A Guide to Accessible Transport in

Be more independent, safer and confident in choosing the right transport If you need help to read this Guide

Please contact us if you would like this guide in another language.

This Access Guide is available electronically at www.bromley.gov.uk


Glossary of symbols ______6

Travelling Safely General Advice ______7 Travelling by Taxi ______7 Travelling by Train or Overground ______8 Travelling by Bus or Tram ______8 Safe travel ______9 Hate crime ______10 Reporting Bus crime ______11 Contacting the Police ______12 Travel Assistance Scheme – Freedom to Travel ______13

Door-to-Door Services Dial-a-Ride ______14 Licensed Taxis or Minicabs ______15 Taxicard Scheme ______16

Passes and Cards Freedom Passes ______17 Oyster Card______18 Bus and Tram Discount Card ______18 Disabled Person’s Railcard ______19

Public Transport Buses______20 Trams______21 Trains______21 Train station accessibility ______22 Train station facilities ______22 London Overground______23 Coaches______23

2 Using a Car DVLA ______24 The Blue Badge______24 Congestion Charge Exemption ______25 Disabled Parking Bays______25 Road Tax ______25

Shopping Bromley Shopmobility ______26 Shopmobility ______26

Personal Transport Motability Scheme______27 BATH Community Transport ______27 Patient Transport Service ______27

General Information and Useful Contacts RADAR ______28 Family Fund ______28 Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee______29 Transport for All ______29 London Travel Watch ______29 DisabledGo - Bromley Access Guide______29 Transport for London______30 Local Services ______30 The London Borough of Bromley ______31 Travel Support for Children & Special Education Needs______31 Making a Complaint______32

Please be aware that as transport services evolve, the information contained in this guide may no longer be accurate.

Photographs and pictures used by kind permission of .

3 Glossary of symbols

Additional Information





Postal Address


Travelling safely

However you travel, make sure you plan ahead so that you know where you are going and how you will get there.

People have different needs, for your own safety you should follow the safe travel advice set out below;

General advice

• Always let someone know where you are going and what time you hope to arrive and/or return • If you can, travel with friends or somebody you know • Keep your personal belongings close to you at all times • Only use your mobile phone if you really have to • Have a telephone number or a list of numbers for people to contact if you need help • When you travel at night, try to wait in a brightly lit place and be aware of your surroundings

Travelling by Taxi or Minicab

• Always book a taxi or cab by phone or at the company’s office • Tell the person answering the phone at the cab office where to collect you, where you are going and at what time you want to be collected • Ask for the driver’s name as well as the make and colour of the car that will collect you • When the taxi arrives, check the driver can tell you his or her name and also the name of the cab company • Sit in the back, if possible behind the driver • If you travel by train late at night, book a cab to pick you up from the train station (make sure you know the time your train will arrive) • Ask the driver to wait outside until you get into the house

Top Tips Top Tips If you are a wheelchair user, Have a list of telephone make sure you notify the taxi numbers you can contact if company when booking a cab. you need help. 5

Travelling by Train or

• Find out the train times in advance, so you do not have to wait too long • Make sure you know what time the last train leaves • If you are waiting alone on the platform, stay in a brightly lit area • Once on the train, it is safer to sit in a carriage where there are lots of people • If someone bothers or frightens you, get up and move to another carriage

Travelling by Bus or Tram

• Find out the times of the bus you want, so you do not have to wait too long • If you can, sit near the driver • Tell the driver if somebody bothers you • Get off at the stop nearest to your home

Contacts and more information

Transport for London (TfL) helps you to plan your journeys in and around London. They also have an ‘Out and About in London’ guide, a listening version and a guide for supporters of people with learning disabilities with travel training advice.

