:f-liEer all is said and done, more is said than done. igdom al MISSIONARY PREMILLENNIAL BIBLICAL BAPTISTIC ind thee "I Should Like To Know" shall cad fire: thee 1. Is it Scriptural to send out abound." He wrote Timothy to lashing 01, women missionaries? come by Bro. Carpus' and bring Etamettez his old coat he had left there. •da Personally, I don't think much urnace of the practice. However, such the gnash' 3. Does the "new heart" spoken could be done Scripturally. Of of in Ezek. 11:19 have reference .ed moatO Paid Girculalien 7n Rii stales and 7n Many Foreign Gouniries course their work should be con- iosts that to the divine nature implanted in testimony; if they speak not according to this word fined to the limits set by the Holy man at the new birth? , beloved, "To the law and to the Spirit in the New Testament. But I says, it is because there is no light in them."-Isaiah 8:29. Paul mentions by name as his Yes. II Pet. 1:4. In repentance .1 into the helpers on various mission fields, we die to sin and the old life; in Phoebe, Priscilla, Euodias, Synty- faith we receive Christ who is our Is us of 1 VOL. 23, NO. 51 RUSSELL, KENTUCKY, JANUARY 22, 1955 WHOLE NUMBER 868 che and others. In Romans 16 he new life. Col. 3:3-4. John 1:12-13. this world mentions a number of women, I John 5:10-13. Our headship fullest Who evidently were workers on passes from self to Christ. ias ultra' foreign mission territory. 4. Does the carnal nature re- was coo' Are You A Worldly Christian? main in us after the new birth? ed ei>ert 2. How far should a preacher ".Love portance is going on in the world, tire, than I do in plain clothes Yes. Before we are saved we fer. Whe0 not the world, neither the allow his wife and child to be in things that the world. If and occasionally a magazine ar- among people similarly clad, is it are "in the flesh;" after we are ?s that he are in need before he works for wages anY man ticle by some thoughtful writer, not a sign that I love the world we are "in the Spirit." A op of wa• love the world, the love to help support them? saved of the him. For even if he is not a Christian. But and the things of the world? new Master has taken control. I he ban' Father is not in That is a hard question. We , all that if I find myself more delighted, If I can engage more freely in. dowO is in the world, the lust have often quoted Hudson Tay- The reins of government have °f the lust of the more at home in these things, every-day chit-chat about the self to Christ. But he could flesh and the lor's. saying: "God's man in God's passed from eyes and than I do over the sacred Book weather, other people, politics, ater. Hear the pride of life, is not place doing God's work in God's we still are in the body and there °f the the world. of God and the writings of devout topics of the day, and the like, warfare going on says, 1 Father, but of way for God's glory never yet is a constant And the men, is it not a sign that I love than I can in devout things about t flames. world passeth away and lacked God's suplies." The trouble between the "new man," of whom the lust the world? the religious life and its great -id along' thereof: but he that doeth with most of us is pride. We are Christ is the head and the life the will verities, is it not a sign that I self td realize of God abideth forever." If I love to meet my worldly- not content to have actual needs and the "old man" of whom --I John love the world? daily" iat awaits 2:15-17. minded friends and converse with met. We want more. We want to is master. Paul said "I die of this prolonged and ,ut JesitS If I love to read the newspapers them better than I enjoy the fel- If I had a radio set in my home dress and live like the worldly speaking war-fare. -ek of this end magazines better than I love • lowship of the saints in prayer and by choice I set the dial for all about us. The Bible says "hav- continued my te- read meeting or godly conversation, is concert music, band playing, ing food and raiment therewith tzt the Bible and religious 5. Is the expression "change of rful thing luneks, is it not a sign that I love the world? popular airs, jokes, and the like, be content." Master said, "Suffi- it not a sign that I love heart" correct? t the list' ithe world? To be sure it is well, If I feel more at