List of Political Parties Enlisted on Our Record

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List of Political Parties Enlisted on Our Record List of Political Parties Enlisted on our Record SS.NN oo.. NNaammeoo fPP oolliittiiccaalPP aarrttyy NNaammeoo fPP aarrttyLL eeaaddeer DDeessiiggnnaattiioonn Address Baacha Khan Markaz, Pajaggi Road, 11 Awami National Party Asfandyar Wali Khan President Peshawar. Ph: 92-91-2246851-3, Fax:92-91- 2252406 No.1, National Park Road, Rawalpindi **** 88, 22 AAwwaammiQQ iiaaddaatPP aarrttyy GGeenneerraal(( RR)MM iirrzzaAA ssllaamBB eegg CChhaaiirrmmaann Race Course Road, St:3, Rawalpindi. Ph: 051- 5510761/5563309 Fax:5564244 Al-Jihad Trust Building, Block 52-B, Satellite 33 AAzzmmaatt--ee--IIssllaamMM oovveemmeenntt ZZaahheeeerr--uull--IIssllaamAA bbbbaassi(( MMaajjoorGG eenneerraall)) AAmmeeeer r Town, Rawalpindi.051-4419982 Headquarter Office, Balochistan National 44 BBaalloocchhiissttaanNN aattiioonnaalCC oonnggrreessss AAbbdduulHH aakkiimLL eehhrrii PPrreessiiddeenntt Congress Thana Road, Quetta. Ph:821201 22-G, Khayaban-e-Sahar, Defence Housing 55 BBaalloocchhiissttaanNN aattiioonnaal DDeemmooccrraattiic PPaarrttyy SSaarrddaar SSaannaauullllaah KKhhaanZZ eehhrrii PPrreessiiddeenntt Auithority, Karachi Istaqlal Building, Quarry Road, Quetta. 66 BBaalloocchhiissttaanNN aattiioonnaalPP aarrttyy SSaarrddaarAA kkhhtteerJJ aanMM eennggaall PPrreessiiddeenntt Phone:081-833869 Ashraf Market, Fawara Chowk, Abbottabad Markazi 77 HHaazzaarraQQ aauummiMM aahhaazz MM.AA ssiifMM aalliikk (Hazara) Ph: 0992-341465,330253, Fax: 0992- Chairman 335448 Cell 0332-5005448 Central Secretariat: Batala P.O Kahota, District 88 IIssllaammiSS iiaassiTT eehhrreeeekk AAbbdduulMM aajjeeeedHH aaiiddaarri PPrreessiiddeenntt Rawalpindi Central Secretariat Data Plaza, 2nd Floor,or, 99 JJaammiiaatt––ee--MMuusshhaaiikkhPP aakkiissttaann PPiirFF aazzaalHH aaqq PPrreessiiddeenntt Room No.5, Scheme More, Multan Road, Lahore Ramzan Centre, Opposite: OPD, Mayo 1100 IIssttiiqqllaalPP aarrttyy SSyyeedMM aannzzoooorAA lliGG hhllllaannii CChhaaiirrmmaann Hospital, 13-Ratan Chand Road, Lahore. Ph:042-7313590, 7353063 Fax:042-7353641. Central Office Block No.4,Hazara Town, ee a azzaarraa uaa eeeaa rryy rreess eenn Quetta. Nishter Road, Chowk Dalgran, Lahore. Ph:042- 1122 JJaammaaaatAA hhlleHH aaddiitthPP aakkiissttaan(( RRoopprrii)) HHaaffiizAA bbdduulGG hhaaffeerRR oooobbeerrii AAmmeeeer r 7656730-7670968 Fax: 659847 Central Secretariat Fatima Jinnah Road, Near 1133 JJaammhhoooorriWW aattttaanPP aarrttyy NNaawwaabbzzaadTT aahhllaalAA kkbbaarBB uugghhttii PPrreessiiddeenntt Bughti House, Quetta. Ph:0812827743 Fax:2845559 Safdar Hall, Main Ferozepure Road, Achara, 1144 MMaarrkkaazzi JJaammiiaat UUlleemmaa--ee--PPaakkiissttaan ((FFKK)) SSaabbzzaadda HHaajji MMuuhhaammmmaad FFaazzaal KKaarriimm PPrreessiiddeenntt Lahore.Cell No: 0300-7741275 Central Secretariat , House No. 3-B, Street No.No. 1155 JJaammiiaatUU lleemmaa--ee--PPaakkiissttaan(( NNiiaazzii)) PPiirSS yyeedAA nniisHH aaiiddeerr PPrreessiiddeenntt 41-B, G-7/2, Islamabad. 1166 JJaammiiaat UUlleemmaa--ee--PPaakikissttaan ((NNiifafazz--ee--SShhaarriiaatt)) EEnnggrr. MMuuhhaammmmaad SSaalleeeem UUllllaah KKhhaann PPrreessiiddeenntt 445599--SSaaggggaar RRooaadd, SSaaddaar BBaazzaarr, LLaahhoorre CCaanntttt.. 