Ex64 Review of Education Provision Within Stirling
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THIS REPORT RELATES STIRLING COUNCIL TO ITEM ON THE AGENDA EXECUTIVE CHILDREN’S SERVICES 21 November 2006 NOT EXEMPT REVIEW OF EDUCATION PROVISION WITHIN STIRLING COUNCIL 1 SUMMARY 1.1 The Economy Committee approved the proposed review of education provision in Stirling at the meeting on 8 June 2006. This report updates the Executive on the progress made with the review. 1.2 It also seeks approval for further action in relation to the review. 2 RECOMMENDATION(S) It is recommended that the Executive: 2.1 Notes the progress made with the review. 2.2 Approves formal consultation, as set out in Appendix 2, on the closure of Lochearnhead Primary School. 2.3 Authorises the Director of Children’s Services to continue consultation with parents and their representatives on the future arrangements for Inversnaid Primary School, Trossachs Primary School, Strathyre Primary School, Crianlarich Primary School, Thornhill Primary School and Whins of Milton School. 2.4 Authorises the Director of Children’s Services to explore further the issues raised by the report from the desk top exercise, as set out in Appendix 1, and to report back on progress to the Executive and to Council. 3 CONSIDERATIONS 3.1 Following the Economy Committee’s approval to begin the review of education provision in Stirling, a desktop exercise was conducted. Information emerging from that is contained in Appendix 1. This makes clear that there are strong demographic trends in Stirling that will need to be addressed as part of this review. File Name: N:\DEMSUPP\NewDecisions\Executive\Reports\EX20061121ReviewofEducationProvision.doc 3.2 Following on from the announcement of the review, parents in Lochearnhead sought a meeting with the Director of Children’s Services. This led to a further meeting with parents. Both meetings were well attended. 3.3 The view of parents was that the needs of their children would be better served as part of a larger school. On the basis of this we agreed to seek formal consultation on the closure of the School. 3.4 Crianlarich and Strathyre Primary Schools and Thornhill and Inversnaid Primary Schools have been involved in joint headship arrangements on a pilot basis. 3.5 These arrangements now need to be evaluated. Meetings have been held with parents’ representatives in Crianlarich and Strathyre and they are keen to consider future arrangements. Discussions are still to be arranged with parents in Thornhill and Inversnaid. 3.6 Inversnaid raises particular issues because of the very small roll and discussions will be arranged as a priority. 3.7 Whins of Milton School could be incorporated within the new Raploch Campus and an initial discussion has been held with parents about this. There is a willingness to explore this possibility and to consider moving to formal consultation on the closure of the School. 3.8 The Director of Children’s Services arranged to meet parents in Trossachs Primary School to discuss the review. Parents were very satisfied with the level of provision, but expressed interest in discussing arrangements for headship if the present staffing situation were to change. 3.9 The problems of recruiting to Headteacher posts have continued. We recently had only two applicants for a medium sized school with a very good reputation and in an attractive area. If these difficulties continue we will have to consider more joint headships. A number of possibilities have been identified where a joint arrangement would be feasible. We would seek to explore these further. 4 POLICY/RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS AND CONSULATIONS Policy Implications Diversity (age, disability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation) No Sustainability (community, economic, environmental) No Corporate/Service Plan No Existing Policy or Strategy No Risk No Resource Implications Financial No People No Land and Property or IT Systems No Consultations Internal or External Consultations No File Name: N:\DEMSUPP\NewDecisions\Executive\Reports\EX20061121ReviewofEducationProvision.doc Policy Implications 4.1 The recommendations are in line with the review proposals already approved by the Council. Resource Implications 4.2 All proposals are likely to generate savings to the Council. Consultations 4.3 The extent of consultation conducted is set out in the considerations. 