Factsheet of the Status Quo in Herten (D2.1)

Status-Quo of energy demand for heating and cooling in the building and industry sectors, energy supply and district heating networks including local energy maps

Prepared by: Ali Aydemir (Fraunhofer ISI)

Reviewed by: Marie Münster (Technical University of Denmark)

Date: 14/11/2016

D2.1 - 14-11-2016 The progRESsHEAT project

The project progRESsHEAT aims at assisting policy makers at the local, regional, national and EU-level in developing integrated, effective and efficient policy strategies achieving a fast and strong penetration of renewable and efficient heating and cooling systems. Together with 6 local authorities in 6 target countries across Europe (AT, DE, CZ, DK, PT, RO) heating and cooling strategies will be developed through a profound analysis of (1) heating and cooling demands and future developments, (2) long-term potentials of renewable energies and waste heat in the regions, (3) barriers & drivers and (4) a model based assessment of policy intervention in scenarios up to 2050. progRESsHEAT will assist national policy makers in implementing the right policies with a model-based quantitative impact assessment of local, regional and national policies up to 2050.

Policy makers and other stakeholders will be strongly involved in the process, learn from the experience in other regions and gain deep understanding of the impact of policy instruments and their specific design. They are involved in the project via policy group meetings, workshops, interviews and webinars targeted to the fields of assistance in policy development, capacity building and dissemination.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 646573 .

Funded by the Horizon2020 Programme of the European Union

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D2.1 - 14-11-2016

Year of implementation: March 2015 – October 2017 Client: INEA Web: http://www.progressheat.eu

Project consortium:

Energy Economics Group, Institute of Energy Systems and Electrical Drives, Vienna University of Technology

Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research

Technical University Denmark

Institute for Resource Efficiency and Energy Strategies

Energy Cities

OÖ Energiesparverband

EE Energy Engineers GmbH

Gate 21

City of Litomerice

Instituto de Engenharua Mecanica e Gestao Industrial

Agentia Pentru Management ul Energiei si Protectia Mediului Brasov


D2.1 - 14-11-2016 Contents 1. Background ...... 5

1.1 CO2 emissions ...... 5 2. Heating and cooling demand ...... 6 2.1 Buildings ...... 6 2.2 Industry...... 9 3. Heating and cooling supply ...... 11 3.1 District heating ...... 11 3.2 Individual heating ...... 12 3.3 Comparison with national conditions ...... 13 4. Heat resource potentials ...... 14 4.1 Biomass...... 14 4.2 Solar energy ...... 14 4.3 Industry...... 14 4.4 Geothermal and heat pumps ...... 14 4.5 District cooling ...... 14 Bibliography ...... 15


D2.1 - 14-11-2016 1. Background This fact sheet forms part of the deliverable 2.1 in the progRESsHEAT project. The fact sheet presents data which has been collected regarding the local case municipality, Herten, up to June 2016.

The municipality of Herten is located in the Area at the west of the city and at the north of . It covers an area of 37 km² with around 60 000 inhabitants and 30 000 households. Thus, with approximately 1 600 inhabitants per km² the population density is high compared to the average in , which is 226 inhabitants per km². The unemployment rate in Herten was in November 2015 approximately 10% which is also high compared to 6%, the average unemployment rate in Germany in the same month. In the past, the city evolved by joining settlements close to each other (in opposite to a classical evolution around a “historical” downtown), which is why Herten can be described as decentralized city.

The characteristic buildings are workmen dwellings of the mining companies. The land use is divided in areas of settlement, industry, mixed use, public use, recycling and free areas, in which the free areas cover the largest part, followed up by areas for settlement.

The number of households increased in the past, although the population decreased. Thus living space is increasing per habitant. The city assumes that households with inhabitants older than 65 years will increase in future (current figures on shares are up to now only available on a map).

1.1 CO2 emissions

In 2011, the combined CO2 emission in the municipality was approximately 419 thousand metric tons per year. The relative share for the different sectors is visualised in Figure 1. Private households account for the major share of emission, followed by the mobility and the industry sector.


