Roman Missal Supplement for 9/9/11 Total Faith Initiative Program 1 Catechetical Sessions on the Creed Page #/ Paragraph # Old R
Roman Missal Supplement for 9/9/11 1 Total Faith Initiative Program Catechetical Sessions on the Creed page #/ Old Roman Missal text Revised Roman Missal text paragraph # 64/RM quote God we praise you: God our Father, who by sending into the Father all-powerful, Christ Lord and world the Word of truth and the Spirit of Savior, Spirit of love. You reveal yourself sanctification made known to the human in the depths of our being, drawing us to race your wondrous mystery, grant us, share in your life and your love. we pray, that in professing the true faith, One God, three Persons, be near to the we may acknowledge the Trinity of people formed in your image, close to the eternal glory and adore your Unity, world your love brings to life. We ask you powerful in majesty. this, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, God, true and living, for ever and ever. who lives and reigns with you in the unity Amen. of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 168/8th bullet We believe in one holy catholic and I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. apostolic Church. 197/last Sacramentary Roman Missal Catechetical Sessions on Liturgy and the Sacraments page #/ Old Roman Missal text Revised Roman Missal text paragraph # 20/4th square Sacramentary [3X] Roman Missal [3X] and 3rd bullet 22/#3 Sacramentary [2X] Roman Missal [2X] 101/#14 presentation of the gifts Presentation and Preparation of the Gifts 102/#15 sacramentary [2X] Roman Missal [2X] 102/#17 And also with you.
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