Evcc`C Dyru`H

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Evcc`C Dyru`H RNI Regn. No. CHHENG/2012/42718, Postal Reg. No. - RYP DN/34/2013-2015 F % 5!$G $G G ,-',&./01 D1 . + @ ,,) @> D+ 0 + 5 -.30 +E)4 3<<.0 */%+0 32+- -4E%/-(+' 3*0+-3%0- 3+C 30*-/.10+*,0+%3- '0+ 'C@,.0 2 * $3.245.67 /8/B ! "$% !& ,+%+-+4/% + O" P $ $ (+/ teams of security forces. Despite eliminating large ith fear of terror attacks number of terrorists in South Wlurking in the air, the Kashmir districts, the situation State police has already issued remains grim on ground zero. a security advisory asking cam- The senior State police paigners and contestants of officers are not taking any the Lok Sabha polls to avoid chances either. They have been 1/.-3, ! holding road-shows and attend regularly monitoring the " # public rallies only after proper ground situation, especially in ishad Party has severed its on Friday. Ironically, his son Q % security clearance. areas prone to terrorist strikes, Nnascent tie with the SP- Pravin Nishad is an incumbent & ' % Q The advisory comes as the and issuing advance warnings BSP-RLD combine prompting Samajwadi Party MP from campaign is gathering momen- to political parties whether to the Samajwadi Party on Gorakhpur and had defeated tum in Jammu & Kashmir and go ahead with their crowd Saturday to announce the BJP candidate in 2018 UP ( ) rival political parties have start- mobilisation activities on Rambhual Nishad as its candi- by-elections with a victory *+,- ed carpet bombing to woo the account of electioneering or not date from the high-profile margin of 21,000 votes. ( electorate. The security adviso- in the wake of prevailing secu- Gorakhpur seat in Uttar Gorakhpur has been the home ry was issued to the candidates rity situation. According to Pradesh. Apart from turf of the UP CM and since . and different political parties on police advisory, “the political "&* + , &- Gorakhpur, the SP fielded Ram 19898 the party had been win- / ,- 0 & the basis of recent assessment parties have been advised to ./ '( Kumar from the Kanpur seat ning from this seat. 1 !0/ reports prepared by the various inform the concerned deputy and ST Hasan from Moradabad “Nishad Party is now the 0/ intelligence agencies. commissioners and senior replacing Nasir Qureshi. member of the National According to these reports, superintendents of police Ram Bhual Nishad, who Democratic Alliance and I am '!0' “three terror outfits Jaish-e- before embarking on a road was earlier with the BSP, is a technically still the MP of the 2 3 1! " Mohammad (JeM), Lashkar-e- journey or choosing a place for two-time MLA from Kaudiram Samajwadi Party,” said Pravin Tayyeba (LeT) and Al Badr are a public convention”. Assembly seat which he lost in Nishad, adding so far nothing 0 & ) 0 planning attacks to disrupt Meanwhile, security forces 2012. He was also a Minister in is final and decision about my & 4' ongoing poll process in the remained on tenterhooks on $ -0,012 (CRPF), the security forces are the Mayawati Government and candidature from Gorakhpur " 0 ' state”. The main objective Saturday as three different inci- going all out to neutralise the handled the fisheries depart- Lok Sabha seat would be taken ! 0/ behind issuing such an elabo- dents of violence were report- ith the proscribed ter- fighting capabilities of this ment. Nishad comes from shortly. 35 rate advisory is to prevent any ed from three different places Wrorist group Jaish-e- group. Badhalganj, Gorakhpur and Earlier this week on March " terrorist strike on any contest- of Kashmir valley. Mohammad (JeM) flexing its The determined action has wields considerable influence 25, the Nishad Party had joined ing candidate during election First of all, a mysterious car muscles in Jammu and seen at least 17 JeM cadres in the Nishad community. the SP-BSP-RLD alliance and it rallies. In a span of last 10 days, blast was reported along the Kashmir in the past few killed in encounters since The Nishad Party is now in was believed that sitting MP 6 more than fifteen terrorists Jammu-Srinagar National months and carrying out sui- Pulwama incident. The overall talks with the BJP for an Pravin Nishad would once have been eliminated across Highway, 8 kms from Banihal cide attack in Pulwama on figure of terrorists killed since alliance and party chief Sanjay again be the alliance candidate South Kashmir and North near Tethar. February 14 killing 44 then stands at 21. Nishad met Chief Minister from Gorakhpur. 