13 An Uncertainty Analysis of Modeling

Karin Riley1 and Matthew Thompson2


Before fire models can be understood, evaluated, and effectively applied to support decision making, model‐ based uncertainties must be analyzed. In this chapter, we identify and classify sources of uncertainty using an established analytical framework, and summarize results graphically in an uncertainty matrix. Our analysis facilitates characterization of the underlying nature of each source of uncertainty (inherent system variability versus limited knowledge), the location where it manifests within the modeling process (inputs, parameters, model structure, etc.), and its magnitude or level (on a continuum from complete determinism to total igno- rance). We adapt this framework to the wildfire context by identifying different planning horizons facing fire managers (near‐, mid‐, and long‐term) as well as modeling domains that correspond to major factors influenc- ing fire activity (fire behavior, ignitions, landscape, , and management). Our results offer a high‐level synthesis that ideally can provide a sound informational basis for evaluating current modeling efforts and that can guide more in‐depth analyses in the future. Key findings include: (1) uncertainties compound and magnify as the planning horizon lengthens; and (2) while many uncertainties are due to variability, gaps in basic fire‐ spread theory ­present a major source of knowledge uncertainty.

13.1. INTRODUCTION determined to a large degree by how well model‐based uncertainties are understood and communicated [Marcot 13.1.1. Wildfire Modeling and Uncertainty Analysis et al., 2012]. Analyzing model‐based uncertainties is a process of Land and fire managers rely on wildfire modeling tech- identifying, classifying, and evaluating sources of uncer- niques to better understand potential wildfire activity tainty and their influence on model outputs [Thompson and evaluate alternative risk management strategies. and Warmink, Chapter 2, this volume]. Identification and A wide range of wildfire models exists with varying classification, our principal foci here, are systematic and inputs, structures, outputs, and intended uses [Sullivan, iterative steps that articulate and characterize essential 2009a, 2009b, 2009c; Papadopolous and Pavlidou, 2011; attributes of uncertainties. These steps are a prerequisite Thompson and Calkin, 2011]. The ability of these models for subsequent evaluation of salient sources of uncer- to support efficient and effective risk management is tainty, which can range from qualitative expert review to computationally demanding quantitative techniques [Refsgaard et al., 2007; Jimenez et al., 2008; Duff et al., 1 Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group, College of 2013]. Uncertainty analysis provides important informa- Forestry and Conservation, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, USA tion for modelers and analysts, aiding selection of appro- 2 Rocky Mountain Research Station, US Forest Service, priate data and modeling techniques, and guiding model Missoula, Montana, USA calibration and validation efforts. It is crucial that

Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment: Modeling and Decision Support, Geophysical Monograph 223, First Edition. Edited by Karin Riley, Peter Webley, and Matthew Thompson. © 2017 American Geophysical Union. Published 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 193 194 Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment managers understand model‐based uncertainties as well, broader term referring to both and prescribed to establish confidence in results, and to determine the (i.e., intentionally ignited) fires; although much of this value of investing in additional data collection, research, chapter is likely applicable to the prescribed fire context, or more extensive modeling efforts. Adoption of a sys- our focus is on wildfires (i.e., unplanned ignitions)). The tematic, rigorous, and consistent process for analyzing management of a single wildfire incident evolves over the uncertainties facilitates the communication of important course of hours to weeks, with fire sizes ranging from less features of uncertainties faced within modeling and deci- than a hectare to over a million hectares. Fire growth is sion contexts. dictated by varying weather patterns, landscape condi- In this chapter, we focus on uncertainties related to the tions, and human responses. Across larger landscapes intersection of wildfire modeling and wildfire manage- and longer time horizons, uncertainty about the timing ment. Our primary objectives are (1) to illustrate applica- and location of ignitions, along with the weather condi- tion of uncertainty analysis to wildfire modeling, and (2) tions driving fire behavior, leads to reliance on risk‐based to introduce a conceptual framework that researchers characterization of wildfire variables to help support and managers can apply to guide future modeling and management decisions. At even larger spatiotemporal decision support efforts. Ideally, increased adoption of scales, long‐term strategic planning necessarily considers uncertainty analysis principles will lead to targeted and broader drivers of the human‐natural system, including efficient investments in gathering additional information, changes in wildfire policy, land use and vegetation dynam- improved communication between modelers and manag- ics, and climate change. These uncertainties pose great ers, and more informed decision‐making processes challenges to land and fire managers, who are increas- [Walker et al., 2003; Warmink et al., 2010]. ingly being asked to account for the effects of climate To begin, we briefly review conceptual models of wild- changes and human‐natural system dynamics in their fire activity to help set the stage for our uncertainty anal- land management plans (for example, US Forest Service ysis framework. Next, we introduce uncertainty analysis direction at http://www.fs.fed.us/emc/nepa/climate_change/ techniques in more detail, focusing on the identifica- includes/cc_land_mgmt_plan _rev_012010.pdf). tion and classification of sources of uncertainty, and To provide background, we review a simple conceptual describe how we tailored our analysis to the wildfire model of the major factors that influence the number, modeling context. We present results that identify where extent, and intensity of wildfires in the natural environ- uncertainties manifest in modeling processes, and how ment, in the absence of human management (Fig. 13.1). uncertainties vary as planning horizons change. Last, The frequency and location of ignitions (both human‐ we discuss implications of our findings and offer con- caused and lightning‐caused) determines the number cluding thoughts. of wildfires. Depending upon the location, ignition fre- quency can be driven predominately by human activity, 13.1.2. Conceptual Models of Wildfire Activity climatic and weather patterns that cause lightning, or some combination of the two. Recent weather conditions The dynamics of wildfire activity and management influence both moisture (via recent , result from a coupling of human and natural systems relative , and ) and rate of spread with complex feedback loops that operate across a (via and fuel moisture). Because weather influences broad spectrum of spatial and temporal scales [Liu et al., fuel moisture and rate of spread, it is a primary driver of 2007; Spies et al., 2014]. (Note that “wildland fire” is a fire intensity as well as fire extent. Landscape conditions

