Archives ofDisease in Childhood 1992; 67: 1095-1102 1095 Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.67.9.1095 on 1 September 1992. Downloaded from Thymopentin treatment in severe atopic dermatitis-clinical and immunological evaluations

Kue-Hsiung Hsieh, Men-Fang Shaio, Tung-Nan Liao

Abstract remains unclear, a number of immunological An open clinical trial of thymopentin was abnormalities have been described. They conducted on 16 children with severe atopic include: dermatitis. The patients were treated with (i) Raised and sustained serum IgE injections three times a week of 50 mg thymo- concentrations,8 pentin for six weeks. They were then divided (ii) Impaired function,9 randomly into two groups: group A continued (iii) Decreased natural killer cell activity,'0 thymopentin for an additional six weeks, and (iv) Defective capacity to generate alloreactive group B were treated with normal saline. cytotoxic T cells," Clinical parameters and immunological func- (v) Impaired autologous mixed lymphocyte tion were evaluated serially. The total severity reaction due to defective CD4 responder score started to decline from baseline signifi- T cells'2 cantly three weeks after treatment, and con- (vi) Increased cell mediated cytotoxicity tinued throughout the study period in group A against skin fibroblasts,'3 but began to flare up in group B two weeks (vii) Most importantly, immunological recon- after stopping thymopentin. AlU the eight stitution after bone marrow transplantation patients in group A completed the trial but results in the permanent resolution of eczema in three out of eight in group B dropped out Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, a primary T cell because of flaring up of skin lesion. In vitro immunodeficiency with raised serum IgE, production of -4 tended to decrease providing in vivo evidence that immune defects and that of gamma tended to predispose to the development of eczema. 14 increase, but total serum IgE, in vitro IgE Thymopoietin is a polypeptide hormone of synthesis, and abnormaliy low CD8+ the , originally isolated from bovine CD11b+ suppressor T cells remained thymus extract by its effect on neuromuscular unchanged. Histamine releasing factor transmission. 5 It is secreted by thymic epithelial (HRF), plasma histamine, and respiratory cells and has been shown to influence both the burst activities of polymorphonuclear leuco- differentiation of thymocytes'6 and the function cytes were appreciably decreased after of mature T cells. 17 18 Thymopentin (Timunox, thymopentin treatment. Immunobiology Research Institute, Annandale, It is concluded that the clinical efficacy of NJ) is the active pentapeptide (Arg-Lys-Asp- short term thymopentin treatment very Val-Tyr) moiety corresponding to amino acids possibly results from the decreased production 32 to 36 of the linear 49 amino acid sequence of of HRF and decreased release of polymorpho- thymopoietin. The biological effects of thymo-

nuclear leucocyte derived inflammatory pentin mimic those of thymopoietin in all on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. mediators and may have no relation with systems in which it has been evaluated.'8 19 It antigen-IgE immune reaction. was marketed in Italy in 1985, in Belgium in 1987, and in Germany in 1988, and has been used in a number of diseases in which T cell Department of (Arch Dis Child 1992;67:1095-102) Paediatrics, deficiency may have a role.20 National Taiwan Recent studies suggest that thymopentin University College Atopic dermatitis is a chronic cutaneous influences IgE synthesis,2' and it might therefore of Medicine inflammatory disease characterised by early age influence the course of atopic diseases in man. Kue-Hsiung Hsieh Tung-Nan Liao of onset, severe pruritus, typical morphology Recently, clinical improvement with thymo- Department of and distribution of skin rash, chronic relapsing pentin that produced reductions in overall Parasitology and course, and personal or family history ofatopy. ' 2 severity in patients with atopic dermatitis has Tropical Medicine, It is a common disease among infants and been reported,22 23 but the working mechanisms National Defense Medical Center, children with an incidence of 1-9% to 8-3% in have not been studied extensively. We present Taipei, white people"6 and 1 24% in Chinese school- the clinical efficacy of an open trial of thymo- Taiwan, children.7 Chronic atopic dermatitis may result pentin in children with severe atopic dermatitis Republic of China in significant morbidity, including hospital- and correlate the clinical efficacy with the in Men-Fang Shaio isation for control of skin disease and infection, vivo and in vitro immunological changes after Correspondence to: Dr Kue-Hsiung Hsieh, lost school days, psychological trauma from thymopentin treatment. Department of Paediatrics, physical disfigurement, and occupational National Taiwan University Hospital, disability. The management of atopic dermatitis 7 Chung-Shan S Road, has been less than satisfactory. None of the Subjects and methods Taipei, 10016, Taiwan, currently available treatments are curative and SUBJECTS Republic of China. treatment is empirical.6 Sixteen children, nine boys and seven girls, Accepted 26 February 1992 Although the pathogenesis ofatopic dermatitis aged 3 to 14 years, were enrolled into this study. 1096 Hsieh, Shaio, Liao

