. them. divide, as they shall see cause. their executors, or assigns, for the full term_ of 53 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND seven years, from the date hereof underwritten, the home lots. The value which they set. upon to occupy, possess, and improve, as they see their movables, meaning household furniture, cause, without hindrance or molestation from me, farming utensils, trade tools, and live-stock, is to or any from me, .or under me, they paying and our ideas very amusing; it is impossible to read fulfilling to me, and my order, as followeth, viz. : without a smile the wills which we will insert, they are to set one hundred apple-trees out into of the leading people,. gravely dividing the most my said land, in order for an orchard, and fence insignificant articles among their children. But it in with a three-rail fence, and keep the apple­ the reason is obvious enough. All these things trees well pruned. Secondly, they are to pay came from England with them, and could only to me, or my heirs ' or assigps., three pounds be replaced from there at an enormous cost, yearly, during the full term of seven years, good compared with their intrinsic value~ Such things merchantable wheat, at five shillings a bushel, or were scarce everywhere in this country, but prob­ Indian corn, at two shillings, sixty pounds to the ably particularly so here, for every one of the bushel, rye, at three shillings the bushel, and early settlers had made other homes before tµis, oats and peas, as it passes between neighbor and some as many as four; and considering the dif­ zeighbor; the said grains so paid yearly, to be ficulty of transportation, and the fact that many paid to me, or my order, before the 1st of of them had been obliged to leave their first set­ March, at the house of Isaac Doughty; but it tlements hurriedly, on account of rel.igi_ous perse­ is to be understood, the one-half the rent is to cutions, it is easy to see that the stock of goods, be paid in good winter wheat, and the said apple­ as well as money, with which they emigrated, trees are to be planted out this ensuing spring, must have been sadly diminished. This high and what· apple-trees more shall be set out upon value continued to attach to movables ( except my land by them, or fences made better at the cattle) for many years, of which we find an expiration of the time, shall be allowed out of amusing instance as late as 1720. The arbitrators, the rent, as honest men shall judge ; or if they in a distpute between Robert Coles and his step­ shall" see cause to build a house or barn upon son, Robct."t Shadbolt, after deciding the O\vner­ the said . land, it shall be paid or allowed out of ship of houses and lands, made the following the rent, being valued as aforesaid. And to the award: · true performance of this, our aforesaid agree­ "Robert Shadbolt shall have the meanest of ment; we have interchangeably to each other, them two feather-beds, which was in the house subscribed our hands, and set to our seals, in where- he now lives, which was his mother's, as Oyster Bay, 16th day of October, 1682." also a bolster and two pillows, and a checkered The value of land, for many years after the coverlet, and one of the straw beds, and a set of settlement, can only be determined by a com­ blue curtains; a:nd all his· mother's wearing clothes parison of the few cases in which the price and that are in the house now, and the high candle­ quantity are mentioned, witq. the prices of other sticks, and one of the looking-glasses, and all the things. In the older deeds the ·price is rarely window curtains in the house, and one iron pot, mentioned, the quantity of land still more rarely, that was his mother's, being at Joseph Wolsey's." and when both are stated, the value frequently This is one of the only hvo instances in which consisted, in a great measure, in the buildings clothes are mentioned; they seem to have been and other improvements. There are a few in­ plenty enough; curtains, especially bed-curtains, stances, however, that will enable us to form appear to have been considered necessaries. some judgment in the matter. Thomas Town­ The wives and daughters generally got the send and Richard Harcut, appraisers of the movables. The father, having lands of which property of Samuel Mayo, consisting. of a home he could make no use himself, gave them to pis lot, and a share of meadow, containing two acres sons as they grew up, and the older ones bemg and a quarter, valued the whole at twenty-five thus provided for, the homestead usually fell to pounds. The home lot was the place lately the youngest, and was sometimes given to him ·owned by Hamilton, containing six acres, one of during the life of the parents, upon condition of the best in the village. This was in 1671, and his making a certain provision for them; but about the same time, at the division of John generally the wife had the homestead ( occasion­ Townsend's estate, a bed and furniture was ally only a part of it) during her life, or widow­ valued at ten pounds, and two cows at the same. hood. It was a matter of course that she would Not very long afterwards, Thomas Townsend marry again, unless advanced in years. · In such bought the Fort N eek estate from the Indians a simple society, it was very easy for a man to (Dr. Peter S. Townsend says, nearly four miles start in life, and maintain a family as well as his square), for fifteen pounds, and Joseph Ludlum neighbors, consequently they married young; and paid one hundred pounds for a homestead con­ being, as in all new settlements, more numerous taining seve.nteen acres (Mrs. Miner's place), than women, they were quite ready to n1arry an with the buildings and privileges belonging to it. attractive widow with a family of children, espe­ Indeed, this homestead, with the privileges at­ cially as, though v,,re should not call either mother tached, bore about the same relative value to the .or ·children rich, they could bring their full pr~· Fort N eek property that a fine house on Fifth portion . to the common stock. The only in­ Avenue bears to a township in Oregon; and the stances · remembered of widows remaining un­ home meadows, as they called those near the married, during the first fifty years of the settle­ village, were held at a higher value than even ment, were the two Elizabeths, widows of Johr1 54 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

Townsend and John Dickinson, who had each of the 16th of the 4th month, 1689, and then the them nine children, several of them married Lord took her to Himself, and left me, Richard when they became widows. Nor is it surprising Willets, a sorrowful man, with my motherless that the most afflicted should be induced to accept babe." a second husband, whose strong arm was needed The only mention of a schoolmaster is in 1677, to make_ her property and that of her children w~en "Thomas Webb,. s·choolmaster," was ap• available to their support. pointed Town-Clerk, with a salary of forty shil• lt does not appear t.o have been considered, lings. It is singular that mariy of those who that a wife had any right in her husband's real. could write, habitually made their mark. Some estate; for many years she rarely joins in a deed of these markers do occasionally write their ( we might almost say never), unless the property names; others were surveyors, and must have origina11y belonged to her. But in several cases been not only able to write, but in the habit of. it. where a man died intestate, the wife, with the The writing and orthography of the oldest books consent and advice of her husband's nearest male of Record are unexceptionable ( indeed, much of relations, divided the estate among the children, the writing is very handsome, but so different Tetaining the use of a part. or the whole, during from that to which we are accustomed as to make her life or widowhood. If the wife had no in­ it somewhat difficult to read), which is more than terest in her husband's real estate, it is very can be said for some entries several ye·ars later. difficult to find out what right he had in hers. The first physician in Oyster Bay was "Simon There is an illustration of the uncertainty that Cooper, chirurgeon ;'' his son Robert was also a they felt themselves about the matter in the fol- chirurgeon. The assessment list, which we men­ lowing deed: · tioned above (from the ''Documentary History of "I, Alice Crabb, of Oyster Bay, do by these New York"), had a note subjoined, stating that presents, assign and make over all my right, title, the inhabitants, being "sickly," had not sent in and interest,· in this above-written deed, unto my their lists. In a paper left by Squire George son Adam Wright, and his heirs forever, only Townsend, of Norwich, he says that his grand­ I do reserve to myself the use of the share of father and his brother died in what was called meadow, mentioned in this deed, during my life, "the great sickness" (1697), and continued to be and after my decease it is to redown to my son so called when he wrote, 1769. There is an Adam, and his heirs, forever, as witness my hand, entry on the Town Record that the Town 11:eet­ in Oyster Bay, this 26th day of June, 1675. ing, April 7th, 1747, was held at \Volver Hollow, ''It is to be ·understood that, although Richard "by reason of the small~pox distemper being in Crabb be not mentioned in the above-written the town." deed, yet, notwithstanding, he being considered No clergyman of any denomination is alluded head or chief, do by these presents confirm that to, except in the deposition of San1uel Titus, al­ his said wife, Alice Crabb, hath done by this ready copied, and the following entry: assignment, only the said Richard Crabb reserves "At a Town 1'1eeting, Feb. 19th, 1693. This the above said shear of meadow to his own dis­ 'day the Town met together, in order to a late posal." Act of Assembly, for settling two ministers in Fortunately, there were no lawyers to suggest the County, but nothing done about it, but made a doubt about the title to that "shear of mead- return that it was against their judgment, there­ ow." · fore could act nothing about it." Among the most important officers of the The highest assessment; on a list made in 1683, Town, if not the most so, was that of Surveyor. is 1.22·0; the person so assessed was 11ary Willets Two were elected every year, but the same ones (widow of Richard), of Jericho, sister of the were re-elected many times. John Townsend at wife of Robert \Villiams. Through her father, f'v!ill, held ~he office nineteen· years, being ele~ted and brother William, and Hope Washbourne, she in 1686, with. Thomas Weeks, who served with became possessed of a large tract of land, being him, until '95 or 'g6, when Rhode Island John a part •Of that held by Williams. She was the Townsend took his place. 11ill John died in ancestress of all the Willets in the town. Her Ii05, and was succeeded by his nephew, the 3d son 'Richard left a memorandum of his birth, Henry; he and Rhode Island John both dying marriage, the birth of his daughter. and death of in 1709, were replaced, after a short interval, by his wife, which the Clerk of the :Meeting thought James Townsend. of Jericho, and George Town­ worthy of a place on the record, from which we send, of Oyster Bay, who continued to be elected shall copy it, for although "an oft-told tale," it for twenty years. The fee at first was sixpence has been seldom told with such brief, simple per acre, but in 1686 was reduced to three. The pathos. 1nducement to hold the office was to obtain such "I was born on the 25th of tenth month, 166o, a knowledge of all the land in the town as would and I continued with my mother until I was 25 enable them to purchase and exchange advan­ years of age; and in the year i686, on the 25th tageously. But when the price of this work or day of the 1st month, I took Abigail Bowne to of anything else, is mentioned, it is not tC:: be wife, and we continued together until the 25th of supposed that money was the medium of pay­ the 1 tth month following, and then she bare me ment;, That was 'Very rarely the case ; if "mov­ a daughter, and she called her name Hannah ; ables were scarce, money was more so and and we enjoyed each other, in great love, until there are constant allusions to payments in 'prod- 55 TO \V N '.S END. -·TO \V N S H EN D

11~e, at stipulated prkes. We will copy a speci- house and lands to any that the town approves, men of these transactions. . "but not to come and live in it himself." The In 1692, H;enry Townsend sold several parcels house was sold to Joseph Ludlum, and there the of land, at the Planting Fields, to John Dows• matter ended. Soon after that, Abraham .Alling, bury, for sixty pounds of silver money, current or Alen, was accepted as smith. His lot, how­ in the colony, to be paid by annual instalments ever, was granted upon the terms usual in such of five pounds, but "it is to be understood that gifts, that is, to be. built upon in a year and a these several payments, before expressed, are day, or forfeited. He seems to have· given entire to be paid, the one half in money, the other half satisfaction as long as he exercised his trade, · in goods, at money price." The following is the which was not, however, many years; he took up receipt for the first payment: land, and continued to add to it, until he owned "Received, this last day of October, 1693. Then the tract on the east side of MiU Neck, now received of John Dowsbury, in this within-men­ divided into four farms, one of ,vhich ( that at tioned bill, one cow, one calf, and two years' old the Point, then called Cedar Point) still belongs heifer, at the sum of five pounds, being in full of to his descendants. There are other negotiations the first year·s payment, according to the ,vithin­ with blacksmiths, showing that for many years written obligation. I say received by me, · the settleme_nt of one in the village was a public "HENRY TOWNSEND." concern. • Even the half stipulated to be paid in money In 1661, the grant of the 1-Iill Stream was made was not forthcoming. Th~ scarcity of money, to- Henry Townsend. Dr. Peter Townsend says however, we know to have been general. As an that before he built the mill, the people were ·illustration of it, we may mention that when obliged to carry their grain across to Norwalk to. Willian1 Bradford issued proposals for printing be ground, and that he was invited here to· build the· Bible, in New York, in 1688, the price \Yas the mill by the \Vrights and John Dickinson. to be twenty shillings, but the proposals contain This is tradition, but is no doubt true. The a clause that the pay may be half silver, "or original grant and the property conveyed by it they who really have not money, goods at money are now in the possession of George Townsend, price will satisfy." A people ,vho had little or great-great-great-great-grandson of Henry. no money, or surplus produce, could buy little, "Oyster Bay, September 16th, 1861. Be it .and they were obliged to supply their wants known unto all men by these presents~ that we, among themselves as they best could. They had the Inhabiters of the Town of Oyster Bay, on sheep, and of course raised flax, though it is not Long Island, in America, whose names are under­ mentioned in the Records. \Veavers and shoe­ written-,ve do by these presents, firmly covenant, makers were in abundance, so that they had no and engage, unto Henry Townsend, now in the difficulty about clothing and house linen ( though said town, upon condition the said Henry Town­ a single sheet is more than once mentioned in send do build such a mill, as at Norwalk, on .a will). Their chief trouble was the want of the Maine, or an English mill, on. our stream, .a competent blacksmith. They no doubt required called by us, the ~!ill River, at the west end of an accomplished artist, who could keep thei~ iro!1- our Town, then we do give and confirm such ware of all kinds as good as new for twice its lands to him, his heirs, and assigns, forever, natural life, and then contrive something to an- without molestation or condition, as,. namely; all . swer the purpose out of the remains. The first the mill lot, bounded with Henry Disbrow~ s lot -one mentioned was John Thomson, whom the on the east side; the salt meadow on the north Town receives as blacksmith, and allots to him end; Anthony \Vright's meadow lot on the west; a home lot,. which if he die in the Town is to and the highway on the south; and the said An­ belong to his heirs, but if he leaves is to return thony \Vright's lot· is given also to the said Henry to the Town, they paying for his improvements. Townsend, that adjoin to the aforesaid mill lot For .a while things went on very smoothly, al­ on the east, and Latting's salt meadow on the lotments were made here and there to John . north end, and a highway on the ·west side, two Thomson, and he was evidently in high favor. poles broad, ~etween the said stream, and mill Suddenly there was a change; at a Town 11eet­ lot, and the highway on the south; and we give ing, in 16j7, the Constable, Thomas Townsend, him also the salt meadow and upland, on the was ordered to "give notice to John Thomson west side the mill stream, to a little stream of to resine up the land, which the Town formerly water, on the west side of it, and the sea is the gave him, for a breach of covenant, being then north· bounds ; on the south a highway· of six entertained as the Town smith, or to answer the poles broad joining unto the Swamp. And we Town's complaints the next session at Jamaica." d(! hereby give unto Henry Townsend the said This reads as though the land had been given mill stream to build a mill or mills on it, as he for a breach of covenant, a blunder which would shall see cause, and so to remain firm to him, his have been avoided had their Constal:,le drafted heirs, arid assigns, so long as he or they do keep the resolution, his style being remarkable for a mill on it, as aforesaid. But if the mill cease clearness. John did not "resine up" the land, but to be for half a · year after it is built, and no appointed two attorneys to maintain his right preparation is made to repair· the hiill again. that to it. The Constable was ordered to take pos­ then the Town may lawfully enter on the River session; but finally the Town and the attorneys again~ as their own, and improve it as the Town ·agreed that he should have liberty to sell his shall see necessary. But if the said Henry Town- 56 TOWN SE.ND-TOWNSHEND send's heirs or assigns make preparation to re- like their usage at the mill, they are to give no­ . pair the mill, so that it be finished for service, ti_ce O! · it !O the miller, and attend himself, or after a year's decay, that the said stream shall his wife, 1£ he have one, and see their com continue his or theirs, on condition a mill be kept ground, if they will, but if they will not attend the up, or else the stream to return to the Town, as grinding, and do cast blemishes, notwithstanding, aforesaid ; and tl1erefore we give him by this on the miller, they are at liberty to grind it an­ full power- to trench and dam, and to take what other. plac~, and t~e miller at his liberty, whether timber he hath need of. for his use, and to have he will grind again for any such person or per­ commoning for his cattle, and on our charges, we sons until him or them do tender such reasonable engage to trench and make a dam for the mill, · satisfaction, as may be adjudged just by the as he shall give direction, when he calls to have Town." it done. And we allow him the tenth part for Henry Townsend also built a saw-mill, for the grinding; but if, in process of time, the toll do use of which the Town gave him the following so increase, that less may be sufficient to uphold grant of timber: the mill, so that the miller be not discouraged, "24th of 9th month, 1673. A Town Meeting he shall have less, as understanding men, in the held, and granted by the Town, that Henry case, chosen by him and us, shall judge. His Townsend shall have, and hath liberty to make· toll dish to be made true, and to be struck in use of what timber he shall stand in need of for· taking the toll, and we engage no other his saw-mill, within the bounds and limits of than what is before mentioned, shall. be made our Town, that is to be understood, Pine Island~ join to the forementioned lands we have given or any other common lands, to n1ake use · of, to said Henry Townsend, and we are content, either for building, or to sell in the town, or to that the mill do app in sell out of the town, as he shall see cause: the. a week to grind our corn, and that said grant is to be understood to be to Henry when the said Henry Townsend do fence in the Townsend and his heirs forever." above-said land, that such as have upland or It does not appear from the Records where this. meadow joining to the above said, shall join in will was. Henry Townsend, 2d, Robert, and fencing with him their half, according to Eng­ two of the Birdsalls, put up a saw-mill at o1ill lish custom, and is to have it, all rates and taxes N eek, in 1694,. In 1678, a grant was made to free, forever, and to enter in present possession Isaac Ho.rner, of the mill privileges at · Shoo­ on the stream and lands. And so, to the true, Brook, for a fulling-mill, but he did not build and due, and faithful performance, of all and it; and in 1684, it was given to John Dows bury, every of the above-mentioned engagements and who made extensive improvements (among the promises, we bind us, our heirs and assigns, to rest a brick house), not very much to his ad­ perform, unto the said Henry. Townsend, his vantage, as upon his death the property was sold heirs and assigns, as witness our hand, the day by the Shel;"~ff, at the suit of \Vm. Bradford, to and year above written, upon condition he build Samuel Hayclen, who again sold to Nicholas a mill as aforesaid, .serviceable to the Town of Lang, who at his death left a part of it to his Oyster Bay, in the condition the town now is in, son-in-law, William ~Ioyles, who bought the. as the 1vlill at Norwalk is serviceable to their rights of the other heirs. Moyles married the town. second time, lvlary, widow of Ruemourn Town• "Nicholas Simkins, Robert Furman, Benjamin send, to whose daughters, l\Iary Willis and Sarah Hubbard, Richard Latting, Anthony Wright, Hewlett, he left one-third of his estate. Town­ Francis '\iVeeks, Henry Disbrow, Richard Harcut, send Hewlett, the son of Sarah, bought from his John Richhill, Nicholas \Vright, Matthew Bridg­ mother and the other heirs, and left it to his. man, Town Clerk, John Finch, John Dickinson, son, the late \Vm. :rvI. Hewlett. Jonas Halstead, John Bates, John Townsend, In 1668, a piece of upland at Ash Swamp was Sen., John Townsend, Jr.., Thomas Armitage." laid out to Nicholas Davis, with liberty to build. Some part of the la:µd given in thi~ grant only a wharf into the sea, at what is now Ship Point came into Henry Townsend's possession (or that (but not called by that name for. some years of his sons) by purchase. It is impossible to afterwards). This grant was forfeited, and the fix the western boundary now, but, as it was a foot of South street is called the Dock. stream of water, it could not have been much if The "old brick-kill" is mentioned in 1672, which any west of the canal. seems to have been in the Cove. In 1678, there The following entry, in relation to some dis­ -was a brick-yard near the brook, east of South satisfaction with the· miller, is. an illustration of street, then called Anthony's Brook, and the lot the simplicity of the habits and ideas of the on the north side of the street was called the people. Dr. P. Townsend says that Richard . "clay lot" for a great many years. In 1680, a Harcut was the miller at one time, and probably brick-kiln is mentioned on Hog Island. The when the complaint was made: following will shows that, at the date of it, the ''30th of 7th month, 1672. At a Town Meeting, testator was engaged in making bnck: ordered by reason of aspersions cast upon the "Oyster Bay, 23d of the 8th month, 1673. I, miller. the Town have taken it into serious con­ William Risbie, Sen., of Oyster Bay, being sick, sideration, and have ordered, . with the consent but having my understanding, and do· not know and agreement of Henry Townsend, owner ·of what the Lord will do with me, concerning life the mill, ·that if any person or persons do not or death, am willing to settle matters, so that 57 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND none may suffer by me; and therefore I shall a . notable person, in the character of merchant, rela:te how matters stand, of what I owe, and is ~illiam Bradford, the first printer and publisher owing me; how my estate lieth, and in what, as 1n New York; for several years before 1702 he followeth. I am indebted to Wm. Buckler, nine is styled, in his deeds, merchant, of Oyster Bay; pounds; to Robert Coe, of Jamaica, I owe five then, and after that, .printer, of New York, though pounds, and I do owe to George Dennis, forty­ he appears to have carried on his publishing and nine shillings, beside what my daughter l\lary printing while he lived here. Some of the old had, in broadcloth,-in all, it was three pounds books of Records have an inscription to the nine shillings. I am indebted to James Brooking . effect that they were bought of William Brad• five pounds two ; to John Gatts, ten shillings. I fu~ . am something in. debt to Joseph Carpenter, and The following entries show how the few poor Daniel Coles. ro Nie.bolas Simkins, in brick, were provided for, and how cases of intemper­ two pounds ten. To Samuel \Veeks, twelve shil­ ance were dealt with, for although intemperance lings. Here followeth an account of what is due is not stated to be the cause of the incapacity me: From Thomas Townsend, ten shillings. mentioned, in the second extract, it no doubt was, hiatthias Harvey owes me two pounds one shil­ as the will of the father, Robert Furman, show·s ling, and Joseph Ludlum owes me five shillings. that 11oses labored under no natural incapacity. Robert Bragall, at Hempstead, two pecks of "The 1st day of February, 1661. Alf we, whose wheat Thomas Thomson owes me one bushel. names are here underwritten, do hereby engage James Townsend owes me five shillings ; and to ourselves that we will give freely, toward the John Rogers, I owe one pound one shilling. maintenance of the \Vidow Draper, so much In­ Jonathan Rock Smith have a mare of mine in dian corn for a year, beginning at the 1st day of his hands, and one gray mare and colt, at Matine­ February, 1661, to end the 1st day of February, cock; and of cow-kind, I have one young cow, 1662, .provided we may be no more troubled and white steer, at Thomas Townsend's; Samuel with her, more than the rent of the house, and Weeks have a three-year old steer, and Elizabeth that there be some person appointed to receive it, Townsend have another, of the same age; and I and to Jock to it and her, so that it may not be have one more three-year old steer at Matthias wasted. So much corn as followeth : ·Harvey's, and another at James Cock's, and an "John Richhill, 3 bush.; Robert Furman, 2 ox and cow at the Widow Underhill's, and I bush.; John Townsend, Jr., I bush.; Nicholas have two fat cows at Richard Harcut's, and Wright, 2 bush.; John Townsend, 2 . bush.; John Dickenson's; a cow at halves, and a steer Thomas Armitage, 2 · bush. ; Jones Halstead, 2 I had of Adam Wright, and two three-year old bush. ; John Dickinson, 2 bush. ; Francis Weeks, heifers, at John Townsend's; and a cow I had of 2 bush.; Moi'es Furman, I bush.; Benj. Hubbard, Nathaniel Coles, he is to have her agafr for 2 bush. ; Henry Townsend, I bush. ; John Bates, work. l\1y will is, that my debts are to be paid I . bush.; Samuel Andrews, 3 bush." out of my estate, and the remainder I give to It will be observed that ~roses Furman, who, Richard Harcurt, as witness my hand, except one in the following paper, acknowledges his inca­ cow, I give to my wife and daughter Sarah. pacity to sell five shillings' worth, was one of the "\VILLIAM X RisBIE. contributors. "The mark of. "This writing testifieth that I, Moses Furman, "MEMORANDUM.-!, William Risbie, do owe to of Oyster Bay, upon divers considerations, finding Widow Dennis, or her order, 13,500 bricks, upon myself not capable to deal with any man, or Richard Harcurt's account, and I, William Risbie, trade for the good of myself and family, being do own, that I have received full satisfaction for of a weak capacity, I do by these presents, con­ the aforesaid bricks, from Richard Harcurt, as· stitute and appoint the officers of the Town of witness my hand, in the . presence of Oyster Bay, as now, and for the time to come, "NATHANIEL CoLEs, \VILLIAM X RrsBIE. as overseers of my whole estate, for the use "BENJ. HUBBARD. His mark." and maintenance of my wife and children as their own ; and I do further engage and promise not In 1694, "liberty is granted to Thomas Youngs, to make sale of, to the value of five shillings, at to spin rope yarn, and make rope in the HoUow any time, without the consent. of one or all the .by his shop, on the common, not prejud.icing any officers, that now are, or hereafter shall be, as highway." · witness my hand, in presence of us. Although the people bad little money, that "SAML. ANDRE\VS, ?dosES FuRMAN." cfid not deter merchants from trying their for• "CALEB WRIGHT. tunes here. The first mentioned. is John Richhill, ~ho soon sold his large interest in the town, and After making this assignment of his property, «hsappeared. Next we have George Dennis, who, Furman left, and the Town officers ~ade ar• a!ter a few very busy years, was obliged to assign rangernents with a man to take his property in his property for the benefit of his creditors. Then charge, and provide for the wife, and fulfil his Pierre Breton, merchant, sells his good sloop, the obligations to bis mother,· under his father's will; True-Love, now lying, and lately built at Oyster and they also resolved to put out the children to Bay, to his son-in-law, Pierre Dugo, . mariner. be brought up, as they said the mother was not At the close of the seventeenth century, we have capable. Before they completed their design, 58 TOWNSEND-TO \V N .. S H E.:N D

Furman returned; and then left again, which he . unalterably fixed. But . I have a· strong impres-.. repeated to their great- annoyance. sion, that I shall survive the. day of battle, and There are frequent instances of differences be• not because I desire to hide myself, but hope ing settled by arbitration, boundaries being the you may hear- something honorable, whether I princip~l-· cause of dispute, ~hi~h is no more stand or fall. And as no man can tell the event,. than might be expected, cons1denng the extreme lest it should be my lot ·to be found· among the· vagueness with which the bou~daries of t~e land slain, I shall now recommend to your kindness granted by the town are described, of which the my wife and children, family, and estate, to be mill grant is a striking instance, though it is treated with the utmost tenderness, and· disposed not known that it occasioned any dispute. of, agreeable to a will. in Mr. Lloyd's hands, It is surprising how few allusions are made in which, I make no doubt, you will execute, with the Records to boats, or ship-building, or to all the integrity, care, and prudence,_ you_ are . navigation in any _way. We should think a boat master of, together with James and Joseph Lloyd. as well worth mention in a will as many articles But nothwithstanding this hint, I hope. soon to . they bequeath; but they are never mentioned. send you the agreeable news of the French fort• Ship Point is so called early in the eighteenth resses, at the Narrows, and Crown Point, being century, perhaps a few years before that.. It is subjected to our arms. Then we shall be willing probable that, even then, there was a considerable · to march and carry fire and sword into Canada, trade here. · By the middle of the century, we and return . by the way of St. Lawrence. But know that the business was very imp"Ortant. . be that as it will. Give my best regards to all Samuel Townsend was actively engaged in the friends and acquaintances. My duty to my English and West India trade, building and own­ mother. Love to your wife and family. I would ing several ships of different kinds. William have wrote to all my friends if time was my and Benjamin_ Hawxhurst, too, operated largely, own, but nothing is to be seen here but one con­ owning~ fulling and grist mills at Cold Spring, tinued round of hurry; so. am forced to conclude, and a store (probably one at Cold Spring, and and am your most affectionate brother, one at Oyster Bay), for which they imported "?¥I. TAYLOR WooLs'EY." goods from England. Their business was prob­ ably more extensive than the field warranted, for "SCHENECTADY, 26th July, 1758. they failed and removed to New York. Samuel "DEAR BROTHER :-I wrote you in high spirits, Townsend continued his business prosperously at the time of embarkation for Ticonderoga, when until the Revolution, and through that period, it seemed that Providence was lavish of smiles notwithstanding many difficulties and obstructions. upon our enterprise, and we as foolish, in not After that, the trade of the place was transferred making a proper use of the advantages put into to New York. our hands; for which neglect, the devil take There i$ not the slightest allusion made in the somebody ! I also wrote you again on our return, Record to the French War. The only person or rather flight, giving some account of. our hav­ whom we know to have gone from the town was ing most sadly Be st the voyage, and suf­ lvielancthon Taylor Woolsey, son of the Rev. fered greatly, especially in the person of Lord Benjamin Woolsey, who entered the army as Howe, whose conduct and prudence, I make. no Colonel, and died during the war. He was buried doubt, would have saved the lives of many brave at Dosoris, his resid.e.oc~, which,_ aft~)iis death, fellows, who were set as targets to be fired at was sold to John Butler, from whom ·1r descended by the enemy, without being allowed to .return to his daughter, the wife of Nathaniel Coles. the fire ; and had they returned it, would have James Townsend~ o'f Duck Pond, was the ex­ been to but little purpose, as the enemy had a ecutor of Benjamin, the brother of Colonel breastwork of wood and earth which quite cov­ Woolsey, and among other letters left in his ered them. In this action we lost about eighteen hands, were some from Colonel Woolsey, written hundred killed and wounded, amongst whom during the war. The most of them were given were a great many officers of worth. The only by']. C. Townsend, to a descendant of Benjamin, one among the provincials that you know, was but we have found three more, two ·of them re­ your intended brother, Lieutenant Smith, whose lating to the disastrous attack on Ticonderoga, wound proved mortal, notwithstanding the best and the other, probably, written during his last endeavors of all the surgeons. He died the day sickness. We shall insert them, as interesting in after we were ordered to march to this place, themselves, and possessing a peculiar interest for and is much lamented by all his acquaintance the people of this Town, as coming from a with us, as he was esteemed an active,, good of­ townsman. ficer. Major Woodhull has taken care of .all his "July Sth, 1758. effects, which you'll be good enough to infonn "ON BOARD THE FLEET ON LAKE GEORGE. his father of, and tell him I bear a part in his "DEAR BROTHER :-The fate of Ticonderoga will affliction. We are no,v under marching orders, coubtless be determined before this reaches you, and are going to the Oneida Carrying Place, as as we are now· embarked, with fourteen thou­ 'tis said, to build a fort for some General Webb sand. troops, all eager for victory, and willing to to destroy hereafter. 'Tis Colonel Delancey's expose themselves, in order to obtain it. You will opinion, as soon as this is completed, we are to doubtless be uneasy to hear from us after this, be discharged, and, as our number ·will be about as it is most likely many of our fates wiU be · four thousand, suppose we may do it in two 59 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

months. We have great desertions lately, and Main street to the water farther west, but the some deaths, but not of your acquaintance. We formation of the Pond and dam, and the subse• have one hundred and thirty sick, but most likely quent changes in them ( the Pon~ was originally to do well. Give my best regards to all 'friends. much smaller, and the dam at the east end ),ly duty to inother. Love. to my wife, and farther south), make it impossible to determine yours, . with 'the little ones. I am in haste. Your localities in that immediate neighborhood with loving brother, precisio~. East of that there is no difficulty, "M. TAYLOR WOOLSEY. except 1n a few cases. The most western building in the Town Spot, "To BENJ. WOOLSEY." for some years, was the mill, which stood very · "SCHENECTADY, 24th Aug., 1758. near what is now the southeast comer of George "DEAit BROTHER :-Your favor; per the old post­ Townsend!s yard. The house now there was, in boy, came safe to hand, at. the Great Carrying 1720, called Esther Townsend's new dwelling­ Flace, with the agreeable accounts of health and house? and was probably built by her ( the widow welfare of my friends on Long Island. Though of l\Iill John). The one which was on the Hill at the time of receiving your letter, I was myself northeast of the present house, was probably very ill of a fever and flux, which occasioned my built by Henry Townsend, Sen., in 1()83. For a being sent to this place, which is one hundred great many years after the mill was· built, the miles from the regiment. Two days before I bolting was done by hand, by the 9wners of the left the army, there was a detachment from the grain. Henry "fownsend 2d sold to Wm. Brad­ several regiments of two thousand men., officers ford twenty-five acres, just south of his house, included, with seventy batteaux and seventy on the Hill (including the graveyard, which he whaleboats, under the command of Colonel Brad­ reserved, being one acre). Here Bradford erected street, who are gone down the vVood Creek, into a bolting-house; Henry 3d repurchased the whole the . Oneida Lake., to surprise, take, and destroy in 1703. It is not known when or by whom the Cadroque, a fort on the lake, where the French second mill, which stood near the present flood­ keep their shipping and craft of all kinds. There gate, was built, but probably by Jotham, son of are one thousand of the New York regiments !\fill John. The mill now standing was built . gone on this expedition. Colonel Clinton, Colonel near the close of the last century, by James Corse, and l\fajor Woodhull are the field-officers Townsend, of Duck Pond, and his son \Villiam. from one regiment, and all th~ soldiers from East of the mill-dam, on the south side of the Long Island that were well are gone. As they street, the first house · belonged to Richard Har­ have not been in action, we are in hopes of hear­ cut, and the next was built by John \Vashbottme, ing some agreeable accounts from them soon. and sold to James Halsted, who very soon sold to We have sundry times lately had certain accounts Richard Harcut, and he (Harcut), moving to the that Louisberg is taken, but soon turns out false. other end of the town, gave one or both of these Last. Saturday evening, on my arrival here, found places to his son Daniel. East of this was l\fark the town illuminated, but whether true or false, l\leggs's place. He very soon disappears from can't yet determine. Have nothing to add, but the Records. Across the street was a place be­ duty, love, and good wishes to you all, and am longing to Richard Latting, which he sold to your loving brother, Samuel Andrews. At the bottom of the deed is a "~{. TAYLOR WOOLSEY. memorandum that Latting owed four days' work on the dam, and no more; from which we gather '. ''I have so far recovered my health, that I hope · that the lots were assessed for labor on the dam,· to join the army in ten days or a fortnight. and the obligation transferred with the property. "1t T." Next, east of this, I-Ienry Townsend bought, Major Woodhull, mentioned in .these letters, or built; and next to him, on what is now the was afterwards General Woodhull, who, after the corner of Quogue Lane, Henry Disbrow built, battle of Long Island, was taken prisoner by the and, in 1661, sold to John Dickenson, who in the British, and died of wounds received after his same year sold to James Cock ( or Coke, as it surrender. is sometimes spelled), of Setauket. In 1669, Henry Townsend bought and gave it to his son John; and in 1683, having six acres laid out to THE TOWN SPOT, him upon the Hill, he built there, and gave the Or Plot, as it is sometimes called, extende"d from one in which he lived to his son Henry. John the foot of l\1ill Hill to Cove :Hill, and as far and Henry then exchanged houses, and . their south as the head of South street, which was the descertdants exchanged, until it is difficult to only one beside the 1\-Iain street for some little know or remember to whom they belong. They time. In the old deeds, and even as late as 1748, sold it off, too, by degrees, ·until, a few years South street is called the 1-Iain street, and was, after the death of Jotham, in about 175~, the no doubt, so considered. The one leading from whole, from Quogue Lane to the be• Edward Weeks's to Pine Hollow was soon longed to Benjamin Hawxhurst, as well as a opened, and then that between Edward Weeks's quarter of an acre on the south side of the road. and B. T. Underhill's. Quogue Lane was not It was bought agai~ _by the son of Jotham. opened for a good many years, and was at first East of Quogue Lane, John Dickenson lived on called Oyster Lane. There was a road from the a lot bought from john Hinksman., in 1658, the 6o TO.WNSEND-TOWNSHEND

second deed from a white -man on .the Records. Jobus, James, equally between them. Also, I give It is as follows: to my son James, one bed, a bolster, a pillow, a coverlet, a blanket, and one sheet. Imp. I give •~To all Christian people, to ·whom tliis sliall or to my daughter Hannah, my bed I lie on, with ,nay come, greeting: Be it known . unto all men, the bolsters, and two pillows, a coverlet, two that I, Jo~n Hinksman, late of O~ster Bay, have blankets, a pair of sheets, ,vith the curtains and sold, and by these presents do alienate, bargain, vallons belonging to it, with one chest, two pillow and sell, and have sold, unto John Dickenson, of covers. Oyster Bay, aforesaid, all. and singular all that "Imp. I give all my cart, and plough gear, and parcel of land which I exchanged with Peter tacklings, with the cart and plough and that \Vright, with all and singular all the .fencing, which belongs to it, to my son James. Imp. I meadows, and uplands that is or shall thereunto give to my grandson, Robert Harcut, two sheep. belong, with all the appurtenances or privileges All the residue of my estate I give to my young­ whatsoever, to him, his heirs, or assigns, forever; est daughters, Mehetable, Cheshire, and I-Iannah, for and in consideration hereof, John Dickenson both of household goods and with all that I am hath paid unto the said John Hinksman, in possessed of,· after my debts are paid and other broadcloth, at ~ighteen shillings a yard, the full charges necessary are paid ottt of it. Lastly, I do and just sum of three pounds sterling, and make· my son Joseph my full and whole ·executor, twenty shillings paid in liquor to the Town of to dispose of my estate according to this my last Oyster . Bay, by the hand of John Dickenson. will and testament above written. And also I do Also, a quart of ·sack and half a pint of liquor ,nake John Townsend at the mill, with my son to Peter Wright, for the exchange. In witness Joseph, to be overseers of this my ·. last will, hereof, I have hereunto set my hand, this day of which I declare to be my last will and testament, Feb., in the year of our Lord one thousand six as witness my hand and seal, this 10th Sept., hundrecland fifty-nine. }OHN HINKSM:AN." 16gt. ELIZABETH DICKINSON.'' ~ This place was bequeathed by John Dickenson Gideon, the son of Peter ,vright, married to his widow Elizabeth, who left it to her young­ Elizabeth, daughter of John Townsend 1st, and est son, -Jobus, by the will we copy below. It settled on the place now belonging to Edward passed from him to Joseph, who married Rose, Weeks. His son Anthony sold it to Justice John daughter of Henry Townsend, whose grandsons, Townsen~ from whom it descended to his son Townsend and Henry, sold it to Daniel Parish, Penn, who built the house now upon it. \Ve give in 1756. the will of Gideon vV right below ; it is a good specimen of the manner in which the people "In the name of · God, amen. I, Elizabeth generally left their property: Dickinson, widow, of Oyster Bay, in Queen's Co., on Long Island, and in the Colony of New York, "In -the name of God, I, Gideon \Vright,···being being somewhat weakly and sick, but in perfect weak of body, but of sound and perfect memory, memory and understanding, praised be God, I do make and ordain this my last will and testa­ now make my last will and testament, as fol­ ment, in manner and form fallowing : First, I loweth: Imp. I bequeath my body to the ea.rth, bequeath my body to the earth and my soul into and my soul to God that gave it. Imp. I give the hands of God that gave it. Itt. I give to my to my son J obus my house and lot, with the eldest son, Peter Wright, all my right of that orchard and meadow adjoining it, meaning all homestead belonging to me, which was of late in that I now possess adjoining to my house and the possession of my mother, Alice Crabb, lately home lot, in Oyster Bay aforesaid, with a half a deceased, formerly belonging to my father Peter share of meadow on the West N eek, at the south Wright. Itt. I give all the rest of my lan4 to be of Oyster Bay aforesaid, during his natural life; equally divided among my other four sons, until also, I give to him, the said J obus, one bed, and they are made equal to my son Peter, and what a bolster, a pillow, and coverlet, and blanket, remains over their being made equal to my son with one sheet ; and at my son J obus his decease, Peter to be divided equally among my five sons, all this that I have given him I do give to my Peter to have his choice of the said five divisions, . eldest son Joseph, him and his heirs forever. which land ·above mentioned I give to my sons "Imp. I give to my son Samuel, five shares of and their heirs forever; and it is my will, that land, at the plains, more than that which I have none of my sons alienate or dispose of any of my already given him, and this to be his full portion. lands given to them from their brethren, and "Imp. I give to my son James, two-thirds, or that their brethren shall have the refusal, and if two rights of three, of my land in the Old their brethren can or will buy the said land so Purchase of Oyster Bay, on the west side for sale, that then it shall not be sold off un .. o of Nicholas Wright's land, in the Old Purchase, any other; and ·it is my will, that if any sons die going to Lusum, as the Records of Oyster Bay without issue, that then his or their part of land showeth how it is bounded and laid out, with shall go to be .equally divided among the sur­ half a share of meadow on the West N eek, at viving brethren. Itt. I give the one half of my Oyster Bay south, five acres of land at the movables to my three daughters, and the other plains; and my right of commonage belonging to half to my wif~, for her to dispose of as she my home lot I give to my three sons, Samuel, thinks fit; only I give to my son Peter my bald- 61 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

face mare, and he shall give the first colt that · spelled both ways in one deed), whose son Richard she brings to his brother Gideon, and I also give sold to the heirs of Edmond Wright. From Ed­ to my son Peter, one two-year-old heifer, and mond Wright 2d, both places united passed to to my sons Anthony and Gideon, to each of his son-in-law, John Townsend, from whom it them, a calf; · and it is my will, that my wife descended to his son Ephraim, whose heirs sold shall ·have and possess this place and homestead to James Prior, who sold to Jacob Colwell, from in which I live, with what outlands she shall whose heirs it was bought by its present owner, stand in need ·of during her widowhood as afore- J. C. Townsend. In the old deeds (not the _said. Itt. It is my will, that if one or more very oldest, however) possession is said to be ·of my daughters happen to die before they come given by turf and twig, which we supposed to to age, that their portion shall return to· the be a mere figure of speech, until we found the surviving sister or sisters. To which, as a testi-. following entry in relation to the sale by Latting: mony that it is my last will and testament, I "Josias Latting did give Wm. Buckler posses­ set my hand and seal, this 14th day of May, sion of the house and land that he· sold him in 1685- . GIDEON \VRIGHT." Oyster Bay, by turf and twig, according to law, Notwithstanding the eight children, the home­ in presence of the Constable and Overseers of stead was forfeited. Oyster Bay and several neighbors, .the 22d of Peter Wright's homestead was next to John April, 1676." · Dickinson's. He may be called the founder of Nicholas Wright left a handsome estate, which Oyster Bay. He was the only one of the orig­ he divided -among his three sons, but made no inal three purchasers who settled here; and of disposition in his will of his personal estate, or those whom they admitted as partners, not one mention of his daughters. To supply this omis­ continued longer than ten years, excepting his sion we find the following settlement: ·brother Anthony, who had no children; but Peter "Whereas, our father and mother, Nicholas . and his brother Nicholas left large families, and and Ann \Vright, deceased, and left a consider­ for many years they were, in point of ability, in.. able estate amongst us, their children, under• fluence, and fortune, an1ong the leading men of written ; and for a true settlement of said estate, the town. Peter's homestead included Mrs. and prevention of further contests and troubles Wright's and Mrs. De Kay's places. The part that may arise thereby, we do jointly and unani­ belonging to· Mrs. Wright was sold by Anthony, mously agree, and freely condescend to each grandson of Peter, to William, grandson of other, that our father's will for the division and Nicholas, to whose descendants it still belongs. stating of his lands upon his sons, according to The other part, we believe, was sold by Anthony his will, shall stand good to them, and their heirs to Henry Townsend 3d, from whose son Absalom forever; and, forasmuch as there was no certain it descended to his great-granddaughter, 11rs. order in·, the said will, or at the death of our -Storrs, by whom it was sold not very many mother, for the division of the movable estate, years since. On this part Peter's house stood. as left by our deceased father and mother, we Opposite to Peter Wright's, from the comer half do unanimously agree, that all the said movable ,vay down to South street, was the homestead of estate shall be for the sisters' portions, to be di­ ·Nicholas Wright. He gave the east part of it vided as they shall order or agree, excepting only .to his son Caleb, who lived there until his all the neat-cattle, one great kettle, and all the father's death, ,vhen he inherited the whole. It iron-work belonging to the cart and plough, and has remained in- the family until a few years our deceased father's clothes, to be divided among since, when the heirs of the late Caleb Wright his three sons ; and in consideration, by agree­ sold it. The house had been many years ago ment, that our brother, Caleb Wright, is to have abandoned by the family for one built across the all the neat-cattle, as above said, excepting only street on Peter's place. In 1720, William, son two heifers, one in the possession of John, the of the -1st Caleb, gave to the Baptist Society forty other in the possession of Edmond, for which feet square, on which the church then stood, they, with their brother Caleb, are equally to pay being a part of the present lot. The trustees all their deceased father's and mother's debts, were -Robert Feeke and Joseph Weeks. The and acquit and discharge their sisters from any place now owned by B. T. Underhill ,vas given trouble of demand that may arise thereby, and by Nicholas Wright to his son John, who mar­ their heirs forever; and Caleb Wright doth en.. ried Mary, daughter of Henry Townsend. From gage, in consideration of the cattle, as above him it descended to his daughter Rose, who left mentioned, to pay to his four sisters, their hus­ it to her son, Wright Coles ; when or to whom bands', or their order, ten pounds current, mer­ it passed from his heirs, does not appear on the chant pay, according to pork, at threepence per Records. There is every reason to believe that a pound, at or before the first day of ·November, part of the house now there was built by John next ensuing the date underwritten. And the Wright. movables that are to be divided amongst our Next south, Josias Latting, son-in-law of Nich­ sisters, is the swine, horseflesh, brass, pewter, tin, <>las Wright, had a lot laid out to him, and· built iron, wooden ware, woollen, linen, silver, gold. 11pon it. South of him, Edmond, son of Nicholas, earthenware, or what else be to the said estate son-in-law of Peter Wright, lived. Josias Lat­ whatsoever only what is above excepted; and to tine sold to William Buckler ( or Butler; it is the true performance of this our agreement, we 62 TOWNSEND~TOWNSHEND hav~ interchangeably subscribed our hands to each North of this was the lot which was laid out other, in Oyster -Bay, June 4th, 1683. to Samuel ?v!ayo ; he . did not settle there, and ''CALEB WRIGHT, JOSIAS LATTING, Anthony Wright gave it to Job, his brother "JouN WRIGHT, NATHANIEL CoLES, Peter's son, in 1677. Job built the house w~ich ·'EDMUND WRIGHT, ROBERT COLES. now stands upon it. It was sold by his son In presence of us, Anthony to Rose, widow of Justice John Towns­ ·· "RICHARD HARCUT, Constable. end, who sold it to her son-in-law, George

