Ocm08458220-1845.Pdf (12.34Mb)
:|t;c|ii;;;/,;|;:::;:::.:;-(i;;.i!;:;,^ dl7.3M31 Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from University of IVIassachusetts, Boston http://www.archive.org/details/pocketalmanaGkfo1845amer A : BIASSACHUSETTS REGISTER, AND mnlUti states ®alen5(av, 18 45. AND OTHER VALUABLE INFORMATION. JJoston JAMES LORING, PUBLISHER. 132 Washington Street. ECLIPSES IN 1845. There will be four Eclipses this year, two of the Sun, and two of the Moon, and a Transit of Mercury. I. The first will of the Sun, on Tuesdny morning, May 6 ; before, part the Sun rises a part of which will happen and after ; the last part will be visible, Beginning before sunrise, - - 4h. 56in. End, 5li. 2"?m. Visible duration, Oh. 26ni. Digits eclipsed, 5d. 15m. on Sun's N. limb. A Transit of Mercury, May Sth, visible at Boston. Ingress, ---- ---llh. 30m. m. Egress, 6h. 7m. a. II. The second eclipse will be of the Moon, May 21, at llh. in the forenoon ; invisible in the United States. III. The third will be of the Sun, October 30, at 7h. Om. in the evening, therefore invisible to us. Visible in Australia and New Zealand. IV. The fourth will be of the Moon, on Thursday evening, November 13, visible, and nearly total. Beginning, 6h. 30m. Middle, Bh. 20m. End, lOh. Om. Duration, - - - 3h. 7m. Digits eclipsed, 11 deg. on the Moon's north limb, in the south side of the Earth's shadow. Correspondents are particularly requested to forward their Communications for the Register by the first of December, or earlier if possible. 3l7.iM3l MH-I Ms" INDEX.
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