The Anchor, Volume 60.05: November 13, 1947
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Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1947 The Anchor: 1940-1949 11-13-1947 The Anchor, Volume 60.05: November 13, 1947 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 60.05: November 13, 1947" (1947). The Anchor: 1947. Paper 14. Published in: The Anchor, Volume 60, Issue 5, November 13, 1947. Copyright © 1947 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1940-1949 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1947 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Hope College Anchor LX-5 Oiiicial Publication of the Students of Hope College at HollancL Michigmi^ November 13,1947 Who's Who To Include Orchestra Offers Concert Tonight Hope's Trustees Approve Biographies of 14 Seniors Mr. Morrette Rider of the music department has announced that a The biographies of 14 outstand- fall concert, the first in a series, ing Seniors of Hope College will will be presented tonight by the Erection of 4 Buildings be included in this year's 'Who's Hope Plays Host Hope College Orchestra. The con- Who Among Students in American cert, which will be the first public Board of Trustees Colleges and Universities' publica- To Artist, Lecturer appearance made by the orchestra, tion. Seniors honored by this selec- On November 17 and 18 Hope will be held in the College Chapsl Orders Early Start tion are GordDii M. Brewer, Plain- College will have the honor of play- at 8:15 p.m. well, Michigan; Glen Bruggers, St. On Two Buildings ng host to Harry Gottlieb, famous Mr. Rider, director of both the Anne, Illinois; Phyllis L. Dietrich, irtist and lecturer. band and orchestra, stated that five Detroit, Michigan; Richard C. Hope College will embark on a Mr. Gottlieb is a Gpacialist in selections will be presented. They Iliggs, Grand Rapids, Michigan; two million dollar building pro- •.ilk screen art and has been asso- are: "Egmont Overture," Beetho- Renze L. Hoeksema, Grandville gram which calls for the immedi- iated with many noted personali- .•en; "Unfinished Symphony" (both Michigan; John W. Ligtvoet, Hoi ate construction of two buildings ies, one of whom is Eugene O'Neill. movements), Schubert; "Adagio land; Marjorie L. Lucking, Kala and the erecting of two more at a Our guest will lecture and show Pathetique," Godard; Pierns's mazoo, Michigan; Donald Muldar later date. Dr. Lubbers recently an- notion pictures on Monday eve- 'March of the Little Lead Sol- Ann Arbor, Michigan; Alfred G nounced. Dr. Lubbers revealed that ling November 17 and will speak iiers"; and "Finlandia" by Sibelius. Pennings, Holland, Michigan; Jo- it a recent meeting of the Hope o various groups on the campus seph Palmer, Jr., Grand Haven. Participating in the orchestral College Board of Trustees, two res- is well as the studsnt body on Michigan; Alma H. Vander Hill arrangement of "Finlandia" will be olutions were approved. The first, Tuesday. Mr. Gottlieb's talks will Holland; Helen J. Wagner, Schen- ;he vocal quartet composed of Phyl- he said, stated "that four major )e of lasting interest to the stu- ectady, New York; Robert B. Wild- lis Darrow, Joan Ten Hove, Timo- buildings be built as soon as pos- lents of art and also anyone else man, Traverse City, Michigan; Mil- thy Harrison and Keith De Jong. sible" and the second "that a wom- iresent at his lectures. dred A. Vermaire, Grand Rapids Mr. Rider said that this first con- en's dormitory and central heating Michigan. cert will last approximately one •)lant be constructed immediately." Nomination for this selection was and a half hours. The Musical Arts Dr. Lubbers believes it is imper- made by the Registrar, Paul E Prof. Nella Meyer club will be in charge of ushering. ative that the building of the new Hinkamp, Dean of Men, Milton L. Tentative plans have been made women's dormitory begin at an Hinga, and Dean of Women, Emnu Presents Recital to feature student and faculty solo- 3arly date because of the increased M. Reeverts. In selecting student? On October 28, Miss Nella Meyer, ists at the concerts which will be 2nrollment. At present the college the campus nominating committee associate professor of the French held the second semester. The or- Dr. Irwin J. Lubbers ?irls are housed in six separate considered outstanding effort and department, presented a piano pro- chestra's plans also include accom- buildings, namely. Beach and Fair- accomplishment in academic work gram of Brahms, Mozart's "Fan- panying the Zeeland Chorus in the banks cottages and Columbia, Van extracurricular activities and ser asia in C Minor," Bach's "French Messiah the first week in