Minutes of a Meeting of the Allerdale Area Committee held in the Conference Room at the Port of Workington on Wednesday 10 September 1997 at 11.00 am.


Ms T D Stainton (Vice-Chairman in the Chair)

Mr A Clark Mr T Heslop Mr W Cameron Mr W Johnston Mrs B A Cannon Mrs A M Martin Mr R S J Edgar Mr C A A Miles Mr N J Findley Mr J S Samson Mr D J T Kemp


Apologies were received from Mr D Holmes and Mr W Minto.


RESOLVED, that the press and public be admitted for all items of business.


The following question relating to the business of the Committee was submitted by Ms L Bentley in accordance with the approved scheme.

"For many years the Junction at Paddle School, leading to Eaglesfield on the A5086 has been an extremely difficult and dangerous road attracting many accidents.

Due to the expansion of Paddle School in recent years this problem has become much worse and is particularly treacherous at School pick up and drop off times or when there is an event at the School or Church.

In my view it is only a matter of time before there is a serious accident or fatality at this junction which is highly likely to involve a small child.

Could I ask the Committee what, if anything, is being done to try to rectify this problem?"

Ms Bentley added that during her time as a pupil at Paddle School she had witnessed a number of accidents. Pupil numbers had increased over the years and she considered that the situation was worsening.

The Chairman replied as follows:-

"The scheme is one of four minor schemes approved by the Area Committee on 19 March 1997 for construction during the current financial year. Officers are currently pursuing acquisition of the required land to enable the existing fence on the A5086 to be set back to improve visibility toward Cockermouth for vehicles emerging from Eaglesfield road end. If these negotiations are successful soon, then it is anticipated that the scheme will be completed before the end of March 1998."

The Chairman thanked Ms Bentley for her interest and for attending the meeting.


(1) The Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 June 1997 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.

(2) With regard to Minute 12 - Appointments to Outside Bodies - the Chairman explained that due to the proportion of Local Authority representatives appointed to the Valuation Tribunal it had been unable to accept the recommendation of Mr J Hulley for appointment. The Borough Council had been asked to nominate a non-elected individual.

(3) With regard to Minute 16 - Meeting of the Joint Advisory Grants Panel - it was

RESOLVED, that the next Meeting of the Joint Advisory Grants Panel be held on Monday 17 November 1997.



(1) Ms T Stainton be appointed to serve on the Workington Citizens’ Advice Bureau Management Committee until 28 May 2001;

(2) Mr R S J Edgar be nominated to serve on the Steering Committee for the Retail Project.


The Head of Financial Services presented a budget monitoring statement for the period to 1 August 1997 detailing the financial position of the various activities for which the Committee was responsible. A revised statement for the Adult Education budget for which the Committee operated jointly with Copeland Area Committee was also submitted.

The expected results for 1996/97 showed a total projected underspend of £78,834.

Attention was drawn to a projected overspend of £787 on the School Crossing Patrol budget as a result of the deficit carried forward from the 1996/97 financial year and the establishment of a crossing patrol at Broughton Moor. Members were asked to consider whether they wished to vire funds into the School Crossing Patrol budget heading to cover the projected overspending.


(1) the report be noted; (2) £787 be vired from the General Provision budget to the School Crossing Patrol budget to fund the projected overspending.


The Policy Committee had set budget guidelines for 1997/98 for planning purposes and was seeking the views of Committees on the implications for services of these targets. A report by the Head of Financial Services and Director of Corporate Services set out guideline allocations for services delegated to the Area Committee and based on these, indicated where pressures on services could be expected in 1998/99.

Members recognised that the County Council had prioritised Education and Social Services in previous years and consequently sufficient funding had not been available for other Departments such as Economy and Environment. Their main concern related to the level of funding that would be available in 1998/99 for general highway maintenance particularly in the light of works required for footpath maintenance, verge maintenance and replacement of road signs many of which were damaged or missing altogether. Members commented that this situation was not unique to the Allerdale Area and suggested that Policy Committee have regard to the situation in considering the Economy and Environment Committee budget for 1998/99.

It was noted that the full year cost of St Gregory’s RC School Nursery, due to open in the spring of 1998, would be approximately £40,000. Members were concerned to learn that the additional expenditure would result in a shortfall in the Under 5s budget of around £24,000 on an on-going basis particularly as their belief had been that such provision would be self- funding.


