No 44, 26 March 1986, 1291
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No. 44 1291 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: WEDNESDAY, 26 MARCH 1986 CORRIGENDUM Declaring Land Used as a Roadway in Block IX, Marotiri Survey District, Taumarunui County to be Road Land Acquired jor a State Primary School in the City of Dunedin PAUL REEVES, Governor-G.eneral IN the declaration with the above heading dated 12 February 1986 A PROCLAMATION and published in the New Zealand Gazette, No. 23 of 20 February 1986 at page 774 for the reference to "the 30th day of February PuRSUANT to sections 421 and 422 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, 1986" which appears in the fifth line, read "the 20th day of February I, The Most Reverend Sir Paul Alfred Reeves, the Governor-General 1986" which date appears in the original declaration signed for the of New Zealand, hereby declare the land described in the Schedule Minister of Works and Development. hereto, and used as a roadway, to be road, and to be vested in The Taumarunui County Council. (P.W. 31/1226; Dn. D.O. 16/62/0/3) 16 SCHEDULE SoUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece ofland containing 5.7716 hectares, situated in Block Declaring Land in a Roadway Laid Out in Block XI/, Horohoro IX, Marotiri Survey District, being part Waihaha 4 Block (formerly Survey District, Rotorua District, to be Road Waihaha 3E3 Block); as shown coloured blue on S.O. Plan 45140, lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Hamilton. PAUL REEVES, Governor-General Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, A PROCLAMATION this 18th day of March 1986. FRASER COLMAN, PURSUANT to section 421 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, I, The Minister of Works and Development. Most Reverend Sir Paul Alfred Reeves, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby declare the land described in the Schedule [L.S.] GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! hereto and comprised in a roadway laid out by the Maori Land (P.W. 37/696; Hn. D.O. 56/0/3) Court by an order dated 22 March 1968, to be road, and to be 16/1 vested in The Rotorua District Council. Exempting Maori Freehold Land From Rates SCHEDULE PAUL REEVES, Governor-General SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ORDER IN COUNCIL ALL that piece ofland containin~ 1.5176 hectares, situated in Block At Wellington this 10th day of March 1986 XII, Horohoro Survey DistrIct, being part Kapenga Block HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL (Roadway); as shown marked "A" on S.O. Plan 53149, lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Hamilton. PURSUANT to section 149 of the Ratin~ Act 1967, His Excellency the Governor-General acting by and WIth the advice and consent Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor of the Executive Council, hereby exempts the Maori freehold land General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, described in the Schedule hereto from the liability for the payment this 18th day of March 1986. of rates. FRASER COLMAN, Minister of Works and Development. SCHEDULE [L.S.] GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! SoUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT (P.W. 35/849; Hn. D.O. 98/5/0/44) ALL that piece of land situated in Blocks IX, XII and XIV, Rotoiti 16/1 Survey District and described as follows: 1292 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 44 Area ORDER ha Being 1. Title and commencement-(I) This order may be cited as the 128 Part of the land known as Mokoia created by Freehold Auckland Regional Authority (Review of Constituencies and Mem Order of the Maori Land Court dated 6 April 1956. bership Validation) Order 1986. P. G. MILLEN, (2) This order shall come into force on the day after the date of Clerk of the Executive Council. its publication in the Gazette. (M.A. H.O. 20/1/48; D.O. Mokoia c.q 2. Validation-The resolution determining the distribution of 6/IAL/2CL membership of the Authority which was passed by the Authority on the 15th day of July 1985 is hereby declared to be and to have always been validly made, notwithstanding that the resolution was The Great Barrier Island County Council (Basis of Election passed after the time within which it was required, by section 43 (I) Validation) Order 1986 of the Local Government Act 1974, to be passed. P. G. MILLEN, Clerk of the Executive Council. PAUL REEVES, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL 6 At Wellington this 24th day of March 1986 The Waiheke County Council (Basis of Election and Membership Present: Validation) Order 1986 HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL WHEREAS the Great Barrier Island County Council (hereinafter PAUL REEVES, Governor-General referred to as the Council) was