The clinical trial was approved by the human Table I Monoclonal antibodies used to enumerate Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.67.9.1095 on 1 September 1992. Downloaded from research committee ofthis hospital and informed lymphocyte subpopulations consent was obtained for each patient. All of the CD3 (total T cells) patients had severe pruritus, skin lesions of CD19 (total B cells) CD3 -CD 16+CD56+ (natural killer cells) characteristic morphology and distribution, CD4 (helper/inducer) chronic relapsing course, and a history of atopy, CD4+CD45RA+ (suppressor/inducer) CD4+CD45R- (helper/inducer) which met the criteria for the diagnosis of atopic CD8+ (suppressor/cytotoxic) dermatitis.' 2 The age of onset ranged from CD8+CDllb+ (suppressor) CD8+CDIIb- (cytotoxic) 1 month to 1 year, the mean (SD) duration of CD3+CD25 + (activated CD3) atopic dermatitis was 8-6 (3 0) years, the serum CD4+CD25 + (activated CD4) CD8 +CD25 + (activated CD8) IgE concentrations ranged from 224 to 5241 IU/ CD3+HLA-DR+ (activated CD3) ml (mean (SD) 2318 (1525) IU/ml), and the CD4+HLA-DR+ (activated CD4) mean (SD) area of involved body surface was CD8+HLA-DR+ (activated CD8) 81-5 (25 0)%. The severity was graded on a scale of 0-3 for each of the five parameters: erythema, pruritus, oedema/papulation, ex- coriation, and scaling/dryness. To be enrolled tion of 2 x 106 cells/ml in complete culture the patient had to have a severity score of 6 or medium (Roswell Park Memorial Institute-1640 higher (including a score of 2 or more for both supplemented with 10% heat inactivated fetal erythema and pruritus). The mean (SD) total calf serum, antibiotics and L glutamine) were severity score before treatment was 14-4 (0 9) stimulated with 2 [tg/ml phytohaemagglutinin (range 12-15). Twenty healthy schoolchildren, (PHA) (Wellcome) for three days and the aged 7 to 15 years, were included as controls for supernatants were collected by centrifugation immunological study. and stored at -20°C until testing.24 25 The above mentioned culture conditions, including cell density, PHA concentration, and days of TREATMENT PROTOCOL cultivation, were found to be optimal for After enrolment the patients received three sub- production in our previous studies.2F26 cutaneous injections each week of 50 mg of thymopentin for a consecutive six weeks. The patients were then divided randomly into two Measurements ofsoluble interleukin (IL)-2R, CD4 groups. One group (group A) continued the molecule, and in supernatants thymopentin treatment for an additional six Cell free CD4 and IL-2 receptor tests kits were weeks, and the other group (group B) was purchased from T Cell Sciences (Cambridge, injected with normal saline. Both groups were MA), IL-2 and test kits from comparable regarding age, severity score, and Genzyme (Boston, MA), and IL-4 and IL-6 test serum IgE concentration. During the treatment kits from R and D System (Minneapolis, MN). patients were allowed to continue antihista- The principle of those tests was sandwich mines and topical corticosteroids, but systemic enzyme immunoassay (ELISA), using two corticosteroids were discontinued for at least monoclonal antibodies against different epitopes four weeks before the study. No recommenda- of the target molecule (CD4, IL-2, and IL-2R) tion on food restriction and environmental con- or monoclonal antibody (first) followed by poly- trol was made. clonal antibody (IL-4, IL-6, and interferon gamma). The sensitivity of the ELISA was 50 pg/ml for IL-2, 50 U/ml for IL-2R, 12 U/ml for

