Full Council Minutes

Date: 3rd March 2020 Time: 7.30pm Venue: Annexe of the Dudley Winterbottom Memorial Hall, Hackleton Village Hall Councillors In attendance: F Billingham (Chairman), S Harris, P Heap, C Lloyd, L Nash, G Tobutt, G Ward. Also in attendance: County Councillor M Clarke, Parish Clerk A Benson and 3 candidates for the West Shadow Unitary Authority 037/20 To receive apologies for absence Apologies were received from Councillors Barwick, Charteress, Clark & Willmer 038/20 Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 4th February 2020. RESOLVED: The minutes of the meeting 4th February 2020 be approved. 039/20 To note any matters arising from the minutes not included on this agenda for report only No matters arising. 040/20 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 041/20 Requests for Dispensations – There were no requests for a dispensation. 042/20 Public Time a. County Councillor M Clarke confirmed that NCC will balance its budget for the third year in a row. All focus is now on forming the new unitary authorities. The new Children’s Trust is being scrutinised and should go live July 2020. A positive meeting was held with members of the Parish Council and Highways (see agenda item 047/20). Councillor Clarke is to set up a meeting with Grand Union Housing Association. District Councillor R Atkinson presented his report which is annexed to these minutes. b. Andrew Grant, Lizzie Bowen & Stephen Clarke introduced themselves to the Parish Council. c. No members of the public were present. Andrew Grant, Lizzie Bowne & Stephen Clarke left the meeting 043/20 To receive a report from the Clerk • Light on recreation ground cannot be repaired until ground is dry enough to get cherry picker on site. • Following report to Street doctor the dangerous limb has been removed from the Punch Tree. • Potholes in to be repaired within 2 months. • Notice of full road closure Main Road Hackleton received 4th-6th March for water main renewal. • Fixed price electricity contract entered into with SSE until 30/09/23 should save £1390 pa and is 100% fixed and renewable.

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Approved for signature on 12th May 2020 044/20 Finance & Governance a. Receipts & Payments Report as at 26th February 2020 was received and compared to budget. RESOLVED: The figures presented represent the up to date financial position of HPC. b. Bank Reconciliation as at 26th February 2020 was received. Unity Trust Bank Current Account £51,083.89 Unity Trust Bank Deposit Account £ 30,011.95 Funds available £81, 095.84

c. Councillor Harris had completed Internal Control checks on payments to invoices. RESOLVED: To approve payment of outstanding invoices as per schedule presented. d. RESOLVED: To approve purchase of various small tools for work in Longland Meadow. e. The Asset Register was reviewed and amended. RESOLVED: The amended Asset Register is correct and up to date. f. RESOLVED: To adopt Reserves Policy as previously circulated. g. RESOLVED: To approve grant application from NVHS for £100.00. h. RESOLVED: To open accounts with Jones Wholesalers & Booker. 045/20 Open Spaces a. The possibility of a wooden fence along the boundary of Longland Meadow and Sunset Cottage was discussed. RESOLVED: To re-consider in two-months. b. RESOLVED: To request name plates for Paynes Lane, Dark Lane, Lane & Stone Road. To request a doubled sided nameplate for Chapel Lane and request it be re-sited as it currently blocks the sight line. c. Action: Next working party meeting 16th March 3pm. 046/20 Recreation Ground a. SNC need specific site detail before they can provide pre-planning advice. Action: Open Spaces to consider at next working party meeting. b. Evidence-based support required for any new installation. Action: Clerk to put details in Parish Mag’ requesting feedback. 047/20 Highways a. County Councillor M Clarke to set up meeting with Housing Association re parking issues. b. RESOLVED: To apply for licenses to install low level planters on the grass verge areas outside the pub & shop in Hackleton and then to re-seed the grass. 048/20 Churchyard Wall Quotes reviewed. RESOLVED: To appoint preferred contractor subject to query regarding lime mortar being resolved by the Clerk. 049/20 Air Broadband SLA remains unsigned. Action: Clerk to write requesting urgent return of signed documentation. 050/20 Elections May 2020 Nomination papers are available from the Clerk or directly from SNC. All papers must be taken (not posted) to SNC before 4pm on 8th April. 051/20 Consultations a. - Strategic Land Availability Assessment Methodology – Technical Consultation – RESOLVED: No observations

