Extensions of Remarks E756 HON. MARK MEADOWS HON. MICHAEL
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E756 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 12, 2019 Isidore Shapiro, on the occasion of his 100th fort (KARE), United Way, Salvation Army, WOMEN’S VETERANS DAY birthday this past February 2, 2019. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD), Big After graduating with a Master of Social Brothers and Big Sisters, Child Abuse and Ne- HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE Work degree from the University of Pennsyl- glect Task Force, Boy Scouts of America, OF TEXAS vania in 1952, Mr. Shapiro committed his ca- Waynesville Rotary Club, Domestic Violence IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES reer to helping those who were struggling. Task Force, Folkmoot Board, Criminal Justice Wednesday, June 12, 2019 During his storied career of public service, Partnership Program, and the Haywood Arts starting with serving as the Executive Director Council. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, on June 12, 1948, President Harry S. Truman of the Queens County Mental Health Society Chief Hollingsed earned his Bachelor’s De- and concluding as the first social worker to be signed into law the Women’s Armed Services gree in Criminal Justice from Columbia Univer- Integration Act, allowing women to serve as appointed Commissioner of the Nassau Coun- sity and earned his Master’s of Public Admin- try Department of Mental Health, Mental Re- regular members of the military. istration Degree from Troy University. Desiring On May 5, 2017, State Representative Vic- tardation, and Developmental Disabilities, Mr. to equip the next generation, Chief Hollingsed toria Neave filed House Bill 2698, establishing Shapiro continually displayed both compassion has spent the last 20 years as an Adjunct Pro- Women Veterans Day. and respect for the people he served and a fessor of Criminal Justice at Western Carolina HB2698 was later incorporated into Texas devotion to seeing them attain success. Dur- University and is a member of the Haywood Senate Bill 805 and on June 9, 2017 was ing my years as Special Assistant to the Chief Community College Board of Trustees. signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott des- Deputy County Executive and then as County ignating June 12th as Women Veterans Day. Comptroller I worked closely with Isidore. He It is my sincere honor to acknowledge Chief Hollingsed for his hard work and selfless dedi- I am honored to represent over 170,000 dis- is a true friend and dedicated public servant. tinguished women veterans in the state of After his time as Commissioner, Mr. Sha- cation to our country and his community. His diligent pursuit of excellence is evident Texas. piro, along with his loving wife Goldie, happily Moreover, I am proud to work alongside the through his 35 years of law enforcement, dedi- retired to sunny Tuscan, Arizona. For his and four women veterans serving in the 116th cation to his family, and passion for serving Goldie’s service to Nassau County, it is a Congress. On this day, it is imperative that we his community. privilege to wish him a happy 100th birthday. highlight women’s role in the military and com- f memorate their valor and sacrifice. f It should be no secret that women play an IN RECOGNITION OF POLICE CHIEF integral role in our nation’s armed forces. WILLIAM H. HOLLINGSED RECOGNIZING DEE SARTON They volunteer for the same reasons as men, but their service can come at a steep HON. MARK MEADOWS HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON personal price. OF NORTH CAROLINA 4.3 percent of women in the military re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF IDAHO ported being sexually assaulted in 2016. Female veterans are three to four times IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, June 12, 2019 more likely than their civilian counterparts to Mr. MEADOWS. Madam Speaker, I rise Wednesday, June 12, 2019 become homeless and 2.5 times more likely to today to recognize Police Chief William H. commit suicide. Hollingsed of Haywood County, North Carolina Mr. SIMPSON. Madam Speaker, I rise today Today’s events, in part, were designed to on his retirement from public service. I would to recognize the distinguished career of Dee help women veterans find resources. like to honor the service of Chief Hollingsed Sarton. Four decades ago, she started work- I am in awe of the invaluable contributions and his significant impact on the town of ing at KTVB Channel 7 in Boise, Idaho. Ida- and unwavering commitment that women vet- Waynesville and the great state of North Caro- hoans who live in both the Treasure Valley erans have given this country and my home lina. and the Magic Valley know Dee as the face of state. Chief Hollingsed’s career began with the Or- the evening news. She is the anchor on I vow to continue my support of women and ange County