CD4, 3 pg/ml for IL-4, 3 5 pg/ml for IL-6, and on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. EVALUATION 100 for interferon The patients were seen every week by one pg/ml gamma. The interassay variation of all tests were around 5-10% and a author (KHH). Dermatological assessment, similar routine laboratory tests (blood chemistry, hae- figure was found for intra-assay. All the matology, and urinalysis), and immunological samples of a single individual were run in tests were performed before and at the end of duplicate simultaneously and at least one the third, sixth, and 12th week after treatment. normal control was included in each experiment. The clinical response was evaluated by a derma- tologist who did not know the treatment pro- tocol, and adverse reactions were observed Measurement of histamine releasing factor (HRF) carefully. Parents' satisfaction was recorded. activity HRF was measured as previously described.27 MNCs (2 x 106 cells/ml) were stimulated with 2 [ig/ml PHA for four hours, washed, and IMMUNOLOGICAL TESTS incubated for additional 20 hours. The super- Enumeration oflymphocyte subpopulation natant was collected, concentrated 50-fold, using T cell subsets were enumerated by FACscan a YM-5 Amicon membrane. The HRF activity (Becton-Dickinson), using the monoclonal anti- of the supernatant was measured by its capacity bodies shown in table 1. to release histamine from basophils obtained from a healthy high HRF responder and was expressed as percent of total cellular hista- Preparations ofsera and culture supernatants mine released. The histamine was determined Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNCs) by using histamine radioimmunoassay kits were obtained by Ficoll/Hypaque gradient (Immunotech, France). The sensitivity of the density centrifugation. MNCs at a concentra- kit was 0 5 nmol/l. Thymopentin treatment in severe atopic dermatitis-clinical and immunological evaluations 1097

Measurement ofserum IgG, IgA, IgM, and IgE Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.67.9.1095 on 1 September 1992. Downloaded from The IgG, IgA, and IgM were measured by * Group A nephelometry (Beckman). In vitro production A Group B of IgE was done according to the method of Saryan et al."8 The IgE concentrations in sera and culture supernatants were measured by ** I.0) Phadebas IgE PRIST kits (Pharmacia). 0

* Z0. 10 Lucigenin amplified chemiluminescence assay 0) Chemiluminescence was assayed by the method ofGyllenhammar,29 using a luminometer (model I- 1251, LKB, Bromma) and recorded as mV. Reaction mixtures contained 1 x 106 neutrophils, 0 1 mg lucigenin, and 40 ng phorbol myristate 5 ** acetate (PMA) or 1 mg opsonised zymosan; and Hanks' balanced salt solution (HBSS) was added up to a final volume of 1 ml in each reaction. The readings were started two minutes I after the addition ofreagents and were monitored 0 1 3 6 12 every eight minutes up to an hour. Weeks after starting treatment Figure I Total severity score during treatment with 50 mg MEASUREMENTS OF SUPEROXIDE AND HYDROGEN thymopentin. Group A had 12 weeks continuous treatment with thymopentin andgroup B had six weeks ofthymopentin PEROXIDE PRODUCTIONS followed by six weeks ofnormal saline injections. Vertical Superoxide production was measured as super- bar represents the SEM; *p<003, compared with baseline; oxide dismutase inhibitable reduction of * *p

