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8010 ..CON-GRESSIONAL RECORD~.HOUSE JULY 1 Byron H. Johansen, San Jacinto. Kenneth 0. Martwiok, Kief. LANGER and Mr. CHAVEZ members Of the Roy J. Summers, San Simeon. Odin H. Haagenstad, Maddock. select committee on the part of the C. Harold Calef; Saticoy. .Naom F. Goldesberry, Osnabrock. Senate, as provided for in the act of Harold H. Neustel, Robinson. · Genevieve DuBois, Selby. August 5, 1939, entitled "An a~t to pro Eddie D. Robertson, S~erra Madre. SOUTH CAROLINA Mary Louise Reid, Sloat. vide for the disposition of certam records Margaret M. Hale, Snelling. William D. Adair, Clinton. of the United States Government," for Mable Clara Galle, Sunset Beach. Willie LeRoy Miles, Coward. the disposition of executive papers in the Grace D. Hyde, Thousand Palms. Clarence E. Crocker, Glendale. following departments and agencies: John F. Buchholz, Three Rivers. Nelle C. Wells, Manning. 1. Department of Commerce. Laurence G. Bornholtz, Walnut Creek, James E. Sanders, Mount Pleasant. 2. Department of the Interior. Elaine Wood, Weott. Jasper C. Moore, Simpsonvme. 3. Departm.ent of the Navy. John A. McConnell, Westley. TEXAS 4. Department of the Treasury. Otto C. Meeks, White Water. Wilbur H. Propes, Arp. 5. Department of War. - Palmer A. Wells, Woodbridge. Andrew J. Hayes, Barsj;ow. Dennis T. Pelton, Woodlake. 6. National Archives. Cordelia C. Hill, Beeville. 7. Office of Selective Service Records. Rudolf H. Kaisrlik, Yermo. Marvin E. Ezell, Bovina. CONNECTICUT Lula Lee Anlsler, Clarkwood; ENROLLED JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED Herbert W. Coleman, Cheshire ~ Melvin E. Johnson, .Cookville. Mr. LECOMPTE, from the Committee Margaret B. Thornton, East· Windsor Hill. Iris. H. Wicker, Genoa. on House Administration, ·reported that Arthur F. Merrill, Guilford. Maggie F. Bobo, Giddings. Melviri L. RitChey, Hale Center. that committee had on June 30, 1947, Edward J. Dillon, Hartford. examined and found truly enrolled a John R. MacLean, Pine Orchard. David L. Haberle, Jacksonville, Henry B. MacQuarrie, Southport. ·Bonnie S. Langford, Mertens. jojnt resolution of the House of the fol Earle G. Donegan, Windsor. Arthur C. Black, North Zulch. lowing title: J. Leonard Gibson, Pickton. H. J. Res. 221. Joint resolution to provide DELAWARE David c. Waters, Poolvme. for permanent rates of postag_e on mail mat Sidney A. Benne-t:,t. Bethany Beac~. Charles L. Haynes, San Marcos. ter of the first class, and for ot er purposes. ILLINOIS Ludie C. Mitchell, Saratoga. · Nelle M. Edgeworth, Seabrook. The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to LaVerne E. King, Ashku~. William Christian Horn,. Spring. announce that, pursuant to the authority James H. Randolph. Beason. L. H. Searcy, Stinnett. granted him on June 30, 1947, he did on Jesse B. Thacker, Butler. Louise E. G.ordon, _Talpa. James A. Giesler, Cisco. that date sign the following joint res- Donald R. Toberman, Coffeen. Ozena H. Sharp, Vanderbilt. olution: . ·Joseph H. Pulcher, East Carondelet. VERMONT H. J. Res. 221. Joint resolution to provide McOannon~ James P. Flora. · Fay E. Wright, Westminster St~tion. permanent rates of postage on mail matter of Marvin Randall, Forsyth. the. first ~lass, and for other purposes. Oscar Hayward Holman, Get!. ·Frank R. Johnson,. Geneseo. APPOINTMENT OF· CONFEREE John G. Robben, Germantown. · Mr. KEEFE. Mr. Speaker, the con Arthur Lloyd Sinclair, Kansas. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES George A. Brown, Mahomet. · ferees on the Labor-Federal Se~urity Harold E. Hohenstein, Mount Auburn. TUESDAY, JULY-1, 1947 Agency appropriation bill have practi-. Eva S. Hooe, Niantic. cally reaqhed an agreement. It is neces Gerald L. Hamer, Olivet. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. sary to have foU:r signers of. the con:fer T. Arthur :Dyson, Palmer. Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D. D., pastor ence report. The· gentleman from Guy E. Midget, Pittsburg. of the Gunton-Temple Memorial Pres- · Minnesota [Mr. H. CARL ANDERSEN] left · Lincoln A. Hardcastle, Royalton. his proxy with me before he went to James F. Hartman, Sadorus. byterian Church. Washington, D. C., offered the following prayer: Mexico, but under the rules I am not William P. Hohs, Skokie. permitted to. sign that report for hiin. Roy M. Martin, Springerton. 