· "THOMAS TowNSEND1 Recorder. Townsend, in 1712, who, in the same year, sold 0 }0BN \VEEKS, 01.:erseer." it to Abraham Underhill, whose son gave it to his sister Sarah, who. with her .husband, James Returning to the Main street, we find, next Dickinson, sold it to Jacob Townsend, who, we east to Peter Wright, the homestead of his believe (the description is not entirely clear), brother Anthony, extending to ?outh street. . He sold it to Silas Weeks, when it disappeJ1rs for a bad no children, and, from his recorded gifts, long time, and is then mentioned as in the pos . must have been a warm-hearted, generous n1an. session of Joshua Hammond. In all the deeds,

He died September 9th, 168o1 and left his whole the "dubble house" is a very conspicuous feature. property to his sister-in-law Alice, the widow of North of this was the lot laid out to John Peter, then the wife of Richard Crabb. She Thomson, the blacksmith; when he left,· it was gave. this homestead to her youngest daughter, sold to Joseph Ludlam. North of this again, was Lydia, the wife of Isaac Horner, in 1684, re­ a lot laid out to George Dennis; when he failed, serving "six rods square, at the northeast corner, it was sold by. his assignee, Thomas Townsend, as already agreed ·upon, for a burying-place. and to Edward White, of Setauket, in 1682. White forty feet square, at the southeast corner. where .afterwards bought Joseph Ludlam's lot, and the the meeting-house now stands." There is no place is still the residence of his descendants. tradition that this spot was ever used as a grave­ Coming back to the 11:ain street again, on the yard, though, for at least fifty years, it was called south side, from Nicholas Wright's to South the Quaker Burying-Ground. In 17o6. William street, lay the lot of the Rev. \Villiam Leverich; Willis, of Hempstead, Henry Cock, and John his son Eliezer sold it, in 1658, to Nicholas Sim­ Prior, received a deed for it from Isaa~ Horner, kins, the son-in-law of Francis Weeks. This in which he says that it was deeded to him, Sam­ deed is the first, from a white man, on the uel Andrews, and Simon Cooper, by Alice Crabb, Records. Simkins sold it to Alice Crabb, and in 1682. From Dr. P. Townsend's Note-Book, it removed to .M:usketocove in ~668, when this place appears that the Records of the meeting in New had on it twenty-four apple-trees in bearing, and York mention the "usual meeting-house of An­ one pear-tree. Alice Crabb gave it to her son, thoni~ \Vright ;" and as the meetings had been fa7lam Wright, who moved to Cedar Swamp, and held at his house, it is probable that he either s• td to Nathaniel Coles, Sen., who, in 1691, gave left the land to them, or directed Alice Crabb it to his son Nathaniel, then lately married to to give it, if he -did not build the house him­ Ro·se, daughter of John Wright. From him it self. In the Records of the Westbury meeting, descended to his son, \Vright Coles, who (or his we find the trustees are directed, in 1709, to see heirs) sold to Samuel Townsend, whose heirs about leasing the meeting-house ground and bt;1ry­ sold to Dr.. Seely, from ,vhom it passed to the ing-ground, in Oyster Bay : so that the n1eet1ng­ present owners. house had then disappeared. They were to re­ South of this, the homestead was owned by serve liberty for Friends to bury there. In 1720, Benjamin Hubbard, who built the houses for­ they exchanged the forty feet square, on the cor­ merly belonging to the Chadeaynes. In 1669 he ner, with Jacob \Vright. for another piece, ad­ sold to Josias Latting, who not many years after joining the burying-ground, forming the present removing to I\Iatinecock, where he had bought lot. This was leased, in 1736, · to Freelove Under­ land of the Indians, sold it to Ed1nond Wright. hill, for twenty years. In 1749, Jacob Seaman and From his son Edmond, it descended to his son­ Nathaniel Townsend were directed to buy shingles in-law, John Towusend, who sold to Absalom for the meeting-house at Oyster Bay, which Townsrud from ,vkom it was bought by William ' . marks the date of the. present edifice. While the Butler, who sold it, or at least the south part lot was leased a house was built upon it, which of it, to Tristrim Dodge, who gave it to his was sold, to be removed when the term expired. daughters. This place, at that time, extended There was no regular service in this meeting­ through to the back street, as the one running house ( which was very much injured during the by B. T. Underhill's was called. Upon this back occupation of the place by the British) until the street, somewhere, probably on the property of latter part of the century, when meetings were Edmond \Vright (as his daughter, the wife of held here and at Jericho; the latter effort re­ John Townsend, was a leading member), was the sulted in the establishment of a meeting, and the New-Light Meeting-House. It was taken down building of a house; here they were, after a while. by the Briti~h, and set up in anoth~r place.. The discontinued. For the rest of this home lot of next house 1n South street was built by Richard. Anthony Wright's (six acres), so few convey­ Holbrook, the first erected in the town, and sold ances are on the Records, that it is not possible by him to Jonas Halstead. I-Iolbrook removed to trace it clearly. to Connecticut. His will is so quaint, and shows TOWNSEND-tOWNSHEND so mach of th·e simplicity of their manners and · In 166r, Jonas Halstead· sold the place to John ideas, that we shall copy it, though he was a· Townsend, who died in 1668. His widow Eliza­ resident of the town but a short time. beth, in 1670, built the house, which was pulled •'This is the last will and testament of Richard down a few years ago, by Daniel Cock. Her son Holbrook, .of J\Iilford, in the Colony of Connecti• George inherited it from her, and, in 1742, his son Samuel · sold it to John Youngs, reserving cut, March 29th, 1670. the burying-ground, six rods from east to west "I, Richard Holbrook, being in perfect mem­ four from north to south, to his family and re~ ory, though weak ,in body, do here make my last lations, forever. Youngs sold to Absalom Town­ will and testament, as followeth. Item. I give send. · who sold again to \Villiam Butler, from unto my son, Abel Holbrook, my loom, and all whom it was bought by Samuel Townsend, of the the tackling belonging to it, and he shall work Jericho family; his heirs sold to to Ephraim with them for his mother, and maintain them, Townsend, from whose heirs it· was bought by and these shall be his when he is married. Item. Daniel Cock, who sold to the Rev. Aaron Jack- ~fy will is, that my son, Abel Holbrook, shall son, the present owner. · · live ,vith his mother, and be obedient unto her, South of this, Thomas Armitage built. In 1663, and work for her, until he is married, and at the he sold it to John Townsend, from whom it de­ day .of his marriage, he shall ~eceive the loom, scended to his son Daniel. The three · acre·s · and with all the gears. I tern. I give unto 1ny son three-quarters, forming the point, was also bought Abel, above mentioned, my gray mare. Item. I by John Townsend, and fell to his son James, give ·unto my son, Israel Holbrook, my yearling who built upon it, but, removing to Cedar mare colt. Item. I give unto my son, Peletiah S,vamp, sold it to David Underhill, from whom Holbrook, the first colt that either of these two it was bought by Daniel Townsend, and, together mares has, and they shall bring · it up for him. with Daniel's homestead, descended to his son Item. I give unto my three daughters which are Robert, who exchanged the whole with Caleb unmarried, :Mary Holbrook, Hannah Holbrook, Coles, for land at Duck Pond. At the head of and Patience Holbrook, those of them which South street, on the comer of Pine Hollow Road, marry while their mother lives: Item. l\.fy will Isaac Doughty had a homestead, which he sold is, that their mother shall endeavor to give them to John Weeks. East ·of this was a house owned ten pounds a piece, so soon as she can, after by David Underhill, which he sold to Samuel the day of their marriage; but if they live with ?viaccoon. her until the day of her death: Item. 1Iy will is, On the east side of South street, on the corner, that after their mother is dead, the household was the homestead of Joseph, son of Francis goods and cattle shall be equally divided between Weeks. He married a daughter of Henry Rudick,' these my three daughters, above mentioned, 1iary and when his father-in-law died, went to i\Iatine­ Holbrook, Hannah Holbrook, and Patience Hol­ cock, upon his wife's property, and gave this brook. place to his son Henry, who sold to his brother "Item. l\.1y will is, that if my b~loved wife, John ; which is its last appearance on the Rec• Agnes Holbrook, should marry again, then what ords. estate is then, in household goods and cattle, North of this was the home lot .of John, son shall then be eqmdly divided between her and of Francis Weeks ; he left it to his only son, her daughters, above mentioned, 11ary Holbrook, Nathaniel, who dying without issue, it passed to Hannah Holbrook, and Patience Holbrook. I tern. his sisters, Phebe, wife of Richard Youngs, and My ,viU is, that the day of my beloved wife's Susannah, wife of Richard To\Ynsend. The latter 'decease, or marrying again, which of them shall sold to her sister, who sold again to her nephew, first. happen, my house and land shall then be John Townsend, from whom it was bought by equally divided between my three sons, above George Vv eeks; which is the last we hear of it. mentioned, Abel Holbrook, Israel Holbrook, Pela­ Next to this was a vacant lot, belonging to John tiah Holbrook. Townsend 2d, who sold it to John Rogers. "Item. liy will i's, that if any of these my three Then came the house of Samuel, son of Fran­ sons, above mentioned, Abel Holbrook, Israel cis \Veeks. He also married a daughter of Henry llolbrook, and Pelatiah Holbrook, doth prove Rudick,, and removed to Matinecock, but this perverse or disobedient unto their mother's law- place continued in his name, nor is there any . ful commands, or will not live with her, then transfer of it recorded. · they shalt have no right unto my house and land, Next, north, was the house and tot of John above mentioned; then those of them that are Underhill, Jr. (his father, Captain John Under­ obedient shall have it. Item. Unto my son, John hill. had a house in the Town Spot before he Holbrook, I give one shilling. I give unto my settled at Matinecock, which he sold to George son, Daniel Holbrook, one shilline;. Item. I give Dennis, but there is nothing in the deed by unto my daughter Abigail one shilling, she having which it can be identified). He sold it, in 1668, received her portion already. Item. My will is, to Thomas Townsend. North of this was a half­ that my beloved wife, ·Agnes Holbrook, shall be lot and house, belonging to the wife of John my whole and sole executrix. In witness· where­ Rogers. The last house belonged to John Town• of, I do hereunto set my hand, and seal. send 2d, who; in r668, sold to his. ·brother Thomas, "RICHARD HoLB:aoox.'1 who, in 1673, exchanged the south half of the 64 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND. . .

Jot, which he bought of Underhill with the 166g, a highway was ordered to be opened east tiouse, for the half-lot of l!rs. Rogers, that lay of Andrews's -place; it was only carried a short. between his two lots, reserving the use of the distance, and some years afterward it was ordered house until he finished a new one, which new to be opened through, to Nan's Hollow, "near the one was that lately owned by Mrs. Summers. wolf-pit of Nathaniel Coles, Jr., and Daniel This -house and double lot he gave to his !On, Townsend." There is another wolf-pit mentioned, Justicc John Townsend, and bought again the in what is now Fleet's woods. A hollow beside house and lot he had sold to :?vlrs. Rogers, and the bars ori the Swamp Road, south of Wm. T. the vacant lot sold by his brother to her hus­ 1icCoun's gate, was pointed out to J. C. Town­ band, and gave them to his daughter Freelove, send by his father as a wolf-pit. There was a wife of Thomas Jones, who, in 1712, sold to reward of ten shillings for killing a wolf, to be George Townsend; after which there are no con­ paid by .the Town-Clerk, upon the presentation veyances for either place. · of the head or claws. The County also paid a North of Thomas Townsend's lot, the swamp, bounty on their heads, and, when that was with­ opposite to Nicholas Simkin's's home Jot, be­ drawn, the Town offered twenty shillings. From longed to him, and was transferred with it two or the following notice, it would appear that a good three times. The north end of it belonged to many. must have been killed. Isaac Horner, who sold it to John Dowsbury, "Aug. 1st, 1661. It is ordered by the Town, from whom it passed to John Newman, who had that every townsman shall bring in all their dues, already bought from John Robinson, the original for wolf-killing, against the next Town meeting, owner, the homestead east of the swamp, extend­ at Anthony Wright's. It being three shillings a ing to the place now owned by Mrs. 11iner. The man." brQok. running out of the swamp, and the bridge On the north side of the Main street, from over it, were then ( 1680), and for many years South street to Ship Point Lane, there were no after, called Anthony's Brook and Anthony's houses for a great many years. In 1677, a large Bridge, after Anthony Wright. It is a pity that part of it was set apart for a perpetual common, a name commemorative of one of the very first and as a site for a Town-House, which was to ·settlers, and a particularly estimable man, should be twenty-four feet by twenty. It was in use in have· been dropped, to be replaced by nothing. 1684, and probably before; but, ·for many years John Newman was Town-Clerk for eleven years; after, Town Meetings were frequently held at the entries he made are a most honorable monu­ private houses. \Vhen and how this property ment to his memory. He died in 1697, intestate, came into the possession of the Episcopal Church, without heirs. In 1700, Edward White seems to does not appear. The church was used as a have the property in charge. Nothing more is Town-House, nearly, if not quite, up to the heard of it until 1733, when the Hon. Captain Revolution. Charles Boyles petitions the Provincial authori­ The first mention of Harry \Vilson's house is ties to be allowed to take up the land of John in 1752; the lot had been sold in 1739, but there Newman, who, besides this place, owned ·quite is nothjng said of a house. In 1757, there was e large estate in different parts of the town. This still a highway between the house and the church­ petition was granted, upon certain conditions. yard. There was no house on the corner of the The honorable Captain probably lent his name Main and South streets, as late as 1753. East of and influence, for a consideration, to William the churchyard, and adjoining it, Thomas Town­ Moyles, an Englishman, who lived here and knew send, at a very early date, sold an acre to Morris· the· situation of the property ; he sold this place, Shadbolt, hut there is no proof that it was built by ·power of attorney from Boyles, to Samuel upon for many years. Shaw, and bought, or by some means came into In 1667, a half acre was laid out to Nathaniel possession of, part of the property himself. Coles. He built very near, if not exactly, where Among the papers of William 11. Hewlett was a the present Ship Point house stands. After bis receipt to Moyles, for papers and accounts from death, bis son Barak sold it to his brother-in-law, Thomas and Walter Buchanan, as agents for Samuel 11accoon. East of this, and nearer to the Boyles's heir, the Earl of Glasgow. A great stir point, John Richhill had a house, which he sold was made, about thirty years ago, among the to Matthias Harvey. Robert Coles, son of Na­ owners of this Newm~n property, by a report thaniel, had a homestead on the Ship Point that Boylcs's ·heirs were coming to claim it. place, probably on the east corner of the l\1ain . East of N ewman,s place was the homestead of street. On the south side of the Mai'n street, Samuel. An

whose son Refin.e it was ·sold t.o Walter Franklin,_;. the bounds. limits, and numbers of the tot. ~ who sold it to Albert Albertson, the trustees of plainly demonstrated in the · record thereof. And whose great-granddaughter sold it, not -long since, also I do give the said Daniel the one-half of t~ John and Joseph Wright. All the deeds for my lot, or share of meadow, lying on \Vest this place on -the Town Records bound it on the Neck aforesaid; this I give to my son Daniel. east "by ye Town's burying-ground," and when beside what I formerly gave him, for his portion, the highway ·was ordered between Francis and before he was married-, of which the ~ecords of Thomas Weeks (now Latten's and Irvin's) it was Oyster Bay plainly showeth; and the lands I to go through the Town's burying-ground, which have now given to my son Daniel, shall be, ·and was reserved for that purpose forever. It is remain to him and his heirs forever. Itt. I give probable that few, if any, were buried there but to my wife Miriam, the use of three acres of those who owned the place, as almost every place land· in my new field, of three acres in my old had a graveyard on it. ·· field, and one-half of my pasture lot, at home, East of this was the place of Francis Weeks, and one-third part of my dwelling-house and who gave it to his youngest son, Daniel, from orchard, during her life; but if she marries whom it descended to his sons Solomon and Abra- again, she shall no longer have any right nor ham, and was divided between them by their claim to any of this that I have giv~n .her, but guardian; Henry Weeks. There are no traces of to ]eave it to him or them, as I shall 'hereafter it after this. On the east of his homestead, dispose of it. I also do give my said wife the Francis Weeks gave two acres to his son Jaines, one-third part of all my movable estate, both on which he built, and he received another acre without doors and within, of household stuff, from the Town, on the east. He gave it to his cattle, under what denomination soever it goeth, youngest son, Edmond, which is all we know and for her to dispose of as she see cause. 1Iy about it. . will is, that my wife shall have· the use of my The next place was laid out to Samuel Fur- dwelling-house, but if she see cause to live by man. It passed through the hands of many per- herself, then she shall have the brick house to sons, whose names are now entirely unknown live in during her widowhood, any words before here; it then disappears. It is a part of Mrs. written to the contrary notwithstanding; arid .she ·Irving's place. shall have her choice of the feather beds, and one - Theil came a place which was one of the first other bed, and her choice of the pots. Itt. I give built upon, by Walter Salter, and was called to my grandson, Daniel Ketchum, twenty acres Salter's Lot for a great many years. It con- of land, to be taken in the common of the Old tained six acres, and ran so far east as to take Purchase of Oyster Bay, to him and to his heirs in \Villiam Tomlin's place. It was sold by Salter forever. to 1Iatthew Prior, and· by him to Henry Town- "Itt. I give to my son Benjamin, all my land send, Sen., who gave it, in 1673, to his daughter, and commonage, and meadow, and Plain lands, Susannah Furman, who sold it many years after- which I have on Oyster Bay, and bounds that I wards to a man named Tillot, from whom there have not disposed of, and the lands and house­ is no conveyance. It was bounded on the east room I have given to my wife, to be his after by a road which ran along the west side of the the expiration of her life or widowhood, to him swamp, and, turning to the . west, came out in my said son Benjamin, during his life, and after the road that was then called the highway to his decease, to the heirs of his body forever-al­ the plains. · ways provided, that my wife must have· liberty On the east side oi this road, was the home- during her widowhood, to mow grass on my stead o'f Richard Harcurt, who left it to bi's son meadow~ or plain lands, during her widowhood. Benjamin, in a will which we annex. In this Itt. I do give to all my seven living daughters and other cases of ridiculously small legacies, all my movable estate,. which I have not given neither the poverty of the testator nor his in- already to my wife, to be equally divided between difference to the legatee is to be inferred; it is them; on1y my wife, if she see cause, to have simply their way of testifying their remembrance the white mare, but to go as part of her thirds. of a child whose portion has already been paid. Itt. I make my trusty _and well-belov~d friends,. · John Townsend, at i\-I1ll, Thomas Willets, and "In the name of God, Amen. I, Richard Har- John Newman, overseers to this my will, to be curt, of Oyster Bay, in Queen's County, some- helpful to my executrix, and to divide my estate what sick of body, but perfect and whole in between my wife and children, as I have now memory and understanding, praised be God for given it, according to the best of their under­ it ! do now make my last will and testament, as standing, that is to say, when all debts, and followeth: Im pri-mis. I bequeath my soul into funeral and other charges, are discharged. Itt. I the hands of God that gave it, and my body to be make my loving wife my sole executrix of this buried, with Christian burial, at the discretion of my will, and all my estate, and to pay all my my executrix. Itt. I _give and bequeath unto debts,· and funeral and other charges, out of my my oldest son, Daniel Harcurt, my lot. of up- movable estate, and this I declare to be my last land, lying on the West N eek, at the south of will and testament, to stand, revoking all other Oyster Bay, aforesaid ; meaning my southernmost wills formerly made. Witness my hand and seal, lot of the first south division of the said neck, this 25th day of April, Anno Dei 16g6. con~ining about six acres, be it more or less; · "RICHARD HAttcuu. 66 TOWNSEND~TOWNSHEND

"May 2d, 1696.-lt having pleased God to keep den), and was sold with the Harcurt place, on and preserve me in my perfect memory and the other side of the road, except a half acre on understanding, I do now, in addition to my with­ the southwest,· on which there was a house, which in written will, and to stand for my will, is that Richard Harcurt gave to his son-in-law, Thomas my son Benjamin shall have my cart and plough, Youngs, who gave it to Thomas Wood, in pay­ with the instruments that belong to it, and my ment for building him a house ; he sold it to oxen and chain, and one axe for the use of him \Villiam Bradford: after that the owners are and my wife, as. long as she is a widow. Also I innumerable, until finally Esther Townsend sold do give to Hannah Townsend, the daughter of it back to the Harcurts, the half-acre grown to my daughter Susannah, deceased, one coverlet, an acre, and it disappears. meaning that which my wife hath lent her, and to West of the road to the water was the home­ my said daughter Susannah's son James, and to stead of Simon Cooper, chirurgeon; he owned as her other son and two daughters, I give between far west as the Ship Point place ; his house was them, five shillings. This I declare to be an addi­ the one which Daniel -Parish lived in. There tion to my within written will and testament. In are no conveyances for this part of the place witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand recorded. The western part, now belonging to and seal, to the confirmation of my within written the Albertson place, was sold to Edward White will, and this to be one entire will, the day and by Simon Cooper ; at his death, it fell to --his son year first above written. · Robert, who must have built the house on the "RICHARD HARCURT." hill. It next appears in the possession of his sister, l\1ary White, who gave it to Robert, Ed­ The fear of his wife marrying again, that evi­ ward, and Harvey, sons of her sister, Abigail dently haunts him, taken in connection with the Colwell. After the death of Edward Colwell, fact that· she was a widow with several children who lived there, Augustine Weeks gave the south­ when he ·married her, twenty years before, shows west corner, ten rods from east to west, eight what perilous times those were for widows. Ben­ from north to south, to his son Refine, who built jamin Harcurt and his son sold the place, with the house now there, and sold it, with the property every thing within doors and without, to 11:icajah on the other side of the road, to Walter Frank­ Townsend, who sold it to Joseph Simson, from lin, and he to Albert Albertson, whose great• whom there is no conveyance for it. The next granddaughter now owns it. place, on the corner, was the homestead of Dr. Within the memory of middle-aged peopte, Robert Cooper, son of Simon. After his death, there were · several houses still standing, which it belonged to his wife Marcy, with a piece on were built by the first settlers. Those in which the north side of the road, called Marcy Cooper's Daniel and John Parish lived, built by Simon garden, as well as the place now belonging to the Cooper and Samuel Andrews, at a very early pe­ heirs of Dr. De Kay. The homestead she left riod ; the one on the hill, opposite the Episcopal. to her grandsons, Samuel and Daniel, sons of Church, built by John Robinson, before t68o; Samuel Townsend. Daniel died young, and Sam­ that lately belonging _to Hamilton, built about uel, in the latter part of his life, exchanged it 1677, by Job Wright; the one formerly owned with his nephew Joseph, for a place at Yellow by the Chadeaynes, built probably by Benjamin Coats. Joseph's descendants still occupy the Hubbard, before 166g; that on the place owned homestead. The De Kay place she sold to Jonas l>y Rev. Mr. Jackson, built by the widow Eliza­ Green, in 1729, when there was no house upon beth Townsend, 1670; the Summers house, built it; he, probably built the house, and, in 1745, sold by Thomas Townsend, 1673; the one south of it to Jacob Weeks, whose great-grandchildren that, formerly belonging to the Weeks family, and sold it to Dr. De Kay. The land on the north a part of that belonging to B. T. Underhill, which side of the road, now belonging to James Town­ was built by John Wright, were all of this class: send's heirs, belonged to Richard Harcurt ( ex­ those built by Job Wright and Thomas Townsend cept the southeast corner, 1farcy Cooper's gar- and John Wright, are all that remain. TOWNS-END-TOWNSHEND


CHAPTER I. trates to sign, and he was ordered to find bail in £r2, to appear when summoned. Henry was JOHN, BENRY, AND RICHARD TOWNSEND. brought before the Council, January 15th, 1658, and _condemned to _pay £100 flanders, and to THESE brothers came from Norwich, County remam arrested until 1t be paid. \Ve are not of Norfolk, England. The time of their emigra­ told ho,~ this _was settled ; . bu~ he was in Oyster tion cannot be precisely fixed. It was, however, Bay durmg th.1s year, as h1s signature as witness several years before 1645, as in that year Governor to an Indian deed proves. In Januarv, 1661 Kieft gave a patent for the Town of ·Flushing two of the magistrates furnished the names· of to John Townsend and others; and from a peti­ twelve persons, including John and Henry Town­ tion of his widow to Governor Andros, we learn send and their wives, "who countenanced the that he had previously taken up land near New puaker_s.''. I-I~nry was again imprisoned, but there York, and "peaceably enjoyed the same divers 1s no 1nd1cahon that John was molested. This years," but alarn1s from the Indians, and other account of the Townsends, before they ·came to difficulties which she does not specify, induced O~ster Bay, is taken entirely. from Thompson's him to leave his in1provements, and commence the History of Long Island. He probably received settlement of Flushing, where he was joined by it from Dr. Peter Townsend, whose Note-Book Henry. The Townsends were Friends, and were shows conclusively the reason why Henry was soon at variance with the Dutch authorities ; the so much more involved in these difficulties than differences between them, however, seem to have John, who was also a Friend, attended "con­ had their origin quite as much in politics as re­ venticles," and "countenanced Quakers," but ligion; for John Townsend is named by Governor Henry went from door to door, urging people Stuyvesant among the principal persons of Flush­ to attend their meetings, which gave great um­ ing "who resist the Dutch n1ode of choosing br~ge, especially as regarded young people and Sheriff, pretending against the adopted. course i_ti children. the Fatherland, and who refuse to contribute their From the date of the Mill grant, September share to the maintenance of Christian, pious, re- I6, 1661, the history of the brothers and their de­ - formed ministers." He, with the others named, scendants has been taken from the Town Rec­ was summoned to appear, 23d of January, 1648, ords, and from family papers, and for that we are before the Director-General, Governor, and Coun­ responsible. \\There we have only inferences and cil, at Fort Amsterdam. If they decline, they are conjectures to give, we offer them as such. . to be apprehended and prosecuted by the Attor­ ney-General. Thompson, in his History of Long CHAPTER II. Island, says that on account of these difficulties with the Government, the Townsends left Flush­ J O H N TO \V N SEND ing and went to Warwick, R. I., where they were, all three, members of the Provincial As­ SETI'LED in Oyster Bay, between the middle of sembly, beside holding municipal offices. In 1656, January and the I6th of September, 1661. As they determined once more to attempt a settle­ he was living in Jamaica at the first date, and his ment on Long Island, and in that year obtained, name being upon the 1\fill grant, he must have with others. the patent of Jamaica, then called been admitted as a Townsman in Oyster Bay ·Rusdorp. Very soon, however, the old religious before the last. There is an entry upon the difficulties beset them. Henry seems to have Records, that he bought his house in South street made himself particularly obnoxious, although, as in February, 1661, but the deed, in the possession already shown, John neither concealed nor com­ of J. C. Townsend, is dated October. It is as promised his opinions. In 1657, Henry was sen- follows: . tenced to pay £8 Flanders, or to leave the "Oyster Bay, this 5th day of the 10th month, Province in six weeks, for having- "calI.ed together 1661. Be it known unto all by. these presents, conventicles." The people of Flushing held a that I, Jonas Halstead, of Oyster Bay, on Long meeting and addressed a remonstrance to the Island, in America, do hereby acknowledge that Governor, written by the .Town-Clerk, and signed, I have sold and delivered all my right, title, and among others, by Tobias Feake. Sheriff, and interest of all the housing and land that is here Noble and Farrington. two of the magistrates, named, as follows :-Richard I-Iolbrook's house and presented by the Sheriff. He. the Clerk, and or houses, built by. him or me, and house lot, magistrates were arrested,. an? John Townse!ld and two shares of meadow on the north side of also, upon a charge of havmg induced the mag1s- the Town, and a share of meadow at 1-Iatinecock, 68 ...... ·_·d./ · ·i:.·· .. · --~; · ;-,-:. ,~ . · . · :. , i :~. - . . ;,✓-~::_ ~,-, ...... ~ • \,.,,..¥ "'·, .,· ,b~--,.~<' t '/ •. l ..-:· .'.· ·: .. ,•~· ,_·. . .- -~ _._ .. "' . l':. I,; . . ~-...-r '· ·. , .. . ;; 1 -..,;..i'· . . 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'"LITTLE RAY~I-L\~f.'9 The Old Seat of Soloman Townsend, Oyst~r Bay, Long lslar~d.


and one right of meadow at the south, and twenty organizing and · managing the new settlement to shares of the Great Plains, that is on the east younger men,. ·especially as he had two sons of an side of the footpath, near the wood edge, and age to take his place. The office of Overseer is also all the rights; appurtenances, and privileges the only one he is known to have held here. In that do fall to, or any way belong to the afore• 1663, he bought from Thomas Armitage the said house lot, within the Town bounds. I sa:y, home·stead next south of his own, and his name I have sold and delivered it all in quiet posses• frequently appears on the Records as a purchaser sion, for full satisfaction already received, unto of property. His wife was Elizabeth 1'1ontgom­ John Townsend, of the said To,vn and place, ery. He died in 1668, and was buried on his own and do also hereby engage to make good the place, probably the first person laid in the grave-. sale of the aforesaid house and lands, against any yard on Fort Hill. · person or persons that ·may any wise lay claim As he died intestate, his widow, acco-rding to thereto; and I do hereby further acknowledge a custom prevailing here, divided his estate, that I have fully sold all the said houses and with the advice and consent of her older sons, lands from me, my heirs and assigns, unto him, and her husband's brothers. \Ve give this docu­ his heirs and assigns forever, to enjoy without ment below. The solicitude which she shows for molestation by me, or any from me, as witness the comfort and welfare of "the lads," ~s she calls my hand, this day and year first above written. her two younger sons, -is very touching. "JONAS HALSTEAD." "These presents declare unto whom it may any John Townsend must have been quite advanced wise concern, that I,· Elizabeth To,,rnsend, widow in years when he settled in Oyster Bay; having of the late deceased John Townsend, in Oyster led a most. active and laborious life . since his Bay, in the north riding, on Long Island, because emigration, he had made three different homes my said husband deceased ·without a will, I here­ in the'· wilderness, if not four, before he found in, with the advice of my husband's two brothers, a final resting-place. His widow, in the petition Henry and Richard Town send, and with the

to Governor Andros, above mentioned1 says: advice and consent of my two eldest sons, John "Your Honor's petitioner's husband, many years and Thomas Townsend, all of Oyster Bay, above last past, was seized of a certain parcel of land, said, have together parted my said husband's containing eight acres by estimation, lying and estate amongst his six younger children, for their being at the Fresh vVater (Collect), New York, · portions, instead of a will, by which will, each then called New Amsterdam, where your Honor's of the children, namely, James, Rose, Anne, petitioner's husband did build, and make large Sarah, George, and Daniel may know what shall improven1ents, and peaceably enjoyed the same be, and what to claim .for their portion of their divers years in the tiine of great calamity, being father's estate, and this to stand firm and un­ daily alarmed by the Indians, and other diffi­ alterable by,- n1e, or any through, or by me, but culties attending upon your Honor's petitioner's to remain for a settlement of peace between me husband, and afterwards got no better . reward· and my children, ,vhich is as followeth. I mp. than such discouragements as caused your Hon­ 1st. Unto 1ny son James, I give for his portion or's petitioner's husband · to leave his good im­ out of .the estate, in present possession, in lands, provements. I-Iowever, your .Honor's petitioner beside cattle and horses he have in hand already, is well contented at present, hoping her husband first, three acres of land and three-quarters, lying and others, by their adventures, and running on the south side of that was old Armitage's lot, through many fiery trials of affliction, has been in Oyster Bay, lying or· adjoining to the high­ in some . measure instrumental to bring a chaos way on the eastward and western sides, with into goodly fields, buildings, and gardens; and commoning and common privileges to it, of wood, instead of your Honor's petitioner's husband reap- land, timber, as other such lots have; and he . ing the fruits of their labor~, but on the con­ is to have the land upon part of his common trary, was forced to hew a small fortune out of right, that his father did improve, on the east the thick wood, with his own hands, for himself, side of Matinecock Creek, joining on the south • wife, and children." of his uncle Henry's land, and two shares. of Her object in this petition was to reclaim the meadow lying on the west side of the Creek, or eight acres· taken up by her husband;_ but as it Beaver Swamp, and one share of meadow on the had been thirty years since he left it, never hav­ east of the said Creek ; and he is to have the ing had any title but possession, it is not sur­ land · his father fenced and improved on the prising that her petition was hot granted. Per­ west side of the l\fill River Swainp, with the haps she might have fared better if it had been share of the swamp joining to the east side· of it ; written in the clear, condensed style of her son and he is to have six acres of Plains, and a Thomas, instead of the clumsy, involved, tedious, quarter of a share of meadow at the south, and and inelegant document elaborated by · George so much of the south side of the swamp at the Cooke. As we have seen, after leaving his home, rear of my house as proves to be mine, of which he, with others, settled Flushing in 1645, and swamp Josias Latting hath a part. To· my Jamaica .in 1656. At his age, and after such toils daughters I do engage to give to each of them and privations as he had undergone, it is not thirty pounds apiece, for their portion, and to surprising that he should have retired from all my elde·st daughter Elizabeth, although not above public concerns, and have left the burden of mentioned, yet she is to have, with what she 6g TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

bath already received, thirty pounds, all at such one or both to the test of their brothers or pay as passes between man and man, after the sisters, with the lands and estates to make use of rate of Indian corn at three shillings a bushel, toward the bringing up of the said lads; but and wheat at five. 2d. To the said Elizabeth, or when they· go a,yay to have their whole principal her husband, Gideon Wright, towards her por­ returned to or with them, but not to remove them tion, I give, with what her father had before without their complaint to him on good grounds given her already, first, two cows, ten pounds; for the said removal, of hard usage. And I d; a young· horse, five pounds ; a bed and furniture, by this will and appoint that, at my decease, un­ ten pounds; two sheep, one pound; one kettle, alterable by me, or any through or by me, all my one pound ; in all twenty-seven pounds ; and estate undisposed of. as goods, household stuff Gideon., her husband, is to have three pounds and cattle, are all to be equally divided amongst more; and that will be thirty pounds in all. 3d. all my living children; and I further order and To my daughter Rose I give half a share of appoint that, if any one or more of my said meadow at the south, with two cows and two sons or daughters die under age, undisposed of calves she hath already received, and commoning in marriage, the deceased's lands and estates are in Oyster Bay, with twenty-six acres of land, all to be divided equally amongst all my living and three pounds in Richard Townsend's hands, sons and daughters; but it is still to be under­ and a yearling mare colt, it all being called by us stood that whoever have the bringing · up of the at thirty pounds. 4th. To my tw·o youngest two young lads, and the use of their estate to­ daughters, Anne and Sarah, their portions are to wards their maintenance, their lands and houses be .thirty pounds apiece, out of the stock or in is with fences to be delivered· up in good repair lands, as they may desire, if their mother de­ as when · they received it, and the property of cease before their portions are paid ; but if they lands and houses, and orchard, is not to be al­ be disposed of in marriage while I remain a tered to or from either of the said lads, although widow, I have liberty to pay to each of them the property of other goods or chattels n1ay be their portion in cattle or land, as I see they have altered upon just and honest terms. And further, most need and I able to do it, or part one, part it is agreed that my eldest son, John, is to have of the other. 5th. It is my will, and I do fully such land at Hog Island, at my decease, or at . agree that my two youngest sons, George and south, if I leave any undisposed of, to my young­ Daniel, shall have these two homesteads I now est daughters, Anne and Sarah, above said. But possess, with the privileges belonging to them, a lot on Hog Island, of the third division, nutn­ after my decease, but they are to be mine and ber ten, my husband· gave my son Thomas. Unto for my use, to possess and enjoy for my use and all the promises and engagements above men­ comfort, during my life, and at my decease to tioned, I do hereby engage to perform, under be theirs as above said, with privileges as fol­ my hand and seal, the twenty-third year of the lows : to each party is nominated his particular reign of ·· Charles the Second, King of England, interest. 6thly. To my son George I give for and the tenth day of the fifth month, 1671. Be­ his portion as above said, being the . eldest, the fore signing was entered in the fifth and eighth eo·use and house lot that I now possess, and lines I now as witness orchard which then shall be on it, and two shares my hand and seal, of meadow that lie in the Town of Oyster Bay, "ELIZABETH TOWNSEND. which was bought with the lot, and six acres of "In the presence of us, Plains, with commoning and common privileges, "MOSES FUR.MAN I in the First Purchase of the Town. 7th. To my "BENJAMIN HUBBARD. youngest son, Daniel, above mentioned, after my "I do own my brother Richard did consent to decease above said, is to have the other lot, or the substance of which is above mentioned, and that part of land lying between his brother with my advice also, as witness my hand. James's Jot and his brother George's lot. It was ''HENRY TOWNSEND. bought of old Armitage. I say, he is to have "And we consent to the above said. . it, with the privileges belonging to it; namely, "JOHN TOWNSEND, JAMES _TOWNSEND• two shares of meadow lying on the north side of "THOMAS TOWNSEND., GIDEON WRIGHT." the. town, which was bought with the lot of the' said Th6mas Armitage, and six acres of Plains, Richard Townsend must have died after this and twelve acres of land and common privileges. settlement was agreed upon, but its ex-­ And I do by this will and appoint, that if I de­ ecution. cease before these my two· youngest sons be of The thirty . pounds allotted to each of the age, that two of their eldest brothers take them daughters seems, to our ideas, a very small for­ and bring them up, and to have the use of the tune, while the Fort Neck estate, given by boys' land and what other goods and chattels Thomas Townsend to his daughter Freelove, we fall to them. The goods and chattels are to regard as a munificent portion; but we must re­ be priced when they receive it, and delivered back member that thirty pounds would hav~ bought to the said boys the same price of value again, two such estates. John's daughters, however, when they go from their brothers, whether they received nearer one hundred pounds than thirty, · be of age or not; for I do appoint my brother, for Rose · sold her land for thirty pounds, the Henry Townsend, their uncle, to have the over­ cattle and money· allotted to her were worth at sight of them if he outlive me, and to remove least twenty, and her dividend, at her mother's TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND death, must have been very considerable; for the her sister. was the author of some verses (pre­ widow Townsend appears very often on the Rec­ served by Dr. P. Townsend), from which we ords, buying land and receiving allotments, and shall give an extract, as their date gives them ·was evidently a woman of great energy and abil­ an interest besides that which they possess for ity. So that, no doubt, her daughters were among her sister's descendants~ the greatest fortunes of their day, as it was not expected that any girls should share equally with their brothers. "A CONTENTED MIND. Rose married John Wicks, or ,veeks, of War­ "It thy estate be took from thee, wick, Rhode Island, the brother of Richard And thou art brought to poverty, Townsend's second wife. After his death she By crosses or afflictions strong­ Murmur nor grie\·e at any wrong. married Samuel Hayden. Nothing is known of It's God t.hat hath a hand o'er all, her family. Of Anne and Sarah, nothing what­ To raise thee. up, or let thee fall. ever is known. Perhaps the Lord will try to find If thou hast a contented mind. "If thou art rich, then be content; . CHAPTER III. Forget not thou from whom 'twas sent: It God bath given thee treasure's ·store, Think thou art steward for the poor. JOHN., SON OF JOHN 1ST. One day be sure thou must appear, To give account what thou didst here, · DuntNG his father's life, John 2d lived in South And then these lines you true • shall find­ street, on the east side, north of the Summers No wealth llke a contented mind. house. In 1698 the name of his wife was Phebe, "If honor . or preferment great but there is reason to believe that his first wife, Shall raise thee up on Justice's seat; Or it by place or dignity, the mother of his children, was Susannah, daugh­ A judge of causes thou mayest be-­ ter of Richard Harcurt, or, properly, Harcourt. Think Heaven's court of justice high Shortly after his father's death, in 1668, he sold Will on thine actions cast an eye. This mighty Judge, be sure, can find his house to his brother Thomas, and bought The secrets of your heart and mind. land of Robert \Villiams, at Lu sum (now Jer­ icho), of which h.e must have been one of the "If thou God's laws do break, be sure, Or by oppression wrong the poor, first six settlers. After living at Lusum some Or let the mighty bear the sway, time, he re1noved to West N eek; where, as well To turn . the poor man's cause away­ as at Unkoway N eek, he made many purchases He that doth this, be sure, shall find of land. It is probable that he· returned to Lusum Afflictions, with a troubled mind. before his death, the date of which is not known; "If, otherwise, thou chance to be but he ,vas still living in 1715, when he was not A judge of right and equity, And wilt the poor man's cause defend less than eighty years old. He is called, on the As well as his wbo means doth spend, Records, John Townsend, Senior.-Issue, Solo­ And right the poor and fatherless, mon, James, Thomas, Nathaniel, and probably Likewise the widow in distress- Reward from heaven be sure shall find; three daughters. Of the daughters nothing is On earth, a sweet, contented mind." known, unless it be that the name of one of them was Hannah, Nathaniel died young. Of .Thomas we only know that he was born at Lu­ James was the Deputy Surveyor-General of the sum, in 1680, and that his uncle Thomas gave him Province, and after the death of Justice John land in 1685. He no doubt died young. Townsend and the. 3d Henry, he and his cousin SOLO~ON, SON OF }OHN 2D_, OF JERICHO, remo,•ed George, of Oyster Bay, were elected Town Sur­ to Rhode Island with his family in 1707. He veyors. His was the first appointment to the received from his father the homestead, at Jericho, office of a person not a resident of the -village which his son Job, the only one of his children of Oyster Bay, and was made in 1710 or 'u. known, sold to Nathaniel Townsend. This home­ He continued to be re-elected until his death. stead we believe to be the place afterwards owned . He was appointed, with George To,vnsend, to by Elias . Hicks, but the house was on the east conduct the defence of the Town in a suit side· of tlie road. Dr. Peter Townsend mentions brough by Nicholas Lang and others, to recover Solomon and Christopher Townsend, of Rhode a large part of the original Purchase, under the Island, who were in Oyster Bay during his title of \Villiam Leverich. Dr. Peter Townsend grandfather's life, and claimed relationship with says that the family tradition represents· him as him. The· Record of the meeting also mentions a man of strong mind and amiable temper. He Christopher visiting friends. They were prob­ was certainly a prominent and influential man ably grandsons of this Solomon. in the town, and must, from the number of - ]AMES, SON OF }OHN 2D, OF JERICHO, is the an­ surveys he made, have been very active. He cestor of those known. in the family as Jericho died between 1729 and 1733. We think be lived Townsends. He married Audrey, daughter of upon the place now belonging to Samuel Under­ Colonel Job Almy, of Rhode Island. The date hill, at Jericho, . and was buried there.-Issue, of his marriage is not known, but his oldest son lia ry, Deborah, Jacob, Nathaniel. was born in 16g2. Of his wife, nothing but her · ~!ARY married --- Jackson.-Issue, vecy pretty name is known ; but Susannah Almy, Thomas, Charles, ·Almy. 71 TOWNSEND~TOW~SHEND

