-I ' Wood bridge • Edlson/Metochon • Perth Amboy • Carteret • South Amboy/Sayrevllle / 0cw3ft ^ATOM TABLOID VOL 121, NO. 29 Friday, July 19,2002 Inctrptntmg tht Atom Ttbind, South Ami*) Gtaen $ Perth Amk) Gtuto 12002 Dovine Media Enterprises, Inc USPS $01-860 732-574-1200 • P.O. Box 3095, South Amboy, NJ 08879 Your Neighborhood In Print Since 1882 Ethics Complaint Filed In MUM YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER Planning Board Dispute SAYREVILLE-Planning from using their positions to gain board secretary Lois Bobchin, a vote on the issue, prompting Board member Michael D'Addio advantage for themselves or from who serves on the board as the O'Brien to ask her to step down, has filed an ethics complaint acting on any matter in which mayor's designee. Bobchin said she was not feeling against Councilman Tom Marcin- they have a financial interest. Bobchin left the room before well and does not intend to resign czyk. When Camerato bought a the rezoning vote and did not cast her seat. The complaint, filed two house on the corner of Wash- weeks ago, stems from Mar- ington and Dupont Street five Court Rejects Challenge To cinczyk's opposition to re-zoning years ago as a home for his busi- t5 a portion of Washington Road to ness, the land was zoned for busi- Redevelopment Project allow businesses to operate there. ness. However, the zoning had _J CO PERTH AMBOY-The New laws had not been violated. Marctncyzk owns a landscaping been changed to residential sever- Jersey Supreme Court rejected a uThe decision of the Supreme business in Sayreville. The zoning al years ago, so Camerato needs 11 ^ challenge to Perth Amboy's rede- Court clears a significant hurdle change would benefit a landscap- the property to be re-zoned or 15 m Z velopment plan and area designa- that had existed regarding the ing business owned by Greg would need to seek a variance. tion involving the "Landings at "Landings at Harborside" rede- Camerato and a Washington Road Marcinczyk defended his 9 * :, Harborside" redevelopment proj- velopment project," stated bank. actions, "You don't lose your Q«. s s ect. O The planning board voted 6-1 right to voice your opinion at a Mayor Vas. "The city has acted CL The State Appellate Court had to recommend the zoning change public meeting. I'm a councilman lawfully throughout the entire r TJ o :1i unanimously ruled that Tri redevelopment process. We can d <n o t' to the borough council. and a businessman, and I'm also a r'-i en <r I:JI State's challenge to the decision D'Addio said, "Councilman taxpayer in Sayreville.11 now move forward to see the by the City Council to designate Marc inc zyk is in direct violation The rezoning decision also "Landings" project begin so that the 50 acres along the Kill Van with ethics codes." He cited a prompted a dispute between new tax ratables, new housing, Kull in Perth Amboy as an area in statute that prohibits officials Mayor Kennedy O'Brien and new parks and an entirely new need of redevelopment. The city neighborhood can be built Adoption* From The H*wt 6 Appellate Court affirmed the rul- along our waterfront," he added. Bayihort Community Hospital —5 ing of the Trial Court, which con- Books & Benefits, LLC 2 Work Btglns On 9/1I Memorial The Perth Amboy Redevel- cluded that Tri State's objections CabWef, Inc 13 opment Agency entered into a Cathedral Stcond-Bapttst 14 METUCHEN-A ground- to have had this ground break- were filed approximately two redevelopers agreement with Charles Dunn Systems 13 breaking ceremony for the ing, but it signified the outpour- years too late. "Landings" that calls for the con- CUppers Bagel Shoppe 6 Freedom Plaza project was held ing of support for not forgetting The Appellate Court also struction of approximately 2.000 Contest 20 last week. Freedom Plaza will those who lost their lives." rejected, out of hand, the claim residences, a waterfront public Frango B8Q 3 be a memorial to New Jersey's More than $212,000 has been that the decision to designate the walkway and park, a community HoWayGroup 2 victims of the Sept. 11 attacks, raised through donations. Addi- redevelopment area was invalid cultural center, a hotel site, retail Introcaso Owners 13 The plaza will have a 16-foot because the votes of various city Kaplan, FelngoW & Kaplan 4 tional donations will be accept- space and an international food tall clock, a circular patio, deco- officials were not effective due lottery 7 ed through July 25 and can be market. When completed, the rative piers, and plaques listing to conflicts of interest. The project has been estimated to cost Metuchen Savings Bank 20 sent to the Metuchen-lidison Pwrmatech Hair Removal Inst. .. .10 the names of all 696 New Jersey Appellate Court agreed with the m excess o\' $600 million. The YMCA, 65 High Street, Me- PoHHceNJ 11 victims of Sept. 11. It will be decision