D2.1 - 14-11-2016

1% Private households (heat)

Private households (electricity) 16% Industry & Commercial (heat) 32%

Industry & Commercial (electricity)

Public sector (heat) 19%

Public sector (electricity)

Transport (motorized private transport) 13% 1% 11% Transport (heavy vehicle traffic) 1% 6% Transport (other traffic)

Figure 1: CO2-Balance distinguished by sectors in 2011 for Herten Source: Jung Stadtkonzepte (2013).

2. Heating and cooling demand 2.1 Buildings Within the Climate Masterplan 2020+ of Herten blocks of housings were analysed using a structured scheme with the focus on energy consumption. Within the methodology “blocks of housings” in Herten has been categorized in twelve classes on a map. Each class can be translated as “energetic city space type”. Parameters taken into account in the classification of each “energetic city space type” refer mainly to the structure of parcels and buildings included within “a block of housing” (i.e. construction age of buildings within the block, type, condition of energetic renovation, etc.). The categorization for Herten on a map is visualized in Figure 2. The methodology of classification is designed in the way that cities in Germany usually should have the data necessary to classify each “block of housings” available, without collecting a lot of new data (i.e. by using data from land registry offices). The methodology used for Herten is basically similar to the methodology for Germany described in the book “Energetische Stadtraumtypen“.1 Based on these categories heat densities etc. can be calculated per block of housing as for each class/category key indicators are available. These indicators are based on empirical data. This has been done in the climate master plan of Herten as well.

1 Energetische Stadtraumtypen (2014), Publisher: Manfred Hegger, Jörg Dettmar; pro:21 GmbH, published in Bonn (Germany), ISBN 978-3-8167-9292-5. 6

D2.1 - 14-11-2016 The heat demand for Herten is visualised exemplary in Figure 3. For comparison the heat demand for Herten from Peta is given in Figure 4 visualised on a map. It can be seen that the level of detail from Peta is lower in terms of spatial disaggregation.

Figure 2: Energetic city space types in Herten Source: Jung Stadtkonzepte (2013).


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Figure 3: Heat densities per “block of housings” in Herten Source: Jung Stadtkonzepte (2013).

Figure 4: Heat demand in the region of Herten Source: Peta – Pan-European Thermal Atlas.


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2.2 Industry Seven industrial estates established in different historical decades are located in Herten. They cover a total area of around 350 hectares. Most of them are in the northern part (cf. Figure 5). Within these areas mainly companies from the trade, commerce and service sector are located. In the climate master plan of Herten a forecast of the energy consumption in these areas has been conducted for the year 2020. The forecast is based on the number of occupied/employed persons. As data base for key indicators a study on the energy consumption of the tertiary sector in Germany has been used.2 The forecast is given in Table 1.

Table 1: Assumption on energy consumption of industrial estates in Herten for 2020

Assumption for industry mix in Occupied persons Specific energy Assumed fuel the industrial areas (Assumption for consumption per and district 2020) job [MWh/Job/y] heating consumption in 2020 [MWh] Ewald 800 Hotel industry 200 13,2 2 641 Production plants 400 7,7 3 069 Companies (offices) 200 6,9 1 374 Schlägel &Eisen 500 Hotel industry 50 13,2 660 Production plants 300 7,7 2 302 Companies (offices) 150 6,9 1 030 Technologiepark Herten 100 Companies (offices) 100 6,9 687 Umfeld Vestische 150 0,0 Production plants 150 7,7 1 151 Potential area Im Emscherbruch 400 Logistics, storages 400 2,2 894 Total Source: Jung Stadtkonzepte (2013).

2 The underlying study has been contracted by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). For further information refer to Schlomman et al. (2009): Energy consumption of the tertiary sector (trade, commerce and services) for the years 2004 to 2006. Available online: http://www.isi.fraunhofer.de/isi- wAssets/docs/x/de/publikationen/Erhebung-GHD_summary_Mai-2009.pdf. 9

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Figure 5: Industrial estates in Herten Source: Jung Stadtkonzepte (2009).