ALMY married Richard, son of Job Hubbs. Hill.. His wife died April toth, 18oo. We find Nothing more· is known of her family.-From. Dr. the following description of him in Dr. P. ·Town­ Townsend's Notes. send's Note-Book. "A fine old gentleman, of DEBORAH married Abraham Seaman.-Issue, r4:gular features, straight nose, a large bl~e eye, James, Phebe. high forehead. A snuff-colored or gray smt, with PHEJ3E married -- Casey, and Jiyed in New silver knee and shoe buckles, a white stock oi York. There was another daughter, name not cambric lawn gathered in five plaits, fastened known, married to Captain Robinson.-From Dr. behind with a paste buckle, showing no collar, Townsend's Notes. . narrow ruffles at the shirt-bosom, gold-headed JACOB was born 1692, and married Phebe, cane and cocked h~t. A certain Solomon Sca­ daughter of Captain John Seaman, of Jerusalem. man, uncle to Samuel, used to say he hated to Dr. P. Townsend says his aunts described hin1 as see Sam and Sarah Townsend come into meeting, a tall man, grave to despondency. He lived at they looked so tall and proud. He was a mem­ the place now owned by \Villiam Jackson, at ber of meeting by birthright, his parents being Jericho. The old house stood very near the turn­ strict Friends, and his wife, though baptized in pike. He died December 30, Ii42, and was buried the Episcopal Church, preferred the Friends. The in the family burying-ground, · on the place of preachers, when in Oyster Bay,· m~de his house Samuel Underhill, where his tombstone still their home."-Issue, Solomon, Samuel, Robert, stands. His wife died of the small-pox, after a \Villiam, David, Audrey, Sarah, Phebe. long and painful illness, April 14, 1774, aged sev­ Solomon was born- in 1746. In his twentieth· enty-five.-Issue, Samuel, Jacob, Benjamin, James, year his father put him in command of a brig. Almy. died young, unmarried. \Vhen the Revolution broke out he was in com­ The last mand of the ship Glasgow, belonging to Walter SAMUEL was born in 1717, and married Sarah, daughter of \Vm. Stoddard, then of Oyster Bay, Buchanan. In consequence of the interruption to trade she was left in London. Captain TO\Yn­ but-Jormerly of Rhode Island. In 1740, he bought send went to Paris, where he made the acqua"it1t­ the house now occupied by his grandson, Solo­ ance of Dr. Franklin, who gave him the follow­ mon Townsend, in Oyster Bay, known as "Rayn­ ing certificate when he sailed for America: ham!' It was subsequently occupied by his son Solomon, who married Anne, daughter of Peter "PASSY, NE.AR PARIS, lune 28th, 1778. Townsend, later by Solomon, son of Solomon, "I certify, to all whom it may concern, that who married Helene, daughter of Dr. Charles· Captain Solomon Townsend, mariner, hath this Townsend, of Albany, and at the present day is day appeared voluntarily before me and taken the in possession of their children. During the Revo­ oath of allegiance to the United States of America, lution, the officers commanding the Queens Ran­ according to the Resolution cf Congress, thereby gers ,vere quartered here, who scratched· their acknowledging himself a subject of the United names on the panes of the window glasses, to­ States. B. FRANKUN." gether with those of Audrey, Sarah and Phebe, the daugl1ters of Samuel Townsend, tl1en young The original is in the possession of his son, ladies. 1fajor Andre spent the last week before Solomon Townsend. He landed .in Boston, and he started for \Vest Point at the old house. The being unable to come to his father's, crossed the clock that stood in the Townsend house at. country to Chester, Orange County, to the resi­ Sterling, Orange Co., and which was a marriage dence of Peter To,vnsend, son of the 4th :Henry. present :from old Peter to his daughter Anne, Af_ter an absence. of seven years, Captain Town• was brought to "Raynham', on her wedding day, send, by appointment, met some of his family on and three of the links of "The Great Chain" built Shelter Island. Returning to Chester, he married 'by her father and stretched across the Hudson Anne, daughter of Peter Townsend, bought River to keep the British from passing up, are property adjoining his father-in-law, and estab• still to be seen lying at the old garden gateway. lished extensive iron-works, but he resided in His widow, in 1813, sold six hundred acres of New York, where he did a large business in iron. the estate to the Lorillards, which is now known He also established a manufactory of bar-iron 011 as Tuxedo. He was actively engaged in the Eng- Peconic River, Suffolk County. He, in common ·. Jish _and West India trade, which he successfully with otherst suffered severely from the commer­ prosecuted until the Revolution, when, beside the cial derangements in the early part of the cen­ unavoidable obstn1ctions to business occasioned tury, but he continued his manufacturing opera­ by the war, he being a Whig, was subjected to tions until his death. He frequently represented many annoyances and inte-rruptions from the New York in the State Legislature, and was a British after they obtained possession of the member at the time of his death, which occurred place. Before that time he was a member of the )\-larch 27J r8n. His wife died April 26, 1823.­ Provincial Congress, and at the close of the war Issue, Hannah, Anne, Mary, Phebe, Samuel, Ja­ resumed his seat, and continued in public life cob, Peter, Solomon. · until his death. He was a State Senator, and a IIannah married Isaiah Townsend, and

l{ary married Edward Holland Nicoll, of New for so many generations hospitality and loving York, and died April 5, 1849.-Issue, Henry, Sol­ cheer ha.d. bee? bountifully extended. Always omon. Henry married Anne, daughter of Phebe public spirited 1n any matter concerning the· im­ Townsend and James .Thorne. Solomon married provement of Oyster Bay. She died at "Rayn­ Charlotte, daughter of Samuel Benjamin Nicoll, ham," 1'~arch 7th, 1909, sincerely mourned by the of Shelter Island.-Issue, De Lancey, Benjamin, community. Annie,• Charlotte, Edward H., and 1':Iary T. Anna married Henry, son of 1f.ary Townsend De Lancey, born irt 1854, grad. from Princeton and Edward H. Nicoll. Robert married Sallie College, 18j4, later graduated front Columbia Law Richardson. 1Iary married Dr. Arthur Jackson School, entering the law office of late Clarkson · ?viiddletown, Conn.-Issue, Arthur, Edward, and \V. Potter, brother of late Bishop Potter, and that Lottie. Ed~vard died . unmarried, 1-Iay 23, 1863. of Julien T. Davies. ifr. N·icoll rose rapidly in Samuel died unmarried, February 6, 1834. his profession and is recognized as one of New Jacob died unmarried, July 25, 1830. York's distinguished lawyers. In 1890, he was Peter was educated as a physician, and pub­ elected to the office of Dist. Atty. of N. Y. C. li_shed several medical works. ~eside his profes­ He has also taken great interest in the local s10nal labors, he was the most indefatigable col­ politics, as well as taking the stump. (Demo­ lector of family history, tradition, and anecdote. cratic) in several presidential campaigns. In His manuscripts are n1onuments of the zeal and 18go, ~Ir. Nicoll married Maud Churchill.-Issue, industry ,~:ith which he pursued his ,vork of love. De Lancey and Josephine. Benjamin, a merchant It will be observed that we make frequent use of N. Y. C., married Grace Lord.-Issue, Elise of these manus.cripts. He died :March .26,. 1849. and Courtlandt. Annie married Wm. 11. Hoes, 1-fartha married Elbert Floyd-Jones. a well-known lawyer of N. Y. C. Charlotte mar­ Sa11iuel, son of Samuel, married Esther, daugh­ ried, first, ~,;IcKim Minton, second, \.Villoughby ter of Penn Townsend. :He died in Wilmington, \Veston. Edward Holland married Edith 1L N. C.-Isstte, Penn, who died in infancy. Travers.-Issue, Charlotte Van C., Nancy and Robert,. son of Samuel, died unmarried, 1-Iarch Edward H., Jr. 11ary T. married, first, James 7, 1838. Brown Lord, second, Cornelius C. Cuyler of N. W illiani, · son of Samuel, died unmarried. He Y. C.-Issue, by first, James Couper Lord. was drowned. Phebe married James Thorne, of Albany.-Is­ David, son of Samuel, died unmarried, 1Iay 17, sue, Sarah, Anna, Robert, 1-Iary, Edward, John, 1785. James, 11artha. Audrey, daughter of Samuel, married Captain Solomon was born at Oyster Bay, 1805, and James Farley, and died without children, No- 'died at the old house "Raynham," Oyster Br.ty, vember 28, 1829. - April 2d, 1880. When eighteen years of age he Sarah, daughter of Samuel, died unmarried went to China as supercargo for the old Tea December 19, 1842. This lady and her sisters ar~ House of Edward H. Nicoll & Co. He subse­ remembered with respect and affection by those quently became a member of the firm, and with who were in their day the young people of tl1e his riephew Solomon T. Nicoll, continued for family, who always found them, notwithstanding many years the firm of S. T. Nicoll & Co. This their advanced age and 1-Irs. Farley's blindness, concern had their ships at sea and did the largest most cheerful, agreeable companions. tea business with China at that time of any con­ Phebe, daughter of Samuel, married Dr. Eben­ cern -in this country.. l\fr. Townsend was a mem-­ ezer Seely, ·and died without children, October ber of the Legislature for five years. He mar­ 12, 1841 .. ried Helene de · Kay Townsend, daughter of Charles de Kay Townsend, of Albany, N. Y.­ All these children of Samuel, except Samuel Issue, Solomon S., Charles de Kay, Robert, and \.Villiam, are buried on Fort Hill. · Maurice E., Edward N. and ~1aria Fonda. Sol­ JACOB, son of Jacob, of Jericho," was born in omon S. was a member of the State Legislature 1730. He settled in Oyster Bay, in the house from Queen's County for five terms. Charles de next to his brother Samuel, and married 1-Iercy Kay, a lawyer, was Surrogate of Queen's ·Co. Butler. · He afterwards removed to New York, for six vears. He married ,Vilhelmina B. Har­ where he was extensively and successfully en­ 'Sell .. · Robert, a lawyer in N. Y. C., was Aide-de­ gaged in mercantile pursuits. He died December Camp on the staff of Governor Grover Cleveland, , ·31, 1773, ·and was buried in the family burying­ ·and for fifteen years was Asst. Dist. Atty. of ground at Jericho.-Issue, Jacob, Almy, Hannah, N. Y. C. He married Edythe Earle. 11aurice E., l\,fartha. Jacob died unmarried in the '\Vest a merchant, unmarried. Edward Nicoll, super­ Indies. · visor of the Town of Hempste~d and Editor of Almy married Thomas Buchanan~-Issue, Jean, the "The Republican," a newspaper published on Almy, 1Iargaret, 1:Iartha, Eliza, George, !Iannah, Long. Island, married :Meta Dow, of Poughkeep­ Fanny.-Jean died unmarried ( 1848) in her sie, N. Y.-Issue, Ann.e. Edward N. Audrey, eighty-second year. · Farley and Henry 1·!. 11:aria Fonda,· unmarried, Almy married Peter P. Goelet. Margaret mar­ Tesided at "Raynham," Oyster ·Bay, together with ried Robert R. Goelet. Martha married Thomas her brothers Solomon and l\Iaurice Edward. She Hicks. Eliza married Samuel Gifford, and died was a woman of high order of character, and ( 1855) in her eighty-second year. George died took pleasure in conducting the home from which unmarried. Hannah died . unmarried. Fanny 73 TOWNSEND-tOWNSHEND

married Thomas Pearsall, and died ( 1863) in her TO !rtAltY HICltS. eighty-fifth year. · H amial1, married 1Iaj or Joseph Green, and went "~IosT AMIABLE i.JAID: It is a long time since to Ireland. · . · I first conceived an extraordinary esteem of your person and virtues, and, since I have been more ltlarlha married I. Pasha, Tortola, W. ·I. particularly acquainted with you, am convinced that my opinion is founded on a firm and solid BENJAMIN, son of Jacob, of Jericho, was born basis. Esteem it not flattery, when I tell you 1723. . He married Betty, daughter of George that, in my opinion, you excel most of your sex. Frost, an heiress. She is described as a wee wee When I reflect on the sweetness of your temper, woman. They lived for some time on her prop­ the harmony of your language, the courteousness erty at Buckram, which included the mill now of your behavior, with the graceful deportment of belonging to Silas Cocke. In Ii69, they sold to your person, adorned with an unaffected and Zebulon Frost, and removed to Jericho, ,vhere, my upon the place which was his grandfather's, now charming modesty, heart is .filled with love; owned by Samuel Underhill, he built a house, the and if a breast void of dissimulation, with a pas­ first of two stories, front and rear, erected in this sion founded on the strictest principles of virtue and honor, could plead me a return of your part o{ the country. Samuel Underhill told us affection, I should not much doubt -of obtaining he had heard of a wagon-full of people going up it. Though perhaps you cannot grant me that, from Oyster Bay -to look at the '"high house." I am sensible the sweetness of your disposition ·He died September 18, 1789, and was buried on · will not allow you to be guilty of so much in­ his own place, in the family burying-ground.­ gratitude as to hate any one for loving you, so Issue., Frost, James, Elizabeth., Benjamin, George., that I may hope that by continuing my en­ Nancy, Phebe. . deavors to convince you of the greatness · and Frost died unmarried, July 18, I7i0, aged sincerity of my passion, I may at last cause you twenty-one~ James died at sea, unmarried, Feb­ to commiserate my condition and bless me with ruary 13, lj90, aged thirty-nine years. your love, the attaining of which is my chief aim Elizabeth, married Henry 11itchel, of New York, in presenting you with these. Pray pardon.. my . and was a woman of very superior character. boldness in addressing you after this manner, She left no children. and believe me to be your sincere admirer and Benjamin married 1-fartha Powell.-Issue, Bet­ humble servant, sey, Mary, Jacob P., Nancy, Benjamin, Jr. "JAMES_ TOWNSEND. George married Elizabeth Bowne.-Issue; \Val­ "21st of March, 1755." ier, Jarnes. \Valter n1arried Harriet Jones, and died January 23, 1854 James married Charlotte The answer of the lady is not extant, but it · Robinson. · was favorable, and in 1756, when he was n'.: the Nancy married Abraham Franklin. Bay of Honduras-on what errand does not Phebe married Samuel Talman.-Issue, James appear-he addressed the following charming T., George, .Frances, Sarah, Anne, William. James love-letter to her: Townsend married !Yiary Watson Lawrence.-Is­ sue, Emily, who married \Villiam Henry Davis, TO MARY HICKS. March 3d, 1825.-Issue, Townsend (see .Dr. An­ thony Davis of Henry 2d., Chap. X.), and Mary "I could not, my dear 1Iolly, without being Talman. Mary Talman married George Howell guilty of the highest degree of ingratitude, omit Dunbar, June .18, 1872.-Issue, Anna Lawrence, this opportunity of writing to one who had so ·born Feb. 23, 1875, Ethel Effingham, born Aug. great an esteem for me as to think me worthy of 30, 1876, and Davis Townsend, born July 14th, the first place in her affection, and who expressed 1882. Anna Lawrence married Seymour P. so great and tender a concern for my welfare White, May 10th, 1898.-Issue. l\-Iarian, born June as you did when I last- saw you. I had a sho.rt 27th, 1899, and Emily, born Feb. 16, 1901. Ethel and pleasant voyage to this place, and am now 1n Effingham married John Herkimer Graves, tiarch a good state of health, as my. sincerest wish is · 30, 1901.-Issue, John Dunbar, born Jan. 9, 1902, these may find you. I am sorry to tell you that a~d ·navis Dunbar, born Aug. 29, 1903. George I do not expect to see you before next summer, died .unmarried. Frances married George W. my affairs here being likely to detain me longer Russell. · Sarah married Gabriel Wisner. Anne than I expected when I left Long Island. I beg, married Henry Coit. William died unmarried. my dear Molly, that you will not impute my continuing here to a coldness or alienation in my ]AMES, son of Jacob, of Jericho, was born De­ affection, for I can truly assure you that my love cember 17, 1729. He studied med.icine with Dr. is no ways impaired by absence, and that I have Bard,. one of the most eminent physicians in as great an opinion of and esteem for your _- New York. His uncle, Nathaniel Townsend, had person and virtues, and my affection is so firmly married. the widow of Samuel Hicks, and to her centred on you that it is impossible for time or daughter Mary he became very much attached; absence to remove or diminish it. What gives the letter in which he offered· himself to her has me the greatest uneasiness is that I am obliged been preserved, and we think his descendants will to be so long absent from you, and no probability thank us for the perusal of it. of hearing from ygu while I am here. Excuse 74 TOWNSEND-TbWNSHEND

me, my dear Molly, for reminding you of the the interest on this occasion, we will state the fidelity that we have mutually promised each fact that the bride was a beauty. other. Although I have no reason to doubt the sincerity of your love, I must acknowledge to TO 141.S. ALMY UNDD.BD..L. you that when I consider of your · merit and my absence,- I cannot keep the thought of a rival out · "JERICHO, Dec. 9th, 1788. of my breast, and notwithstanding I imagine your "DEAR SISTER :-To convince you how happy I love is as truly fixed as mine, yet the threats am to hear from you, I sit dow11 to thank you and entreaties of friends, and such as say they for your fa,,.or (which I received on Sunday) of are and are not, I am sensible with some ( though a pretty late date. I thought quite· hard that I hope I may exclude you out of the nun1ber) you could not answer my letter, though I read would induce them to pursue measures contrary yours to Mary with pleasure> if you would not to their inclination. Allow me, dear Molly, to write to me. Oh, Almy, you do not know ho\v mention to you a couple of lines that I have met much I want to see you, though I cannot wish with somewhere in the course of my reading, and you to come now, lest you would not come in a few weeks hence, when I am to promise to remain to recommend them to you; they are these: · in one mind forever. I could wish my dear sister .. 'Let no dire threat, or kind entreaties move and brothers to be present when the solemn cere­ To give thy person where thou canst not love! n1ony is perfarmed ; however, if you had rather "l\{ay the Protector of virgin innocence be with ~orpe .now t~an wait a few weeks longer, I can't you. With the greatest sincerity and warmth of 1ns1st upon it. affection, I 1nost tenderly salute you, and am, my "I send enclosed four pounds, with which l dear l\Iolly, immutably yours. shall be much obliged to you to get me silk for . . "]AS. TOWNSEND. a bonnet. White satin I have seen, from Ten­ "My, best respects to your uncle and aunt, to brook's, which was twelve shillings a yard, that Polly Willets, and all inquirers in general. I think good enough; but don't think it ··is so · "]AS. TOWNSEND. white as I could wish. You can look at it. Per­ "BAY OF HONDURAS, 14th of Jfarch, 1756.u haps I was mistaken in the whiteness of it; the width is the same of yours, and yours took His fears of a rival, if indeed they were any three-quarters, I remember. Ribbon to put on thing more than the rhetorical flourish of a behind, and lining for the fore-part and crown ; lover, proved unfounded, and they were mar­ you will know better how much to get than I ried, April 2, 1757, and settled upon his father's can tell now. I should be glad you would get me homestead at Jericho, where he practised medi­ such a muslin handkerchief as the finest one cine. He was a member of the Provincial Con­ that I got for you. I likewise wish you would gress before the British took possession of the get me muslin and gauze for caps, a half a yard. Town, and was elected a member of the first and a half a nail of book-muslin of the width of Federal Congress, in .1j89, but he died before the this string. I would not wish it narrower, as that session opened. The circumstances of his death, is the width of two crowns, and narrower would and that of four of his seven children, within a not suit. Silk gauze I should prefer; get a yard few days of each other, make one of the saddest· and a half, if you please, and five or six yards records we ever read. The seven were, Mary, of ·ribbon to trim them. I ant sorry to trouble Patty, James, Phebe, Almy, Samuel, Margaret. you for these things, but hope you will not make In 1787, Samuel, a lad of seventeen, went to it a fatigue, as I am not in a hurry. Brother New York, into the counting-house of Moses James will be in town (he now talks) at Christ­ Rogers. In 1788, Almy married Townsend mas or before. I should be glad if you could get Underhill, a merchant in New York. In them to send by him. I believe I have done all 1789, Phebe married John Townsend, also my business, so will conclude with my most re­ a merchant in New York. These three spectful compliments to Townsend and Samma absent members kept up a lively correspondence (her brother Samuel), and believe me, your af- with their family at Jericho, especially with Mary, fectionate sister, · the· oldest sister. A great many of these letters "PHEBE TOWNSEND. are i_n the possession of 11iss Mary Townsend, "ThJs goes by Hubbs, whom I shall expect you the daughter of Margaret. They are very in- to .write by• . teresting in themselves, showing great warmth of "Monday morning. family affection, and written in a very easy, agree­ "I shall be glad you would get me camlet for able style; but when read with the knowledge of a cloak. I like the color of yours. You can the melancholy fate that was so soon to befall inquire how much it win take, and ferret to bind this united, happy young family, they are extreme­ the cape, and baize for lining. P. T." ly touehing. A few of them we will insert. The fir~t is from Phebe.'to Almy, then living in New The next letter is from '.M:ary to Almy, written York. It was written- December 9, 1788. She about two months after the birth of Almy's child, was married early in 1798, and was now making the first in the family, generally a sufficiently im­ her preparations. It may be edifying to the brides portant event; but these sisters were ·more than of the present generation to know something of ordinaril_Y p_leased .!'ith the little stranger, and the preparations made by their great-grand­ from this time their letters show how large a mothers for the important event, and, to add to space he occupied in the family circle. 75 . TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

TO MRS. ALMY UNDERHILL. was at Brooklyn, where I stayed till Tuesday afternoon. Since I returned to town have been "27th },fay, 178g. with sisters ; only yester aft;rn?on Almy and I "The sun has just tipped the t~ps of the t_rees went to John Coles's. Almy s girl has been very with gold, and. I am s~ated to write to ~Y s1ster ill with the pleurisy. She is much better, and. I without any thing particular to say. It 1s a lux­ am in hopes she will be able to do her work 1n urious morning, though ~ little chilly; a~l n~ture a few days. looks smiling, and the birds se~m to enJ ~Y 1t as "I expected, when I wrote, to hav.e been home much as any part of the creation. I thmk the the last of this week, but Townsend 1s ab~ut buy­ Sentimental Traveller might have as joyous a ing Leonard Lawrence's place a! Flushing, ~r, riot of the affections, travelling this season of the rather, bartering away a house 1n town, which year, as· he could paint to himself in the vintage will detain us longer than we wished. He ioes in France. We can't boast of many flowers but up to Flushing at Christmas, then Leonard 1s to the narcissus. We have them this year, though come to town and draw writings, if they. do not they are small. I am not botanist enou~h to a~­ repent of their bargain, on Townsend g?mg up ; count for it. I think Armstrong ascribes their after which Townsend assures me, _nothing shall blasting to the east winds ; we had very cold prevent his going immediately to Jen~ho. Towns­ winds from the east at the time the buds were end thinks he is likely to make_ a very good bar­ shooting, so I can't agree with him. I rather gain, and Almy says Leonard 1s equally pleased. think it is leaving the earth untouched. Another It is clever when people can be pleased all around. year shall try it. John and Phebe w~ll not go up ~ill the latter ~!1d "Yours by post I have received, the bit of vel­ of next month, neither do ~ thmk Sammy_ v-. ill. :vet also, which I thank you for. You said you He does not choose to go till after t~e holidays, wrote in a hurry. I suppose, by the shortness and I wish him to be up when Phebe 1s, as there of your letter, you did. I have written to know will be fewer of them to be attended to and 1:11ake how that dear babe is several times, but can't a noise about the house. Sammy and 1Iuirson get any partict1lar account relative to him. He is are a good match in ?r!any respects; they are both a good child, all agree, but whether he has ever wild for skating. Iviutrson wanted Sammy to go smiled. I can't find out. I asked George, but he with him a few evenings ago, on the Collect. I could not tell. He says he has grown consider­ said so much that it prevented them. I told them ably. I wish to know your intention with regard I would engage that none but childr~n v~ntured, to sending those things talked of to bleach. then lviuirson says, 'Sammy, I hope. it will blow Captain Farley is down, and will have things to as cold as ever was,' and the next night they bring up in the boat. If you would send them would go. I suppose this weather will suit t~em. on board with his, I dare say he will take ~are ''Yesterday, Tqwnsend, Almy, and I received to bring them ashore; we can get them any time an invitation to dine to-day at Abraham Frank­ from there. • . lin's, which we intend to acceIJt .. I _have dn~nk "I have heard there is considerable small-pox 1n tea twice there, and have had mv1tatlons to dme town. I hope you will be particularly Cqreful of before but could not accept them. I have not the babe. Is the measles done in town? I hear visited very much since I have been in town, at it is now in Jericho. The whooping-cough is not least for the time that I have been here. I keep far from us. John has had a chance to catch it. busy with one thing or other, and shal! not h~ve Should they get both, it would be bad indeed. much to show that I have done. Phebe s curtams Aunt A.'s wheel is buzzing, and I must join, so are almost done; should have finished them yes­ conclude with love to Townsend, terday, but fell short of binding. I helped Almy "Your affectionate sister, M. T." cut her curtains yesterday, and shall help her . . make them while I am here. ,vhat is the reason This Mary, the oldest of the family, seems not James don't come down? does his work keep him only to have relieved her mother of the care of home? Townsend tells Almy if they go up be­ the household, but to have assisted in ev_ery pos­ fore James makes. his visit, it will look as if they sible way the two young housekeepers 1n town. did not want to see him. There is no letter in which there is not some "I was in hopes of hearing particularly from atlusion to matters which she had in hand for home. I received Peggy's letter, with the tur­ them and her letters prove her to have had an nips. She was very short in writing. I suppose exceilent head to contrive, as well as a skilful want of time prevented. If you hav~ an oppor­ hand to execute, all the arrangements for house- tunity, do write all the ~ews. If the bear-s1nn . hold comforts and necessities.· The next letter is done let me know how 1t looks, and how much is from her to Patty, written while on a visit you have. 1 have a notion entered me (you k11ow . to Phebe and Almy, in November, 1789. I am full of notions) that if there is cloth, .• ,d what is clever, to make Sammy a coat. The . TO '.MISS PATTY TOWNSEND. Teason I want to know now is, that I may get "Nov. 20th; LITTLE DocK SnEET. buttons and· trimmings. How are the waistcoats? "DEAR S1sTER :-Several of my last letters I I suppose they are wove, if not dressed. wrote in such a hurry, that I could not mention "Phebe desired me, when I wrote, I would ask particulars; now have time, but am trc ubled with you to give her a little two canuh.. - ..vick; she has the toothache, which will prevent my being as got tallow and wants to make Cch.ldle~ before she parti~uiar as I intended. \iVhen I last wrote I goes to the country. A.ll!lY will oe very glad of 76 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

some,-a little will serve· both. Townsend and . to have your. cu~ain.s washed, and send them .the Almy join in love. This I expect will go by same way, that .1s, by Betsey, to the Bay Side,. Whitehouse, who is in town, and, I hear, going up to go down with Samuel Talman's family. My to•morrow. love to. Almy, and tell her this letter is designed "Your affectionate M. T." for her, although addressed to you, and that I received hers on Sunday morning. Am as ever, · Muirson, mentioned in this letter, was the son "Your affectionate M. T. of Benjamin Wolsey, and a ward of James . "To brothers · I send love, also, and hope it Townsend, of Duck Pond, about the age of Sam­ will be acceptable. my. The following letter is from Marv, probably !he last she .ever wrote, announcing her mother's "Morning of tlie 28th.-! did not seal my letter illness. It is not known that her dis·ease was last nigp.t, as I wished to see how mother was the same with which her husband and children this morn. She · continues better, but slept very died, but most probably it was, as it occurred at little. Our neighbor, John Carpenter, died yes-- the same time, and appears to have been of a terday. M. T .11 very peculiar and uncommon character. This letter is not dated, but was written the TO MRS. PHEBE TOWNSEN:D. 27th and 28th of April, 1i90- Two or three days "DE:\R SISTER :-In compliance with yours, that after, alarming intelligence was sent of the illness I r~ce1,·ed_ on Sunday, I embrace the first oppor­ of other memebrs of the family, and the sisters tunity to inform you how our n1other is and has and their husbands went up to Jericho. The been, since I last wrote.· She was as' she had husbands returned to New York on l\Ionday, the been. for some time, and continued so . till Friday . 3d of 1Iay. Samuel went· up on the 4th. The ev~ntng, ..when she complained of being a little following letter from John Townsend, written on chilly, and we _Proposed her going to bed, but the 5th, shows that their principal anxiety was sh~ rather declined, and sat till we found her then for the father. · faint; we led her to the bed ; she was very sick at her stomach a little while, and then had the TO MRS. PHEBE TOWNSEND. s~verest ague I ever saw a person· have. We sat "NEW YoRK, }.fay 5th, 1790. till_ her ague seemed going off, and she seemed ''DEAR PHEBE :-I have heard, by Carr Hubbs, quite drowsy, and then went to bed. We had not that our father is very ill, and by his representa­ been long in bed before she was taken with a tion, I fear worse than ,vhe.n I. left Jericho. Yott violent pain in one knee, and then in her breast may imagine my concern, and what I feel on the and head. She lost her strength immediately, so occasion. \Vhy did you not write me by the that she could not turn herself without help. The above conveyance, as you know how anxious I next day she was easier, and ,vhen she lay per­ am? Let not an opportunity escape you _pow, fectly still, was almost clear of pain, but com­ my dear, in writing. .Let me know how the rest plained of such weariness that, when awake, she are. I am told by Hubbs they are better. l\iy often wanted to be turned, and then the pain apprehensions, therefore, rest on our father, · returned violently in her breast. She was very whose illness appears to be alarming. drowsy all the next day,-a very high fever, "Our cousin Jacob Seaman's family are better, which continued till last night about one o'clock, and the rest of my friends here are well, I be­ I found she began to perspire, and the middle lieve. Fail not to write me by the first convey­ of the forenoon she perspired very much; she ance, and believe me, was much relieved by it. We then put on dry "Ever yours, JOHN TOWNSEND." linen, but she still perspires, and appears much better. She has slept but little since Saturd_ay, This letter was written on Wednesday, the and not any to-day. I am in hopes she will rest 5th; on the evening of Friday, the 7th, ~Iary better to.night. I am much encouraged,-perhaps died; on "\iVednesday, the 12th, Samuel died, and too much so. Papa has a very bad cold, but has Almy the same evening, and Phebe the night of been this day. to Oyster Bay, where he saw Friday, the 14th. The father lingered until Mon­ . Tommy Cock, who told him you were well last day, the 24th, when he died, and a servant-woman evening. _Aunt Almy has been, and still is, very sonie · time in the interval. The ca use of this poorly, with a bad cold ; she has had both her. fearful mortality is unknown, but as it was con­ ears gathered., and has been very deaf. This day fined entirelv to that house, it must. have been she can hear much better. · local. As might be supposed, the ·survivors of • . "I have endeavored to be particular, knowing the family were completely stunned, and we have you · ,vould be anxious. I shall write again the been told that the .neighbors attended to all their next opportunity, and hope I can give you a more farming operations, the only son remaining being satisfactory account.· -The basket and things came entirely incapable of exertion. In a -letter .from safe., for .which. I return thanks, and should send · Townsend Underhill to Mrs. Smith, of Smith­ the basket by E. P., but expect he ,vill go loaded. town, half-sister of Mrs .. Townsend., written in Betsey goes to . Bay Side, in a wagon, and I July; he speaks of Mrs. Townsend as then slowly intend to get her to take it that way, as it can recovering. After the death of Dr. Townsend, go with little trouble to anybody. If mother Patty, eldest of the· two surviving daughters, should get better, and the weather good, we think married Edmund Willis. James, the only son, 77 TOWNSEND-TO\VNSHEND

went to New York. lfargaret married William \Vest Indies, we will state that there is a ·f amity Townsend, of Oyster Bay. Her mother came to tradition ·that .some Townsend, at some time, died Jive with her, the farm was sold, and the name of in the · West Indies, leaving an immense estate, Townsend was extinct at Jericho, where it was . the proceeds of which, with accu1nulated intercs!, one of the first six European names known. It amounting to eight millions (it is not stated died out in a most melancholy manner; but of all whether sterling or not), are in the English Ex­ who have borne it, none di.d it greater honor than chequer, awaiting a claimant. A person connected Dr. James To,vnsend. His wife died in Oyster with the family, who was not long since in Eng­ Bay,· July 2d, ·17g6, and was buried with her land, reports that it is still waiti,ig. Now if bosband and children, at Jericho.-Issue, l\1ary, some sanguine, adventurous Townsend follows· Patty, James, Phebe, Almy, Samuel, Margaret. up the hint we have given, and secures that eight A1tWy was- born November 16th, 1759, and died millions, we think we shall be entitled to, at least !May 7th, 1790, unmarried. one million. · . Patty was born December 26th, 1761, married STEPHEN was born July r8th, 1727; and mar­ Edmund Willis, an active member of Friends' ried Deborah Smith. He inherited the home­ l\ileeting, and died, without children, January 22d, stead, but sold it and left Jericho; we think he 1810. went to Flushing. His son Nathaniel lived in Jam,es was born October 16th, 1763. After the Glen Cove, where his son Walter now lives. · death of his father he went to New York, where .11ARTHA was born July 2d, r74r: she married he was a successful merchant, highly respected Charles Jeffrey Smith, of Smithtown, who was for his strong mind and sterling integrity. He engaged with Solomon Townsend in the manu­ married Bathsie Ketcham, and, retiring from facture of bar-iron, at Peconic River. She left business, settled at Newark, where he died, in no children. · 1831; his wife, in 1737.-lssue, Nathaniel, James, NATHANIEL was born October 5th, 1743, and Mary. The first two died young. married Martha Cornell, 1769. He lived in Phebe was born September 26th, •1765, and Brooklyn.-Issue, William, Jacob. married John, son of James Townsend, of Dnck ELIZ.ABETH was born July 20th, 1749. She mar­ Pond, a merchant in New York, and died May ried --- Cornell, and died 1767. J4th, 1790. ALMY was born April 19th, 1746. She lived . Al,ny was born April 18th, 1768, married with her half-sister, wife of Dr. James Townsend. · rfownsend Underhill, merchant in New York, and When his family was broken up, she took up her died May 12th, 1790.-lssue, Benjamin. (See residence ·with his son-in;, John Townsend, in .Toumsend Under/till, Chap. XVII.) whose family she resided several years. She then Samuel was born ~

who lived at Huntington in 1717, and a daughter Ju:nn~ was born September 8, 1753. This Sarah, who married James Dickinson. lady's history would make no bad theme for a JoBN SON OF THOMAS, w~s born August 28, novelist.· It is certainly well calculated to upoint 1672. The tradition is, that he was a very hand~ a," if not "to adorn a tale." She was· mar.. some man. He was married in Rhode Island, ried August, 1767, to John, son of Jotham Towns­ April 28, 1692, to Rebekah Almy, and mo,·ed to end, she being not quite seventeen, he not less Oyster Bay, where his father gave him his house, than forty-four. She was a handsome woman, of having first offered him the Fort Neck property, very attracth·e manners, which, with her elegant which John declined, saying, "Does father want taste in dress, made her the oracle of the youn~ me to go out of the world?" . He immediately ladies in Oyster Bay. The milt property was left took the place in the community which his father to her husband by his father, to revert to Freelov~ had held. He was Surveyor, Recorder, Super• Wilmot (his niece) if be died without heirs, and. visor, and Justice, all at the same time. For bis they had no children. He was a J t1stice, and one services in settling the allotments in the New of the most active loyalists at the time of the Purchase, the owners presented him with a tract Revolution. He went to England some time dt1r .. of land. His wife died February 24, 1703; and ing the war, probably on public business. He he married Rose, daughter of 1'Iary Townsend had made himself so odious to the patriots, that, and John Wright, and widow of Nathaniel Coles, .after the war, he feared not only the confiscation Jr. He died November 6, 1709, of the small-pox, of his property, which he made over to his and was buried on· Fort I·Iill. Thompson says mother-in-law, but for his personal safety, and that at the time of his death he was a member lived in concealment in New York. It was this of the Provincial Assembly. He is called in the circumstance, probably, which suggested to Ju­ Records "Rhode Island John" and "Justice John." dith's active, scheming brain· the idea of conceal­ -Issue, by the first wife, Thomas, Philena, and until she had secured every thing possible to be John; by the second, Penn and Rose. The chil­ removed from the property. She stripped the dren of the. first wife were sent to Rhode Island1 place of the wood, in which the value of a great to Rose, sister of Thomas, and wife of Samu~l part· of it consisted. How long his death was Hayden, to w horn John gives a· deed of land to kept secret is not known-probably for two or pay. their expenses. Of Philena nothing further three years-nor have we been able to learn hJ),v is kno,vn. Thomas and J oho returned to Oyster it was discovered; but it is most likely that, hav­ Bay, but nothing more is known of them, except ing secured every thing but the land, she thou1il1t that Thomas remo·1ied to the Oblong, Duchess the time had come to claim that, under the deed County. to her mother. The heir, Freelove \Vilmot, then ROSE married Zebulon, son of Rose Townsend the wife of James Townsend1 of Duck Pond, and Joseph Dickinson.-Issue, Townsend, Henry. brought suit to recover her rights, with Aaron . (See Z cbulon Dickinson., Chap. XIII.) Burr as counsel. It was defended upon a quib­ PENN was born November II, 17o6. It is not ble. l\.fr. Bogart, counsel for Judith, told Chan­ often that any superior ability is transmitted to cellor hicCoun, whe> studied with him, that she a son, but it is a very remarkable case in which was the most remarkable woman he ever kne\v; it descends to the son, grandson, and great­ that she had mastered the case completelv, and grandson. John Townsend 1st was a leading man was better acquainted with all the authorities bear­ in the settlement of Flushing and Jamaica. His ing upon the points at issue than any · of the son Thomas may, with propriety, be called the lawyers. But it availed· her nothing. Language leading man of Oyster Bay. His only son, John, cquld not be made more explicit than that of the succeeded to his influence and popularity, and will. Aaron Burr announced the decision in years aftet they had passed a,,/ay, John's son favor of his client in a letter no,v in the pos­ Penn occupied much the same position. In his• session of her grandson, J. C. To,vnsend. In the · da1 all the particulars of business, public and · course of the trial, Dr. Kissam, who attended private, were not entered upon the Records, as John Townsend in his last illness, made the fol­ in the time of his grandfather; beside that the lowing deposition :- settlement had received its form, and business set­ tled into a routine, so that he does not stand "Benjamin Kissam, of the city of New York, out upon the Records so prominently as those physician. being duly sworn, deposeth and saith, who ·s~aped and moulded the young community; that he knew John Townsend, formerly of Oyster but we find him holding the same offices, and Bay, several years before his death; that he ap­ · tradition assigns him the same position in the peared to birn to be a man of plain understanding public esteem, and adds that he inherited his and sound mind; that, from an examination of father's beauty as well as his ability and popu­ his books, he finds that on the 1st day of Decem• larity. He was m

the house of a lfr. Harvey, --- street, in the South street., in 1841, and- was buried at B. T. said city; that the deponent attended him there. Underhill's. She retained to the last the fasci­ and at his former lodgings, faithfully, until his nating manners of her youth. Perhaps if this un­ death, which happened on the seventh day of the happy woman had had an equally legitimate field same m.9nth; that during his illness the deponent for the exercise of her very superior ability, she prescribed such medicines and remedies as ap­ might have succeeded to the honorable distinction peared to be proper for his case; that !\irs. De­ hereditary in her bra11ch of the family. borah ·. Kissam and ~Irs. Rachel \Vheeler ( then ESTHER, daughter of Penn, married, first, Sam­ .Rachel Townsend) attended him during his ill­ uel, son of Samuel Townsend; second, William ness, and that he appeared to be perfectly satis-· Thorne; and third, --- Lefferts.-Issue, by her fied and content with his treatment; that the first husband, Penn, who died in infancy; by the deponent informed the said, John Townsend of second, Hannah, Clara, and \Villiam Penn. his dangerous situation, and proposed to call in DEBORAH, daughter of Penn, was born January another physician, but that he declined it; that 6, 1756; she married Peter R. Kissam in Iii9, during his illness the deponent was desired by and afterwards Charles Isles.-Issue, by her first the relations attending him to keep his residence husband, Catherine, Benjamin, Esther, and Sam­ in New York a secret, as they had particular uel. reasons for it, and requested him, after his re­ moval, to charge his medicine and attendance to Mr. Heywood (by which name the deponent was CHAPTER V. informed he was known at Mr. Harvey's), and that the deponent made his charges and directed ELIZABETH, DAUGHTE! OF JOHN IST~ the medicine accordingly; that some months after the death of the said John Townsend, John l\fARRIED Gideon, son of Peter Wright. After Kissam, attended by another person, called on his death, she married Gershom Lockwood, who the deponent, and asked him several questioJlS came from Connecticut, and returned there after respecting the death of the said John Townsend; his marriage to her.-Issue, by her first husband, that the deponent, from a view of his books, told Peter, Anthony, Sylvant1s, John, Gideon, Eliza­ them the time when he was taken ill, when re­ beth, Hannah, and another daughter, whose name moved, and when he died; that, among other was probably T~bitha. Elizabeth married Isaiah questions, he was asked if 11Irs. Townsend, wife Harrison. Her family removed from Oyster Bay, of the said John Townsend, was with him during and nothing is known of them or of Hannah. his illness, to which the deponent· answered in Sylvanus had an only son, Charles, who lived · at the affirmative,-but from a conversation since Jericho, we think. with 1irs. P. Kissam, and from a recollection of ANTIIONY married !\Iary Rhodes, dat1ghter several circumstances, he is convinced that he of the firs.t Baptist clergyman in Oyster Bay, was mistaken in the fact last above mentioned, as September 18, 1702. He was for several years a 1.-Irs. Townsend was not in New York during prominent person on the Record, and received, as her husband's illness or at the time of his death; heir of Peter Wright, a large tract of land, on that he supposes the mistake arose from having the south of the Old Purchase. Nothing is known. seen 1frs. Townsend with her husband a few of his family, except the births of two children, days before his illness; that the said John Town­ Peter and Dinah. send, during the early part of his illness, was in JOHN does not .appear t1pon the Records, but full possession of his mind and understanding; George We~ks lent us an antique memorandum­ that the deponent understood the said John book which proved to have belonged to him. -He Townsend had concealed •himself voluntarily, a bought it fro1n William Bradford, 1699. Among long time· before his death, and that his con­ other entries in it is the following: "I, John cealment during his residence in the city of New Wright, arrived at Newport, Rhode Island, to York, . immediately before and during his last dwell, the 19th day of April, in ye year of our illness, was also voluntary; that he does not Lord 1707." And "John \Vright and Abigail recollect any thing that can induce him to believe Barker was married by Samuel Cranston, Gov­ that the said John Townaend was under any con­ ernor, ye 2ith day of January, 1707." He appears straint from his wife, as to his concealment, as to have been master of a vessel, and from his he always spoke of her in an affectionate manner; Note-Book and another book belonging to him, but that the deponent had an impression that also lent us by George ,v eeks, was evidently a the said John Townsend kept close to avoid cer­ man of piety, intelligence, and education. His tain laws that had been made, which he thought memorandum-book is bound in parchment, with might affect him,-but he does not recollect from a brass clasp, and is in perfect preservation. It whom that impression comes. is probable that he had no family, as there are ''Sworn to, this 29th day of August, 178g. entries of t11e birth of two of Anthony's children, . "BENJ. KISSAM." but none of his own. GIDEON was married July 5, 1702; it is not" During the latter part of her life, Judith lived known to whom. He had a large property in the with her sister in Saratoga County, but came to ~fill River Hollow, which has remained in his Oyster .Bay every summer to visit her numerous family until a veri short time ago.-Issue, John, rel~tions, and died here in the old homestead, in Zebulon, Elijah. 0£ the first two we know noth- 81 TOWNSEND~TOWNSHEND

