J. Range Manage. 53: 544–549 September 2000 Seed biology of rush skeletonweed in sagebrush steppe


Authors are Ph.D. student, Department of Rangeland Ecology and Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, Tex.. 77843; botanist, USDA-FS, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Provo, Ut. 84606; associate professor, Botany and Range Science Department, Brigham Young University, Provo, Ut. 84602; and botanist, USDA-FS, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise, Ida. 83702. At the time of the research, the senior author was graduate student, Department of Botany and Range Science, Brigham Young University, Provo, Ut. 84602.

Abstract Resumen

Rush skeletonweed ( juncea L.) is an invasive, herba- L. (nombre vulgar: yuyo esqueletico) es una ceous, long-lived perennial species of Eurasian or Mediterranean especie herbácea perenne e invasora de larga vida y origen origin now occurring in many locations throughout the world. In eurasiático o mediterraneo que habita actualmente en muchos the United States, it occupies over 2.5 million ha of rangeland in lugares del mundo. En los Estados Unidos, ocupa más de 2.5 mil- the Pacific Northwest and California. Despite the ecological and lones de hectáreas de tierras ganaderas en el Noroeste Pacífico y economic significance of this species, little is known of the ecolo- California. A pesar del significado ecológico y económico de esta gy and life history characteristics of North American popula- especie, poco se sabe sobre la ecología y las características de la tions. The purpose of this study was to examine seed germination historia de vida de las poblaciones norteamericanas. El objetivo characteristics of 2 populations of rush skeletonweed in Idaho. del presente trabajo fue examinar las características de la germi- Seeds from rush skeletonweed in southwestern Idaho were nación de semillas de dos poblaciones de C. juncea en Idaho. Se collected during the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons. Mature colectaron semillas de plantas en el suroeste de Idaho durante la seeds were harvested on 6 dates between early July and early estación de crecimiento en 1994 y 1995. Se coleccionaron semillas October 1994, and on 5 dates between early July and late maduras en 6 ocasiones entre principios de julio y principios de September 1995. Fresh seeds from each harvest period were octubre de 1994, y en 5 ocasiones entre principios de julio y fines measured to determine seed weight, total germination, rate of de septiembre de 1995. Se midieron semillas frescas de cada germination, and viability (tetrazolium staining [TZ]) of non-ger- cosecha para determinar el peso de las semillas, la germinación minating seeds. An aliquot of seeds collected in 1994 was also total, la tasa de germinación, y la viabilidad (teñido con tetrazo- stored for 1 year to examine the effects of seed storage on germi- lio [TZ]) de semillas que no germinaron. Una alícuota de semillas nation. In southwestern Idaho, rush skeletonweed produces seeds colectadas en 1994 se almacenó por un año para examinar los continuously from mid-July through October. Seeds were capa- efectos del almacenamiento sobre la germinación. En el suroeste ble of immediate germination without scarification or wet de Idaho, C. juncea produce semillas continuamente desde medi- prechilling. Total germination generally ranged from 60 to 100% ados de julio hasta octubre. Las semillas fueron capaces de ger- throughout the entire seed production period. Germination was minar inmediatamente sin escarificación o mojado y enfriado also rapid, reaching 50% of total germination in less than 12 previos. La germinación total varió generalmente del 60 al 100% days. In general, germination was higher at the lower incubation durante el período completo de producción de semillas. La ger- temperature regime (20/10˚C), perhaps reflecting origins of this minación también fue rápida, alcanzando el 50% de la germi- species in Mediterranean winter rainfall regions. The TZ testing nación total en menos de 12 días. En general, la germinación fue indicated that 30 to 60% of non-germinating seeds were viable, mayor en el régimen de temperatura de incubación más bajo suggesting that seeds may persist in the soil seed bank. Up to (20/10°C), lo cual quizás refleja el origen de esta especie en 60% of seeds remained viable following 1 year of storage. Stored regiones mediterraneas de lluvias invernales. Las pruebas con seeds generally exhibited higher germination rates (x– = 90%) TZ indicaron que del 30 al 60% de las semillas que no germi- than fresh seeds (x– = 67%), indicating possible dormancy and naron eran viables, sugeriendo que las semillas podrían persistir afterripening effects. Germination characteristics of this species en el banco de semillas. Hasta el 60 % de las semillas seguían are consistent with those of other invasive alien species, and viables después de un año de almacenamiento. Las semillas favor rapid population growth leading to community dominance. almacenadas generalmente mostraron proporciones de germi- nación mayores (x– = 90%) que las frescas (x– = 67%), indicando posibles efectos de la dormancia y postmaduración. Key Words: Chondrilla juncea L., Pacific Northwest, rangeland Características de germinación de esta especie son consistentes weed, cereal crop weed, invasive species, germination con las de otras especies exóticas invasoras, y favorecen un crec- imiento rápido de las poblaciones que la lleva a dominar en la The authors wish to thank Beth-Anee Johnson, Mering Hurd, Danielle Scholten, comunidad. Kristi Worth, and Fred Galen for their help in data collection. We would like to thank Dr. Michael Longnecker for assistance with statistical analysis and Dr. Thomas W. Boutton and Dr. Marshall Haferkamp for manuscript review. We thank the USDA-FS, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Shrub Sciences Laboratory, and USDI-BLM, Idaho State Office for funding, support, and use of Rush skeletonweed (Chondrilla juncea L., : facilities and equipment. Partial support for manuscript preparation was provided ), an apomictic, perennial forb with Eurasian and by the Department of Rangeland Ecology and Management at Texas A&M Mediterranean origins, has been introduced to other regions of University. Manuscript accepted 5 Dec.1999. the world, including Australia, South America, and the United

544 JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT53(5), September 2000 States (Cullen and Groves 1977, McVean yields by 26 to 42% (Cheney et al. 1981). (Orchard) is located 32 km southeast of 1966, Panetta and Dodd 1987). In North It is one of the most serious weeds of cere- Boise, Ada Co., Ida. (116° 04' W 43° 33' America, it was first discovered in the al cropping in Australia where it has N), at an elevation of 955 m (NOAA western United States near Spokane, reduced wheat yields by as much as 80% 1993, Kitchen 1995). Mean annual tem- Wash. in 1938. By 1981, its rate of spread (Piper 1983, Sheley and Hudak 1995, perature is 10.5°C. (Fig. 1) (NOAA 1993). was approximately 40,000 ha year- 1 Sheley et al. 1999). Mean annual precipitation is 250 mm with (Cheney et al. 1981). It now dominates Current technology is largely ineffective 81% occurring between November and more than 2.5 million ha of rangeland in at curtailing the spread of rush skeleton- June (Fig. 1). The frost-free period ranges the Pacific Northwest and California weed. Although the weedy characteristics from 140 to 190 days. This site supports a (Sheley and Hudak 1995). of Australian populations have been degraded Wyoming big sagebrush Rush skeletonweed grows in dense described, a better understanding of the (Artemisia tridentata Nutt. var. w y o m i n - monocultures and displaces native plants, reproductive potential and germination gensis [Beetle & A. Young] Welsh)/mixed thereby reducing biodiversity and forage characteristics of North American popula- bunchgrass community. Soils are sandy, production for both domestic and native tions is essential if we are to identify the mixed, mesic Xeric Torriorthents with herbivores (Carroll 1980, Sheley and biological characteristics that contribute to deep, well-drained profiles. The rooting Hudak 1995). Seeds are wind-dispersed. the ecological success of this species, and zone extends to a depth of 1.5 m or more New infestations establish on coarse, well- develop more effective management meth- and available water capacity is high drained soils along roadways and on over- ods (Wapshere et al. 1974, Lee 1986, (Collett 1980) grazed rangelands, abandoned croplands, Sheley et al. 1999). The objective of this The Shrub Garden site is located near and other disturbed sites. The species study was to evaluate the effects of envi- the Boise River, about 27 km northeast of exhibits a wide range of adaptability, ronmental conditions, maturation date, and Boise, Ada Co., Ida. (116° 04' W 43° 33' occurring at elevations from less than 225 dry storage on seed germination and via- N), at an elevation of 1,033 m. Mean m to over 1,830 m that receive 250 to bility of 2 rush skeletonweed populations annual temperature is 9.2°C (Fig. 1) 1,500 mm annual precipitation (Moore in southwestern Idaho. (NOAA 1993). Mean annual precipitation 1964, Sheley and Hudak 1995). is 430 mm, and the frost-free period aver- Although rush skeletonweed is spread- ages 126 days (Fig. 1). The site supports ing primarily on rangelands, its potential Materials and Methods an antelope bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata threat to agricultural crops is also a major [Pursh] DC.)/mountain big sagebrush concern as it competes aggressively for Study Sites (Artemisia tridentata Nutt. var. v a s e y a n a light, water, and nutrients (Schirman and Populations of rush skeletonweed were [Rydb.] J. Boivin) community with a Robocker 1967, Zimdahl 1980). In some identified at 2 locations in southwestern diverse grass-forb understory (Shaw and parts of Oregon and northern Idaho, rush Idaho. The Orchard Research Site Monsen 1982). Soils are loamy-skeletal, skeletonweed has reduced annual wheat mixed, mesic Aridic Argixerolls that are moderately deep and well-drained, devel- oping from weathered granite (Collett 1980).

