CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES 2/06 News Sheet August 2006 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, MARCH 2006 Elections : President : Roger Pitcher Secretary : Ian McLeod Treasurer : Andrew Miles Council : Dexter Hoyos, Katherine Jolley, Myrene McDonald, Frances Muecke, Alanna Nobbs, Ian Plant, Paul Reisner, John Sheldon, Michael Smee, Kathryn Welch, Rod West, Peter Wilson . Ex-officio : David Allen (President, Gaius Gracchus Society), Andrew Miles (President CLTA) Summary of Finances : CA Total Income $ 8,386.19 CA Total Expenditure $ 6,104.44 Classicum Total Income $ 1,985.51 Classicum Total Expenditure $ 989.24 Investments CBA Term Deposit $ 21,000.00 SAFA (Classicum) $ 3,500.00 Kevin Lee Memorial Fund $ 5,000.00 Matters raised : Reports tabled : CA Annual Report (copy enclosed) Directors of 12th Latin Summer School 2006 Classicum The question was raised concerning the place of a Latin method course in the Master of Teaching programme at Sydney University and the Hon. Secretary was asked to ascertain progress from ASCS. Lecture Professor Richard Seaford of Exeter University spoke on Coinage and the Genesis of Tragedy to CA and MAHA members MEMBERSHIP We warmly welcome the following new members to the Classical Association : Mr Nathan Bottomley, Ms Valerie De Berquelle, Mrs Anne Hordern, Mrs Cynthia Mann, Ms Alison Meldrum, Dr Tamara Neal, Mr Mark Chambers Membership now totals 159, of which 114 are financial, (including 1 to 2008 !), 1 life member, 3 societies, and 41 unfinancial. We ask unfinancial members to renew their 2006 subscriptions by filling in and returning the renewal form enclosed. Unfinancial members do not receive the two issues of Classicum.
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