(1) Policy Committee be requested to take into account the pressures on highway maintenance budgets when considering the Economy and Environment Committee budget 1998/99;

(2) consideration be given by the Economy and Environment Committee to the need for increased resources for general highways maintenance in the Allerdale Area in 1998/99;

(3) the affects on the Committee’s under 5s budget of St Gregory’s RC School nursery be drawn to Policy Committee’s attention and a further report on the overspend be submitted to the Area Committee on the matter.


Mr W Cameron, Mr D J T Kemp and Mr W Johnston declared that they were Members of the Education Committee and took no part in the debate or decisions on planning applications 2/97/9003, 2/97/9015 and 2/97/9016.

(1) 2/97/9003 - Victoria Infants School, Workington

Further to Minute 8(2) of 13 June 1997 and the site visit made by Committee Members on 5 September 1997, further consideration was given to the application for a new car park extension at the school, a new footway and an improved footway. With regard to the proposed car-park extension, Members considered that provision of only two additional parking spaces would be inadequate. The Head of Planning reported that a similar response had been received from Allerdale Borough Council.

Concern was expressed about the proposed new access at the rear of Islay Place. Members felt that this new access would exacerbate existing problems at the lane to the rear of the properties on Harrington Road. They were, however, advised that there were plans for a Traffic Regulation Order to be imposed in the Honister Drive area that could have implications for the proposal. The Head of Planning also reported that the Highways Authority objected to the use of bollards and would recommend kerbs along the footpath proposed at the top of Islay Place. Members agreed that the proposed pedestrian access to the rear of 11 Islay Place should not be pursued, that consideration should be given to a new pedestrian access off Honister Drive and that the number of car park spaces on the school car park should be reviewed.

RESOLVED, that the application be deferred and referred back to the client for further consideration to include liaison with the Director of Economy and Environment over traffic regulation plans for the Honister Drive area.

(2) 2/97/9015 - Nelson Thomlinson School, Wigton

Two new buildings were being proposed to the Secondary School, a free standing five classroom block at the rear of the school and an extension to the art block.

RESOLVED, that the planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix PA1 to these Minutes (for Appendix see Minute Book).

2/97/9016 - Nelson Thomlinson School, Wigton: Conservation Area Consent Application

Internal alterations were being proposed to an area of the former Grammar School building which was a Grade II Listed Building. The application for extensions to the School (reference 2/97/9015) involved removing part of an existing stone wall and rebuilding part of this to facilitate the new free standing classroom block. Both these works required consent from the Secretary of State.

RESOLVED, that the application be forwarded to the Secretary of State with a recommendation that Conservation Area Consent and Listed Building Consent be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix PA2 to these Minutes (for Appendix see Minute Book).

Mr W Johnston and Mr Findley declared that they were Members of the Social Services Committee and took no part in the debate or decision on planning applications 2/97/9017 and 2/97/9018. Mr G Humes, as a Member of the Cumbria Care Board, also withdrew for these applications.

(3) 2/97/9017 - Ridgemount, Church Street, Maryport

The application was for the change of use of the ground floor of a building within the Maryport Conservation Area to a Social Services Day Service Unit. A new vehicular access to the building and additional car parking spaces were proposed. The Head of Planning reported that Allerdale Borough Council had no objections to the application subject to a number of conditions. In the light of these certain additional conditions were being proposed.

RESOLVED, that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix PA3 to these Minutes (for Appendix see Minute Book).

2/97/9018 - Ridgemount, Church Street, Maryport Conservation Area Consent

The application accompanied application 2/97/9017 for the change of use to a Day Service Unit. Conservation Area Consent was required for demolition of part of the boundary wall to facilitate the new access onto Church Street. The works were considered essential to improve highway safety. The Head of Planning advised that Allerdale Borough Council had supported the new access but had requested that the existing entrance to the site be blocked with stone. The Committee preferred the use of traditional iron gates as proposed by the application. The local Member spoke in general support of the application.

RESOLVED, that the application be forwarded to the Secretary of State with the recommendation that Conservation Area Consent be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix PA4 to these Minutes (for Appendix see Minute Book).

(4) 2/97/9014 - Cockermouth Depot, Sullart Street, Cockermouth

The proposal was for a free standing grounds maintenance equipment building at the Cockermouth Depot. There had been no objections to the proposal.