home in an instead of seeking to find a good cient unto the day is the evil „si-iPpose, to read the papers suf- up-to-date outfit of clothing with Gospel song or a sermon on sound thereof." Paul said he knew how Strictly speaking, no. The -lielently to know what of im- other people about me in like at- (Continued on page six) "to be hungry and how to (Continued on page eight) fly text is -od's pe0- narveloas Read This And Bring To How Thanksgiving If The Bible Be Not The it is al' ' thing I )fall into God What You Owe Him Was Observed In Inspired Word--What Then? od Recently the editor gave tithes five hundred years before By RAYMOND A. WAUGH other days. 3 closing .'- 011 his own questionaire on the law was given to Moses. One W. Ky. Church Contrary to their assumption, e of ttsh, higher "iecilthing. This one which is In this so-called day of theirs is a most serious logical into Gel; attempt on '"lost excellent was contri- 3. Who should pay tithes? The following clipping from a learning, there is an and historical error. What these I secureo Everybody. Sinner the part of many to discredit any bitted by a friend. and saint alike, west Kentucky paper tells its own have done is reason positively he hands Mal. 3:9. "Ye are cursed with a story of compromise, unionism, assumption of certain truth or any from a contradictory negative live your 1. What is tithe? It is the tenth curse: for we have robbed me, and worldliness, as endorsed and belief that truth is possible. Most premise. Very simply, they have cif. ;aid: one's income. It is associated EVEN THIS WHOLE NATION." participated in, by one so-called modern ,critical scholars suppose placed themselves invalidly in ;1th the Bible with the "First Baptist church and pastor. that they, in thus attaining a religious em- stretched 4. Where should we bring our apposition to the ,hrtlits," which were HOLY unto level of certain probability or a phasis of other days while at the ;obedient tithes? Into the storehouse. The The annual Thanksgiving service will be `ue Lord. Ex. 23:19. "All the tithe paradoxical absolute relativity, their sup- place where God's people come to- conducted again this year at the Christian same time showing the land is the Lord's." Lev. church. Rev. Calhoun will be in charge of are wise beyond the grandest posedly opposing advance. Actual- m. 10:21, gether for worship. The church is the devotional part of the service. The ,7:30. It is the rent which we owe ly what they should do is align '13 God's storehouse today. "Bring choir will be composed of members from -may be the Lord for the use of all all the churches in Wickliffe. Mrs. W. W. themselves with the secular posi- ye all the tithes into the STORE- soloist. The ,1tlaierial substance which we hold Morris will be featured as other days- r in met' HOUSE." Mal. 3:10. message will be brought by Rev. Harting, tions of the men of offer of 's S his stewards. pastor of the Baptist church. Services will not the religious. For in a priorily begin at 9 a. m. and last for forty-five assuming that doubt is the key hat God's 2. When was the tithe insti- 5. Have we the right to with- minutes. yard yoli hold a portion of our tithes for The public is urged to attend this un- to the only truth, and that un- t4ted? The first reference to the usual service and hear Rev. Harting 2thei private or charitable purposes?" certain, they show themselves might i1 in the Bible is in Gen. 14: preach on the subject, "Who Threw The Turkey In The Well?" secularists rather than religion- ; you uP A1/3, where Abraham paid tithes to "Bring ye ALL the tithes." If our ists. id, for DI p elehizedek, King of Salem and tithes are diverted for private or It might be well for Pastor of safetY^ riest of the Most High God. The charitable purposes, such as fra- Harting and'the church of which Seen adequately, therefore, the .