ml), and neutrophils. The microtitre plates evaluation by parents matched very well with on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. were incubated and shaken at 37°C for one hour that of the physician (data not shown). and terminated with 10 ,ul of IN sodium hydroxide. The absorbance was read at 600 nm. Conversion of absorbance to nanomoles of both LABORATORY CHANGES superoxideandhydrogen peroxidewas calculated Figure 2 demonstrates, as an example, that in by a standard method.32 The results were case 6 the maculopapulovesicles and lichenifica- expressed as nmol of superoxide or hydrogen tion over the neck and antecubital areas (left peroxide/60 minutes/mg of protein. panel) were much improved after three weeks of thymopentin treatment (right panel). In general, erythema and pruritus were the parameters that STATISTICS were improved most quickly and noticeably All the data were expressed as mean (SEM) among the five clinical parameters evaluated, except T cell subsets which was expressed as whereas the improvement in scaling/dryness mean (SD). Unpaired Student's t test was used was much less impressive. for statistical analysis throughout the study Figure 3 shows the in vitro productions of except that the Wilcoxon signed rank test was soluble CD4, IL-2R, and cytokines during the used to analyse the immunoglobulin data. A p course of treatment. the patients produced a value of <0 05 was considered significant. greater amount of soluble CD4 (p<0.001), IL-2R (p<0 01), IL-2 (p<0 001), and IL-4 (p<0001), but less interferon gamma (p<001) Results than normal controls. After treatment, in vitro CLINICAL RESPONSE production of soluble CD4, IL-2R, IL-2, and All eight patients in group A who received 12 IL-4 tended to decrease, but only the decrease weeks of continuous thymopentin injections in IL-2 (p<0 01) and IL-4 (p<0.01) reached a 1098 Hsieh, Shaio, Liao Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.67.9.1095 on 1 September 1992. Downloaded from

Figure 2 The papulovesicles and lichenification of diseased skin before treatnent (leftpanel) and after three weeks oftreatment (right panel).

* 300 I- ** ** 1500

240 1200

E D 0 180 - 900 CJ a-C4 -J 600

120 _-

60 F 300


I I O I 01 l l l - - 0 0 3 6 12 0 3 6 12 Controls Patients Controls Patients Controls Patients on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

25 000 L 350 I ri 20 000 280

E E 0) 15 000 210 a I cm z - U-

10000 F 140

5000 F

un . . . a . I . 0 3 6 12 0 3 6 12 0 3 6 12 Controls Patients Controls Patients Controls Patients Weeks after starting treatment Weeks after starting treatment Weeks after starting treatment Figure 3 In vitro productions ofsoluble CD4, IL-2R, and cytokines during thymopentin treatment. For CD4, 'p