RESOLVED, that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix PA5 to the these Minutes (for Appendix see Minute Book).


(1) Proposed 30 mph Speed Limit - Arkleby, , and Threapland

The Director of Economy and Environment submitted a proposal to introduce a 30 mph speed limit through the villages of Parsonby and Plumbland and the hamlets of Arkleby and Threapland. There had been no objections to the proposal which had received the support of the Police and Parish Councils.

RESOLVED, that the 30 mph speed limit through the villages of Parsonby and Plumbland and the hamlets of Arkleby and Threapland be introduced.

(2) Proposed Extension of Existing 30 mph Speed Limit B5304 Brackenlands, Wigton

The Director of Economy and Environment reported that no objections had bee received to the proposed Order which sought to extend the existing 30 mph speed limit on the B5304 at Brackenlands, Wigton. RESOLVED, that the existing 30 mph speed limit on the B5304 at Brackenlands, Wigton be extended as advertised.

(3) Proposed Extension of Existing 30 mph Speed Limit - C2061 Station Hill, Wigton

The Director of Economy and Environment advised Members that there had been no objections to the advertised Order to extend the 30 mph speed limit on the C2061 Station Hill, Wigton.

RESOLVED, that the 30 mph speed limit on the C2061 Station Hill, Wigton be extended as advertised.

(4) Junction of C2001 Main Road and U2309 Church Road, Seaton - Proposed Prohibition of Waiting

The Director of Economy and Environment explained that there was a problem of obstructed forward visibility at the junction of Main Road and Church Road in Seaton for turning traffic due to the presence of parked vehicles. Consequently a draft Order for proposed waiting restrictions had been advertised and no objections had been received. Both Cumbria Constabulary and Seaton Parish Council fully supported the proposal.

RESOLVED, that the County of Cumbria (Various Roads, Seaton) Prohibition of Waiting and Prohibition of Entry/(Order 1990) Variation Order 1997 be made as advertised.

(5) Proposed Amendments to Waiting Restrictions - C2054 Workington - Lillyhall Road, Lillyhall

The Director of Economy and Environment advised Members of the response to an advertisement on the proposal to extend the existing waiting restrictions on the C2054 Lillyhall Road at Lillyhall to encompass the new junction for the access to the Lillyhall Business Park. The costs of the scheme would be met from the budget set for the Lillyhall Business Park Development. There had been no objections received.

RESOLVED, that the existing prohibition of waiting at any time on the C2054 Workington - Lillyhall Road, Lillyhall be extended as advertised.


Members were advised of responses to the advertisement of proposals to construct a traffic calming scheme in the form of road humps on Mona Road, Baines Avenue and part of the Oval at Salterbeck Estate, Workington. This was the first phase of proposals to introduce traffic calming measures throughout the estate which were to be wholly funded by the developer. There had been no objections to the proposals.

RESOLVED, that approval be given to proceed with the implementation of the traffic calming scheme on Mona Road, Baines Avenue and part of the Oval as advertised. 33 REVENUE FUNDED MINOR CAPITAL WORKS - PROGRESS REPORT

A programme of revenue funded Minor Capital Works schemes had been approved by the Committee at its Meeting on 19 March 1997 and the Director of Economy and Environment advised Members of progress to date with the schemes.

The Director explained the reasons for a cost increase of £4,760 in relation to the Watchhill scheme. The importance of the scheme in road safety terms was considered to justify the revised estimate although this would reduce the overall budget available for revenue funded Minor Capital Works.


(1) approval be given for the scheme at Watchhill to proceed based on the revised estimate of £12,760;

(2) the remaining programme of revenue funded Minor Capital Works be progressed subject to sufficient funds being available.


The Committee had entered into a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Neighbourhood Development in November 1996 when it had been agreed that the agreement would be revised in November 1997 in the light of the past year’s experiences. Members of the Committee had recently held a Seminar to discuss experience of the SLA, identify problems which needed to be addressed and discuss options for the future taking into account the responsibilities of and resources available to the Area Committee. The draft SLA now before Members was based on the outcomes of this Seminar and also took account of the "best value" initiative. A detailed programme of activity for Neighbourhood Development was tabled.

The proposed charge for the SLA was £75,400 based on continued use of existing resources, staff and support.