required by section 56 (I) of the ORDER IN COUNCIL Local Government Act 1974 (as enacted by section 2 of the Local Government Amendment Act (No.3) 1977) to determine the basis At Wellington this 24th day of March 1986 of election of the Council by special order made not later than 15 months before the II th day of October 1986, being the date on Present: which the next ~eneral election of the Council is to be held: And HIS EXCELLENCY THE GoVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL whereas the basIs of election of the Council was determined after the time specified in section 56 (I) in that the special order was WHEREAS the Waiheke County Council (hereinafter referred to as passed by the Council on the 14th day of June 1985 and confirmed the Council) was required by section 56 (I) of the Local Government by the Council on the 9th day of August 1985: Act 1974 to determine the basis of election of the Council and to fix the number of members of the Council by special order: And Now, therefore, pursuant to section 719 of the Local Government whereas the meeting at which the resolution to make the special Act 1974 (as enacted by section 2 of the Local Government order determining the basis of election of the Council and fixing Amendment Act 1979), His Excellency the Governor-General, acting the number of members of the Council was held on the 15th day by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby of April 1985: And whereas section 113 (I)(b) of the Local makes the following order. Government Act 1974 requires that a special order must be confirmed at a special meeting held not later than the 70th day after ORDER the day of the meeting at which the resolution was passed: And whereas the special order was confirmed at a meeting of the Council 1. Title and commencement-(I) This order may be cited as the held on the 28th day of June 1985 which is more than 70 days after Great Barrier Island County Council (Basis of Election Validation) the 15th day of April 1985: Order 1986. Now, therefore, pursuant to section 719 of the Local Government (2) This order shall come into force on the day after the date of Act 1974 (as enacted by section 2 of the Local Government its publication in the Gazette. Amendment Act 1979), His Excellency the Governor-General, acting 2. Validation-The basis of election of the Council that was by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby determined by a special order passed on the 14th day of June 1985 makes the following order. and confirmed on the 9th day of August 1985 is hereby declared to be and to always have been validly determined by that special order, notwithstanding it was determined after the time within which ORDER it was required, by section 56 (1) of the Local Government Act 1. Title and commencement-(I) This order may be cited as the 1974, to be determined. _ Waiheke County Council (Basis of Election and Membership P. G. MILLEN, Validation) Order 1986. Clerk of the Executive Council. (2) This order shall come into force on the day after the date of its publication in the Gazette. 6 2. Validation-The basis of election of the Council that was determined by a special order passed on the 15th day of April 1985 and confirmed on the 24th day of June 1985 and the number of The Auckland Regional Authority (Review of Constituencies and members of the Council that was fixed by that special order are Membership Validation) Order 1986 hereby declared to be and to always have been validly determined and fixed by that special order, notwithstanding that the special PAUL REEVES, Governor-General order was confirmed after the day on which it was required by section 113 (1) (b) of the Local Government Act 1974, to be ORDER IN COUNCIL confirmed. At Wellington this 24th day of March 1986 P. G. MILLEN, Oerk of the Executive Council. Present: 6 HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL WHEREAS the Auckland Regional Authority (hereinafter referred to as the Authority) was required by section 43 (1) of the Local Appointments, Promotions, Extensions, Transfers, Resignations, Government Act 1974 to review the distribution of membership of and Retirements of Officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force the Authority among its constituencies and to determine, by resolution, the distribution of membership not later that the 30th PuRSUANT to section 35 of the Defence Act 1971, His Excellency day of June in the year preceding that in which a general election the Governor-General has approved the following appointments, of the Authority is to be held: And whereas a general election is to promotions, extensions, transfers, resignations and retirements of be held in 1986: And whereas the review of the distribution of officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force.