5 BACKGROUND PAPERS 5.1 Report submitted to Economy Committee on 8 June 2006 - Proposed Review of Education Provision within Stirling Council. Author(s) Name Designation Tel No/Extension David Cameron Director - Children’s Services 2678 Approved by Name Designation Signature David Cameron Director - Children’s Services Date 9 November 2006 Reference N:\docs\WP\HOS\CT\Executive Committee\ReviewofEducationProvisi onwithinStirlingCouncil211106.doc File Name: N:\DEMSUPP\NewDecisions\Executive\Reports\EX20061121ReviewofEducationProvision.doc APPENDIX 1 REVIEW OF EDUCATION PROVISION IN STIRLING COUNCIL Desk Top Review - Initial Findings August 2006 The first part of the desktop exercise for the Schools Review approved by Economy Committee in June 2006 has now been completed. Summary sheets are available for each school detailing • Capacity • School roll projection • Condition and suitability of building • Staffing information • ICT infrastructure • Attainment and inspection data The final findings from this stage of the exercise focus mainly on occupancy and highlight the following: - • Buchanan Primary School is forecast to have a stable but low roll of about 30 for the period reviewed (2006/07 to 2015/16). This equates to occupancy of only 40%. • Bannockburn Primary School roll is forecast to fall away from its current level of 420 (78%) to 250 (47%) by 2015/16. • Borestone Primary School has capacity, however, given pressure on surrounding schools and future house growth, the school roll Is predicted to rise and consequently only limited capacity will exist • Cowie Primary School is forecast to have relatively stable but low roll for the period reviewed of about 121 (45%) • Dunblane Primary School is forecast to continue to have high occupancy throughout the period reviewed. Occupancy levels are expected to be over 90% for the whole period. There is traditionally a number of placing requests that, if refused, would help to bring occupancy down to more manageable levels. • Deanston Primary School’s current low occupancy of 24 pupils (48%) is projected to rise to 32 (65%) due to new house building in the area. • Gartmore Primary School is forecast to have a steadily decreasing roll from the current 43 pupils to 25 pupils by 2015/16. • Inversnaid Primary School is forecast to have a continuing low roll of 5-7 over the period under review • Killin Primary School is forecast to show to a slight decline in roll stabilising at around 50% occupancy (50 pupils) File Name: N:\DEMSUPP\NewDecisions\Executive\Reports\EX20061121ReviewofEducationProvision.doc • Kincardine in Menteith Primary School shows high occupancy levels throughout the period under review. This is due in part to high placing requests into the school, which could be managed, bringing occupancy down to more manageable levels. • Lochearnhead Primary School shows a current very low roll of 7 (27%) This could increase as a result of house building in the area, which has not traditionally led to roll increases at Lochearnhead. There is a significant level of outward migration to other schools from Lochearnhead catchment. • Port of Menteith Primary School shows a stable but low roll of around 35% (17 pupils) throughout the period. • Allan’s Primary School is forecast to have an increasing roll over the period, breaching 90% occupancy in 2010/11 and remaining high for the rest of the period reviewed. This is due to planned house building within the catchment. • Braehead Primary School is forecast to have consistently high school roll throughout the period reviewed. Occupancy will breach 100% in 2009/10. This is in part due to high levels of placing requests into the school, which can be managed, helping to ease pressure on capacity. • Gargunnock Primary School shows a steadily decreasing roll from its current 73% occupancy (91 pupils) to 46% (57 pupils) by the end of the period. • St Ninian’s Primary School is forecast to have continuing high levels of occupancy (90%+) throughout the period. This is due to planned house building but also continuing levels of placing requests into the school. • Bridge of Allan Primary School is forecast to have continuing high levels of occupancy (90%+) throughout the period. This is due to planned house building but also continuing levels of placing requests into the school. • Cornton Primary School is showing a steadily increasing roll, breaching 100% occupancy in 2009/10 and remaining above 100% for the remainder of the period. • Riverside Primary School is forecast to have occupancy levels in excess of capacity throughout the period under review. Some of this relates to placing requests into the school but is also due to significant house building within the existing catchment. Rolls are forecast to peak at 148% (approx. 550 pupils) in 2010/11. • Denominational Primary School’s taken together are forecasting a combined occupancy of approx. 55%. St Mary’s RC Primary School in Bannockburn shows stable roll at or around 75% (330 pupils) but this is with a high level of placing requests. St Mary’s RC Primary School Stirling shows a slight increase in roll to 43% occupancy (95 pupils) while St Margaret’s RC Primary School Cowie shows a gradually decreasing roll stabilising at about 48% (106 pupils). Some re-balancing of catchment may be worth considering. File Name: N:\DEMSUPP\NewDecisions\Executive\Reports\EX20061121ReviewofEducationProvision.doc.