mg. Elijah was born April 4, 1713, a11d married cut down· a bank, and in so doing found the bone Anna ---. He lived upon the place lately of· a human leg standing upright. Inquiry being owned by \Valter Franklin.-Issue, Freelove, born made, ~lrs. John J. Hewlett, the oldest daughter April 22, 1743; l\Iary, December 3, 1744; Zebulon, of Town~end Willis, remembered to have been December 30, 1747; and Gideon, September 30, told by an old woman that there was an Indian 1751. Of the first three nothing more is known. buryi~g-gr~und there. \Volvcr Hollow, or GIDEON inherited the homestead and was married Susco s Wigwam, and Cedar Swamp were cer­ Dece~ber 6, 1772. to i1ary, daughter of Henry •tainly the principal settlements of the Indians. Dickenson and ·Ruth Townsend, who was· born James and his brother George owned a tract November 12, 1754- Henry Dickenson was the of land at Norwich, to which place they gave son of Rose (daughter of Justice John Townsend that name in honor of the town in England, from and Rose, daughter of Mary Townsend arrd John the neighborhood of which their father came. He Wright) and Zebulon, son of Rose Townsend and was a Surveyor, and although not the Town Joseph Dickenson. Gideon died June 12, 1836, Surveyor, was one of those appointed to lay out and his wife, May 6, 1842.-lssue, Freelove, Unkoway and Lattin g's N" eeks. I-le was elected Letitia, Susannah, Elizabeth, l\ifary. Overseer while he lived at Oyster Bay. After Freelo·ve was born September 12, 1773, and that he held no office. Oyster Bay-being the cen­ married George Cock. (See George Cock, son of tre of population, as well as the geographical John, Chap. VII.) centre, the Town Officers were for many years Lett"t-ia was born April 18, 1776, and was mar­ all residents of the village. We find from the ried January 13, 1795, to Walter Franklin, who paper left by Squire George Townsend, that he was born June 15, 1773. She died September 2, died 1697 or 'g8, in the great sickness. There 1842, and her husband, November 16, 1856.­ is upon the Town Records an entry, dated No:. Issue, Thon1as; Sarah, married to Lawrence E. vember 19, 16g8, a confirmation, from James, the Eriibrie, July 9, 1821 ; Townsend U., married eldest son, of the gifts made by his father in his Elizabeth !vicCalla, October 19, 1834; Betsey, mar­ will to his wife · Delivered, and his sons Job, ried George D. Townsend, April 18, 1832; J\iiary Thomas, Daniel, Ruddock, Joseph, Joshua. After­ W., married Walter F. Townsend, 1857; Rebecca, wards we found frequent mention on the Records married, first, Townsend Dickenson, August 12, of a son of James, named Rumone or Rumorn, 1830, and, second, John Gracey, October 9, 1850; and were at a loss to account for his not being Walter 11., married Anne M. l\1ott; Susan, mar­ mentioned in his father's will, until it occurred ried William G. Merritt; and Gideon W., mar­ to us that he might be a posthumous child. 11rs. ried Eliza Hegerman. Seaman confirmed our supposition, and said that Susannah married Coe S. Downsing, Duchess his mother, comparing the bitterne~s of her grief County. to rue, called him Ruemourn. He was entirely Elizabeth married Obadiah Jackson. unprovided for, but his brothers contributed to Afary married Daniel Cock, 18o8. (See Daniel, make up his share, especially two (probably son of John Cock, Chap. VII.) James and Job) who had no families, and the homestead fell to him. Thomas and Joseph died young. . Of Job we only know that he lived at Cedar Swamp. James moved to N o·rwich, not CHAPTER VI. long after his father's death, and is called on the Records James Townsend, Jr., of. Norwich. The JAMES·, SON OF JOHN 1ST. settlement that he made with his brother Rud­ dock, in the division of his father's estate, shows WE find by the Records that James married him to have been an amiable, unselfish man. Jane Ruddock, and Delivered ---. From Dr. He was a Surveyor, and made many surveys with Peter Townsend's Note-Book, we find that his James Townsend, of Jericho. It is probable that first wife was a \,Vright, ,vhich accounts for sev- he never married. Ruemourn, in his will, men- · . eral gifts of land n1ade to him and his son James tions his sister Deborah, but there is no other by Anthony and Job Wright, and Richard Crabb. mention of. her, and she n1ight have been his She must have been a daughter of Peter Wright. mother's daughter by a second marriage. Rud­ To his second wife, Jane, daughter of Henry dock married Abigail ---, and first lived at Ruddock, he was married October 16, 1677. His Norwich. He then built at Oak N eek, on the homestead was the place now owned by the family east side adjoining Pine Island, where he lived of T .. W. Burtis. This he ·sold, and removed to some time, and about 1714 or 1715 he removed Cedar Swamp, where he settled upon the place to Little Egg Harbor, New J~rsey, after which now belonging to Robert Seaman, who married we know nothing of him. Abigail \Villis, the great-great-granddaughter of James. This lady is remarkably well versed in DANIEL, SON or JAMES, OF CEDAR SWAMP., the history of her family. She told us that her Married Fre-elove, daughter of Captain Samuel father, Townsend Willis, built the house in which Dickenson~ and died in 1724 or 1725.-Issue, John she lives. The old one stood north of the pond, and Benjamin. · · . in what is now a locust grove. After the death "'-JOHN was born in 1712, and removed, in 1738, of her brother, Jacob Willis, the place was sold, to East thester, Westchester County, where he and one of the owners, wishing to move the barn, bought a farm. In 1739 he married Anne Ged- TO \V NS E ND~ T ·OWN.SH E ND ney. . He. was a .Friend, but his wife being an Virginia A.,. married A-Iarcus De Lett Grover, of. Episcopalian, he was diso,vned by the Meeting. St. Paul, ~I1nn. Issue: l\fyra E. · He continued a Friend in principle, but contrib- FREELOVE was born in 1740, in ·what was called uted to the building of the Episcopal Church in the hard winter, when the Sound was frozen over East Chester. He was a very large man, being at Throg's Point, so that wagons crossed. Her full six feet two, with a form in proportion. He brothers were all good .\Vhigs, but she continued had a double row of. teeth all around. He died loyal, and her daughter Jemima married Captain in Ii87, ~nd was buried in the graveyard be- Fraser, an Irishman in the British army, with longing fo St. Paul's Church, East Chester.-- whom she went to Europe, but returned to this Issue, Freelove, John, James, Elijah, Daniel, country, and died several years ago. Freelove Mary, tfargaret, 1Iartha. John joinecl the Ameri- married vVilliam Pinkney, a farmer of East Ches­ can army in the Revolution, and afterward settled ter, and died in 1816 or 1817. in Herkimer, in which .County and 11ontgomery, _ Records· of the \Var Dept. show that: ''One we have been told, his descendants still reside. Elijah Townsend served as Captain of a Com-­ Copy of certificate of his service in the Revolu- pany bearing his name, in Col. 1I. Graham's Regt. tion, from the \Var Dept., vVashington, D. C.; N. Y. 1-Iilitia, Revolutionary War. Issue: 11:aria, Timothy, Henry, -Ricketson, Townsend E., Sands, · '"It is shown by the records of this office that Henry, Sybil· Ann, and !\1aria. Townsend, located one John Townsend, rank not stated, served in in Parma, l\'1ichigan, and represented his district Ludington's Regt. of N. Y. l\t!ilitia, Revolutionary. in the Senate eleven times, comniencing by fram­ War, and that he received on Ang. 16th, 1777, ing the State Constitµtion. Timothy Henry, born £12 as bounty, and on June 14, Ii86, £1 6s. 4d. as at Clave Hollow, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; married levy pay for service in that organization." Elizabeth Utley in 1838. He died in Ron1e, Italy, ., (Signed) T. C. A1NS\VORTH, Ajt. Gen. May 23, 1842. Issue: Timothy I-Ienry, who died young, and 1\1:ary Elizabeth. His widow married James went on board an armed vessel, and was (second) Emory Matthews, nfary Elizabeth never heard of ~fterward. / adopting the name of 11athews. :tv1ary Elizabeth, ----Zepheniah To·wnscnd, brother of Captain Elijah born at Albany, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1841, married John Townsend, like him became a revolutionary sol- Jay Hart at Oswego, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1859. He died dier whose war record will be found in the War Nov. 24, 18g6. Issue: George Dwight, born Dec.· Department, Washington, D. C. He married 24, 1859, and married Julia Penfield Dec. 3, 1885. Sarah \Vooden, sister of Henry \Vooden, an Eng- Issue: Ethel Penfield Hart, born Aug. 8, 1886; lish Army officer who came to America before Josephine Howe, born Oct. 18, 1888; James 1Ion­ the ~evolution.-Issue, ~Iarcus, Richard, Nathan, roe, born Sept. 18, 1862, married Sophia Shepherd George, Emily Sn1ith, Angeline, Betsey and Kate. Ould, Oct. 20, 1886. She died June 29, 1905. Marcus married 1Iary Bemus.-Issue, Julianna, Issue: John Jay, born July 25, 1887; Shepherd · Roxanna, Elijah, 1Iartha, 1fartin, Philetaus Ed- James, born J i1ne 15, 1888; Susan Clarine, born ward, 1\Iary and Sarah. Emily Smith . married Feb. 10, 1891 ; Frederick .1Iassey, born 1fay · ·4, Ferguson, of Geneva, N. Y. Angeline 1866, married Anna Lyman, June 7, 1893. Issue: married !\.Iatthew Courtright, of Onondaga ·Hill, Henry Lyman Hart, born July I, 18g7. 1-!ary, N. Y. Betsey married --- North. Edward born Sept. 12, 1869, married Smith ?\Iatt Bostick, Philetus married Caroline Dodge.-Issue, George June II, r8go. I_ssue: 1-Ianer Hart, born July 29, E., Electa, Adelaide, and Virginia A. George E., 18gr, and Richard Jay, born Feb. 9, 1895. They of Jordan, Onondaga Co., N. Y., tnarried ---. reside in Oswego, N. Y., Mrs. Bostick being a -Issue, Burt De Lett, 1\.-Irs. Charles H. Young, D. A. R. Mrs. Laura Steyens, Grover Curtis, Clara and Charles. Hon. Burt De Lett Townsend is now EuJAH was born the 8th of June, 1751, and, a practicing Attorney at Fargo, North Dakota,. in 1773, married "11ary Tredwell, who was born and is regarded as one of the most brilliant July 14, 1754. He removed to Duchess County. young lawyers of the day. At present he is Died April 3, 1824- His wife died April 8, 1813. special counsel of the U. S. Atty. Gen. Bonaparte, -Issue, Sybil, Anna, Phebe, Tred,vell, 1Iartha, and one of two attorneys prosecuting Pacific slope John, Hannah, Mary, Elijah, Samuel, James, Free- railroads for $40,000,000 in land fraud cases. love, 11oses. - Electa ·Adelaide married Alonzo Mead Curtis, Sybil was born May 26, 1774, married Daniel -now deceased. She died 1900.-Issue, Hemon Gidley, and had six sons and two daughters. She D., residing in Los Gatos, Cal. Mrs. Clara B. died at Parma, 1'1ichigan, Jan. 16, 1843. . Curtis, residing in San Francisco. Ivt:rs. Jessie Anna was born July I, 1776, married Stephen W. Scowden, residing in Frewsburg, N. Y., Dusenberry, and had five sons and six daughters. Fred. M., of Jamestown, N. Y., Don Allen, of · She died in Orange County, Sept. 10, 1852. Jamestown, N. Y., Frank G., of Jamestown, Phebe was born March 18, 1778, mar_ried Eliezer N. Y., and Caroline V.,. residing in Frewsburg, Taylor, and had two sons and three daughters. N. Y. Frank G., born Aug. 8, 1878, is a gradu­ She died in Duchess County, Feb. 7, 1834. ate of Jamesto\vn High School and Cornell Uni­ Tredwell was born Jan. 9, 178o, married Anna ve·rsity. He was Asst. Dist. Atty. of Chautauqua Durland, and had scyen sons and' two daughters. Co., N. Y., and is now regarded as one of the He d-ied in Duchess County, Aug. 21, 1863. . brilli_ant practitioners of law in Jamestown, N. Y. Martha, was born Jan. 18, x781, married John TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

Christy, and had two sons and two daughters. Sarah E., J., Charles H., Daniel W., John. She died in Chautauque County, Jan. 25, 1842~ James H., Wilham G., ~Iary E. Sarah, l1arth3 Jolin E. was born April 5, I 782, married l\Iar­ John, \Villiam, died young. • garet ~iacord, and had two sons and three daugh­ Edwin was married, in 1826, to Anne Eliza, ters. He died in Duchess County, Oct. 4, 1836. daughter of John Graff, of New York.-Issuc Hannah was born June 21, Ii8S, married John John G .., Edwin F., Car~line F., Catherine :\I.: J.fott, 'and had six sons and seven daughters. She ?viandev1lle, Anne E., thlton, Akerly, Chester died in 11ichigan, Dec. 24, 1845. Hamilton. Caroline, Milton, Chester, died un~ Mary was born Aug. 14, 1786, married Conrad married. Overison, and had three sons and two daughters. Richard was married, in 18.25, to Anne J. \Vi­ She died in Orange County, Jan. II, 1859. nants, of \Vaterloo, New York.-Issue, Knox ,- Elijah was born April 1, 1788, married Susan Heber. · Knox died young. · ' ~forgan, by whom he had one son and one daugh­ Julia was married, in 1835, to Henry II ull. ter. She died in 1825, and he married Rosannah Clarissa ,vas married, in 1833, to James Barker Downing, granddaughter of Squire George Towns­ and died in 1849. 1fary R. was married .to n/ end, of Norwich (see George of Richard, Chap. Philo P. Greenley, in 1843. Hester E. married VII.), and had four sons and one daughter. He John Brown, 1850. Martha married William Ho­ died on the farm which his father first bought taling, 1843. in Duchess County, June 17, 1860. Clara married \Villiam Adee, of New York.­ Samuel was born Aug. 1, 1790, married Eliza Issue, Alva A. (deceased), George, Townsend. Viely, and had two sons and two daughters. He J eminia was married, in 1804, to Charles Rod- died in Chautauque County, Dec. 6, 1839. man. She died in r845.-Isst1e, Rebecca. . / ames was born Jan. I, 1792, married Anna · Isaac married Priscilla, daughter of Richard Shear, and had two sons and one daughter~ He Sands, and died December, 1853.-Issue, '\iVilliam died in Orange County, April 30, 1836. E., Frances C. The last died young. MARY, daughter of John Westchester, Freelove was born 1:Iay 16, 1793, married Jo­ 1st, of seph Budd, and had one son and two daughters. married Gilbert Pinkney, of vVestchester. lvIARGARET, daughter of John 1st, of Westches­ She died in 11:ichigan, 1\1ay 21, 1840. ter, married Saephen Sneden, of Westchester, M oscs was born Nov. 12, 1794, married Hannah 1763, and died in 1819. 'Alley, and had one son and five daughters. He MA:ttTHA, daughter of John Ist, of Westchester, is still living (1864). married Isaac Ward in 1773, and died in 1825. DANIEL, son of John 1st, of '\iVestchester, was BENJA1IIN, son of Daniel, of Oyster Bay, born in 1756, and married Rebecca, daughter of settled at Scarsdale, Westchester County, and Jobn Ward, of East Chester. They were said to married Elizabeth ---, daughter of one of the be· the handsomest couple in Westchester County. Huguenots at New Rochelle.-Issue, Rudduck, J-Ie died iri 1799.-Issue, Cornelia, John, Clara, who married ---.-Issue, Benjamin, Joseph, !Jemima, Isaac, Elijah. The last died young, un­ Samuel, ~largaret. Benjamin married a daughter married. of Isaac \Vard, of East Chester. Joseph lived on Cornelia was born in 1778, and married Samuel a farm near Bergen, N. J. He is now dead. Sam­ Baker, of 1-Iyde Park, Duchess Co. She died in uel lives on the homestead. 1861. I ohn was born in 1779, and married Martha, JOSHUA, SON OF JAMES, OF CEDAR SWAMP, daughter of Thomas Fowler, 0£ East Chester. He Married i\'Ieribah, daughter of John Cock, of ,vas elected vestryman of St. Paul's Church, East 1\1:atinecock, and bought a place, or rather several Chester, 18o6 or '7, and afterwards warden, and places, at Duck Pond, where he lived. I-Iis house continued in that office until his death, a period of stood a little southeast of the one now occupied forty-three years. He was elected, in 1816, a by --- Gruman. He left a handsome property member of Assembly, and then to the Senate. to his only child, Noah. His widow married He was also a member of the last Council of Ap­ . Micajah Townsend. pointment that sat in this State, and was after­ NOAH, son of Joshua, married 11argaret ,vards elected Sheriff. H·e died in 1849; his wife, '\Vright, and died ·in 1763, leaving an only child, in 1856.-Issue, Daniel \V., James L., Edwin, Joshua, very young. By his will, if the child ·Richard, Julia, Clarissa, Henrietta, Robert G., died in his minority, the property was to be lfary R., 1fartha A., Hester E. Henrietta and d1vided between the daughters of his uncle, Rue­ Robert died young. mourn Townsend, and his mother's brothers and Daniel vV. was married, in 18.24, to Euretta l\if., sisters. His executors were William and l\Iica­ daughter of John Conselyea, of Bushwick, L. I. jah Townsend, Benjamin \Volsey, and Jacob Car­ From this gentleman we obtained all our informa­ penter. The book in which the receipts were tion about this Westchester branch of the fam­ entered for all disbursements on account of the ily.-lssue, John H., Thomas Jefferson, Ellen F., estate, makes quite a curious collection of auto­ Emily F., Elijah F., 1v!ary ·V., Daniel W., Henry graphs. His ,vidow married again very soon, first R., Andrew E., Euretta M. John, Thomas J., and to Daniel Thorne, and after his death to John Elijah, died young. Jackson. \Vhen Joshua grew up he determined Jame~ L. was married, in 1830, to Sarah, daugh­ to go to sea. To make the best of a bad choice, ter of Christian Dederer, of East Chester.-Issue, his guardians placed him with Captain Farley, TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND who was bound for London. The last known· of said schooner, and sent on board the Conquesta­ him, . by · Captain F., was, that in London he dore, a guard-ship lying at the Nore. Some days shipped o.n board a whaling vessel, and was im­ after, he thinks about three or four, he met Cap­ pressed from it. From that time nothing was tain Helmes. on 'Change, and he (Helmes) heard of him. His guardians endeavored to trace showed him a letter tl1at he had received from him, without effect. His father's family claimed Joshua, he thinks written on ·board the above-said the property, under the will, and as heirs-at-law; guard-ship, concerning some clothes he had lying his. mother, upon the ground that he had lived at Wapping. That is the last account we can to the age· of twenty-One, and then died intestate give of Joshua Townsend.' The surviving execu­ without heirs, claimed the personal property, and tor, Jacob Carpenter, further to h.11ow what had she brought suit to recover it. It was decided become of him, wrote to Patience Wright, of in favor. of the heirs, as Joshua was nineteen London, a relative of Joshua, requesting her to when he disappeared, and there was no proof give every information of him in her power, and that he reached the age of twenty-one. The in answer to which she informed . him that, some property . remained in the hands of the executors time before the latter part of October, 17i6, that twenty-six years. Jacob Carpenter was the only the said Joshua Townsend did breakfast vdth het, one surviving at the time the suit was brought. on the morning of the day in which he was im­ His answer is interesting, and we shall copy some pressed, and that having information he ,vas car­ parts of it. ried · on board the Conquestadore, guard-ship at the Nore, she made every possible inquiry she "To tlie Hon. Robert Livingston, Esq., Chancellor could, respecting him; that likewise John Bourne, of tlze State of New York: at her request, did go to the Navy Office, Lon­ don, and with one of the clerks . in said ·office, "The answer of Jacob Carpenter, the surviving did examine carefully all the books necessary in executor" of the last will and testament of Noah order to find out the said Joshua Townsend, but Townsend, deceased, late of Oyster Bay, in could not find, in any of them, the name of Queen's County, on Nassau Island, in the late Joshua Townsend, or the least trace of him. Colony, now State of New York, and James Patience \Vright was also advised to advertise for Townsend, one of the executors of the last wills him, and did., describing his person, and offering and testaments of \Villiam Townsend and Benja­ a reward for his discovery, but without effect. min \Volsey, two of the executors of the last will Further, that John Townsend, and his son-in-law. and testament of Noah Townsend, aforesaid, cited 1fr. Compton, both of London, searched the said by subprena, with others, to answer to the com­ office, and could find no traces of him; which plaint of John Jackson, of South Hempstead, in· inquiry was mad~ by these gentlemen at the re­ the County of Queens, State of New York, and quest of a John Townsend, of Oyster Bay, who others named in the complaint. The orator, John went to England during the late war, and who Jackson, sets forth in his declaration, that he is was desired to make the inquiry. Since the war, administrator to the goods and chattels of Joshua a certain James \Vhaling appeared, and said that Townsend, late of Oyster Bay, in the aforesaid he deserted from tl1e Torbay, man-of-war, a sev­ County, who died intestate. To which we reply, enty-gun ship, at Sandy Hook; that he was mess­ that we know of no estate of Joshua Townsend's. mate to a c.ertain Joshua Townsend, who was The orator likewise sets forth that on the 12th impressed, and brought on board of said ship off day of February, 176o, Noah Townsend, then of Cork; that he was on board of said ship in the Oyster Bay, did publish his last will and testa­ action with the De Grasse, in April, Ij82, and ment, in manner and form nearly as recited. This had then been on board nine months; that the we acknowledge, and the probate of the said will ship was ordered, in the n1onth of June, to An­ is in our hands, under which authority we have tigua to refit, when the said Joshua, with two acted; and further, that Joshua Townsend, son others, deserted ; and that he had often heard the of Noah Townsend, named in said will, having said Joshua Townsend observe he had a mother manifested an inclination, in the early part of living on Long Island, and considerable property his life, for the seafaring business, undertook and there. This information induced the executors to made several voyages to and from different places, request a certain Richard Lawrence, who was go­ and. having arrived at about the age of nineteen ing to London, to search the books of said ship, years, was, in the year of our Lord 1776, in to find something relative to the said Joshua; .England, where he was pressed, or entered as a who says, in a letter to his wife, in which he seaman on board a ship-of-:war, in the ·service of requests her to inform the executors, that he had the King of Great Britain, called the Conquesta­ caused the books of said ship to be searched, from dore, a guard-ship at the Nore. James Farley, the year 178o until she was paid off, but could master of the ship, to whom Joshua was bound find no such name there, and did not believe the by indenture, sayeth, 'That about the middle of said Joshua had ever been on board the said ship. October, 1776, in London, Joshua left him and Lawrence soon after died in London. All which shipped on board of a schooner bound on a whal­ letters and information are now in the hands of ing voyage, commanded by Captain Helmes, of the executor. No certain knowledge of the death New York or Long Island, and about the latter of Joshua Townsend, and that he died under age end of said month, or beginning of November, and without issue, coming to the knowledg~ of he, the said Joshua, was impressed, on board the the surviving executor, prevented him from ful- 85 T.OWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

filling that part of the wilt of Noah· Townsend was made chargeable, with the expenses of Joshua which directs, in case the said Joshua should die and every other contingency the estate was liable under age, without issue, that his real estate to ; and as the greatest losses sustained by the should be sold and divided agreeable to the will ; property was in receiving paper money within the and that the real estate of the said Noah Town­ period stated (1775-6), the executors judged it send continued under the care of the surviving reasonable, in ascertaining the part or share the executor until· the·. 25th day of ~Iay, Ii89; and oratrix was entitled to of the lapse legacy in the that John Hewlett, and Sarah his wife, and the personal property., to have an eye to those losse~, representatives of l\1ary Willis, had often de­ and how much of them had probably fallen on manded the real estate, and that the executor was that part of the estate, compared with the rents advised· by counsel, learned in the law, that the of the. farm at tl1at time received; and in fixing said John Hev,rlett, and Sarah his wife, being one a certain ratio., a given part of the whole, judged of the daughters of Ruemourn Townsend, the that the one-seventh part of the personal property brother of Joshua, father of the testator, and the in their hands was her proportion, which amounts representatives of l\,Iary \Villis, who was the other to £352 Ss. Amount of the whole personal prop­ daughter of the said Ruemourn Townsend, were erty in James Townsend's hands., $2,075 15s. 10d. the heirs-at-law in case of Joshua Townsend's From which deduct £150, lost by him· during the death, without issue, and that he might safely late war. His situation was near the eastern part deliver up the real property into their hands, of Queens County, within about two miles of the which was accordingly done at the time above Sound, and near the British outpost ; and being specified; and that the aforesaid John Hewlett, obnoxious to their Government, his house was and Sarah his wife, and the representatives of frequently filled with soldiers and refugees; his Mary \Villis and others, the representatives of. property was thereby very much exposed, and Daniel, Hezekiah, and James Cock, and Hannah this money was taken, with a considerable sum of Prior,., had often demanded of the executors and his own,· sometime petween the years 1778 and of James Townsend, the personal estate of the 1783, by persons unknown. Deduct, also, for said Noah Townsend, with the rents, issues, and twenty-five years service, for ·taking care of the profits of the farm that was in their possession; estate, and for the extra trouble of William and being further advised by counsel, learned in Townsend, executor to the estate, for tw~lve - the law, that they might safely do the same, pre­ years, £147. In the hands of Jacob Carpenter, suming, as aforesaid, that Joshua died under age, after deducting commission, £712. Total net per­ and without issue, agreeable to the will of Noah sonal estate, £2,491." Townsend, and that on the 25th day of l\Iay, 1789, The answer further says, "that the executors they proceeded to the same, with taking good and had often invited the orator to bring forward his sufficient security and indemnification, and obliged evidence, if any he had, that Joshua Townsend themselves to distribute to each one his share lived to the age of twenty-one years, and then to the other claimants, under the will of Noah died without issue and intestate, in order to To,vnsend, after deducting such part. thereof as know upon what ground he claimed the personal they ( the executors) judged the share of the estate; which he ever neglected to do, neither ot'atrix in the bill of complaints, as widow of have any such accounts ever come to the knowl­ Noah Townsend, on the lapse legacy, and like­ edge of the executors." wise deducting, from the whole, what they judged The estate finally divided among the .. heirs of a moderate compensation for taking charge 0£ the Noah Townsend was ten or twelve thousand estate. And as we are required by the bill of pounds. complaint to bring forward a statement of the personal estate of Noah Townsend in our hands, RUEMOURN, SON OF JAMES, OF CEDAR SWAMP, we insert the following: Amount of the inven­ Married i1ary, daughter of Captain John Allen,

tory of the personal estate of Noah Townsend1 of Great Neck, who was born the 11th of Febru­ £1,125, ·the further sum to be added of one hun­ ary, 1701. He died in 1740. His widow married dred pounds, embezzled by the widow of Noah William ?v!oyles, and died 11ay 31, 176g.~Issue, Townsend, supposed between the time of his death l\:!ary, Sarah, Restore. The last- was born the and the taking possession of the estate hY. th~ 5th day of May, 1738, and died young, and tl1c executors, and was never known to them until daughters inherited the whole property, which, the ti?}e of settlement with the legatees, but was with the legacies they received from their mother, then and there acknowledged to be part of the step-father, and cousin, Noah Townsend, gave estate of the said Noah Townsnd, and accounted them £3,000 each,-a very large fortune for a for, to them, by John Jackson, the orator,. i~ the lady here in those days. biIJ of complaint." l\'IARY was born December 5, 1729, and married After reciting receipts and disbursements, the William Willis, who was born l\ilay 23, 1721.­ answer goes on to say: Issue, Ruth, Sarah, Abigail, Townsend, Mary, Esther. Sarah died unmarried, 1\-!ay 8, Ii87. · "As the accounts of the executors looked for­ RUTH was born September 7, 1751, and mar­ ward to a settlement with the heir, Joshua Town­ ried Samuel Hewlett.-Issue, Louis, Phebe, Will­ send, only, without having regard to any acci .. iam, Samuel. Louis. married Hannah Hewlett. dent that might arise from his death, the whole Phebe married Walter Jones. \Villiam married .personal estate was blended in ·one account, and 1v1artha Thorne. Samuel married 1-Iary Hewlett. 86 TOWNSEND~TOWNSHEND

AEtGAIL was born November 18, 1755, and mar­ He died August 6, 1832. His wife died Maren ried Richard Townsend, son of Squire George, 21, 1825.-Issue, William 1'1., John J., M~ry,­ of Nonvich, in 1775.-Issue, Rosannah, born No- Sarah. vember 26, 1779, died unmarried. _ Willia111 lrl. was born in 1780, and tUarried TowNSEND was born June 23, 1;57, and was Martha Coles. The family Bible, lent to us by married· l.Iarch, li83, to Hannah Bowne, who his brother, is a remarkable example of his in­ was born August 17, 1762.-Issue, 1Iary, Sarah, genuity and dexterity. It had b~en very much Townsend, Hannah, .. Abigail, Jacob, William. torn and defaced, and he has supplied the missing Hannah died unmarried. parts of the leaves with a neatness and perfection -Mary was born December 13, 1783. She mar­ truly surprising, especially when it is considered 'J'ied John J., son of Townsend Hewlett. We that he had lost one arm by an accident in his called to see this lady, and found her and her n1ill. He had a curious and carefully preserved husband, aged eighty-one and eighty-two, living collection of old papers, which his son very in the old house which was the residence of his obligingly lent us. He died in 1864- grandfather, at East vVoods, which, in its antique John J. was born November 15, 1781, and mar­ simplicity, is a most fitting home for this inter­ ried tfary, daughter of Townsend \Villis. He esting couple, who have lived there sixty-three lives upon his grandfather's homestead, at East years. He retains, in a remarkable degree, the Woods. vivacity and vigor of youth. She is more feeble, Ma1·y married J. Allen, Manhasset. but presents in her delicate· features and com­ Sarah married Walter Frost. plexion, silvery hair, and benevolent expression, lsAAC was born March 28, 1760, married Rho'da which we never saw excelled, and the refined Van Wyck, February 24, 1779. He died }iay 16, simplicity of her manners, an example of a lovely 1838; his ,vife, June 6, 1852.-Issue, Betsey, ) ohn, old age,"that almost makes one wish·for four score. Mary, Sally, Abraham, Oliver, and -Alfred. Bet­ She is one of the ladies to whom we have dedi­ sey married William Jones; John V. married cated this Memorial of her family. Mary Waters; ~Iary married Samuel Hewlett. Sally 1narried \Villiam Simonson.-Issue, Town­ • HANNAH was born February ,4, 1762, and mar­ send, Margaret, llary, William. Townsend mar­ ried; May 2, 1779, to John Jones, grandson of ried Mary Frost. 1fargaret married Charles An­ Freelove Townsend and Thomas Jones, who was derson. 1-Iary married Henry Williams. born November 31, 1755. She died December 9~ Towise12d married Mary Coles.-Issue, Town­ 18~0,. and her. husband, August 29, 1819.-Issue, send, Ethelinda; Hannah, Esther. Townsend W1lham, John H., Walter R., Joshua, Charles, married Mary Jackson. Ethelinda married Sally, Phebe, Elizabeth, and Mary. William mar­ Timothy Jackson. Esther married Thon1as Jack­ ried Betsey Hewlett; John H. married Loretta son. 1--Iannah married --- Whiston. Hewlett; Charles married Eliza Gardiner; Phebe Abigail married, first, Samuel Jones; second, married Charles Hewlett; and Elizabeth married Robert Seaman. Jacob Hewlett. - · I acob married Phebe Hewlett.-Issue, Louis H., DIVINE was born February 5, 1767, and married William H., Townsend, Hannah, Abigail. Han­ Annie Coles, May 25, 1786. He died October 23, nah married Samuel M. Titus. 1846, and his wife, April 22, 1855.-Issue, Sally, William married Letitia Downing.-Issue, Mary, Loretta, Amelia, Elizabeth, Hannah, Anne, Jacob, Harriet, Isaac T., Robert. Mary married Charles John D., and William. Sally married, first, John Place. Harriet married Wells Sackett. Isaac T. Hewlett; second, Judge Mitchell; Loretta mar~ married Anne Place. Robert died unmarried. ricd. John H. Jones; Amelia married Thomas _EsTHER married Walter Jones, and died 1801.­ Col_e~; Elizabeth ("Hewlett''), born Oct. 22, 1792, Issue, Mary, Jackson, Sarah, Phebe, Townsend. married Henry Scudder 1818. Issue, Henry Joel Phebe married --- Hammett. Townsend mar­ Scudder, born Sept. 18, 1825, married June "21," ried Mary Robbins. 1853, Louisa _Henrietta Davis, died 1886. Issue, SARAH, daughter of Ruemourn Townsend, Henry Townsend Scudder, born Sept. 7, 1854, was born March 18, 1736, and married, June 29, Charles Davis, born Sept. 24, 1856, Edward 1{ans­ 1751, to John Hewlett, who was born February field, born 1\-Iay .1, 1858, Mary English, born Sept. 17, 1731. They lived upon the place at East 21, 1859, and Elizabeth, born Feb. 26, 1861. Rev. \Voods_ now belonging to John J. Hewlett, their Henry Townsend _ Scudder married Margaret grandson, b?t afterwards rernoved to Flushin£I, Mott Weeks, daughter of Jacob \Veeks and Hen­ · where she died, September 9, 18o8; and he, April rietta W. Frost, June S, 1889.-Issue, · Edna He,v­ 4,. 1~12.-I~s.ue, l\fary, Townsend, Hannah, Isaac, lett, born April 28, 18go, Henry Holloway, born Divine, Ehzabeth, John. Sept. 2~ 1895, Dorothy, born ?viarch 31, 1899. Dr. Scudder is Rector of Christ Church, Tarry­ MARY was born 1-fay 11. 1756, and married town.;on-Hudson, N. Y. Henry Joel Scudder Isaac Youngs, -February, 1763. _ She died August married, April, 1866, Emma Willard.-Issue, \Vill­ 20, 1819.-Issue, Hewlett, _Jacob, George, Isaac. ard, born 1868, Louisa Henrietta, died in infancy, TowNSEND was born June 'l, 1758, and was Heyward;··born April, 1870, Emma Willard, born married, February 1, 1779, to Margaret Jones, Feb. 27, 1871, Anne Hewlett, died in infancy, and granddaughter of Freelove Townsend, who was Hewlett, born August 10, 1875; Hannah married born August I, 1754. He lived upon the place Thomas Harrison; Anne married Edward Brier; lat~ly occupied by his son, William H. Hewlett. Jacob married Elizabe'th Jones; and John D. mar- 87 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

ned, first, Jane; second, Elizabeth, daughter of RQSANNA~ was born March 14, 17r2. Sh.­ Hewlett Townsend 2d. (See Hewlett, Chap. !11arned Hezekiah Cock. Several of her children· XVII.) 1£ not all of them, were born at Oyster Blv' . ELIZABETH was born :l\-Iarch 15, 17711 and mar­ They afterwards lived at tiatinecock, on the pl~c~ ried Samuel Jones, llay 9, 1785, and died Decem• now owned by her great-great-grandson, Town. l>er 28, 1816. send Cock.~Issue, Penn, John, Violetta Dorotby ]OHN was born December 3, li7S, and married Sarah, and Gabriel. Violetta died un:narricd.' ' Mary I-Iewlett, October 31, 1797. He died April PENN was born :Olay 6, 1733, and was married 13, 18r2, and his • ~·ife, July 18, 1848.-Issue, in 1772, to ~lizabeth \Veekes. He had two daugh: Charles, Samuel, D1v1ne, To,vnsend, and ~1artha. · ters, who died unmarried. Jo~N ,yas born November 10, 1735, and was CEAPTER VII. married, 1n Ii64, to Freelove Latting who was GEORGE, SON OF JOHN IST, descended by both father and mother £;om Henry 1Vas born. after. his father came to Oyster bay, in To,":nsend Ist. He lived upon the homestead at 1661. He mhented the homestead in South Street 1Iat1necock.-Issue, George, John, Daniel, Am­ -and, with his brother James, owned a tract of land bros~, Refine, Richard, Latting, Betty, .Rosannah, at N

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.ADOLPH HERR:\IAN LOTHAIR GOSLING. MRS. ADOLPH HERRMAN I..OTHAIR GOSLING AND ~USS GOSLING• .St. Davids and Philadelphia, Penn. St. Davids and Philadelphia, Penn. ELEANOR FRANCES CHARLOTTE GOSLING. ~t. D~yids an4 Philadelphia, :Penn,


\VILLIAl\-I, son of George 2d, of Oyster Bay, Helme~ born 1820; Charlotte, born 1822; Joseph was. born Feb. 13, 1715, and married Elizabeth, Sampson, born 1824; Dwight, born 1826; Charles daughter of Henry Cock, of 1Iartinecock, and Higbee, born 1829; llaria, born 1830; Anna lived in Oyster Bay until after the birth of his Helme, born 1832; \Vatter .Wilmot, born 1836; children, and then removed to Duck Pond. He Cornelia, born 1839. Benjamin Coles married seems,· from the number of estates to which he Susannah Bell Dunderdale, 1846; died · 18gr.­ was appointed executor, to have been· held in Issue, Forbes, born 1847, ~arried Nan 1\1:cintyre, high esteem by his neighbors. The estate of of Dutton, .. Canada, 1891 ; Charlotte, ·born 18.~9, Noah Townsend was in his hands twelve years, married \Villiam H. Thomas, 1880; Wilmot, born and descended to his son. He was an active 1854, married Agnes Hampton Thonias in 1881.~ man., and added materially to the Duck Pond Issue, Susie, born 1884, married Albert E. Pierce property. In the Revolution he was a warm in 1907.-Issue, Agnes, born 190S; Janet, born ·Whig, and,· in consequence, had· his house filled 1909. ,visner Helme married Emily Heyward with troops and refugees, to his great loss as Kyle, 1855. He died 1897. She died 1907.­ well as annoyance. He died of the small-pox, Issue, '\Visner R., born 1856, married, first, 1Iar­ May 5, 1777. His wife died November 30, 1794 guerite Zwald in 188i; she died 1888. He mar­ He was buried at Duck Pond-the first person ried, second~ Elizabeth Walker, 18go.-Issue, laid there.-Issue, James, Rosannah. · Walker Townsend, born 18g4, and \Visner Rob­ }AMES was born at Oyster Bay. April 26, 1742, inson, born 1896. E. Helme, born 1858, unmar- · and married Freelove '\Vilmot, granddaughter of ried; died 1866. Lewis Carroll, born 1860, un­ Jotham Townsend, Feb. 4, 1762. He was a man married; died 1883. F. Capron, born 1862; died cf excellent business talents, and, like his father, 1863. Emily \Visner, born 1864, unmarried. was intrusted with .the settlement of several es- . \Villiam 1Iount, born r866, unmarried. Otto tates: that of Noah Townsend descended to him A., born 1869; unmarried. Lucile, born 1871. die'd and remained in his hands thirteen years. Ben­ 1873. Estelle Louise, born 1874, married J. SmithJ jamin '\Volsey's also was a very long trust. He 1900. Charlotte married Adolph Gosling in 1853; added largely to the Duck Pond farm, buying, died 1891.-Issue, Annie, who died. Carl \Valter among other land, the homestead of Noah Town­ Adolph, born 1854; died 18g6; married Kate send, when that estate. was settled. As he agreed Carrothers, of l\iiexico, 1887.-Issue, Charlotte, with his father in politics, he shared with him born 1888, and Kate, born 18g6. the resentment of the British and loyalists, and ADOLPH HER1IAN LOTHAIR (GOS­ its consequent annoyances. For many years he LING), born in Liverpool, England, July 15, 1859, suffered severely with the gout, and died of it, married Frances Taber Moses, born in Philadel­ Sept. 12, Iig8. His wife died July 21, 1809.­ phia, Pa., April 8, 186r.-Issue, Eleanor Frances Issue, Walter ·,v., John, Elizabeth, \Villiam, Ro­ Charlotte, born in St. Davids, Pa., Dec. 26, 18g.2. sannah, Sarah, and Esther. 11:r. Gosling is in business in Philadelphia, has Walter U7 ilmot was born Dec. 18, 1762. He his family residence at St. Davids, Pa., and is a engaged in business as a flour 1nerchant in New prominent member of "The Union League Club," York, and married Charlotte Coles, 1-Iay 19, li85. of Philadelphia. The few who remember, speak of him with the On his paternal side he is descended from the warmest praise. He died Dec. 7, l793t and was · ancient family of that name who .settled in Osna­ buried at Duck Pond.-Issue, Charlotte, James, brueck Hanover, Germany, nearly five centuries John, Walter. back. l\,!embers of his family continue to live on Charlotte was born at Duck Pond, March 3r, the great estate, to visit whom, he makes. makes 1786, married Charles Higbee, .and died June, frequent crossings. 11Ir. Gosling is admired for 185r.-Issue, J 6seph, l\Iilnor, Charles, Elizabeth, his genial nature, never failing courtesy and good Charlotte, James, Theodotia, Annie, Fanny, '\Vat­ fellowship, and with his charming ,vife and beau­ ter, Lavinia, 1Iary, Caroline, .Henry, George. tiful daughters they are universal social favorites. Joseph Milnor married Angelina Lloyd. Charles George Lewis Townsend, born 186r, married married Caroline Howell. Elizabeth married Mary !vicCormick, of Texas.-Issue,. Aline, born John Kilgour, and died April 6, 1863. Charlotte 1go8. Charlotte Louise, born 1862, married Ru­ married E. S. Haines. Theodotia married Dr. dolph Schwartze.-Issue, Lisa, born 18g5; Ida, Richard Eberle. Annie married Dr. Allen Gold­ born 1897, and Rudolph Erich, born 1898. Joseph smith. -Fanny married Mercer Beasely. Caroline Sampson, unmarried. Dwight married Emily . married G. H. Coursen. Hodges 1854. He died 1899. She died 1905.­ James was born at Duck Pond, Feb. 17, 1788, Issue, James Bliss, born 1855, married Eugenie and died unmarried, 1816. Gibert 1886.-Issue, 1Iildred Audrey Almy, born John was born at Ne,v York, Nov. 18, 1790. 1888. Audinet, born 18go, died. 18gr. Reginald He settled in l\fobile, where he married Maria Wilmot; born 1890, and Noemi Doris, born 1895. J. Everett, in 1826.-Issue, Walter, Virginia, Mr. and 1Irs. Townsend are very prominent so­ Amelia, Emma J. The first h,1 0 died unmarried. cially. both in America and Europe. He is the Amelia married Rev. H. N. McTyiere. Emma owner and publisher of "Am~rica's Art Journal.',. married Penrose Vass. They reside in New York City. A ,me He/me, \Valter \Vilmot 2d, born Jan. 29, 1794, and died born 1858, married Herbert Ashmore, 1882.--Issue, April 2, 1860. Married Anne Helme,. July 2~ Henry Taber, born 1883, who married- Eulalie 1817.-:-Issue, Benjamin Coles, born 1818; Wisner Mat~hews, 1907. Ruth, born 1884; Dwight, born 89 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

186o, died 1861. Mary Serena, born 1868, un­ and died August, 1847.-Issue, Manton, Thomas. married. Charles Higbee married, first, Mary Willia!Il, Char~es, Cornelia, l\fary, Emily. Louise Mitchell. He died 18g8.-Issue, Elizabeth Louisa marned Frank Smith. Gertrude, born 1859, died 186o. Annie Wilmot, Elizabeth was born ~lay S, 1767, and married born 18-6<>, married John Howard Scribner, 1885. Nathaniel Coles, of Dosoris.-Issue, Sarah, Phebe -Issue, John Howard, born 1885; Herbert, born Fanny, Eliza, Nathaniel, Butler, Lavinia, Hannah' 1887; Dorothy, born. 1889; Arthur 11ead, born Charlotte. Nathaniel died unmarried. , 1891; lfargaret, born 1893, died 1893; Frances, Sarah married, first, James Nelson; second, born 1900. Caroline Louise, born 1861, married Stephen . ~i!)gsland.-:Issue, • William, Horatio, Randolph Rodman, 1883.-Issue, Randolph Sel­ Sarah. Wilham married Maria Kelsey. den, born 1884, died 1886 ; Louise, born 1885 ; Phebe married John N. Lloyd.-Issue, John, Nannie, born 1887; Elizabeth Selden, born 1889; Angelina, Phebe, Henry. Angelina married J. Caroline, born 1891; Elsie, born 1893; Agnes, ~f. Higbee. Phebe married Dr. Alexander Stev- born 1898, died 1905 ; Beverly Randolph, born ens. Henry married · Brandegee. 1902, and Virginia, born 1905. Charles Higbee Fanny married Kirkbride Milnor.-Issue, Sarah, married, second, Ellen L. P. ·Wyer, 1866.-Issue, J. Kirkbride1 Coles, J. Higbee, George, Fanny, Dr. Charles \Vilmot, born 1867, married Emma Charles H., · J. N. Lloyd. Kirkbride married Albertina Walser in 1890. He died 1907.-Issue, Elizabeth Ellis. J. N. Lloyd married Agnes, born 1891 ; Louise, born 1892; Theodore Semmes. Wats·er, born 1893; _1\faria Julia, born 1895; Em­ Eliza married John B. Coles.-Issue, Frederick, ma Natalie, born 18g6, and Wilmot Charles, born Margaret, John, Frank. Frederick married, first, 18g8. Dr. Theodore Irving, born 1869, married Jane 1Iaria Coles; second, Mary Adams. John Katharine Burdick, 19o8. l\1aria, unmarried. · married Harriet Cadman. Frank married Fanny Annie ·Helme married Townsend Cox, 1856. She Pearsall. lYiargaret married Dr. Dewitt Tappan. died 1905.-Issue, \\tHmot, born 1856, married Butler married Julia Weeks.-Issue, Charles, Maria D. J;lleecker-l\Iiller, 1896. Charlotte, born Nathaniel, Edwin, Butler, 1iiriam. Charles mar­ 1858, married Rev. J. I-Iardenbrook Townsend, ried, first, Lucy Stone; second) Josephine Smith. 1881.-Issue, Lloyd Woolsey, born 1882; Dorothy, Nathaniel married :lYiaria Dickerson. Edwin mar­ born 1884; James Farley, . born 1886; George ried Sarah, daughter of Dr. Charles Townsend, Houghton Wilmot, born 1888, died 1891 ; Char­ of Albany. Butler m~rried ·1'Iary, daughter of lotte, 1891, and John Hardenbrook, Jr., born George Townsend, of Oyster Bay. .. 1893. Townsend, born -, married l\Iarcia V. Lavinia married Thomas Pearsall.-Issue, Coles, Duryea, 18g3.-Issue, Julia Eleanor, born 1894, Thomas, James, Fanny. James married Ella and Marcia Duryea, born 18g7. Theodore Irving, Frost. Fanny married Frank Coles. born -, married Jane Bailey Eckstein, of Cin­ Hannah married Daniel Cock-Issue, Lavinia, cinnati, 1898; Daniel Hargate, born -, married Farley, Townsend. Farley married l\faria :lYic­ Frances Lawrason Buckner, of Baltimore, 1903.­ Intosh. Townsend married Annie, daughter of Issue, Alice Lawrason. born 1904, and Daniel Walter W. Townsend. Townsend, born 1go6. vValter vVilmot, unmar­ Charlotte married George Kelsey.-Issue,. Char­ ried, died 1840. Cornelia married Rev. Joseph F. lotte. Jowitt, of Leeds, England, 1873. He died 1805.- · William was born Sept. 12, 176g, and married Issue, Georgianna Norton, born 1874, married 1-Iargaret, daughter of Dr. James Townsend, of Berkeley Tangier Smith, 1894--Issue, Elizabeth Jericho, Feb. 8, Ii92, and settled at · Oyster Bay. C., born 1904 Richard Anselm, born 1875, died He was several times a member of the Legisla­ 1893. Constance Mary, born 1876. Joseph Bert­ ture, . and one of the principal movers in the ram, born 1873, married Ruth \V. Atwood, 1906. establishment of the Academy at Oyster Bay. He . -Issue, Joseph Bertram, Jr., born 1907. Benja­ held the office of trustee many years, and was min Townsend, born 1880. very active in promoting the interests of the I ohn was born March 17, 1765. He married institution. He died Aug. 23, 1834; his wife, Phebe, daughter of Dr. James Townsend, of Oct. II, 1818. They were buried at Duck Pond. Jericho, Jan. 25, 178g. She died without children, -Issue, James, William, Mary, Phebe, Almy 11ay 14, 1790. He married Rebecca Franklin, James, George, Margaret, Frances, Samuel, Ger­ Jan.· 7, 1793. He was for many years a prominent trude. The first and last died in infancy. merchant in New York, highly esteemed for abil- William married Fanny Seaman, Feb. 12, 1817. ·ity and integrity. He died Sept. 18, 1824; his He died Sept. 10, 1828; she, May 27, 1854.-Issue, wife~ May, 1822. They were buried in the grave­ Billopp, Margaret, William, Matilda, Henry. yard belonging. to Friends' Meeting-House in Margaret married James W. Townsend, who died New York-Issue, Walter, Deborah, Julia, Jatnes Feb., 1861. William died unmarried. Matilda W .. Phebe, John, William, Charles, Louisa. married George W. Cock. \Valter married tfary . Franklin. James W. Mary, by the death of her mother, was left, m;irried tfargaret Townsend, daughter of Will­ at the age of twenty, with the entire charge of iam 2d, of Oyster Bay, and died February, 1861. a large family of children, a trust which. she dis­ Julia died unmarried, 1-farch 13, 1842. John mar- charged with a degree of· affection, prudence, and . ried, first, J\.1aria I\Iaverick; second, Priscilla self-denial which only 'those intimately acquainted Wpit~ey. William married Cornelia Maverick, with the circumstances can . appreciate. She re- go TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND mained with her brother. James, after the death Deborah married Caleb Covert.-Issue, Caroline of their father; until the marriage of her sister (see Valentine Frost, Chap. VII.), .William. society, and with whom she still resides. . Samuel married Fanny Cock.-Issue, Loretta, Phebe married Captain B. V. Hoffman, U. S. Benjamin, Augustus, Joshua. N., Nov. -29, 1817. He died Dec. 10, 1834.-Issue, William married Elizabeth Hicks.-Issue, Mary, Margaret, Gertrude, Mary. The last died in in­ Isaac. Mary died young, unmarried. fancy. Gertrude married William C. Uhlhorn, James was born January 12,. 1772, and went who died,. 1863. ' into business in New York. He married Kate Almy married \Villiam Winder Polk, of Som­ Akerly, .and died of the yellow fever, 1794- His erset County, Maryland, November 29, 1817. He widow married the distinguished physician, Sam­ died on the morning, she in the evening, of Feb­ uel ~IitchelL ruary 13, 1856, in Frederick City,_ ~Iaryland, where Torz1nisend was born December 4, 1773, and they were buried.-Issue, \Vinder, tvlary, 1'Iar­ married Margaret Farley, November I4, 1792. He garet1 Fra!lk, Gertrude, . James, Louisa. Mary is still living ( lvlarch, 1864) at New Rochelle.­ married Victor I\Ionroe, of Kentucky, who died Issue, James, Daniel, Margaretta. 1855. Frank and Gertrude died in infancy. James Daniel married Hannah, daughter of ~lizabeth died 1851. Louisa married J. Bannister Hall, of Townsend and Nathaniel Coles.-Issue, Lavinia, Baltimore. Farley, Townsend. James C. married Charlotte Aurelia, daughter Margaretta died unmarried, November·28., 186o. of General \Villiam H. Winder, of Baltimore, No­ Deborah, was born February 5, 1776, and mar­ :vember 14, 1846. · ried George, son of Prior Townsend~-Issue, George married Elizabeth Covert, January 10, James, George. 1832. She died September 28, 1846.-Issue, Mary, · James married, first, Anne Valentine.-Issue, George, ,. Beekman. Mary married Butler Coles. Cornelia; second, Margaret Townsend.-Issue, George died unmarried, October 10, 1863. Julia, James. Margaret married Dr. James C. Townsend, George married Annie Frost, and died without December 5, 1838.-Issue, Julia, James. children. . Frances married Jacob F. Covert, January 10, Willian, was born August 22, 1780, and mar­ 1832. He died February 27, 1861.-Issue, Frances, ried Abigail Somerindyke. He died without chil­ \Villiam, Margaret, James, Aurelia. Frances and dren, June., 1858. James died in infancy. William died April 29, Tho11ias was born June 12, 1783. He studied 1853. · · medicine and settled in New York, where he en­ Samuel married Louisa Parish.-Issue, Fanny, joyed a large practice, until frequent and severe William, Anna, Henrietta, Louisa, Samuel, Char­ attacks of the gout obliged him to retire, a few lotte, 11abel. Charlotte ·died in infancy. years ago. He married, first, Elizabeth Ferris.­ Rosan.nah was born April 1, 1775, and died Issue, Eliza, Ann Augusta, Emily, Thomas; sec­ unmarried, May 13, 1824. ond, Esther . Seymour; and third, 11argaretta Esther and Sarah, twins, were born November Reilly.-lssue, Elizabeth, William. 12, 1778. Esther married Thomas Coles, and had Eliza married James Parsons. Ann Augusta one son, who died in infancy. She died April married Edward \iVillis. Emily married Richard ~1~4 • · Bowne. Thomas married Ann Augusta Wood. Sarah married \:Villiam Frost, March, 17g6, and Pliiany was born April 23, 1785, and married died ~1arch, 1853. (See William Frost, son of Charles Thome.-Issue, Anne, Mary, Lavinia, Sarah, Chap. VII.) Marga.ret. RosANNAH, daughter of \Villiam, of Duck Annie married Armand Le Chaize. 11ary died Pond, was born in Oyster Bay, September 4, unmarried. Lavinia married Dr. Edgar Voorhees. 1751, and married Daniel Cock, o_f Matinecock, }.1ar£a married Dr. Joseph Hunt.-lssue, ·will­ December 20, 17Gl. They lived upon the home­ iam, Benjamin, 11aria. stead of his family at Matinecock, now owned by GEORGE, SON OF GEORGE 2D, OF OYSTER BAY, her grandson, \Villiam T. Cock. She died Oc­ Was born November 13, 1720, and settled on the tober, 1831.-Issue, Lizzie, James, Townsend, De­ place· now owned by his great-grandson, Dr. borah, William, Thomas, Phfany, Maria. James C. Townsend.. He married 11ary Prior, Lizzie was born December 7, 176g, and mar­ and died January 20, 1761.-Issue, Prior, Han­ ried Samuel Cock, of Buckram. She died April, nah. 1859; he, August, 1855, aged ninety.-Issue, Lo­ PRIOR was born on the 11th of December, 1749, retta, Joshua, Clark, James, Deborah, Samuel, and married Sarah Feeks. He was Judge of the William, Rosan·nah, who died in infancy. County Court, and a warm Whig iri the Revolu­ Loretta married Isaac Covert.-Issue, Jacob F. tion.-Issue, Jacob, Deborah, Hannah, George. and Elizabeth. (See George and Frances, of The daughters died unmarried. William Townsend, of Oyster Bay, Chap. VII.) Jacob married Elizabeth, daughter of Hewlett Joshua married Susan Cock. Townsend 1st, and died without children. · Clark married Catharine \Veeks.-Issue, Mary E. George married Deborah, daughter of Rosannah (see Isaac Toumse1uJ., Chap. XVII.), George W. Townsend and Daniel Cock. He was twice (see Af alilda., of William 2d, Chap. VII.) elected to the House· of Representatives.-Issue, J~mes married Betsey Cock.-Issue, Arine, Su- James, George. san, Sarah. · James married, first, Anne Valentine.-Issue, 91 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

