Part 4: Further Information - Accessing Historic Landscape Characterisation The Bucks HLC Project produced the The analytical archive and full GIS data set Data for Milton Keynes is held at the Milton following outputs: are held at the Buckinghamshire Sites and Keynes SMR. Contact: Monuments Record. Contact: • A non-technical summary report The Archaeology Officer, (this document) The Sites and Monuments Record Officer, Milton Keynes Council, County Archaeological Service, Design and Conservation, • A series of ten technical appendices County Hall, Aylesbury, PO Box 112, Civic Offices, (listed adjacent) Bucks HP20 1UY. 1 Saxon Gate East, • An analytical archive Milton Keynes MK9 3HQ. Tel: 01296-382072. • A GIS data set as an ArcGIS Shapefile email:
[email protected] Tel: 01908-691691. The non-technical summary and technical Information is made available in accordance appendices are available via the Archaeology with the Sites and Monuments Record Service’s pages on Buckinghamshire County Access and Charging policy of the Council’s web site. relevant authority. It is intended that selected GIS data will be made available on-line. Web address: uk/archaeology/index.htm 24 25 37HH artwork version2.indd 26 25/9/06 11:18:27 Contents of the Technical Appendices Title Content Appendix 1 Historic Landscape Types Standardised description of each Historic Landscape Type (HLT) Appendix 2 Project Methodology Detailed description of the project method Appendix 3 Project Design The original project design Appendix 4 Landscape Period Summaries Period by Period maps and description assessment of time depth Appendix 5 Analysis - Settlement Maps and brief discussion of differing settlement types Appendix 6 Analysis - Enclosure Maps and brief discussion of enclosure patterns Appendix 7 Analysis - Woodland Maps and brief discussion of woodland patterns Appendix 8 DataTables 1.