Limping Child yes no Hx of trauma or overuse? Careful Hx & Overuse Acute trauma Consider trauma history as red herring PE, vital signs

Hair yes tourniquet Apophysitis Radiographs CBC, ESR/CRP, Blood cultures, Systemic symptoms? Foreign body Osgood-Schlatter in foot Sinding Larsen Johansson X-ray area of pain, IV heplock _ still limping Abscess Sever’s disease + no Acute Iselin disease Give Fracture Sprain Bone pain, Transient Joint effusion IT band syndrome Toddler’s Strain pain, small to no : , , or (by PE or US), Patellofemoral pain synd fracture Contusion focal effusion if resolves, Osteochondritis dissecans Ligamentous tenderness Normal CBC, ESR/CRP erythema & Improves somewhat Shin splints warmth d/c with Achilles tendonitis Growing pains with ibuprofen close f/u yes no Plantar (intermittent Tx with ibuprofen and +/- ) give 24 hr f/u for AP/frog-leg Other lower Stress fracture recheck + RTER precautions _ lateral extremity x-ray imaging as Kocher criteria: Score/risk indicated Non wt-bearing 4 – 99% Back pain Leukemia Psoas abscess ESR > 40 3 – 93% + Spinal Night pain, pallor, Palpable mass Leukocytosis w/ Psoas sign Fever > 38.5 2 – 40% + fever, HSM, Pain at night left shift Incr WBC, ESR WBC > 12,000 1 – 3% SCFE (10—16 years) lymphadenopathy Abnormal X-ray Very elevated ESR Dx: CT or MRI Tenderness Legg-Calve-Perthes Discoid meniscus Incr or Decr WBC Dx: MRI Dx: MRI Discitis Arthrocentesis as indicated (4-10 years) Kohlers disease Thrombocytopenia Tx :as for septic Sacroiliitis Spine Clindamycin or Vancomycin Freiberg disease Anemia arthritis Pain at SI joint _ osteomyelitis Add Cefazolin 1-48 mo old Buschke disease Dx: MRI Blasts FABER* test + Add Cefotaxime < 1 mo old Dx: bone marrow bx *FABER: flexion, abduction, external rotation of hip Dx: MRI causes pain at SI joint