Ignition Weather Landscape frequency & conditions conditions location

Number, extent, and intensity of wildfires

Figure 13.1 A simplified model of factors driving the number, extent, and intensity of wildland fires in the natural environment. (Note that, for example, weather is a source of ignitions, and that ignitions are affected by the land- scape as well, since an ignition must land on a receptive fuel in order to be viable. For the sake of simplicity, however, these relationships are not shown.) An Uncertainty Analysis of Wildfire Modeling 195

Ignition Weather Landscape frequency & conditions conditions location

Number, extent, and intensity of wildfires

Fire suppression actions

Management actions Ignition prevention Fuel treatment programs

Figure 13.2 A simplified model of factors driving the number, extent, and intensity of wildland fires and how management actions interact with wildfire in a coupled human‐natural system. relate to topography and the composition, structure, and actions outside of the wildfire context, such as climate continuity of (flammable vegetation), which influ- change mitigation activities, are omitted from the figure, ence the intensity of wildfires in concert with weather. but could play a role. Next, we expand upon this model to illustrate the effects of management actions (Fig. 13.2). Wildfire inci- 13.2. METHODS dent response entails the strategic and tactical deploy- ment of firefighting resources that generally aim to 13.2.1. Identifying and Classifying Uncertainties restrict fire growth in order to minimize loss of highly valued resources while balancing safety and cost con- We consider three primary dimensions of uncertainty cerns. Wildfire management options extend beyond inci- in our analysis of wildfire modeling: (1) the underlying dent response to the midterm planning horizon, and cause or nature of the uncertainty; (2) where in the mod- include implementing prevention programs to reduce eling or decision process the uncertainty manifests itself, human‐caused ignitions and manipulating vegetation that is, the location of the uncertainty; and (3) where and fuel characteristics to reduce extreme fire behavior along the continuum of total determinism to total igno- [Agee and Skinner, 2005; Prestemon et al., 2013]. Fuel rance the uncertainty resides, that is, the level of the treatment programs include a range of approaches to uncertainty [Walker et al., 2003; Kwakkel et al., 2010]. We remove flammable vegetation via mechanical means as rely mainly on the work of Ascough II et al. [2008], well as through burning from either prescribed fire or Warmink et al. [2010], and Skinner et al. [2014] for our managed natural fire. characterization of the three dimensions of uncertainty, Last, we incorporate a longer temporal horizon which we tailor to the wildfire modeling context for our (Fig. 13.3). Policies establishing the emphasis and direc- analytical purposes (see Section 13.2.2). Figure 13.4 sum- tion of management actions have and may again change marizes the three dimensions, each of which is described in response to wildfire activity and associated conse- in more detail below. quences. Landscape conditions are influenced through For the nature of uncertainty, we consider two main time by a combination of succession, land use changes categories: (1) knowledge (also known as epistemic), resulting from management actions or human develop- which refers to limitations of understanding and is con- ment, and natural disturbances like wildfire. Climate can sidered reducible (in the sense that additional research influence all three primary drivers of wildfire activity (for can increase knowledge and reduce uncertainty); and (2) example, changed storm activity leading to changed igni- variability (aleatory), which refers to the inherent varia- tion patterns [Romps et al., 2014]; changed weather pat- tion in natural and human systems and is considered irre- terns; changes in vegetation and fuel composition across ducible. We consider five main locations of uncertainty: the landscape) and these can have a feedback effect on (1) context, meaning the assumptions and choices outside climate (for instance, where increased evapotranspiration of the model boundaries that underlie the modeling pro- due to climate change prevents a burned forest from cess; (2) inputs, referring to data for a specific model run; regenerating, resulting in a net carbon flux). Management (3) model structure, meaning the relationships between 196 Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment


Ignition frequency & Weather Landscape location conditions conditions

Number, extent, and intensity of wildfires

Management actions


Figure 13.3 A simplified model of factors driving the number, extent, and intensity of wildland fires and how management actions interact with wildfire in a coupled human‐natural system, including temporal dynamics. Feedback loops are presented with dashed arrows. variables and the underlying system; (4) model technical, horizon are summarized in Table 13.1. We further organ- referring to the technical and numerical aspects related to ize our analysis according to primary modeling domains, algorithmic and software implementation; and (5) param- that is, key functions, processes, or actions that drive eters, which refers to values invariant within a chosen wildfire activity (see Figs. 13.1–13.3). Specifically, we model context. The third dimension of uncertainty, the identify five modeling domains: (1) fire behavior, (2) igni- level, reflects a spectrum from total determinism (which tions, (3) weather, (4) landscape conditions, and (5) man- as it is fully known isn’t required in an uncertainty analy- agement activities. Using this organizational framework sis) to total ignorance (which as it is completely unknown (planning horizon and modeling domain), we then iden- cannot be included in an uncertainty analysis) (Fig. 13.4). tify and classify sources of uncertainty according to the Between these two endpoints, we consider three levels of three dimensions listed above (nature, location, and level). uncertainty, in order of increasing uncertainty: (1) statis- We present results in an uncertainty matrix, which is a tical, in which uncertainties can be quantified probabilis- graphical or tabular summarization of uncertainty analy- tically or quantitatively; (2) scenario, in which outcomes sis findings [Walker et al., 2003; Warmink et al., 2010; or possibilities can be identified but not their likelihood; Thompson and Warmink, Chapter 2, this volume]. and (3) recognized ignorance, in which factors are known To populate our uncertainty matrix, we leverage our to be a source of uncertainty, but different possibilities or own experience applying fire models to support hazard their likelihoods cannot be identified. and risk assessment with peer‐reviewed literature relating to fire modeling, decision support, and uncertainty anal- 13.2.2. Wildfire‐Specific Considerations ysis. We focus principally on simulation models that implement fire spread in a geospatial context to explicitly To organize our uncertainty analysis, we identify three model fire growth across a landscape, and that often pro- planning horizons facing fire managers: (1) near‐term vide probabilistic outputs for risk‐based applications incident response (days to weeks), (2) midterm planning [e.g., Atkinson et al., 2010; Thompson et al., 2011; Calkin (1–10 yr), and (3) long‐term planning (10–50 yr). Note that et al., 2011; Salis et al., 2013; Scott et al., 2012a; Scott et the relevant spatial scale of interest expands as the tem- al., 2012b; Ager et al., 2013; Han and Braun, 2013; poral horizon increases. Uncertainties for each planning Thompson et al., 2015; Thompson et al., Chapter 4, this An Uncertainty Analysis of Wildfire Modeling 197

NATURE Knowledge Variability Epistemic Aleatory Reducible Irreducible Limitations of knowledge Inherent system variability


Model technical

Context Model Input Output structure




Total Recognized Total Statistical Scenario determinism ignorance ignorance

Increasing magnitude

Figure 13.4 Representation of the three dimensions of uncertainty (nature, location, level).

