Congressional Record—Senate S6349
December 4, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6349 realignment of the Blackfoot River along the Between the Government of the United Nominee: Jess L. Baily. boundary of the Fort Hall Indian Reserva- States of America and the Government of Post: Macedonia tion, and for other purposes. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and (The following is a list of all members of H.R. 43. An act to designate the facility of Northern Ireland for Cooperation on the Uses my immediate family and their spouses. I the United States Postal Service located at of Atomic Energy for Mutual Defense Pur- have asked each of these persons to inform 14 Red River Avenue North in Cold Spring, poses. me of the pertinent contributions made by them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- Minnesota, as the ‘‘Officer Tommy Decker f Memorial Post Office’’. formation contained in this report is com- H.R. 451. An act to designate the facility of MEASURES REFERRED plete and accurate.) the United States Postal Service located at The following bill was read the first Contributions amount, date, and donee: 500 North Brevard Avenue in Cocoa Beach, 1. Self: None. Florida, as the ‘‘Richard K. Salick Post Of- and the second times by unanimous 2. Spouse: $250, 6/5/07, Barak Obama. fice’’. consent, and referred as indicated: 3. Children and Spouses: Noah Baily None. H.R. 669. An act to improve the health of H.R. 5769. An act to authorize appropria- 4. Parents: Oliver L. Baily: $500, 6/29/12, children and help better understand and en- tions for the Coast Guard for fiscal year 2015, Josh Mandel; $200, 3/25/12, Josh Mandel; $250, hance awareness about unexpected sudden and for other purposes; to the Committee on 5/18/12, Romney for Pres.; $1000, 8/15/12, Rom- death in early life.
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