Corpelia, married to David F. Youngs; second, best respects ·to all friends, Captain Sackett and lfargaret, daughter of William Townsend, of Messrs. Fish and Sackett in particular, and beg Oyster Bay.-lssue, Julia, James. that they would, without delay, apply in my behalf George married Annie Frost, and died without to their Excellencies General \Vashington and children: Governor Clinton, which I have no doubt will HANNAH was born ].\,fay 211 1755, and married have the desired effect• .,, However, as the fortune David Valentine.-Iss-ue, Susan, Sarah, George, of war brought me here, I hope you will make Ellwood, Charles. The daughters died unmar­ yourself as easy as possible under present diffi­ ried. culties, as I am determined patiently to wait the Ellwood married Mary Post.-Issue, Caroline, wished-for day when I may enjoy the happiness Emily, Susan. · of being present with my family. Charles married · Adee.-Issue, David. "Your most affectionate husband, Richard, son of George 1st, of Oyster Bay, . . '~S. .-\~lJEL TOWNSEND,, •. "'!'!llt was born in 1690, married Susannah \Veeks, and "To MRs. SARAH Tc>wNSEND, Bedfo-rd.'' ·· settled at Norwich, on the place now belonging to William Vernon. He died :March 30th, IiSO, He died September 15th, 1792.-Issue, Sarah, and was buried on Fort Hill, where his tomb- George, Richard, '\Villiam, James. . stone now stands.-Issue, John, George. John Sarai,, was born December 18th, 1779, and was married Elizabeth Seaman, and settled at lia­ married, June 16th, 1800, to Joseph Thorn, who maroneck, where he died June 6th, 1771. was born June 3d, 1778. She died January. 8th, GEORGE was born November 12th, 1713, and 1827; her husband, December 22d, 1860.-Issue, was married November 18th, 1743, to Rosannah Sa1nuel T., Edgar, Sidmon, 11:ary A., Sarah H., Youngs, who was born June 15th, 1725. There Anne, Priscilla F. Samuel T. died in infancy. are a ··few still living who remember him, and Edgar married, first, Jane Thurston, February 2d, they confirm the traditionary description of him 18.25; and, secondly, Eliza Smith, November 18th, as a tall, large man, of strong, original mind, and 1830. Sidmon married, first, Sarah E. Rowe ; great energy. He was an active \Vhig in the secondly, l\Iary A. 'Titus. l\lary A. married Revolution. He is always distinguished as Squire Chauncey Knapp. George. Townsend. \Ve have seen a very inter­ George was born January 9th, 1783, an~ died esting letter written by him in 1769 (now in the without children, April 8th, 1816. possession of his grandson, John Townsend, of R-ichard was born July 1st, Ii85, and died Feb­ Poughkeepsie), containing many items of family ruary 20th, 1809, unmarried. history, in which he took great interest. He died, Samtcel was born October 15th, 1787. He was May 14th., 18o2; his wife, December 12th, 1794.­ called \Villiam until his father's death, when his lssue, Samuel, Temperance, Richard, l\:fary, John, name was changed to Samuel. He was married George, Thomas, Phebe. :hJiary died unmarried, Dc-ccmber 17th, 1809, to Phebe Adee, who was March 27th, 18o4, born April 3d, 1791. He died 11:ay 7th, 18.26.­ SAMUEL was born August 7th, 1744, . and was Issue, Sarah A., Edwin, Abigail, Richard H., Gil­ married to Sarah Horton, September 10th, 1773. bert R., Samuel. Edwin married 1\1:ary A. Goss; When the Revolution broke out he joined the Richard married i\!ary Anne Bowen; Samuel American army, and was taken prisoner and con­ married Jane E. Drury. · fined in the Provost., New York, from whence he lanies was born June 25th, 1791, and was mar• addressed. the following letter to his wife. The ried, April 4th, 18u, to Guilielma Adee, wh<;> was original is preserved at Washington's Head­ born April 12th, 1795.-Issue, Arthur H., Will• quarters, Newburgh, which is now owned by Eli iam A. Arthur H. married Anne Loring, Janu­ Hasbrouck, the nephew of his brother John's wife, ary 31st, 1831, and died December 22d, 186o. Will­ .and the grandson of l\1ercy Townsend, daughter iam A. married Catharine B. l\IcCullough, July · of Samuel. (See Sa,nuel, of George 1st, Chap. 31st, 1838. · :VII.) TEis:PERANCE was born September 12th, 1748, "CATALOGUE 146. and married Elijah Cock, a merchant in New York. She died of the yellow fever, October 8th, "PROVOST, NEW YORK, Ai1gi1st 2d., 1782. 1794.-Issue, George, Sarah, John, Townsend. "DEA1t SARAH :-I have the satisfaction to in­ George and Sarah died young, unmarried. John form you, by Colonel St. John, of Norwalk, who was born June 30th, 1783, and died unmarried, goes out to-morrow on parole, that I enjoy a 1863. Townsend was born December 13th, 1787, good state of health, and am· well supplied with and married Elizabeth, daugbter of Isaac Cock.­ the necessaries of life. Hope my friends in the Issue, Mary, Isaac, William. country have not forgot me. I would not wish to RICHARD was born June 26th, 1751. He mar­ entertain a thought but they will use their en­ ried Abigail, daughter of A-!ary Townsend and deavors to procure my e.xchange, but must con­ William \Villis (see Mary, of Rueniourn, Chap. fess I am at a loss for the reason that that has VI.), in 1775. He died December 23d, 1813.-Js­ not been done before this time. I have repeatedly sue, Rosannah; born December. 26th, 1777; died been informed that there are a number of pris­ unmarried. oners at West Point, Peekskill, and Poughkeepsie, JoaN was born September 8th, 1757, and was for whom, possibly, I could have been exchanged­ married, November 4th, 1779, to Sarah, daughter before this time, if properly attended to. ~Iy of Mercy Townsend and Daniel Birdsall (see TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

Mercy, 9f Samuel, Chap. VII.), ~ho was born Graham. Temperance died young. Mary E. mar­ November 20th, 1759. He was in .New York.. ried Charles H; Lyman. William died young. August, 1776, being nineteen years old, was called Caroline married James Gaunt, who died ~larch out on the approach of the enemy, and was in gth, 1859. \Villiam died young.

the battle of Flatbush. Upon the r~treat of the Temperance was born February 14th, 17961 and Americans, those so called out were disbanded died untnarried, July 18th, 1841. on the heights, near what is ·now the corner of Phebe was· born November 13th, 17g8, and mar- Grand street and East Broadway. He returned to ·ried Samuel Green, January 14th, 1819.-Issue, Norwich, and built the house now owned by John H., Benjamin l\I., and Samuel. John H. Jacob Hegeman, but soon moved to Patterson, married Phebe A. Downing. Samuel married· Putnam County. At the time of his death he Phebe A. Downing, a cousin ,of his brother's owned a farm near Poughkeepsie. He died Au­ wife. gust, 1847. His wife died about ten years before. George was born September 7th, 18oo, and mar­ They were buried in the graveyard belonging to ried Betsey, daughter of \Valter Franklin, April Friends at Poughkeepsie.-Issue, Samuel, Daniel, 18th, 1832. (See Letitia, of Gideo,i JVriglrt, Chap. John, Richard, Isaac, Susan. Richard and Isaac V.> died unmarried. I olin was born 1\-!arch nth, 1802, and married Sam1tel was born September 18th, 1780, and Jemima Knapp, January 2d, 1834.-Issue, 1Iary \Vas married, December 5th, 1805, to Betsey Irish. K., Georgiana E., Sarah F., Josephine, and Anna He is still living ( 1864) in Auburn.-Issue, Will­ 1\1. l\Iary died young. iam, John, Sarah, Eliza, Edward, 11ary. PHEBE was born October 6th, 1769, and mar­ Daniel was born August 5th, 1784, and married ried . l\:[oses Downing.-Issue, Silas, Rosannah, Betsey Hornback. He died August 17th, 1825.­ James, Samuel, Henry, 1Iary A., Sally A., and Issue, 1-Iannah lviaria, Henry, and Susan. The Townsend. Silas n1arried ~1:ary Hyatt, 1Iarch first two died unmarried. Susan married Hiram 22d, 1846. . Fisher. Rosa,uzalz. married Elijah Townsend (see I olzn was born December 25th, 1786, and was Elijah, of Elijah, Chap. VI.). She died, 1862. married, April 25th, 1815, to Maria, daughter of married Maria Philips, October, 1827.­ \i\lilliaril Durell, a noted publisher in New York Issue, Phebe, Sarah, and Silas. · between 18oo and 1812.-Issue, 1-.faria, Sarah, Townsend married Eliza Mitchell, September Eliza, Julia, Richard Henry Lee, Carnot, Alfred, 5th, 1833.-Issue., Henry A., Phebe, ~litchell, and and VValter. Maria married P. B. Connolly. ~1ary. Sarah married 11:. P. Dayton. Eliza married James l\,1. Crom,vell. Julia married James M. SAMUEL, SON O.F GEORG~ Isl', Valentine. Richard Henry Lee married Adeline Allen. Was born 1692. He married Sarah, daughter of GEORGE was born June 28th, 176o, and was Dr. Robert Cooper, son of Simon Cooper, "Chir­ married, October 25th, 17g8, to ·Phebe, daughter urgeon," the first physician in Oyster Bay. In of Jacob Willets.. He died November 10th; 1832. 1742 he sold the homestead in South street, re­ -Issue, Anne, ~1ary, and George. · serving the graveyard for the use of his family Anne married Jesse Hendrickson. She died and relations forever. He then settled on the January 4th, 186o.-Issue, Daniel, Townsend, place now owned by the heirs of James Town­ ?viary, and Sarah. Sarah married John Vernon. send (his great-grandson) at the steamboat dock. Mary married Obadiah Titus, of Duches,c; Dr. Cooper had lived on the south sid~ of the County.-lssue, Edward, Phebe, Emily, George, street, and his widow left the place to her grand­ Kate, Harriet, Hannah, and Helen. Emily mc\r­ sons Samuel and Daniel, sons of Samuel Town­ ried \Villiam Ketchum. Phebe married James send. He owned a large tract at Yell ow · Coats, Underhill. Kale married Benjamin Broas. Har­ where his son Joseph settled. He died February riet married Andrew Provost. George married 24th, 1747, and his wife. March 3d, Ii5I. They . Susan Green. were buried on Fort Hill.-Issue, Samuel, Daniel, George married Sarah Tracy, !i!arch 26th, 1846. Phebe, Sarah, 1\fercy, and Joseph. Of Sarah we He died January 1st, 1864, in Illinois.-Issue, know nothing. Daniel was born May 12th, 1721; Sarah and George. died unmarried, February 27th, 1751. THOMAS was born September 25th, 1763, and SA~IUEL was born July 7th, 1717. His first. married Sarah Downing, Septen1ber 20th, 1790. wife was Elizabeth Colwell, who died January He died January 12th, 1839.-Issue, 1\1:ary, 31st, 1759. The second was 1Ieribah Allen, who Temperance, Phebe, George, and John. died November 7tht 1827, aged ninety-one years. : Marv was born October 29th, I 792, and mar­ He lived on the place at the steamboat wharf, ried Griffin Green, September 23d, 1809. She but in the latter part of his life exchanged it with died Attgust 20th, 1852.-Issue, Sarah A., George his nephew Joseph for the place at Yell ow Cqats, -4'., Thomas T., John T., Temperance, 1\.1:ary E., upon which his son Abrahatrt now lives. He Caroline T., \Villiam, and Anna L. Sarah mar­ died June 22d, 18or.-Issue, Samuel, \Villiam, ried Josiah F. W ctmore, and died February, 1863. Elizabeth, George, Abraham, and l\1ary. Samuel, . James T. married ?v{ary A. Kauffman. George son of the first wife, died unmarried, October 8th, · married, first, Agnes Selcreg; and, second, Eliza­ 18o1. beth Selcreg. Thomas T. married Catharine C. WILLIAM was born February 11th, 1763, and 93 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND married Elizabeth Latting. · He died February Townsend, born June 17, 1904. Sarah Townsrnd 13th, 1833. Bragaw married Edward H. Townsend, of Au­ ELIZABETH was born November 17th, 1765, and burn, N. Y. He was born Feb. IS, 1824, died Dec. tlied un1narried, 1820. 7, 1908.-Issue, Robert Nelson, born l\farch 25. GEORGE was born December 12th, 1768, and died 1863. Frank Bragaw, born Jan. 30, 1868, married unmarried, N overnber 24th, 1853. Belle. Dillingham.-Issue, Ruth Bragaw, born ABRAHAM was born April 16th, 1773. He mar­ Sept. 18, 18g3. ried Sarah Sands, and 1s· now ( 1864) an active SARAH married William l\fcCoun.-Issue, Han­ man, in perfect possession of his mental faculties, nah, Phebe, William T., Daniel, Sydney, and and, except the partial loss of hearipg, showing Margery. no signs of extreme age, and may be seen, evett JosEPH married Hannah Youngs.-Issue, James, in very cold weather, actively employed in the Judith, Danie], and l\1ary A. · · open air.-Issue, Samuel, Mary, Elizabeth, Isaac, James married Ma.rgaret Underhill.-Issue, and Rebecca. James E., Joseph, Daniel, Marianna, and Susan. PHEBE married Job Weeks.-Issue, Rachel Judith married James Fleet.-Issue, John, Jo­ and Phebe. seph., Arnold. John married 1\iiary Bates. Joseph RACHEL married, first, Nicholas Wright; second, married Susannah Underhill. Arnold married J\lbert Albertson. Maria Seaman. PHEBE married Israel Townsend. (See Israel, Daniel married Sarah Titus.-Issue, John J., of J olui, Chap. XI.) Edward, Hannah l\Iarie. The last died young, l\,IERCY was· born November 30th, 1730, and unmarried. John J. married Catherine R. Bron­ married Daniel Birdsall.-Issue, Samuel, Daniel, son. Edward married · Belinda Rockwell. William, Sarah, Hannah, 1fary, and Cynthia. klary A. married Daniel Underhill.-Issue, Su.. SARAH was born November 20th, 1759, and was sannah, Sarah, James, Judith, Joseph, Daniel, married, 1779, to John Townsend. (See John, of Mary, John, Albert, Hannah, Francis, and Abi­ George of Norwich, Chap. VII.) gail. HANNAH was born June 22d, 1762, and married Isaac Hasbrouck, of Newburgh. Her son Eli now owns the house which was Washington's Head-quarters. CHAPTER VIII. MERCY was born April 9th, 1j6g, and married DANIEL, SON OF JOHN 1ST, Thomas Palmer.-Issue, Cynthia and Hannah. · CYNTHIA was born November .24th, 1771, and Lived on the place which he inherited, south of married John R. Philips, of Fishkill. - the homestead, to which he added that of his JOSEPH was born February 17th, 1728, and brother James, the two making the place now · married, first, Hannah Youngs, who died in 1761 ; belonging to the family of T. W. Burtis. He and secondly, Margaret Weeks, in 1763. He lived married· Susannah, daughter of Samuel Furman, at Yel1ow Coats, on the place now belonging to and died July 2d, 1702.-Issue, Robert and Daniel. Whitehead Van Wyck. He died in 1812, and was Of Daniel, the only mention we find is in a buried on Fort Hill.-Issue, by the first wife, deed of gift, from Robert to him. Daniel, Sarah, and Joseph. ROBERT married Judiah --, and .Jived on · Daniel Tow11,send, born Oct. 5, 175j; died· the homestead until 1720, when he exchanged it March 16, 1850; married Sarah Latten, born with Caleb Coles for land at Duck Pond, where March 22, 1762; died Oct. 4, 1828.-Issue, Anna, he went to live. His sons, Benjamin, Robert, born Aug. 29, 1787, died Oct. 11, 1793; Isaac, born Uriah, and Daniel, all removed to the Oblong, Sept. 14, 1789, died Sept. 10, 1793; Hannah, born Duchess County, excepting Uriah, where we lose Aug. 16, 1794, died April 21, 1877; Anna, born sight of them. They sold the land at Duck Pond, July 29, 1796, died Jan. I, 188o, and Rebecca, born given to them by their father, to Joshua Town­ July 11, 17g8, died Jan. 18, 1884. Hannah mar­ send, and it formed a part of the farm left by ried Jacob Polhemus. No issue. Anna, who Noah to his son. married Wil.liam Bragaw Jan. 6, 1820, had issue: URIAH married ---.-Issue, Moses, who Daniel Townsend, born April 23, 1822, died April married Debora Pinkney.-Issue, Frederick Pink­ 9, . 1901 ; Eliza, born Feb. 27, 1824, died l\1ay 3, ney, who married· Polly Campbell; Edmund, who 1827; -Richard, born July 10, 1826, died Feb. 17, married Caroline Schofield ; Stephen, who n1arried 18g4; Thomas Ludlam, born Dec. 28, 1828; died --- Goule; Anna M., who married Jason Gil­ April 22, 1902; \iVm. Edward, born Dec. 8, 1830; lett; Elizabeth, who married --- Cummings; Sarah Townsend, born Aug. 15, 1833; Elias Jane, who married Philo Galpin; Laura 1\1., who Townsend, born Jan. 8, 1836, and John Gold­ married Warner Shuart; Sussanna, who married smith, born June 22, 1838. Elias Townsend Bra­ Forsyth. Frederick Pinkney and Polly gaw, a prominent broker in N. Y. City, now re• Campbell had issue, Ranson and Nelson Town­ tired and living on his place in New London, send. Conn., married Mary E. Snyder, of N. Y. C.-Issue RANSON married Juliette Leland.-Issue, Griswold, born Aug. 23, 1865. Griswold married Juliaetta Albina, who married John B. Eldert, and Ida \V. Howard.-Issue, Griswold Le Roy, died resides at Detroit, 1-Iichigan. Perry L., who mar­ i-n infancy; Chester Griswold, born June 2, 1899; ried Edith. Shanklin; and rtsides at Ann Arbor, Marion Howard, born Nov. 19, 1900, and Elias Michigan. Emory, who married Annie L. Fair- 94 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

n1an.-Issue, Kmerine Humphrey, Juliaette Le- Civil \Var, Battle of \Vilmington, and- Heman land and Richard Emory; · Bangs. . NELSON married ~Iary Barker.-lssue, Frank Heman Bangs married Mary Gertrude Downs, (at present residing at Chicago, 111.), Adaline and -Issue, Eugene 1Iorris, Edward, who died in Emma. infancy, Jan1es Henry, Elijah Frost, Charles, Wil-­ Hon. ·Emory Townsend graduated as a lawyer liam, Edward, Heman and Jennie o-Iay. from the University of l\1ichigan, and resides with Jame~ Henry married Ella An1eric~ Helwick.­ his family at Saginaw~ He is regarded as one of Issue, Ella, James Henry, Jr., and Heman ·Bangs. the best esteemed and most representative men of Ella married H. L. l\farsh. James Henry, Jr., the State of ?vlichigan. He has served it as Sena­ married 1·Iinnie Platt. Heman Bangs decided tor, as well as in other public capacities, and in upon a year of travel before settling down with this connection, as well as in the practice of his his parents at Danbury, Conn. He had been ab­ profession, has received the highest testimonials sent that length of time, and was· within one day's endorsing his ability, integrity and energy from journey of his home, where his parents were joy­ Hon. R. ~·I. 1-Iontgomery, Chief Justice of the fully awaiting him, when he met a tragic death by Supreme Court of Lansing; Hon. A. T. Bliss, being thrown under the railway cars. Governor of 1'lichigan ; !Ion. Horace 1'1. Oren, Samuel Bushnell (of James), of .Hartsdale, Attorney-General of Michigan; Hon. Edwin A. N. Y., married ---.-Issue, Joseph, Benjamin, \Vildey, Commisioner State Land Office, l\!Iichi­ Alfred, Euphemie and George H., who is a prac­ gan; Hon~ Perry F. Powers, Auditor General, ticing physician in Danbury, Conn. Ettphernie Lansing; Hon. Deles Fall, Superintendent Pub­ married Dr. J. Alexander Wade, of Daribury, lic Instruction, Lansing, and Hons. B. A. Snow .Conn. and E. L. Beach, Circuit Judges of Saginaw. JOSEPH . TOWNSEND, of Westchester, N. Y., descended from the grandson of Daniel, CHAPTER IX. son of John 1st, of Oyster Bay, L. I., married ---.-Issue, Joseph, who married Charlotte HEN!tY 1ST Purdy.-Issue, Thomas, Smith, Jan1es, Joseph, Elizabeth, Elmira and Charlotte. Must have settled in Oyster Bay before Septem­ l\lr. Townsend resided in the City of New York, ber 16th, 1661, as the l\fill Grant bears that date, ,vhere he owned the property at Eighth Street but he was not admitted as a townsman until the and Astor Place, which he sold about 1840 and re­ 4th of November. . moved with his family to New Jersey, where he Notwithstanding all he had suffered at Jamaica . purchased a tract of land in Bergen County, ( then called Rusdorp), he seems to have enter­ what was then known as the "Village of English tained an affection for the place. In 1663, he gave Neighborhood." This land extended from the a legacy, left by Richard Grassmore to his wife Hudson back to the Hackensack River. On it he and children, to that Town, ·for the support of collected cattle he obtained throughout the coun­ the poor, of which, Thompson says, that in his try, from whence they were brought to New York day the tax-payers were still enjoying the benefit. City. He fanned a partnership with Daniel Drew The following is a copy of this deed of ·gift: (who, in 1820, married Roxanna 11ead, whose aunt was 1narried to Gilbert Townsend), and to­ "Rusdorp, the 25th day of third month, 1663, gether they established a ferry across the Hudson stylo novo. These presents declareth to all people River for the transportation of the cattle, kno\vn and patrons whom it may concern, that I, Henry as "Bull's Ferry," located opposite 100th Street, Townsend, of Oyster Bay, late of Rusdorp, in N. Y. C. the province of New Netherlands, being approved THOMAS married ---.-Issue, Tlzo·mas, of by the Court of Rusdorp, aforesaid, to be the marrie~ 1\-lary Ann Hollyer.-Issue, Frances Isa­ lawful executor of Richard Grassmore, deceased, belle, Sarah Alice, Clinton Hollyer and ~Iinnie late inhabitant of the said Rusdorp; I· say, ap­ R..,binson. Sarah A lice married Harold Raymond proved o.f by the Court, being made by the last Bayley, June 20, 1906, and resides in Brooklyn, will and testament of the said Richard Grassmore, N. Y.-Issue, George Townsend, born l\Iay 22, to be his lawful executor, as stated by the Court 1907. Mr. Townsend is in business in New York aforesaid, from the virtue, right, and power, I City wjth James Beggs & Co., large manufacturers received in and by the will of the deceased, Rich­ of machinery, and resides with his family at ard Grassmorc, aforesaid : Athenia, N. J. "I do fully and freely, by these presents, give HENRY 1IEAD TO\iVNSEND (same descent and bequeath all my right, of all the housing and as Joseph of \Vestchester), born April 12, 1856, lands of the said Richard Grassmore, that he had at Fair View, Bergen County, N. J., married in the above-said To,vn, with the meadows and ---.-Issue, Clarence, born Dec. S, 1880, at accommodations, with all privileges and appur­ East New Durham, N. J., married ---.-Issue, tenances belonging thereunto, that was his, or Edwarq Harry, born July 19, 19o8, at Stamford, 'did in any way belong to him, with all the debts N.Y. . that was due from any inhabitant, in the j uris­ · JAMES TOWNSEND (same descent as Jo­ diction of the New Netherlands; and also what seph of Westchester), married ---.-lssu.e, is due from Captain Thomas Millett, merchant, ¥argaret, Samuel Bushnell, Elijah, killed in the for the house., bis son bought of the deceased, 95 TO \V N S EN D - T O \V N S ·H EN D

Richard Grassmore; and what is also due from oring to bring his property into a more compact John Barker, butcher or grazier, or any other, form by sales and exchanges, and made, besides within the jurisdiction aforesaid. I say, I do gifts to all his children. In 1683, he had si~ give and bequeath, all n1y right, in money and acres laid out to him, on the hill, upon which 'lands, aforesaid, I say unto the poor, viz., poor he built, and gave his old homestead to Henry 0 widows and children, persons blind; or lame, or In 1668, he gave the mill, or three-fourths of it aged, that are unable to get their living, or any to his sons, Henry and John; the other. qua rte; that shall suffer QY fire, whose necessity shall he gave to Rose, wife of Joseph Dickenson who call . for relief, or · any other of the like nature, sold to her_ brothers, reserving one-fourth ~f the within the said Town. And the Town, afore­ toll for hims.elf and wife, during their lives. said, shall annually make choice of two men, Henry sold his share to John. His son, Henry which shall have the ordering arid disposing of 3d, bought it again, but finally John's son, Jotham., the said moneys, during their year, for the use bought it from Henry's sons, Henry and Absalom: aforesaid, and then to give an account to the H~nry rs~ gave land also to his three daughters. Town, of their proceedings. Those two men, His was mdeed a most active old age, and, it is aforesaid, shall have liberty to make sale of the pleasant to think, after all the storms and con­ lot and accom1nodations, and also to collect the tentions of his youth, a peace£ ul one. He died debts, and with the money, to buy mares or cows, between February 6th and 1-farch 30th, r6g5, when which may be for a stock for the use of the he must have be(n a very old man. He was bur­ .poor, as aforesaid; and that these cattle or mares ied on ~-fill Hill, where a rough stone, marked shall be put out, so that increase may arise, out H. T., shows his grave. His wife survived him. of which, as aforesaid, the poor niay be relieved; She was Anne, daughter of Robert Coles.-Issue, 1 and the principal shall be reserved for a stock, Henry, John, Rose, Su~annah, Mary, Elizabeth, for the use ·of the poor of the Town, aforesaid, Robert. Elizabeth died unm~rried, September· forever. And whereas, the said Richard Grass­ 13th, 1680. Susannah married Aaron Furman; more did give the said land and moneys unto my Jr. She had two sons, Aaron and Jacob, who· wife and children, I do by these presents, to pre­ moved to N cw Jersey and Westchester, and noth-· vent the suffering wrong, give unto my wife and ing more is known of them. children, my house and orchard, with my house JOHN TO\VNSEND, a Quaker, descended lot and half my accommodations, and half my from Henry 1st, was master of a very fine school meadow, in the Town of Rusdorp, and so by for boys on Long Island. He married.---.­ these presents, take off their rights, in the said Issue, Daniel. Daniel married Susanna Hoogland, lands and moneys. I say, I, the said Henry of N e,v York City, had issue, Emma and Charles Townsend, do for myself, my heirs, executors, A. Townsend, who resided in Brooklyn, N. Y., or assigns, fully and freely, make over, give, and for forty years. In 1853 he married Elizabeth bequeath, all my right, title, and interest in the Cornell Lovett, and had issue Alice and Emma said lands and moneys, unto the poor of the Townsend, the latter deceased. ·Alice married · Town aforesaid, to enjoy and possess forever, as Frederick A. Abercrombie ~liller in 1882.-Issue, is before expressed. That this is my act and Edith, Alice de Peyster and Charles T. Aber­ deed, I certify, by subscribing my hand, the day crombie l\:Iiller. .and date above written, namely the 25th of the third month, anno 1663, stylo novo. "HENRY TOWNSEND." CHAPTER X. HENRY, SON OF HENRY 1ST, Thompson says that, beside the real estate, this gift included £176 in money. \Vhen be settled in According to Thompson, married Deborah, daugh­ Oyster Bay, he bought or built a house on the ter of Captain John Underhill. He does not ap­ ?\.fain street, one homestead being between that pear on the Records, except in the transfer of and Quogue Lane. He seems to h~ve haq occu­ property. Nor is it known when he died, but it pation enough for two or three men. Bes1de the must have been before lj03.-Issue, Henry, Rob­ grist and saw rniUs he managed, he held the ert, and a daughter, who was married (Dr. P. office of Town-Clerk, made many surveys, and Townsend says) to one of the Ludlams, of Hog was employed, with his nephew Thomas, in all Island. public business, such as adjusting bounda.ries, pro­ HENRY 3d married Eliphal, daughter· of his curing patents, and buying lands of the Indians. aunt, l\fary Townsend, and John Wright. At the He assisted his sisters-in-law, .the widows of John. death of his uncle, Mill John, he was electec;l and Richard, in the settlement of theh· husbands'. Surveyor. He appears to have been a young man estates, and was executor and overseer ( as they of promise, prominent for his years, judicious and called persons appointed to assist au executrix) prudent in the management of his own affairs. to several wills, ·and was one of those appointed He bought again several pieces of valuable prop· , Captain John Underhill, to see that his chil­ erty sold by his father. Had his life been pro­ . dren were not wronged, in case his widow mar• longed, he would probably have been among the ried again. While thus active for the benefit, most prosperous and influential of his family. public and private, of his neighbors, he was not Thompson says, he died in 1709.-Issue, Henry negligent of his own affairs. The conveyances to and Absalom. . a~d from him are innumerable. He was endeav- HENRY 4th married Elizabeth Titus, a beautiful N",• ---.; :

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MRS. FOXHALL P. KEE:'\E. MRS. FRANK THO~IAS \YOODBUR\"., (Mary B. ·Lawn:nce-Whitc.) (Caroline .Drake Townsend Fremont.) .. Stone House." Bay Side, L. I. New York City and U.S. Army.

BRADLEY MARTIN. FREl)ERICK TO\VNSEND ~L~RTlN. London. England. New York City •.


Quakeress. He · rem0_3ed to Chester, Orange refer to his great-grandfather, Solomon Townsend, County.-Issue, · Hert~ Nicholas, Peter, Phebe, who lived in the State Street 11ansion •on Battery, Elizabeth, 11artha,. and Absalom. N. Y. City, who was as ,vell a great entertainer in HENRY 5th was born in Ii25, and married Anne the days of Alexander Hamilton. Alice, daughter \Vright. He died ~larch 28th, 1803. His wife of Henry and Anna (Townsend) 11artin, mar­ died September 17th, 182.5, aged go years.-Issue, ried Julien Tappan Davies, born Sept. 25, 1845, Betsey, Henry, Zebulon, Noah, Phebe, and N. Y. City, a graduate of n1any schools and of Charles. Columbia College, and Columbia College Law Charles died unmarried, of yellow fever, on School; a man of attainments, a brilliant lawyer, Staten Island, September 18th, Ii99- trustee of business corporations, a member of Betsey married, first, Lewis Carpenter.-Issue, many clubs, and of great social prominence, April Townsend, Thomas, and I-Ienry. Second, Robert 22d, 186g, 1Irs. Davies deceased.-Issue, Julien Little.-Issue, Phebe, Elizabeth, and 11artha. Townsend married !\.farie R. de Garmendia. resid­ Phebe married --- Wright, and is one of the ing at \V. Islip, L. I. Ethel married Archibald G. ladies to whom this 11e1norial is dedicated. Thatcher, residing in New York City. Frederick l\fartha married Henry Tittts.-Issue, two sons 1Iartin and Cornelia Sherman, residing with their and one daughter, Elizabeth, who 1narried Joshua father in New York City. Robert, Captain, in the T. Cromwell. Her daughter Sarah married U. S. Navy married Harriet l\1onroe. Franklin, Charles H. Townsend, and is the person from .Adjutant Gene~al ~- N. ~-,.. JY1rried Anna Ki~g. whom we obtained the genealogy of this branch of I-Ioward, prominent· physician;-- Albany, married .the family. -· · Justina Van Rensalear.-Issue, Howard :Towns­ Henry 6th married Mary Bennett~Issue, Isaiah, end, son of Dr. , is a leading John, Mary A., Samuel, '\tVilliam, Peter A., Han­ member of the New York bar. Frederick, Ad­ nah, Charles, and Noah. Peter, Charles, and jutant General S. N. Y., founded Camp Towns­ Noah, died unmarried. end at Peekskill, married Sarah Rathbone. 1-fary Isaiah married Hannah, daughter of Solomon married General \Villiam H. '\tValker, of the Townsend (see Solomon, of Samuel, Chap. Ill.). Southern Army, who was killed at Atlanta, Ga. He and his brother John were for many years John married Abby Spencer.-Issue, Theodore, among the most prominent men in Albany, both John, Edward, Laura, Abby, Julia, and i1ary A. as merchants and politicians.-Issue, Isaiah, An­ Samuel married 11ary, daughter of \Villiam na, Robert, Franklin, Howard, Frederick, and Townsend, of Cornwall. ( See fVillia,n, of Mary. Isaiah n1arried Harriet, daughter of his Thomas, Chap. XVII.) uncle Samuel Townsend. Anna married Henry Mary married Andrew Cock. Hull 1-'.lartin. of Albany, N. Y.-Issue, Henry H., Hannah married Dr. Elisha Hedges. Bradley, born Dec. 18, 1841, , Zebulon, of Henry 5th, married Anna Cock. He Howard Townsend and Alice. Bradley IVIartin died October 4th, 1836; his wife, l\Iarch 3d, 1851, married Cornelia Sherman.-Issue, Bradley, Jr., aged 88 years.-Issue, Elizabeth, ~Iary, Phebe, capitalist, born July 6th, 1873, grad. Christ Church, Charles, and Henry. Oxford, Eng., B.A., 1894, and Harvard Law Elizabeth was born !\Iay 25th, 1794, and mar­ School, LL.B., 1897, married at Beverley Castle, ried Daniel Cronnvell.-Issue, Charlotte, Eliza­ Scotland, Nov. 2d, 1904, Helen 1-Iargaretten beth, Henry, Edward and Daniel. Elizabeth mar­ Phipps.,:__Issue, Henry Bradley, born March 27, ried Thomas VI/ oodward. Henry n1arried Sarah 1go6, director of several companies and member Bowne. Edward married 1Iartha Birdsall. Dan­ of many clubs; residing in N. Y. City; are prom­ iel died unmarried~ inent socially. Cornelia, daughter of Bradley 1iiar­ 1-fary was born June 7th, 1796, and married tin, married Earl Craven. • The Earl and Countess David Ford.-Issue, Elizabeth, Phebe, 11argaret Craven reside at Chesterfield Gardens, Mayfair, Harriet, Charles, John, Benjamin, \Villiam, Henry, London, England. 1vfr. and Mrs. Bradley Martin, David, and Townsend. before their daughter's marriage, gave most Phebe ,vas born December 15th, Ii97, and mar­ notable entertainments in their N. Y. mansion, ried Israel Green.-Issue, Anne, Charles, Towns­ but now reside with Countess Craven in London. end, \Villiam, Henry, Caroline, and Fanny. 11:r. l\1artin recalls his great-uncle Dr. Peter Townsend and Henry died unmarried. Townsenp., his grandmother's brother, who died Charles was born January 16th, 18oo, and mar-· in New York City at the old home in State Street ried 1'1argaret Conklin. He died September 24th, on Battery. He says when he visited the old -1839.-Issue, Sally A., Noah, \Villiam, and Har­ Townsend 11ansion at Albany he used· to play . riet. All except Noah died young. the piano for him, the favorite piece representing Henry was born ?v!ay 9th, 1803, and married · a great battle, through the power of music. He Harriet Conklin. He died September 29th, 1849. · would also te1l him "bloody stories." Frederick -Issue, Charles Henry, ?vlargaret, 1!ary, and. Ed­ Townsend l\lartin and Howard Townsend are ward. All died young but Charles H., who mar­ unmarried. The former, especially, is noted for ried Sarah Cromwell, daughter of Joshua Titus the number and brilliancy of the entertainments Cromwell and Elizabeth Little, December 28th, of which he is host, on both sides of the Atlantic. 1858.-Issue, Harriet · Conklin, \Villet R., who He ain1s to bring the social, theatrical, and lit­ died in infancy, Elizabeth Little, 1'!argaret Conk­ erary world agreeably together, and is interested as lin, and Rosamond Burphalter. Harrie, Co 11klin well in many charities. It gives him pleasure to married \Villiam Mackintosh, of Buffalo, N. Y., 97 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

April 23, 1885.-Issue, \Valter Townsend, Crom­ and Mary Alice. Amy Cornell, unmarried, re­ well, and Rosamond. Jfargaret married Philip sides in the family mansion, Fifth Avenu~, N. Sydney Westcott, April 29th, 1905. Charles Henry Y. C. Elizabeth Austen married George H. Bend. Townsend died 1905 and his wife Sarah Crom­ -Issue, Arny· and Beatrice. Amy married Cort• well in 1907. l\fr. Townsend's grandfather, Zeb­ landt Field Bishop.-lssue, ---. They reside in ulon Townsend, came to Highland l\iiills, N. Y., N. Y. C. Mr. Bishop is one of America's fore­ in 18o4, purchasing the large farming lands and most promoters of Aeronautics. He has served homestead on which Charles Hy. lived and died. two terms as President of the "Aero Club of l-Ie continued the cultivation of the lands; kept America," and has lately returned with his family the mill going, which was built in 1756, until it from a sojourn in France to take the presidency burned in 1873. He was also postmaster at a third time at the unanimous request of the Highland 1Iills for many years. The four members and directors, as his knowledge of daughters who survive him are the last of his aeronautic affairs here and abroad is extensive. branch of the family, three of whom continue to 1vir. and 11Irs. Bishop are very prominent sociatlv. live in the old homestead at Highland i\·fills. Sarah Helen married Buchanan \:Vinthrop.-Issue, Noah, of Henry 5th, married Letty Conklin. 1-Ienry Rogers and 1-Iarie. They reside in N. Y. He left no children. City. Henry Rogers, born July 2d, I8i6, is a mem­ Phebe, of Henry 5th, married William Jackson, ber of the firm of Harris, Winthrop & Co., of of Philadelphia.-Issue, \Villiam and Isaac. The New York City. He married Alice Babcock, last is professor in , Schenectady. daughter of Henry D. Babcock, October 3d, 1905. NICHOLAS married Philadelphia Doughty.-Is- -Issue, Alice, born October 23d, 1908. They are sue, Hannah, Elizabeth, and 1'Iary. very prominent socially. l\,Ir. vVinthrop is one of Han n_a.lz. married Jacob Cock. · the founders and patrons of "The New Theatre," Elizabeth married James Hallock. which is designed to raise the standard of Art M a,-y married --- Cock. in America. Isaac. rviary Alice, married Charles PETER married Hannah Hawxhurst. He was Adams Sackett, of Providence, R. I., and they very successfully employed in the manufacture of reside and are very prominent socially at their iron, and made the chain that was stretched across place, "11:iramir," New London, Conn.-Issue, the North River in the Revolution.-Issue, Anne, Isaac Townsend, who died. Austen Townsend, William, Peter, Isaac, and Sarah. · who grad. at Yale College, 1907, and Audrey Anne married Solomon Townsend. (See Sol- Townsend. It is told that· Lafayette scratched omon. of Samuel,. Chap. III.) lines on one of the window panes of the house W i!liam married Elizabeth Franklin. of the late Edward Townsend, of Oyster Bay, Isaac married Elizabeth Jackson. "To Audrey's Eyes." Robert C. married 11ary Sarai,, married Dr. Anthony Davis.-Issue, Whittemore. Elizabeth A. married John H. William Henry, born January 1st, 18n, married Austin. Emily Talman, daughter of James Townsend Tal­ PHEBE married Joseph Lawrence, in 1764.-Is­ man, of New York City, March 3d, 1825. He sue, Elizabeth, Henry, Phebe, Richard, and Ef- died l\.fay, 1874. They were cousins, d_escended fingham. · · from Townsends on both sides.-Issue, Tou•nsend Elizabeth married Silas Titus. Davis, who became member of the firm of Smith Henry married Harriet Van Wyck. Davis & Co., Marine & Fire Underwriters, o·f Phebe married Obadiah Townsend. (See Oba- Buffalo, N. Y. He married Annie Carter Knowl­ diah, of Tlio·mas, Chap. XVII.) · ton, atid died September 30th, 1899.-Issue, Emily Lydia rnarri~d Anthony Franklin. Knowlton, Henry Townsend, and \Villiam Henry. Richard married Betsey Franklin. Henry To1.mzsend, or, as known, H. Townsend Effingham, married Anne, daughter of Solomon Davis, was born in Buffalo, N. Y., June 8, 1867, Townsend (see Solomon, of Samuel, Chap. III.). grad. at Harvard College 1890, became a member --Issue, Townsend, Lydia, Henry, William, Ef­ of his father's firm, Smith-Davis & Co., in Buf­ fingham, Robert, 11ary, Edward, Joseph, Cor­ falo, and later a member of the finn of E. F. nelius, and Hannah. Townsend died unmarried. Hutton & Co., Bankers, N. Y. C., also a member Lydia married, first, Edward N. Lawrence.-Issue, of the N. Y. Stock Exchange. He married, Jan­ Frederick Newbold; second, Cornelius W. Law­ uary g_th, 1900, Henrietta Poole, daughter of Dr. rence, a prominent· merchant, was 1·fayor of New Parker A. Poole. No issue. N!r. Davis has re­ York City 1834-1837, and upon his retirement signed from the firm of E. F. Hutton & Co., and from business, the merchants of N. Y. paid a resides at his place, "Tower Hall,'' 11ahwah, N. glowing tribute through the press upon his fine J. He is a member of many clubs, and this personal qualities and public integrity,. tendering winter is touring Cuba. a great banquet in his honor;. signed-Saul Alley, . Peter married Alice Cornell.-Issue, William G. G. Howland, Preserved Fish, Jacob Harvey, H., Peter, Isaac, Robert. C., · ·Elizabeth A., and Robert B. ?viinturn, Henry Parish, D. F. 1-Ianice, George C. William married Sarah A. Austin. William Legget, Silas Brown, John Stewart, Jr., Peter married Caroline Parish. Isaac married Nathaniel Weed, George Sharpe, H. Booraem, Mary Austen. · l-Ie was a very public-spirited man Reuben Withers, Daniel Trimble, Jacob Kerno· and did much towards gaining improvements for chan, Edward ·Taylor, Isaac S. Hone, Amos Pal­ Blac~well's and Randall's ~slands.-Issue, Amy mer, Prosper ~I. Wetmore, Committee on be~alf Cornell, Elizabeth Austen, Sarah Helen, Isaac l\1erchants and Citizens of New York City, 98 ISAAC. TO\VNSEND. AUDREY TO\VNSEND SACKETT. "Miramir." New York City. New London, Conn. lA~iES BLISS TOWNSE~D. N~w Y.ork City.


