July 2020 VISA Transactions

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July 2020 VISA Transactions CITY OF GREELEY July 2020 VISA Transactions SUPPLIER $AMOUNT 2457 Ced 69.20 4 Rivers Equipment 3,207.04 A1 Heating & Air Conditio 144.00 Aaa Pest Pros Llc 65.00 Abc Supply 0115 338.95 Abc-Nv 200.00 Abi 671.34 Ace Equipment And Supply 525.00 Ace Hardware Of Greeley 715.62 Acrobat Pro Subs 14.99 Activedogs.Com Llc 257.47 Adamson Police Products-F 525.00 Adobe Stock 29.99 Advance Auto Parts #8437 5.59 Afw-Ft Collins #15 8,732.00 Airgas Usa, Llc 145.82 Air-Systems Engineerin 2,016.26 All Purpose Rental 391.32 Alliance Safety - Moto 745.51 Allied Electronics Inc 658.05 Alphagraphics Of Northern 196.00 Alsco Inc. 404.99 Altec Industries 601.50 Am Signal Inc 3,400.25 Amazon Web Services 11.12 Amazon.Com 1,685.42 American Arbitration Assn 150.00 American Crane Group 1,228.63 American Heart Assn 89.01 American Trails 100.00 Amzn Mktp Us 10,213.10 Anixter/clark/tri-Ed 2,373.29 Apple.Com/Bill 250.74 Arrow Stage Lines Qps Oma 1,290.00 Atlassian 20.00 Autopay/dish Ntwk 146.04 Autozone #0804 39.99 Autozone 6262 101.38 Award Alliance Llc 286.35 Awwa.Org 503.00 Backflow Supply 434.46 Batteries Plus - #0835 251.65 Bearcom Sales 450.00 Becker Safety And Supply 2,729.44 Bed Bath & Beyond #194 715.98 Best Buy 00011940 89.94 Best Buy Mht 00002253 43.01 Big Deal Tire & Wheel 1,025.00 Bivens Trucking & Excavat 365.40 Bizwest-Print-Plus 7.00 Blue Card Command 385.00 Bluebeam Inc 99.00 Bnp Media, Inc. 108.00 Bobcat Windsor 761.97 Bonnell Fencing 3,199.03 Boot Barn #134 124.99 Bound Tree Medical Llc 18.98 Breeze Thru - Club Accnt 90.00 Breeze Thru Car Wash 73.00 Brightwheel 400.00 Buckeye Welding Supply 172.58 Bucklen Equipment Compa 626.15 Buffalo Brand Seed Llc 149.00 Bunting Disposal 35.00 Burlington Finance Center 46.51 Canva* 02761-0708503 12.95 Canyon Systems Inc 379.82 Carrier West 416.35 Casco Industries Inc 649.75 Cbi Online 105.00 Cbt Nuggets Llc 3,594.00 Cdw Govt #zmf1121 2,740.26 Cedar Supply 13.99 Cellular Sales Co-Lv 48.00 Cenex Agfinity07060627 82.50 Cenex Poudre V09903816 119.94 Central Uniform And Linen 2,265.30 Centurylink 1,381.63 Centurylink/Speedpay 239.74 Cgfoa 65.00 Charles D Jones/Ft Coll 258.57 Chem Aqua 543.28 Cintas Corp 639.42 Circle K # 40641 4.66 City Of Loveland 375.38 City Utility Billing 202.69 Civicore 900.00 Co Dept Of Public Health 3.37 Co Dept Of Public Safety 51.89 Co Motor Veh Serv Emv 62.82 Colorado Asphalt Service 3,890.60 Colorado Association Of C 125.00 Colorado Emergency Manag 45.00 Colorado Golf Assn 300.00 Colorado Medical Waste In 613.00 Colorado Parks And Rec 116.00 Colorado Water Congress 1,000.00 Colorado Waterwise 1,500.00 Comcast Cable Comm 58.50 Comcast Denver 2,201.29 Commercial Fitness Sol 88.75 Consider It There 2,268.84 Construction Specialties 489.00 Costar Group Inc 757.63 Country Corner Feed 80.10 Country Johns 10,185.60 Coyotes Southwestern Gril 32.07 Cps Distributors 293.16 Crye Precision 13,601.05 Crystal Landscape Supplie 701.73 Custom Barres 2,349.73 Cutting Edge Grinding 107.00 D And K Pumping 625.00 D J 38.99 Dana Kepner Company 12,467.83 Dana Kepner Company/Hdq (608.43) Dbc Irrigation Supply G 17,363.03 Dbe Manufacturing And Sup 157.07 Dc Frost