Seed Collection and Testing Sixty plants at each study location were randomly selected and marked for seed collection in spring 1994. Mature seeds were hand harvested at 2-week intervals from the time of earliest maturation in late July through early October in 1994. In 1995, seeds were harvested on days within the same 7-day periods as in 1994, with the exception that no collections were made in October 1995. Weeks of harvest were: late July (22 to 28), early August (6 to 12), late August (18 to 24), early September (3 to 9), late September (22 to 29), and early October (7 to 13). Seeds were pooled among plants within a loca- tion on each harvest date. Seeds were cleaned by hand-rubbing and sieving to remove the pappus and debris. Subsamples of each cleaned seed lot were used to determine seed weight, germinability, and viability. On each col- Fig. 1. Air temperature and precipitation profiles for the Orchard and Shrub Garden sites, lection date, 3 subsamples of 100 seeds 1993-1995. Climatic data were based on NOAA information from the Boise Airport from each location were weighed to esti- (Orchard) and Lucky Peak (Shrub Garden) Idaho weather stations. Long term averages mate average seed weight. Three addition- encompass 1961–1990. (NOAA 1993, 1994, 1995). al subsamples of 100 seeds from each

JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT53(5), September 2000 545 location were immediately placed in incu- Results bation regime (Fig. 3A) (Table 1). Seeds bation trials (1 to 2 days after collection). collected in early August exhibited lower Remaining seeds from each 1994 collec- total germination percentages than seeds Climatic Conditions tion date not used in germination trials collected on other harvest dates. Total ger- Total 1994 precipitation was 4% below were stored in sealed glass containers at mination percentage was not affected by average at Orchard and 33% below aver- room temperature in darkness for a period incubation regime in 1994. However, total age at the Shrub Garden (Fig. 1). By con- of about 1 year. Three subsamples of 100 germination percentage of seeds collected trast, 1995 was a relatively wet year. Total stored seeds from each location and col- on 1995 harvest dates was greater when precipitation was 43% above average at lection date were placed in incubation incubated at the 20/10°C compared to the Orchard and 12% above average at the about 1 year later in late August 1995 to 30/20°C regime. Shrub Garden. In 1994 and 1995, the 14- examine the effects of dry storage on seed Fresh seeds harvested in 1994 and 1995 day mean maximum air temperature prior germination characteristics. Because the to each harvest date ranged from 27 to germinated rapidly, generally reaching effects of storage on seed germination 32°C at both locations, while the mean 14- 50% germination within 2 to 8 days (Fig. were only examined for seed produced in day minimum air temperature ranged from 3B). Germination rate was affected by a a single growing season (1994), inferences 8 to16°C. significant 3-way interaction between col- are not broadly applicable to seed generat- lection year, week of harvest, and incuba- ed in another year. tion temperature (Table 1). Germination trials were conducted by Seed Weight Days to 50% germination was similar placing each subsample of 100 seeds on 2 Weight of individual rush skeletonweed for seeds harvested on the early dates in blue blotters saturated with distilled water seeds ranged from 0.1 to 0.5 mg (Fig. 2). 1994 and incubated at either 20/10°C or Seed weight was greater in 1994 than in in an 11 x 11 cm germination box. 30/20°C. In 1995, seeds collected on the 1995 for the early harvest dates (p < 0.01) Germination boxes were then incubated at late harvest dates germinated more rapidly either 20/10 or 30/20°C (12 hrs/12 hrs). (Fig. 2). In 1994, seed weight was positive- when incubated at 20/10°C compared to Seeds were exposed to light (PAR = 15 ly correlated with total precipitation 30/20°C. In both 1994 and 1995 rate of ger- µM m- 2 s- 1) during the high temperature received during the 4-week interval prior to alteration. Germination counts were made each harvest date (R2 = 0.75, p < 0.05) and mination was more rapid for seeds collect- at 2-day intervals for 14 days. with the mean air temperature during the 