October 2d, 1833. Frederick Newbold Lau,­ Isaac married Sarah Webb, and died December rence, at one time President New York Stock 3d, 1830._;,Issue, ~Iary, who_ married Patrick Exchange, and now President of the Union Club, Laurie.-Issue, tfary and William. N. Y. C., resides in the old Lawrence 1Iansi?n, Solomon,· born February 8th, 176o; died Feb- "Stone House,"· at Bay Side, L. · I. He married ruary 23d, 1842. · Elizabeth Boyce.-Issue, Lillie, who married Judith, botn March 12th, 1762, and married Major Chas. H. ~lcKinstry, U. S. Army, sta­ Arnold Fleet in 178o.-Issue, Daniel, James, and tioned at Sa·n Francisco, Cal. Mary, who mar­ Deborah. Daniel married Rebecca Youngs. tied, first, Frank Loomis White, of N. Y. C., James married Judith Townsend. (See Jw.:l-itlz, second, Foxhall P. Keene, of N. Y. C.-Issue, by of Josepli, Chap. VII.) Deborah married John first marriage, Loomis Lawrence White, who Wood.-lssue, \iVilliam, Judith, John, Arnold, and ma·rried Julia J. Fanshawe, and resides at Red James E. Bank, N. J. Elizabeth married J. Henry Alex­ Elizabeth, born June 12th, 1766; died September andre, of N. Y. City.-Issue. Virginia Lawrence, 20th, 1857. Frederick Francis, and 11:ary Elizabeth. Virginia James, born April 19th, 1770, and died October married Louis M. Howland.-Issue, Elizabeth 28th, . 1841. Lawrence, Hortense and Nathalie .Marie. Mrs. Townsend, born October 12th, 1772, and died Howard deceased. Henry married Fanny Bra­ of the small-pox, February 15th, 1795. shiere. William married, first, Caroline Lawrence, PHILENA was born December 14th, 1734- She second Augusta i\1ickle.-Issue, Carrie, Andrew, married, first, Richard Butler; ·and second, Thom­ Grace, Effingham and William. These married, as Alsop, in Ii61.~Issue, by her first husband, but data cannot be obtained except of Grace, who John, William, and Deborah; by the second, marrie_d James Norton Winslow, of Winslow and Nannie and Richard. John and \iVilliam died un· Lanier, bankers, N. Y. C.-Issue, Lawrence married. Lanier. Efiingha111, married Jane Osgood.-Issue, Deborah married Thomas Smith, and lived at Annie, Janet, Effingham, Elizabeth and I-Ielen. Cove Neck, where her sons now reside. Mary married Andrew I-I. 1\1ickle, at one time Nannie married Joseph \Vhite. Mayor .of New York City.-Issue, Annie and Richard married Judith Parish.-Issue, Nancy, Janet. Janet married her cousin Effingham Law­ who married Joseph Storrs. rence-Issue, Effingham, who married Dorothy J. ANNE was born November 24th, 1736. She Gookin. Edward married Hannah Mickle.-Issue, married Daniel Parish, and died without children, Julia, Effingham, lviary, and George. November 29th, 1783. ELIZABETH married John lvlcCoun. They re­ ROBERT, SON OF HENRY 2D, moved to Troy, where their sons were merchants Received from his father a part of the saw-mill of high standing.-lssue, Townsend, John, Sam­ at Mill Neck, and land near there, together with uel, William, Richard, Hannah, and· Sally. the house standing upon the bank east of the mill. Sally married Elisha Tibbits. He was a merchant, but not successful, and sold MARTHA married Daniel McCoun.-I.ssue, An­ most, if not all, of his property there during his nie, Elizabeth, Martha, Daniel, Peter, and Henry. life. He was elected for many successive years Elizabeth married Daniel Jackson. to take charge of intestate estates. He had a · ABSALOM married Helen De Kay.-Issue, Henry son Henry, of whom we know only the name. Robert, Charles, Solomon, Absalom, Fanny, Chris­ Dr. P. Townsend says that about 1800 a descend­ tina, Sarah, Helena, Hannah, and Martha. ant of his (he does not say in what generation), Charles married J\iiaria Fonda.-Issue, John F., named Henry, kept a school in New York, whose Helena, l\1aria, and Sarah. _John F. married son John was a midshipman, and died on the Catharine Douw. Helena n1arried Solomon coast of Africa. Townsend. (See Solomon, of Solomon, Chap. III.) !viaria married Maurice Viele. Sarah mar­ ried Edwin Coles. ( See Edwin, · of Butler, Chap. CHAPTER XI. VII.) JOHN, SON OF HENRY IST. Solomon married --- Cannon. Helen n1arried Asa Gardiner. It is not known who his first wife was, ·Hannah married --- Noyes. except that her name was Johannah. She M·artlia married Isaac Fonda. died October 6th, 168o. His second . wife ABSALOM, SON OF HENRY 3D, was Esther Smith. He seems to have had Married Deborah Weeks. ·He lived _upon the much of the tact and talent of the family, place belonging to ~Irs. De Kay. His wife died in those days, for public affairs. He was one of the 10th of October, 1739; he, February 2d, 1795. the Town Surveyors from 1686 until his death, -Issue, 11ary, Philena, Anne and Deborah. a period of nineteen years. At almost every MARY was born June. 10th~ 1732, and married Town l\feeting, John Townsend at Mill is called James Wooden, who was born May 17th, 1726. on to per£orm some service for the public. He He died March 16th, 1805; she, November 27th, died May 9th, 1705. His widow lived until 1749 1824--Issue, Absalom, Isaac, Solomon, Judith, certainly, probably . longer. According to the Elizabeth, James, and Townsend. traditions preserved by Dr. P. Townsend, and cor­ Absalotn was- born July 11th, 1753; died De- roborated by the Town Records, she must have cember 13th, 1841. . been a woman of remarkable energy and business 99 TOWNSEND-TO\VNSHEND

talent. Dr. To\\'tlsend says she fitted out a sloop second, Augustine \Veeks, in. Ii57--lssue1 by the for a trading voyage to ·Ocracoke Inlet, N. C., first, Zeruiah, Sa1-clh, Freelove, and Richard; by and started off with her son l\Iicajah and her the second, Refine. . . daughter Zeruiah. The cargo being principally ZERUIAH married Captain James Farley~ in cider, ·the sloop was nicknamed the Cider-Tub 1770.-Issue, Elizabeth and Iviargaret. by the· people of the village. The doctor does Elizabeth was born July .26th, 1772, and mar­ not tell us the resµlt of the speculation, further ried Zebulon Frost, November 14th, 1792.-Issue, than that Dr. Parish ( who was, · or had been, Sarah, Anne, and · James. Sarah married Hallet a surgeon in the Royal Navy) was of the party, Thorne. Anne married Charles · Frost. (See and made himself so agreeable and useful · that Charles, of Sarah, Chap. VII.) James married he captivated Zeruiah, who married him, He tells Eliza Tower. . us, however, that Esther was a short, stout wom­ /.fargaret was born 1Iarch rst, 1775, and mar­ an. John at J\.fill had issue, by his first wife, ried Townsend Cock, November 14th., 1792. (See Hannah; by the second, Hetty, Sarah, Zeruiah, Townse1td-' of Rosannah and Daniel, Chap. VII.) Jotham, 1\.!icajah, Jonadab, and John. Of Sarah She died l\1arch 8th, 1848. _ . we only know that she married Edmond \Vright, SARAH married Latting Carpenter. and her son, Dr. Thomas \Vright, died in the FREELOVE married John Cock. ( See John, of Provost, New York, during the Revolution. Rosairnali and Hezekiah, Chap. VII.) Hetty married --- Harcourt, and is repre­ DANIEL married Anne, daughter of Absalont sented as a very pious woman. Of Jonadab we Townsend, and died without children, at a very know nothing, except that he had a daughter advanced age. Rach~], who married Solomon Wheeler. JOHN died unmarried, also at a great age. HANNAH, DAUGHTER OF 1fILL JOHN, married TO\VNSEND married Freelove Dodge.-Issue, Samson, son of Christopher Hawxhurst. Her Isaac, Ambrose, Judith, l\1ary, Penn, and Jacob. father gave her a tract of land at Cedar Swamp, IsAAC married Annie Latting.-Issue, Towns­ which he says in the deed he got from his end, Anne, Phebe, Sarah, and Richard. father, who wished her to have it. This land AMBROSE married Deborah \Vheeler.-Issue, lier husband exchanged for a tract at 1\.'Iatinecock Stephen, Isaac, Daniel, Sarah, Mary A., William, (now Buckram), where he probably had some be­ Ambrose, Eliza, and Henry. fore. He also bought mills at Glen Cove, and JUDITH married Richard Alsop.-Issue, Nancy. seems to have been a very active· man, but prob­ l\fARY married Silas Latting.-Issue, Zachariah, ably not altogether prudent, as at his death Eliza, and Judith. -~- some of his land had to be sold to pay his debts. PENN married Elizabeth l\fapes.-Issue, Mary. Hannah sun•ived him, but nothing more is known JACOB married Freelove Powell.-Issue, Daniel, of her.-Issue, ,villiam, Joseph, Benjamin, Sam­ James, Henry, Thomas, Nancy, and ?viartha. son, and Daniel. \Ve know of no descendants REFINE married --- Tobias.-Issue, Eliza­ of Samson in the male line. Daniel moved a way. beth, Sarah, Jacob, Ambrose., James., Ellwood., JOSEPH lived and died on a part of his and Barclay. fath~r's place, which, with other large parts, belongs now to Samuel Cock. His son \Villiam ]OTHAM.,• SON OF MILL JOHN, lived in !fill River Hollow. Ephraim, son of William, lived at Westbury, where he died not Marrie

Mr. Wilmot died at Jamaica, and was buried in T. married Daniel V. Smith. John T. married the graveyard belonging to his church. The fol­ Elizabeth ~Ionfort. . lowing epitaph was copied from his headstone : These two sons of 1ficaj ah are the only de­ scendants of Henry Townsend, in the male line, ••Here lies the Rev. Walter WUmot, died Aug. 6th, now upon the Island. To !\Irs. Townsend, their 1'144, aged 35 years. mother; we are indebted for the genealogy of her 0 No more from sacred desk I preacb, husband's family. · You'll hear my voice no more ; Yet from the dead my dust will teach MICAH was born May 13th, 1749, and was The same I t;:i.ught before. married August 13th, I7i8, to Mary Wells, who was born April 25th, Ii6o. He removed to Can­ "Be ready for this dal'k abode, ada, and died April 28th, 1832.-Issue, Harriet That '\\·hen our bodies rise We'll meet -with joy the Son of God, lf., Samuel \V., Epenetus, Rebecca, 1Iary, l\fica.- Descending from the skies." jah, Elizabeth, and Sarah~ · • HARRIET 1\1. was born August 7th, 1779, and Thompson says he was a much-loved pastor.­ died at l\lontreal, 1Iay 2d, 1848. . Issue, Freelove, born February 25th, 1744; mar­ SAl!t:EL \V. was born M::ay 24th, Ii80, and was ried James Townsend, of Duck Pond. (See married, 1Iarch, 1802, to Pamela Lawrence, who lames, of William, Chapter VII.) She died July was born 1Iay 17th, 1782.-Issue, Sophia A., died .21st, 18og. Novemper, 1829; Erastus, died April, 1859; Macy, ~IICAJ AH, SON OF !\!ILL JOHN' was born 1699; A., ?viicaj ah, and Catharine L. · · he inherited the land at Cedar Swamp bought by EPENETliS was born January 24th, 1783, and Robert, son of Henry 1st, from the Indians, and married Polly Stoughton, who was born Decem­ settled upon it. April 23d, 1732, he married ber 16th, Ij85. He died at Cincinnati, January, Elizabeth Platt, who died May 16th, 1759. De­ 1839. His wife died at Putnam, Ohio, July 14th, cember, Ji6o, he married 11:eribah, widow of 1819.-Issue, Harriet ?-.·I., Mandanu, and 11ary M. Joshua Townsend, who died very soon after, and REBECCA G. was born November 2rst, 1784, and in Decetnber, 1763, he married Anne, widow of died at Philipsburg, Canada East, December 3d, George Frost. He was a very decided \Vhig in 1853. the Revolution, as was his son Jotham. He died 1IARY ( ::\-Irs. Taylor) was born October 6th, :November 9th, 1781.-Issue, Platt, Epenetus, Jo­ 1786, and died September 27th, 1839. tham and :rviicah. l\11cAJ~H was born January 22d, 178g, and was PLATT was born 1733, and married, April married, l\farch 19th, 1823, to Elizabeth David­ 26th, 1760, to Elizabeth Hubbard, who was born son, who was born February 18th, 18o6. She died . in Ii43• He was a prominent physician in the at Clarenceville, Canada East, April, 1834, and city of New York. His wife died October 2d, he married Sarah Kellogg, July 6th, 1836.-Issue, I7i6, and he married Betty Dickinson, October by the first wife, !vlorris 11., Frances L., and 15th, 1777.-Issue, by the first wife, Elizabeth, Micajah; ·by the second, Heber, Hobart, Anne E., \Villiam, Isaac, and i\1ary; by the second, Frances Helen, Frances !\1., and· Harriet. Frances L. and and Platt.. · l\1icajah died in childhood. PLATT was drowned in 1805. ELIZABETH (J\iirs. 1fills) was born February · FRANCES married Lancaster Lupton, and was 26th, 1793, and died Feburary 14th, 1841. remarkable for her literary attainments, and not SARAH (1\frs. Hill) -was born January 31st, less so for her feminine accomplishments. 1800, and died November· 25th, 1844 EPENETUS was born 1742, and married Lucy JOHN, SON OF ~IILL }ORN,. was born 1703, and Beach Sept~mber 10th, .r76g. He was an Epis­ married Sarah, da,ughter of Edmun~ \Vright, .in copal clergyman. He ,vith his whole family was 1738. At the death of his father-in-law he bought lost, between New York and Nova Scotia, in the homestead, now belonging to J. C. Townsend~ 1779. Like the greater part of his family, he was a JOTHAM was born September 18th, 1746, and good \Vhig. He died De~ember 22d, Ii86, and was married August 12th, 1775, · to Deborah his wife, April 22d, Ii80. They , .... ere buried in Kirk, who was born November nth, 1745. He the graveyard southeast of the Baptist church, inherited the place at Cedar Swamp, where he their headstoqes having been brought from Eng• died October 12th, I815. His wife died February land by their son Ephraim.-Issue, Ethelinda, 27th, 1841.-Issue, John K., Micajah, and Epene­ Mary, Ephraim, and Israel. . tus. ETHELINDA ·married the Rev. Peter Under­ }OHN K. was born September 28th, 1777, and hill in Ii6o, and died April 18th, 18o3, aged 62. died December 3d, 1861.-Issue, Charles Wright l\1'ARY married Jarvis Crooker. and Epenetus. Charles Wright married Anne EPHRA.Il\i was a captain in the merchant Pierce, and died September 4th, 1861. Epenetus service, of high standing. He married Hannah married Angelina Bell. . Meade, in Connecticut, and settled on the home­ M1cAJAH was born November 17th, 1782. He stead, where he built the house now standing succeeded to the homestead and married Hannah -thereon. He died February 13th, 1799, and was Tredwe11, January 15th, 1817. He died October buried in the graveyard with bis parents, where 1st, 186r.-Issue, Jotharn (who died in infancy), his daughter Sarah erected a stone to his mern­ , Anne }A:; . Mary T., Alexander, and John T. ory.-lssue, Sarah, Deborah, John, Seth, and Anne M. ··married- William C. Carpenter. Mary Ephraim. IOI TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

SARAH Jived many years with her friend and son of Jacob Townsend, of New York, and was cousin, Mrs. John N. Ll?yd, of· ~loyd'~ Neck, born in St. John, New Brunswick, 1827. He be­ where she died, and was interred 1n their vault. came a student in Columbia University, from · DEBORAH married James Colwell, !\.1ay . nth, which institution he graduated with the degree 18o7. Her husband was postmaster of the village of A. B. in 1847. In 1850 Dr. Townsend re• of Oyster Bay more than fifty years.-Issue, ceived the degree of A~ M. at Columbia, and the Townsend, Sarah, William, and Deborah. same year was graduated from the General Theo­ ISRAEL married Phebe, daughter of Phebe logical Seminary; also receiving the degree of ~ownsend and Job Weeks (see Phebe, of Sam­ A. M. from Trinity College, and of S. T. D. s,el, Chap. VII.), and ren1oved to Armonk, from St. Stephens College. Dr. Townsend was 1North Castle about 1775.-Issue, Walter, Susan, called to various parishes through the United Jacob, Sam;el, Isaiah, Dorinda, . John, Isr~el, States, until 1874 to 18g6 he was continuously in Phebe, and Job. Isaiah and Job died unmarried. charge of the Church of the Incarnation in Wash­ Israel Townsend, born 1742, died 1832. Phoebe ington, D. C. During his stay in Washington ~Veeks, his wife, born 1752, died 1836. from 1875-1877, he was Chaplain of the House of WALTER married Jemima \,Vhite. He w~s a Representatives, and in the Centennial year he tUstinguished classical scholar.-Issue,. Juliana, was the first Episcopal Chaplain since their first rfhyrza, and Euphrosyne. one, Bishop \Vhite, one hundred years previous, and, like him, officiated in the House fully robed. SusAN married Samuel Sands.-Issue, Hebe, Martin J. Townsend, of Albany, and \Vashing­ ~bsalom and Israel. ton Townsend were Representatives at the time JACOB was born at Armonck, N. Y., February Dr. Townsend was Chaplain, and were his fast 18th, 1784, died ~t Danbury, Conn., February 23d, friends. It was said that Dr. Townsend made 1863. He married, first, Sus~nnah Lounsberry, and unmade several Bishops by his determined b. February 5th, 1786, died April 6th, 1812.-Iss~e, championship or the reverse, and those most op­ Louisa Susannah, b. January 27th, 1809, died posed to him in the heat of battle finished by February 17th, 1885. Second --, at _St. John, being his stanch admirers. He was noted for •N. B., May 2jth, 1815, Jane W. Berrien, b~rn his fine voice; his reverent utterances could fill April 25th 1786 died March 18th, 1820. Third the largest edifices with ease, as his fine sermons at St. Joh~, N. 'B., April 18, 1822, Mary Wood­ filled the hearts of his congregations. He was :worth, born Halifax, N. S., November 30th, 1792, the oldest member of the Psi Upsilon fraternity. died Peoria, Ill., July 20th, 1872.-Issue, Louns­ Upon retiring from active life in 18g6, Dr. berry, who died in infancy, and Israel Leander, Townsend made his home with his youngest born St. John, N. B., August 9th, 18~7. Israel daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Leander married, August 20th, 1850, 1n N. Y. Montague \-Vilson, living in Brooklyn. Dr. City, Maria Theresa, daug~ter of Georg_e and Townsend was interred at Danbury, Conn., Oc­ Sarah Maria (Vincent) E1chell. She died. at tober, 19o8. i\Vashington, D. C., 1894-Issue, Sarah Josephine, born Cherry Valley, N. Y., December 25th, 1851. SAMUEL married Rebecca Purdy.-Issue, Isaiah, Samuel Woodworth, born Danbury, Conn., July Caroline, and !\-!aria. 3, 1855. \Vatter, born and died April 23d, 18:59. ISRAEL To\VNSEND, born 1791, died 1855, mar­ Arthur Leander, born December 16th, 1861, died ried Phoebe Sands, born 1794, died 1864.-Issue, March 24th, 1862, and }.,!aria Theresa, born D~n• Samuel Orlando, born 1821, died 18g5, married bury, Conn._, .July 5th, 1863 .. Sarah Josephme Elizabeth H. Hunt, born 1828.-Issue, Edith, born married Wilham Henry \Vh1tehead, of West­ 1850, married Rec. Henry Nicoll \Vayne.-Issue, chester, Pa., at "vVashington, D. C., At1gust _9th, Henry Townsend. born 1874, Elizabeth Campbell, ·1876.-Issue, Henry Townsend, porn B]oommg­ born 1876, Edith Donaldson, born 1880, and Glenn ton, Ill., January 6th, 1879, Lucretia Fl~mmg, b<:>rn Hylton. He,zry Townsend 1fa~vne married He_len Bloomington, Ill., June 24th, 1883, anu J oseph1ne A. Child.-Issue, Henry Child, born 1905. Elz=a­ Woodworth born Bloomington, Ill., November beth Campbell married James E. Cooper._:..Issue, 30th 1884, ~ow reside in Golden, Colorado. Sam­ James \-Vayne, born 1904. Edith Donaldson mar­ uel Woodworth married Lelia l\fcKnew, daughter ried Chauncey Porter Goss, Jr.-Issue, Crauncey of Captain . Edwin · 1'1cKpew, C. S. A., of the Porter 3d, born 1903, and Richard Wayne, born Mariland Line at Washington, D. C., June. .20, 1905. Some members of lvirs. Edith Townsend 1906. Maria Theresa marrie_d Walter ~1ontague \Vayne's family reside in her old home at Armonk, Wilson, son of John Vandenpe and. Emily _11o?­ N. "'l., being the sixth generation to do so. tague ( Cantelo) Wilson, of Ph1ladelph1a, . 1n DORINDA married Samuel T. W right.-Issue, Washington, D. C., Jun.e 30, 1886. ~Issue, Irving Samuel and Phebe. Townsend, born Washington, D. C., March 25, ]ORN married Eliza P. Horton. He served in 1888 died Albuquerque, N. Mex., July 21st, 1888, the \Var of 1812, and at the age of twenty-seven and 'Ethel Louise, born Brooklyn, N. Y., January was appointed Judge of Westchester County, 16th, 18go. Tl;ie Rev.· Israel Leander To~nsend, which office he held for eighteen years, when he S. T. D., a clergyman of the Protestant Ep1s~opal removed to New .York, where he was elected to Church, was a man of great strength of. character, the Legislature, and in 1846 to the State Senate. ,vho fought valiantly always for the right as he He died in 1863,. aged 74--Issue, Leander, Dor­ saw it, and generally conquered. He was the inda, Melissa, Caroline, John, and Josephine. 102 \ \ \ • \ :\

•. I1 '.;:.'./ .. i ' I t'

JACOB TO\V.KSEND. Armonk, N. Y. Brooklyn_. N. Y.

GEORGE \V. TO\VNSEND. Paterson, N. J.


Issue-Israel, Jerome, Job, Elizabeth S., and "Here lyes the body of ?\Irs. 1\fartha Townsend,. Samuel. . wife of ~1r. Jotham Townsend, who died July Israel ]eronze married liary Louisa Emmons, 23d, 1723, aged 22 years, 2 months, and 11 days." daughter of Isaac Emmons, N. Y. City, August \VRIGHT was born September 20th, Ij04, He 17th, 1854--lssue, Herbert Israel, born at married Sarah Birdsall, and died February 2jd, Armonk,·- N. Y., January 7th, i856, and Mary 1765, and is buried at B. T. Underhill's. His Elizabeth, born at Austin, l\finn., April 6th, wife died l\fay 18th, 1799.-Issue, Nathaniel, 1873. · Rev. Israel Jerome Townsend went West Rhoda, and Freelove. in 1844, being sent by the Domestic l\fissionary NATH.~NIEL married Hannah, daughter of John Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and Butler, from whom they inherited a large est~te was ordained Deacon by Bishop Clarkson, ad­ at Dosoris, where they settled. He died January vanced to the Priesthood by Bishop Whipple; of­ ith, 1814, and she, January 17th, 1838.-Issue, ficiating where he was called; finally removing to John B . ., Nathaniel, \Vright, Oliver, Sarah, Eliza­ Fairmont, where he and his wife both died, -deep­ beth, Charlotte, ~Iary, and Freelove. ly regretted and highly thought of for their good Jolz.,i B. married Elizabeth Underhill. (See work. Elizabetli, of Let-ilia, Chap. XVII.)-Issue, Eliza, Elizabeth Sands married Andrew Jackson Benjamin U., John B., '\Villiam, Isaac, and Han- Kinch, of Armonk, town of North Castle, N. Y., ~~ . ' January 6th, 1840.-Issue, ---. After lo"~ing Nathaniel married Elizabeth Townsend. (See her eldest son, she moved to Pleasantville, N. Y., Elizabet!,, of lames, Chap. VII.) He, in connec­ where she passed the remaining years of her life tion with John B., carried on the mills at Dosoris, and died February 12th, 1891. and lived on the ,vest Island. Herbert Israel married Helen Locher, daughter W ri~Jit 1narried Elizabeth Youngs.-Issue, Sam~ of James -and Helen (Hume) Locher, of White uel, Elias, and Elizabeth. Haugh 'Davoit, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, at Fair­ Oli'ver married 1Iargaret Underhilt.-Issue, Ol­ mont, ~Iinn.,. afterwards removing to \Vinnipeg, iver, Augustus, Edward, Alexander, Elizabeth, l\Ianitoba.-Issue, Sarah Stuart, who married and Nathaniel. George Syme.-Issue, Helen Virginia, Israel Sarai,. married Robert Stoddard.-Issue, 1-Iary, Charles Herbert, Helen l\farguerite, Iviary Eliza­ Hannahlr Catharine, :Martha, Betsey, and Sarah. beth, and Phebe Amelia. Elizabet/,, married Stephen Thorne.-Issue, Mary Elizabeth, sister of Herbert I. Townsend, 11'ary and Daniel. married Bert Shephard, and resides in Chicago, Charlotte married Walter Townsend. _(See Ill. Walter, of James Chap. VIL) Mary married Joshua Green.-Issue, Nathaniel and Rebecca. CHAPTER XII. Freelove married Jacob Latting.-Issue, Eliza- beth and Augusta. . MARY, DAUGHTER OF H~NRY 1ST, RHODA married, first, Tunis \Vortman; second, Smith. She died December 26th, 1800, 1iARRIED John, son of Nicholas Wright, who aged sixty-one. She was buried at B. T. Under­ lived on the place now owned by B. T. Under-­ hill's.-Issue, by her first husband, Coles. hill.-Issue, Rose, Eliphal, and 1fary. Coles married, first, Sally Van Wyck, and sec­ ROSE, as well as Eliphal, is said to have been ond, Elizabeth Latting.-lssue by the first wife, a celebrated beauty. She married, first, Nathaniel Sally, Horton, and Fanny; by the second, Coles Coles, Jr. He died September 8th, 1705, and she and Rhoda. Coles died young. Sally married · married Justice John Townsend. She became a Maurice Suydam.-Issue, Joshua, Simonson, Fan­ widow again, in Ii09, This time she remained ny, and Anne. Horton married -- Latting. unmarried several years, but in 1734 signs herself There are none of his descendants left here, and Rose Birdsall, after which nothing is known of the name is extinct.· Fanny .. married Daniel her. She must have had what was then a hand­ Smith, of Hog Island.-Issue, Jacob, Thomas U., some fortune from her father, which she was Daniel U., and Sarah E. Rhoda married Alsop quite competent to manage. Her writing is re­ White.-Issue, Coles, Joseph, Jacob, ?v!ary, and markably easy and handsome.-Issue, by her first Rhoda. husband, Rosannah, Freelove, Martha, and FREEI..OIVE was born November 5th, 173r, and \Vright; by the second, Penn and Rose. (See married Nathan Horton. He died November 2d, Justice John, Chap. IV.) 1793. She died without children, 1820. ROSANN AH was born October 2d, 16g1, and ELIPHAL, daughter of 1-Iary Townsend and married George Townsend. She died June 29th, John \Vright, married, first, Henry To-wnsend 3d, 1757. (See George, son of George 1st, Chap. by whom she had two children, Henry and Ab­ VII.) salom_ Her husband died in 1709, and she mar­ FREELOVE- married John Dickinson, and died ried Daniel \Vright, who only lived one year. Her within the year. third husband was John l\iiorris, of New Jersey, MARTHA was born iiay, 1701, and married by whom she had three children, Deborah, Justus, Jotham Townsend. (See Jotha1n, of Mill John, and John. Deborah married Johannus De Camp, Chf ap. XI.) The following inscription was taken near l\{orristown; and her daughter, name un­ rom her headstone on Mill Hill: know~ married a De. Hart. Of Justus we. know 103 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

nothing. John settled in i•Iaryland, and married "THE WILL OF ROBERT TOWNSEND. ?v!ary Rownds. He had three children, of whom "Know all men to whom these presents may only one (James) left a family. James married come, or may any wise 'concern: know ye, that Leah, daughter of William \Vinder, of Somerset being upon a journey, not knowing how Provi­ County, !\Id.-Issue, \Villiam \Vinder and John dence may dispose of my ,' I being B. \Villiam \V., lately deceased, was a physician possessed of certain lands, by virtue of bills of i!} Dover, Delaware. John B. is still living in Bal­ sale made to me and assigned to me, do here by timore. these presents, if it should so happen any other­ l!ARY, daughter of ~Iary Townsend and John wise than well in my return, that then my Slid Wright, married Richard, son of Josias Latting, land, wtth whatever I am posse$sed withal, shall and was, through her son Josias, the ancestress return into the actual possession of my father. of all the Lattings in the Town. Her second Henry Townsend, Sen., for him to dispose of husband was Jacob Furman, probably the son of according to his will and pleasure, as witness my her aunt (Susannah TownseIJg) and Aaron Fur­ hand and seal, this third day of October, 1687.. man, Jr. By him she had a daughter, Susannah, "ROBERT TOWNSEND. who married Thomas ~Iorgan, which is all that "Seated and delivered in presence of us, her. is known of ''HENltY TOWNSEND., JR., "JOHN DousBURY, ''JOB WRIGHT." CHAPTER XIII. ROSE, DAUGHTER OF HENRY IST., CIIAPTER XV. MARRIED Captain Joseph Dickinson. Dr. P. Towns-end says that during one of her father's RICHARD 1ST. imprisonments she, then a child nine years old, fed him through the bars of the window. She NOTHING is known of this youngest of the had, we believe, a son named James, who married Townsend brothers until he appears at Jamaica, in Sarah, daughter of Sarah Townsend and Abra­ 1656. The first time his name occurs on the ham Underhill. _ ( See· Sarah., of Thomas, Chap. Oyster Bay Records is in 1668, when he bought IV.) She cerfainly__ had a son, or grandson, Zeb­ land at Lusum, of Robert Williams. It is only ulon, who married Rose, daughter of Justice John in connection with that, and other purchases and Townsend. (See Justice Jolin, Chap. IV.)-Issue, allotments, that he appears upon the Records. His Townsend and Henry. Of Townsend we know first wife was a sister of Henry's wife, and a nothing. Henry was born January 13th, 1735, and daughter of Robert Coles.-Issue, Dinah and was _married, June 30th, 1752, tq Ruth, daughter Leah. The second was Elizabeth \iVeeks, of \Var­ of Silvanus Townsend. (See Silvanus, of Rich­ wick, R. I., John, Richard, Hannah, Deliverance ard, Chap. XVII.)-Issue, l\,Iary and Silvanus. and ~Iary, whose brother John married Rose, MARY was born 11:arch 12th, 1754. Her name daughter of John 1st. The date of his death is was Rose, but she preferred 1Iary, and so changed not known, but the settlement of his estate, which it. -She married Gideon \V right, December 6th, we copy below, is dated early in r671. and as 1772, ~nd died 11ay 6th, 1842. (See Gideon, his son Richard was then but hvelve weeks old, JVright, Chap. V.) he could not have been dead a great while. • SILVANUS 'Yas born November 19th, 1755 ; mar­ ried :r..fary M1les.-Issue, Townsend, who married. "These presents declareth unto all whom it may ~ Rebecca Franklin, granddaughter of Gideon any wise concern, that I, Elizabeth Townsend, }V right, and died without children. widow of the late deceased Richard Townsend, of Lusum, near Oyster Bay, in the North Riding, on Long Island, with the advice and consent of my husband's brother, Henry Townsend, and John CHAPTER XIV. Townsend his cousin, of the above said place, do ROBERT, SON OF HENRY 1ST, consent and agree to divide and part my estate as followeth, being made executors by the Gov­ WAs born June 3d, 1667. He was one of those ernor's order, because no will was made by my named in the New Purchase, and, besides, bought husband. Therefore, it is ordered and agreed la!JdS from the Indians on his own account. His that I am to have my house I now possess and will, dated 1687, which we copy below, shows house lot, with all the land I now possess belong­ that he was about to leave home. He must have ing to it, fenced and broken up and improved, and died soon afterwards, as his headstone on the Hill so much more westward joining to the rear of it is dated 1687. The land at Cedar Swamp, be- to the sum of fifteen acres, with. meadow at south . queathed to his father by this will. is now O\vned and Plains, during my life; but the rest of the · by the heirs of the late Mic~.jah Townsend, who woodland my husband bought of Robert \Villiams are the great-great-great-grandchildren of Henry is to be my son John Townsend's, when he comes 1st. They have the Indian deed. The place has to age, except six acres I reserve for a daughter, ~ever been sold, except by the Indians, which can if I see cause. But after my decease my son be said of very few places in the town. Richard Townsend, ·now twelve weeks old, is to 104 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

have my house and house lot and one-half the this jurisdiction, .for their overseers. That then . house plot, with the orchard that now is, and so the said overseers that are then extants are to much land to· the rear of it westward, to the sum take the invoice, if they like it, or take another of fifteen acres, being all of the first purchase of themselves, if they please; that I may then have the land of Robert \Villiams; and at my decease, my thirds out of all the movable goods and chat­ then my son John Townsend above said is to have tels, and the other two-thirds is to be divided all the lands remaining of the first and second amongst my three daughters, Hannah, ?\lary, and purchases, except six acres I reserve for a daugh­ Deliverance, or to the1n that are then alive; and ter above said, and the other half of the house the overseers shall by· this have power to do it if . plot above excepted to build on, if he see cause; I marry again, or ren1ove out of this jurisdiction but it is to be understood that the said six acres above said, or if I decease it shall be the same, is on the north side of the last purchase, and only then my one-third shall be theirs to whom I that all my husband's right of meadow and plains shall give it; but if I remain here during this my is to be divided between my sons John and Rich­ widowhood, I have liberty to give to my own ard Townsend, for their own proper right and three daughters above said, on marriage or other­ interest forever; but if either of them died under wise, for their portion as I shall see cause, ac­ age, his living brother is to possess and enjoy cording to my ability. And to every of the aboYe­ the deccased's lands as his own proper right; but, mentioned promises and engagements, I firmly en­ if I see cause, ten acres of plains is to be my son gage to perform. As witness my hand and seal. John's, when he comes to age, to possess and this eighth day of the 2d month, 1671. enjoy as the other ,voodland above said. And to "ELIZABETH TOWNSEND. my above said husband's two oldest daughters, "In presence of · us, Dinah and Leah, I do give, and by this deliver in present possession, for their part of their father's "JOSEPH NICHOLSON, "1Luy WILLIS, estate, two young horses, three years old, apiece, "HENRY TOWNSEND, "]ORN TOWNSEND. and two t\vo-year-old heifers, two cushions, two feather pillows, two coverlets, a white wrought "And we, the above-mentioned Henry and John petticoat, and bedding blankets-all to be divided Townsend, do own and consent to the above said, between them two; and the twenty acres of land and do stand as witnesses also." the Town of Oyster Bay did give their father, I do also give and confirm unto the said Dinah The John Townsend here mentioned as the and Leah, for their own proper right and inter­ cousin of Richard was his nephew, John, Sen.,. est; but if they sell it, I desire that for my son of Lusum. There are many instances in which or my brother John '\Veeks, or one of the above­ nephews are called cousins; indeed, ,ve do not mentioned persons, may have knowledge and re­ remember their being called anything else by fusal of it, giving so much as another will for it. that generation. Of Richard's daughters we know And to my three youngest daughters, Hannah, nothing. Deliverance, and 11ary, I give in present posses­ sion one three-year-old bay n1are, that is, in con­ sideration of a colt their grandfather \Veeks gave CHAPTER XVI. them. But all the rest of bedding, goods and household stuff, with the rest of horses and cat­ . JOHN, SON OF RICHARD, tle, are to remain in my hands for my use and comfort, toward the bringing up of my children; MARRIED, first, Phebe, daughter of Robert \Vill• . being but young and tender, do not know but it iams; and, secondly, Mercy ---: He removed may be all spent in bringing them up, the estate to Cape 11ay County, N. J., about 1698. His being but small ; therefore to engage to give por­ will, dated 1715, mentions his son-in-law, John tions to them-I mean to n1y own three youngest Willis, and his sons, Richard and Robert. In daughters, l-lannah, Mary, and Deliverance-it is 1757, Richard and John Townsend, of Cape 11ay, hard for me to promise and engage, lesa tthat I appoint an attorney in Oyster Bay. This is all have may be spent in bringing them up. But I we could find in the Records ; but through Daniel do by this promise and firmly agree, that if I W. Townsend we learned that there were still marry, or go out of this jurisdiction in way of Townsends in Cape May County, and one of removal, to give an invoice of all movables, house­ them, Reuben Townsend, has furnished 1.1s with hold stuff, goods, and chattels unto my husband's the following particulars. John Townsend settled brother, Henry Townsend, and his cousin, John near Townsend's Inlet, which. was called after Townsend, who are chosen by me, being related him. His great-grandson, Joshua Townsend, lives to the children, and my brother John Weeks, if within three hundred yards of the spot upon he comes to dwell here in this jurisdiction, for which he first settled. Except a very small part, overseers ; but if he come. not here, then the said his property still remains in the possession of his Henry Townsend and John Townsend may act d~scendants. He died in 172r. Besides Richard as overseers between ·the children and myself. But and Robert, he had by the first wife two children, if one or both of them die, then all, or some of Sylvanus and Sarah, who both died in 1711. them (I mean of my children under age that then Sarah must have been the wife of John \Villis, are), shall have liberty to choose one or more, but we know nothing of her family. · Robert as needs shall require, provided they inhabit in settled in North Carolina. 105 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

lUCBAim, SON OF JOHN, Priscilla married Rem Corson.-Issue, Baker, Uriah,. Edith. and Henry. },farried lfilicent Somers, of Somers Point, N. Tabitha married Eli Townsend.-Issue, James, J., June 16th, Ij04, and died May 30th, 1737.­ Hannah, Eli, Priscilla. lssue, Phebe, John, Hannah, Richard, Sylvanus, Priscilla married Joshua Swain.~Issue,. Joshua Isaac, ~1ilicent, Samuel, Robert, Daniel, and J a­ wdH~~ · cob. Phebe, ~Iilicer.:1t, Robert, and Jacob died JOHN married Sarah.-Issue, Israel, Swain, young. Richard, Zebulon, and John. JOHN n1arried, first, Sarah Brandreth; and, Swain married Sarah Hand. . secondly, Tabitha Young, in 1740. He died in Richard married Hannah \Velsey.-Issue, Char- 1785.-Issue, by the first wife, Amy,· 11ilicent, lotte, John, Sarah A., Lewis, Deborah, and Amos. David, and .Rachel; by the second, Henry Y., Z ebu/o,i married Antha Corson. Tabitha, John, Sarah, Judith, Hannah, Rachel, I olu, married ---.-Issue, Smith and Israel. and Joshua... Amy, lvlilicent, the two Rachels, SARAH 111arried John Stiles.-Issue, John, wfio and Joshua died unmarried. married 11iliccnt Young. • DAVID n1arried, first, Elizabeth Brandreth; sec­ JUDITH married Elijah Townsend.~Issue, Eli­ ond, Hannah Smith.-Issue by the last, David, jah, Judith, Enoch, Eli, and John. who married. Anne Swain.-Issue, Tabitha, who HANNAH married Jacocks Swain.-Issue, Josh­ n1arried Dr. John L. Smith.-Issue, David and ua, who married Priscilla, daughte.r of EH and John. The last married. Caroline, daughter of Tabitha Townsend. . Joshua Townsend. HANN AH, daughter of Richard, married Henry HENRY Y. married, first, Priscilla Ludlam; sec­ Stiles.-Issue, _Edith, George, Roaner, Abigail, and ond, Edith Stiles, then the widow of Joshua. Swairi.-Issue, by the first,· Tabitha and Reuben; EDITH married, first, --- Swain; secondly, by the second, Joshua and Henry, and Priscilla. Henry Y. Townsend. . Reuben. married Elizabeth Holmes.-Issue, RI CHARD, son of Richard, settled in Salem, Richard, who married Lydia Hand.-Issue, Rich­ N. J., and died in 1773.-lssue, Sarah, David, .ard H. Catharine, Jacob, and Judith. Descended from Jacob, of Cape May Towns- ISAAC, son of Richard, married Sarah \Vil­ -ends. · lets.-Issue, rviark ancj Isaac. Richard Holmes Townsend 1st, of . Cape l\fay ~!ARK married Elizabeth Clements. Court I-louse, married Lydia Hand in 1815.-Is­ ISAAC married Catina Albertson.-Issue, Sam• sae, Richard Holmes. uel, Isaac, Jesse, Sarah, and Anna T. RICHARD HOL1\'.fES 2d, born 1817. He re- 1110,·ed to Philadelphia and married Mary Q. Van Syckel.-Issue, Richard Holmes, Charles H. Eu­ gene, and Pauline. He died 1898. CHAPTER XVII. RICHARD HOL1\1ES 3d married r.fary T. ' Scott, of Erie, Pa.-Issue, l\fathilde. Their time RICHAito.,· SON OF RICHARD. ,vas passed between Philadelphia, Washington, D. AFTER the settlement of his father's estate, we C. 1 and Europe, where their great wealth and the could find no mention of the twelve-weeks-old acknowledged heauty of their only child, allied to Richard, except that in, i6gr be sold.. land in the social position of the Townsend family, af- Rhode Island to Thomas Townsend, and we had forded them distinct· prestige in the world of despaired of tracing him, when Chancellor ~ic­ fashion. Mr. Townsend was excessively fond of Coun lent us some papers belonging to John D. horses, and met ~is death while fox hunting in . Townsend, of New York and Astoria, by which 1902• . we found that in 1693 he was living in Hemp- CHARLES H. died in 1905. stead, ,vhere he married the daughter of John DR. EUGENE, a practicing physician in Phila- Smith, whose ,v ,:~ ,vas a daughter of Richard delphia, married ---.-Issue, l\1Iae, who mar- Gildersleeve, a 1.~agistrate and leading man in the Tied l-Ienry l-I. Pease, and resides in \Vilkes- early days of Hempstead. Among. the papers is Barre, Pa. . the following engagement with his father-in-law: PAULINE B. is unmarried, and resides in Philadelphia. · "This writing witnesseth, that I, Richard Joshua (twin with Henry, born July, 17'86; both Townsend, of Hempstead, on Long Island, other­ living 1864) married Sarah Schellinger.-Issue, wise called the Island of Nassau, in Queen's Aaron, itary, Reuben, \Villiam, Elizabeth, Caro-- County, in requital, or satisfaction, to my father­ line, and Jane. 1:Iary married Uriah Hewitt. in-law, John Smith, for his kindness to me, both Caroline married John .Smith. Reuben married in land and meadow which be has been pleased Julia Leaming.-Issue, Pennington S., Julia A., to bestow on me, I do bind myself in the sum of Florence L., and Lucien P. All died young but forty pounds, current money of this province, to Florence. keep in his employ, and to carry on his business Henry married Sarah Townsend.-Issue, Thom- as heretofore I have done, as far as the Lord as, Robert T., Charles, David, and Lewis. Charles shall enable me; and if that hereafter I shall see married Tobiah Corson.-Issue, Jonathan. cause to change my condition, yet I do hereby IOO JOHN RICH.ARD TOWNSEND. l\IRS. JOHN RICHARD TOWNSEND.· (Caroline Drake.) First President N. Y. Life Ins. and Trust Co. New York City. New York City.



own and engage myself to be an assistant and superior attainments and of such distinct integrity helpful to the carrying on and managing my that the name John R. Townsend was its own father's business with my own, during his and commendation. He was a graduate of Columbia my mother's life, so far as I am able to do. In College and of Columbia Law School, and became confirmr)tion hereof I have set my hand and seal, a distinguished lawyer at the N. Y. Bar. At his this 18th day of November, in the year 16g3. death, his funeral took place at his late residence, . "RICHARD TOWNSEND." i Washington Place, N. Y. City. The remains were then taken to St. Thomas Church, and from there He was married ·twice, but the na1ne of his to Jamaica, L. I., for interment. Later being second ,vife is not known. In 1717 we· find, by removed to Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn,·· the Town Record, that he bought a farm at Cedar where his widow had erected an imposing monu­ Swamp.. He died about 1739. It is very pleasant, ment tp him in the family plot. The N. Y. Bar after having so long lost sight of the fatherless and the numerous societies of which he was an infant, to find him prosperous, as these papers officer, among them "The Society for the Refor­ prove him to have been.-Issue, by the first wife, mation of Juvenile Delinquents," The New York . Richard; by the second, Mary, John, Timothy, Society Library, as ,vell as the N. Y. Life Ins. and Silvanus. & Trust Co., ·of which he was the first President, RicHARD lived with John at '\Vestbury, and drew up resolutions of regret which were sent to died unmarried, December 20th, 1795. his family, and moved to wear a badge of mourn• MARY married --- Jackson, and lived at ing for thirty days. Among lvir. Townsend's Jerusalem. One of her sons was· Obadiah. close associates were Stephen Allen, Gulian C. Verplanck, Gardner G. Howland, Albert R. Gal- - JOHN, SON OF RICHARD 2D, la tin, Joseph Kernochan, Robert Ray, \Villiam Was born in 17o8. He married Phebe, daughter B. Astor, Vice Chancellor 11cCoun, Henry Nicoll, of Thomas Carman, and lived at Westbury. He Charles O'Conor, \iVilliam l\Htchell, Francis B. died in Ii97; his wife, :November 12th, 1798.­ Cutting,. Cornelius R. Disosway, 1Ir. De Peyster, lssue, Richard, Ruth, Thomas, Samuel, and ~Iary. Mr. Verplanck and 1vlr. Gourlie. He married RICHARD was born August 14th, 1740. He Caroline, daughter of John Drake, a wealthy married, first, :Mary Titus, 1761; and second, merchant of N. Y. City, November 12th, 1828. Rosetta Seaman, 1770. He was a merchant at At the time, her admirers spoke of her as "the North Side.-Issue, by the first wife, Richard and prettiest girl in New Yark." Her direct ancestor, ?vlary; by the second, Thomas Seaman, John Sea­ Samuel Drake, of Boston, removed from there man, Jacob Seaman, William Seaman, and Jack­ in 1650 and became one of the ten original pro-· son Seaman. prietors of Eastchester, N. Y. Benjamin, of East­ RICHARD was born June 1st, 176.2, and married chester, 3d in descent from Samuel, died during -- Hewlett. He died October 13th, 1813. the War of the Revolution at Washington's l\lARY married Samuel, son of Ruth Townsend Camp, White Plains, N. Y., and John Drake, of and Samuel Titus. Eastchester, 4th of Samuel, married, in 1794, Thomas Seaman Tor.cmsend (of Richard 3d), Magdalen Guion, of New Rochelle, N. Y.-Issue born September 14th, 1771, · d1ed January nth, -of John Richard Townsend and Caroline Drake 1834 A wealthy merchant of New York City, he -Thomas Seaman, Jviadeline, John Drake, Jo- n1arried i-Iargaret Nostrand, of Jamaica, L. I., seph Lawrence and 1\1:argaret. February 25th, 1797.-Issue, John Richard and Thomas Seaman, named for his paternal grand­ Rosetta. 11r. Townsend's funeral took place from father, born in N. Y. City, 1828. Of an affluent his residence, No. II Dey St., N. Y. City. The family, he spent his time in traveling, and became following extract is from the diary of his son, interested in literature. Returning to America John Richard Townsend: "Jan. 11, 1834, my from a trip to Ireland, he met Sarah, daughter father, Thomas S. To\vnsend, died. His remains of Robert Brett Schenck, descended from the were taken to St. George's Churcb, of which he Delanos on the maternal side, who he shortly had been a vestryman. The funeral services after married. No issue. She died August 6th, were performed by Rev. Drs. Melnor and Anthon. 1904. He died November 24th, 1go8. 1-lr. Towns­ His pall bearers were Benj an1in Strong, Stephen end's chief work was "The Record of the Great Van Wyck, Hubert Van Wagenen, George Suck­ Rebellion," which now belongs to Colµmbia Col­ ley, Jonathan Lawrence, Sam'l Gilford, Jr., Sea­ lege. · bury Tredwell and Anthony L. Underhill. The Madeline married Henry Beeckman, whose body was left in the Church over night, and next mother was one of the ''beautiful 11:iss Livings-­ day taken to Jamaica, L. I., where it was met by tons," of N. Y. City. His nephew, R. Livingston relations and friends from different parts of the Beeckman, married Eleanor N. Thomas, and his country. Services at the grave were performed by niece, Katherine L., married Louis L. Lorillard. the Rev. William Johnson-the Rev. 1fessrs. Mr. Beeckman was a bank President and died in Schoonmaker, of the Dutch Reformed, and Crane, middle age. His wife died about, of the Presbyterian Churches, attending. The bells John, who died unmarried ; Livingston, who died of the Episcopal and Dutch Churches were both in childhood; and Gilbert Livingston, in the real tolled." estate business, died about 1903. • John Richard, born June 22d, 1802, in N. Y. I ohn Drake, born in N. Y. C., 183~. became City,· died February 13th, 1846. A man of very better known in mature years as Hon. John D.