•'47.,nrid reference is found in Gen. ternal organizations, community he is pastor to read what God present critical emphasis, design- chests, Salvation Army, etc., we ed to do to the death historic n ete .41 'ipaV' , where Jacob vowed the says in His Word relative to to are "robbing" God. Biblical Christianity, has no Bibli- perVI Jehovah. It was an es-, unionism and compromise: b7blished practice by many cal basis. Rather, in whatsoever n plucl 6. Is the tithe binding on us to- "Now I beseech you brethren, Aekatnen nations before the time of way we look at it, we find that y Fa1hen day? Beyond a doubt. It occupies MARK them which cause divi- e- ham, as secular history prov- each theory which has been pro- S greatet the same place in the Bible as the sions and offences contrary to fs Neither was it originally a posed in the interest of destroying ; able to law of the doctrine which ye have °sale law, the Sabbath. Both are the validity of God's Word is Father's for Abraham gave (Continued on page six) moral laws and are binding upon based in some secular and natu- men in all ages, since they have (Continued on page six) never been abrogated. is either OUR RADIO MINISTRY the Lord EVIDENCES OF 7. Did Jesus approve the tithe? place of FALSE Yes. "Woe unto you Scribes and WWKO-1420 ON THE DIAL else, "It TEACHERS WHY DESIGNATE Pharisees, hypocrites? for ye pay ASHLAND, KENTUCKY into the. -Lible Says--I John 4:1-3. tithe of mint and anise and cum- YOUR GIFTS min, and have Sunday-8:30-9:00 A. M. bnileleved, omitted the RAYMOND A. WAUGH believe not every spirit, weightier matters of the law, In stressful times like we are aT:7. trY the whether they spirits judgment, mercy and faith: these now in, conscientious stewards, Ns' °f God; THIS IS A WORK dreams of their because many false OUGHT ye to have done, and not scholastic prede- who want to please God and in- °Iiinset are gone out into cessors of other decades, genera- the leave the other undone." Here OF FAITH AND vest His money in Biblical works of°1'ri,cit Hereby the Spirit tions, centuries, and millenniums. know ye Jesus clearly teaches that men of faith, do well to designate. This f.s,`Td• Every spirit that con- ought to tithe. A LABOR OF LOVE These insist on an a priori basis- is the only way to prevent church „I'n that Jesus Christ is come i.e., without reference to primary and denominational machines Aule MAY WE ASK FOR YOUR flesh is of God. 8. What other New facts-that theirs is a peculiar ad- from misappropriating your tithes h Testament et every spirit that confess- PRAYERFUL SUPPORT and offerings to machine-end pur- tr., et (Continued on page six) vance beyond the "dogmatic" of that Jesus Christ is come poses. Here are good reasons for l the 0=o4)-()-simm.o that flesh is not of God, and .imm•oeo-suoimns•oisee-osem.o.ssio•o•mwo-aimwoolinwoimwo-tio•aim•fr$ designating your gifts: e is that anti Id spirit- of -Christ 1. So God's money will not be s11„1,e2f we have heard that it wasted on big overhead "ci expenses. come; and even now al- 2. So God's money will not be is it in the world. r31)e naptist 'examiner 743u1fit used for unscriptural objects such Listen-What as enlistment work, supplement- • ing salaries of worthless pastors ch ...).4110111.041=11001O111..041=110.0411.1.0.011B-04111.0.4•1111.01•11.04111111P.Oailail.0111111110.0.11111111111-01111•111.01=11.-04MORP.Oila*Oilalle rt SPIRITUALISM states: Jesus and hirelings, paying insurance aV S, ist was not divine. He is now policies of worldly preachers, etc. DI Sph acivancAd spirit in the sixth "Slumbering At Midnight" 3. So mission money will not C,ere• He never claimed to be be used for teaching evolution 11,;;-` Manifest in the flesh and does "While the bridegroom tarried, spiritual leader-in short, the the wisdom that he had, would it and other forms of infidelity in Present. they all slumbered and slept. And greatest of all the acts and be possible for him to utilize that our schools. a Je5'etl-RISTIAN SCIENCE states: at midnight there was a cry made, professions ever known to man wisdom and live forever? Now, I 4. So that God's money will not Christ is Behold, the bridegroom ,'aaici to not God, as He is cometh: - could such a person, with wonder what kind of an answer be used for propagating Modern- have declared. "Christ is go ye out to meet him. Then all all the wisdom of the human •you would make to that question. ism, Unionism or Worldliness on divine ideal." those virgins arose, and trimmed race, employ that wisdom to I imagine if the Bible were left Mission fields. to EOSOPHY states: Jesus gave their lamps."