Members asked that the agreement make provision for a liaison process whereby Forums would be made aware of funds received by applicants from other grant making bodies. Subject to this addition it was,


(1) the draft SLA be approved;

(2) the work plan be deferred to the next Meeting for detailed discussion but the initial stages be approved in principle for the purposes of advertising application closing dates and time-tabling meetings;

(3) a report be submitted to the next Meeting on support for the Area Committee and the role of the Senior Neighbourhood Development Officer and in the meantime existing arrangements continue. 35 EARLY YEARS EDUCATION

A report by the Director of Education was submitted updating the Committee on the response to the Central Government Initiative on Early Years Education. The Interim Development Plan approved by the Secretary of State on 11 July 1997 required the provision of education for all four year olds from 1 September 1997 to 31 March 1998. Following consultation with schools, playgroups, nurseries and communities, proposed pupil numbers and the number of nursery places had been determined details of which were appended to the report. The views of all Area Committees were being sought as a part of the consultation process.

There was a lengthy discussion on the report during which it was confirmed that the points raised by individual Members regarding the catchment area for Burgh-by-Sands and for Broughton Moor School would be addressed by the Director of Education. The Chairman reminded the meeting that individual views being put forward by local Members should be submitted in time for consideration by the Education Committee on 20 October 1997.

With regard to general nursery organisation, the Chairman commented that the length of morning and afternoon nursery sessions tended to vary amongst providers and suggested that the uniformity of times should be examined.


(1) the proposed number and location of nursery places as shown in the Appendix to the report be noted;

(2) the Director of Education report back to the Committee with a breakdown of times of nursery sessions in the Allerdale Area.


For the benefit of new Members a report was presented by the Director of Education which summarised the responsibilities of the Area Committee in respect of school crossing patrols and the criteria used to establish whether or not a patrol was justified. An appendix detailed the location of all school crossing patrols in the Allerdale Area and associated costs.

RESOLVED, that the report be noted.


Members were asked to consider whether or not they wished to purchase through a Service Level Agreement the current administrative arrangements in relation to the appointment of LEA School Governors.

It was intended to change the date of Service Level Agreement to run from April to March to synchronise with other SLAs and tie in with the budget process. The purchase of the service would therefore need to be considered again before the next financial year.

RESOLVED, that the current administrative arrangements in relation to the appointment of School Governors be purchased through a Service Level Agreement at a cost of £1,108. 38 THE APPOINTMENT OF LEA GOVERNORS OF NURSERY, PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS

RESOLVED, that the following persons be appointed:-

School Representative

County Nursery and Primary

St Michael’s Infant Ms T D Stainton Workington Shannon House 33 High Street WORKINGTON CA14 4ET


Voluntary Controlled CE

Bolton’s CE Mrs E Moffatt The Steadings Bolton Low Houses Wigton CA7 8PF

Mrs A Watson Cunningarth Westward Wigton CA7 8LL

Holm Cultram Abbey CE Mr T Williamson Cultram Holme Main Street Abbeytown Carlisle CA5 4SR

Ireby CE Mrs B Boyes Court Lea Low Ireby Carlisle CA5 1DS

Kirkbampton CE Mrs N Mowbray 4 Solway View Kirkbampton Carlisle CA5 6HR

Mrs O Thomson Hilbre Thursonfield Carlisle CA5 6HE

Mr A Harker 209 Green Lane Belle Vue Carlisle CA2 7RA Plumland CE Mr D Pearson The Beeches Bridekirk Cockermouth CA13 0PX

St Bridget’s CE Mr W Leadbitter Brigham Westcroft 126 High Brigham Cockermouth CA13 0TJ

St John’s CE Mr M Bacon Crosscanonby Globe Cottage Allerby Maryport

Seaton CE Junior Mr N J Findley 6 Main Street Seaton Workington CA14 1EP

Mr M Fryer 16 Queens Avenue Seaton Workington CA14 1DL

Trinity CE Mrs L Taylor Keswick 9 Stanger Street Keswick CA12 5JY

Mr R Bumstead 11 The Hollies High Street Keswick CA12 5AH

Voluntary Aided

Dean CE Mrs M R Taylor Ginn House Dean Workington CA14 4TH

Rosley CE Mr B Steel Stocks Grange Rosley Wigton CA7 8BZ

St Matthews CE Dr M Taylor Westnewton Teesdale House Scales Carlisle CA5 3NG St Michael’s CE Mrs C Scott Bothel 42 Windebrow Avenue Keswick CA12 4JA