significant degree. In vitro production of IFN-r with atopic dermatitis had a normal number (%) was increased (p<005). No change in IL-6 of total T cells (CD3+), B cells (CD19+), Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.67.9.1095 on 1 September 1992. Downloaded from production was found. Again, those changes natural killer cells (CD3- CD16+CD56+), werereversed afterstoppingtreatment(group B). suppressor inducer T cells (CD4+CD45RA+), The effect ofthymopentin on the distributions helper inducer T cells (CD4+CD45RA-), of T cell subsets is shown in table 2. When cytotoxic T cells (CD8+CDllb-), CD25+, compared with normal controls, the patients and HLA-DR+ activated CD3 and CD4 cells. However, suppressor T cells (CD8+CDl lb+), and CD25+ and HLA-DR+activated sup- Table 2 Changes ofdistributions ofT cell subsets during thymopentin treatment. Results are pressor/cytotoxic T cells (CD8+) were mean (SD)% appreciably decreased in patients. After thymo- T cell subset Treatment period (n -10) Controls pentin treatment the suppressor T cells (CD8+ (n=20) CDllb+) and CD25+ activated CD8+ cells 0 3 Weeks 6 Weeks remained very low even at the end of 12 weeks CD3+ 68-0(8-7) 66-8(8-4) 68-3(6-3) 67-1(8-2) of thymopentin treatment (table 2). CD19+ 14-1(4-8) 17 4 (4 9) 16-6 (7-0) 16 2 (4 9) CD3-CD16+CD56+ 17 3(90) 17 1(7-5) 16-3(5-3) 18 3(9 0) The changes of serum immunoglobulin con- CD4+ 31L9(8 4) 32-0(8-1) 33-8(5-8) 34-8(6-1) centrations were followed up serially after CD4-CD45RA+ 10-7 (3-6) 108 (3 9) 11-8 (3-0) 11-9(3 9) CD4+CD45RA- 24-7(5-3) 25-4(6-8) 24-4(6 6) 26-7(7-3) thymopentin treatment. IgG and IgM tended to CD8+ 28 5 (5 6) 26-3 (5-9) 29-2 (9-8) 26-7 (9-8) decrease after six weeks of treatment, but not to CD8+CD1 lb+ 5-0 (2 4):' 3-5 (2-1) 5-6 (2-7) 11-9(3-9)* CD8+CDllb- 24-2(5 2) 24-8(4 8) 26-1(5-7) 20-0(9-9) a significant degree. No change was found for CD3+CD25+ 50(5-1) 45(09) 4-1(1-4) 5-1(2-8) IgA, IgE, and in vitro IgE production through- CD4+CD25+ 5-2 (2-9) 5 6 (2-4) 5-0 (2-3) 6-6 (2-8) CD8+CD25+ 07 (13)* 0-2(04) 0-2(04) 30(19)'' out the course of trial (table 3). CD3+HLA-DR+ 8-2(58) 12-1(44) 15 1(87) 11-3(4-1) Figure 4 demonstrates that both plasma CD4+HLA-DR+ 3-8(0 9) 6-7(2 6) 7-4(2 6) 3-6(1 3) CD8+HLA-DR+ 4 5 (3-0):' 7-8 (3-5) 8 5 (4-8) 10-3 (4-5) histamine and HRF activity were much higher in patients than in normal controls (p

70 10 ** on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

Z- 0 E 50 C -EC -E 0- co -Cl LLCU E X a.

0 3 6 12 0 3 6 12 Controls Patients Controls Patients Weeks after starting treatment Weeks after starting treatment Figure 4 Plasma histamine and HRF activity during thymopentin treatment. Forplasma histamine, * '"p<0OO1, * Cp<0-0I;forHRF activity, p<0-01I, * 'p<0-01. Data are expressed as mean (SEM). 1100 Hsieh, Shaio, Liao Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.67.9.1095 on 1 September 1992. Downloaded from

-a57D 5 uz0

x E 0 0 U C E 0 C 0 0 3 C ._ E x 0 Q 0 0 0. C,) 0' x

0 3 6 12 0 3 6 12 0 3 6 12 Controls Patients Controls Patients Controls Patients Weeks after starting treatment Weeks after starting treatment Weeks after starting treatment Figure 5 Respiratory burst activities ofpolymorphonuclear leucocytes stimulated by PMA. For chemiluminescence, ***p< 001, ***p<000l;for superoxide production, * * *p<0-001, * * *p<0.001;for hydrogen peroxide production, * * *p<0-001, * * -p<0001. Data are expressed as mean (SEM).


-a Un 'E W- -i 5 0 C.) U) 0 x x E 0 0 Z- E U 0 6 C E C 0 C QC U 0 0 C 3 I U_ -c0 *0 0 Cr.) 0 0 L- 4 -C '. E- 20 0 0 Q 10 0. 0. 0 0 0 2 1 0 Cn a on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

0 0 0 3 6 12 0 3 6 12 0 3 6 12 Controls Patients Controls Patients Controls Patients Weeks after starting treatment Weeks after starting treatment Weeks after starting treatment

