August 24 – August 30, 8 (5), 2015 Editor: Saroj Bishoyi Contributors Yaqoob-ul Hassan Afghanistan Gulbin Sultana Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Maldives Gunjan Singh China Titli Basu Japan and the Korean Peninsula Rajorshi Roy Russia and Central Asia Manpreet Sohanpal Iran, Iraq, Syria and the Gulf Saroj Bishoyi United States of America Amit Kumar Defence Reviews Rajbala Rana Internal Security Reviews Arpita Anant UN Reviews Follow IDSA Facebook Twitter 1, Development Enclave, Rao Tula Ram Marg, New Delhi-110010 Telephone: 91-26717983; Fax: 91-11-26154191 Website:; Email:
[email protected] The Week in Review August 24 – August 30, 8 (5), 2015 CONTENTS In This Issue Page I. COUNTRY REVIEWS 2-26 A. South Asia 2-8 B. East Asia 8-11 C. Russia 11-18 D. West Asia 18-22 E. United States of America 22-26 II. DEFENCE REVIEW 26-27 III. INTERNAL SECURITY REVIEW 27-30 IV. UNITED NATIONS REVIEWS 30-33 1 The Week in Review August 24 – August 30, 8 (5), 2015 I. COUNTRY REVIEWS A. South Asia Afghanistan (August 24-30, 2015) Jundullah’s chief killed in Kunduz; Dostum rejects massacre allegations; Helmand’s Musa Qala district captured by Taliban; Aziz Haqqani added to List of “Specially Designated Global Terrorists”; Kabul- Ashgabad signed five MoUs; Pakistan is a weak country and won’t stop terror in Afghanistan anytime soon. A prominent terrorist who was leading the Jundullah terrorist group in Afghanistan was killed in an airstrike in northern Kunduz province of Afghanistan. The Afghan intelligence – National Directorate of Security (NDS) said Abu Hazifa was killed in an airstrike launched in coordination with the intelligence department.