Table 13.1 Factors Influencing Fire Extent and Intensity Across Planning Horizons, in Terms of Uncertain Information Planning horizon Ignitions Weather Landscape Management Wildfire incident Observed Forecasts and Static landscape Suppression tactics provided response historical by incident commander patterns Midterm Historical patterns Historical Static landscape Historical patterns of (1–10 yr) patterns suppression effectiveness; policy scenarios for suppression and fuel management provided by land manager Long‐term Scenarios for changes Climate Scenarios for biome Scenarios for policy change (10–50 yr) in patterns due to scenarios migration, land use in suppression, fuel climate change and change, management, and management, and land use land use change disturbance (including no‐analog fuel conditions)

Note: Fire behavior was not included in this table since it presents a source of uncertainty that is constant across all three planning horizons (the reader is referred to Section 13.3.1 for more information). 198 Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment volume]. We further limit our focus to operational fire‐ other four domains vary across planning horizons. We spread models that have been applied to support analysis discuss how considerations and questions vary, from the and planning efforts, most of which are empirical or perspective of the modeler, across the incident quasi‐empirical (i.e., a statistical approach based on a (Section 13.3.2), midterm (Section 13.3.3), and long‐term physical model; Sullivan [2009c]). We draw primarily (Section 13.3.4) planning horizons. Building from the from our experience with operational fire‐modeling sys- uncertainty matrix, we align the primary modeling tems used in federal wildfire management in the United domain with the five possible locations of uncertainty in States [Finney, 2004; 2006; Finney et al., 2011a; Finney et the modeling process, following Warmink et al. [2010] al., 2011b], although we expect our analytical framework (Figs. 13.5–13.7). and findings to be broadly applicable. In creating the uncertainty matrix, we balance breadth 13.3.1. Uncertainties Common Across Planning and depth, attempting to address all major influencing Horizons: Fire Behavior factors while recognizing that it is possible to drill down into any given modeling domain or source of uncertainty Uncertainty in fire‐behavior modeling entails both more comprehensively. Many fire models consist of a col- theoretical [e.g., Finney et al., 2012] and applied [e.g., lection of equations and submodels; for example, a spa- Jimenez et al., 2008] concerns. Notably, the mechanisms tial fire model might employ a one‐dimensional surface producing fire spread are not yet known despite modeling fire spread equation, a transition to crown fire equation, used extensively for the past few decades [e.g., Rothermel, a one‐dimensional crown fire propagation equation, a 1972]. Recent work demonstrates that radiation is insuf- spatial implementation of fire spread in two dimensions ficient to cause ignition in fine fuels, with direct flame across a heterogeneous landscape, a statistical weather contact produced by buoyancy‐driven instabilities being generation algorithm, and a fire suppression module [e.g., a more likely mechanism for fire spread [Cohen and Finney et al., 2011b]. Examining the uncertainties in each Finney, 2014; Finney et al., 2015]. Within the buoyancy of the equations and submodels exhaustively would have dynamics, there is a certain amount of stochasticity in produced a rather cumbersome and likely unintelligible intermittent flame contacts, which would introduce vari- analysis, so instead we evaluate uncertainties from the ability uncertainty into particle ignition. It may be a num- perspective of the geospatial fire models themselves (each ber of years before new physically-based models are of which is a collection of submodels and equations). In ready for operational implementation in the incident, some cases, separate modeling systems produce inputs for midterm, and long‐term planning horizons. We classify the fire models, for example, in the case of fuel treatment the current state of the science regarding fire physics as a optimization models that provide alternative representa- source of recognized ignorance and model context uncer- tions of landscape conditions [e.g., Ager et al., 2013], or tainty, since at this time researchers are not sure which in the case of wind models that provide spatially varying physical processes are operating and need to be included wind fields [e.g., Forthofer et al., 2009]. Similarly, we do in models. not examine the uncertainties in these separate modeling We deem fire behavior to have a location of “model systems, but because they can produce landscape or wind context,” since the current lack of physical understanding data to be used as inputs in the fire models, we consider affects the assumptions and choices underlying the uncertainty within these models to be a source of input ­construction of the model (Table 13.2). Once improved uncertainty from the standpoint of fire modeling. Our physical models are available, they will undoubtedly have results can be interpreted, therefore, as a high‐level syn- sources of input, structure, technical and parameter thesis that can provide a sound informational basis for uncertainty, but at this stage, such uncertainties cannot evaluating current modeling efforts, and that can guide be listed. Because that is the case, every other source of more in‐depth analyses in the future. uncertainty identified in this chapter could be considered to fall into the realm of recognized ignorance and model 13.3. RESULTS context uncertainty. Rather than discussing fire modeling in that sense, which would seem to have limited utility, the A list of salient uncertainties in fire modeling is pre- remainder of the uncertainty analysis regards uncertain- sented in the uncertainty matrix, broken down according ties in fire occurrence and behavior as they are currently to planning horizon and primary modeling domain implemented in fire models and thus used to support (Table 13.2). Uncertainty in predicting fire behavior is decision making. common across planning horizons, with similar factors As they are currently constructed, we classify rate‐of‐ influencing incident, midterm, and long‐term planning. spread and intensity equations as a source of model These uncertainties are identified, briefly described, and structure uncertainty, rooted in the mathematical rela- classified in Section 13.3.1. Sources of uncertainty in the tions between variables. There is a degree of uncertainty Table 13.2 An Uncertainty Matrix Identifying and Classifying Uncertainties in Fire Modeling