1177 JJaammootteQQ aauummiMM oovveemmeenntt MMiirMM uuhhaammmmaadMM uurraadAA bbrroo CChhaaiirrmmaann JJaammootteHH oouusseDD eerraMM uurraadJJ aammaalliBB aalloocchhiissttaann Office No.38, Baldia Plaza, Meezan Markeet, 1188 KKaakkaarJJ aammhhoooorriPP aarrttyPP aakkiissttaann SSaarrddaarMM uuhhaammmmaadAA sshhrraafKK aakkaarr PPrreessiiddeenntt Quetta. 40- Abbot Road Lahore, Phone:042-6315162, 1199 LLaabboouurPP aarrttyPP aakkiissttaann NNiissaarSS hhaahh,AA ddvvooccaattee CChhaaiirrmmaann Cell: 0300-2147960 Head Office: Jamia Umer bin Abdul Aziz, 2200 MMaarrkkaazzi JJaammaaaat AAhhlle HHaaddiieetth ((ZZuubbaaiirr)) AAllllaamma HHaaffiiz ZZuubbaaiir AAhhmmaad ZZaahhiirr MMaarrkkaazzi AAmmeeeer r Firdus Market, Gulberg III , Lahore.Ph: 5882570.Fax: 5868170 Jamia Muhammadia Haq Bazar, Okara Ph: 2211 MMaarrkkaazzi JJaammiiaat AAhhlle HHaaddiitth ((LLaakkhhwwi GGrroouupp)) MMoollaanna MMoooonn--uudd--DDiin LLaakkhhwwii CChhiieef PPf aattrroonn 0442524259. House No.79, Area 36/E, Landhi No.6, Karachi. ************************************* 2222 MMoohhaajjiirQQ aauummiMM oovveemmeenntPP aakkiissttaann AAffaaqAA hhmmeedd CChhaaiirrmmaann Bait-ul-Hamza Landhi No.2,Karachi-75160 P.O.BOX 15802 2nd Floor, Al-Haroon Building, Garden Road, 2233 MMoohhaajjiirIItt tteehhaadTT eehhrriikk DDrr.SS aalleeeemHH aaiiddeerr CChhaaiirrmmaann Saddar, Karachi, Ph:021-2771458-2736770 Chinar House, NE # 1534-AB, St No:6, 2244 MMoohhaajjiirKK aasshhmmiirMM oovveemmeenntt KKaasshhiifHH uussssaaiinDD uutttt PPrreessiiddeenntt National Town, Chaklala Road, Rawalpindi. 051-5963646 /03335118610 Mohib-e-Wattan Nowjawan Inqilabion Ki Anjuman Saddar Daftar, 45-Miltary Accounts Colony, 2525 CChh.MM uuhhaammmmaadAA ssgghhaarr PPrreessiiddeenntt (MNAKA) Mustafaabad, Lahore. 494/8 Azizabad Karachi Ph: 021-6313690 / 2626 Muttahida Qaumi Movement Pakistan Dr. Imran Farooq Convener 6329900/6329131 Fax: 6329955 Office Double Story No: 4, Sector :5-G, North 2277 NNaattiioonnaalPP eeoopplleesPP aarrttyWW oorrkkeerrsGG rroouupp MMuuhhaammmmaadAA sshhrraafZZ aaiibb CChhaaiirrmmaann Karachi 2288 NNaattiioonnaalWW oorrkkeerrsPP aarrttyy AAbbiidHH aassssaaiinMM iinnttoo PPrreessiiddeenntt 55--MMaacclloodRR ooaadd,LL aahhoorree 117/44 , Depot Line Oppoiste, Imperss, 2299 NNiizzaamm--ee--MMuussttaaffaPP aarrttyy HHaanniifTT aayyyyaabb PPrreessiiddeenntt Market, Saddar, Karachi.Ph: 021-278773030 rreeccoonnggnniizzeedd--ppoolliittiiccaall--ppaarrttiieess--uuppttoo--11sstt__JJaannuuaarryy,,__22001122__55556633776666..xxllss 22//1144//22001122 Central Secretariat, Dosal Arcade M-6, 47, 30 PakW attanP arty SyedS hujaatA liB ukhari Chairman Blue Area, Islamabad.PH: 051282295 Fax: 0512270961 National Secretaiate,: 504, Panorama Center- 31 PakM uslimA lliance HajiM uhammadR afiq President II, Raja Ghazanfar Ali Road, Saddar, Karachi. Ph:021- 5654882. Fax:0215654881 32 PakhtoonkhwaQ aumiP arty MuhammadA fzalK han President DaroshK hela,S wat Office: Awami Secretaiate, P-A-P, Khalil Plaza 33 PakistanA wamiP arty FanousG ujjar President G.T. Road, Hashat Nagri, Peshawar 03339216613, 091-2551426 Flat No:402, Mehwish Apartment, Block"N" 34 PakistanA wamiQ uwatP arty SyedF erozA hmadQ uadri Chairman North Nazimabad, Karachi. Ph:0216678686/03452310966 Central Secretariat: 