of Judge Hurley that Tri State Dry Dock occupies a RB8& Associates 2 located at Metuchen \s train sta- tuchen, NJ ON840. the provisions of the Local five-acre area along the water- Seaslreak America, Inc 11 tion. The phi/a is expected to be Government Lthics Law and front that is slated to become a Six Flags 10 Metuchen Mayor HdO'Urien complete in late September or other conflict of interest public park under the agreement. Unlimited Communications 3 said, "I'd give my right arm not early October. THOMAS M. PLOSKONKA COUNTRY C.P.A., P.A. ALUMINUM • A Total Service C PA Firm Home Improvements INDIVIDUAL * CORPORATION PARTNERSHIP • ESTATES • TRUSTS FULLY PHBB 1 WIN TICKETS! INSURED ESTIMATES TAX PLANNING BUSINtSS PLANS ROOFINGS SIDING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS LEADERS & GUTTERS A Family 4-Pack of Tickets EVALUATION OF BUSINESS STORM WINDOWS t0Si x Fla MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS DOORS SixFlags 9S Great Adventure 732-283-0114 Jack Gcndlek 3R£AT ADVENTURE ...sea Biitrvform In this paperi 1149 GREEN STREET, ISEUN 583-O871 GREAT ADVENTURE 2 ... THE ATOM TABLOID 6 CITIZEN-GAZETTE Visit us online at www.new-jcrsey.ws July 19,2002 YOUR COUNTY NEWS MCIA Recycling Robot Makes Triumphant Return MIDDLI-SKX COUNTY also designed robots for Disney game show format (Grades ages), are also available. M.C. beginning in September. M.C. He's back! M.C. Blue, the World and several major U.S. 3 •()). • "Recycling and the Blue was very active visiting Blue will also be appearing at recyclable recycling robot, is corporations. Landfill" provides details, area schools during the aca- the Middlesex County Fair, on his 2O02 lour ol' Middlesex M.C. Blue began touring the facts and statistics on how the demic year that has just ended, Aug. 5 11 from 6-9 p.m. each County promoting good recy- country in 1997. county landfill is operated and lid Windas, MCIA director of day. cling practices in area schools, This year, he has several how recycling can extend its recycling, advises that this is a For further information, civic and business organiza- new presentations for groups life (high school adult groups). good time to book him for contact Jennifer Apostol in the tions, senior citizen clubs and that may want to invite him for The popular older programs, appearances at day camps and MCIA Education Department other groups. a return visit. "Planet Beauty" (Pre-K-2) and other programs in July and at (609) 655-5141 or e-mail The "new" model M.C. Blue New programs include: "Recycling Show and Tell" (all August or for visits to schools [email protected]. is five feet tall, weighs 65 "The Knock-Knock pounds and has engaging blue Show"-teaches the types of eyes. materials that are recycled in Old Bridge leathers Awarded Grant He teams up with a "friend" Middlesex County using a OLD BRIDGE-Public Spalthoffand Westcott received complete an action plan of from the Middlesex County series of riddles in the classic Service Electric and Gas $2,682 for Greenhouse of appropriate materials the school Improvement Authority joke form (Grades Pre-K 2). Company (PSE&G), in conjunc- Growth. may utilize for compost. (MCIA) to present a series of • "Recycle It or Nof-tells tion with the New Jersey Greenhouse of Growth, is a Students will nurture in the gar- programs on various aspects of what happens to materials Business/Industry/Science/ project to develop an existing den in an organic way that will recycling in the county. when they are recycled, fea- Education Consortium (NJ Bl- school garden into a habitat that reinforce respect and conserva- M.C. Blue is made almost tures a video appearance by SEC), recently awarded an can be utilized and studied tion of the environment. entirely of materials that can be Mr. Rogers (Grades Pre-K-2). recycled and is custom- • "Recycling Trivia"-tests Hnvironmental Education Grant throughout all seasons. A green- Now in its twelfth year, the designed by Probotics America knowledge of what is recycla- to John SpalthofT and Jennifer house will be constructed and grant program, a joint effort of Richardson, TX, which has ble and how to recycle in a Weslcott, William A. Miller students will research spring between PSE&G and NJ Elementary School, Old Bridge. annuals, plant the seeds and BISEC, awarded $16,000 teach- ers and schools for innovative UPGRADING OR REPAIR PROBLEMS? environmental classroom proj- ects. I need more RSB & Associates The PSE&G/NJ BISEC Hard Drive Providing Upgrades, Repairs, Environmental Education Space? Networks, System Backup Grant Program encourages edu- and more RIGHT IN YOUR cators to implement projects HOME OR OFFICE that connect environmental edu- Efficiently and Affordably cation with science, mathemat- I ics, computer science and/or technology concepts.
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