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Approved for signature on 12th May 2020 b. Part 2 Local Plan, Modifications Consultation – RESOLVED: No observations 052/20 Annual Parish Meeting Action: Clerk to invite representatives from all parish organisations and organise refreshments 053/20 VE Day 75 Celebrations a. An updating report was received from the Working Party. b. RESOLVED: To apply for a temporary road closure on Church End from 7pm-10pm on 8th May. c. RESOLVED: To allocate the full community event budget for 2020/21 of £5000 to the event. 054/20 Emergency Planning The need for a written plan was discussed. Action: Clerk to circulate details before next meeting. 055/20 To consider/note the following reports/correspondence: a. Complaint from resident regarding the lack of a SID in Horton b. Complaint from resident regarding implementation of cemetery regulations c. Invitation for Clerk to attend Key Services Day – 31st March 2020 Moulton Community Centre. RESOLVED: To request Clerk attend the event. d. Notice of Formal Consultation of Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 14 and report from Steering Group – Report annexed to these minutes. e. Great British Spring Clean 2020 f. Notes from the meeting of Parish Councils against Unsustainable Development 036/20 Next meetings: 7th April 2020 – The Annexe, Hackleton Village Hall 7:30pm. Members requested to forward any items for the agenda to the Clerk by 27th March 2020. 21st April 2020 - Annual Parish Meeting, The Annex, Hackleton Village Hall 7pm. All residents and representatives of parish organisations invited. The meeting closed 9:00pm.

Appendix A Report from District Councillor R Atkinson

New Structural Changes Order (SCO). Parliament has now passed legislation to replace Northamptonshire’s eight existing councils with two new unitary authorities on 1 April next year 2021. The Northamptonshire 'Structural Changes Order' (SCO) has been approved by the House of Commons and the House of Lords, thus enabling the creation of a new North Northamptonshire Council serving the areas of Corby, East Northamptonshire, Kettering and Wellingborough and a new West Northamptonshire Council serving Daventry District Council, Borough Council and South Northamptonshire Council.

The two new unitary councils will start providing services to Northamptonshire’s residents and businesses on 1 April 2021 when the eight-existing district, borough and county council's will be abolished. Now that legislation is approved, the next stage will be to set up two new shadow councils to lead on the work to create the two new unitaries. Elections will take place county-wide on Thursday, 7th May when residents will be able to vote for the councillors that sit on these new North and West shadow councils.

At this 7th May election, residents will be voting for three councillors for each constituency, the current classification of Wards may disappear as the responsibilities of the three will be far greater

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Approved for signature on 12th May 2020 and wider covering an area like that of an M.P. Their role will also include Children's and Adult Services hence a single point of contact rather than lots of different departments as it is now.

Residents can find out how preparations are progressing and keep updated on the changes ahead on the Future Northants websites: North Northamptonshire – futurenorthantsnorth.org West Northamptonshire – futurenorthantswest.org

Citizens Advice North Oxon and South Northants. Citizens Advice have now opened their newest initiative, a new Digital Advice Hub at The Forum in Towcester. This will support people across the district to bridge the digital divide and be able to use online services safely. Clients can drop in 4 days a week for help to develop digital skills, as well as access online advice. Last month the service helped 25 people. 53% of issues were resolved straight away, the remaining 47% were directed to advisors for more specialist support.

The support is designed to help people who lack IT skills and/or who lack the confidence to engage safely online in this fast-changing digital world, which is particularly of benefit to SNC as in the near future many of our services have, or are going fully online.

South Northamptonshire Local Development Order (LDO) – Consultation South Northamptonshire Council has prepared a draft LDO. This is intended to help homeowners to extend their properties by removing the need for planning permission for most extensions. There is to be a quicker alternative process put in place for SNC to check that plans comply with the terms of the LDO.

All the consultation documents can be viewed on the Council's website at: https://www.southnorthants.gov.uk/consultation representations can also be made online at this address, or by submitting a response by email at: [email protected]

Residents can also view the above on pages 8 to 11 in the Winter 2019 edition of SNC Review.


Just when we thought it was nearly all over... we learned last week that we have to carry out Reg 14 Formal Consultation, and not SNC.

We have worked hard, without exaggeration, to get the draft Plan to the point where we are happy to submit it. Having discovered what we did, we have been scurrying round to find out what’s required and to get everything ready for the start of the process, on March 6th. No mean feat! The consultation will last 8 weeks and it will be followed by amendments as required.

Basically, we have to consult with every person, body and organisation that might have an interest in the Plan. This includes all of those we contacted last October (for the Informal Draft Consultation) plus many others, such as:

- adjoining parish councils and parishes - the Coal Authority - Natural - The Environment Agency

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Approved for signature on 12th May 2020 - Historic England - Network Rail - Telecoms providers - Utilities - Health organisations - Voluntary bodies - Faith, disability and minority groups - Other village groups - Local businesses, landowners, etc.

We are going to be busy!

We have been preparing publicity material, acquiring templates for the consultation process and, through Alison, booking the Annexe for drop-in sessions and meetings. We need to do more printing, of course, but we should remain well inside our budget for consumables.

Michael has been extremely helpful. Unfortunately, liaising with SNC is not as easy as it was. They should be able to provide us with contact details for all of the organisations listed above – because every other PC that has undertaken a Plan will have gone through the same procedure. Fingers crossed!

We are confident that our Plan is exciting and challenging, that it will be robust - and that it will serve the community well when it is finally ‘made’. We hope that the Parish Council will be proud to own it and will use it accordingly.

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Approved for signature on 12th May 2020