Wiggonby CE Mr D Davies Acrefield Aikton Wigton CA7 OHY

Voluntary Aided Roman Catholic

St Cuthbert’s Mr P A Smith Wigton 34 Primrose Bank Wigton CA7 9JW

St Gregory’s RC Mr R M Postlethwaite Workington 42A Uldale Court Moorclose Workington CA14 3SU

St Mary’s RC Mrs M Dolan Harrington 93 Brierydale Salterbeck Workington CA14 5LL

County Secondary

Cockermouth Ms J Morgan Fell View 4 The Mount Papcastle Cockermouth Cumbria

Voluntary Controlled Non-Denominational

Nelson Thomlinson Mr R Blackburn 50 Howrigg Bank Wigton CA7 9JF

Mrs P A Williams The Gatehouse West Avenue Wigton Cumbria CA7 9LG

Mr J A Richardson 7 Primrose Bank Wigton CA7 9JW 39 ST MICHAEL’S CHURCH WORKINGTON LIMITED

Further to Minute 81(2) of 19 March 1997 the Director of Economy and Environment submitted revised costings for the application from St Michael’s Church Limited for the purchase of IT equipment to be used to provide training places for local people. The cost of the items of equipment being sought by St Michael’s, at the price quoted by the County Council supplier, would total £3,160.68. Members agreed that a maximum cost on the equipment to be loaned should be set at £1,399.

RESOLVED, that equipment to the value of £1,399 be purchased through the County Council’s nominated suppliers for loan to St Michael’s Church, such equipment to be returned to the County Council should the provision of training places by St Michael’s cease.


(The Allerdale Economic Development Officer left the meeting for this Item).

The Committee considered a report by the Director of Economy and Environment detailing developments in the EU Objective 3 Programme and proposals for the continuation of the implementation of the Objective 2 Priority 4 Programme. Funding for the Development Worker employed by West Cumbria CVS, funded jointly by European Regional Development Fund, Rural Development Commission and Allerdale Area Committee would cease in March 1998. Discussions had taken place with Officers of Allerdale Borough Council and the Rural Development Programme about a possible further partnership funding package, details of which were presented in the report.


(1) the report be noted;

(2) support be given in principle for the continuation of the development and implementation of the Priority 4 Programme in Allerdale undertaken by West Cumbria Council for Voluntary Service;

(3) a partnership approach for the funding of Priority 4 development work with £15,000 allocated from the Local Economic Initiatives Budget, subject to the remainder of the funding being contributed by other partners, up to March 2001 be endorsed;

(4) the Director of Economy and Environment and Director of Corporate Services prepare a funding and Service Level Agreement with funding partners and West Cumbria CVS identifying the services to be provided in the Priority 4 Wards in accordance with the principle of additionality;

(5) the job specification for the Development Worker post be submitted to the next Meeting of the Area Committee.


The Allerdale Economic Development Worker presented an account of his recent activities and future work plan and reported on six specific projects approved by the Allerdale Community Chest. In response to a Members’ request, it was confirmed that an application from an organisation in Workington would not be disadvantaged by being forwarded to the November meeting of the Area Committee.

RESOLVED, that the report be noted.


Mr P Everingham, Service Development Manager, gave a presentation on the role of the Youth Service.

Youth Services were targeted at the 11-25 years age range although the focus tended to be on 14-17 year olds plus disadvantaged and other specific groups. The Youth Service had been subject to an OFSTED inspection in the Autumn of 1996 which had concluded it to be a well-managed service presenting good value for money. However, some weaknesses had been identified and a Working Party subsequently established to address these.

20% of the Youth Inquiry Service resources were allocated for provision in Allerdale. Mr Everingham outlined the main tasks undertaken by the Youth Service which included assisting young people leaving home or care to develop to life skills; peer education; education support work; maintaining relationships with the voluntary sector and other agencies, and drugs education. Around 623 young people were receiving help from the service with contacts ranging from initial inquiries to up to 40 contacts per individual per year.

Following questions from Members, the Chairman thanked Mr Everingham for an informative presentation.

The Meeting closed at 2.00 pm