Management Nature Location Level and planning Uncertainty Model Model Recognized context source Knowledge Variability Context Input structure technical Parameter Statistical Scenario ignorance Across Contexts Fire Behavior (Physical Basis) Convective and x x x radiative transfer mechanisms Rate‐of‐spread and x x x intensity equations Fire Behavior (As Currently Implemented) Rate‐of‐spread and x x x intensity equations Empirical model x x x coefficients Fire behavior fuel x x x model parameters Fire spread x x x algorithms (2D) Wildfire Incident Response Weather Wind speed and x x x direction forecasts Temperature and x x x relative humidity forecasts Landscape Vegetation type and x x x configuration Surface and canopy x x x fuel models Discretized landscape x x x representation Fuel moisture x x x Management Tactics x x x (Continued) Table 13.2 (Continued)

Management Nature Location Level and planning Uncertainty Model Model Recognized context source Knowledge Variability Context Input structure technical Parameter Statistical Scenario ignorance Productive capacity x x x and effectiveness of firefighting resources Midterm (1–10 yr) Ignitions (natural and human) Timing x x x Location x x x Frequency/number x x x Weather Wind speed and x x x direction distributions Temperature and x x x relative humidity distributions Landscape Changes in vegetation type and configuration Local, due to x x x disturbance, management, and land use change Systematic, due to x x x succession and regeneration Changes in surface and canopy fuel models Local, due to x x x disturbance, management, and land use change

Systematic, due to x x x succession and regeneration Management Response capacity x x x and initial attack success Ignition prevention x x x effectiveness Hazardous fuel x x x reduction effectiveness Long‐term (10–50 yr) Fire behavior (physical basis) Changes in x x x relationship between fuel characteristics and fire spread Changes in x x x relationship between fuel characteristics and ignition probability Ignitions Changes in lightning x x x patterns Changes in x x x development patterns (human‐ caused ignitions) Weather Changes in x x x precipitation regimes Changes in wind x x x patterns Changes in x x x temperature and relative humidity distributions Changes in season x x x length Landscape Biome migration x x x Management Nature Location Level and planning Uncertainty Model Model Recognized context source Knowledge Variability Context Input structure technical Parameter Statistical Scenario ignorance Productive capacity x x x and effectiveness of firefighting resources Midterm (1–10 yr) Ignitions (natural and human) Timing x x x Location x x x Frequency/number x x x Weather Wind speed and x x x direction distributions Temperature and x x x relative humidity distributions Landscape Changes in vegetation type and configuration Local, due to x x x disturbance, management, and land use change Systematic, due to x x x succession and regeneration Changes in surface and canopy fuel models Local, due to x x x disturbance, management, and land use change

Systematic, due to x x x succession and regeneration Management Response capacity x x x and initial attack success Ignition prevention x x x effectiveness Hazardous fuel x x x reduction effectiveness Long‐term (10–50 yr) Fire behavior (physical basis) Changes in x x x relationship between fuel characteristics and fire spread Changes in x x x relationship between fuel characteristics and ignition probability Ignitions Changes in lightning x x x patterns Changes in x x x development patterns (human‐ caused ignitions) Weather Changes in x x x precipitation regimes Changes in wind x x x patterns Changes in x x x temperature and relative humidity distributions Changes in season x x x length Landscape Biome migration x x x

(Continued) Table 13.2 (Continued)

Management Nature Location Level and planning Uncertainty Model Model Recognized context source Knowledge Variability Context Input structure technical Parameter Statistical Scenario ignorance No‐analog vegetation x x x conditions Changes in vegetation x x x type, cover, and height (systematic, due to changes in climate) Changes in surface x x x and canopy fuel models (systematic, due to changes in climate) Changes in land use x x x Management Wildfire policy x x x

Note: Across the incident, midterm, and long‐term planning horizons, sources of uncertainty are listed in the uncertainty matrix according to the fire behavior, ignition, weather, landscape, and management domains. Sources of uncertainty from the incident planning horizon are also present at the midterm planning horizon, and sources of uncertainty from the midterm are also present at the long‐term planning horizon, so only additional sources of uncertainty are listed as the temporal scope increases. An Uncertainty Analysis of Wildfire Modeling 203

Context • Surface fire • Spread (1D) • Intensity • Crown fire • Transition from surface fire • Spread (1D) • Intensity Model technical • Spread across heterogeneous landscape (2D) Fire behavior • fire spread algorithms (2D) • Weather stream • Management Landscape • Fire suppression tactics •discretized landscape • Fire suppression representation effectiveness

Input Weather Model structure • Wind speed and direction Output forecasts Fire behavior Fire behavior • Temperature and relative • Forward rate-of-spread and humidity forecasts intensity equations •Rate of spread • Intensity Landscape Management • Extent/perimeter • Vegetation type and • Productive capacity and • Burn probability configuration (current) effectiveness of firefighting (from single fire) • Surface and canopy fuel resources models (current) • Fuel moisture

Parameters Fire behavior • Empirical model coefficients in rate-of- spread and intensity equations • Fuel model parameters

Figure 13.5 Location of uncertainties in wildfire model architecture at the near‐term (incident) planning horizon [format after Warmink et al., 2010]. in the factors chosen to be included in the rate of spread coefficients that “ought” to be physically related to fire models, resulting in model structure uncertainty [Wilson, spread, and fire spotting), however, the results are widely 1990]. Current fire spread models used commonly in considered to be accurate within a factor of two or three the United States [e.g., Rothermel, 1972] are based on [Albini, 1976; Wilson, 1990]. This source of uncertainty is empirically derived coefficients and provide reasonable sometimes handled by modelers testing different rate‐of‐ estimates of fire spread regardless of the mechanism. spread parameters based on expert judgment, producing The values of the coefficients themselves are a source a set of scenarios. of parametric uncertainty, and are highly dependent on Two separate classes of models exist for predicting sur- the source data with which the statistical relationships face fire and crown fire. The Rothermel [1972] rate of were built [Liu et al., 2015; Sullivan, 2009b]. This uncer- spread model accounts for the spread of surface fire only, tainty can be particularly relevant for prediction outside across litter, grass, and shrubs. Fire behavior fuel models the scope of the initial experiments. Due to factors not developed to integrate with the Rothermel [1972] spread included in surface and crown fire spread models (includ- model have a standardized set of parameters defining ing subpixel variability in fuels, empirical tuning of fuel characteristics such as loading, bulk density, and 204 Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment

Context • Surface fire • Spread (1D) • Intensity •Crown fire • Transition from surface fire • Spread (1D) • Intensity Input • Spread across heterogeneous landscape Ignitions (2D) • Timing • Weather stream • Location • Management • Frequency/number •Fire suppression tactics Weather/climatology •Fire suppression effectiveness • Wind speed and direction distributions Model technical • Temperature and relative Fire behavior humidity distributions • Fire spread algorithms (2D) Landscape Landscape • All sources of landscape • Discretized landscape uncertainties from representation incident level • Changes in vegetation type and configuration • Local, due to disturbance and management Model structure Output • Systematic, due to Fire behavior succession and • Forward rate-of-spread and Fire behavior regeneration intensity equations • Rate of spread • Surface and canopy fuel • Mean fire intensity Management models • Extent/perimeter • Local, due to • Productive capacity and • Annual burn disturbance and effectiveness of firefighting probability management resources • Systematic, due to succession and regeneration Management Parameters • Response capacity and Fire behavior initial attack success • Empirical model • Ignition prevention coefficients in rate-of- effectiveness spread and intensity • Hazardous fuel reduction equations effectiveness • Fuel model parameters

Figure 13.6 Location of uncertainties in wildfire model architecture in the midterm (1–10 yr) planning horizon [format after Warmink et al., 2010]. While the sources of model technical, structural, and context uncertainties remain the same compared to the incident context (Fig. 13.5), additional uncertainties in model inputs are in play and different model outputs are available. particle size [Scott and Burgan, 2005], and the degree to spread of crown fire [e.g., Alexander and Cruz, 2013]; which these values reflect actual physical conditions rep- however, comparison of empirical measurements of the resents a source of parametric uncertainty in fire behav- active crown fire rate of spread with modeled estimates ior modeling. Several models are commonly used to suggests that the error rates are low enough that in practi- simulate the transition of fire from surface to crown fire cal terms the models can be utilized to support decision and the subsequent spread of crown fire [Rothermel, making during fires [Cruz et al., 2005]. 1991; Van Wagner, 1977; Finney, 2004; Scott and As noted above, fire‐spread models make a number of Reinhardt, 2001]. These models have been criticized for simplifying assumptions, for example, that fuels are underrepresenting or overrepresenting the initiation and homogeneous, which we classify as a source of model An Uncertainty Analysis of Wildfire Modeling 205

Context Input • Surface fire Ignitions • Spread (1-D) • All sources of ignition • Intensity uncertainty from the mid- Model technical •Crown fire term context • Transition from surface Fire behavior • Changes in storm patterns fire • Fire spread algorithms (2D) (lightning-caused) • Spread (1-D) • Changes in development Landscape • Intensity patterns (human-caused) • Discretized landscape • Spread across heterogeneous representation Weather/Climatology landscape (2-D) • All sources of weather • Weather stream uncertainty from the mid- • Management term context •Fire suppression tactics • Changes in drought and Model structure •Fire suppression effectiveness precipitation regimes Fire behavior • Changes in wind patterns • Forward rate-of-spread • Changes in temperature and intensity equations Output and relative humidity • Changes in relationship Fire behavior • Changes in season length between fuel •Rate of spread Landscape characteristics and: • Mean fire intensity • All sources of landscape • Fire spread • Extent/perimeter uncertainties from • Ignition probability • Annual burn incident and mid-term Management probability contexts • Productive capacity and • Biome migration effectiveness of firefighting • Changes in vegetation resources type, cover, and height (systematic, driven by changes in climate) • Changes in surface and Parameters canopy fuel models (systematic, driven by Fire behavior changes in climate) • Empirical model • Changes in land use coefficients in rate-of- • No-analog vegetation spread and intensity conditions (systematic, equations driven by changes in • Fuel model parameters climate) Management • All sources of management uncertainty from mid-term context • Changes in wildfire policy