-Mt. 25:5-7. perpetuate his own survival out of it, that there is many an 5. So as not to be partakers of lngLoe world fragments of teach- and live indefinitely?" individual who would say "yes" other men's sins. II John 10:11. cif value as bases for world Before discussing this text, I Now, beloved, this is a good -that if a man would utilize all 6. So that none of God's money c-rs4g Mn, as did ti men like Buddha, want to give you something I question. It is a well-worded ques- of the knowledge of the doctors, will go to wicked and godless M7eius, Plato, Pythagoras, etc. read in a newspatter whereby tion, and it is a question that you all the knowledge of the nurses programs in our schools. ‘•°DERN • someone had written a letter and and I might pause to consider. In and the hospitals and the sci- that crooked church Irgin THEOLOGY states: 7. So birth and a literal resur- had asked the editor this question: reality, the querist is asking, if entists, all the knowledge of the politicians or state or south-wide e-ehetMn are no essential part of "If, embodied in one person, a person is a leader in every religious profession, and were your iristian to bosses can not use any of faith. A man so good were found the knowledge of branch and field and profession strive to do always and only the money on Arminians and other 11t15 deluded ( followers took Him the greatest scientists and the and act of life that is known to will of *God, certainly that indi- heretics, who fight the very truths Continued on page six) devoutness of t h e greatest man, if he were to employ all of (Continued on page two) you want propagated. Ghriai isn'l valued al all unless He is valued above all. ' THE BAPTIST EXAMINER entered into the world, and death lorn, by sin; and so death passed upon JOHN R. GILPIN — EDITOR SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON all men, for that all have sinned." PUBLISHED WEEKLY —Rom.5:12. LESSON FOR SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1955 rhe , PRICE SUBSCRIPTION Here is the answer to the ques- ,,iargest (Domestic and Foreign) tion. If you get out of the Bible JESUS FORGIVES A SINNER LUKE 7:40.0Ae eordin One Year in Advance 50c and out of the realm of God's I. The Correcting Word. Vs. 40. VI. The Basis Of Forgiveness. Send Remittance to Russell, Ky. Word, you might answer it dif- united but when you take what Simon was wholly wrong in his estimate of men While this passage shows the abundance!ea Jeho Department, RUSSELL KEN- ferently, Editorial and things. However, he was not unwilling to hear God's mercy, we do not wish to imply that UtWXI or TUCKY, where communications should be God says by way of answer to this N( sent for publication. question, God's answer is posi- Jesus' correcting word, hence he said, "Master, hasG oad condoning do es forgiveattitude toward sin. eonver sinners because they,' ,0000O0 31, tively, emphatically, surely, a say on." not itonfesi Entered as second-class matter May . 1941, in the post office at Russell, Ky., negative answer. God says "no," Every believer needs to be sure that this is nsoersrsy. that they have sinned and ask for foal the act of March 3, 1879. under for all have sinned and all must his attitude. Our Lord may have something very .trzed as Paid circulation in every state and many die. serious to say to us, just as He had to Simon. In God does not forgive sinners because they an estir foreign countries. He a church or are baptized or subscribe to With this thought in mind, I the closing book of inspiration (Revelation), 11.-ea,ar anC each of the seven church- religious creed. re p Subscriptions are stopped at expiration come to these ten virgins of had something to say to unless renewed or special arrangements are es of Asia. To each of these He said," He that hath God only forgives on the basis of the atonern dson Ri mode for their continuation. whom I have just read. Thinking the Spirit saith unto the There is absolutely no forgiveness apart frorn W ,Jerse3 of these ten who were professors an ear, let him hear what demption. Cf. Eph. 1:7. In 6000 years of e sites, f, of the Lord Jesus Christ, I am churches." history, God has never forgiven one person not discussing them as to whom When God called Samuel, the little lad said, Wers, a. cept on the basis of redemption. Sin must be iped they may represent. Some people "Speak, for thy servant heareth."