Figure 6 Respiratory burst activities ofpolymorphonuclear leucocytes stimulated by serum opsonised zymosan. For superoxideproduction, ** *p

heightened activity decreased to normal after tion usually occurred later (fig 2). The improve- treatment. A similar tendency was found when ment continued in those patients (group A) who polymorphonuclear leucocytes were stimulated received thymopentin treatment throughout the with opsonised zymosan (fig 6); their enhanced 12 week period, however, the eczema flared up activation returned after discontinuation of in all patients of group B four weeks after thymopentin (group B). discontinuation of thymopentin (fig 1). The use of topical steroids and antihistamines could be reduced and no serious side effects were observed Discussion except transient pain at the injection site. The All patients responded to thymopentin treat- beneficial clinical response was largely similar to ment. The itching, scratching, and erythema that reported by Kang et a122 and Leung et al.23 decreased appreciably three weeks after treat- The immunological mechanism(s) responsible ment (fig 1), and the improved skin texture due for the clinical efficacy of thymopentin has not to subsidence of papulovesicles and lichenifica- been well studied. Cooper et al reported that Thymopentin treatment in severe atopic dermatitis-clinical and immunological evaluations 1101

thymopentin could influence the in vivo and in encountered during the 12 week period of treat- vitro production by atopic dermatitis MNCs.2' ment and there is still no satisfactory manage- Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.67.9.1095 on 1 September 1992. Downloaded from The same group further described increased ment for severe atopic dermatitis, thymopentin CD8+ (suppressor/cytotoxic) cells after six may be used in those patients with atopic weeks of thymopentin administration.22 The dermatitis who are refractory to traditional results obtained in our study could not confirm treatment. Studies with longer duration and their hypothesis: (i) total serum IgE and in vitro larger number of patients are needed before the IgE production werenot changed after treatment, rationale for such kind of treatment can be and (ii) the CD8+CD1 lb+ suppressor T cells, justified. but not the total number of CD8+ suppressor/ cytotoxic T cells, were decreased in patients The authors wish to thank Johnson and Johnson Company, Taiwan Branch, for supplying thymopentin preparations used in with atopic dermatitis, and thymopentin treat- this ment failed to increase the CD8+CD1 lb+ study. suppressor and CD8+CD25+ activated T cells. Recent studies have demonstrated that I Hanifm JM, Raika G. Diagnostic features ofatopic dermatitis. peri- Acta Derm Venerol (Stockh) 1980;92 (suppl):44-7. pheral blood MNCs from patients with atopic 2 Hanifm JM. 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Maths and mumps Given two different for the same disease, one more effective but with a higher complication rate than the other, which is it best to use? This problem is posed by the existence of two mumps vaccines, the Urabe Am 9 and the Jeryl Lynn strains. The former has an estimated protective efficacy of about 98% and the latter about 94% whereas the estimated complication rates are one in between 62 and 400 thousand for the Urabe Am 9 strain and one in between 250 and 1800 thousand for the Jeryl Lynn strain. D J Nokes and R M Anderson (Lancet 1991;338:1309-12) have applied a mathematical model to the available data in order to calculate the number of complications, from either the natural disease or the , to be expected over a period of 20 years after the introduction of a vaccination programme with either of the two vaccines. Incorporated within their calculations is an estimate of the degree of persistence of the natural disease at various levels of vaccine uptake within the population. Thus at 70% uptake the natural disease is still prevalent whereas at over 80% uptake the natural transmission of infection virtually ceases. Their model predicts that at the lower level of vaccine uptake (70%) the vaccine strain with greater efficacy and higher complication rate (Urabe Am 9) is associated with fewer compli- cations overall as most of the complications at this level of on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. vaccination are produced by the natural disease. On the other hand, at 80 to 90% uptake most of the complications are caused by the vaccine as the natural disease becomes uncommon, and the safer vaccine (Jeryl Lynn) is to be preferred. So the answer is, if you can guarantee a high acceptance of the vaccine in your population use the safer vaccine, but if you can't, use the more effective one. If you can achieve high immunisation rates you automatically create an interesting problem in ethics. The natural disease is now rare and most complications arise from the vaccine. So why not cheat? Why not encourage everybody else to have their babies immunised but leave yours alone? It would have to be secret, of course, because, if everybody else tumbled to the same ruse your baby would finish up at high risk of the disease again. Why should we be concerned about the welfare of others? You may have a theology based explanation but non-theological ethicists seem to debate the matter endlessly without coming to any satisfactory conclusion.'


1 Warnock M. Ethics since 1900. 3rd Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978. (Reprinted 1990.)