Summer 2009 Green Sheet
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_--_ Ld HE GHEEM SHEET I, . I __ 1 Written and Edited by Caroline r}anald Curvan a Michael Crowley JUNE 2009 Nstuq,f ELj i=?qrrs S Broadway Green Alliance Broadway Goes Green becomes the Broadway Green Alliance. grriFa€inimg!thf¥TGEr!yg, Broadway's Biggest Night Goes Green The 2009 Tony Awards was the first industry event to incorporate green initiatjves throughout the entire production, bringing together the BGA, Tony production VISIT US AT 14£]4£IA£BROADWAYG_REEN]±±:±" team, NRDC, Padio City Musical Hall and It's never too late to join our effort. corporate sponsors Wl:a:u;::r::aam¥e::a:y:n:e:r'e2::::8:::Sn Come join the conversation at the to make a greener Alliance to ensure that your awards ceremony. initiative has captured the attention organization's environmental concerns and support of almost every corner of and efforts to date are included in our f=reen(leaf) from 9 fcl 5 the Broadway theater community to ongoing dialogue. For more bring about lasting environmental information about participation, please An Interview with Seth Greenleaf change. 9 1o 5 Producer and BGA Education & Outreach Committee Chair Greenleaf I, X`J`.,` ]cOoonkt]anc8tfng.y¥ejrf discusses his passion for the greening of help in greening Broadway as well as To continue the robust momentum the arts, as well as the steps he's taken since our initiative's launch, we've theaters across the country. while working on the new musical 9 to 5. created a new name, a snappy logo and a new look for our newsletter. We're Er:o -. i deas ,.ri`it hoping that the Broadway Green giv, Alliance 03GA) logo will find its way greenfJ alliance Environmental Health C6Tncerns into our members' theaters, We're hard at work analyzing Broadway's r|ioacce5§ourmobiletwap-Site, impact on the Issues of sustainability and offices and communication materials. climate change. Actors can do their part ``,- text BGA to 99222. toward creating healthy workspaces. Greeningthe63rdAnnualTonyAwards he 2oog Tony Awards made majors strides in becoming more environmentally friendly. "Building on progress the Broadway Green Alliance has made over the past year, we are pleased to take the fist important steps to make the Tony Awards greener," said Charlie Deull, BGA Co-Chair. "With the support of The Broadway League, The American Theater Wing, Radio City Music Hall, AlanWasserAssociates,WhiteCherry Entertainment and corporate sponsors, we were able to make great progress toward a greener event. We're proud to offer a new benchmark in this effort." BOA hosted an informational kiosk at the Tonys to increase awareness and Some of the Tony Award's eco-actions enlisttlieBroadwaycommunifyinourefforts.TheBGAalsocreatedin-depth included the following: web and mobile wap-sites for paperless information regarding our work to date and specific infoi.nation about greening the Tonys. Graciously donated by Mark - Greenpower donated by GDF Suez SchacketofAlanWasserAs§ociatesandDavidSonkinofMobileCaviar,this Energy Resources was used for the mobile infoi.mation can be accessed by texting BGA to 99222. production week and Award telecast itself, offsetting almost Zoo,ooo lbs of C02 from the atmosphere. -The 2oog Tony Awards edition of Playbill was printed on paper with 3o% post-consumer recycled content. The cost differential for the printing was sponsored by Lipton Tea. -Hybridvehicleswereprovidedforpresenterandperformertransportation. -TheRedCarpetwasmadefromloo97orecycledmaterial,with499roposr consumer recycled content. -Recyclingbinswereprovidedatconcessionareasandproductionoffices. -Showbannerswereprintedonnon-PVCplasticsandwiubereusedandreeycled. -BGAdecoratedoneofninedonatedAudemarsPiguetclockswithrepurposed material,fabricandpropsfromshowscurrentlyrunningonBroadway. 9 to 5 star and Tony nominee Allison Janney lends her voice "WeallknowBroadwaycanputonashow,buttheTonysareprovingthisyearchat Broadwaycangreenashow,"saidAllenHershkowitz,NRDCseniorscientist. to a Lipton "Sustainabili-TEA" "TheamountthatBGAaccomplishedduringthisinanguraleffortexceededour green tip at the 63rd Annual expectationsandisameaningfulsteptowardreducingtheenvironmentalimpact Tony Awards. ofthisyear'sproduction." An Interview with Spotlight on as : Producer Seth Greenleaf Howdidyout)ecomeimerestedin philosophy is let's find one thing that environmentalissues? we can do differently and then go back and re-examine how we can do it even Just lcok at my last name, I had no better. choice! Seriously, though, this is a cause that's always been near and dear People react to sincerity and to my heart. cousisteney. At our first rehearsal, we handed out reusable water bottles and Whydidgto5choosetogothe Sharpies and had filtered water coolers greenroute? at