Local Development Plan Part 1
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Local Plan 2017-2021 Plana Leasachaidh Ionadail LIVE Park is all about helping realise the future potential of the National Park as a place to Live, Invest, Visit and Experience. It sets out how planning can improve Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park - from housing to jobs, Key for Site Map Icons Within Section 3 the site maps include a series of icons that represent the key considerations to be taken into account before submitting a development proposal. We’ve used this fold-out panel to provide quick access to an explanation of ACCESS LINKAGES TO BE PROVIDED ACTIVE TRAVEL PLAN LOCHSHORE PROTECTION ARCHAEOLOGICAL LONG TERM SITE ASSESSMENT BUILT ENVIRONMENT NATURA DESIGNATION CORE PATH(S) ON OR NATURAL ENVIRONMENT ADJACENT TO SITE DESIGNATION OPEN SPACE PROVISION DESIGN DOCUMENT (PLAY AREAS) DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS PLACE-MAKING PRIORITY DRAINAGE IMPACT PROTECTED SPECIES ASSESSMENT FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT PUBLIC PARKING REQUIRED GEOLOGY ROAD SAFETY SUSTAINABLE DRAINAGE HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT SYSTEM (SUDS) LAND CONTAMINATION TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT WASTE CAPACITY WOODLAND/ LANDSCAPE CONTEXT ANCIENT WOODLAND © Crown copyright and database rights 2016. Ordnance Survey 100031883 LIVE Park LIVELIVEPark Park Contents LIVE Park Local Local Proposed DevelopmentLocal PlanProposedLocal LocalPlanDevelopmentDevelopmen t DevelopmentPlanPlan Plan2.0 | VISION 1.0 | INTRO Section 1 Section 3 Section 4 2.1 | Vision4.0 for | POLICIES 3.0 | thePLACE4.1 next | Overarchi Introduction Place Policies 3.2 | 20Our years towns Policies & villages 1.1 What is this Plan 3.1 The National Park ...........................34 4.1 Overarching Policies ......................91 and what does it do? ........................4 Towns & Villages ....................................... 35 4.2 Detailed Policies ............................94 Environment ............................................. 36 1.2 How did we get here? .........................6 Housing ...................................................... 94 Economy .................................................... 38 Planning in the National Park ...................7 Visitor Experience ................................... 96 People ......................................................... 39 1.0 Main Changes ..............................................8 Economic Development ........................ 97 3.2 Our Towns and Villages ..................40 Transport ................................................... 98 Callander .................................................... 42 Natural Environment ............................... 99 Section 2 2.0 Arrochar/Succoth .................................... 49 Historic Environment ............................105 Balloch ........................................................ 53 Vision Open Spaces ..........................................107 Aberfoyle .................................................... 56 2.1 Vision for the next 20 years ............10 Community Facilities ............................108 Ardentinny ................................................. 57 3.0 Balmaha ..................................................... 58 Retail .........................................................109 2.2 How do we all deliver Carrick Castle ........................................... 59 Telecommunications ...........................109 on this Vision? ...............................16 Crianlarich .................................................. 60 Renewable Energy .................................110 What’s the Strategy? .............................. 16 Croftamie ................................................... 62 Minerals ....................................................111 4.0 Delivering our Strategy .......................... 20 Drymen ...................................................... 64 Sustainable Waste Management ......112 Sustainability, Climate Change Gartmore ................................................... 68 5.0 & Placemaking ........................................ 21 Gartocharn ................................................ 69 Killin .............................................................. 71 Section 5 Housing ...................................................... 22 Kilmun/Strone/Blairmore ...................... 73 Our Rural Economy ................................. 25 Lochearnhead .......................................... 76 Appendices Visitor Experience ................................... 27 Lochgoilhead ............................................ 78 Appendix 1 Historic Environment .............................. 29 Luss ............................................................. 