2009-081 001 007 1908Nov
- - .~--- - NOVEMBE"R, 1908 - mow it is bigb time to 1be ma~etb 1bis sun to rise awa~e out of sleep. on tbe e\1U an~ on tbe goo~. Cbt Jllg~ma miSSionary ntws t:b~ Official Organ of tb~ Dioc~$~ of Jllgoma i JStsbop; The RIGHT REV. GEORGE THORNELOE, D.D., D.C.L., Sault Ste. Marie, Onto IDiocesan ®mcers: The VEN. GOWAN GILLMOR, J. A. WORRELL, Esq., K.C., Archdeac.on of AI~oma, Sault Ste. Marie, Onto Hon. Treasurer (ofInvested Funds), 18-20 Kin~ St. West, Toronto, Onto The REV. CANON BOYDELL, M.A., Bishop's Commissary and Examinin~ Chaplain, H. PLUMMER, Esq., Sudbury,Ont. Treasurer of the Synod, SaultSte. Marie, Onto The REV. CANON• PIERCY, A. E.LLIOTT, E!ilf}., Clerical Secretary of the Synod, . Hon. Registrar, Sault Ste. Mari,e Wellt, Onto Sault Ste. Marie, Onto C. V. PLUMMER, Esq., . GEO. LEY KING, Esq., Lay Secretary of the Synod, Principal of the Shinrcwauk and Wawano8h Sault Ste. Marie, Onto Indian Homes, - - - Sault Ste. Mar:ie, O~t. I.e = - .-~- - I 122 THE ALGOl\rIA MISSION AR Y NEWS'. CHRISTIANS UNPER THE RULE CHURCH OF ENGLAND SUFFERERS OF THE CRESCENT. BY FIRE AT FERNIE, B. C. HE Rev. W. H. Browne, whG". since T o the Editor of THE AJ,GOMA MISSIONAHY NEWS: 1886 has been on the s La ff • of the Dear Sir,-lVIay I beg the use of . your T Archbishop's Mission to the Assy columns to make. an appeal to the mem rian Christians j in the Assyrian bers of the Church of England .throughout Mission Quarterly Paper, lI as an appeal Canada, on beha lf of their fellow members which throws light on the conditions of IHe in Fernie, B.
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