Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1969-06-12
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NEWS. CLIPS Serving the University of Iowa Iowan John L. Lewis, and the People of Iowa City Eltablilhed In 1868 10 cents a cop), UMW President, Auoclated Preas LeaIed Wire and Wirepboto Iowa City, Ion ~ThUNday, JUDe 12, 1JIJ City, UI Will O'i'scuss 1tewis,~!! president ' emeritus~~~-_L of the United Mine Workel'll (UMW) and one of the giants of the American labor movement, died Wednesday night, an aide said. He was 89. The aide, Rex Lauck, said Lewis died about 7 p.m. CDT in a Washington hos False Fire Alarms pital, but had no further details Immed· By DEBBIE JUNGMAN "Thls ls not a new problem," Connell He advocated the court system In dul iately. Of the liw. High Scheel said. "Studenl.'l this year did not invent ing with offende!'ll "We are all so tearful that I don't evell Joul'Nlism W.rIe...., the problem. They've inherited the Regarding the effectivl!Oeu of IUd want to talk about it," Lauck said. Dormitory and student affairs person· Idea." legal di.scipllne, Trompe maintained He sald the mineworkers union would nel will meet today to discuss possible Records show that the number of false that ii's "too early" to judge the effects announce further detail! Thursday. disciplinary measures for controlling the reports are "considerably fewer t ban of the convictions. Lewis, who waged notable battles with false fire alarm situation in University last year," Connell said. "W. notcI • number of u ... ......1" ~. the White House and the coai industry dormitories. ...utu the ofItcb," he ..14. in his heyday as UMW president, had He noted, bowever, that the recent City Manager Frank Smiley Tuesday concentration of 13 such calls in May of Fire Chief Dean Bebee laid Wednes served in recent years as trustee of the called the University's response to the day, however, that criminal charges union 's multimillion·dollar health and this year made the problem seem problem "substantially less than satis worse than it was. and fines were not the answer to the welfare fund. fa ctory." problem. He showed up regulariy in his office "I'm tot.lly ,ymPlthetlc with the city Smiley thr .... t. dilco~ the "The Unlv ....1ty ahouW tlmply to' '*' .l1li the fire chili," C_II _Iueled. until recent failing health. fl,.. .I.rm IYI"m In Univ.rslty dormi· .tudentt," ...... IdYl ...., "tUt If tht1 "This Is • re.1 heldlChe .nd _'w ..t A UMW spokesman said the welfare tori.1 unl.u .cIequ... prec.utlOlls _,.. ... It -' .,.. CluFt they will not be I, lund trustees met at Lewis' home a few I.ken to prevent future prank .I.rms. •• get IOm.thlng worked out." achool./J days before his death . The alarm system, according to Smil· According to Richard f. Trompe , as late Fire 1arshal Wilbur Johnso. Lewis had been president of the mine ey, is state-owned, but the city provides sociate dean of student affairs, a "wide alJo advocated .n expulsion policy. workers for 40 years, until his retirement the necessary local connection at the range of approaches" have been employ· Mayor Loren Hickenon said Wedne in 1960. muniCipal fire station. ed in the University's attempt to con· day be thought the city bad a aerioul "I He became bead of the union in 1920, lities Thus, according to David H. Vernon, trol the alarm situation. problem, but added that Smiley', threat , . and headed its frequently bloody organ· dean of the College of Law, the city can Penalties lmposed by student commit· would, he boped, not be nece ary. izing battles and strikes through the next legally disconnect the system. tees, expulsion from dormitories and Bill Arbt., Men'. RHlcIonce H.lh three decades - then in the renewed In· police court convictions were listed by htld coun .. lor, ..Id the dty WII lu .. dustrial warfare that came after Worid But Section 100.31 of the Code of Iowa ircle It. Stud.nll f.r Democr.tic Society states that every school bulldlng must Trumpe as past actions taken by the tilled In being uptt•• ver the m.tter. War II. (SDS, m.mber and Huv.rd I."i.r, have an alarm system. University concerning student offenders. Arbe3 advoclted vert dlsclpUnary LewlJ lived across the Potomac Riv. FIM. of $50.pIta w.re h8lldod te two IClion on the part of the University and In Ron D, ~.r., of ~. Me", C.lif" .d· Sl\"tllty WtclMId.y cltscrlbed his Itt ....t Alexandria, Va., in the hlatoric boy· vi .....,. l.st ~ In crlmln.1 court, the City, Including possible .uapensloa bood home of Robert E. 1.