365-M, Model Town, 35 PakistanA wamiT ehreek Dr.M uhammadT ahir-ul-Qadri President Lahore and other Add: House No. 7, Street No. 21, F-8/2 Islamabad.Ph: 285699.Fax: 2856969 House No.286, Lane.6 Askari Complex, 36 PakistanA wamiT ehrik-e-Inqilab Prof.A ftabA hmedK hanL odhi Chairman Walton, Gulberg-III, Lahore Brohistan House, New Rani Pur Borhi Abad, 37 PakistanB rohiP arty ImamA liB rohi President District Khairpur , Sindh. Cell No.0300- 2933719 Office: 8-Davis Road, Lahore Ph:0300- 38 PakistanD emocraticP arty NawabzadaM ansoorA hmadK han President 4220430-0300-4248506 Head Office: P.M.A House Opposite T.M.A. 39 PakistanF reedomP arty AsgharA liC haudhary President Office, Liaqat Road Rawalpindi Ph: 051- 5534711 Chamber No. 256 District Court Fasialabad 40 PakistanG haribP arty Miss.M ahwishC haudhary President Ph:041-260077-2627007 Mobile:0302- 7035007, 0302-6067400 Central Office, 321, W Block, Phase-III, 41 PakistanH umW attanP arty Dr.N asirA hmedK han Chairman L.C.C.H.S, Lahore Al- Haj Muhammad Yusuf Kureshy, 14, Japan 42 PakistanI ttehadT ehreek MuhammadY usufK ureshy Chairman Mansion, Preedy Street, Saddar Karachi Ph: 021-2722458/2255537 43 PakistanJ umhuriA manP arty S.M.N isarS afdarN aqvi Chairman 21-HajiC hamber,4 M ozangR oad,L ahore . , , Markazi 44 PakistanM aqsadH imayetT ehrik JanA lam Road, Rawalpindi. Head Office: I-8/4, St:110, Chairman Islamabad. Ph:4582423-4449656 C-106, KDA Scheme No.1, Karachi. 45 PakistanM azdoorK issanP arty FatehyabA liK han President Phone:021-4540661-4540662 PML-N Secretaiat, 20-H, Street# 10, 46 Pakistan Muslim League (N) RajaM uhammadZ afar ul Haq Chairman F-8/3, Islamabad. Ph: 051-2852661/62. Fax: 051-2852663 Central Baghichi Sethan Baghbanpura, Lahore Cell: 47 PakistanM uslim League( Qasim) Dr. Qari AshfaqU llah President 0300-4412388-0300-4412387 80/1, Khayaban-e-Shujat, Phase-IV,Defence 48 PakistanM uslimL eague( QayyumG roup) KhanA manullahK han President Housing Authority, Karachi. 03222259416 Central Secretaiat Jinnah Road/Club Road, 49 Pashtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party MahmoodK hanA chakzai Chairman Quetta. Ph: 081-839500/820368 71-Clifton Karachi-75600 Ph:021-5865370/1 50 Pakistan Peoples Party (Shaheed Bhutto) GhinwaB hutto Chairperson Fax:021-5861224 5-F, Rehman Baba Road, University Town, 51 Pakistan People's Party (Sherpao) Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao Chairman Peshawar. Ph: 091-841630-841730 Fax: 091- 844523 House No. 1, Street No. 85, G-6/4, Islamabad. 52 Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians MakhdoomA minF ahim President Ph: 051-2276014-15 Fax: 051-2276016 48-C, Toheed Commerical, D.H.A., Phase- 53 PakistanP rogressiveP arty RashidA hmed President V, Karachi. 54 Pakistan Progressive Party (Suraya Farman Group) Begum Surriya Farman Chairperson 2-A, Nazim-ud-Din Road, F-6/1, Islamabad. Centeral Secretariat, 2523/9-H, Near High 55 PakistanS ariakiP arty BarristerT ajM uhammadK hanL angah President Court Jail Road, Multan Sikandar House 103-C New Musltim Town, 56 PakistanS hiaP oliticalP arty SyedN auB aharS hah President Lahore. Head Office Suite No.5, Twin city Plaza, 57 PakistanS ocialD emocraticP arty Ch.M uhammadR iazG ondal President Markaz I-8/3,
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