In the Struggle for The Boston Anarchist Black Cross functions as the defensive arm of local anarchist struggles. We work to forge an organized support network for local activists in need and for folks behind bars. We seek the total Equality: abolition of prisons and work on projects in support of this cause. The History of the Boston ABC PO Box 230182 Anarchist Red Cross Boston, MA 02123
[email protected] By Boris Yelensky - 1958 Edited with Introduction by Matthew Hart Produced with additional information provided by Los Angeles Anarchist Black Cross the relevant figures. At present, however, I want to remark that what the J.L.C. gave was no more than a sop to allay the growing volume of protest at its partisanship. This view was held by others than me, and in support of it I quote a letter from Alexander Shapiro, written in reply to a request of mine that he should represent the Alexander Berkman Aid Fund in an attempt to get some help from the J.L.C. “No Matter who your representative may be,” he said, “I can assure you that you will get from the Jewish Labor Committee something in the form of a bribe. I personally will not take part in this matter under any circumstances.” 59 24 As before the group began to organize benefit shows to raise money. On November 12th 1924, the New Introduction Anarchist Red Cross held a benefit show at the Jewish Art Theater at 27th St. and Fourth Avenue in From Matthew Hart New York.