2009 WIDER IMPACT, COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTION New Zealand’s Mäori Centre of Research Excellence www.maramatanga.ac.nz ISSN 1176-8622 © Ngä Pae o te Märamatanga New Zealand’s Mäori Centre of Research Excellence CONTACTS ko te pae tawhiti Postal Address Ngä Pae o te Märamatanga arumia kia tata Waipapa Marae Complex The University of Auckland ko te pae tata whakamaua Private Bag 92019 Auckland Mail Centre kia puta i te wheiao Auckland 1142 New Zealand ki te ao märama Physical Address Ngä Pae o te Märamatanga seek to bring the Rehutai Building 16 Wynyard Street distant horizon closer The University of Auckland Auckland but the closer horizon, grasp it New Zealand so you may emerge from darkness www.maramatanga.ac.nz
[email protected] into enlightenment T +64 9 373 7599 ext 84220 F +64 9 373 7928 2009 HIGHLIGHTS 2009 saw many successes in delivering on the CoRE’s vision for positive social transformation, including: Publication of five academic journals of Mäori and indigenous writing, 41 peer-reviewed articles, 13 research reports, three book chapters and 65 conference papers or presentations Continued promotion of greater Mäori involvement in science with the launch of science monograph Te Ara Pütaiao – Mäori Insights in Science, prompting wide media and community interest in Mäori achievements, challenges and opportunities to contribute more fully to scientific advances The launch of our largest research programme, focusing on achieving research outcomes with long term benefits and confirmation of high-calibre independent advisory boards