Figure 13.7 Location of uncertainties in wildfire model architecture in the long‐term (10–50 yr) context [format after Warmink et al., 2010]. Additional sources of input uncertainty have come into play in four of the five domains (ignitions, weather, landscape, and management). Uncertainties in long‐term planning inputs are of greater magnitude, including shifts in vegetation type and composition, changes in wildfire policy, and possible no‐analog fuel conditions. structure uncertainty. In addition, fire‐spread algorithms analysts in order to calibrate model outputs such as fire may then be implemented spatially in a model, where the size to better match historical data. paths of fastest spread across heterogeneous landscape can be quite complex [i.e., Finney, 2002], a source of 13.3.2. Near‐Term Modeling and Uncertainty: model technical uncertainty. Field measurements of fire‐ The Wildfire Incident (1–30 Days) spread rate and historical fire sizes serve as a check on model outputs in the face of these uncertainties regarding In the context of a given wildfire incident, one of the fire behavior and spread [e.g., Cruz and Alexander, 2013; domains of uncertainty can be eliminated: the timing and Finney et al., 2011b]. Model inputs are often adjusted by location of the ignition is more or less known (subject to 206 Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment measurement error). Weather presents a form of variability termed “the wildfire paradox” [Arno and Brown, 1991; uncertainty, however, in the incident planning horizon Calkin et al., 2014; Calkin et al., 2015]. However, how (typically a week or less), fire behavior analysts often suppression activities affect the growth and evolution of ­utilize forecasts of temperature, precipitation, relative individual incidents is poorly understood. This uncer- humidity, and wind. Where weather forecasts are not tainty is particularly salient for the management of fires available or reliable, statistical predictions can be made that escape initial containment efforts, especially under based on historical weather records [Finney et al., 2011a]. extreme weather conditions leading to intense fire behav- Multiple statistical weather predictions can be combined ior inherently resistant to control. While the modeling of by some models to produce an ensemble simulation that initial containment typically assumes a single function outputs spatially resolved estimates of the probability of for suppression resources, to build fire line, and compares burning [e.g., Finney et al., 2011a]. the rate of fire line production to the rate of fire spread The landscape is rendered for use in common fire [Fried and Fried, 1996], large fire containment efforts are ­models based upon measurements and expert judgment, far more dynamic and complex [Thompson, 2013], with a subject to knowledge uncertainty (since landscape con- very limited empirical basis to characterize effectiveness figuration theoretically can be known). A static land- or efficiency [Finney et al., 2009; Holmes and Calkin, scape reflecting current topographic and vegetation 2013; Thompson et al., 2013b; Calkin et al., 2014b]. It is conditions is commonly used as a basic input for mode- important to note that although large escaped fires typi- ling [Ryan and Opperman, 2013; Scott et al., 2013], with cally account for only a small fraction of total ignitions, the landscape itself being a stylized model of reality. By they also account for the majority of area burned and this, we mean that the landscape must be discretized into suppression expenditures [Calkin et al., 2005; Short, homogenous spatial units for the model, rendering the 2013]. Productive capacity and effectiveness of firefight- landscape layers into a map of polygons or grids of a ing resources theoretically could be known (knowledge certain resolution (a source of model technical uncer- uncertainty) and form a source of model structure uncer- tainty). In addition, vegetation conditions are typically tainty, but tactics are subject to human variability and the discretized; for example, surface fuel conditions are often factors that need to be included in models are not clear represented using a discrete set of fire‐behavior fuel (model context uncertainty). models [Scott and Burga, 2005]. The degree to which Under some circumstances, fire behavior analysts may assignment of these fire‐behavior fuel models reflects on‐ work with incident personnel to incorporate potential the‐ground fuel conditions is a source of uncertainty. barriers to future fire spread such as known or expected Fuel moisture conditions, which are important in rate of fire line, burnouts, or natural barriers into model runs. spread calculations, vary across the landscape based on However, existing operational models don’t have the aspect and elevation. Some fire models use fuel moisture capacity to directly model fire line construction activities conditioning to geospatially estimate this variability based on the amount and type of firefighting resources [Nelson, 2000] based on recent weather conditions, while present [Calkin et al., 2011]. Further, these models are others assign constant fuel moisture values for the entire unable to account for the broader suite of suppression landscape. In either case, fuel moisture values are discre- tactics such as aerial retardant delivery. Reliance on tized to a pixel or assumed to be homogenous for the expert judgment and intuition is therefore common. landscape as a whole. Uncertainties in fuel moisture The location of each uncertainty in incident‐level wild- and landscape vegetation values (e.g., crown bulk density fire modeling is shown in Figure 13.5. Within the incident and crown base height) can be quantified statistically at planning horizon, sources of uncertainty are mostly small scales (i.e., forest plot). However, at the landscape located in model inputs, with the remainder being more level, probabilities of various vegetation configurations or less equally divided between model technical, model relevant to fire models are not currently known, so we structure, parameters, and model context. However, this assigned a scenario level of uncertainty to the landscape doesn’t mean that the input uncertainties necessarily out- representation at landscape scales. In the future, remote weigh the other locations of uncertainty in magnitude, as sensing techniques may make statistical quantification the respective levels of each source of uncertainty also of uncertainties in some landscape variables possible at come into play (Table 13.2). larger scales. When fire suppression is practiced for multiple dec- 13.3.3. The Midterm Planning Horizon: Modeling ades, the effects are thought to create positive feedbacks and Uncertainty in the 1–10 Year Time Frame with negative consequences in certain (in other words, fire suppression may lead to a buildup of As the temporal dimension of fire modeling expands vegetation that makes future fires more severe, more dif- from the incident to the midterm (next 1–10 years), ficult to control, and larger), a phenomenon sometimes sources of uncertainty are compounded in four of the five An Uncertainty Analysis of Wildfire Modeling 207 domains (ignitions, weather, landscape, and ma­ nagement; structure in this planning horizon [Finney et al., 2009]. Table 13.2, Fig. 13.6). In this time frame, the location and The effectiveness of fire suppression during both initial number of ignitions cannot be known, as it will be based and extended attack is not currently well understood, but on natural variability in weather (for example, storm can be modeled statistically. The effectiveness of other tracks, temperature, and precipitation patterns) as well as management actions such as fire prevention and fuel variability in human behavior resulting in human‐caused management can be inferred empirically or through sim- ignitions. Historical ignition patterns often form the basis ulation modeling (sources of knowledge uncertainty, for statistical estimates of future ignition likelihood in the with statistical and scenario level, respectively) [Ager et al., modeling environment [Andrews et al., 2003; Syphard 2010; Prestemon et al., 2013; Thompson et al., 2013a]. et al., 2008], although the accuracy of these estimates can Additional sources of uncertainty affect fire management be degraded by incomplete or inadequate fire history at this scale. Burn probability models often simulate only records [Short, 2013]. “large” fires, since small fires contribute little to land- Weather inputs for models in the midterm planning scape‐scale burn probability [e.g., Finney et al., 2011b]. horizon are often based on historical distributions of The number of “large” fires is affected by initial attack wind speed and direction, temperature, relative humidity, success and response capacity across potentially simulta- and precipitation [Finney et al., 2011b]. An array of neous wildfires, as well as the effectiveness of prevention weather station records and more recently interpolated programs, forming a source of input uncertainty. Rate of gridded weather products [e.g., Abatzoglou, 2011] are spread and intensity may be affected by fuel treatment available to analysts. Relative to the incident planning programs via their effect on fuel model assignment, pro- horizon where the sequence of weather is known for the ducing additional input uncertainty. At this planning previous days (and can be used as a starting point for horizon, most management factors can be considered a modeled weather) and forecasts are generally available, source of input uncertainty, but can be modeled using a these midterm estimates entail a greater degree of uncer- statistical or scenario approach. tainty, being based on statistical distributions and time‐ In summary, additional sources of input uncertainty series analysis of historical weather. Broader climatic appear when moving from the incident to midterm plan- factors such as interannual and decadal oscillations, ning horizon, while the sources of uncertainty in the including the El Niño Southern Oscillation, Atlantic model technical, model structure, parameter, and model Multidecadal Oscillation, and Pacific Decadal Oscillation, context locations are common across the two planning also exert an influence on drought and weather patterns horizons (Fig. 13.6). Additional model outputs (includ- at this temporal scale. The effects of such oscillations ing mean fire intensity and annual burn probability) are vary spatially, and neither their onset nor influence on typically available as well. fire behavior via weather can be modeled reliably at this point in time, adding to uncertainty in weather variability 13.3.4. The Long‐Term Planning Horizon: Modeling in the midterm planning horizon. and Uncertainty During the 10–50 Yr Time Frame The uncertainties regarding the accuracy of the depicted landscape at the incident level are still present, At the long‐term planning horizon, many of the uncer- and will increase over time as disturbances, plant growth, tainties present in the incident and midterm planning and succession affect the landscape. In addition, land- horizons increase in magnitude, and several new sources scape changes are likely to occur due to management, of uncertainty appear, with the result of moving the level including fuel reduction and timber harvest. Both the of uncertainty toward recognized ignorance in some rate and location of these changes are uncertain due to cases. Because shifts in vegetation composition and cli- factors such as market volatility and litigation. Land‐use mate may produce nonequilibrium and no‐analog condi- changes, including expansion of the wildland‐urban tions, unprecedented changes in fire behavior are possible. interface, are also likely during this time frame. In con- For example, changes in the relationship between fuel trast to the landscape at the incident planning horizon, characteristics (such as fuel moisture) and ignition prob- which theoretically can be known, the landscape during ability may occur, since these probabilities vary across the midterm planning horizon is subject to variability different ecosystems. In addition, changes in the relation- uncertainty. This uncertainty could be addressed in the ship between fuel conditions (such as fuel moisture) and modeling realm by using different landscape scenarios as fire spread may occur, as different pairings between veg- inputs to fire models. etation and climate manifest. These possible changes fall Similarly, sources of uncertainty in management pre- into the realm of recognized ignorance, and present a sent at the incident planning horizon still exist, and are major challenge for fire modeling in this time frame. augmented by additional factors. Historical patterns of Within the ignitions domain, the number, frequency, suppression effectiveness often form the basis for model and timing of ignitions are likely to change as storm tracks 208 Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment are altered due to climate change [Romps et al., 2014]. in the midterm planning horizon, they are likely to be However, the mechanisms are driven by natural variability widespread and systematic during the long‐term plan- and are not well understood, resulting in a level of recog- ning horizon. Since stochastic natural variability cannot nized ignorance. In addition, human development may be predicted, different landscape scenarios might be uti- change the number and location of ignitions, for example, lized as model inputs. by increasing the presence of humans in previously remote Because it is not possible to predict the exact trajectory areas and by making some previously burnable areas of climate and because possible no‐analog weather condi- nonburnable through irrigated agriculture or paving. The tions may occur, as well as natural and human variability patterns are unpredictable, resulting in a scenario level of inherent in the system, definitive predictions of changes uncertainty in model inputs for human ignitions. in fire behavior and occurrence are currently not feasible As the climate changes, so will the short‐term weather to predict during this time frame [Kirtman et al., 2013]. that drives large wildfires. Among these predicted changes However, scenario planning based on the outputs of GCMs are alterations in drought and rainfall regimes; changes in can be used as a tool for the long‐term planning horizon. wind patterns, temperature, and relative humidity; light- In summary, when moving from the midterm to the ning activity; and fire season length [Kirtman et al., 2013; long‐term planning horizon, more sources of input Westerling et al., 2006]. These projected changes vary uncertainty come into play in four of the five domains spatially, with some areas predicted to become wetter and (ignitions, weather, landscape, and management; others predicted to become drier, for example. Interactions Table 13.2; Fig. 13.7). Uncertainties in long‐term plan- among these changing weather factors and how they ning inputs are of greater magnitude, including system- affect the availability of fuels to burn are complex atic shifts in vegetation type and composition, changes in [Loehman et al., 2014]. For example, if precipitation and wildfire policy, and possible no‐analog fuel conditions. temperature during fire season both increase, are fires likely to become more or less frequent? Further compli- 13.4. DISCUSSION cating the issue, outputs from General Circulation Models (GCMs) indicate a range of possible future climate pre- Globally, a wide variety of approaches to fire modeling dictions based on both different carbon emissions trajec- exist, ranging from rapid simulation to inform incident tories and differences in model architecture [Kirtman decision making to computationally intensive fluid et al., 2013]. Changes in global, national, and local poli- dynamic models aimed more at improving physical under­ cies may affect carbon emissions trajectories and the standing of fire propagation [Linn, 1997; McGrattan, resulting degree of climate change. In any case, because 2010]. In this chapter, we largely abstracted from specific changes in climate are expected to alter weather probabil- modeling approaches to focus on uncertainties surround- ity distributions, uncertainty in weather inputs increases ing the major drivers of wildfire activity and their role in to scenario level, where emissions pathways and the out- modeling to support wildfire management. That multiple puts of GCMs present possible scenarios for model inputs. uncertainties are identified doesn’t mean models aren’t In addition, changes in local and national policies useful, and in fact models will likely grow in importance could result in systematic land‐use change. Changes in moving forward, due to a number of factors including: land management policy may result in differences in har- (1) increasing human development in some parts of the vest rates, fuel treatment rates, and how disturbances such world with commensurate increases in values at risk, and as wildfires are managed, causing widespread changes in (2) climate change likely to cause widespread changes in landscape conditions. These changes have a nature of fire dynamics as well as fires in some areas that haven’t variability, and produce sources of input uncertainty. previously experienced them. At this timescale, landscape conditions will be affected Our analysis revealed that that the current state of by complex feedbacks driven by climate change. These knowledge about fire physics places modeling efforts in changes could include biome migration and type conver- the realm of recognized ignorance, pending improved sions (e.g., from forest to grassland) driven by changes in understanding of fire physics [Finney et al., 2012]. climate [Loehman et al., 2014]. No‐analog vegetation However, multiple existing fire models have empirically conditions may result from changes in climate, meaning tuned coefficients over the past few decades, resulting in that the set of current fuel models may need to be aug- model outputs that replicate fire spread and intensity rea- mented or modified in ways that aren’t clear yet, resulting sonably enough for use across planning horizons. Future in a source of recognized ignorance. Climate change will research may reduce knowledge gaps as a better under- likely affect the rate and magnitude of disturbances standing of the physical process is gained, and it is pos- including wildfire and bark beetle infestations, which sible that in the future, natural variability may be the may systematically impact the landscape. While altera- dominant source of uncertainty due to turbulence and tions in the landscape are likely to be mainly local in scale buoyancy dynamics. An Uncertainty Analysis of Wildfire Modeling 209