0 Thou God of all majesty, grant unto Ada J. Ulrich, 'Thomasboro. The gentleman from Minnesota is in . Waldo M. Hennings. Wayne. us a vital and victorious experience of Mexico as a representative of the Com Thy divine presence as we address our mittee on Appropriations on the hoof MARYLAND selves to tasks which are far beyond our Harry R. Ringle1, Bishopville. and-mouth-disease matter, which is very, own wisdom and strength. very important, and therefore is not here Frank A. Beachley, Braddock Heights. We thank Thee for the great principles Milton T. Holt, Brandywine. to sign the conf~rence report. Mary R. Schmidt, Eccleston. of righteousness and justice which are I therefore ask unanimous consent, Vera M. Gordon, Fork. implanted in our national life and em under those circumstances, Mr. Speaker, Gertrude s. Chapman, Lanham. bodied in our leaders. · Sustain us in that he be excused, and that the Chair be Anita G. Swann, Piney Point. fidelity to that which is highest and best. authorized to appoint another conferee. John T. Smullin, Jr., Pocomoke City. May we follow with confidence and cour Cosette I. Hopl"ins, Tyaskin. age those ways which Thou hast marked The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Alice A. Kellner, White Marsh. the request of the gentleman from Wis out for us. consin? MINNESOTA Enrich our hearts with feelings of good There was no objection. Lester L. Matzke, Bingham Lake. will toward all mankind, and may we Irvin R. Johnson, Clarks Grove. The SPEAKER. The Chair appoints seek one another's welfare and so fulfill the gentleman from New York [Mr. Robert B. Miller, Sr., Freeborn. the law of the Christ in whose name we Otto C. Drenkhahn, Goodhue. TABER] to fill the vacancy on the com Elbert J. Larson, Hewitt. pray. mittee. Laurie J. Hilger, rona. Amen. The Clerk will notify the Senate of the Raynold E. Olson, Lake Lillian, The Journal of the proceedings of yes action taken. Henry E. Grube, Nassau. terday was read and approved. Hilda G. Ruthenbeck, Okabena. THE LATE JOHN H. TOLAN MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE NEW MEXICO The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes Antonio D. Baca, Las Vegas. A message from the Senate, by Mr. the gentleman from California [Mr. Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced ALLEN]. NORTH CAROLINA that the Senate had passed a concurrent Fred E. Sluder, Alexander. Mr. ALLEN of California. Mr. Speak Exam A. Elliott, Barium Springs. resolution of the following title, in er, it is with great regret that I report Ruby P. Edwards, Bolivia. which the concurrence of the House is to the Congress the death of Hon. John Henry Max Gunter, Bostic. requested: H. Tolan, to whose seat I succeeded in Clarissa M. McDaniel, Garland. S. Con. Res. 22. Concurrent resolution rela this Congress. Beulah Johnson, Holly Springs. tive to House bill 493, concerning the pos Mr. Tolan was spending some time in Russell A. Parker. Middlesex. session, sale, transfer, and use of dangerous his summer home in the Sierra Nevada weapons 1n the District of Columbia. ' · ' NORTH DAKOTA Mountains in California. His health had Madelyn F. Moulsoff, Barney. The message also anno~nced that. the not been good. ·One of his grandchildren Nicholas ·a. Abel, Karlsruhe. · President pro tempore'has appointed Mr. became lost, and the worry occasioned 1947 CONGR·ESSIONAL RECORD--HOUSE 8011 when she was not.quickly found brought to his bereaved widow and fine family He was a worshiper of liberty, a friend ot death to him from heart failure. He our deep sorrow. the oppressed. A thousand times I have was about 70 years old. Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, ·will the heard him quote these words: "For justice Mr. Tolan served in the Seventy-fourth gentleman yield? all place a temple, and all season, summer." He believed that happiness was the only good, Congress and continued to represent our Mr. ALLEN of .california. I yield to reason the only torch, justice the only wor district through the Seventy-ninth Con the gentleman from Mississippi. ship, humanity the only religion, and love gress. I think that he retired, in part, Mr. RaNKIN. Mr. Speaker, a more the only priest. He added to the sum of hu so that lie might spend some years with worthy man never served in this House man joy, and were everyone to whom he did the growing family · of · grandchildren than John Tolan, of California. I was some loving service to bring a blossom to his whom he loved so well thrown with him intimately during all grave, he would sleep tonight beneath a wil It is regrettable that he could not have the years he was a Member of this body. derness of flowers. lived to enjoy longer the years of leisure I once made a trip of investigation with Mr. JENKINS of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, which he had so well earned. It is equally him to the Hawaiian Islands, and en 1t was my good fortune tc have knbwn regrettable that Mrs. Tolan, who worked joyed his cooperation on many meas ·Mr. Tolan well. He was a noble man. and with him while he was in Washington, ures of vital interest to the people we a courteous gentleman at all times. I will not enjoy more of those same happy both represented, and I am prepared to shall miss him, for he was one of my good years with him to which she was look say that he was one of the finest char friends. ing forward. My sympathy is extended .acters I have ever known. In the words Mr. BENDER. Mr. Speaket, I rise to to the children and grandchildren whose of Shakespeare·: pay tribute to my good.