Website: www.tfl.gov.uk/gettingaround

Phone: 020 7222 1234

Textphone: 020 7918 3015


Safe Travel

Safety Advice from the Bromley Safer Transport Team

Taking a few sensible safety precautions could make you less likely to become a victim of crime: • Keep your bag close to you and make sure your pockets are not accessible to anyone • Be more vigilant when travelling on a crowded bus or waiting at a bus stop, be aware of your surroundings • Have your travel pass or fare ready before you board so your wallet or purse stays out of sight • Inform the bus driver, a PCSO (Police Community Support Officer) or a police officer if a crime has just happened on the bus • Locate where the emergency alarms are in case you need them • If anyone tries to take your belongings don’t fight back

Mobile Phone Advice

• Keep your phone out of sight • Make a note of the phones IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number, you can find this out by entering ∗#06# into the keypad of most mobile phones • Register your phone on the immobilise website - Registration is free and the website lets the police identify a phone which is found and return it to the owner

Contacts and more information:

Website: www.immobilise.com


Hate crime

Hate crime is any crime committed against another person because of their gender, religious beliefs, age, disability, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or any threatening or hurtful behaviour to cause offence.

Prepare - Look confident - Avoid risks Never take safety for granted

You will feel safer and be safer if you teach yourself to P.L.A.N. before you go anywhere.

Prepare • Think “How do I get there?” and “How do I get back?” before you leave • Tell someone where you are going, who with and when you arrive back • Think about any possible dangers

Look confident • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes that let you move easily • Remember your body language - stand tall and look like you know where you are going • Carry a shriek alarm (and learn how to use it), emergency phone numbers, some change in your pocket, and a phone card and your keys in a safe pocket

Avoid risks and be aware of what’s happening • Keep looking at and listening to what’s happening around you • Keep away from odd or out-of-the-way places wherever you can • Try not to change plans at the last minute - or if you have to, tell someone • Keep one hand free - not in your pocket or cluttered up with shopping

Never take your safety for granted - never say to yourself: • “It only happens to other people” • “It’s only a short journey” • “They look honest”


Reporting bus crime

What you need to remember if you discover that you are a victim of crime on a bus:

Make sure that you report the crime to the police by phone call or through the Metropolitan Police internet site:

Phone: 0300 123 1212

Website: www.met.police.uk

REMEMBER: If the crime has just happened, someone used force against you to steal your belongings or you can see the suspects, dial 999.

In order for police to identify any potential suspects and to retrieve CCTV footage it would very helpful if you had or could remember the following information when reporting a crime:

• Direction of Travel

• Route Number

• Time

• Location

Also if possible

• Running number of the bus

• Registration number

If you can, you should also provide details of the incident and a description of any people involved, for example: - how old they are - what they look like - whether they are a man or woman - how tall they are - what clothes and shoes they were wearing - what hair colour they had 9

Contacting the Police

Emergency contact only:

Phone: 999

Non-emergency contact:

Phone: 0300 123 1212

Bromley Safer Transport Team:

Phone: 020 8284 8264

Email: [email protected]

London South British Transport Police:

British Transport Police are responsible for policing the railways. They also provide a specialist service to rail operators, their staff and passengers across the country.

To contact the British Transport Police or to report a crime, call:

Phone: 0800 40 50 40


Travel Assistance Scheme

This free scheme is for people with disabilities aged over 18 who live in Greater London.

You can get:

• Information about route options • Advice on planning a journey using an accessible route • Assistance can be provided the first times you use a bus, the tube or train, to help you become more confident in using public transport on your own

The scheme is available Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm.

The Travel Assistance service can be used alone or together with Dial-a- Ride or Taxicard, for different parts of a journey.

You can fill out a form online or send an email putting ‘Attention of Dial-a- Ride Travel Assistance Scheme’ in the subject box.

Contacts and more information:

Website: www.tfl.gov.uk/travelassistance

Phone: 020 7027 5822

Email: [email protected]

11 Door-to-Door Services


Dial-a-Ride is a door-to-door free transport service for disabled and older people who have difficulties accessing public transport.

It can be used for going shopping, visiting friends or family, college, doctors, dental appointments and going out at night. It cannot be used to attend hospital appointments, to travel to and from work, from local authority day centres or for school transport.