Weather variables presented a form of variability uncer- with a scenario rather than statistical level increased in the tainty across all planning contexts. Ignitions are known at long‐term context, reflecting the increasing degree of the incident planning horizon, but fall into the category uncertainty as the scope of the planning horizon expands. of variability uncertainty at the midterm and long‐term On the whole, while some sources of uncertainty could be planning horizons, where they are driven by weather as represented with a statistical level of uncertainty (for well as human behavior. Landscape variables are a source example, distributions of temperature and precipitation of knowledge uncertainty at the incident planning hori- from weather station records), most factors could only be zon (where they theoretically could be measured and represented with a scenario level of uncertainty (including known), but become a source of variability uncertainty landscape vegetation variables), reflecting, for instance, the at midterm and long‐term planning horizons (where they inability to quantify spatiotemporal landscape patterns, or are driven by changes due to natural disturbance, man- to place error bounds on measurements of input variables agement, succession, and climate change). Many manage- such as vegetation characteristics at the landscape scale. ment variables could theoretically be known (for example, Recognized ignorance is rare in our classification, relating success rates from fire prevention programs), while others only to conceptual understanding of basic fire physics (such as choice of suppression tactics during an incident) across all planning horizons, and several uncertainties in fall into the category of variability uncertainty. the long‐term planning horizon, specifically changes in the At the near‐term incident response horizon, sources of relationship between fuel characteristics and ignition prob- uncertainty are fairly evenly divided in their location ability and fire spread, changes in storm patterns, and no‐ across model structure, model technical, and input uncer- analog vegetation conditions. Admittedly, the level and tainty. However, additional sources of input uncertainty location dimensions were difficult to ascertain, and are in come into play at the midterm and long‐term planning some sense subjective judgments given our experience and horizons, so that location of uncertainty is dominated by understanding of contemporary model application. Future inputs at the long‐term planning horizon. research may reduce the level of some of these uncertain- At the incident and midterm planning horizons, igni- ties from recognized ignorance to scenario, or from sce- tions and weather tended to be possible to quantify with a nario to statistical. statistical level of uncertainty, but landscape and manage- One important finding of this uncertainty analysis is ment factors tended to have a scenario level of uncertainty that uncertainty increases as the spatial and temporal across all planning horizons. The proportion of factors scale of the fire modeling analysis increases. Figure 13.8