D2.1 - 14-11-2016 3. Heating and cooling supply An energy flow chart based on data for 2011 is given for Herten. The flow sheet has been developed by the “Stadtwerke Herten”, the public utility of the city of Herten for the Climate Masterplan 2020+. Table 2 lists the final energy consumption per sector as classified by the City of Herten by type of energy carrier.

Table 2: Final energy consumption per sector in 2011 by type of energy carrier in Herten [GWh/y] User type / Sector Electricity Natural gas District heating Fuel oil Coal Private Households 126 223 135 85 25 Industry / Commercial 88 84 11 0 0 Public institutions 10 4 5 0 0 Total 223 311 151 85 25 Source: Based on figures from Jung Stadtkonzepte (2013).

Table 3: Energy usage by sector and category in 2011 for Herten [GWh/y] User type / Sector Light and Hot water Space Process mech.power generation heating heating Private Households 107 101 386 0 Industry / Commercial 84 9 27 63 Public institutions 9 2 8 0 Total 200 111 421 63 Source: Based on figures from Jung Stadtkonzepte (2013).

3.1 District heating The heat for the district heating network in Herten is currently provided mainly by coal fired combined heat and power plants. Shares are given in Figure 6. The consumption of heat provided by the DH grid differentiated by sector is given in Table 4.


21% Power Station Scholven (Coal) Power Station Herne (Coal) Waste incineration plant AGR 74%

Figure 6: Shares of heat provided by plant for the DH network in Herten. Source: Based on figures from Jung Stadtkonzepte (2013).


D2.1 - 14-11-2016 Table 4 District heating consumption in 2011

User type Final energy consumption (GWh/y) Households 135 Municipality 5 Other public 0 Trade and service 11 Industry and construction 0 Agriculture n.a. Total 151 Source: Based on figures from Jung Stadtkonzepte (2013).

There are plans to change the fuel mix in the district heating generation. It is planned to use waste heat from a so far unused waste incineration plant for providing heat to the district heating grid. The project is planned to be finished by 2020. A feasibility study is already being conducted. This measure will improve the CO2 balance of the district heating network in Herten in general.

3.2 Individual heating The heat supply via individual decentralized heating system such as boilers is mainly based on fossil fuels. The consumption of natural gas, fuel oil and coal by sector is shown in Table 5 to Table 7.

Table 5: Natural gas consumption in 2011

User type Final energy consumption (GWh/y) Households 223 Municipality 4 Other public 0 Trade and service 84 Industry and construction 0 Agriculture n.a. Total 311 Source: Based on figures from Jung Stadtkonzepte (2013).

Table 6: Fuel oil consumption in 2011

User type Final energy consumption (GWh/y) Households 85 Municipality Other public 0 Trade and service Industry and construction 0 Agriculture n.a. Total 85 Source: Based on figures from Jung Stadtkonzepte (2013).


D2.1 - 14-11-2016 Table 7 Coal consumption in 2011

User type Final energy consumption (GWh/y) Households 25 Municipality Other public 0 Trade and service Industry and construction 0 Agriculture n.a. TOTAL 25

Source: Based on figures from Jung Stadtkonzepte (2013). 3.3 Comparison with average conditions in Germany For a comparison with national average conditions we use final energy balances prepared by the Working Group on Energy Balances (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energiebilanzen, AGEB) in Germany. Besides other balances, they also publish final energy balances differentiated by sector. We only compare the values for private households. The other sectors are not comparable as the structuring of consuming sectors is different in the climate masterplan of Herten (cf. Jung Stadtkonzepte, 2013). Furthermore a comparison for the sector industry might be misleading when not assessing the structure of Herten’s industry in parallel.

Table 8 Relative shares of energy carrier on final energy consumption for private households in Germany and Herten [%] in 2011

Energy carrier Germany Herten based on Difference based on Jung in

AGEB Stadtkonzepte %pts-points. (2013) Bituminous coal 2% 0% - 2 Lignite 1% 3% + 2 Mineral oil products 21% 11% - 11 Fuel gas (natural gas, etc.) 36% 39% + 3 Electricity 21% 28% + 7 District heating 7% 19% + 12 Renewable energies 12% 0% - 12 Other Fuels 0% 0% + 0

Source: Based on figures from Jung Stadtkonzepte (2013) and AGEB(2015).