0 Kashmir districts by the joint Turn to Page 4 Central Reserve Police Force Turn to Page 4 Yogi Adityanath in Lucknow Turn to Page 4 5 6 5 , Q5'5" & P $, R 5 -0,012 *+%/* - 2010 0*) 5 $ $ * -0,012 Accusing his opponent, he Enforcement hief Minister Bhupesh '+4201+-.0 $ L Delhi BJP unit president Manoj TDirectorate on Saturday CBaghel has dashed a letter % head of the Lok Sabha Tiwari, of allegedly lying about attached hotel Holiday Inn, to Prime Minister Narendra 20-.0% 3-3< Aelections, the Aam Aadmi full Statehood, Rai said, “Tiwari valued at 120 crore, located in Modi demanding increase in 20.200-9 = $ ( L Party (AAP) is all set to launch used apex institution’s name for the upscale Aerocity area in the the kerosene quota for 5 Q “Metro campaign” from misguiding the people on national Capital, in connection Chhattisgarh as the beneficia- 11+ 09=$>?1+2 !0/ Sunday for full Delhi Statehood Twitter in “#Twitterchaupal.” with a money laundering case ries of Ujjwala Yojana are not 6 support from Delhiites. Referring to Tiwari’s recent against alleged aviation lobby- getting their gas cylinders re- .3--0. 3-2+0 $ AAP Delhi convener statement on Supreme Court’s ist Deepak Talwar. filled. '00-40-- Gopal Rai said the Mahila verdict about full Statehood, Talwar, who was deported Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Morcha will launch the cam- Rai questioned the BJP for from Dubai in January this Yojana (PMJY) is one of the .22+ 4+*2L- 5 " paign at Rajiv Chowk Metro giving false and misleading year and arrested by the agency, flagship schemes of the NDA 9 @7?)-+119A$9B1+24+ -+ ) Station. “Sixteen teams, com- statements. “It could only be “beneficially owned” a compa- Government at the Centre, ! prising four women in each, done by amendment of the ny, Wave Hospitality Private which was launched by Modi in .C1-0*,0*0*0<110- will be at all eight gates of the Constitution in Parliament”, Limited, that, the ED alleged, 2016. station. These workers will added Rai quoting the verdicts used tainted money to construct In the letter, Baghel said .22+ 4+*2$3)3-+-+0*+40 distribute the letters on “full of the court. Challenging BJP the hotel, next to the Indira since the inception of the $ 7 ( Statehood” to passengers,” said on full Statehood, Rai said the Gandhi International Airport. scheme in 2016 till date 26.79 3-04+.C1-0*,+*0<110 ) Rai, referring to AAP’s AAP will not allow the BJP to The multi-storeyed plush lakh connections have been +--/+11C%0*.3--0. 3-M Statehood campaign for gen- mislead Delhiites. hotel boasts of some of the given in Chhattisgarh. -+O 5 # eral elections. Turn to Page 4 most expensive boarding and “In 2018-19, in all 25.23 9 :) dining facilities in the Aerocity lakh gas cylinders were refilled refilled, then slashing of not conveniently located, peo- + ' ; complex that was constructed in Chhattisgarh. So, on an kerosene quota would have ple living below poverty line " Q few years ago for internation- average one gas cylinder was been justified, he added. (BPL) are not getting their $' al and domestic air passengers refilled annually per connec- According to the Chief cylinders refilled,” he said. '(% coming to Delhi. tion,” the Chief Minister men- Minister, currently a gas cylin- Poor people are still depen- The agency said a provi- tioned in the letter. der is available at 773 in dent on kerosene oil for cook- sional order for attaching the On the basis of gas con- Chhattisgarh and the benefi- ing and due to slashing of property was issued by it under nections in Chhattisgarh, the ciaries get subsidy of 270.18 kerosene quota, 12.90 lakh Q the Prevention of Money kerosene quota of the state was over it. ration card holders in " ,9+ Laundering Act (PMLA). reduced from 1.72 lakh kilo “However, since there is Chhattisgarh were deprived of The ED is probing Talwar litres to 1.15 lakh kilo litres, he generally delay in disburse- kerosene oil, Baghel claimed. in a criminal case of money pointed out. ment of subsidy in the bank He requested Modi to rein- laundering. If beneficiaries had regu- accounts of the beneficiaries state the old kerosene quota of " ) 2 # %& # '( Turn to Page 4 larly received the gas cylinders and the gas agencies are also Chhattisgarh. ,9+ :
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