Chilopoda; Diplopoda
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Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, 55 (1): 88-94 — 1985 The assimilation of heavy metals by Lithobius variegatus and Glomeris marginata (Chilopoda; Diplopoda) by S.P. Hopkin K. Watson M.H. Martin & M.L. Mould Departments of Botany and Zoology, Woodland Road, The University, Bristol BS8 1UG, United Kingdom which 10 times than in Abstract litter are to 20 greater similar uncontaminated woodlands. Concur- Specimens of the centipede Lithobius variegatus and the rent with this contamination is a thick of millipede Glomeris marginata collected from uncontaminated layer leaflitter which sites, and sites contaminated with heavy metals, have been undecomposed represents more fed tissues from the Oniscus on terrestrial isopod asellus and than 20 of accumulation years (Coughtrey et leaf litter, respectively, containing different concentrations al., 1979). of lead and The which zinc, cadmium, copper. extent to A study of the soil/litter fauna has shown these elements are accumulated by Lithobius variegatus or that there differences in the extent to Glomeris the of metals in the clearly are marginata depends on amounts food the which different taxonomic of in- and degree of contamination of the site from groups which the and collected. centipedes millipedes are The the Some vertebrates are affected by pollution. tissues within the where metals stored body are are com- groups such as millipedes and earthworms are pared in the two animals and suggestions are made of the reduced greatly in numbers whereas others which in of areas are most need further research. such and woodlice as centipedes large are ap- parently unaffected (table I). The reduction in the numbers of and earthworms INTRODUCTION millipedes almost certainly accounts for the reduction in One of the world's lead largest primary zinc, decomposition oflitter at the contaminated sites and cadmium works is smelting situated at since previous studies have shown that there is Avonmouth, 10 km to the north-west of Bristol no reduction in abundance or diversity of in south-west the of England. Despite presence microorganisms and fungi as a result of the which sophisticated filtering equipment pollution (Martin et al., 1980). The springtails, 98 the metals removes in excess of % of from the larvae and beetles mites, Diptera predatory are waste amounts of zinc, cadmium, in unit gases, large present greater numbers per area, prob- lead and emitted each fine copper are year as ably because the larger standing crop of leaflit- which than particles, some of are carried more of material ter supports a larger amount fungal 20 km to the north-east the south- mites by prevailing on which and springtails feed, which in westerly winds. for insects. turn provide more prey predatory Our studies have been concerned In de- mainly this presentation, experiments are with the of this on the impact pollution ecology scribed on the assimilation of heavy metals by of two oak-hazel woodlands, Hallen Wood and the centipede Lithobius variegatus Leach which is Haw Wood, which are situated on either side of common in the contaminated woodlands, and the M5 3 km downwind of the motorway, the pill millipede Glomeris marginata (Villers) works. These smelting woodlands are heavily which is absent (table I). The detailed results of contaminated with lead and zinc, cadmium, this work will be presented elsewhere (Hopkin & which reach concentrations in the leaf copper Martin, 1984a; Hopkin et al., in prep.). of this is However, the purpose paper to sum- marise the main of this * findings work, to com- Present address: Department of Pure and Applied for the first time the assimilation of Zoology, University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading pare zinc, RG6 United 2AJ, Kingdom. cadmium, lead and copper in Lithobius variegatus BIJDRAGEN TOT DE DIERKUNDE, 55 (1) - 1985 89 TABLE I of invertebrate ofindividuals in leaf litter and Density major groups (number m-²) soil from contaminated km works a woodland 3 downwind of a smelting (Hallen) and a similar but uncontaminated site (Wetmoor). Hallen Wetmoor 2 Litter 14.28 1.35 standing crop (kg m dry wt.) Isopoda Oniscus asellus Linnaeus 56 20 Trichoniscus pusillus Brandt 0 151 Diplopoda Polydesmidae 8 79 Julidae 0 11 Glomeridae 0 21 Chilopoda Lithobiidae 112 116 Geophilomorpha 328 263 Arachnida Acari 129000 19400 Araneae 248 81 Pseudoscorpionidae 200 67 Insecta Collembola 20800 8688 Coleoptera 902 48 Coleoptera (larvae) 120 4 Diptera (larvae) 4590 291 Annelida Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister 17 3 Lumbricus terrestris Linnaeus 0 29 Allolobophora longa Ude 0 4 Allolobophora caliginosa Savigny 0 30 Octolasium 0 9 cyaneum Savigny and Glomeris and The of Oniscus asellus consists of four marginata to suggest areas hepatopancreas tubules. Within individual blind-ending animals, the con- which are in most need of further research. centrations of lead and the zinc, cadmium, copper are in