To be eligible for a Dial-a-Ride membership you must have a permanent or long term disability which means you are unable, or virtually unable, to use mainstream public transport services some or all of the time.

• Only a Dial-a-Ride member can book journeys • You must book in advance • You travel with other passengers on a mini bus • You may need an assessment first

Available every day from 6am to 2am

Contacts and more information

Join through the Dial-a-Ride Management Control Centre, or download an ap- plication form online. Journeys are booked by telephone or email:

Phone: 0845 999 1999

Phone: 020 7309 8900

Website: www.tfl.gov.uk/gettingaround/17105.aspx

Email: [email protected]

Top Tips Top Tips

The more information you can For email bookings, a booking provide on your application form form must be filled in and sent by the better. This should speed up 4PM the day before you want to the application process which travel. can take up to 3 weeks. For Saturday bookings - you must Make a copy of everything you email by 4PM Thursday send. For Sunday bookings - you must email by 4PM Friday. 12

Licensed Taxis and Minicabs

London taxis (black cabs) can be picked up at the roadside or booked by telephone. Minicabs and other private-hire vehicles must be booked before the start of the journey through a licensed operator.

• Minicabs must be booked by phone or in person at a minicab office • Registered drivers are all CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) checked • How much you pay depends on the distance you travel • Licensed taxis and minicabs have licence plates and bright yellow licence discs

It is extremely dangerous to use an un-licensed minicab

Available 24 hours a day.

Contacts and more information

The “Find a ride” web service can help you find licensed minicab companies, including those that have wheelchair-accessible vehicles.

Website: www.tfl.gov.uk/findaride

Phone: 0843 222 1234

Phone: 0871 871 8710 (taxi one-number)

If you text the word HOME to 60835 you will be sent phone numbers for two local minicab operators and the taxi one-number (for black cabs). The service costs £0.35 pence plus your standard network charge.


Taxicard scheme

The Taxicard scheme aims to provide door-to-door transport for disabled and older people who have mobility issues and difficulty using public transport. Taxicard allows you to make a number of trips for social activities at a lower price than usual.

• You may need to be assessed before you can get a Taxicard • The number of single journeys allowed in Bromley is 8 per month • For taxi journeys which would normally cost up to £10.80, you will pay a flat rate of £2.50 for each single journey • If the taxi journey would normally cost more than £10.80, you must pay £2.50 plus the excess over £10.80 • The service is not intended for hospital appointments

Available 24 hours a day

Contacts and more information

For an application form and information on the Bromley Taxicard scheme, visit Bromley Adult & Community Services.

Phone: 01689 836 900

Website: www.bromley.gov.uk/taxicard

Further information is also available from the Taxicard website:

Website: www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/taxicard

If you already have a Taxicard you can make a booking by contacting Comuputer cab or online:

Website: www.comcablondon.co.uk/webbook/taxicardlogin.asp

Phone: 020 7763 5001

Top Tips Top Tips

There is a 15 minute window on If you have booked your taxi the your booking time, so make sure day before, call 30 minutes you are ready to travel 15 minutes before its expected arrival time to before your pick up time, check the cab is on its way. otherwise the meter will be ticking!

Passes and cards

Freedom pass The enables permanent residents of London boroughs to travel free on Transport for London’s public network which includes: buses, the tube, trains, and trams. There are also discounts on some Thames River Boat services.

Free travel on trains is only available from 9.30am until 4.30am Monday - Friday, and all day at weekends and public holidays.

There are two types of Pass:

Disabled Person’s Freedom Pass (You must have an eligible disability)

Older Person’s Freedom Pass (You must be over 60)

Contacts and more information

Older Person’s Freedom Passes must be applied for at the Post Office; an application form can be obtained at any post office branch or online:

Website: www.freedompass.org

For a Disabled Person’s Freedom Pass application form, contact Adult and Community Services:

Phone: 020 8313 4672

Email: [email protected]

Address: Civic Centre Stockwell Close Bromley BR1 3UH

Top Tips Top Tips

Your Freedom Pass is valid on Free train travel with your freedom many bus services, this means pass is only valid around a certain you can use your pass on most area. You will need to buy a sepa- local services around the country. rate ticket to travel outside of this.


