House of Commons NOTICES OF AMENDMENTS given up to and including Monday 22 October 2018

New Amendments handed in are marked thus  Amendments which will comply with the required notice period at their next appearance Amendments tabled since the last publication: 1 and NC1 CONSIDERATION OF BILL (REPORT STAGE)


NOTE This document includes all amendments tabled to date and includes any withdrawn amendments at the end. The amendments have been arranged in the order in which they relate to the Bill.

Tim Loughton Justine Greening Mr Alistair Carmichael Sir Graham Brady Caroline Lucas

Ms Ms Karen Buck Sir Christopher Chope Carolyn Harris James Gray Andy Slaughter Sir Peter Bottomley Dr David Drew Charlie Elphicke Lucy Powell Sir Robert Syms Mrs Madeleine Moon Dr Sarah Wollaston Chris Bryant Robert Neill Mrs Sarah Champion Stephen Doughty Jessica Morden Gareth Thomas Mrs Pauline Latham NC1  To move the following Clause— 2 Consideration of Bill (Report Stage): 22 October 2018

Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration Etc.) Bill, continued “Reform of civil partnership (1) The Secretary of State must make regulations to change the law relating to civil partnership to bring about equality between same-sex couples and other couples in terms of their future ability or otherwise to form civil partnerships. (2) Regulations under this section must give effect to such equality within 6 months of this Act being passed. (3) For the purposes of this section, “other couples” means couples who but for the provisions of section 3(1)(a) of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 would be eligible to register as civil partners of each other.”

Tim Loughton 1  Page 3, line 12, leave out Clause 2