2- ed later in the season and incubated at Germination boxes were rearranged ran- week period preceding each harvest date 20/10°C. There were no significant rela- domly in the incubation chambers after (R 2 = 0.98, p <0.05). No significant correla- tionships between seed weight and total each count. Seeds were considered germi- tions between seed weight and precipitation germination percentage or germination rate. nated when the radicle had emerged and or air temperature were found in 1995. Viability of nongerminating seeds dif- the cotyledons were green and spreading. fered between years (Table 1). In 1994 less than 10% of the nongerminating seed were After 14 days, non-germinated seeds were Germination of Fresh 1994 and 1995 viable following incubation, while in 1995 tested for viability using a 1% solution of Seeds more than 30% were viable (Fig. 3C). 2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride Germination of fresh seeds varied with (Moore 1973). Maximum germination was year of collection, harvest date, and incu- calculated as number of seeds germinated divided by the number of germinated seeds plus the number of viable nongermi- nated seeds determined by TZ testing. Rate of germination was expressed as days to 50% of 14-day germination.

Statistical Analyses Experimental design was a randomized, complete block with site as the blocking factor. An ANOVA was used to evaluate differences in germination, germination rate, and viability of nongerminated fresh and stored seeds attributable to the main effects of year of collection, harvest date, storage treatment, and incubation regime and all possible interactions (SAS Institute 1988). Where significant interactions pre- cluded direct interpretation of main effects, pairwise comparisons were made using the Bonferroni t-test (Milliken and Johnson 1992). All differences reported were significant at p £ 0.05. Regression analyses were used to examine the rela- tionship between seed weight and environ- Fig. 2. Mean weight of Chondrilla juncea L. seed (mg) collected on 1994 and 1995 harvest mental conditions preceding each harvest dates from the Orchard and Shrub Garden sites in southwestern Idaho. date, germination, and rate of germination.

546 JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT53(5), September 2000 Table 1. Degrees of freedom (df), MS values, and probability levels (p) for ANOVA models used both temperatures tested. Most seeds were to statistically analyze total germination, days to 50% germination, and viability [TZ] of capable of immediate germination without nongerminating fresh rush skeletonweed seed from 1994 and 1995 harvest dates and for fresh pretreatment to relieve dormancy. In both and stored seed from 1994 harvest dates in southwestern Idaho. Seeds were stored in sealed containers at room temperature from harvest to August 1995. years, seeds reached total germination per- centages in excess of 60% regardless of Days to 50% incubation regime. Total Germination Germination Viability Grant-Lipp (1966) reported that rush Model df MS p MS p MS p skeletonweed seeds from Canberra, ------fresh 1994 vs fresh 1995 seed ------Australia reached 90% germination with- Collection Site (Block) 1 167.6 * 5.9 ns 562.6 * in 24 hours when incubated at tempera- Year of Collection (Year) 1 1879.9 *** 18.7 * 8444.5 ** * tures between 18 and 30°C. Germination Week of Collection (Date) 4 1025.0 *** 83.7 *** 117.8 ns was complete within 48 hours. Slower Germination Temperature (Temp) 1 894.3 *** 6.4 ns 101.2 ns rates reported in this study were attributed Year*Date 4 452.4 *** 12.3 ** 105.0 ns to differences in criteria used to define Year*Temp 1 980.1 *** 28.9 *** 160.6 ns successful germination. Radicle emer- Date*Temp 4 105.3 ns 0.9 ns 73.7 ns gence was used by Grant-Lipp; criteria Year*Date*Temp 4 134.4 * 6.1 * 25.4 ns used for this study were believed to pro------fresh 1994 vs stored 1994 seed ------vide a more realistic index of seedling sur- Collection Site (Block) 1 121.8 ns 1.6 ns 266.0 ns vival in the field. Week of Collection (Date) 5 480.8 * 31.1 *** 198.7 ns Even in the drier year (1994) when pre- Germination Temperature (Temp) 1 154.8 ns 0.6 ns 0.0 ns cipitation was considerably less than the Storage 1 150.7 ns 60.7 *** 351.4 ns 30 year average, rush skeletonweed pro- Date*Temp 