Incident Mid-term Long-term (next 1–30 days) (next 1–10 years) (next 10–50 years)

Land mgmt policy

Land use change

Vegetation shifts



Suppression effectiveness Suppression response

Fire behavior Fuels


Figure 13.8 Compounding uncertainty across planning levels. As modeling frameworks move from shorter to longer‐term planning contexts, additional sources of uncertainty come into play, and existing sources of uncer- tainty grow in magnitude. 210 Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment illustrates how uncertainty compounds across the three uncertainty appear while others grow in magnitude (i.e., planning horizons. Many of the sources of uncertainty change in the level dimension) as the scale of the plan- remain nominally the same across planning contexts, but ning horizon increases. The result is compounding uncer- expand in magnitude as the time frame grows longer. For tainty and, more important, a need to rethink whether example, during an incident, weather during the next few modeling approaches applied in one planning horizon are days is uncertain but can be modeled using weather fore- appropriate for use in other planning horizons. casts with better accuracy than can be derived from using The presence of all these sources of uncertainty need climatological averages. The uncertainty in weather grows not deter analysts and need not undermine confidence at the landscape assessment level, but can still be modeled in model predictions. Explicit recognition and analysis using weather records and a statistical approach. Moving of uncertainties can increase the confidence of managers to the long‐term planning horizon, climate itself is uncer- in model predictions, improve the modeling process, tain, producing a higher magnitude of uncertainty in pre- improve study design, and enhance communication across dicting the weather events that produce the ignition and modelers, analysts, decision makers, and stakeholders. spread of wildland fire. In addition, moving from the inci- The framework developed here can provide a powerful dent to midterm to long‐term planning context, additional tool for future analyses of wildfire activity, and we hope sources of uncertainty come into play, for example, changes will help organize critical thinking to ensure the right in land use. Awareness of how uncertainty increases with questions are being asked, the right models are being spatial and temporal scale can help researchers to encom- used for the right reasons, and model outputs are prop- pass uncertainty meaningfully into study designs. erly understood in the context of model‐based uncer- Although uncertainty increased with the time frame of tainty analysis. the planning horizon in this analysis, this is not always the case: more uncertainty can be present in the short term than in the long term. For example, this pattern was ACKNOWLEDGMENTS seen in projections of polar bear populations, based on We are grateful to Mark Finney for providing com- arctic sea ice extent under various scenarios for atmos- ments on an early version of the manuscript, and to three pheric greenhouse gas concentrations. 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