same all four lobes (Hopkin & Martin, 1982b). if the left removed and fed MATERIALS AND METHODS Therefore, pair are to a cen- tipede, the amounts of metals in the food can be deter- Lithobius variegatus mined from the concentrations in the right pair of tubules. of adult Lithobius and the woodlouse Within each of the of fourteen Specimens variegatus two groups centipedes, fed tubules from the Oniscus asellus (Linnaeus) were collected from Wetmoor seven were on hepatopancreas of Wood (British Ordnance Survey grid reference ST 743 woodlice from Wetmoor and seven on tubules from the 876) and Haw Wood (ST 560 798) duringMay 1982. Wet- hepatopancreas of woodlice from Haw. The tissue was each animal small of moor is an uncontaminated site, whereas Haw is 3 km presented to on a piece woodlouse cuticle downwind of a primary smelting works and is heavily con- which does not contain detectable amounts ofzinc, taminated with lead and cadmium, lead or The other lobes stored zinc, cadmium, copper (Martin et copper. two were small of filter Each al., 1982). on a piece Millipore paper. centipede The woodlice were maintained in plastic tanks on leaf grasped the piece of cuticle with the poison claws and ate litter from the collection site. The starved the soft within about minutes. centipedes were tissue, usually ten The piece for four allow the of the be voided. of which removed the days to contents gut to cuticle, was never eaten, was on At the of fourteen the three the faeces end this period, centipedes of 2-3 cm in following day. During next days, void- length were selected from each site population and ed by the centipedes were collected for analysis. The of metals transferred to individual Petri dishes. The dishes were kept amounts taken in by the centipedes could be moist base within determined the on a a covered plastic tank and were thus accurately by subtracting amounts of all maintained at the same relative humidity and metals remainingon the piece of cuticle from the amounts for the duration of the in the tubules. temperature(14-18 °C) experiment. opposite pair of hepatopancreas The cen- 90 PROCEEDINGS 6th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MYRIAPODOLOGY Fig. 1. Diagrammatic representation of the experimental procedure used to measure the assimilation of metals by Lithobius variegatus (for further details see text). few of the tipedes were fed on six occasions at intervals of four days field sites within a days of the end experiment, The experimental design is summarised in fig. 1. starved for four days and dissected in the same manner. Centipedes which died during the experiment were The tissues and samples of faeces were placed on small filter dried 70°C dissected immediately. However, after the sixth feeding pieces of Millipore paper, overnight at occasion, all the centipedes from Wetmoor fed onwoodlice and weighed on a microbalance. The samples were from Haw had died (table II). Centipedes which were still digested in 2 ml of boiling Aristar grade concentrated alive this for four dissected diluted ml with deionised distilled at stage were starved days and nitric acid and to 5 also. The of all when removed The were for cadmium, lead guts centipedes were empty water. digests analysed zinc, from the and flame flameless body cavity. copper by (Varian AA775) or (Varian GTA95) atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). Figures for the net fluxes of metals through Lithobius TABLE II variegatus between the beginningand end of the experiment calculated the (figs. 2-4) were by balancing amounts Number ofspecimens ofLithobius variegatus surviving after measured in the faeces with changes in the levels in the eating two lobes of the hepatopancreas of six specimens of tissues on the assumption that the concentrations prior to Oniscus asellus (n = 7 at start of experiment). the first feeding occasion were the same as in centipedes collected from the field. The estimates of the amounts of Lithobius this shown variegatus metals in the food calculated on basis and on left hand side of the in the figures were good agreement Haw Wetmoor with the amounts of metals in the opposite pair oftubules (con- (uncon- of the hepatopancreas of Oniscus asellus fed to the cen- taminated) taminated) tipedes. Oniscus asellus Haw 5 0 Wetmoor 7 7 Glomeris marginata Specimens of Glomeris marginata were collected from Midger Wood (ST 796 893) and from Charterhouse (ST Each centipede was dissected into ten tissue fractions 503 555) on the Mendip Hills to the south ofBristol during (Hopkin & Martin, 1983). However, for the sake of October 1983. Midger Wood is an uncontaminated oak- simplicity, the results of the analyses have been hazel woodland, whereas Charterhouse is rough grassland into three fractions in this 'exo' the of a disused lead mine contaminated with amalgamated paper, 'gut', on spoil tips the connective tissues lead and (the exoskeleton including adhering zinc, cadmium, copper (Hopkin & Martin, inner and the 'rest' fraction of to the surface) consisting a 1982a).