Oyster card The cheapest way to pay for single journeys on the tube, buses, DLR (Docklands Light Railway) and is with an . You can put cash, and Bus Passes on them.

You can find out more and buy an Oyster Card at: • Most tube station ticket offices • At almost 4,000 Oyster Ticket Stops across London • Some ticket offices and machines • London Travel Information Centres

Website: www.tfl.gov.uk/oyster

Phone: 0845 330 9876

Textphone: 020 7027 8511

Bus and Tram Discount Card

If you do not qualify for a Freedom Pass, you may still be able to pay cheaper fares on buses and trams using a special Oyster Card.

If you receive Income Support, Employment and Support Allowance or have been getting Jobseeker’s Allowance for at least 13 weeks, you can apply for a Bus and Tram Discount Card, which allows you to travel on buses and trams at half the adult fare.

You must be over 18, live in London and must not be receiving any other travel discounts.

Contacts and more information

For more information or to find out how to apply for a bus and tram discount card, contact Transport for London:

Website: http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tickets/14306.aspx

Phone: 0845 330 9876


Disabled Person’s Railcard

If you have a disability that makes travelling by train difficult, you might qualify for the Disabled Person’s Railcard. The current cost of the Railcard is £18 for one year and £48 for three years.

• You can get a 1/3 off most standard and first-class fares throughout Great Britain • If another adult is travelling with you, they can also travel at the same discounted fare • If travelling before 9.30am check to make sure you can use your Disabled Person’s Railcard during the morning peak

To buy a Disabled Person’s Railcard you must download and complete an application form.

Contacts and more information

Website: www.disabledpersons-railcard.co.uk

Phone: 0845 605 0525

Textphone: 0845 601 0132

Email: [email protected]

Address: Disabled Persons Railcard Office PO Box 11631 Laurencekirk AB30 9AA

Top Tips Top Tips

Disabled Person’s Railcard Providing you meet the eligibility application forms and information criteria and submit a completed leaflets are available in easy read, application form, the Railcard large print and Braille formats. can take up to 10 days to be The information leaflet is also delivered. available in audio format.


Public Transport


Disabled people and anyone aged 60 or over can travel free of charge on all buses operating in London using a valid Freedom Pass.

Free travel is available at all times including Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.

All Bromley buses have the following features:

• Remote control ramps give easier wheel- chair access, an external button is pressed for the access ramp to be used • The ramps on all buses must be in full working order at all times. If the ramp does not work you should contact and wait for the next bus • Stop buttons are tactile and colour-contrasted • Visual displays and audio announcements on the bus keep you informed every stop of the way so you know where and when to get off

• Assistance dogs are welcome on all buses

The wheelchair space on buses cannot take a wheelchair larger than 70cm (27.5inch) width and 120cm (47.2inch) length. Wheelchair users have priority use of this space.

Freedom Passes and Oyster Cards can be used on buses in Bromley

Contacts and more information

Website: journeyplanner.tfl.gov.uk

Phone: 0845 300 7000 (London Buses)

Textphone: 020 7918 4435

Email: [email protected]



• The trams run between central and New Addington, Junction, and Wimbledon • Floor-level access makes trams easy to get on to • There are passenger lifts at Wimbledon • Wheelchair users can travel free at any times without the need for a freedom pass • There are two wheelchair spaces

Freedom Passes and Oyster Cards can be used on trams.

Contacts and more information

Phone: 020 8681 8300


Not all train stations and platforms are accessible, always check before you travel.

To find out if a train station is accessible visit:

Website: www.nationalrail.co.uk/stations_destinations/

Arrangements can be made for disabled passengers, railway staff can help you to:

• Find the right train at the stations where you get on and off • Get on and off the train safely (ramps can be provided for wheelchair users)

If you require assistance please try to give at least 24 hours’ notice of your planned journey.