Associates Inc 2,864.35 Diamond Vogel Paint #753 72.80 Disc Tire And Svc Gree 198.80 Diy Home Center.Com 519.88 Dmi* Dell K-12/govt 21,805.54 Dominos 6226 37.69 Dri* 50.96 Dropbox*969f7zkjnxzl 11.99 Dropbox*f5qbm7897pgc 11.60 Dropbox*qm2kw5nssh5n 11.99 Dx Service 2,959.61 Dxp Enterprises 2,438.53 E 470 Express Tolls 115.55 Eaton Grove Nursery 181.95 Eb 2020 Colorado Lean 200.00 Eckstine Electric Co 6,571.00 Ecms 747.56 Edriving Fleet, Llc 200.00 Eig 83.40 Empire State Pizza 111.78 Endeavor Business Media 50.00 Endress+hauser Inc 6,153.90 Energy Management Corp 1,434.00 Energylink Holdings Llc 119.00 Envirocert International, 457.50 Envirotech Services 5,514.09 Epa 300.00 Event* Napc Forum 2020 200.00 Evoqua Water Technolog 2,830.43 Facebk 9xkhcswx92 200.00 Facebk Llwazsjv42 10.00 Fairbank Equipment 443.71 Falcon Environmental 1,621.02 Family Dollar #11065 3.65 Faris Machinery 180.20 Fastenal Company 01cogre 26.87 Fastsigns Of Greeley 699.14 Fbb 15.54 Fedex 116.12 Fedex Offic48600004861 568.88 Ferguson Ent #1116 5,897.41 Ferguson Ent 1933 1,317.17 Firehouse Subs 1280 Ecomm 51.16 Fort Collins Winlectrc 191.94 Front Range Raynor Doo 653.20 Fsp*store It Wise @ North 660.59 Ft Coll Coloradoan 6.99 Galco Industrial Electro 663.78 Galls 209.19 Gan 9.99 Garretson`s Sport Center 2,804.27 Garretsons* Onduty Gre 735.00 Gcr 753 Greeley Co 832.66 Gemplers 93.98 Gems Sensors Inc 480.92 General Air Service & Su 3,475.56 General Air Service Admi 27.82 George T Sanders 14 58.90 Golden Nugget Hotel Lv 100.57 Golf Sport Solutions Ll 466.49 Goodyear Commercial Tire 6,784.95 Government Finance Office 760.00 Grainger 12,721.43 Grandstand 345.20 Grease Monkey #636 46.34 Greeley Hospital Cafet 86.68 Greeley Lock And Key - 13 658.23 Greeley Tent And Awning 357.75 Greeley Tribune Circ 96.99 Greeley Winnelson Co 1,780.83 Gulley Greenhouse Retail 55.96 Hach Company 2,321.62 Hampton Inns 104.64 Happy Life Gardens 824.45 Harbor Freight Tools 203 48.85 Harvest Forecast 15.00 Helena 35221 4,578.25 Hensley Battery&elec 347.02 High Plains New Holland 372.59 Hill Petroleum 4,722.63 Hobby-Lobby #0087 9.98 Hotsy Equipment Of Northe 12,099.70 Hykes Ace Hardware 745.21 Iaei 120.00 Identogo - Tsa Hme 86.50 Idu*insight Public Sec 2,603.11 Image360 148.56 Imla 15.00 Imlss Colorado 5,838.48 Imprint.Com 137.70 Imsa A Rocky Mtn Section (660.00) In *advanced Lawn Care Ll 1,548.00 In *aguilars Corporation 937.00 In *backbone Fiber System 3,772.70 In *barnacle Parking Enfo 931.53 In *bee Clean Auto Wash, 127.00 In *cem Sales & Service, 298.40 In *colorado Chapter Of T 70.00 In *custom Barres Llc 800.00 In *gigantic Bag 60.00 In *homegrown Design & Fi 115.50 In *nassco, Inc. 295.00 In *neverest Equipment Co 29.25 In *northern Colorado Pay 15.00 In *roi Fire & Ballistics 300.00 In *royal-T Rooter Servic 195.00 In *servpro Of Greeley/Wi 1,430.05 In *top Notch Plumbing L 14,812.94 In *tra Mar Mechanical, I 101.62 In *tru-Bilt Trailers 960.35 In *vohne Liche Kennels I 457.60 Inland Truck Parts 379.64 Innovyze Inc 1,700.00 Insight Auto Glass 349.32 Interline Brands Rs600 259.54 J2 40.00 Jax Ranch & Home 226.45 Johnstown Ace Hardware 21.96 K & K Laser Creations 41.95 Kallcents 15.41 Katom Resta 1,189.84 Kelly Supply Co Fort Coll 4,066.48 King Soopers #0117 6.38 King Soopers #0632 Fuel Q 9.68 Kinsco 277.46 Kum & Go #0914 2.66 Kunc & Co Sound 5,184.00 Lamar Media Corp 1,380.00 Laporte Do It Best Hdwe A 38.33 Laz Parking 760908p 175.00 Les Schwab Tires #163 154.53 Little Caesars 3154-0013 18.00 Ll Johnson Dist Co 6,679.36 Ln Curtis 1,819.64 Lowes #01812 5,080.82 Lowes #02568 68.19 M&o Tires 86.25 M&t Displays Llc 701.94 Mac Equipment Inc (Lon 477.31 Mac Equipment Inc (Lov 194.85 Macdonald Equipment Co 2,419.78 Mailchimp 209.00 Martin Marietta Materials 41,646.86 Masek Golf Cars Of Colora 273.96 Maxey Truck Equipment 69.84 Meetup Org Sub 6m 98.94 Mes/Warren Fire/Lawmen 367.00 Micro Motion Inc 150.00 Mile High Turfgrass Llc 865.00 Mitchell1/snap-On Us 2,880.00 Moffat Glass 55.93 Monoprice, Inc. 562.41 Moreta Company Inc 30.00 Moridge Manufacturing In 376.54 Msft * E0600blv20 41.64 Msft * E0600blw2n 12.00 Mtnstateem 345.00 Municipal Valve 12,778.00 Murdochs Ranch&home #25 3,602.75 My Office Etc. 514.88 Nalco Company Post-Inv 4,705.20 Name-Cheap.Com 133.84 Napa Auto Parts #275 1,549.40 National Technical Invest 2,250.00 Ncmc 341.12 Newco 1,933.08 Nicoletti Flater Assoc 665.00 Nike.Com 141.22 No Colo Driveline 275.00 No Colo Traffic Control 855.00 North Weld Cty Water Dis 44.76 Northern Colorado Huma (225.00) Northern Engineering S 1,000.00 Northwest Parkway Llc 3.00 Nutrien Ag Solution 5508 997.50 Nu-Way Cleaners- Bittersw 6.98 O J Watson Co Inc 62.07 Offen Petroleum 208.00 Office Depot #2720 51.98 Office Depot #580 34.99 Oreilly Auto Parts 2625 33.04 Oreilly Auto Parts 9055 871.01 Pacer Pumps 92.09 Pack Secure 61.93 Park Inn By Radisson 83.25 Parker Store McCoy Sales 10.45 Party America Greeley 12.57 Pawnee Buttes Seed Inc 528.00 Paypal (2,383.21) Perrys Vac & Sew 999.99 Petco 1437 63514376 173.67 Petco Com 00069880 1,861.65 Pierce Mfg 1,750.00 Pioneer Press Of Greeley 863.82 Pioneer Sand Co 35 (18.50) Pioneer Sand Co Hq 280.63 Platt Electric 800 109.58 Plug N Pay Technologies I 15.00 Portland Compressor 47.39 Poudre Valley Cooperative 964.43 Poudre Valley Rea Inc 17,834.72 Power Equipment Co 2,019.99 Power Motive Denver 01010 2,225.21 Powers Products Co 2,100.00 Pp*professional Law Enfor 99.00 Prairie Mountain Media 58.60 Print-2-Mail 1,325.00 Public Agency Training (175.00) Rainbow Tree Company 3,360.00 Raven Sign Studio Llc 861.04 Reata Travel Stop 40.00 Red Wing Shoes #420 200.00 Redburn Tire 00 (152.23) Redburn Tire 6 295.54 Rei #44 Boulder 185.90 Revelation Steel Llc 58.75 Right Coast Pizza 176.00 Rio Grande Mexican Restau 43.33 Rmwea (525.00) Rocky Mountain Diesel Se 705.00 Rocky Mountain Publishing 299.00 Safco Dental Supply 550.00 Safeware-Moto 403.85 Safeway #2918 46.93 Salsbury Industries 6,125.02 Samsclub #4770 38.64 Savatree 7,581.75 Scoop It Up & Twice As Ni 3,871.49 Sherwin Williams 701653 110.06 Sherwin Williams 707435 459.97 Shiffler Equipment 12.45 Shrm Hr Jobs 398.00 Signnow 180.00 Signs First 1,100.00 Signupgenius 59.98 Simplot T&h Den 1417 902.00 Skips Carpet Service In 1,279.09 Slack Tfj3y7mm4 84.50 Societyforhumanresource 219.00 Southwes (212.96) Sp * Socket-Store.Us 686.02 Sp * Vital Oxide 607.20 Sp * Wdaswim.Com 82.45 Spl*law Lawn Service Llc 2,886.60 Spl*tri City Equip Co.
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