—I Sam. 3:10. $ A-MONTH-CLUB $ for. Either Christ paid for it on the cross, ors°vr or tilos( say that they represent all saved This ought to be our attitude every day. We sinner must pay for it in Hell. and 0, people. Some say that five were should daily read His Word that we might be Our Dollar-A-Month Club, for brou the payment of the debt on our saved and five were lost. Some corrected thereby. VII. Fruit. Vs. 44-47. blesses say that they represent a differ- Sometimes He corrects us through His words fro new press (approximately $1200 Here was a woman who had been saved Ee were due ent group of saints all together and other times through His providences. Always on June 27), has grown to life of sin, who proves that she is saved by "Scp.0 than what we have in this present calls us to renewed humility, faith, love, zeal, $329.00, as a result of the fol- He manifest love for her Saviour. Just as a tree rse• Thc lowing contributions which we dispensation. I am not discussing devotion and consecration. Are we ready to bow known by its fruit, so her forgiveness is pre ltitude , have just received: this from the standpoint of whom our heads, open our hearts, and like Simon say, by the presence of its appropriate fruit—love. table se these ten virgins represent, but "Say on." fulness of her love is the proof (not the groiF Mrs. A. Belle Davis, Bridgeton, of thE the thought that I want you to her forgiveness. .. N. J., $2.00. II. The Two Debtors. Vs. 41. of 1,1-le 20 0 get is this midnight cry, for the A true believer shows that he is saved bY"p ed Mrs. W. A. Childress, Belleville, of money, these two debtors owed Word of God tells us that at the In our terms way he lives. Cf. John 14:15. Ark., $1.00. $25.00, respectively. ers• 1VL midnight hour a cry was made $250.00 and Just as a sinner is not saved by works, e glades, W. E. Melton, Fairfax, S. C., that the bridegroom was then ap- The application of this parable is simple. God after he is saved, he proved his salvation $1.00. so earPer proaching. is the creditor. Simon and the woman are each his works. In the life of every believer, th , and di, Mrs. J. T. Rochester, West debtors and they represent all of Adam's fallen should be an overflowing of love in worli,20, Point, Ga., $1.00. represent the deficiencies race. The two amounts abundant proof of the salvation wrought the LoLc Mrs. Edith M. Baker, Lincoln In the estimation of both, My text tells us that while the as to moral character. his life. Cf. Eph. 2:10; Titus 2:14; Titus 3:8. stilrlate Park, Mich., $1.00. one was ten times better than the other. ib„ _, VTayland Cantley, Dawes, W. bridegroom tarried, they all slum- Become The Greatest Sawan "eu The fact remains that both were sinners. We VIII. Great Sinners • one Va., $8.00. bered and slept, but that they Vs. 47. arose and trimmed their lamps. speak of big sinners and little sinners. This is sand. With these contributions, came From these verses, you can see man's stimate. God sees us all as sinners. All are Since this woman had been forgiven of 11111 This is always true', _histyleds fals, some very helpful comments. the prophecy relative to the com- guilty before Him. she naturally loved much. experience of the Apostle P° otdi, . ing of the Lord Jesus Christ. Despite culture, refinement, education and was true in the Mrs. says, "I'm partial great sinner, but when God's , "g Childress That is, beloved at the midnight worldly advantages, all stand as sinners before He had been a gr, t to TBE above all other I his heart, he became a great: sso1 31aelikri papers hour when the Son of God puts in God. Cf. Psa. 14:2,3; Rom. 3:23; Gal. 3:20. operated upon wilg so, and read." His appearance, and when the Through all ages, this has been ga On Mrs. Rochester says, "I don't Lord Jesus Christ definitely comes III. The Delusion Of Self-Righteousness. still true today. Drunkards, libertines, r" know what I would do without considered and the vilest become the greatest Christians S ° is "11 , back to this world, at that time Simon's great mistake was that he 1:33 it." they realize the depths of God's love and me rn—e/Ths the Word of God says that all of himself righteous. Both he and the woman knew h • , arn be a Devil's Hell, pery, eari,_, "Thanks to God for preach- the virgins are asleep. that she was a sinner, but Simon didn't know that which rescued them