.Townsend. He v:as intended by his father to from the Army, and they now reside at Gladstone, succeed him in the legal profession, as he very N. J. . early exhibited brains of unusual power, passing .1.lfargaret is the author of plays, books, and rapidly and with honors through ·several prepara­ articles, and also edited a posthumous book tory schools, and leaving Dr. Harris's at \Vhite written by her father, Hon. John D. Town­ Plains, entered Colutnbia College before his four­ send, brought out by the Chamber of Com- teenth year. His father dyi~g before his gradua­ merce of N. Y. City, called '"New York In tion, he immediately put into effect his great de­ Bondage." April 27th, 1900, she married Giovanni sire to follow the sea, visiting almost every quar­ Tagliapietra, member of a very old Venitian fam~ ter of the habitable globe. At twenty he was ily; a graduate of the Technical School of San second officer of the historic "Flying Cloud," Gio,,.anni Laterano, Venice, and graduate from which made the record sailing trip from N. Y. the University of Padua as Naval architect. Cir­ round the Horn to San Francisco, in eighty-nine cumstances decreed he should not practice this days. This visit to California made him what profession, and he became, instead, the world­ is recognized as one of the "Forty-niners." Upon renowned baritone in grand opera, singing with attaining his majority he inherited a handsome all the great prima donne of the day. A line fortune from his father, investing his entire cap­ from one of his criticisms in the United States, ital in a mercantile house, which eventually failed, is an indication of all-"To speak in praise of after his marriage to Eliza A. Delano Swan, of this baritone is to gild refined gold. Tagliapietra Boston, Mass., a "l\1ayflower" descendant.-Issue, is easily the first baritone in America; his tri­ Caroline Drake, Elizabeth Swan, 11adeline and umphs are to be counted by the number of his · Margaret. After the business failure, Mr. Towns­ appearances, and these have been made. under end, still a very young man, decided to follow · nearly every sun."-Issue, one child, died at birth. his father's wish and study law, finally graduating They reside in the old Townsend home, in West in the Dane Law School of Harvard University. Thirty-fourth Street, N. Y. City, made famous A Democrat, he represented Queen's County in for years by the great weekly musicales, and the Legislature, and was the nominee for Dist. gatherings of noted persons that Mrs. Townsend Atty.; his party also wishing to send him to the and her daughters delighted in giving. State Senate, but withdrew, as an ever-increasing I oseph, Lawrence married Emily H. Tailer, of practice was now claiming his time. Throughout N. Y. City. A man of most lovable nature. He his legal career of thirty years he became the was in the insurance business and died before lawyer-generally the defendant-in almost all the middle age. -Issue, Anna T. and John R. Anna noted cases of the time ; a tower of strength to T. married, first, Edward Pearsall Field, who bis clients and a most formidable opponent. He married Gertrude M. Baiter. She married, sec­ was recognized as difficult to defeat, and ac­ ond, Eugene 11. Cole, of N. Y. City.-Issue, \Vil­ quired the sobriquet of "New York's fighting mot L. They reside in New York City. I ohn R., lawyer.,, He was selected by Democrats and Re­ named after his paternal grandfather-John Rich­ publicans as counsel for the first Committee on ard Townsend-a banker and broker, and a great Crime; to investigate and report on every De­ lover of horses, having become a noted cross­ partment of New York City. His commanding country rider and four-in-hand driver, a rriember intellect ·brought him respect and admiration as of many clubs and a social leader; married, first, well as large remuneration, but money seemed the Pauline Onativia, a beauty and an heiress.-Issue, Jast consideration of his notable career. Although Robert Tailer Townsend. He married, second, continuing in active practice, his health was fail­ Virginia Orne, daughter of Benjamin Orne, Jan­ ing, though not alarmingly. The end came sud­ uary 16th, 1907, a handsome woman and an heir­ denly at a large family dinner party, Christmas ess. They reside in New York City. night, 1896, and before midnight the bulletin Afargaret married James R. Plum, of Troy, N. boards outside the newspaper offices throughout Y., in the leather business in N. Y. City, who the city were announcing the fact that the great rose rapidly to prominence, becoming one of New lawyer had passed away. York's representative citizens. He is the Treas­ Caroline Drake married, first, l\Iajor Francis urer of the U. S. Leather Co., trustee of various Preston Fremont, U. S. Army, the younger son banks and member of several clubs. She died in of General John C. Fremont, known as "The middle age.-Issue, George Willard, in the bank­ Pathfinder," and Jessie Benton Fremont, daugh­ ing business in N. Y. C., untnarried. James R., ter of U. S. Senator Thomas Benton.-Issue, two who died in his twentieth year, and Caroline children who died at birth and Francis Townsend Townsend, named for her maternal grandmother. Benton Fremont. She married, second. lviajor She n1arried Daniel Nason, a man of prominent Surgeon Frank Thomas \Voodbury, of Philadel­ family and a noted lawyer.-Issue, James Rankin phia. They have been stationed in the Philippine Plum and Mercy .P!um. They _resi4e _in ~-Y.. C. Islands, and now at Fort Assinniboine, Mon. Rosetta was born October 3d, 1805, and married Mrs. Woodbury is the possessor of a .beautiful Joseph Lawrence, of Flushing, .November r4th, soprano voice. Elizabeth, Swan married, first, 1823.-Issue, 1Iargaret, Harriet; I-Icnry Effingham, Lieut. John Reynolds Totten, U. S. A.-Issue, Caroline, Thomas, Catherine and Isabella. :John D., who died at two years of age. She Margaret married \Villiam T. Hicks. Harriet married Second Lieut. Francis J. A. Darr, U. S. died unmarried. Army, .son of General Darr. Lieut. Darr resigned Henry Ellingham n1arried Lydia G. Underhill, 1o8 !:· . (' I► it>: ',... --.

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a descendant of Captain John Underhill. of Oyster 1865, died Sept. 17, 1866. Helen, born March 25, Bay; and his great-great-grandson, Rev. Peter 187 I. 1\ifar-ried Dr. '\Voolsey Hopkins, Oct. 8, · Underhill, the first pastor of the Baptist Church 18g1. Dr. Hopkins died Feb. 15, 1900.-Issue, at Oyster Bay, who married Ethelena Townsend. Katherine \Voolsey, :Marion, Woolsey Rogers, -Issue, Edith, Margaret,· Joseph, and ~Iary Katherine Newbold, born April 29, 1873. i1r. Trimbk. . . James Birdsall, died ~larch 14, 1873. Sarah Crom­ Ed-itli married George Edgins Chisolm and re­ well, born Jan. 13, 1847, died Aug. 5, 1848. sides at 1\1:orristown, N. }.-Issue, John Rogers, Charles, born Feb. 20, 1850, .died l\Iay 15, 1856. Henry Lawrence, Donald 1-Iuhlenberg and Will­ Elizabeth] born July 10, 1852, married Henry R~ iam Edings. Gordon, uly 12, 1876.-Issue, Collingwood, born lrfa1·garet, unmarried. May 31, 1877, married Abbie Heard Owen, Aug. 4, I osepli died. 1904.-Issue, George Henry, born June 30, 1905, Mary Trimble married Louis Francois l\fichel and Donald Collingwood, born Nov. 16, 19o8~ Tonetti, residing in N. Y.-Issue., Annette, Lydia, Robert, born Feb. 22, I8i9- ~label, born Aug. 9, and Joseph. 1881. Douglas, born 1Iarch 12, 1887, and Eliza- CAROLINE (daughter. of Rosetta Townsend . beth, born April 10, 1894. 1Irs. Henry R. Gor­ Lawrence), born March 14th, 1832, died November don and her family own and are now residing on 25th, 18g8, mar.ried Rev. Howard Osgood, D.D., part of the farm land in Cornwall, bought by 1\ilrs. LL.D.-Issue, Ella., died in infancy ; Bradish, Gordon's great grandfather, \Villiam Townsend,· died in infancy; Howard Lawrence, Carrie in 1756. Julia, born Oct. II, 1855, married \Vill­ Townsend, Florence, Henry, '\Villiam Hicks, died iam Herbert Baldwin, Jan. 13, 1881.-Issue, John unmarried ; Jennie, Alfred Townsend, and Helen. Townsend, born ~larch 7, 1882, died---; fier-... Howard Lawrence married Katherine Rochester bert, born June 30, 1885 ; 1\-f arion, born Oct. -, Montgomery, and resides in Rochester.-Issue, 1886, died Nov. 21, 1897; James Cromwell, born Howard, born July 27th, 1889, and 1Iarvey l\font­ Aug. 31, 18g8, died 1'lay 3, 1904, and Julien, gomery, born June, 1891. Carrie Lawrence, born born July II, 1901. James, born June 26, 1859, April 20th, 1858, married I-Ienry Lawrence Bo­ married l\iiinnie Lipfield, l\Iay 3, 1882.-Issue, gert, residing in Flushing, L. !.-Issue, Carrie Edna Cromwell, born 1lay 13, 1885; Bessie, born Lawrence, married Francis Gordon Brown, Jr.­ April 4, 1887 ; James Charles, born Nov. 14, 1888 ; Issue, Francis Gordon, 3d, Henry Lawrence, Jr., Robert, born July 12; 1890; · Thomas Cromwell, 11ary Ludlow, Edward and Osgood, Florence, born Jan. 4, 1892; John. born Oct. 21, 1893; Kath­ born September 8th, 1861, married Belden Sey­ erine Birdsall, born l\Iay 31, 18g6; Ralph, born mour Day, residence, Morristown, N. f-Issue, Oct. 12, 1897, and \Villiam, born ---. iV·illiam, Charlotte Seyn1our, born 1894; Howard Osgood, born Sept. 9, 1861, married Agnes Mitchell, July born 18g6; Edward Belden, born 1902; and Flor­ 6, 18g5. Edward Crom:~t•ell, born Feb. 5, 1864- ence Belden, born 1904. Henry, born 1863, mar­ Clara, born Dec. 20, 1865. · ried Florence Pelletreau Lansing.-Issuc, William }ACOB S., son of Richard, was born June 26th, Hicks, born 1889. Jeanne, born I8io, married 1783. He married Mary Seaman, of l\Ierrick, L. Rev. Tileston Fracker Chambers, residence Sara­ !.-Issue,· Samuel Seaman Townsend, William, toga, N. Y.-Issue, Helen Fracker, Caroline Law­ Treadwell, Richard, l\iiaria Amelia Townsend, rence, born 1899, and David Abbott, and Eliza­ Rosetta 1\1. beth Fracker, twins, born 1902. Alfred Towns­ TREAD\VELL SEA1IAN was the only son end, M.D., born 1872, resides in New York. who married. His wife was 11aria.-Issue, Helen, born 1875, married Cornelius Schuyler George W. Davis, residence Rochester, N. Y. Tho1nas Tonmse1id died unmarried. Catherine GEORGE W~ removed to Paterson, N. · J., married Rev. Charles Tyler Olmsted, D.D .. D.C.L., where he engaged and prospered in the real es­ Bishop of Central New York. Residence, Utica, tate business. He is most highly thought of by N. Y. the citizens of Paterson, and one of the pillars Isabella, residing in New York. of the church. · In 1867 he married Sophia Au­ JOHN S., son of Richard, was born April 3d, gusta Sloan, of Bloomingdale, Passaic Co., N. J. . 1775, and died unmarried, January 26th, 17g6. -Issue, Annabelle, who married Gillispie.-Issue, THO1\.'1AS, son of John and grandson of Rich­ Adelaide Townsend. · ard 2d, born 1732, married 1Iary Loines.-Issue, ROSETTA 1\f., daughter of Jacob, married William, born Dec. 20, 1755. He moved to Corn­ Hon. Stephen Taber, of Roslyn, L. 1.-Issue, one wall, N. Y., where he married Elizabeth Doughty. daughter, who married Walter R. Willets, resid­ -Issue, Thomas, born ---, married 1\1:ercy ing at "The Homestead," Rosslyn, L. I. Thorne.-Issue, James Thorne Townsend, born MARIA AMELIA, daughter of Jacob, married Oct. 4, 1813. Married Hannah Cromwell, l\1arch Charles Post, of Glen Cove, L. 1.-Issue, one 31, 1840.-Issue, . l\1ariana, Sarah Cromwell, daughter~ who married \Villiam Valentine. She Charles, Elizabeth, Julia, James, William, Edward still resides at Glen Cove. · Cromwell and Clara. M cfriana, born 1\1:arch 7, WILLIAM S., son of Richard, was born August 1841, married James Birdsall, June 16, 1859.­ 16th, 1788. He married Eliza Downing, of West­ Issue, vVilliam, born 1'1ay 8, 1860, married l\1ar­ bury, and removed to Hillsboro, Illinois,· where garetta Beller, Sept. 14, 1890.-Issue, Eleanor, he died about 1854. Katherine and Charles Townsend, born April 24, JACKSON S. was· born August 5th, 1790. tie 1864, died Aug. I, 1864. Francis, born July 15, married Phebe and Jemima, daughters of Hewlett


'Townsend.-lssue, by the first wife, Timothy;. by years. Puring his life they resided at Wheatley, the second, John J. and Phebe A. on the beautiful .place now occupied by her son Timothy married Elizabeth Sexton. ~ownsend Rushmore, who i~ almost as. young for Phebe A. married, first, Alfred Cock (see Al· his. years (seventy-one) as h1s mother. Since her lred1 of. Datiiel, Chap. VII.); second, Jacob S. husband's death she has lived with her daughter, Underhill. the ~vido\~ of E?mund Post, at Westbury, whose RUTH married Samuel Titus.-Issue, Samuel family united with the old lady to make our ·visit and Stephen. of inquiry a delightful recreation.-Issue, Isaac, SAMUEL married, first, ~iary, daughter of Rich- Sarah, Townsend, 11ary, Jane, Thomas, and ard Townsend (see Richard, of Joh11,, Chap. Phebe. XVII.); and second, 1'fary, daughter of Samuel Isaac marri'ed Lydia Post.-Issue, Stephen and Townsend. (See Sanmel, of John, Chap. XVII.) Edmund. STEPHEN married Betty Holmes. · . Sarai, married John Hicks.-Issue, Lydia, Isaac, TH01'1AS was born in 1732, and married ~Iary Samuel, Stephen, Valentine, and John. Loines, who was born February 21st, 1734.-Issue, · T(!wnsend married Amy Willis.-Issue, Esther, William, Anne, Jervis, Pamelia, John, Phebe, Mana, Isaac, Phebe, Samuel, 1\ilary, and William. Obadiah, Sarah, and l\Iary. Mar:,, married Edmund Post.-Issue, Henry, WII.LIAM was born December 20th, 1756, and Robert, Lydia, Stephen, and Edmund; · · married Elizabeth Doughty. He removed to lane married Valentine Willis.-Issue, Letitia, Cornwall.-Issue, Mary, Elizabeth, and Thomas. Phebe, A<1ary, and Sarah. Mary married Samuel Townsend. (See Samuel, Tho11ias married Jane Valentine.-Issue, Eliza- son of Henry 6t/i., Chap, X.) beth and Stephen. · ANNE was born May 1st, 1759, and married. Phebe married Isaac Gifford.-Issue, William, Thomas Hanford, 1777. They removed to Nova Hannah, Robert, and Sarah. Scotia.-Issu~~ 11ary, Pamela, Anne, Rebecca, . OBADIAH was born June 7th, 1770, and married and Thomas. Phebe, daughter of Phebe Townsend and Josep!\ JERVIS was born August 15th, 1761. JOHN was· Lawrence.-.(See Phebe, of Henry 4tli, Chap. X.) born August 13th, 1765. These two died un- -Issue, 11ary, Joseph, Sally, Tho1nas, Etlingham, married. and Lydia. PAMF..LA was born June 28th, 1763, and married SALLY was born October 30th, 1772, and mar- Richard Underhill.-Issue, \,Villiam, Jacob, Adoni- ried \Villiam Burns.-Issue, Joseph. jah, lvfary, Thomas, Phebe, James, Samuel, Cath- MARY was born March 20th, 1776, and married arine, Sarah, Alfred, and Rebecca. Jacob Wood. · PHEBE was born November 23d, 1767, and mar- Eflingha,n To1.mise~t,d. descended from Richard 1'ied Stephen Rushmore. This lady is one of the 3d, was the head of a great Auction House in most remarkable persons whom we have ever New York City, the firm Townsend & i\Iontant. known. She is now (11arch, 1864) in her ninety• He married ------.--Issue, Emily, Har­ seventh year, and sees and hears as well as most riet, and Adelaide L. persons of seventy; employs herself in reading Emily married, first, Samuel ·Irvin.-Issuet E. and sewing, making her own caps. It would be Townsend Irvin. 1-Iarried, second, Dr. John ?vic a great deal to say that she retains her mental G. Woodbury, at one time Commissioner Street powers perfectly, but that would convey a very Cleaning Dpt., N. Y. City. inadequate idea of her without the addition of Harriet married --- Spofford.-Issue, Ade- the fact that they were originally of a very su- laide T. Spofford. · . perior order.·· We visited her to make inquiries Adelaid-e L. married William P. Douglas, of about her family, and spent the day with her, Douglaston ~Ianor, L. !.--Issue, 11iss E. S. and have rarely found so agreeable a companion. NoTE.-Though Effingham Townsend was· a There is an archness, vivacity, and humor in her cousin of the present compiler's grandfather, late conversation perfectly charming. Her appear- John R. To,vnsend, she does not recall his full .ance does not in any way indicate her extreme data and that of his children, and having been age, her complexion being clear and fresh, and - unable to obtain it, inserts the foregoing, which remarkably smooth. · Extremely neat in her dress, is imperfect.-1'-I. T. (T.) · she presents a most beautiful picture of old age. --S....\.1-IUEL, brother of· Butte, married Elizabeth When she moves about, she takes the hand of Smith, 1770. His daughter Mary married Sam­ some person to steady her. She is an Orthodox uel, son of ris sister Ruth, and Samuel Titus.­ friend, of deep piety, cheerfully waiting the com- Is~ue, Sarah, Silvanus, Moses, Silvanus S., fhe~e, 1ng of her Lord, and told us that ev~ry night Elizabeth, John, Joseph, Ruth, l\rlary, Ben1amm, she thought whether that would not be her last. and Hannah. She was, we are informed, a very active mem- Benjamin married Mary Ann Bennet, June 26, ber of the Meeting, as we had inferred from the 1828.-Issue, Benjamin Bennet, born April 15, energy, decision, and- ability which she now 1827, and· Samuel Titus, born April 20, 1830. evinces. She has one hundred and twelve chit- Samuel Titus married Antoinette Augusta Olm• dren, grand-children, great-grand-children, and sted, April 20. 1852.-Issue, Mary Eliza, born great-great-grand-children, and she can tell the Jan. 10, 1853; Nora Antoinette, born Dec. 8, 1856, n~mes of every one. Her husband died eleven and Sherman Bennet, born Sept. 25, 1864. years ago. They had lived together sixty-six Sherman Bennet married Eugenia Frances IIO TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

Tankersley, Nov. 23, 18g2.:_Issue, Antoinette RICHARD married Elizabeth Hewlett.-Issue, Pearl, born Sept 11, 1893, and Charles Wesley, Stephen ll., who married Jane Garvie. born 11arch 16, 1902. Steplieu, Heu:lctt TO'Z.i.'JLsend married Jean Watt --1,fary Elizabeth married \Vm. Youle Frazee, Garvie, daughter of Dr. Thomas Garvie, who Nov. 8, 1882.-Issue, Youle Townsend, born Oct. owned a large tract of land known as Garvie's 14, 1883, and Harold Townsend, born July I, Point, near Glen Cove Creek, 1835. He died Sept. 1889. Benjamin Townsend, the subject of the 'l, 1884, and bis wife died 18gg.-Issue, Elizabeth }.iliniature, was an old-time City merchant promi­ Helen, Thomas Garvie, George Hewlett, lvlary nent in the business and political a ff airs of New Jean, William Henry, Louisa Hanford, John York, where he resided in the early part of the Moore, and Annie. last century. He was on the Committee to re­ Elizabeth Helen married Benjamin Hewlett Sea­ ceive Lafayette upon the occasion of his last man, of l\Ierrick, L. !.-Issue, Jean To,vnsend, visit to New York, and represented the City at Hannah Hewlett, Louise I-Ianford, 11ary Ann, and many public functions during that epoch. He was Sarah Elizabeth. Thomas Garvie died, unmarried., a member and pew holder of Saint Paul's, New 1go8. . . York City, and was buried in the family lot of George Hewlett married Frances, daughter of Saint George's Episcopal Church, Hempstead, Jacob Smith, of Centre Island, and they reside at L. I.,_ with which parish the family had been the old Townsend House at Glen Head; L. I. connected for several generations. Mary / ean married Valentine Downing, of Ros­ I oseph, son of Samuel, married Martha ---. lyn, L. I.; Willian,, H cnry married Rose Bell Van -Issue, Sylvanus S. Sicklen; Louisa Hanford married Stephen Tread­ Sylvanus S. married Sarah A. Frost, Dec. 5, well Carman, of Amityville., L. I. ; / ohn Moore, 1841.-Issue, ~lary Louise, born Oct. 31, 1842. of Amityville, unmarried, and An.nie married She married \Villiam Roswell Woodward, 1'1arch William B. Jenks, of Brooklyn, N. Y. S, 1867.:_lssue, \Villiam Townsend, born April 17, John ~Ioore Townsend, son of Stephen Hew­ 1868, who died the same month, and Ed ward lett, of Glen Head, now residing in Amityville, Sylvanus, born March 22, 1871. He n1arried L. I., contributes some interesting items from his Mabel Constance Richards, April II, 1898.-Issue, branch of the family history. Constance Louise, born June 11, 1902, and Audrey, Speaking of his father, says he was regarded as born Jan. 13, 1905. l\1rs. Wm. Roswell Wood­ an energetic, aggressive man of affairs. Besides ward resides on her place "Raynham," Nyack-on­ his large farm, cultivated in the approved meth­ Hudson, and :\Ir. and 1·1rs. Edward Sylvanus ods of the day, he was largely interested in ship­ Woodward reside at Ardsley-on-Hudson. ping, and had built on his own place at Glen MARY married Richard l--lewlett.-Issue, Head as many as seven vessels of varying di­ Thomas, Richard, Joseph, Oliver, Sarah, Jane, mensions. He converted one of the houses on Hannah, Phebe, Ruth, Charlotte, and 11ary. his place into a school room, and engaging teach­ Thomas died unmarried. ers, had his eight children properly tutored under RICHARD married Hannah Hewlett, 1778. his own guidance. OLIVER married --- Titus. · Mr. Townsend calls attention to his own middle SARAH married --- Nostrand. family name of 1'.loore, often of such import in JANE married Samuel Cornell, 1777. genealogical research-this one in especial con­ liANNAH married, first, --- Watts; second, necting a very historical family with the Town­ Peter Hendrickson. sends. PHEBE married Jacob Hicks. Elizabeth Hewlett Townsend, grandmother of RUTH married Richard Townsend. John M., was descended through her mother, CHARLOnE married Thomas Leonard. Mary Ann Hewlett, from the Moore family, who MARY married Stephen Hicks, 1777. was the sister of Right Rev. Richard Channing TIMOTHY, SON OF RICHARD 2D, · Moore, D.D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Was married to Sarah Hewlett, 1738.-Issue, Church in the Diocese of Virginia, who was a Hewlett, Richard, Freelove, and Ruth. The descendant of Sir John Moore, and so the name da11ghters died unmarried. of 11oore has been carried down through genera­ HEWLETT married Annie. Hewlett, of Mer-­ tions in the Townsend family. · tick.-Issue, Timothy, Elizabeth, Hewlett, Ann, The Cedar Swamp, now Glen Head· Branch of Richard, 1'1ary, Sarah, Phebe, Jemima, Harriet, the Townsend family, acquired large areas of lan_d and Georg~. The last died unmarried. from the Indians ; and it is believed that the orig­ TIMOTHY married Abigail ~Iott. inal Indian deed is now in possession of the ELIZABETH married Jacob Townsend. ( See descendants of Jotham and Deborah Kirk Town­ Jacob, of Prior, Chap. VII.) send. The holdings of the Townsend family in HEWLETT married Ethelene Coles.-Issue, this vicinity of Long Island have been and still Sarah, Jane, Charlotte, Elizabeth, Freelove, Har­ are very large. The boundaries of the same will riet, and Marie. Sarah married Daniel McCoun. have here to be omitted for lack of space. Jane married Johh D. Hewlett. Charlotte married In olden times, the Townsends, too, owned Philemon H. Frost. Elizabeth married John D. many slaves,· their large tracts of land requiring Hewlett. married Willet Weeks. Har­ many field hands to do the work. Tiet married Thomas Albertson. The products of the farm lands were said to be ANNE married Benjamin Coles. ~ndian corn, rye, buckwheat, horses, horned cattle, . . III TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND. . ' '

sheep, swine, and an annual crop of young nig• Letitia married Robert R. Hunter. gers. Louisa married Thomas Van· Zandt. Upon the old Townsend homestead at Glen Head · there were grown each year thousands of NOTE. bushels of corn and many scores of swine. Asked by a city visitor, ''\Vhatever do you do The following copy from the original paper of with your immense store houses of com?'' Esquire George Townsend, of Norwich, now in "\Vhy, I feed it to the hogs," answered Squire the possession .of his grandson, Joh~ Townsend, Townsend. , ,, of Poughkeepsie, must .have been written late in "But whatever do you do with all those hogs?" the summer, or early in the fall, of 176g: ;pursued his visitor. "I feed them to the niggers, of course." TO CHRISTOPHER TOWNSEND. The Cedar Swamp· Townsends were noted for ·tneir well bred horses as well as for their mag­ "I make bold to write to you, and am but a nificent oxen. It was Richard Townsend who stranger, although I am apt to believe that we bred and raised the largest ox at that time known both sprung from one family-no longer agone to the New World. This splendid animal tipping than our great-grandfathers. And if what I. have the scales at over twenty-five hundred pounds wa.s heard-that you have . had some desire to know exhibited at various Fairs, and greatly astonished the genealogy of our, or, I might have said, your the farmers fro1n different parts of the country. family, which is what I have heard by Samuel tfARY married Robert Underhill.-Issue, Anne Townsend, a kinsman of yours here, at Oyster E., who married George Underhill. Bay, is what hath occasioned the boldness that I SARAH married Rowland P. Allen. have taken, being myself desirous of a further PHEBE married Jackson S. Townsend.-(See knowledge in that than I have been able to learn Jackson, --of Rz'chard, Chap. XVI.)-Issue, Tim­ as yet, there not having been many of our name othy, who n1arried Elizabeth Saxton. hereabouts since my time, very inquisitive about JEMIMA married Jackson S. Townsend.-Issue, the history of our ancestors. And as Justice John I. and Phebe A., who married, first, Alfred Samuel Townsend was telling me, some time Cock; second, Jacob Underhill. agone, that a relation of his, in Rhode Island, HARRIET ·married Paris :Mason. Christopher Townsend by name, an elderly man, RICHARD married, first, --- Hewlett; sec­ was very desirous to know .something more .of ond, --- Underhill.-Issue, by the first wife, the genealogy of the Townsends than he then Hewlett and Isaac; by the second, a daughter who did; and I now begin to be a man in years my­ married Israel :Horsfield. self, and am willing to send this to Rhode Island, ISAAC married Rebecca Schenck. to Christopher Townsend, to get him to inform SILVANUS, SON OF RICHARD 2D, me more than I know already. I shall take it as liiarried Susannah Jackson and Letitia Hedges: a kindness of you, and shall be much obliged to it is not known which was the first wife. Le­ you for it, after I have told you,. by writing, that titia was probably the last, and the mother of his I have heard already from some of my old re­ children.-Issue, Silvanus, Ruth, and Letitia. lations, by way of traditional account, and no SILVANUS married Theodosia Frost, Decem­ other way. As early as the disturbance in Eng­ ber, I764.-Issue, Benjamin, Iv!elancthon, Jacob, land, in the time of King Charles the First, the Silvanus, and Letitia. The last two died unmar­ first Townsend came into America, with a great ried. number of others, on a religious account; and, as JACOB removed to Port Jeffer$on, where his I have said before, those Townsends, our ances .. · family now live. ·. . tors, came three brothers-John Townsend, Henry BENJAMIN married Mary Hill.-Issi1e, James, Townsend, and Richard Townsend. Henry William, Isaac, and Elizabeth. James married Townsend, the youngest brother but one, came Priscilla Meade.· '\Villiam married Elizabeth 1-Ic­ first, and being a handy craftsman, came to some Coun. Isaac married Mary E. Cock. Elizabeth parts of Long Island, as it ·was and is still called, married Edwin Somarindyck. being one of the first men in these parts that RUTH married Henry Dickinson, June 30th, ever erected a grist-mill, and in the town of 1752. (See ·Henry, of Zebulon, Chap. XIII.) Oyster Bay in particular. And as he had been LETITIA married Benjamin Underhill, in used to the seas, · as I ha\'e been told, he went 1769.-Issue, Elizabeth and Townsend. home again to England* before he married, and . ELIZABETH married John B. Coles. ( See / olin, then he came again. He married and settled in . of Natham'el, Chap. XII.) Oyster Bay, and after he was married, the young­ TowNSEND married, first, Almy, daughter of est brother, Richard Townsend, came, a young Dr. James Townsend, of Jericho, who died 1'.1ay • man, and after some time, he married one of 12th, 1790; and second, Eliza Thompson.-Issue, his brother Henry's wife's sisters-both Coles. by the first wife, Benjamin T.; by the second, And after some time came John Townsend, who Letitia, Louisa, Edwin \V. was yours and my great-grandfather, who brought Benjamin married Eliza Weeks, January 12th, a wife and several children with them, and settled 1814--Issue, Almy, l\1aria, James, Miriam, Eliza, in this Town; and here he lived and died, I be• and Townsend. James married l\1argaret Var- num. Townsend married Mary Gage. · • Henry did not go back to England.


lieve, and left a large family, although there is years, who was a woman of about ninety years not much mention · made of his name on our old, who kne'w all the old settlers of this Town, Town Records for above one hundred years, for such as our grandfathers a11d their brothers and I find, as long agone as the year 1677, his oldest sisters, but not their father and mother. I Plake .. son, John Townsend, of Jericho, called senior, bold to call you kinsman. If you know any· thing: . by reason of his brothers Henry and Richard more than all that I have rehearsed, I should be had named each of' them a son John, which I glad to be informed. As for ·any of their old have heard mention rr1ade of by the name of :Mill writings, I never saw any except what is on the John, which was Henry's son, and Cape 1Iay Town Records. liy grandfather being one of the John, which was Richard's off spring. And as youngest, and your grandfather the oldest, it for Jericho John, Senior, I suppose to be your seems likely for him to have had some of his grandfather, and he was the eldest son of John father's or mother's papers. And there was Townsend the 1st, and my grandfather was Thomas Townsend, a second son, who was a George Townsend, the youngest of the sons but great ,vriter in this Town while here; and he one, although there was five sons and three daugh­ removed to Rhode Island, and died there; and if ters-the names I suppose you may knaw as wc11 hath been supposed that he left a great man)i as I, which I don't know but by hearsay, they papers in Rhode Island, that his children not being dead before my time; but I am acquainted grandchildren never recovered them back againl with all their offspring, the names of the five and as you are in those parts, you might perhaps brothers, John and Thomas Townsend, as I ~up­ have any manuscript or letter, if any had ever pose you might know, and James, George, and been preserved, of your great-grandfather atld Daniel Townsend, and three daughters-Rose great-grandmother, coming into these American Weeks, afterward Hayden, and Mary Vv right and parts; and when our great-grandmother died, all Elizabeth Ludlam.* But to return to their father, her husband's and her own. papers fell into the John Townsend the 1st. He came, an old man, hands of her sons John and Thomas, for I never into these parts, before the Town was purchased, saw or heard of any, for my part, and have made and made large improvements, and was dead be­ a large enquiry. ify father was but small when fore the Town Charter or Patent was taken. his father died, so that I don't expect to learn But there is a great deal of mention made of any thing further here, but shall still press my Elizabeth Townsend, his widow; but what her enquiry in so doing. If I should ever chance to maiden name was, . or what country-woman, I come to Rhode Island, I should endeavor to find don't know, but I have reason to believe that she you out for a further acquaintance; but was a Scotch or Irish, which I never could learn; myself almost fifty-six years old, but our great-grandfather, her husband, came out never having been much abroad, but having lived of the County Norfolk, in England, near Nor­ at Norwich, the same place that I now do and wich, which occasioned my grandfather and his have done ever since my remembrance, being the brother James to name this place Norwich, where place that my grandfather and his brother James both purchased and improved lands before they gave name to, as aforesaid. Notwithstanding· the died. And they died in what was and is sti11 improbability of my coming to see you, I desire called the great sickness, which was seventy-two and beg the favor of your calling to see me, if or seventy-three years agone the last winter; and you should perchance travel in these parts again. their father, John Townsend, had been deap a I think I have heard my brother John say that a great many year~, for my grandfather died in the Christopher Townsend, a Rhode Island man, had house that his mother built after her husband been at his house some few years agone, who lives died, and the date of that house, with the two at 1-Iamaroneck, in Westchester County. I have first letters of her name, spent the most part of this day in meditating on Elizabeth built the house in the year 1670, the discourse that Justice Samuel Townsend and and my· grandfather was born in this Town, and I had, within a fortnight or three weeks agone, his youngest brother, Daniel, and most of his and in writing these lines, in order to have them brothers and sisters were born in this country. ready to send by Robert Stoddard, Justice Town­ This is the sum and substance of that I have been send's wife's brother, whom I saw yesterday, as able to learn. 11y grandmother, that is n1y he told me he should return in about a week's mother's mother, bath been dead eleven or twelve time; and as I have not wrote so correct as I would have done bad I had time, that I shall beg •Elizabeth married Gideon Wright. John had no the favour of your receiving and accepting of the: daughter Mary. same under the most favourable construction."




Upon the conquest of England by the Normans ily, RICHARD TOWNSEND, held the rank of Colonel in 1o66, her lands were parcelled out by \Villiam under Cromwell, and commanded the army in amongst the military leaders by whose aid he had Cornwall which besieged and captured the castle accomplished her subjugation. A very large es­ of Pendennis. When Cromwell made his cele­ tate in the northwesterly part of the county of brated campaign in Ireland, Colonel TOWNSEND Norfolk, in the neighborhood now called Rayn­ · accompanied him, and rendered such service in J}am; (River Horne,) became the property of one the cause as to induce Cromwell to bestow upon De Haville. In 1100, a gentleman by the name him a large estate in the county of Cork, which of Ludovicus (Louis), came from Normandy, in is held by his family at the present day. The the train of Henry I., and having married the principal seat of Col. TowNSEND's descendants is daughter and only child of De Haville, settled Castle Townsend, a promontory on the coast of upon his wife's paternal acres, and adopted the Cork projecting into the Irish sea. Col. TowN­ family name of TowNsEND. These lands pJssed, SENn's descendants are very -numerous in Ireland, by inheritance, to TowNSEND's children, and the and a fuU score of them may be found at the family held them not only entire but largely Irish bar, and another score in the offices of the augmented after the lapse of eight hundred years Irish Episcopal church.+ In the anarchy which from the time they were granted to De Haville. ensµed upon the death of. Cromwell, HORA TIO The family led the life of country gentry, To,vNSEND, the head of the house and the pro­ until the year 1483, when the head of the house prietor of .Raynham Hall, exerted himself very was appointed a Baron of the Court of Common effectually to secure the restoration of Charles II. Pleas (i. e. Judge) by the badly celebratt".d Rich­ to the throne, and thus won for himself and fam­ ard III. Upon the fall of Richard III. on Bos­ ily a distinguished position at the British Court. worth Field, in 1485, I-Ienry VII., his successor, The head of the house was created a Baronet in . re-appointed· Baron TowNSEND to the same station, 1617. Charles II. acknowledged the services of and he held the office until 1498. In 1588, when this HORATIO TowNSEND by raising him to the the Spanish .Armada threatened to annihilate Pe,erage in 166r by the title of Baron TowNSHEND Protestantism and the power of Elizabeth at one of Lynn Regis, and in 1682 advanced him to the blow, RocER TowNsEND, the owner of the estates, dignity of VrscoUNT TOWNSHEND of Raynham. and whose principal residence was at Raynham, Up to 1661 the family had borne the name of in Norfolkshfre, rallied, with the other brave .Townsend. The first Roger, created by Richard spirits in England, about the banner of the Queen. III. Baron of the Common Pleas, was called He was a celebrated sailor, and, like Drake and Townsend. His name stands for the sixteen years Hawkins, brought his own ships into the service he was Judge, reported in the year books as of his sovereign. So gallant was his bearing that "TOWNSEND.'' ROGER TowNSEND, knighted for his he was knighted at the close of the struggle by gallant conduct in the struggle with the Spanish the British Admiral, Lord Howard of Effingham.* Armada, is immortalized as "ROGER TOWNSEND." A younger brother of this ROGER (JOHN TowN­ So we have conclusive evidence that the family SEND) accompanied the British Expedition to from 1483 to 1588 spelled their name without the Cadiz the next year, and won the honor of aspirate. Col. RICHARD TOWNSEND, who carried knighthood for his gallant conduct there. He the TowNSEND blood into Ireland in r649, and was a distinguished member of Parliament in his descendants in that country, spell their name Elizabeth's reign. He represented the county of in the ancient mode. The ToWNSENDS of the Norfolk. The family were zealous Protestants United States emigrated from England about from the dawn of the reformation, and gave their 1630 to 1635, thirty years before the spelling of influence for Protestantism and for the parlia­ their name had been disfigured _by the fancif~l ment against Charles the First. One of the f am- title conferred upon an elder cousm. The Ameri­ can TowNSENDS were emigrants from Norfolk- •In Cromwell's report to Lentbal, Speaker of ParUa­ ment, dated at Ross, county of Cork, November 14, tSee Froude's History ot England, vol. 12. pahge 1649, he speaks in high terms of commendation of the 456. "Lord Henry Seymour came, too, and all t e conduct of Colonel TOWNSEND In the Parliamentary distinguished seamen~ Hawkins, Drake, Frobisher. Pal­ cause in the neighborhood of Baltimore, Castle Haven, mer., Townsend, and numbers more whose names were etc., where the estates were subsequently granted him. only less illustrious." 114 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND shire, who, coming to Boston and Massachusetts England has ever produced. He died young. Bay from 1630 to 1635. brought with them the He married Caroline, the daughter of the Duke zeal which had fired their kinsmen to noble deeds of Argyle.* In Ii87 General TOWNSHEND, above against Spain and Catholicism in the latter por­ named, was further honored by being created tion of the preceding century. Indeed, the first 1·1ARQUIS TOWNSHEND, in the county of Nor­ TowNSENDS who emigrated to New England, folk. There are, in the year 1870, three members held the most advanced sentiments of that day, of this family in the House of Peers: the l\lAR• and shared with Ann Hutchinson and Roger QUIS TowNsHE:--lD, the VISCOUNT SYDNEY, and \Villiams the opinions which were supposed to BARON BA YNING. The latter gentleman has nO\V endanger the peace of the colony. The TowN­ assumed the family name of Powlett, although he SENDS who removed to Rhode Island and Long is a TowN!?.l-IEND of the full blood. The VIS­ Island, were deemed unsafe citizens by the colony COUNT SYDNEY, following the uniform traditions of l\1assachusetts Bay. It may be safely asserted of his family, is a liberal in politics, and under that no English or American family have been the Gladstone administration is Chamberlain of more readv to aid the onward march of civiliza­ the Queen's household. The present Duke of tion. That branch of the family bearing the title Buccleuch is half Tow!'lSHEND, being a son of the of Viscount Sydney in 1783, characterizing the daughter of the late VISCOUNT S\'DNEY. The spirit of the race, adopted the motto, "droit et Duke of Leeds is the son of CHARLOTTE TowNs­ a'2-'ant''-right and forward. The English family, HEND. . The Baron Ventry in the peerage of Ire• since the American exodus, have played a highly land, is also half TOWNSEND of the old Crom-­ conspicuous role upon the stage of English his­ wellian stock. The Bishop of }.leath is also. a tory. CHARLES TOWNSEND was a very prominent TOWNSEND, of the same stock, and of the fu,U statesman in the reign of Queen Anne, and in blood. Both the English and the Irish TowNs­ the tim~ of George First was Secretary of State ENDS have always been conspicuous for their ad­ and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. His second vantageous matrimonial alliances, for the preser­ wife was a sister of the celebrated statesman, Sir vation and improvement of their estates, and for Robert vValpole, and he bore a prominent part in· their liberal and enlightened patriotism. In con- the political controversies in which that states­ . clusion, it may be affirmed that the TOWNSEND man figured. GEORGE TOWNSHEND attained high family have borne a very prominent part in the position in the British army. He fought at Det­ history of the English race for the last four hun­ tingen and at Fontenoy, and upon the fall of dred years, and have shared in all the vicissitudes General \Volfe upon the Plains of Abraham be­ of that people in the Dritish Islands, as well as fore Quebec, succeeded to the command of the in America, during the eight hundred years which British army, and received the surrende.r of that have elapsed since the conquest of England by the celebrated fortress. His brother, HORATIO, fell at Norman branch of our Scandinavian ancestor~ Ticonderoga while acting as Adjutant-General under Lord Amherst in 1759. Another brother, •This ts the CHARU::; TOWNSEND, of whom Burke said, in the House of Commons : "He was the idol of the celebrated CHARLES TowNSHEND, was one of this house. and the or~ament of every social circle the most distinguished statesmen and orators that which be honored with his presence.''