5 31.2 ns 0.7 ns 198.2 ns duced seeds that were highly germinable, Date*Storage 5 229.2 ns 24.4 *** 210.7 ns reaching total germination percentages Temp*Storage 1 196.8 ns 22.3 * 10.6 ns generally in excess of 80% (Fig. 3A). Date*Temp*Storage 5 28.8 ns 3.9 ns 159.6 ns These seeds also exhibited more rapid ger- * p < 0.05 mination than seeds from 1995. Studies ** p < 0.01 have found that when subjected to mild ***p < 0.001 drought stress, some plant species display higher germinability (Hilhorst and Toorop 1997). Dodd and Panetta (1987) found that Germination of Fresh and Stored Discussion and Conclusions a large numbers of seeds are produced 1994 Seeds even under drought conditions. Rush Total germination percentage of seeds Many weedy species of Eurasian and skeletonweed may be producing viable harvested in 1994 and incubated immedi- Mediterranean origins are well-adapted to seeds even under hot, dry conditions ately or stored in sealed containers at room the climatic conditions of the interior because flowering and seed production are temperature until August 1995 varied with western United States (Mack 1986). These independent of summer rainfall (Panetta harvest date (Table 1). For stored seeds, invasive plants occupy broad niches and and Dodd 1987). Plants acquire soil water those collected mid-season exhibited exhibit a large degree of phenotypic plas- through deep roots that may penetrate sev- greater total germination percentages than ticity (Baker 1986, Bazazz 1986). They eral meters into the soil profile (Panetta collections harvested at earlier or later col- are generally capable of flowering and set- and Dodd 1984, 1987). Elevated tempera- lection periods (Fig. 3D). Stored seeds ting seed under a wide range of environ- tures during the seed production period in were as germinable as fresh seed, general- mental conditions (Pimentel 1986). 1994 may have increased the germinabili- ly exceeding 80% germination following 1 The adaptability of rush skeletonweed to ty of rush skeletonweed seeds in this year of dry storage. climatic conditions in areas of the western study. Days to 50% germination for 1994 seeds United States has been demonstrated by its In both years, across all dates, there varied with storage treatment and harvest rapid expansion. In addition, it shares appeared to be a trend toward greater ger- date (Table 1). Stored seeds generally ger- many characteristics of highly successful mination rates and faster germination at minated more rapidly than fresh seeds invader species. Its apomictic habit elimi- the lower incubation temperature regime with the exception of seeds collected at the nates dependence on insect pollinators and (Fig. 3). Germination of rush skeletonweed later harvest dates and incubated at promotes genetic stability. Plants are capa- seeds was generally rapid in both incuba- 30/20°C ( Fig. 3E). Days to 50% germina- ble of establishing, reproducing, and dis- tion regimes. Plants reached 50% of total tion also varied with storage treatment and persing seeds in areas where environmen- germination within 2 to 8 days for most incubation regime (Table 1). The germina- tal factors may be limiting for dates in both 1994 and 1995. For seeds tion rate was similar for fresh or stored growth and development (Duke 1985, produced in 1995, germination was slower seeds when incubated at 30/20°C. Bazazz 1986). for seeds incubated at the higher tempera- However, stored seeds germinated more The southwestern Idaho rush skeleton- ture regime. This trend may reflect origins rapidly than fresh seeds when incubated at weed populations flowered and produced of rush skeletonweed in Mediterranean 20/10°C. The viability of nongerminating seeds continuously from July to October winter rainfall regions where cool-season seeds was similar for fresh and stored during the driest and warmest portion of germination may ensure access to winter 1994 seed collections averaging 13% the season. Despite the environmental lim- precipitation. The ability to germinate dur- (Table 1). itations, rush skeletonweed produced ing the cooler portions of the growing sea- viable seeds that germinated rapidly at son would be advantageous throughout

JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT53(5), September 2000 547 (Grant-Lipp 1966, McVean 1966, Cuthbertson 1970, Panetta and Dodd 1987). Cuthbertson (1970) stated that there appeared to be a short-lived dorman- cy in some field samples, while others suggest that rush skeletonweed seeds lack primary dormancy (Grant-Lipp 1966, Coleman-Harrell et al. 1979). Rush skele- tonweed seeds may be exhibiting germina- tion polymorphism, a common character- istic of successful weeds. It may be a sur- vival strategy whereby the range of condi- tions favorable for germination varies among seeds. This mechanism permits some seeds to germinate immediately whereas others may germinate at a later date (Pimentel 1986). A small percentage of non-germinating stored seeds, especially seeds produced later in the season, were still viable, indi- cating that rush skeletonweed seeds may acquire a secondary dormancy which could potentially enable some seeds to persist in the soil seed bank. Lonsdale et al. (1988) stated that persistence of seeds in soil seed banks is a critical component for maintaining populations of weedy species. Grant-Lipp (1966) indicated that rush skeletonweed seeds may acquire a secondary dormancy when exposed to high temperatures. Other studies have found that in some plant species, dispersed seeds are readily germinable immediately after shedding, if conditions are favorable. However, when conditions for germina- tion are not met, seeds may acquire a sec- ondary dormancy (Hilhorst and Toorop 1997). Subjecting rush skeletonweed seeds collected in 1994 to storage conditions may have induced a secondary dormancy Fig. 3. Germination, germination rate, and viability of non-germinated rush skeletonweed in some seeds. The findings in this study seeds immediately following 1994 and 1995 harvest dates from the Orchard and Shrub suggest that a portion of rush skeleton- Garden sites in southwestern Idaho. The legend in figure 3E applies to the entire graph. weed seeds may have a primary dormancy Figures 3A, B, and C are results for fresh seed incubated in 1994 and 1995. The effects of and that others may be acquiring a sec- storage on germination were evaluated for seed collected in 1994 only. Figures 3D, E, and ondary dormancy, enabling seeds to per- F represent results of stored seed collected in 1994 and germinated in August 1995. sist in the soil. In addition to germination polymor- much of the northwestern United States have a detrimental effect on germination phism, rush skeletonweed seeds also where most precipitation occurs during the of rush skeletonweed seeds. Cuthbertson showed seed polymorphism in producing winter. Conversely, lower germination at (1970) reported that germination percent- seeds of different weights. Although seed higher temperatures may reduce the risk of ages of mature rush skeletonweed seeds weight is positively correlated with ger- germination during the warmest, driest remained unchanged after 12 months of minability in many plant species (Saner et portion of the season when soil moisture dry storage. al. 1995), this relationship was not evident may be insufficient for seedling survival, The increased germination total and rate with rush skeletonweed in this study. establishment, and growth (Baskin and for stored 1994 seed indicates that some Seed weight was positively correlated Baskin 1985). fresh seeds may indeed possess a primary with both temperature and rainfall during About 10% of non-germinating seeds dormancy. Seeds with primary dormancy the growing season in 1994, but not in from 1994 and more than 30% of non- may undergo an afterripening process dur- 1995. Because 1995 was a wetter year, germinating seeds from 1995 were viable. ing storage that releases dormancy and environmental conditions may have been Viability of non-germinating seeds may be results in increased germination rates and conducive to greater seedling establish- an indication of some seeds possessing a percentages under a broader range of incu- ment in the earlier portions of the growing primary dormancy. Germination results bation conditions (Beckstead et al. 1995). season. Rush skeletonweed density was from seeds collected in 1994 and stored Primary dormancy in rush skeletonweed obviously higher in 1995 than in 1994 for 1 year indicated that storage did not seeds ranges from 0 to 40% among studies

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