Decem- IRC Studies UN Arcadian President Vleck, Voorhees, and West Halls. vice to the College. Juniors, seniors 5uite in E Major" and a group of ber as well as accompanying Hope West Hall is the former East Jun- and students in advanced work arc modern selections for members of College's Messiah Choir presenta- Announces Victory ior High School which is unsuit- In Recent Confab able as a permanent dormitory. eligible. :he Women's Committee of the tion. Virgil Dykstra, President of the "Is the UNO disintegrating?" Van Vleck Music Hall The purpose of the national pub- Kalamazoo Symphony orchestras, Arcadian Fraternity, announced re- "Can the UNO prevent war?" Voorhees will remain a dormi- lication, recognizing students from n Kalamazoo Civic Auditorium. cently that the Arcadians had won tory for women, and upon comple- approximately 600 colleges and Miss Meyer was also guest soloist These were the questions which second place in the first Michigan Voogd Announces tion of the present program Van universities in the United States it the Garden Club in Cassopolis, provoked a lively discussion at last Inter-Fraternity Sing. Vleck Hall, the oldest building on and Canada, is to serve as an out- Michigan on October 24, and pre- Plans for New week's meeting of the International Last April the Arcadians won Hope's campus, will be converted standing honor in which a deserv- sented several numbers at the Relations Club. The obstructionist first place for the fraternities in into a place to house the rapidly ing student, after displaying merit Faculty Dames Meeting at the Sociology Club policy of Soviet Russia was singled the Hope All-College Sing and thus expanding music department, it in college and accomplishing his Lubbers' home on October 24. out as the major obstacle threaten- won the right to compete in the Dr. Henry Voogd of the Sociology was decided. Dr. Lubbers also goals, would be given recognition ing the success of the UNO. Henry State Contest. A recording was Department recently announced stated that this new addition to the without having to pay some fee Shaw suggested that the UNO by- made and sent to Detroit to be en- that plans are being formulated for campus will contain dining facili- and to establish a reference volume pass Russia and carry on without tered in the State Contest. The Milestone Staff the organization of a Sociology ties which will adequately cover all of authoritative information on the her. This was deemed impractical various recordings were played Club on the campus. A poll of needs of the college that are now great body of America's leadinp: by George Curtis who recom- over the air on Sunday afternoon, Asks Cooperation Sociology students was taken re- being partially met by the Temple college students. mended the application of Christian October 26, on the program "Fra- cently to determine to some extent building. Hope College holds only One of the sen ices of Who's Who The Milestone's picture-taking is principles in our dealings with ternally Yours," over a Detroit the amount of interest among the a temporary lease on this structure. is the placement division which proceeding steadily but not as Russia. Others suggested that a station. speedily as was hoped. By this eve- members of the student body. The finances for this part of the bridges the span between college compromise between capitalism and First place in the contest was and the world of business, as well ning all students in any Freshman expansion program will be met Time and place of meeting will communism was necessary, or that awarded to the Michigan Alpha with Hope's share in the United as a reference section for those or Sophomore English class will be determined by the members the UNO must be changed into real chapter of Phi Delta Theta at the Advance drive currently being held students entering graduate work at have been given an opportunity to after formal organization takes world government. Miss Metta J. University of Michigan. It is note- by the Reformed Church. This another university. Their file of have their picture taken. However, place. Meetings will feature guest Ross, club sponsor, pointed out that worthy that the fraternity song of drive, which calls for two and a student records is at the disposal according to the latest figures hard- speakers from the realm of social there was still hope for the UNO the Arcadians which was entered half million dollars, two million of of all business concerns in the ly two-thirds of these turned up work, and attempts will be made to and that its success would to a in the contest was written by pres- which has already been subscribed United States and Canada.