To travel alone on a train you should be able to: • Take your own medicine • Use the toilet yourself • Feed yourself if you need to eat

If you have special medical needs or need someone to travel with you, railway staff cannot provide this service. 19

Train station accessibility All train operating companies in Bromley have a Disabled Persons Protection Policy which sets out their commitment to provide alternative transport if a passenger wishes to travel from a station they cannot access. In most cases an accessible taxi will be provided to the nearest accessible station. You will not be charged for the taxi however you will need a valid train ticket for the entire journey and should give the train company at least 24 hours notice.

The majority of train stations in Bromley are managed by South Eastern Railway. London Overground are responsible for , Crystal Palace and West stations. Southern Railway are responsible for .

To make alternate travel arrangements, contact the train operating company responsible for the station you want to leave from:

Phone: 0845 601 4867 (London Overground)

Phone: 0800 783 4524 (South Eastern Railway)

Phone: 0800 138 1016 (Southern Railway)

Train Station Toilet Facilities

Many trains and stations have unisex toilets for disabled passengers.

For access to some toilets you may need a RADAR key. Notices will tell you how to get one.

You can find out more and buy keys from RADAR Disability Network. (Contact details can be found on page 28).

You can get further information from National Rail about special services and help for disabled people at train stations.

Website: www.nationalrail.co.uk

Phone: 08457 48 49 50

Textphone: 0845 60 40 500

You can use a Disabled Person’s Railcard for some journeys by train. 20

London Overground

London Overground is the network of rail services in London managed by Transport for London.

The service links West Croydon to Dalston Junction, also connecting Crystal Palace, Anerley and Penge West.

All new trains feature wider doors and gangways with spaces for priority use by wheelchair users.

For further information on services offered contact London Overground:

Phone: 0845 601 4867

Email: [email protected]


National Express offer a reduced fare to eligible disabled passengers.

The reduced fare is available on National Express services to places within England and Wales, and to Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Website: www.nationalexpress.com

Phone: 0871 7818 179

Textphone: 0121 455 0086

Email: [email protected]

Address: National Express Customer Support Disabled Persons Travel Helpline PO Box 9854 Birmingham B16 8XN


Top Tips Using a Car You may be entitled to a free road tax disc if you get the DVLA higher rate of the mobility Drivers are legally required to inform the component of Disability DVLA if they have a medical condition, Living Allowance or War Pensioners Supplement . which might affect their driving ability. Contact the DVLA for further

information. Contacts and more information

If you have any concerns about your driving ability please contact the DVLA:

Phone: 0300 790 6801 (Driver enquiries) 0300 790 6806 (Medical enquiries)

Textphone: 0300 123 1278

Website: www.dvla.gov.uk

Email: [email protected]

The Blue Badge

The Blue Badge scheme is a Europe-wide scheme that entitles disabled people or those with a mobility issue to additional parking rights. The Blue Badge offers parking concessions to those with certain categories of physical or sensory disabilities • Blue Badge holders can park on-street (subject to certain conditions) free of charge in areas where there is usually a charge or where a parking fine could be issued • You do not have to be a driver or own a car to get a Blue Badge, but must be present on the journey • A fee of £2 is charged for issuing the badge

Contacts and more information

If you live in the London Borough of Bromley and would like an application form, contact the Blue Badge Administrator:

Phone: 020 8461 7629

Email: [email protected]

Address: Blue Badges Stockwell Close Bromley 22 BR1 3UH

Congestion charge exemption

If you are a Blue Badge holder you can register with Transport for London (TfL) to be exempt from the central . • You pay a one-off registration charge of £10. • The discount covers registered vehicles driven by you or by another person transporting you. • TfL will send you a letter to confirm that you no longer have to pay the charge.

Contacts and more information

If you would like an application form contact:

Phone: 0845 900 1234

Textphone: 020 7649 9123

Website: www.cclondon.com

Disabled parking bays

If you are a Blue Badge holder, you may be able to get a disabled parking bay created outside your home, which can then be used by anybody who has a Blue Badge.

