Spring 2009 Th e Liberal Arts: A Life Extraordinary Volume 84, Number 1 tableof contents Spring 2009 The Saint Mary’s College Courier (USPS 135-340) is published four times a year by Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN 46556-5001. Periodicals postage a strong global economy paid at the Post Offi ce at Notre Dame, IN 46556 and at additional mailing offi ces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Alumnae Relations, Saint Mary’s College, 110 Le Mans Hall, imagine Notre Dame, IN 46556-5001. Copyright 2008 Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Clare Heintz ’09 has already helped make it possible Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without written permission. The opinions expressed are those of and she’s just getting started. the authors or their subjects and are not necessarily shared by the College or the editor. Shari Rodriguez Vice President for College Relations
[email protected] Page 10 Page 18 Karen Zagrocki McDonald ’76 Acting Assistant Vice President as a Integrated Marketing Communications first-year
[email protected] Joined the Agribusiness Development features Courier Staff: Group (ADG), a student group committed Scot Erin Briggs Editor to bringing economic growth to Ghana 4 The Market Value of a 14 Best of Both Worlds
[email protected] Liberal Arts Education Dr. Mary Anne Luzar ’72 takes liberal Natalie Davis Miller Staff Writer arts degree to Washington and as a sophomore In an ever-changing economy, beyond. Shannon E. Brewer ’03 Wrote an innovative business plan for liberal arts degrees give alumnae the Staff Writer fl exibility and creativity they need ADG to enter the dried fruit market Joya Helmuth to follow their career paths and their 16 Invite More Creativity Graphic Designer dreams.