Willam E. Simon School of Business Rochester, New York 14627 Change Service Requested Connections ey Move Us Forward As a member of the Simon alumni network, you understand the power of Simon’s worldwide connections. They open opportunities, o er professional development, and enhance our reputation for excellence and success. We invite you to join us in New York and Chicago to connect your company with top Simon talent. • New York City • Chicago, IL October 4, 2013 February 28, 2014 January 24, 2014 Contact the Simon School Career Management Center for more information. E-mail:
[email protected] Call: (585) 275-4881 SIMON SCHOOL OF BUSINESS/UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER Fall 2013 SIMONBUSINESS Connections ey Move Us Forward Approaching As a member of the Simon alumni network, you understand the power of Simon’s worldwide the Summit connections. They open opportunities, o er professional development, and enhance our How Doug Petno used reputation for excellence and success. what he learned at Simon to scale the heights of Wall Street We invite you to join us in New York and Chicago to connect your company with top Simon talent. SIMON • New York City • Chicago, IL BUSINESS October 4, 2013 February 28, 2014 goes digital January 24, 2014 Download Contact the Simon School Career Management the app on Center for more information. iTunes E-mail:
[email protected] Call: (585) 275-4881 An International Welcome New flags welcome Simon students, faculty, staff, and visi- tors in the Colonnade between Gleason and Schlegel Halls. The flags say “welcome” in 68 different languages and represent every home coun- try of Simon’s internationally diverse student body and broad team of business education professionals.