«. dreuts H.rnrd's \lr.du.tln\l cl ... on .1 •"I •• t relOrt," donber.te'., mldo to rlers CI.u D.y In C.mbrldg., M.... , Wed· put 011 .ccorcllng to Trump', or expulsion of offender •• Hla wife, Myrta, died In 1M2. Grads Protest pro ••"re Unlv ....lty offIcl.I •• lIIad.y, L're told the .r.du.... th.t Phil ConMII, ."Istlllt to , ....1cIttIt • n d Bill Singer, How.ret R, Bowtn, ..Id WocIMecI.y thlf • shot. lOme of th.lr colltl""" would w.11t * * * out of the Commoncem.nt Exorci .. 10· Sl\"tilty'. thrtet w.s not • "pl.ullbl.... might even make il d.y, - AP Wir.phot. lutlo"" to the sltu.tIOll. Provisional Government the Orioles keep , on G Registration . to McNally, Jim PaLmer, 7·2, 6-1, and Mike Begins Monday To Take NLF Seat striking dis h a d a 14-2 Summlr reglstralion begins .t • a.m. Surtax Extension in Doubt PARIS (.f\ - The new Viet Cong·backed n.w reglm. I. limply. CIII of .Id wiM second hall of last Mond.y .nd the flr.t d.y of cl ..... WASHINGTON 1M - The Nixon ad· tion date for the surtax edged closer: public a joint statement by the six living provisional revolutionary government of In • IIIW bott... One U.S. offici.. I" the AiI·Star game. II.rts .t 7 '.m. Tu.ld.y. ministration went hunting Wednesday • President Nixon scheduled a biparti· former treasury secretaries urging South Vietnam announced Wednesday P,rls do.crlbed It ••• typICiI Commll> Thi. year, only the .ight·wotk sum· for liberal Democratic votes to help san meeting with House leaders Thurs· prompt extension of the surcharge. It that It would take over the seat of the nlst concoction. Chicago Cubs mer ....ion will offici.lly be .Htrocf. it h a pair in pa~s the surtax extension - and the reo day, his first with members of only was signed by John W. Snyder, George National Liberallon Front (NLF) at the The change~ver apparently will not Howlv.r, both the Departm.nt of Chem· Paris peace talks. 8-3, and Ken suits were in dispute. one branch of Congress. Among those in· M. Humphrey , Robert .8. Anderson, Involve any demand for recognition. istry .nd the Dep.rtm.nt .f SPlnilh. Secretary of the Treasury David M. vited were top members of the Ways Douglas Dillon, Henry H. Fowler and The announcement came on the eve oC Such an i. ~e has not been raised by the Portogues. will hold cI..... fer 12 Kennedy met with about 50 members of and Means Committee. Speaker of the Joseph W. Barr. the 21 t full·scale session of the stale· n II governm nt and It would be unu al _k•. a House liberal organization, the Demo· House John W. McCormack (D·Mass.) According to thl Democrltic liber.11 mated talks and Is expected to gu intu In view of the fllct that neither the NLf' Goner.1 • n d Org.nic Cbomi.try cratic Study group. and Vice President Spiro T. Agnew. who met with Secretary K.nnedy, h. w.s effect when the negotiators enter the nor the Hanoi government Is r ognized courHI will be h.1d for 12 WHks ."., A "umber of them told newsmm • Administration hopes were boosted lold ov.r and ov.r - II R.p. Jo".th.n J ntematlonal Cenference Center Thurs by Saigon and Wa hington. Inltrmtcll.te SPlni.h will be •• ught for .fterw.rd th.y s.w no sign h. had a bit by support from two members of B. Bingham of N.w Y.rk PIlI It - "w. day morning. Kitm confirmed •• rlltr ...,.rt. th.t six w"k., to be followed by • slx·WHk ch.nged the geMrll disposition not to the Democratic leadership. McCormack don't want to be c.ught .s.ln In • litu· No compllc.tlo"1 _re tlIpected, line. Mrs. Nguy.n Thl 8inh, his 41·y ••r·old M"i." in Introduction to HilJNnlc Lit· IIott • surt .. elItension without coupling told a news conference he favors Nixon's ation whert Wt vott for • surt .. with U.S. .nd South Vi.tn.m... oHicl.1 d.puty, h.d betn n.med for.ig" minis· eralure. it with tax reform. proposal to keep the surtax in effect for only • vague promise of t.x reform In soure.. m.d. It cltlr I" .dvlnce th.t ter of th. provi.lolIIl governm.nt .nd The .ight w"k Hssion will .nd Aug. But Kennedy said he thought he had another year on a diminishing basis in the future." th.y r.garded tho switch •• nothing would ht.d the dolot.llon to tho P.rls err y of the San t . made progress and he declared, "I think a battle to combat inflation. Rep. Hale Boggs (D·La .), the major· mort th.n • ch.".. of n.I\"t •. t.lkl.