from ers like you who are not afraid to was self-right- more than the moral, respectable man who 'liver, (i.u_l, Beloved,. the fact that part Of he himself was a sinner. All he had preach the whole Word," says Bro. is no right- never been openly flagrant in his violations irits, aniricirl them were saved and part were eousness which in the sight of God Melton. eousness at all. God's law. May the blessings of Goa rest unsaved, or that all of them were ay 18 Prc saved, makes no difference. The One day Jesus said, "Except your righteousness IX. "Are Forgiven." Vs. 47. les of bc upon each contributor, and may the scribes and ent. fact is that all of them were shall exceed the righteousness of It was not that this woman was just them tang the group who support us so king- is no asleep, which leads me to say Pharisees,. ye shall in no case enter into the that moment, forgiven. In the original tango liberally, continue to grow. scribes and Phari- lea...1 that at the midnight cry, at the dom of Heaven."—Mt. 5:20. The the perfect passive form of the verb is 11 our cier: Jesus' day, yet Jesus hour when the Lord Jesus comes sees were the best people of which indicates that she was saved previolr geerly saved by their again, HE IS GOING TO FIND declared that they couldn't be and that this experience was merely the ril 11, people of His day couldn't he ,,,. . THE MAJORITY, IF NOT ALL, goodness. If the best festation of her love. ., A s ,vvrib WHY NOT SEND US there can be ,no INCLUDING THE PROFESSING be saved by their goodness, then Though I may be accused of repetition, I 0,5t. esll-Ptur YOUR PRINTING? own right- CHRISTIANS ASLEEP INSTEAD hope for anyone else who trusts in his that she was not saved because she loved, 1 WAITING eousness. again Churches, pastors, business men, OF WATCHING AND rather that she loved, because she had she° gain at until he doctors, and lawyers, here is a FOR HIS RETURN. Actually no one has any righteousness been saved. 'lerri. a II Cor. pertinent question we would like I believe that it could be said has the imputed righteousness of Jesus. Cf. 1"n 1 1: X. How Sins Are Remitted. Vs. 50. to ask you: Why not consider the truthfully of you and of me and 5:21; Heb. 12:14; Rom. 4:6; Rom. 5:18; I Cor. ;'-•.Vropr d a job department of THE BAPTIST of all of God's people scattered 30; Rom. 10:4. Two thousand years ago, sins were re 'enlly al .kts th. EXAMINER on your next print- over this world at large, that all It can not be too strongly stated that our right- on the basis of faith. In fact, Jesus reminds ing order? of us are virtually slumbering at eousnesses amount to nothing in God's sight. He this all through His ministry. Cf. John 3:18; .1yerI,r Papc John 20:30,31. '''oti We will do your work as good, the task instead of watching for speaks of them as filthy rags. Cf. Isa. 64:6. In 3:36; John 5:24; John 6:47; Oat w or better, than you can have it the return of the Lord Jesus Paul's day the mistake of the Jews was that they This was the preaching of the early apasAe,gelieal printed elsewhere. Christ. Over and over and over were attempting to be righteous in themselves. without exception. It was the preaching of Sirl,'p Were IL their,. We can do it as quickly as you again, in the Bible we are admon- Cf. Rom, 18:3. After salvation Paul repudiated all Peter. Cf. Acts 3:16; Acts 10:43. Paul prear false ( can have it done usually in your ished that the Son of God is com- thought of his own righteousness, trusting only in thus. Cf. Rom. 3:28; Eph. 2:3,9; II Tim. 1:0'h again. Titus 3:5. was thus that the Apostle John preached. s teach: own town. ing back to this world Jesus' righteousness. Cf. Phil. 3:6-9; I, 1 You will be helping along THE Time and time and time again, May God deliver every sinner from this delusive I John 5:1. . -14e , BAPTIST EXAMINER by having we are told to watch, for His re- pitfall! This verse as well as all the rest of the PII'l lice r' us do your printing. turn draweth nigh. Yet, beloved, offers a death blow to Campbellism. The C Vs. 42. You will be supporting God's in spite of all of these admoni- IV. All Are Bankrupt. bellites say that one's sins are remitted by 0 own, as Paul says, "Let us do tions, and irrespective of what "Nothing to pay" was the status of both of these tism, yet Jesus said that it was by faith, aP, good unto all men, especially un- we are told relative to the return debtors. That is true of all of us, for each is spirit- which proves that Campbellism and the teac A., In that majority before God. Jesus are as far apart as the North Pole is f'''. a az). arej to them who are of the household of the Son of God, the ually bankrupt of lat ,,, (Gal. 6:10). of us live as though the return that the unsaved do not realize the South Pole. 