Sheriff’s Office in Orlando, Flor- KTVB’s 4 p.m., 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. newscasts. men veterans alike in the House of Represent- ida, where he served for 13 years as a mem- But Dee is so much more than an anchor, she atives, as we owe all veterans our gratitude ber of the SWAT team and achieved the rank is a friend of the community who cares deeply and respect. of Lieutenant. He then moved to North Caro- about the people around her and it shows But on this Women Veterans Day in Texas, lina, where he was appointed as the Chief of every day. I urge you to join me celebrate and work to understand the sacrifices of women veterans Police at Western Carolina University. In 1999, Make no mistake, Dee is a compassionate among us. he became the Chief of Police for the reporter, but she isn’t afraid to tackle hard hit- Waynesville Police Department where he has ting news or ask the tough questions. Dee is f selflessly served since. a great storyteller, and she tells stories about PERSONAL EXPLANATION Throughout his remarkable career, Chief people of Idaho. She asks the right questions Hollingsed has served in numerous capacities. and is very engaging. When Dee talks, people HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS He is an Executive Board member and former listen. OF FLORIDA President of the North Carolina Police Execu- I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Dee IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tives Association, he serves on the Attorney throughout my political career. I have always Wednesday, June 12, 2019 General’s Law Enforcement Opioids Task appreciated her thoroughness when covering Force, the Task Force on Reforms for Opioid Mr. HASTINGS. Madam Speaker, as a co- a news topic and I will miss seeing her at sponsor of H. Res. 430—Authorizing the Com- Drug Convictions, and the North Carolina Joint KTVB. In-Service Training Committee. He further mittee on the Judiciary to initiate or intervene serves as Chairman of the NC Criminal Jus- Not only is she an incredible news anchor, in judicial proceedings to enforce certain sub- tice Education and Training Standards Com- Dee is also an Idaho Hall of Fame journalist poenas and for other purposes—I would have mission, as Regional Director of the NC Asso- and a National Academy of Television Arts voted YES on roll call No. 247, had I been ciation of Chiefs of Police, and as the Police and Sciences Silver Circle inductee and a present. Chiefs representative for the Governor’s Im- champion for children and education, serving f paired Driving Task Force. He was appointed on numerous non-profit boards, including the Special Needs Adoption Board of Directors, CELEBRATING GEORGETOWN, by the NC League of Municipalities as a mem- OHIO’S BICENTENNIAL ber of the Risk Management Assessment Children’s Home Board, the Hidden Springs Team. Dedicated to the safety of his commu- Charter School Board, the Literacy Lab Advi- nity, Chief Hollingsed was recently honored sory Board and the Assistance League Com- HON. BRAD R. WENSTRUP OF OHIO with the North Carolina Dogwood Award. munity Advisory Council. Her weekly Wednes- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In addition to his career, Chief Hollingsed is day’s Child feature helped hundreds of North- dedicated to his wife, Karen, and their three west foster children find adoptive homes. Wednesday, June 12, 2019 daughters. Furthermore, Chief Hollingsed has Congratulations to Dee. I am happy for her Mr. WENSTRUP. Madam Speaker, I am served on a number of boards and commis- and I know she will enjoy the next chapter in honored to recognize Georgetown, Ohio, for sions, including Kids Advocacy Resource Ef- her life. its bicentennial anniversary this year. VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:38 Jun 13, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12JN8.012 E12JNPT1 June 12, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E757 For two centuries, Georgetown has been a Nobel laureates in the sciences, penned the change when we act decisively. We have also pillar of Brown County. 1992 ‘‘Scientists’ Warning to Humanity’’ (see made advancements in reducing extreme Annually, Georgetown hosts the Brown supplemental material). These scientists poverty and hunger. Other notable progress called on humankind to curtail environ- County Fair for neighbors to come together (which does not yet show up in the global mental destruction and cautioned ‘‘a great datasets in Figure 1) includes: the rapid de- and celebrate life in Southern Ohio. change in our stewardship of the Earth and cline in fertility rates in some regions at- Georgetown is also the hometown of one of the life on it is required, if vast human mis- tributable to investments in girls’ and wom- our nation’s greatest generals and our 18th ery is to be avoided.’’ In their manifesto, en’s education, the promising decline in the president, Ulysses S.