the studio and then later at the theater, to minimize the waste from I started working on this when we Greenlea.f inter.'i)ieevingT;ony rrominees orb plastic bottles. began 9 £o f and the other producers tberedcapetonbebalfoftbeBGA. were very encouraging and We were also very fortunate to have enthusiastic. Later, I was introduced Seventh Generation to Susan Sampliner (Go-Chair of the !Green (www sign on BGA) and she shared all the great work to be a sponso~r - they provide all our the BGA has put together. She also hand soap and detergent backstage. connected me to NRDC (www.NRDC ore). I think we can say Our electrics department switched to that 9 to f was th-e first Broadway show LEDs as much as possible and our to incorporate green thinking from day sound department uses rechargeable one. NRDC helped us refine our eco- batteries for the microphones practices and develop our website, Howhardwasittogeteveryone (wwwmahaenergvcom/store/Index). "Green from 9 to f": onboardfor"Greenfrom0fo5"? h fact, our sounTa vendor, Sound A fantastic Associates, recently installed solar company called Situation Interactive Not hard at all, this entire group was panels on their shop. designed and donated the websitc. so willing and supportive. My Everyone was really on board from EGO TIP: day one. I N V I R a N M E N TA I H E A LT H Whatdoyousaytopeoplewho thinkthatbeinggreenisjusta Many actors and makeup artists on marketing play; that the little Broadway and on the road are exploring things you're doing dent make a organic makeup options. These choices diffe~ce? help stop chemicals from entering local Often, there's a feeling that if you wastestreams and decrease the amount or Aaaai-,Ail, - don't do everything there's no point in toxic materials in backstage areas. doing anything. But every little bit Earth-Friendly Makeup Some actors have requested that aerosol helps and we can do better. If you get hairspray be banned in dressing rooms, to one person to do one simple act that Web Resources: ameliorate related respiratory issues and helps the environment, the planet is a better place. There's an addicting - Skin Deep: News About the reduce VOCs and/or compressed gas use. Safety of Popular Brands quality to this undertaking. It's simple, easy and makes you feel good.§/skindeen This cause is one of the easiest to pass -The Canipaign for Safe Cosmetics on because everyone knows that the environment directly affects each of wwwewQ.ore/renorts/skindeet] uS. - Onganic Wear Makeup www.erg cweamakeu .com - Lavera Organic Makeup lute:roiow co!nducted, edited a:nd co`nden§ed ~.Iavera com dyGarolineRanaldcunan. Greenspiration Coplum -`ecomii ctWhere it Pays to Buy Green" tl (} i-=. t t i , ,r I,.(I .T,1 1#J -.ecomii.clam "Your destination for environmentally Site provides a "single credible and How.goodguide.£oEn sound products, services and comprehensive resource for everything practices." When you purchase GoodGuide provides "the world's green." Claims and statistics are fact- qualified products from Ecoplum, largest and most reliable source of checked with the Intergovernmental you Cam Ecochipz rewards that can Panel on Climate Change and qualified information on the health, be used on future purchases, "helping environmental, and social impacts of experts. They provide tried-and-tested, you save money AND help the planet." agreed-upon, effective ways to reduce the products in your home." The site Ecochips can be redeemed for rewards our planetary impact. Their social includes healthy and green products or donated to environmental causes. that protect you and your family Their platform, ecomii Action, lets you user-based rating criteria provides encourage family and friends in the consumer feedback on various green pursuit of a sustainable future - one products and services. goal at a time. unDLRE idE]mftydiHLimxp ]Eevw,Tlwf,.Q[g4enerey/greencalcula(j2£ food#watcb The National wildlife Federation green calculator helps measure your impact by estimating the amount of carbon ©.foodandwaterwatc_h±ng dioxide you generate and allows you to explore actions you can take to lower Nonprofit consumer organization that your emissions and reduce energy costs. works to ensure clean water and safe food by transforming the public Pony Time: BGA consciousness about what we eat and drink. Check out their animated clip. Decorates Audema,ps "The Real Story Behind Bottled Piquet Clock with Reused Bway Materials Broadway costume, set and prop departments donated all of the materials used for the clock. All of the paints and sealers used were low or no VOC. The show logos on the clock are reused Playbill covers. Tony nominees signed the clock as a finishing touch. HZHH.Qchcconsrmers.olg The top of the clock includes reused Non-profit focused exclusively