Analysis of the Flint, Michigan Housing Market
"1 I 3 308 F?2 I Fltnt, I I Mich L969 I W"Ptfr.e FLINT, MICHIGAN HOUSING MARKET as of June 1, 1969 A RePort bY the DEPARTMENToFHoUsINGANDURBANDEVEToPMENT FED ERAL HOUSI NG ADMIN ISTR,ATION WASHINGTON, D.C.2O11I Scptembcr 1969 AT{ALYSIS OF THE FLINT, MICHIGAIiI HOUSING MARKET AS 0F JUNE r, 1969 A Report by the DEPARTI.TENT OF HOUSING ANi URBAN DEVELOPT,IEI{T FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION WASHINGf,ON, D.C. 2O4LL FHA Housing Market Analysis Flint, Michigan, as of June 1, L969 Forewo rd This analysis has been prepared for the assistance and guidance of the Federal Housing Administration in its operations. The factual information, find- ings, and conclusions may be useful also to build- ers, mortgagees, and other^sconcerned rriLh local housing problems and trends. The analysis does not purport to make determinations with respect to the acceptability of any particular mortgage insurance proposals that may be under consideration ln the subject locality. The factual framework for this analysis was devel- oped by the Field Market Analysis Service as thor- oughly as possible on the basis of information available on Ehe "as of', date from both local and natlonal sources. 0f course, estimates and judg- ments made on the basis of informatlon avallable on the I'as ofil date may be modtfted conslderably by subsequent market developments. The prospective dernand or occupancy potentials ex- pressed in the analysis are based upon an evalua- tion of the factors available on the ',as of" date. They cannot be construed as forecasts of building act ivli ty; rather, they express the prospect ive housing prodrrction which would maintain a reason- able balance in demand-supply retationships under cond jtions analyzed for the ',as of" date.
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