You will need to live in the London Borough of Bromley and: • Show why you need the bay • Not have access to private parking within or near the premises Contacts and more information

If you would like to make an application, contact Traffic Engineering:

Website: www.bromley.gov.uk/transportandstreets/parking

Phone: 020 8313 4777

Email: [email protected]

Address: Traffic Engineering Civic Centre Stockwell Close Bromley BR1 3UH 23

Bromley Shopmobility Centre

You can hire an electric shopping scooter or wheelchair from Shopmobility Centre in the Glades car park.

Open 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday and 11am to 4pm Sunday and Bank Holidays • Shopmobility equipment is provided free of charge to all registered members • Membership is free • Equipment available includes scooters, powerchairs, wheelchairs and many others

Contacts and more information

Website: http://www.theglades.uk.com/shopmobility.htm

Phone: 020 8313 0031

Address: Level 1,The Glades Car Park Widmore Road Bromley BR1 1DN

Orpington Shopmobility

You can hire a shopping scooter from Orpington Shopmobility.

Open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 11am to 4pm Saturday • To access the hire service you must be a member • An annual membership fee applies

Contacts and more information

Phone: 01689 873 796

Address: 241 High Street Orpington BR6 0NY

24 Personal Transport

Motability scheme Motability is a national charity that helps disabled people with their mobility needs. It directs and oversees the Motability Scheme which uses the money from your higher rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance to meet the costs of having a car, powered wheelchair or scooter through a contract hire or hire purchase arrangement. • You don’t need to drive; you can nominate up to two friends or relatives as drivers instead • Parents and carers can apply on behalf of a child

Contacts and more information

Website: www.motability.co.uk

Phone: 0845 456 4566

Textphone: 0845 675 0009

BATH Community Transport BATH (Bromley Association for People with Disabilities) is a charity providing accessible community transport to community groups and individuals in Bromley. • Registration is required to access the BATH service • BATH will provide transport both locally and out of the borough • The service is available to anyone with a disability • Costs are charged per mile. For the latest rates contact BATH

Contacts and more information

Phone: 020 8663 6286

Email: [email protected]

Patient Transport Services

If you require treatment provided by the NHS (National Health Service), your situation and medical condition will be assessed by your doctor, dentist or midwife, who will decide if you are eligible for non-emergency transport. Non-emergency transport is free for those who are eligible for it.

For more information speak to your GP or contact NHS Transport

Phone: 020 8308 5624 25

General Information and Useful Contacts

RADAR The Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation (RADAR) has published two useful guides which can be viewed or downloaded free of charge. They also supply RADAR keys used to access public toilets.

Get Motoring A guide to everything the disabled motorist needs to know about finding, financing and maintaining a car.

Get Mobile A guide for buying a scooter or powered wheelchair and helps you decide which mobility aid is right for you.

Both of these guides will help you to assess your needs. They cover the risks, products available and ways to buy. They also cover the financial support available, running costs and consumer rights.

Contacts and more information

Website: www.radar.org.uk

Phone: 020 7250 3222

Textphone: 020 7250 4119

Email: [email protected]

Family Fund

The Family Fund is a charity supporting low-income families who are caring for a severely disabled child under the age of 17. If you meet certain criteria, you can apply for an annual grant towards the cost of travel as well as other items.

There is no automatic entitlement, grants are decided on case by case basis and dependent upon funding being available.

Contacts and more information

Website: www.familyfund.org.uk

Phone: 0845 130 4542

Textphone: 01904 658 085

Email: [email protected] 26

Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee (DPTAC) The DPTAC has produced a transport and travel website for disabled and less-mobile people giving information and advice about transport or travelling, using all forms of transport.

Website: www.dptac.gov.uk

Transport for All Provide specialist advice, information and advocacy to both service users and providers of accessible . Transport for All provide assistance with all transport enquiries, ranging from journey planning and application forms to help with making a complaint.