Delivered at the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Uunderhill Society of America, held at Friends' Meeting House, East 20th Street, ( Gramercy Park), Manhattan, N. Y. city, on Saturday, May 18th, 1901, being the 271st .Anniversary of the arrival of Captain John Underhill in the ship "l\1ary & John," in Boston ·· Harbor.

The bay of Massachusetts is a noble inlet of their beautiful, costly residences, you would hardly the sea. In heroic incident from an early period suppose that "buckets and brooms" and "boots of our history it presents a brilliant and romantic and shoes" had done it; and Newport and chapter, unequalled in the annals of any other Swampscott, Nahant and Beverly, all have been section of the Atlantic seaboard, and although a engaged in commerce, and were also, with the small part of the United States, it is a large and other towns named, nurseries for seamen in the impressive factor in the history of the country. War of the Revolution and that of 1812. It was this magnificent expanse of water that gave And there, too, is Marshfield, memorable as the name of Bay State to 1'fassachusetts. the summer home in the lifetime, and now the Sheltered by the promontory of Cape Cod the resting place of the honored remains of Daniel first Pilgrim bark, the 11ayflower, after a tempes­ Webster ; and Plymouth, the settlement and home tuous voyage, found anchorage and shelter in a of the first company of one hundred Pilgrims, fair haven they called Provincetown, from of whom one half died from their hardships and whence, after repair to their shattered vessel, and sufferings the first year, the most of them in one­ exploring and examining the coast, they sailed fourth of that time, and when the ship went back across the bay, made a landing and settlement, in May, not one of the little band returned in which they called Plymouth. her, they devotedly stood by each other. No On the northern side of the bay, at Cape Ann, man can read of the heroic devotion of this little stands a lighthouse, which, with another opposite band without supreme emotion. Rufus Choate, at Cape Cod, like mighty gate-posts, Pillars of after visiting their burial-place., thus describes Hercules, are conspicuous beacons by day and it:- . guides by night to ships outward bound, or in­ ward to ports within the bay. "It was on a bank somewhat elevated near and Fringed along its shores since the advent of the looking upon the waves, a symbol of what life had Mayflower, there have risen cities and towns of been to them, ascending inland and above the more or less interest' and importance. Of such is rock, symbol also of the 'Rock of Ages,' on Salem, which became eminent as a literary center which the dying had rested in the final hour; and for its commercial activity during many years there were buried, the first Governor, and Rose, of its early history; and Gloucester, long famous the wife of 11iles Standish. 'You . will go to for its fisheries; and l\farblehead, with its secure them,' said Robinson, 'they cannot come to you.' " harbor, into which the frigate Constitution ran, And at the head of the bay is the City of Bos­ when in the War of 1812 she was chased by the ton. The golden dome of the State House, the British fleet ; and Hingham, which was noted in stately edifices, steeples, pinnacles, parks and its early days for its manufacture of buckets and Common, proclaim it to b :! the capital of the brooms; and Lynn, celebrated for its shoes­ grand old Bay State, the Commonwealth of "Everybody in Lynn," it was said, "made shoes :hiiassachusetts, built on three hills, Beacon Hill, except the 1finister," "he made boots," went one Fort Hill and Copp's Hill, where I was born on better. But if you saw those places t~-day, with 1:farch the twelfth, 1813. Opposite north, across II6 .... '-,~.;<·, .. ·~ . ti -~~ . ... ·

. \t .. (. --~,/-::~:/~;{

ISAAC TO\YXSEND S:\IITH. His Siamese Majesty's Consul-General for United States.


Charles river, are Charlestown and the Navy He coveted not his neighbor's lands, Yard, and Bunker Hill with its monumental shaft From the holding · of bribes ne shook his hands, pointing heavenward. The topography of the And through the carnp of the heathen ran, shore of the Bay is aptly described in the folk­ A wholesome fear of the valiant man. lore of my boyhood days: He cheered his heart as he rode along, With the sacred Scripture and holy song. "M.arblehead is.· a rocky place, In my investigation of the genealogical record Cape Cod is all sandy. of the Underhill Family I find much to interest Boston is a handsome place, me. Yankee doodle dandy." Captain John Underhill, by .his second wife, had five children, one of whom, a daughter De­ Very different from this picture of comfort borah, married Henry Townsend. 11:y mother and wealth of to-day, was the aspect to the was a Townsend, by the branch of the family that weather-beaten Pilgrims, as they entered the bay settled in l\1Iassachusetts. All the American on that bleak December day in 1620. There was Townsends are allied, being descended from one neither lighthouse, beacon nor buoy to mark the stock, that of Admiral Roger Townsend; wlio channel and indicate the course to steer it; it is a went with his own ship into the fight against the perilous undertaking even now, with a pilot and Spanish Armada, and .was knighted on board his light ship, and one of their vessels, following the ship for gallant and distinguished services. ''Mayflower,'' was wrecked off Cape Cod. The I find the records still further interesting­ vessel grounded on a sandy shoal, from which that another daughter of Captain Underhill, she could not be floated. The sand speedily Elizabeth, married Isaac Smith, of Hempstead) washed ab6ut and over her. The passengers and L. I., which brings my entire name, Isaac crew, with cargo, were taken by boats to Prov­ Townsend Smith, into this family record. 1'ty incetovv·n, where the "lv!ayflower'' had found shel­ branch of Smiths, also from England, settled in ter. This imprisoned ship, thus interred under New Hampshire, "an excellent place to be born,'' the sand, hermetically sealed for about two hun-­ :rvir. \Vebster, having been himself born there, dred and fifty years, was, by the turn of the cur­ said, "provided you leave it soon enough." l\1y rent of the ocean returning to its original channel father left New early in life, released from its long confinement. She came went to Boston, where ·he married Eliza Towns­ up sound as a nut to the astonishment of the end. He became a prosperous merchant and left people' of Provincetown. After some battling a gpod estate, and reared a family · of sbc chil­ with ·the billows, they succeeded in securing the dren, of whom I am the only survivor. I feel hull entire by taking it apart, and bringing it to thetefore, without studying up the pedigree fur­ land. This vessel, a relic of the past, excited ther, that I am unmistakably in the Underhill great interest. It was taken to Boston, put to­ Family, as a cousin certainly, although perhaps a ·gether for exhibition and set upon the Common, distant one. I at one time invited a young where I saw it, went aboard, and walked the Chinaman, a literary man, to dine with me; the deck where the old pilgrims had walked, and sat following · day he came promptly and brought in the cabin of a vessel that had been, so to say, with him another of his countrymen. They a consort of the "1'.iayflower." looked so much alike, with their almond shaped Among those who came to Boston in the Pil­ eyes, long black queues, yellow skin, and shoes grim ships with Governor \,Vinthrop was Captain shaped like a Chinese junk, that I said, "Your John Underhill, ori April 7th, 1630, under an brother?" "No," said he; then I asked, "Your agreement to train the militia of this new settle­ cousin?" "Yes, yes," he replied, with a merry ment and make plans for public protection. Cap­ twinkle of the eye, "sixty-seventh." Within a tain John Underhill was to this Colony what radius of sixty-seven, I may then venture to be­ Miles Standish was to Plymouth. Boston gave lieve that I have a name and a place within the Captain John Underhill a pension for his ser­ circle of the Underhill Family. vices against the Indians in 1643. He left Bos­ The Underhills are an old English family and ton and came to New York under convictions of were of standing and character long before her­ duty. aldry was established in England. Heraldry was Winthrop brought grave charges against Roger originated by Henry V. in 1419. But early as Williams. This Underhill could not brook, and 1274 the name of William Underhill appears in was so incensed that, with others, he remonstrated a commission appointed by Henry III., and con­ with the authorities, and with Vane, a Puritan of tinued by Edward I., to inquire into the landed the Puritans, warmly supported 1'Irs. Anne Hut­ possessions of the kingdom. In 1500 we find chinson and her brother-in-law, the pious John Robert Winter conveying property in Huning­ Wheelwright, who arrived in 1634 from Atford, ham to John Underhill, on the river Trams, four near Boston, England. Public sentiment is now miles from Kennelworth in Warwickshire. This emphatically with Captain Underhill, Roger Will­ John Underhill ( son of Thomas) married Anne, iams and Ivirs. Anne Hutchinson, in their views daughter of Robert Winter, an heiress, whose of freed om of thought and speech on matters per­ son Edward was grandfather to John Underhill taining to church and state affairs. Whittier of America. He vtent to London and was made writes -of Captain Underhill:- a gentleman pensioner. 117 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

During the reign of Elizabeth the Underhills Arrny as Generals and Governors or farts; in were in great prosperity and employed in con­ the Navy, besides the first naval hero Roger fidential offices; they became connected with some Townsend of Armada fame, there have been of the best families, and attained the honors of Admirals of the White· and Admirals of the knighthood. · Sir Edward Underhill was knighted Blue. George Townsend took to a maritime life in January, 1612. He was High Sheriff 1637-38. and distinguished himself in several actions dur­ Many literary productions have emanated from ing the war with France, 1724 As Commodore the Underhill Family. \Vm~ Underhill was Sec­ of a squadron of His ?v!aj esty's ships in the \Vest retary and one of Queen Mary's Board of Gentle­ Indies, he took a large fleet of French merchant men ·Pensioners, who were chosen from the flower ships; in 1765 he was appointed Admiral of the of England's nobility and gentry, and during the \Vhite and in 1766 Admiral of the· Blue. whole of Elizabeth's reign to serve in its ranks . Augustus Townsend made several voyages to. was a distinction worthy the ambition of young China as Supercargo and Captain in the service men of the highest families and most brilliant of the East India Company, in which situation prospects. And all the way down the pages of. he died at Batavia in the Island of Java about history I find that Underhills filled the offices of 1766. In the like manner, as Supercargo of a Barons., Bishops, Queen's Chaplains, Magistrates, -ship in those far off seas I went into Batavia in Secretaries, and other- positions of honor . and 1835, and like my kinsman Augustus Townsend confidence. was taken sick of fever and went to the hospital, Sir John Underhill was the friend and com­ but more fortunate than my predecessor and panion of Lord Leicester, and he was sent from cousin, I recovered sufficiently to be taken1 aboard Holland by Lord Leicester to Queen Elizabeth. my ship, then ready for sea, and on the voyage with confidential communications, with which it' home regained my health. was said a romance was connected. John Townsend was elected to Parliament, and went with the Earl of Essex to. the invasion of the Spanish possessions; in 16o6 was knighted. He became a leading member of Parliament. THE TOWNSEND FAMILY. The next Sir Roger Townsend was created a Baronet by King James !., in 1617. In the The family of the Townsends being by inter­ third year of the reign of Charles I .. he was marriage. connected with the Underhills, the his­ elected one of the Knights of the County of toric position of the Townsend Family is of in­ Norfolk and Sheriff of the· County. He built a terest in that connection, and to make the his­ grand stately mansion at Raynham, the family tory complete. seat. He died in 1630, age 41. Upon the conquest of England by the Nor­ Sir Horatio Townsend as soon as he was of mans in 1o66, the lands were parcelled out by age took part in public affairs, and attained great William to the 1nilitary leaders by whose help influence from his wisdom and sagacity. Lord he was victorious. A very large estate on the Clarendon said that he used his noble ,vealth and northwesterly part of the county of Norfolk, in credit in furnishing arms and ammunition for their neighborhood now called Raynham (River the King's service. Lord \iVilloughby and· others Home), became the possession of one de I-Ia ville. of influence were drawn to his side, and King In 1100 a gentleman by the name of Ludocishs James II., in appreciation of his services, ad­ (Louis) came from Normandy in the train of vanced him to the dignity of a Peer of the Realm Henry I., and having married the daughter ·and by the title of Baron of Lynn in 1661, and shortly only child of de Haville, settled upon his wife's after constituted him Lord Lieutenant of the paternal acres and adopted the family name of County of Norwich, and further advanced him Townsend. These lands passed by inheritance to the title of Viscount Townsend of Raynham. to Townsend's children, and the family held them On his death in ·1687, his son, second Viscount not ·only entir~ but largely augmented after the Charles Townsend, took his seat in the House of lapse of eight hundred years from the time they Peers, December 3rd, 1697, and in 1702 was con­ were granted to de Haville. stituted Lord Lieutenant of the City and County In 1183 the head of the house was a Baron of of Norfolk; and in li09 with the Duke of 1Iarl­ the Court of Common Pleas. In 1588, when the boro was appointed plenipotentiary to treat for $panish Armada threatened to annihilate Protes­ peace with France. In 1714 he was sworn as tantism and the power of Elizabeth at one blow, principal Secretary of State; in 1716 he resigned Roger Townsend, the owner of the estates, was a the Seal of Secretary of State, and in 1718 was celebrated sailor, and with Drake and Hawkins appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, which he brought his own ships into the service of his declined. In 1720 he was appointed President sovereign. He was knighted for his gallantry _by of the Council, and the same year one of the the British Admiral . Lord Howard. · Lord Justices, and again made principal Secretary In 16o3 Robert Townsend was Knighted by of State, and in 1723 one of the Lord Justices of King James I. Great Britain, and in 1724 appointed Knight of The Townsends have been one of the most the l\Iost Noble Order of the Garter and was distinguished families in English history, and installed at ,vindsor. He attended the King at have numbered in their ranks Secretaries of ment, Lord Lieutenants of I re land, and Peers of State, Lord Chief Justices, 1-Iembers of Parlia­ Hanover, and peace being settled in Europe, he the Realm, and have been distinguished in the retired to his family seat at Norfolk. TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

Charles Townshend* married Caroline, sister of sympathized with Roger Williams . and Anne the Duke of Argyle. 1-Ie was one of the most Hutchinson and others, and were not in harmony distinguished statesmen and orators England ever with the persecuting spirits in the colony. Brooks produced. Edmund Burke said of him-".He was Adams, in his Emancipation of 1\-Iassachusetts, .the idol of the House of Commons and the states that Roger vVilliams' controversy with the ornament of every social circle which he honored authorities was two-fold. He maintained that with his presence." It was said that he could the land of the Indians should not be taken with­ carry the house when Burke failed to move it. out purchase. The old· Puritans held that the · In direct descent from this Charles Townshend earth was the garden of the Lord, and peculiarly and Caroline of Argyle his wife is the present the heritage of the saints, that they were the llarquis Townshend, who is first cousin to Her saints, · and wherever they saw land that was not Doyal I-Iighness the Duchess of Fife, the daugh­ fenced and waving with corn, they had a right to ter of King Edward VII. take it. · The 1:Iarquisate of Townshend is one of the Roger '\Villiams said, "Nay, no more than they most ancient as well as the most distinguished in had to go into a gentleman's park in England, England. and occupy a part of it." His views on church The first marquisate was that of Westminster,· order were also obnoxious. He maintained that created about the year 1500. That of Lansdowne a Church should be composed of believers and was the second, and that of Townshend the that unconscious infants were not fit subjects. third, so that the present Peer takes precedence He was accordingly banished. In protest against of all the others except the two mentioned. religious persecution the Underhills and Town• In connection with our own history, it is a sends appear to have been in sympathy and stood curious fact that the Charles Townshend who as together. · Chancellor of the Exchequer advocated the pas­ It is interesting to those holding liberal views sage of the stamp act and the tax on tea, was to note the change of sentiment in Massachu­ on my side the tory ancestor of my children, setts as shown by the recent Legislature, which while on the side of their mother (Elizabeth rescinded the obnoxious acts and passed another Palmer Putnam) their great grandfather was the rehabilitating those who were banished. It is to patriot Major Joseph Pierce Palmer who, as one the credit of the State to remove that stain upon of the leaders of the farnous Boston Tea Party, its character, although futile to relieve the un­ threw the shipload of taxed tea overboard in fortunate victims of its persecution. Boston Harbor December 16, 1773. He was the Are these memorial observances of distin­ son of Major General Palmer, President of the guished fa1nily history of any interest and im­ first Revolutionary Congress in Boston. portance to the community at large? Certainly, In the record of the Underhill Family we very much so in the instruction and stimulus it i have seen that a connection with the Townsends gives to patriotic deeds. A community is made was made by a daughter of Captain John Under- of individuals, and I need not say that the better . hill marrying Henry Townsend. \Ve now find in the quality of the individual the more excellent the records of the Long Island Townsends that and enduring are the institutions of the country. Malcom Townsend married Emma Virginia Cox, These grand men are the foundation and .frame­ a descendant of Samuel Cox who married Anne work on which the social and political fabric Underhill, making a double connection. may securely rest. Coming down from genera­ The Townsends in the United States emigrated tion to generation with a history of public virtue from Norfolk, England, from 1630 to 1635. They and private worth, a community may well feel brought with them the zeal that had inspired their favored to have with them such examples as kinsmen to noble deeds against Spain in the latter guarantees of the stability of their institutions. part of the preceding century. They held indeed We find among the descendants of the Town• the most advanced sentiments of that day and send family the name of Governor Alonzo B. Cornell of Ithaca, in the State of New York, a •The name ls usually spelled In England Town• most valuable public spirited citizen-the son of shend, fn the u. S. Townsend. Ezra Cornell, founder of Cornell University.


CHARLES B. TO\VNSEND, Lieut. U. S. Army. Philippine Scout, Manila, P. I. Date of rank, Dec. 18, 1907. Company 24 Ancestors, English. ISAAC TO\VNSEND, born in Wayne Co., N. JOHN TOvVNSEND, born 1770, in South Y., removed to and settled ~t _Concord, Jack~on Carolina, died 186o. Married ---: Iss~e, Co., ·1'1ichigan, · in the ~arly th1rt_ies, where he died Georg_e \V., born 181~, at South Carolina, d~ed in the sixties. 1larr1ed a l\il1ss Penny.-Issue, ~t Texas, 1883. Marr!ed . . . Issue, Will­ James \Veeden, Harriet, 1'-Iary, Roxy and Abb~y. 1am Kelly, connected 1n business with the Trust Harriet married Roswell vVebster. l\Iary married Co. of Dallas, Texas. Thaddeue Wade. Abbey married Jesse L. Par- WILLIAl\1 TOWNSEND, came to America meter. Roxy died unmarried. Jafl}es \Veeden from Herefordshire, England, about 1835, and 1narried Eunice Parmeter.-lssue, Viola, James, settled in Ohio, where he was later joined by Isaac, Charles Elroy and Jesse Elton: !:"Ion. Charles two of his brothers, John and Simon.· A fourth Elroy Townsend is the sole surv1v1n~ member. brother, Richard, lived and died at Colford, Eng• He was born 1856. Attended Un. of 1ltch., a law- land, leaving no issue. William Townsend mar­ yer. A member of the Sixtiet!} U. S. C~ngre~s. ried ---.. Issue, seven sons, of whom three ?wlarried Rena Padock. No issue. Resides 1n died. Living are, T. B., Isiah, Samuel and Jackson, 1Iich. Francis. T. B. Townsend married · . Is- CHARLES \V. TOWNSEND, a. well-known sue, Orville N. and one daughter, married. T. Kentucky journalist, deceased. lvlar~1ed ---. B. Townsend's nephews are Grant Townsend, Issue, --John \Vilson, born in Lexington, Ken., William, Harry and Frank V. Mr. Townsend is Nov., 1885. Entered Kentucky Un., 1902, four a heavy contractor and manufacturer of prom­ years. Courses in history and lite':"ature at Har- inence at Zanesviile, Ohio, where he and his vard Un. ., 1907. A success£ ul biographer and family reside; and he is also the p·roprietor of essayist. . . • . Rockland Stock Farm, a large ranch in lvlarion EDWARD TO\VNSEND, family ongma11 Y Co., Kan. from N. Y. S., .removed to Toronto, On. 1Ylar- JA1vIES TO\VNSEND, came to America ried ---,. Issue, T. G. Townsend, who m'!,r- about 1805 from the north of Ireland, a widower Tied ---. Issue, J. C. Townsend, now resid- with two children, George and Jane. He bought ing in Detroit, 1Iich. d a farm at Fairfax, Va., where George grew up TOvVNSEND, married A. H. e and became a school teacher. Jane died. James Haven head of a banking firm in Wall Street, n1arried, second, Nancy McIntosh. Issue, James, N. Y. 'C. Resides at Ocean Grove, N. J. John, \Villiam, Colin, Alexander, Charles, l\iiar- SAMUEL B. TO\VNSEND, of. Oyster Bay, garet, An~eline, .B~rbara, ~lizabeth, Katherine L. I., married·---. Issue, Wilham J. Town- and Adelaide. Vh~ham marn~d. ---. Issue, send. l\,Iarried ---. Issue, l\1:rs. '\iValter S. A. B. and Nannie B., res1dmg at P9rtland, '\Vaterbury residing at Tarrytown-on-Hudson, and Oregon. Mae E. T~wnsend, residing with her uncle, Ed- ANTHONY TOWNSEND, born at Halifax, ward H. Townsend, at Auburn, N: '!· . ~ova Scotia, of English parents, July, 1800. 1Iar- WILLIAM J. TOvVNSEND, res1d1ng tn Cleve- r1ed ---. Issue, fifteen children, one daugh- land Ohio. ter marrying a Townsend· of Lounsburg, Cape ISAAC T0\1/NSEND, residi_ng in M_aine, hayd Breton; another daughter, Hattie A., married a brother Nathan who settled 1n Batavia, N. · Chas. H. \Vebster, of Anthony, R. I. Mr. and Isaac married Clarissa Copeland. Issue, Copeland, 1\frs. '\Vebster· reside at. Rochester, N. Y. born at Noridgewalk, 1'Ie. l\1arried O • • THEODORE F. TOWNSEND, is attached Issue Copeland, born at Oconomowyc, Wfis., to the Weather Bureau Service, P. 0. Building, Nov.,' 1859. Married . . , ~augliter ~ a Philadelphia, Pa. southern army officer of dtstmction. He 1~ a SA!v!UEL JACKSON TOvVNSEND, married very promi~ent hotel man, at present managing Mary Hagerty. Issue-Wm. Thomas. He wag "The Imperial," N. TY. C.. . prominent in the Revolutionary \Var from N. H. S. TOWNSEND. resHhJlg at Buffal!). _N. Y. Y. S., and was first paymaster to a Co. in his CHARLES H. T. TOWN SEND, residing at State. He was at Fort Schuyler, and tater in ?v!elrose Righlands, Mass. . . the battle of \Vhite Plains. At the close of the HOWARD C. TP\VNSEND, an a~ttve bus1- \Var was with Gen. 1farion in South Carolina. ·ness man of Harnsburg, fa. 1!arried_ -- He located in Georgia, removing in 1812 to Ata- Freeman.-Issue, one son 111 business in New bama. He was Aide-de-Camp to Gen. Jackson York. . D S L . ~,r at the battle of Horse Shoe Bend (Indiana). 11RS W11. A. TOWNSEN ' t. ou1s, l'V o. UT'llf THO'l\~As . d s h z· . CHARLES F TO\iVNSEND Justice n J.v . . u'.1. , marne ara . immermap~ • IION1 • • • • ,·u d ' N y Issue-Kmtchen Alford, who married Cornella 1n C~>Urt of Special Sessions, ·v e~ port, : . · Howard. Issue-Tallulah, who married J. G. Married ---.-Issue, Fred Blair, a practicing Moore and resides in Birmingham, Alabama. attorney at Syracuse, N. Y. , I20 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND


(By Courtesy of llortimer Delano, Pursuivant-of-Arms (Extracts).

1st. Tlze Inherited Right to Bear Coat-Armor i,i America.

At the time the English began the settlement of There was also constant influx of Europeans America, there were two classes of people in into the plantations and colonies, bringing the England, from one of which came eventually the latest news and fashions, keeping alive the in­ Puritans, from the other the Cavaliers. terest in European life and customs, and all this The first made New England; the latter formed aided to continue the use of official and family the Virginia Aristocracy. coat-armor. > Many ,of the settlers were gentlemen; both The French Huguenots added their _ancestral classes, included descendants of the best families armes to the growing role of American heraldry. of their respective countries-men of high edu­ Puritan and Cavalier both respected and looked cational attainments representing the various to their fatherland. learned professions. Differing in religion, they both accepted the Some were graduates of Cambridge or Oxford; custom long established by usage of coat-armor, others, younger sons seeking a new home, either as seen in their seals, bookplates, stained glass as bachelors or family men. A large proportion of the early settlers were windows and tombstones. not only entitled to bear coat-armor, but were To them the coat-of-arms was the one mark punctilious in its use. of esteem which all in a family might use. show­ These are the families represented· in the early ing thereby that inseparable bond of kinship. history of heraldry in America. They were animated by a pardonable pride to The position assumed by this select few has possess one thing, by right of lineal discent, which stimulated research in genealogy and heraldry­ could not be taken away, stolen or used by an- the sa1ne right being continually established by other. · other American families. The fact is indisputable that the different fam­ Intercourse was, as we all know, maintained ilies retained their surnames as used by· them with the old home and old friends, as well as before the establishment of the Republk: the slow n1eans of communication ,vould pern1it. No thought was ever entertained of doing other­ What is said in this regard to New England wise, and coat-armor, including the crest, is the may be applied to the plantations of Rhode Is­ direct personal attachment of a name. land, Virginia, the City of New An1sterdam, and its great outlying estates ruled over by the Pa­ Up to 1775 the United States was under the troons, the Pennsylvania, !vlaryland, Georgia, and Crown, having royal governors for each colony. Carolina grants, and the Louisiana settlements, Thus, all official business, deeds, records and with the aristocratic French emigrees. papers requiring seals were impressed with the Out from this varied lot of European names governor's coat-of-arms, and in private matters and families came the American Nation. with the armes of those interested. One finds that the settlers who bore the coat­ Heraldry, though applied to coat-armor, is in armor pertaining to their families, not one, prob­ truth a term for the work of the herald, and is ably, had the .intention or desire to alienate the much more than blazoning and marshalling armes. new lands from the protection of the crown. The coat-of-arms is literally a dignified trade They were loyal to the fatherland--0ver a cen­ mark, in the ~enealogical sense, or badge of the tury must pass before the break would begin. name and family to which it pretends. . Why should they? Their old homes held many It is useful for the identification of persons and and dear reiatives. Alone i.n a wild land their property, and is more to be relied on in research thoughts would naturally dwell on old ways and than the family names, which, by reason 0£ varia­ home customs, n1any of which they reestablished tions. in spelling in old records, etc., are difficult in the new land. to follow, while the accuracy of a coat-of-armes That the use of coat-armor was one of these can always be relied on. imported old home customs becomes apparent to It shows connection, discent and important all ~ho take the trouble to study the every-day marriages-being a guide to historians, genealo­ history of Colonial times. gist and pedigree compilers. I2I. TOWNSEND~TOWNSHEND

It began seven hundred years ago as an aid to and behold not one was to be found I So we the identification of persons, and to-day exists turned with heavy hearts from the old church• exactly in the same sense. ground, wondering if we really had any. an­ The use of the heraldic bearings is not indic­ cestors, when we met an old gentleman, and I atlve of rank or title. It is, and always has said meekly-"Do you know sir, are there any been, the distinction of. a house, whether com­ Townsends buried in this place?" . .moners, gentles or nobles. In all countries is He laughed, and said there ought to be, as this truE; to-day, and in them, all men, if gentle­ about every other house in the town was built men as we understand the term, are entitled to or had been inhabited by a Townsend, ''but I this name distinction, for legal as · well a~. social suppose you want to see the. graves of the "Three purposes. .. · Brothers?" · · . Equally true is this of tlie helmet, crest, mantle I said yes rather dubiously, for I was not sure or ·flourish and motto. but he was laughing at me. Then he said "I sup­ Supporters, particularly in England, are the pose you have heard of the 'old mill,' well go part of the coat-of-armes whole, which belongs back about a mile by the bay and you will come to those ennobled as a notice to that effect. But to a bridge~ cross it, and you will tome to an in this country there is no reason why they old stone house, they still call it the 'New House.' should not be used when inherited. There is ab­ built in 1671 by Elizabeth wife of the first John solutely no class or distinction in heraldic bear­ for her son, then turn to the right and there is ings, all coat-armor is complete, and finished, and the mill." equal, one shield to another ; the armes of a king And sure enough, there was the mill., dilapi­ are no more, no less, and no better than those dated-though still in use; then he had said, "go of the poorest commoner of the kingdom. up the rise west, and you ·will come to ·the old Men have made a distinction as royal, noble homestead-and in a corner of the lawn you will and commoner, but it is a purely personal at­ find the graves." . tribute having no connection or relation with the It's a fine old plac-e now occupied by Chancellor usage of coat-armor. · · McCoun who married one of the Townsends­ Indeed, many English and Continental families J oseph To\\,.nsend's daughter. are far older and of ·a purer blood than most of Imagine Effie's astonishment at finding the old the ennobled and royal houses of Europe to-day. Chancellor alive, whose portrait hangs in the In fact, abroad as in America, the true nobility Law Library and the City Hall in full judicial of a country is the old families who seek no robes-he would not have been much more sur­ tinsel distinctions, but are content to be the back­ prised to have found one of the "brothers" sitting bone of the country. And these are the folk who there to receive him. · bear coat-armor. He was the last Chancellor in New York, and In the English roll of armes to-day, there are is a real gentleman of the old school ; his son, a some sixty-six thousand blazonings. Of these, youth of about seventy, told us his father studied less than three thousand are in the peerage and with Bogert, the great lawyer who defended Judith baronetage, the others are the gentry or people Townsend in her suit to recover her great grand­ of England. father's property, 18 acres in New York below the In Europe the roll contains over one hundred Collect Pond, ( Canal Street now.) Aaron Burr thousand names, of which not over ten thousand was counsel for the state or people. She lost the are ennobled with titles. case as she had no title-but no one had when "Race and birth is what we are by the will of they first settled there. He said that Bogert said God; . she was the smartest woman he ever met, and Rank and class is but the shell of artificial life." mastered the case perfectly. Well-to return. As we entered the place• a Extracts from a letter written by Mrs. Dorinda E. lady was getting in her carriage, I said "I hope ljyatt (daughter of John Townsend, N. _Y. we are not intruding, but I hear there are some State Senator, s.on of Israel), to her cousin, · old graves here, will you allow me to look at Mrs. Andrew J. Kinch ( daughter of Israel, son them?" of Israel), dated September 22d, 1876. . She replied "No one but Townsends are buried " • • • • You may have heard that we are here." spending the summer at Sea Cliff-two miles be- .I said "They are the ones I want to see, they low Glen Cove on the Sound, a lovely place, and are my ancestors"-just then the lady called out · six miles from Oyster Bay. "Father, here is a lady who says she is a Town~ Well, Effie and I took a wagon and drove-by send," and she led out the old Chancellor, who the "town path" (as the road is called on the is over ninety y~ars old; they received us as map) through the most beautiful farming coun- though we had been expected guests, and kept try I ever saw-to Oyster Bay, a quaint old town. us talking Townsend,· for almost an hour before We stopped at the Hotel to make some inquiries we could come away. · and found that the Episcopal Church was built Miss McCoun-she is about sixty-told me she over the "old stone chapel" the first place of had received from England a book called "The worship on Long Island built by some of our Genealogy of the Families of Norfolk," Eng­ ancestors-so of course we expected to find them land; she said they-the Townsends-had inter­ sleeping the last sleep in that sacred spot--but lo married with almost all the old families of Eng- . . 122 TOWNSEND-TOWNSHEND

Jand, ( they must be as prolific as their cousins velt who has one of the Weeks places for the this side of the water) that the 'three brothers' summer." ~were sons of Sir Thomas or Roger ·Townsend (a Th~t is the very one ~he ~aid, you'll know it by direct ancestor of the 11arquis Townshend) who the high Greek or Corinthtan columns in front had five sons-the eldest, the heir of course, the (but I doubt if our grandmother ever· saw those next, in the Army or Navy, I forget which-the imposing looking columns as they have quite a three younger came .. to .. America in 16oo and . modern effect) the grounds are very fine and something. John the oldest was a Barrister, who command a fine view of the Bay. · married Elizabeth Montgomery or 1-Iontgomerie There are lots of Townsends living round . as it was spelled in the old times-who was a there, also. They say-"there is not a family in daughter of one of the old Colonial Governors, Oyster Bay, good or bad, that is not in some way and ~ho turned Quaker, so he gave up the law." connected with the Townsends." That accounts for the Townsends being fined for ''harboring Quakers.,, Oh, ye woemen ! so Copy of a letter from Caroline Wilson ( daughter to go back again-after we had received the Chan­ of John Townsend, N. Y. State Senator, and cellor's hospitality-the young man who is a re­ sister of Mrs. Dorinda Hyatt) to Rev. Dr. tired lawyer, took us to ·the graves, which are Israel Leander Townsend, then residing in on a rise of ground in front of the house., or on Washington, D. C. one side, rather, (the lawn runs down to the river) They were almo...?t covered by trees and Wurm PU.INS Aug. 26th, 1896 underbrush or shrubbery, but-there they were­ MY DEAR COUSIN the "Three Brothers," we had to scrape the moss Since I received your last letter,· you ,viTI ob• off one.., headstone to see the inscription, the serve by the date that I have moved to White stone was cut or hewn out of solid granite, so Plains to. be near as you. will readily imagine, my rough and strange-that one was Richard Town­ dear El01se, and you will be interested to hear send, the youngest-the inscription-"buried IO I have strong hopes of having her with me on m ye 1687''-we would not remove the time hon­ the first of October. ored covering from the others, it seemed like During my nomadic wanderings, this treasure I sacrilege; no one has been buried there for years. send you has been packed away, and having just I stood and dreamed awhile, then stooped and excavated it, and if you have not already a copy, gathered some leaves, (I will send you some) instantly thought how you would value it. then we went to see the ''great English Elms," Our great grandmother was a remarkable which John 1st sent home to England for-they woman, of high intellect and in1bued with great are almost or quite as large around as the "big piety. l\!Iy father has told n1e how on her death walnut tree," but oh, so tall and majestic, (they bed, the house and grounds were filled with the are not at all like the Elms of New Haven) neighbors and friends listening to her exhorta­ They stand ·c1ose by the old original site, tions, and you will see how she loved her son, though nothing remains but what might have our grandfather. been a celler; the Chancellor remembers when You know our grandfather was born at No. I it fell down, it is on the lawn also-the present State Street opposite the Bowling Green, where house or mansion stands on and is a part of the they lived in the winter, and in the summer, at house john 1st or ·his wife built for their son Oyster Bay. He was extravagant, I should say Henry of whom we are direct descendants. Then -kept his yellow panelled coach and never wore ~fr. 1fcCoun took us to see the rock on which his black silk stockings after they were washed ; George Fox preached, it stands on the lawn also · was no business mari (his descendants have in­ in a grove of trees-the same grove that some herited that) got rid of all valuable property in Townsend was fined 20 lbs. for allowing the New Jersey and passed his old age in Oyster Bay. Quakers to hold forth in, so says the History of Now if you have already a copy, there is no Long Island. I brought a piece of the rock home harm done-cousin Elizabeth I think had the also. • • . • . original letter given her by our grandfather. After thanking the McCouns for their kind 1Iy mother and I took tea in the grand old reception, I asked them if they knew anything house in State Street. 1virs. Isiah Townsend's of the Weeks family of Oyster Bay? daughtei- of Albany introduced me to ?virs. Law- · Oh, said Miss I\1cCoun, I suppose you are a rence 11:ickle to whom the house had descended descendant of that Phebe Weeks who was a through her mother Mary Townsend, a cousin of great belle, and who married her cousin a Town­ your father and mine. It is now a warehouse, send, that I have heard my mother speak of. a fortune in itself. They moved -across the Sound, over in the "wilder­ I am very fond of Genealogy, and should keep ness," and she was not very happy." on to a tiresome length I fear had not my paper I said I was from Westchester Co. given out. Yes, I can wdirect you to the house where she With much love was born and· married from-it is still in the Your cousin Weeks family. \Ve must drive she said, about CAROLINE. two miles to the east end of the town., dose by where. now is the steamboat landing. . I intende'd describing the State Street mansion. I said we have a friend l\1r. Theodore Roose- We took tea in the immense hall with fire 123 TOWNSEND-TOWNSH~ND places; a ~ircufar grand stair case up from .the ,. • •. My wife has made me a present of a fine center, .·winding-a gallery running round at the boy, weight 9 pounds, and we have named him top, on which the chan1bcrs opened. after his maternal grandfather, Henry Hotchkiss, The tea service was massive and had been his surname Townshend out of a compliment to brought from England. How everything passed our noble cousins who have often requested me to from our branch, simply because grandfather add the h to my name. would not remain in Oyster Bay-but as I under­ I have just received most interesting letters stand it-it was grandmother,-the Weeks te,n­ from Lady Townshend and her daughter Lady per !" Audrey Howard the wife of. the son of the Earl of Suffolk. Not&-The "treasure'., referred to in the fore­ Lady Audrey will probably be Countess of Suf• gQing letter wa$ the copy of a letter from Sarah · folk and if her father in law's cousin should not Townsend to her son at North Castle. Her leave an heir, she will be Dutchess of Norfolk. maiden name was \Vright, and her mother's was • • . • She writes-"You will observe I have Rhodes, daughter of Rhodes, youngest son of the spelled your name from habit with an h which I Duke of Rhodes, who was banished from Eng­ dare say you will excuse me for, but I hope some Jand for drinking a health to the Duke of ~Ion­ day you will do the same/' mouth, pretender to the British throne. The Dowager Marchioness writes, she "con­ The heading of the letter- siders my effort to print a memorial of our f ani-­ "Written from Oyster Bay., March ye 10 Day, ily, most praiseworthy, and will send photographs 176g.'' of all of the family portraits she can." They seem much pleased with their American cousins. ~Iy wife joins with kindest regards to all your Copy of a letter addressed' to Rev. Dr. Israel family. Leander Townsend, by Andrew, son of Daniel Yours in haste Townsend, whose great-grandfather, he says, CHARLES H. TOWNSEND. was Sheriff for Westchester Co., and drove about in his coach, bearing the Townsend coat­ of-arms on its panels. Mr. Townsend still resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. Extract from a letter of !\frs. Charles Hervey Townshend, of 234 Church Street, New Haven, . BROOKLYN E. D., June 14th, 1884- to Margaret Townsend Tagliapietra. Rev. Dr. Townsend Dear Sir, "NEw HAVEN Oct. 21st, 1907. I wish to gain some information about the My DEAR MDME. T AGLL.\.PIE'I!tA : . Townsend coat of arms-this part of the family I regret that I must begin my letter with apolo­ having been trying to find some trace of it. gies for not having answered your letter before. There were three brothers who came from Eng• " . . . land in 1640, and the oldest brother brought a I should only be too glad to aid you in the coat of arms made from his father's in England. Townsend and Townshend family. I have never Their father was Lord Townsend living on the seen any interior views of Raynham Hall, and I Manchester Highway-this coat of arms was doubt if there are any, in this country, at least. handed down from one generation to another, My husband and myself were entertained there until my father came in possession of it. in 1873 by the Dowager Marchioness and Lady We had it in 1849 but since then we can find Audrey Townshend., now the wife of Sir Redvers no trace of it, but we have a history of the Buller. "Three Brothers" and their descendants, which I remember the large State Hall containing the bas a coat of arms 011 the title page of the book. valuable family portraits by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Hearing that you have a coat of arms, would The bed room and bed in which Queen Anne you please give me a description of it., to see if slept while visiting at the Hall. The magnificent it is the same as ours. tapestries with the coats of arms. I particularly Remaining yours truly remember the old carved oaken chest which Queen ANDREW TOWNSEND Anne left behind her; I think that was the cus­ 407 North Second Street, Brooklyn E. D. tom in those days. Within a few years. I have read in some history, of her visit to Raynham Hall. . . . . Extract from a letter of Captain Charles Hervey· All I know about the present Marquis since Townshend, of New Haven, to · Hon. John D. his visit to us in 1902, is what I read in the papers Townsend, of New York, upon the occasion of at . the time of his marriage. I knew him then, forwarding to the latter views of Raynham qu1te well; he. was well educated and bright in Hall, which Captain Townshend had procured many ways, his letters were always well written of Marquis Townshend, while in England. and well expressed ; . . . . I think his mother is still living or I should have heard of her "NEW HAVEN 3d. October 1874 death. . . • . DEAR Sm I am quite ~ell and living quietly with my son I. haye just sent off sets of "Raynham" views. Henry, who 1s a lawyer. l't!y son Raynham is TO~NSEND-TOWNSHEND

now first house surgeon in Roosevelt Hospital, EXTRACTS FROM ~1'.ALCOLM TOWNSEND BOOK. N. Y. He completes his duties there in January, TowN,SENJ>-TOWNSHEND. when I hope to have him back in New Haven to _practice his profession. . • • . "The Scallop or Escallop shell is an old and I make rare visits to New York, but some time popular charge of honorable bearing, having been . I hope to see you and your mother again. It assumed by the Pilgrims on their return from would give me great pleasure to see you in New the Holy Land ; it was adopted as their badge Haven. \Vith kindest regards, I remain very in expeditions to and from the holy places, the sincerely, llARY H. TOWNSHEND. shells being originally used as articles to dip water from streams, subsequently worn on their hats and hoods in worked or sketched reliefs, soon becoming a distinguishing mark. Pope Copy of note from John James Dudley Stuart Alexander the Fourth forbade the use of them to Townshend, Bart. and 6th 1larquis and Vis­ all except the pilgrims who were truly noble. count Townshend of Raynham, County Norfolk, The Escallop is the en1blem of St. James of . and of Tamworth Castle, \Varwickshire, Eng­ Compostella, which led to its being the sign of land, to i1rs. John D. Townsend and her a pilgrim.. daughters, l\Idme. Townsend Tagliapietra, of New York City. ( Give me my scallop· shell of quiet, My staff of faith to walk upon)" "HOLLAND I-IousE, Sm \VALTER RALEIGH. "New York City, ~fay 5th, 1902 FROM BURKE'S ENCYCLOPEDLi\. OF HERALDRY. "The Marquis Townshend presents his compli­ ·, ments to 11rs. John D. Townsend and 11ame. "Townshend, (Raynham, lviarquess Town­ Tagliapietra and thanks them very much for the shend). Az. a chev. erm. betw. three escallops kind invitation just received, and deeply regrets ar. having missed the invitation during his stay in Crest. A stag ppr. Supporters, Dexter a stag Chicago. sa., Sinister a greyhound ar. "It will give him much p.leasure if he may come Motto. Haec generi incrementa tides. on '\Vednesday the 7th to luncheon at 1.30 if that day and hour will be equally agreeable to l\irs. * * * * * * John D. Townsend and l\Idme. Tagliapietra. REFElmNCE TO RAYNHAM HALL, NORFOLK, "Lord Townshend is engaged during the rest ENGLAND. of his time until Thursday when. he goes to visit The Hall is a stately edifice about one hundred Captain and Mrs. Townshend at New Haven feet square, built of red brick, by Sir Roger for a few days previous to his return to England.'' Townsend, Bart., in 1630, after plans of England's Court architect, Inigo Jones. .. The ''old ~Iansion" of the Townsends, built of Roman brick and surrounded by a moat, is still From the N. Y. Herald, Thursday, '.May 8th, 1902. to be seen as a picturesque ruin in the Park near • "Mrs. John D. Townsend and her ·daughter, Raynham Lake. Mdme. Tagliapietra, entertained the l\larquis Townshend at luncheon yesterday at their resi• * * * * * * dence, No. 343 \Vest 34th Street. 1\fr. Clarence Raineham or Reineham, as it is wrote in the L. Collins, ~Ir. tf. Roosevelt Schuyler, his host, book of Domesday, takes its name from being Signor Tagliapietra and l\1r. Arthur Burr were seated near a running stream of ,Yater or river. among the gentlemen to meet the ~Iarquis Town­ BLOOllEFIELD'S NORFOLK. shend, who is obliged to shorten his visit to Arms. America in the order to be in Englana in time for the Coronation." Azure; A chevron ermine, between three es­ callops argent. (On a blue shield, a chevron er- mine between three silver escallops.) . 'A note to 1vfrs. John D. Townsend and ~.-fdme. In Burke's description of the arms, he includes Tagliapietra, from Lady Audrey Buller, in ac­ ilie Cre~ _ knowledgment of sympathy extended on the Crest. death of her husband. A Stag, passant; proper. "DowNES CREDITON, DEVOSHII