||||||||||||| USOO5174906A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,174,906 Henry (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 29, 1992 54) FLUSHING OF HEATING, VENTILATING 56) References Cited AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS USING ENVIRONMENTALLY SAFE MATERIALS U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,887,435 2/989 Anderson, Jr. ....................... 62/292 4,934.390 6/1990 Sapp .......... ... 62/303 (75) Inventor: Richard G. Henry, Mayfield Heights, 5,025,633 6/1991 Furmanek ..... ... 62/292 Ohio 5,036,675 8/991 Anderson, Jr. ....................... 62/292 Primary Examiner-Robert A. Dawson 73 Assignee: Advanced Research Technologies, Assistant Examiner-Ana M. Fortuna Park Ridge, Ill. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Robert J. Black 57) ABSTRACT A solvent selected from the terpene hydrocarbon group 21 Appl. No.: 766,124 and terpene alcohol group as a cleaning agent can pro vide effective cleaning of heating, ventilating and air lar. conditioning systems which use hydrofluorocarbon or (22 Filed: Sep. 27, 1991 hydrochlorofluorocarbon or Freon refrigerants by using a solvent as described. Flushing through the re (5) Int. Cl. ................................................ CO2F 1/68 frigerant system condenser coils and evaporation coils 52 U.S. C. .................................... 210/765; 210/749; removes any trace of excessive compressor lubricant 210/805; 62/292; 62/303: 134/22. l; which will be carried out with the solvent. The flushed 134/22.19; 252/67 materials carried out are biodegradable, thus are desir 58 Field of Search ............... 210/805, 804, 749, 765; able from an environmental standpoint. 62/303, 292, 77, 85; 252/67, 68; 134/22.1, 22, 19, 108 11 Claims, No Drawings 5,174,906 1.
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