The comparison indicates that in Herten compared to average situation in Germany

 the share of renewable energies is substantially lower,  the share of mineral oil products is substantially lower,  the share of district heating is a lot higher.

However, the comparison only refers to the final energy demand. Please note that currently most of the heat provided for the DH grid comes from coal fired power plants. Thus, a fuel switch for the DH is an option that might reduce CO2-consumption effectively.


D2.1 - 14-11-2016 4. Heat resource potentials 4.1 Biomass A small biogas plant (approx. 0,5 MW) is operated in the city region fuelled with organic waste producing electricity.

The potential biomass resources from forestry in the region is between 500 and 1 000 GWh/y (1 800 – 3 600 TJ/y) (according to Peta).

The waste incineration plant in the city also produces waste heat, but currently only a small fraction of the heat available is being fed into the district heating grid (approximately lower than 10% of heat available, own estimation based on data from the utility website). However, a feasibility study is already running evaluating how to connect the incineration plant to the local DH grid economic feasible.

4.2 Solar energy

400 photovoltaic modules with a total installed power of 6 MW p are installed in Herten. According to Peta the global solar irradiation is below 1 100 kWh/(m²*y).

4.3 Industry cf. section 2.2. No more information is given.

4.4 Geothermal and heat pumps Heat pumps are recommended in areas of Herten without connection to natural gas or district heating. No data on geothermal potentials around Herten is available.

Herten is a former coal mining city. Although the coal mines in Herten and the area around Herten are taken out of operation several years ago, pit water from past mining activities has to be pumped permanently. It is released in nearby rivers to prevent flooding of the area. This water has temperatures of up to 20°C. Principally it can be used for large heat pumps as energy sources. However, technical requirements might be high and cost intensive due to the contamination of the pit water. Nevertheless, a demonstration project exists in a nearby city. It might be worth to evaluate weather pit water potentials exit in Herten also, when conducting the case studies more concrete.

4.5 District cooling The hospital in Herten requires cooling. It is already equipped with an adsorption chiller so that a fraction of the cooling capacity might be provided with heat coming from the district heating network; increasing the district heating utilization in the summer and thus lifting the overall efficiency of the district heating network. This could also be assessed for other buildings requiring cooling, such as warehouses, supermarkets and so on.


D2.1 - 14-11-2016 Bibliography

[1] Jung Stadtkonzepte et al. (2009): “Klimakonzept 2020, Grundlagen und Potenziale.” Jung Stadtkonzepte Stadtplaner & Ingenieure Partnerschaftsgesellschaft. Köln 2009. Available: http://www.gemeinsam-fuers- klima.de/fileadmin/webpflege/gemeinsam_fuers_klima/pdf/Klimakonzept2020_Fassung_11_ 09.pdf [Accessed 10 December 2015]. [2] Jung Stadtkonzepte et al. (2013): “Hertener Klimakonzept 2020+. Ein Masterplan für 100 % Klimaschutz in Herten im Auftrag der Stadt Herten.” Jung Stadtkonzepte Stadtplaner & Ingenieure Partnerschaftsgesellschaft. Köln 2013. Available: http://www.gemeinsam-fuers- klima.de/fileadmin/webpflege/gemeinsam_fuers_klima/pdf/159__tx_ergebnisbericht_MPH_di gitalversion_130717kleinNEU.pdf [Accessed 10 December 2015]. [3] AGEB - AG Energiebilanzen e.V. (2015): Evaluation Tables of the Energy Balance for Germany – 1990 to 2014. Last updated: August 2015. Prepared by DIW Berlin and EEFA on behalf of Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energiebilanzen. Available: http://www.ag- energiebilanzen.de/index.php?article_id=29&fileName=ausw_25082015_engl_ov.pdf [Accessed 10 August 2016]. [4] Pan-European Thermal Atlas (Peta), prepared by Stratego Project. Available: http://maps.heatroadmap.eu [Accessed 16 December 2015].