Website: www.transportforall.org.uk

Phone: 020 7737 2339

Email: [email protected]

London Travel Watch (LTW) LTW is the official watchdog for transport users in and around London.

If you have a complaint or are unhappy with a transport service, and have already contacted the service provider, LTW will help you resolve the problem.

Contacts and more information

Website: www.londontravelwatch.org.uk

Phone: 020 7505 9000

Email: [email protected]

Disabled Go - Bromley Access Guide

Bromley council has worked with Disabled Go to survey access to over 1000 venues across the borough. The guide covers things like whether a venue has level access or a restaurant has menus available in large print or Braille.

Contacts and more information

Website: www.bromley.gov.uk/disabledgo 27

Transport for London (TfL)

TfL is the body responsible for most aspects of public transport in London. A number of useful guides are available to view or download online. The guides can be requested free of charge in accessible formats by completing an order form online.

Website: www.tfl.gov.uk/tfl/gettingaround/accessibility-guides/

Local services The following organisations offer information, which may be useful:

Carers Bromley (Carers)

Website: www.carersbromley.org.uk

Phone: 0800 015 7700

Age Concern Bromley (Older People)

Website: www.acbromley.org.uk

Phone: 020 8315 1850

Bromley Mencap (Learning Disabilities and Physical Disabilities)

Website: www.bromleymencap.org

Phone: 020 8466 0790

Bromley Mind (Mental Health)

Website: www.bromleymind.org.uk

Phone: 01689 811 222

Kent Association for the Blind (Visually Impaired)

Website: www.kab.org.uk

Phone: 01622 691 357

Deaf Access (Deaf and Hard of Hearing)

Website: www.deaf-access.co.uk

Phone: 020 8315 2550

Textphone: 020 8315 2552 28

The London Borough of Bromley

Bromley Social Services Direct You can talk to staff at Bromley Social Services Direct, who will advise you about care and support services available. You will receive free information and advice, but before you can get social services, Bromley Council has to assess your needs and decide if you are eligible.

There is no charge for an assessment of your needs, but depending on your financial circumstances you may be required to contribute to the cost of any services arranged for you by social services.

Contacts and more information

Website: www.bromley.gov.uk

Phone: 020 8464 3333 (Main Switchboard)

Phone: 020 8461 7777 (Bromley Social Services Direct)

Email: [email protected]

Address: Civic Centre Stockwell Close Bromley BR1 3UH

Travel support for children and young people with Special Education Needs

For large numbers of children, getting to school will be a reasonable and safe walking experience. There will, however, be a small number of children with Special Education Needs for whom the Council will need to make arrangements to provide transport or travel assistance.

A child is entitled to transport assistance if the local authority feels it is necessary to help the child attend school.

For more information about transport and travel assistance for children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs please contact SEN transport.

Phone: 020 8313 4076

Email: [email protected]

29 Making a complaint

If you feel you have not received the transport service expected - make a complaint.

General advice on making a complaint:

You have the right: • To receive the service described in the company’s or organisation’s customer charter • Not to be treated differently because of a disability

When you complain: • Be clear about what exactly your complaint is, and about what you want to achieve through your complaint • Gather together all the evidence you can. It may be worth writing down exactly what happened as soon as possible after the event • Act quickly. Make your complaint as soon as possible • Record the date and time of travel; the start and end point; number plate (if possible) and the names of any staff involved • Describe what happened • State what you want e.g. an explanation, an apology, compensation • If you are not happy with the response you receive about your complaint, contact London Travelwatch (details on page 28)

Should you have a complaint, comment or query regarding Transport for London services, you can contact TfL Customer Relations:

Phone: 020 7222 5600

Email: [email protected]

Address: TfL Customer Relations Transport for London 23rd Floor, Empress State Building Empress Approach London SW6 1TR

Top Tips Top Tips

Keep copies of all letters, emails, If you complain by telephone, tickets and notes from telephone make a note of who you spoke to, conversations. Always send when and what was said. Always photocopies and keep the follow up your telephone call with original documents. a letter or email. 30