79 Schedule of Development sites ........114 Natural Environment ............................... 31 St Fillans ...................................................... 81 Appendix 2 Infrastructure & Services ....................... 32 Strathyre .................................................... 82 Tarbet .......................................................... 83 Local Authorities and National Park Tyndrum ..................................................... 86 Land Ownership Schedule ..................117 Rural Activity Areas Appendix 3 .................................................. 88 Glossary ...................................................118 Strachur South ......................................... 88 Appendix 4 Site Map Icons Explained .....................121 1 Foreword Facal-Tòiseachaidh Adopting this Local Development Plan brings to life the shared vision for Tha gabhail ris a’ Plana Leasachaidh Ionadail seo a' toirt beò na lèirsinn coitchinn development in the National Park established through extensive award- againn airson leasachadh sa Phàirc Nàiseanta, a chaidh a chruthachadh tro obair winning engagement and consultation during its preparation process. mhòr a thaobh com-pàirteachaidh is co-chomhairleachaidh a rinneadh tron phròiseas ullachaidh agus a bhuannaich duaisean. Underpinning this strategy are core cross- cutting themes of sustainability, climate B’ e an dùbhlan a chuir sinn oirnn fhèin bhon seasmhachd, atharrachadh clìomaid, change, design and placemaking that are toiseach tòiseachaidh gum biodh am Plana dealbhachadh agus dèanamh-àite a tha uile central to achieving the Plan’s vision. brosnachail agus tarraingeach, gu air leth cudromach ann a bhith a’ coileanadh We want this Plan to be used as a shared sònraichte do dhaoine òga agus daoine aig lèirsinn a’ Phlana. resource by all concerned with aois obrach, agus do na coimhearsnachdan Tha sinn airson 's gun tèid am Plana seo a development and enhancing places within againn. Bha sinn airson 's gum biodh fòcas a’ chleachdadh mar ghoireas co-roinnte leis a the National Park, whether this is a Phlana air toraidhean agus gum biodh e h-uile duine aig a bheil ùidh ann an community group wanting to improve a stèidhichte air an àite, le frèam lìbhrigidh leasachadh àiteachan sa Phàirce Nàiseanta, public space in their village, or a business làidir, agus le taic bho fhrèam poileasaidh bho bhuidhnean coimhearsnachd a tha The challenge we set ourselves from the looking to diversify or invest. It provides a for-ghnìomhach a tha freagairteach do na airson àite poblach a leasachadh sa bhaile outset was for the Plan to be upbeat and strong basis for partnership working over cothroman is dùbhlain a tha ag èiridh ann an aca gu gnìomhachas a tha ag iarraidh engaging, especially to young and working the next ten years and the focus going sgìre dhùthchail a tha dìonta. eugsamhlachadh no airgead a chur an seilbh. age people and to our communities. We forward will be to secure continued Is e LIVE Park an t-ainm a th’ air agus tha e a’ Tha e a’ toirt dhuinn bun-stèidh làidir airson also wanted the Plan to be an outcomes cur an cèill mar as urrainn don Phàirc obair com-pàirteachaidh thairis air an ath focussed, place-based plan with a strong delivery at the key placemaking priority Nàiseanta a bhith na deagh àite airson dheich bliadhna agus 's e am fòcas a bhios delivery framework, supported by a còmhnaidh, cur-an-seilbh, tadhail is againn feuchainn ri barrachd airgead-seilbh proactive policy framework that is with a focus on Callander, Balloch, fhaighinn agus a bhith a' toirt buaidh air responsive to the opportunities and Arrochar and Tarbet. agus Experience, tro lèirsinn shoilleir agus leasachadh ann an prìomh àiteachan a challenges arising within a protected We believe that this Plan sets out an tro ro-innleachd spàsail a tha air a chaidh a shònrachadh anns na bailtean rural area. ambitious and achievable vision for the shealltainn tro gu leòr de dhealbhan, againn, le fòcas air Calasraid, Am Bealach, Called LIVE Park, it sets out how National Park, and that this will truly mapaichean air an togail bhon adhair agus An t-Àrchar agus An Tairbeart. development can help the National Park to enhance and improve place and quality of planaichean le nòtaichean. Tha sinn den bheachd gu bheil am Plana seo be a great place to Live, Invest, Visit and life for all living, working and visiting this Chuir sinn fòcas gu sònraichte air a bhith ag a’ cur an cèill lèirsinn airson na Pàirce Experience through a clear vision and special area. ùrachadh nam prìomh raontan poileasaidh a Nàiseanta a tha dùbhlanach ach a ghabhas spatial strategy depicted through lots of tha a dhìth gus taic a chumail ri cur an coileanadh, agus gun leasaich seo an dà illustrations, sketches, aerial maps and gnìomh na lèirsinn, a’ gabhail a-steach chuid an t-àite fhèin agus a’ chàileachd annotated