'aile of faith." The sad thing is ,I s h a„ of our readers have re- of the Lord Jesus Christ is months spiritually bankrupt—they do not Many that they are XI. Courageously Professing Christ. Vs. 44-40'0w r;11,4 t membered this and accordingly, in and years and maybe even cen- realize that their works can not satisfy God. •ipolte,n -e ts profess Christ in Si the past few months we have turies removed from us. So much Ponder well these Scriptures which show us that It took real courage to Simon and his guests, belonging to on shipped our printing to Oklahoma, so is that true, that Jesus Christ no sinner can be saved by his own works: Rom. house. the loathed and repulsed her. It Veized Colorado, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, says that at the time of His re- 3:28; Rom. 4:5; Gal. 2:16; Eph. 2:8,9; II Tim. 1:9; Pharisaic party, she was certain to be scorned rist. onli West Virginia, Florida, New turn, that those of us who are Titus 3:5; John 6:28,29. a place where Hampshire, and to many other His professing Christians within perhaps expelled. ,r;e Every one who depends upon his own worth- to Jesus Ixed. Jec1w states. this world will be found slumber- However, her sense of obligation less works will go to Hell. Cf. Mt. 7:22,23. her love for His Person were so great that alert it.° On your next oraer of printing, ing and asleep at the time when Would to God that every sinner might realize could not forego her desire to make her WePth,e won't you give us an opportunity He comes back to this world. his spiritual bankruptcy, and thus turning from His feet. This is perhaps the greatest illustratiOlior e txe all you? There are also that these virgins to figure with Notice self to the Saviour, come to Jesus saying: Christian courage in all the New Testament. ov a. ell some unsaved worldly business arose and trimmed their lamps. "In my hand no price I bring, Would to God that every believer might 'vet. men, who live at a distance, who In other words, beloved, there Simply to thy cross I cling." courage to his faith and thus take his stand ian,s ° rij send their printing to us regularly, was not one of the ten who were Jesus regardless of the cost. Cf. Rom. 10:11 lci brver just to help along this paper. We actually ready for the return of V. Forgiveness For The Worst. Vs. 42. mighty happy to serve Son of God. There wasn't one • Trfer would be the Since both individuals in this parable were XII. Befriended. °It • ere business man who of the ten who were actually 11 itself every Christian forgiven, we thus see that there is with God full In this experience, we see that Jesus NO in the same man- looking for and expecting His re- reads this paper and free forgiveness for the worst. ways take our part against those who mistake turn at that moment. There was ner. with passages (Cf. Is. 1:18) motives or despise us. not one of the ten but what had The 0. T. abounds mercy for something to do before the Lord which attest the greatness of God's In the next woria, we are sure that all yet of Jesus' day had no Jesus Christ put in His appear- the repentant, the Jews have truly professed Him in this life, wil'i, in their religious life. They looked 041, "Slumbering" ance. place for such acknowledged by Him. Cf. Mt. 10:32. This upon those who were outwardly bad as hope- couraging, but it is even more encouraging; iiiied.,`)%v Beloved friends, if the Lord lessly unrecoverable. now to know that even in this life, He is I, 2. be ,Continued from page one Jesus Christ were to come to- with Jesus. By action and by langu- present to befriend us. Cf. John 9:35-38; nits, Irn vidual would live forever. Belov- night, there is probably not one But not so it clear that the guiltiest of men and 28:18-20; II Cor. 12:9. 8, A ed, not so, and I will tell you why of us, but what would have to set age He made ,. Iv